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FAdg TWO Thursday, February 29, >94|
ten ftppuhned JusUve »t to Pm
to the County ul Htuviu ttomdinu,
to Ute R U Weir, J.lk Me, Otmdty
Ms had ft lunjj experience with tottrt
ami police pwetoe> and should be
au excellent oKieiale^Gmktivh Signal*
r*is T<
Winglmm AtlvAnce^Fimes
. mtototiM
Subscription Ihrie — Une Tear
Rix. sfeMto, $1M In advance
iM u f a.> W'iw m
lAwv’^n iWt WW per yeav.
Advwfetoft vfttes tm appticMton,
Ihwing the p.vd ri-w wvvks wv haw
ferirrd tvpojtvd m Ito vvrekh pie«»s
< mnntor of vausvI bv
tldhhvn stvip.h ruling on Mtwts or on
Iftncs or drive ways that vmtsv torn
id end up m the suwt I smg s'hughs
hvatW't to get other ships back to tfe
;mw bM Vrime Minister Ghamhvi
’ lain stated in the How that Great
jlhhaiii is mw prepared to sit Iftwk in-
jdiin-ivnth while to Get man navy
; takes mt mfeir advantape in nenltai
hvtritoriM waters,
i The vest uv M the British aboard
to \hmask is proof of the MAtemeftt
even bvtoro the statement was made.
U is lihivvftt to a layman to under-
stand wist what neutrality means and
appareuily it will be vvty hanl for
roimtries to eariv on $s Mice have
been doing without vahing •:,. .......'.
•one way or the other'. Swvly the
’-mailer nations have cvety reaton to.
trust Britain ;’md to dismrtt 'Germany
t>v Russia, Acts such as to iuspevtion
of to Mtmavk by to Norwegian an»
torifes wee nM fair to the British
who are doing- their best to help these ■ Banner,
smaller nattons on the softs. Bvit-ain
Will not allow iw'imanv this addexl M»
vwntftge of using neutral waters when
she tomld not. This aetjon is neces
sary to protect the IfeckatK which is
Un effective weapon against to trot-
mans-, ’
Tlu' towineud Youth TrMftW
W end ftp m the suvvt I smg s'hughs f
w iotopgana c-n roads and hmlwvavs]
Is A very datweemts practice tot to I
tfMMven must ka\v a ptoe to play, |
New that miftor traffic in to* win J
W 'fe 'to mftbtohvd tot. tto to Wren 1
to to safe must fed some other plaw
than- to stmts on wtfeh to tovt
tton- white? rim, It is a tough. prop<«
sithw tor many oi to ’kiddies.
Wb tw'Uc.Vx' that something towiM
be fene to xwvnuwhe- this condition
stod the time to plan is now <w a ht-fe
$,Vtor so- that When wlnfe toils atohnd
yrnco agfe a safe place tor vhiWtoa*s t iw 1, ........................
^rintor sports will to ftYMbW. toZ'rmw-is^fo Ontofe
'tormed <w one of our service vlifM
migM well take this m&:fer under
Baby BHtEU by Sow
Marilyn, infant xhughier of Air, ami
Mrs, Walter IRnly, suffered painful
Injiuj' when «htj was bitten by a sow
while at to barn at her home <m the
Sth rmtowshm wf Wallace. Mrs. tody
who was busy pulping turnips, had
warned tor year amba-half-old daugh*
t<n- to stay away from the khiyes M
■ the yuhmr and when the child stepped I
, back \mt of harm’s w ay she put tot I
; hand on the partifen to balance her-1
1 self, and in doing so her tiny handl
slipped through between the feardal
. and was bitten by the sow*-4Xatmers*l
; ton 'Observer. . ' j
tsfowel To Start G-atbage Collection
‘ Househohto’s will shortly be re«>
reiving cards regarding the new regtv;
.1» ». j Ifttions wr garbage containers and col-;
a- stand- lection in l.istowcl, also particulars of
the -disuiets and .the day on which col-1
lection will be made in that district
Citizens are urged to I’oad. these care-'
I’nliy and xso operate in every parto
ular so that kistowel may have an ef-
fjeient garbage collection. •~«I.istC'wel
timing iMr
TlnvE Xormanby Township ’men,
Co’hwll KErr, WiUiftm Mm'shMl, And
Konftld 'Smith, hppctuvd Wore
istrate b\ <' Spchrcmtm m Rwcn
Smmd police court and pleaded gnilty i
to k’-tmting deer without A license. The !
ttnx'C warn fimxl $'50.00 and •costs or;
10 dhys In jail, -the minimum senweo
for the aikiivc. Their riOes were also
wttM mm y^w
1940 Plates
•,®o -faf, ^dS youth have Wen placed on
; xltttariw toms and it is reported hy
' .Mexaudrt' M&cWen, diwetor of farm
The sWs, swtox W, at the !toMWhto4 tot a ’mmtor of good Ms
WW ft vec wafel f-avyose in to^, t,AV &nn The
Wfttor months, keopm to eh?Mren^ft h ^vC vonthtotwecn sixteen
XdT to stn’ots, some sneh kka -twawAwo’years old cm Ontario
^ftter -v.sv wouM rill a real need tn ;■ farms through the ihvminioift-TrOvife-
Hftl Youth Training Thm. Thirty rtvoHt is hoped that to eye van be saved.
I'boys 'WE so placed In )Witoy of toaj...Canadian Echo.
I war twl tor part -ot February 'fifteen. 1
...... .................. Y ........
ub.vwd tto Mrmark in- kmwx-- tnsowmont should got in towch yvkhj a neing puck off the stick of tog.
-«ati waters whs Wm as tomto fe |fex parfemvnt toilWx Toronto. AqtMfeh at Faisky struvk Karold
as to wm? has produced sc kv ';pjysenWi?’.y4WO toys who 'have acovk-1 hloiitgomery. formerly of Tara -Midi
wft-A ekilAwv .A? <4.1*. t ' . ..-, ... .. ..... .. _ ... k^x..»^>.. J. -i . ...-. .. . ... . ...» -. . |I
wve h wry nseful twferi' fo wSfeg'now’for'<=
May lease An Nye v
Glen Cameron, 'eldest son of Mr.,
and Mrs. ’Finley 'Cameron, Ederihurst,
tot with a painful aeeklent on Friday
lest* When chopping wood a stick
flew up, hitting him in the. eye, flit
ting the eyeball right across the. sight.
We eemmuntty,
® &
IK M1TW mwox
W\ ww xM prisoiws |^yS wftMhV&rm work through this jpaEk Kit SpECtator
B’cm hKwd tlse Mrmhrk kf Xomvg'USo\\wmt skouM got in touch \vkh| i............ 4............................ _
-«ati waters whs Wut thvilito (m |to Wtoent IhuWiw, Toronto. At| Puihm’ a/ Taisky struck KaroM
■<veeit &s to war Im produced so mv \ ............. __ ; __$_ ;........... •
The sbdor’i ot to tVk&h sWue ship i ^4 t’imms t'or a 'year nre taking a
tnwdvd to Mtmaek mid ssved to*i ;Wo xwek’s couto in XgriehJmtc M
^liow svutoh m tos 'ton-ship' k«ph<k Omimo Wtoikml Volloge. m
A khnd VithtM vm’Ountt'j with to' ^hwlph. The Toys ate receiving in-
\wwms. XonwYk wto supposed ?o;swu*tou* tom to toMC stmTihMI
Mw y&ixtoui eMs stop to'prtotws b^mtos o? &grto!to<\
\w hut ttiikd to fed vitkov hut.
to wM b>' to British Isdw y;
AhM •tho ship bml both prisowers mnl
The towums- sw-d those s&me
Onh of Port Flgmri Enthusiastic hoc- i
key fees, alongside to toe umkr
to 'fight ey<\ and ifttolM h, nasty E«t J
which rtxptod six stitches in -olosiftg. \
'Xx seems that “Monty’* was Irtnifog'
'•out over the ^hoards** when Tadfeira;
HhM the pift'k up the lee and wound- j
For the convenience of nurtomts, I94<0 registration
*platen and driver$n licenses are now available. No exten
sion of time for nse.nf 193^ plates .and licenses beyond
t$b.e date ix>f -expiry .(March 31st) will Be -granted. The
forms of applioa^oti for -renewalof permits and licenses ■
will Be fowd on the hack of those issued for 1939.
’Secure ym 194U ’renew ywr drivers-
the seme 'time*
AH public
-.a 'TAtf^VsS v**V '4«Wv SX»-V IXX.**#*r
;\^4 ls^ uMmohtiok-s
... » 5, . ,. -j
MARCH 31 st
’ ■ AV wWg. W ww
j tlm. sSfo boetor. XVsbant m1-
* 'WrhgBitih
: i W WUY
11 Kfe KluCwARm Pu.vi.ug
! W ooi'shtment siirfiwing wift ‘be
| done on to $lto IVuter Kiglnw *lds
|.:;yeM, Hon. TtH. Mg^ueskm mihisw
;| '-er 01 higb.wstys, told a topumfen. Ito |
», M . .. . B ; tomikfen composed of reeves wJ |
„ , . ! mayors and repn^ettotors ot tomds ,
Khbbto Are rtotfel hi immietoliJics touched b>9
Ove? -oue Mrndrto inck-mWts wA* :„^ higlw&v. on to ftfefeke. j
bV'gs'd V s delve held south oi Kings- ’ ’' s
teWe by hunters in this district e<- ti <tofe i
cwb.^vw cn?-!ca& fcfmen mstoi Mt\. AK
ts iito coou ?hts 'week, pud!!
eighth -to 'ViB^ at tot. App&r-W- {touted by the--ifeparafcgBt* feaeltos^Mte of which ms .pms^mted to eheiineljestoLttcknow ■SetstosL
V Ab spied to s'OOtt a wee 1r fsmt ^pofeimens was '.apprwsti smd hv 5$ opub&tod Jaa® Saturday, measuring ;W | ---------
t»£ F, xtofAAs fxtodeuce. ’With to|wto Mt tir n ^totsev'Omft to per-SShatgxs^KixillosslBesiatttits^miidlea
ftM c»f -bfe Wotor-tofow* oiw of to-p j/fcmwaKs^ by' to Crowe district tog-^ -Fusing two dhasges of to theft of
j -_ .Atsmowt ho>^ of itotess, he timnaged.; ^gg^‘tS'eHhig''ISig^Er -hotu lft*hteMnlJy if fitter thss Asli- |.a total of from residents of
Koderieb slmke to Ueto&l Joose from its:- Re-cehto wo metiSsofeed atom fe field or KinWs toltor tos w•no-;',Kintes&. Townshlt^ Brune -County,
tH't-ch ami c’sKtom'iv^h^--TeeswWr?togto» Iw Isyipg aft-egg xiWT «t aiming a* a vmriiVs- record,;; Wil W Broehu, of Toronto, was re-
Kew>.. IWA ton's a Inborn on to faws-ltoy-l5 feaw to ’do totter for to Armtofexh turn- week for hearing when he
to srip $tom wMlefeh. along with
'i. 3wo -emdeods of Vfeto m Afeto
•I <“." drive !w? twar Autoricy w not
1 S-bw3*Sl’ar.
JhstlW -Of to Petwe
1 fz 1
IB 1
® |1
jkerton. Brochn -is .accused -m Pairing
I through the 'purported sale .01 hands
| secured the sums of $2$W rom J. C
s McKenzie, eg Kinlass Totasshin. m
July of 1936, and ^l.OSD fruir! Kenneth
C. McKenzie of the same townshin,
■at the same time. The 'himds tvere si*
f legedly never delivered to the McKee-
w a
■AS 1« ' J<
«#Mfe te At .u&?.-?Av:
wsste*'’ .< aftoii
gui ah ’ummsed W IM
.-X Cs
s* -tiwn
1 ?^wtre? wiwdK &>* ln& SB4?*
■ ■ w?'jRWff' aFWWwW
wfegte Witte* 0®s«w«*
Plwtw- IS® * ■* 'Wtafel*®!
|;W;„ ywss. 4Mgto!f Mr. m&S”.
ThiMKVoS CA’tesu- ?s KhkwO^R-?
Ke. t fesfc Wk vkt&fc, Ste-?
RochVo.’- kv? kg to1 to ssc-ohiS -
*»w. 5 .'.n'c fcV ca» aeg^Vntt.
sh<* tad M*: s'V^'4 Vg ?pmVk
.icd Vr g ihttg 'W. W to
Mto a fcw ^r-
;-Vd to*?.' to w> ftW-lv cow Mw
bvJy ftjw- beyia t-t
:$to v.s* <? <-as sWlleg bsstk to
$to>’•.-^KVOAMtnv KoVs.
AcChVu V' -3 *4wtt®ht?4fed fe
•q &y thatey o''i to VtJ&?
^3UWto '’: to tovts to'feg
W’.wVw- u- to??
ib t‘> ■ to t'.cfac' eVto >
<<'tosc tto &'3«3 «^8j t&3s-Ato
’X- ccaRto-t"?'AX3 os.';
XWV. ’’'Rii^ A*i?■<’MV^K.0S Jtesjj
Mwtovw to; -$iVtoc. wlW<l
■Rv* OiiU 3
toy \>«ck3 A*;!W AT 15 -
ftj;,s’Or ts:
VT& ’W
■jm* '&oC -.OimptgjlJ wWb-tass a 'feaUt 'Hhnimf? tette of o Wvm-'wpimaml Beto% 'Magistrate F. IV. Fate 'bmhs&s, who arc "ha^Wny tom*
"aof Uyifeg: eggsThat sto shs^ Leg?s^*fca cgt? matsuHng S'x Vte ’"Wator iti vmekly police court at Wai-1 ers
■ ■
u j-j
Jbaaa-ai. A'...
JftSt- ,i
'afc,f J™'
#tw4s. with life Maw
O» e? iWwtly eh;n with some
:.wfc3.tjiy as wutas? toe nwatoml from
w»«tew^4twuste!!^s OwMto twr. In to'Uwt'wtd