HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-02-22, Page 7Thursday, February 22, 194ft.
gratulated in making this one of the
outstanding events of the season.
and Mrs. ’Parrish read the fourth '
chapter of Proverbs. After the meet
ing closed the town group served re
Mr. and
M^. and
Desert war, being chiefly mobile j in the Near East. Britain lias half a threat of Russia. Pictured (LOW-
ject “Envy”, another of the
deadly sins.
On Thursday afternoon of last
■week the W. - A. of St. Stephen’s
Church met at the home of Mrs. Isaac
, Wade, Gorrie with the president, Mrs.
Holmes, in charge. The meeting op
ened with the Member’s Prayer and
' , the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Scrip
ture lesson taken from Acts 22, 10-15,
was read by Mrs. W. C. King. Roll
Call was answered by each member
giving the name of a favourite mes-
sionary and also .telling something of
that missionary’s life. Plans were dis
cussed for the annual St. Patrick’s hot
supper and sale of useful articles to
be held on Saturday, March 16th.
Mrs. Armstrong gave a very inter
esting paper on missionary work am
ong the Indians in the north, which
told of the difference In the lives of
those Indians who had come under
the influence of tthe missionaries, Mrs.
N. Wade and Mrs. Holmes also read
appropriate, articles. The work of the
afternoon was the making of blocks
for a quilt and also hooking a mat.
The meeting closed with prayer after
which a tasty lunch was served by the
Mrs. J. G. Mundell opened her
the February meeting of the Gorrie
Women’s Institute, when a large num
ber were' present.
Following the opening exercises,
the president ,gave a brief review of
the life of Lord Tweedsmuir—Or of
John Buchan, for it was of h> life be
fore being appointed Governor-Gener
al of Canada that she spoke.
The minutes were read by Mrs.
Kaine in the absence of the secretary.
Among the various items of business
. discussed was the raising of money to
swell the funds of the Red Cross Soc
iety, and for this purpose it was de
cided to hold a dance in the township
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hall during Easter week.
Roll-call was responded to by
“Naming your favorite author and a,
quotation from them” which met with
a splendid response. Mrs. W. C. King
convener of the program on literature,
introduced the guest speaker, Miss B.
McLaughlin, secretary of the Gorrie
Public Library, whose subject was,
“The Value of the . Public Library in
the Community,” in which the speak
er gave of her wealth of knowledge
of books for everyone’s' taste, of fic
tion, religion, .travel, poetry as well’as
prose, pointing out that to the “man
of the street” as well as the student
there was a book to interest him in
.the Public Library. Current Events
were given by Mrs. C. Lawrence.
Being Valentine season, Mrs. Mc
Intyre read a paper on “-Romance,”
and Mrs. King read a poem from Pa
tience Strong’s book, entitled “What’s
Wrong?” Before the meeting closed
the convener conducted a short con
test in keeping with the speaker’s top
ic. During a social lutlf-hour lunch
was served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. A. Edgar, Jr., and Mr?. L. Short. .
war, has its own tactics and its. own
specialized training. This training has
been intensified for the troops stat
ioned in the Near East since the' war
began, and more especially since indi
cations increase that Europe’s con
flict may spread. This striking pic
ture (LEFT) shows British machine-
gunners training in the Libyan desert.
France has 275,01)0 m<*n under arms
A program based on “Winter” was
given by the program committee at
the Evening Auxiliary when it met at
the home of Mrs. A. L. Stephen, Gor
rie. After quiet music played by the
pianist, Mrs. Shera opened the serv
ice by reading a poem, “Showing,”
and Mrs. Whitfield followed,with an
other poem “Snowflakes,” C. R. Black
read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. R.
G, Newton led in prayer. Miss Evelyn
Dove read Patience Strong’s “Winter
Scene,” and Mrs, Michael “The Win
ter Sunpath.”
. Miss.Lennpx, stewardship conven
er, took charge of the. payment of fees
when she conducted a beautiful dedi-
catioh service. Mrs. Watt took charge
of the study book “Moving Millions”
when in her own interesting manner
she gave the second chapter,
Roll-call Was answered by all giving
a verse on “Winter?’ The'president
took charge of the business. During
the service a brief review of the life
of the late Governor-General was giv
en and a moment of silence observed.
Being Valentine season, during the
social half-hour contests were enjoy
ed, honors being won by Miss Lennox
after which the hostess served refresh
ments, -
On Wednesday evening the mem
bers of the Ybting Married People’s
.Club had as their' guest speaker Miss
Velma Lennox, teacher of the junior
room in the Gorrie Public School,
whose address was based on “The
New School Curriculum,” giving mahy
exhibits of the work of the children
as Well as new class books, She ex
plained a new method of .teaching the
numbers, health posters, pieces of
hand-craft and other pieces of work
done by the children in their projects
were shown, An open discussion fol
E. J. Parrish had charge of the de*- ___„ .
votional period and opened with a the close d‘f the meeting a bountiful
hymn ahd prayer by Rev, Mr. Watt, lunch whs served by the ladies of the
Mrs, Michael read a suitable poem town group.
Social Hour Spent Quilting
The Woman’s -Association of Unit
ed Church met Thursday of last week
in the class room of the church. Mrs.
J. Cathers, president, presided. The
meeting opened by singjng “Jesus
Saves.” The Lord’s Prayer was re
peated in unison. Mrs, Earl read the
Scripture lesson, .followed by the bus
iness period. “Breathe on me, breath
of God” was sung and the president
closed, with prayer. A social hour was
then spent sewing on-a quilt.
Visited Father by Plane
On Saturday morning last William
Townsend paid a short visit to his fa
ther, Mr. George Townsend, coming,
by plane, which landed on the farm
of Mr. Chas. Greer. Bill is in training
at Camp Borden as mechanic.
Club Told of New Study Course
The Young Married Couples’ Club
met in the schoolroom of the church
on Feb, 14th with a fair crowd in at
tendance. The meeting opened with
a hymn. Mrs. Ewart Whitfield pre
sided at the piano. A prayer was then
offered by the pastor. The Scripture
lesson was from Proverbs, chapter 4,
following which a poem was read by
.Mrs.. 0. Michael. A hymn was then
sung after which a most interesting
talk on the life of Lord Tweedsmuir
was given by Mrs. V. Shera. A talk
and demonstratio'n on the new course
of study in the schools, was given by
Miss V. Lennox followed by an inter*
esttrtg discussion of that subject, .At
million, including^ native troops, and | ER) is a British lookout patrol on
bolstered recently by a large force of duty in northern Palestine. Invaluable
in time of peace, and doubly so in
war, is the Suez 'Canal, linking the
British empire east and west. That is
why no region on earth of comparable
area is more closely guarded. The pa
trol plane shown (RIGHT) as it
wings over the canal is from >the Is-
mailia station.
bolstered recently by a large force of
Australians and New Zealanders. Tur
key, which will be an ally if Russia
drives southward through ,the Caucas
us, has 200,000 regulars and 700,000
reserves. These forces, spread from
Egypt to the eastern oil wells, serve
the double purpose of tightening the
blockade of Germany and meeting the
Held Social Evening
L. O. L. No. 767, Gorrie, staged «a
most enjoyable evening on Feb. 16th
when they entertained their wives and
the members of L.O.B.A, No. 810 and
escorts to a versatile program consist
ing of musical number, contests, im
promptu speeches, a playlet and mov
ing pictures, including “The Royal
Tour” presented by Mr. J. H. .Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cardiff, Brussels,
were among the guests, the former
giving an interesting and instructive
address. At the close of the program
a fitting tribute was paid to the me
mory of the late Lord Tweedsmuir,
followed by the hymn “O God our
help in ages past.’’ Lunch was then
served. The member are to be con-
Going Dates
Return Limit! 45 days.
Tickets God To Travel *n Coaches
Excursion tickets good in Tourist,
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so available on payment of slightly
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ROUTES—Tickets good going via
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Conductor; also at Chicago, Ill.,
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, m
accordance with tariffs of United
States lines.
.Full particulars from any agent,
Canadian Pacific
Mrs. H. N, Watt and little son,
Harold, have spent a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler, of Tor
Miss Arlene Galbraith, of Stratford,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith.
Mrs. Jennings visited for a couple
of days last week with her sisters in
Toronto, Misses Olive and Edna Law
Mr. and Mrs. Knowlson Hueston
spent a couple of days last week in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black' and son
Robert visited On Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Gadke, Fordwich.
Mr. E. W. Carson was in Toronto
on business last week.
Mrs. Jas. Hyndman, of Kitchener,
visited last week-end with
Mrs. , John Hyndman and
Mrs. F. W. Hyndman.
Mr.’ A. Livingstone, of
spent the week-end at the
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short.
Mr. and Mrs. E. King visited one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Edwards of Wroxetef.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Bolton'are spend
ing this Week in Toronto.
Rev. H. N. Watt Is spending a few
days in Toronto.
Mrs. Cloyne Michael is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, of
Milverton this week.
Sergeant-Major and Mrs. Abell, of
Listowel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
if, W. Carson one day last week,
Mrs. Fletch, of Chicago, visited re
cently with her brother, Mn Chas.
Black and, Mrs. Black.
Mr. Bertram Ashton, of Stratford,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. F» ,C. Taylor visited
on Thursday of last week with Wing-
home of
ham friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colmer spent
the week-end with the latter’s .parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King.,
At the mid-week Lenten service at
the Rectory on Wednesday, Feb. 21,
the subject will be "The Troubles of
the Church. On Sunday, Feb. 25th,
Rev. J. L. Ball will speak on the sub
Mrs. N. A. Edgar, Fordwich, spent
part of last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Denny. ’ a '
Mr. and Mrs. A, Gould, Miss Jessie
Paulin, Miss Jeanette Adams,, Mr. C.
Denny motored from Toronto on Fri
day night for the hockey club dance.
Ml Thomas Shearer and Miss Beat
rice Shearer attended the funeral of a
relative at Lucknow on Thursday of
last week.
Mrs.'Elva Hupfer was called home
from Sudbury on Saturday owing to
the death of her father, the late Rob
ert Hupher. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hupfer also arrived hpme from De
troit on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Rae and family,
of Waterloo, were Sunday guests of
Mrs. D. W. Rae.
Messrs. Cliff MacDonald and Wm.
Parks, Toronto, spent the week-end
at their homes in the village.
Women’s Institute
The March -meeting of the W. I.
will be held on .the afternoon of March
7th, 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. J.
Adams. Current Events,- Mrs. J. J.
Allen. Roll Call—A Health Building
Habit. Address — Health, Dr. I. P.
Campbell. Demonstration, Bandaging,
Mrs. Kane ,Gorrie.
Young People’s Union
With members of the Y. P. U. of
Gorrie United Church as their guests,
the local Y.P.U. enjoyed it skating
party and Social oi/Thursday of last
week. The party enjoyed two hours’
skating then returned to the church.
The president, Jack MacLean, wel
comed the Gorrie Young People, then
all joined in a Sing-Song under the
.leadership of Mr. Bert Cook. A few
games were enjoyed and refreshments
were served. Miss Betty Edwards
moved a vote of thanks to the local
Y.P.U. and the meeting closed with
singing of “Auld Lang Synev and
National Anthem.
Women’s Missionary Society
The February meeting of the W.
M. S., United Church, will be held on
Thursday, Feb. 29th, at 8 p.m. in the
church school room. Mrs. Cooke and
Mrs. Lovell wilt have charge of the
Hockey Club Held Dance
On Friday evening the local hockey
club held a very Successful dance in
the town hia.I1. A large crowd were in
attendance and the Wingham Hill-
Billies provided excellent music.
Public School Valentine Party
Miss Ketth and Miss Stocks of the
Public School staff, held open house
on Thursday afternoon of last Week
when they had as their guests the ladd
ies of the community* The first half
of the programme was given by the
junior pupils which included musical
number, recitations and a playlet
“Snow White?’ Miss Keith then took
charge* and. presented a varied ’pro*
gramme including piano and guitar
solos, recitations. Short speeches were
given by several pupils on notable
song writers, followed by the singing
of the songs by the school. Following
the programme an opportunity was
given to' inspect the children’s work
and also the new addition to the
school in which room the programme
was held, which was very interesting,
especially to the parents. The teachr
ers. and pupils are to be congratulated,
on the success, of their valentine
Lenten Services
During the Lenten season St. James
Anglican congregation are holding
prayer services each Tuesday evening.
On Tuesday evening of last week, the
meeting was held at the home of Mrs.
George Paulin and the Rector, Rev. J.
L. Ball, spoke on the subject, “What
of the Church?”
Mission Band Meets Thursday
The Mission Band, under the lead
ership of Mrs. A. J, Sanderson and
Mrs. A. M, Grant, will meet on Thurs
day afternoon at the cruch school
room at 4 o’clock. Members wishing
to subscribe to “World Friends” are.
asked to bring their subscription mon
ey to this February meeting.
There was a large attendance at the
businessmen’s carnival held in the rink
on Thursday evening. The awards
were: gentlemen’s national costume,
William Campbell, Edgar Elliott; lad
ies’ national, Miss Keith, Miss Stocks;
best dressed gentlemen, 'Murray
Brown, Alvin Moffatt; 'best dressed
ladies, Mary Meahan, Bernice Day;
best lady skater, Miss Stocks; best
gentleman skater, Clarence Sparling;
best couple skaters, William Martin
and Jean Sangster; best comic gentle
man, Vera Wright, Andy Holmes;
best comic lady, Alex. Casemore; Nel
lie Doig; oldest lady on skates, Mrs.
J. N. Allen; oldest gentleman, Alex.
Casemore; best comic boy, Roy Durst;
best comic girl, Alma. Durst; youngest
girl on skates, Dorothy Durst; young--
est boy, Jimmie Allen; best dressed
girl, Joyce Jardine, Margaret Wear
ing; best dressed boy, Glen Jardine,
Jimmie Wylie; gentleman’s race, WiL
liam Martin, Tom Filsinger; ladies*
race, Reta Galloway, Mima Dodds;
boys’ race under 14, Verne Hambly,
Calvin Moffatt; girls’ race under 14,
Wilma Heibein, Margaret Moffatt;
girls’ race, 10 and under, Margaret
Wearring, Jean Moffatt; boys’ race,
10 and under, Calvin Moffatt, Ronald
McMichael; gentleman’s race back
ward, William Martin-; holder of the
lucky ticket, J. W. Allen.
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