HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-02-29, Page 2SBSHHW".WWW.lklMLiil.lll'..-.I... .11 FAdg TWO Thursday, February 29, >94| ten ftppuhned JusUve »t to Pm to the County ul Htuviu ttomdinu, to Ute R U Weir, J.lk Me, Otmdty Ms had ft lunjj experience with tottrt ami police pwetoe> and should be au excellent oKieiale^Gmktivh Signal* tor. * r*is T< ONTARIO Winglmm AtlvAnce^Fimes . mtototiM WlKGKAM * ’ONTARIO Subscription Ihrie — Une Tear Rix. sfeMto, $1M In advance iM u f a.> W'iw m lAwv’^n iWt WW per yeav. Advwfetoft vfttes tm appticMton, a WINTER VLAWRaBND Ihwing the p.vd ri-w wvvks wv haw ferirrd tvpojtvd m Ito vvrekh pie«»s < mnntor of vausvI bv tldhhvn stvip.h ruling on Mtwts or on Iftncs or drive ways that vmtsv torn id end up m the suwt I smg s'hughs hvatW't to get other ships back to tfe ;mw bM Vrime Minister Ghamhvi ’ lain stated in the How that Great jlhhaiii is mw prepared to sit Iftwk in- jdiin-ivnth while to Get man navy ; takes mt mfeir advantape in nenltai hvtritoriM waters, i The vest uv M the British aboard to \hmask is proof of the MAtemeftt even bvtoro the statement was made. U is lihivvftt to a layman to under- stand wist what neutrality means and appareuily it will be vvty hanl for roimtries to eariv on $s Mice have been doing without vahing •:,. .......'. •one way or the other'. Swvly the ’-mailer nations have cvety reaton to. trust Britain ;’md to dismrtt 'Germany t>v Russia, Acts such as to iuspevtion of to Mtmavk by to Norwegian an» torifes wee nM fair to the British who are doing- their best to help these ■ Banner, smaller nattons on the softs. Bvit-ain Will not allow iw'imanv this addexl M» vwntftge of using neutral waters when she tomld not. This aetjon is neces­ sary to protect the IfeckatK which is Un effective weapon against to trot- mans-, ’ r^i YOVT-fl TRAINING RON 1W FARM Tlu' towineud Youth TrMftW W end ftp m the suvvt I smg s'hughs f w iotopgana c-n roads and hmlwvavs] Is A very datweemts practice tot to I tfMMven must ka\v a ptoe to play, | New that miftor traffic in to* win J W 'fe 'to mftbtohvd tot. tto to Wren 1 to to safe must fed some other plaw than- to stmts on wtfeh to tovt tton- white? rim, It is a tough. prop<« sithw tor many oi to ’kiddies. Wb tw'Uc.Vx' that something towiM be fene to xwvnuwhe- this condition stod the time to plan is now <w a ht-fe $,Vtor so- that When wlnfe toils atohnd yrnco agfe a safe place tor vhiWtoa*s t iw 1, ........................ ^rintor sports will to ftYMbW. toZ'rmw-is^fo Ontofe 'tormed <w one of our service vlifM migM well take this m&:fer under Tferi&erafem Baby BHtEU by Sow Marilyn, infant xhughier of Air, ami Mrs, Walter IRnly, suffered painful Injiuj' when «htj was bitten by a sow while at to barn at her home <m the Sth rmtowshm wf Wallace. Mrs. tody who was busy pulping turnips, had warned tor year amba-half-old daugh* t<n- to stay away from the khiyes M ■ the yuhmr and when the child stepped I , back \mt of harm’s w ay she put tot I ; hand on the partifen to balance her-1 1 self, and in doing so her tiny handl slipped through between the feardal . and was bitten by the sow*-4Xatmers*l ; ton 'Observer. . ' j tsfowel To Start G-atbage Collection ‘ Househohto’s will shortly be re«> reiving cards regarding the new regtv; .1» ». j Ifttions wr garbage containers and col-; a- stand- lection in l.istowcl, also particulars of the -disuiets and .the day on which col-1 lection will be made in that district Citizens are urged to I’oad. these care-' I’nliy and xso operate in every parto ular so that kistowel may have an ef- fjeient garbage collection. •~«I.istC'wel timing iMr TlnvE Xormanby Township ’men, Co’hwll KErr, WiUiftm Mm'shMl, And Konftld 'Smith, hppctuvd Wore istrate b\ <' Spchrcmtm m Rwcn Smmd police court and pleaded gnilty i to k’-tmting deer without A license. The ! ttnx'C warn fimxl $'50.00 and •costs or; 10 dhys In jail, -the minimum senweo for the aikiivc. Their riOes were also y-onfischted. r I TO MOTOR VEHICLE wttM mm y^w 1940 Plates — / } 2 •,®o -faf, ^dS youth have Wen placed on ; xltttariw toms and it is reported hy ' .Mexaudrt' M&cWen, diwetor of farm The sWs, swtox W, at the !toMWhto4 tot a ’mmtor of good Ms WW ft vec wafel f-avyose in to^, t,AV &nn The Wfttor months, keopm to eh?Mren^ft h ^vC vonthtotwecn sixteen XdT to stn’ots, some sneh kka -twawAwo’years old cm Ontario ^ftter -v.sv wouM rill a real need tn ;■ farms through the ihvminioift-TrOvife- Hftl Youth Training Thm. Thirty rtvoHt is hoped that to eye van be saved. I'boys 'WE so placed In )Witoy of toaj...Canadian Echo. I war twl tor part -ot February 'fifteen. 1 ...... .................. Y ........ ub.vwd tto Mrmark in- kmwx-- tnsowmont should got in towch yvkhj a neing puck off the stick of tog. -«ati waters whs Wm as tomto fe |fex parfemvnt toilWx Toronto. AqtMfeh at Faisky struvk Karold as to wm? has produced sc kv ';pjysenWi?’.y4WO toys who 'have acovk-1 hloiitgomery. formerly of Tara -Midi wft-A ekilAwv .A? <4.1*. t ' . ..-, ... .. ..... .. _ ... k^x..»^>.. J. -i . ...-. .. . ... . ...» -. . |I wve h wry nseful twferi' fo wSfeg'now’for'<= May lease An Nye v Glen Cameron, 'eldest son of Mr., and Mrs. ’Finley 'Cameron, Ederihurst, tot with a painful aeeklent on Friday lest* When chopping wood a stick flew up, hitting him in the. eye, flit­ ting the eyeball right across the. sight. ]H We eemmuntty, ® & IK M1TW mwox W\ ww xM prisoiws |^yS wftMhV&rm work through this jpaEk Kit SpECtator B’cm hKwd tlse Mrmhrk kf Xomvg'USo\\wmt skouM got in touch \vkh| i............ 4............................ _ -«ati waters whs Wut thvilito (m |to Wtoent IhuWiw, Toronto. At| Puihm’ a/ Taisky struck KaroM ■<veeit &s to war Im produced so mv \ ............. __ ; __$_ ;........... • The sbdor’i ot to tVk&h sWue ship i ^4 t’imms t'or a 'year nre taking a tnwdvd to Mtmaek mid ssved to*i ;Wo xwek’s couto in XgriehJmtc M ^liow svutoh m tos 'ton-ship' k«ph<k Omimo Wtoikml Volloge. m A khnd VithtM vm’Ountt'j with to' ^hwlph. The Toys ate receiving in- \wwms. XonwYk wto supposed ?o;swu*tou* tom to toMC stmTihMI Mw y&ixtoui eMs stop to'prtotws b^mtos o? &grto!to<\ \w hut ttiikd to fed vitkov hut. to wM b>' to British Isdw y; AhM •tho ship bml both prisowers mnl The towums- sw-d those s&me Onh of Port Flgmri Enthusiastic hoc- i key fees, alongside to toe umkr to 'fight ey<\ and ifttolM h, nasty E«t J which rtxptod six stitches in -olosiftg. \ 'Xx seems that “Monty’* was Irtnifog' '•out over the ^hoards** when Tadfeira; HhM the pift'k up the lee and wound- j For the convenience of nurtomts, I94<0 registration *platen and driver$n licenses are now available. No exten­ sion of time for nse.nf 193^ plates .and licenses beyond t$b.e date ix>f -expiry .(March 31st) will Be -granted. The forms of applioa^oti for -renewalof permits and licenses ■ will Be fowd on the hack of those issued for 1939. ’Secure ym 194U ’renew ywr drivers- the seme 'time* AH public commercial expire -.a 'TAtf^VsS v**V '4«Wv SX»-V IXX.**#*r ;\^4 ls^ uMmohtiok-s ... » 5, . ,. -j 1 MOTOS VEHiCUS BRtNCH « HJSfiWAYS, ONiARiO MARCH 31 st i' ’ ■ AV wWg. W ww j tlm. sSfo boetor. XVsbant m1- ^eltory. * 'WrhgBitih : i W WUY 11 Kfe KluCwARm Pu.vi.ug ! W ooi'shtment siirfiwing wift ‘be | done on to $lto IVuter Kiglnw *lds |.:;yeM, Hon. TtH. Mg^ueskm mihisw ;| '-er 01 higb.wstys, told a topumfen. Ito | », M . .. . B ; tomikfen composed of reeves wJ | „ , . ! mayors and repn^ettotors ot tomds , Khbbto Are rtotfel hi immietoliJics touched b>9 Ove? -oue Mrndrto inck-mWts wA* :„^ higlw&v. on to ftfefeke. j bV'gs'd V s delve held south oi Kings- ’ ’' s teWe by hunters in this district e<- ti <tofe i cwb.^vw cn?-!ca& fcfmen mstoi Mt\. AK ts iito coou ?hts 'week, pud!! eighth -to 'ViB^ at tot. App&r-W- {touted by the--ifeparafcgBt* feaeltos^Mte of which ms .pms^mted to eheiineljestoLttcknow ■SetstosL V Ab spied to s'OOtt a wee 1r fsmt ^pofeimens was '.apprwsti smd hv 5$ opub&tod Jaa® Saturday, measuring ;W | --------- t»£ F, xtofAAs fxtodeuce. ’With to|wto Mt tir n ^totsev'Omft to per-SShatgxs^KixillosslBesiatttits^miidlea ftM c»f -bfe Wotor-tofow* oiw of to-p j/fcmwaKs^ by' to Crowe district tog-^ -Fusing two dhasges of to theft of j -_ .Atsmowt ho>^ of itotess, he timnaged.; ^gg^‘tS'eHhig''ISig^Er -hotu lft*hteMnlJy if fitter thss Asli- |.a total of from residents of Koderieb slmke to Ueto&l Joose from its:- Re-cehto wo metiSsofeed atom fe field or KinWs toltor tos w•no-;',Kintes&. Townshlt^ Brune -County, tH't-ch ami c’sKtom'iv^h^--TeeswWr?togto» Iw Isyipg aft-egg xiWT «t aiming a* a vmriiVs- record,;; Wil W Broehu, of Toronto, was re- Kew>.. IWA ton's a Inborn on to faws-ltoy-l5 feaw to ’do totter for to Armtofexh turn- week for hearing when he to srip $tom wMlefeh. along with 'i. 3wo -emdeods of Vfeto m Afeto •I <“." drive !w? twar Autoricy w not 1 S-bw3*Sl’ar. JhstlW -Of to Petwe ft ■ 1 fz 1 IB 1 ® |1 I ? jkerton. Brochn -is .accused -m Pairing I through the 'purported sale .01 hands | secured the sums of $2$W rom J. C s McKenzie, eg Kinlass Totasshin. m July of 1936, and ^l.OSD fruir! Kenneth C. McKenzie of the same townshin, ■at the same time. The 'himds tvere si* f legedly never delivered to the McKee- CHILDREN AND TROOPS .JOIN IN CHEERS FOR HIS MAJESTY w a who co- ■AS 1« ' J< «#Mfe te At .u&?.-?Av: wsste*'’ .< aftoii gui ah ’ummsed W IM wtm «««.% .-X Cs C'.fflT s* -tiwn 1 ?^wtre? wiwdK &>* ln& SB4?* ■ ■ w?'jRWff' aFWWwW wfegte Witte* 0®s«w«* Plwtw- IS® * ■* 'Wtafel*®! |;W;„ ywss. 4Mgto!f Mr. m&S”. ThiMKVoS CA’tesu- ?s KhkwO^R-? Ke. t fesfc Wk vkt&fc, Ste-? RochVo.’- kv? kg to1 to ssc-ohiS - *»w. 5 .'.n'c fcV ca» aeg^Vntt. sh<* tad M*: s'V^'4 Vg ?pmVk .icd Vr g ihttg 'W. W to Mto a fcw ^r- ;-Vd to*?.' to w> ftW-lv cow Mw bvJy ftjw- beyia t-t :$to v.s* <? <-as sWlleg bsstk to $to>’•.-^KVOAMtnv KoVs. AcChVu V' -3 *4wtt®ht?4fed fe •q &y thatey o''i to VtJ&? ^3UWto '’: to tovts to'feg W’.wVw- u- to?? ib t‘> ■ to t'.cfac' eVto > <<'tosc tto &'3«3 «^8j t&3s-Ato ’X- ccaRto-t"?'AX3 os.'; XWV. ’’'Rii^ A*i?■<’MV^K.0S Jtesjj Mwtovw to; -$iVtoc. wlW<l ■Rv* OiiU 3 toy \>«ck3 A*;!W AT 15 - Mt ftj;,s’Or ts: VT& ’W ■jm* '&oC -.OimptgjlJ wWb-tass a 'feaUt 'Hhnimf? tette of o Wvm-'wpimaml Beto% 'Magistrate F. IV. Fate 'bmhs&s, who arc "ha^Wny tom* "aof Uyifeg: eggsThat sto shs^ Leg?s^*fca cgt? matsuHng S'x Vte ’"Wator iti vmekly police court at Wai-1 ers ■ ■ u j-j •to Jbaaa-ai. A'... JftSt- ,i (tour. 'afc,f J™' #tw4s. with life Maw O» e? iWwtly eh;n with some :.wfc3.tjiy as wutas? toe nwatoml from w»«tew^4twuste!!^s OwMto twr. In to'Uwt'wtd