HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-02-15, Page 8. ....
Show Starts at 8.00 Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows 745 and 9,45 p.m
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 15,16,17
Also “Cartoon” “Sport Subject” “News”
Admission!: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Matinee Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c
Directed by Sidney lanfield
Anmfor. f.orfucer C,no Mark., Screen Play by Herr, TygMtf
Bared on a .lory by G.oree Srodiha-"
Darry) F, Zanuclr In Orarsc of Produ;liw>
A 20fh Cenlury-Fox Picture
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 19, 20, 21
“I’m From' Missouri”
A Missouri banker goes to London to sell Missouri
mules to the British Government
Also “Musical” “Pictorial” “Sport”
Sunday \vith ' Mr, and Mrs, Edgar
Gaunt of Marnoch.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan left on
Tuesday to attend a Conference of
young people in Stratford.
The regular meeting of the Y.P.U*
of the United Church was held Mon
day evening with Miss Genevieve
Watt in charge and giving the call
to worship, which was followed by a
moment’s silence in honour of the late
Governor-General, Lord Twcedsmuir.
Miss Laidlaw then led in prayer. Mr.
Millan Moore read thevScript-ure les-
•son; Miss Luella Laidlaw read, "I
Must Be Stronger To-Day”; Miss M.
Carrick read "What Have You Giv
en To-Day?” Mr. Jas. Falconer play
ed a- violin solo, and Miss Mildred
Moore gave the poem ‘.‘God has no
hands but" our hands.” Miss Watt
gave a talking explaining by charts,
the many religions Of India, compar
ing the numbers in the various relig
ions,, and showing the tremendous in
crease m Christianity and how illiter
acy is slowly being combatted. Mrs.
J. G, Gillespie led in prayer. Mrs. E.
Scholtz, using- the map of India, had
charge of the topic “Going to Church
in India” and gave an interesting talk
on the castes .and enthusiasm of the
converts of .the "Christian religion em
phasizing the need of missionary
workers. Miss M. McClenaghan gave
a Valentine reading^’Aunt Jean’s Val
entines”. Mr. H. Pollock, had charge
of the recreation period that followed..
Lunch was served and a social half-
hour enjoyed by all. AU are invited
to attend these meetings. Come along
and spend a pleasant evening with the
young people.
Among those who were here from
a'distance to attend the funeral of the
late Mrs. A. Ferguson of Culross were
her grandson, John Norman,. of Tor
onto, Mr. Archie Jamieson of New
Brunswick, who was raised in the Fer
guson home, and Mrs. Johnston, Hew
itt, of Glanworth,
Coultes, Mrs, Gordon Higgins. Roll
Call, How I Destroy Insect X^ests in
the Garden, Currents events by Mrs,
R. J, MacKenzie. Address "The Rur
al Girl” by Mrs. 0. G. Anderson,' Ex
hibit. Lunch Com.; Mrs, Nelson Hig
gins, Mrs. Clayton Higgins, Miss Ed
ith Procter. All the ladies of the com
munity are cordially invited to attend.
The Young- People’s Society of the
United Church met on Wednesday
night of last week with the F.ellow-
ship Committee in charge, Marjorie
Grasby presided. The devotional per
iod was taken by Anna Grasby and
Edjth Beacom, The topic was taken
by Borden Scott and comment there-
one; by May Frisby. Elaine Walsh
was at the piano and also contributed
a special musical number.
u Thursday, February 15, 1940 f’
Miss Agnes Wilson, R.N., of Whit
by, is spending this week with her
.mother, Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
Miss Tena Orr, who has been with
.Mrs. A. Emerson, was called to her
borne at Langside on Saturday on ac
count of the illness of her mother,
-Mrs. Orr. t
Mr. Bertram Curran, of Ashfield,
;spent the week-end with his brother,
.Mr. Jas. Curran.
Misses Lila and Mary MacDonald,
,E. Wawanosh teachers, spent . the
week-end with Mr. and- Mrs. H. Pol-
Jock. .
Miss Mildred McClenaghan spent a
Tew days last week with Wingham
Quite a number from this commun-
. Ity attended the Commencement Pro
gram in Wingham last Thursday and
Friday evenings.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
"babzy son of Lucknow, and Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Scott and children, of
Kinloss, spent Sunday at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Conn.
The W.M.S. of° the United Church
held teas at the home of Mrs. Mac-
Phail on Tuesday last and at the home
pf Mrs. Clarence Cox on Wednesday.
Miss Annie Kennedy Spent -the j
-week-end in Goderich at the home of j
Enjoy That
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. EvCry Wednesday Morning
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‘her sister, Mrs. Harry Tichbo-urne.
Mr. Nelson Martin, who has been
working with a gang of men in Ack-
ert’s bush, in W. Wawanosh, received
a bad gash in his head, when a limb,
lodged in another tree, swung down
on Monday last. He was knocked un
conscious into the snow, and as he
was carrying a saw across his arm,
the mucle was badly cut,.he was tak
en to Wingham Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer spent
last week-end with Caledon friends.
The World’s Day of Prayer service
was held in the United Church on Fri
day afternoon with a splendid attend
ance. The president of the two soc
ieties, Mrs. J. Pollock" and Mrs, Vic
tor Emerson, were in ‘charge of the
meeting, and the program supplied by
the Inter-board Committee was fol
lowed with the theme, “Be still and
know that I am God.” The Scripture
readings were given by Mrs. Robert
Ross, Mrs. H. Pollock, and Mrs. W-
J. Coulter, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz
sang "Eternal Father Strong to Save.”
During the prayer, service Mrs. Em
erson led in prayer for the King and
Queen and leaders in the Empire;
Mrs, Robert Mowbray, for all those £158.95.
who serve in the defence of the em- <
pire in active service in war or hos- !
pital; Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, for those 1
who suffer, minorities, homeless or ;
wourided; Mrs. A. Patterson, for the '
strengthening and Vinifying of the ;
home forces of workers for national -
life; Miss Laidlaw for the missionary .■
workers and the Spread of Christian-
ity; and Rev, Pollock led in prayer for
the church and the continuance of its-* ■,
saving work in the world. Rev. Mr.
Pollock gave an address on the theme-
and the necessity of stillness In our
lives so We may have a truer know
ledge of God and how instillness, nat
ure works, finishing his talk’ with the
Let me be big, dear Lord, too big for !
petty strife;
Lift me high above the mean, and'.
* selfish things of life;
Too big for anger ®r defeat, to be re
signed and Wait;
O, fill my life with acts of love, and
not with deadly hate;
Let me be big, dear Lord, to do Thy
gracious will,
Tq rest within Thy* gracious word, to
trust Thee and'be stilt
After the offertory, Miss Velma
Scott, Mibs Janet Craig and Miss May
Carrick sang the Lord’s Prayer, and
Miss Janet Craig contributed a piano
sob; during the service. Mrs. Albert
Patterson was again appointed as Key
Woman Jor the community, and the
Benediction dosed the meetlpg.
Mrs. J. A, Kennedy, of Culross,
'underwent an operation tor appendi
citis in Wingham Hospital last Thtirs*
day. She is improving nicety.
Mr, K MeK Fatesron was under
the doctor’s care during the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McFttrncy
spent Sunday with her parent, Mt.
and Mrs. Wm. S. King, of Tu/hberry.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Davidson spent
Conducted Services
William Henderson, of Knox Col
lege, Toronto, preached in Knox Pres
byterian Church on Sunday.. He -used
the text "We brought nothing into
this world and it is certain we can
carry nothing out,” to point out the
Christian’s hope, and the dangers ’of
hoarding material things. In the Un
ited Church on Sunday morning Rev.
Campbell Tavener preached on the
need of increasing prayer, in temper
ance, success Q.r failure. Choosing as
his text "Men ought always to pray
and not to faint.”
Women’s Institute Elect for War
Mrs. R. F. Garniss opened her home
on Thursday afternoon for the month
ly meeting of the Woman’s Institute.
The president, Mrs. W. N, McTaggart
presided. Fifteen members and eight
visitors answered the roll call by giv
ing an outstanding characteristic of a
noted Canadian. Politicians,, ministers,,
missionaries, poets, lecturers- and art
ists were named.. The sec..-treas. ' an
nounced that "Bluevale Women’s In
stitute War Work. Fund” is .duly reg
istered at Ottawa-under the provisions,
of,the War Charities Act, 193.9, and
the amount subscribed to- date is.
'' " The following- officers were
Smith’s Economy Food Store
JUICE 3 20-Oz. Tins 25c
WHITE BEANS ...3 Lbs. 20c
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This Spring wear a ’
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tains Tip Top' suprem
acy in the field of popu
lar priced men’s Suits.
New Spring samples are
in. Order now.
Ladies’ made-to-meas
ure Suits and Topcoats
to the secret of prayer being lost. The
attendance was good.
Mr. and-Mrs. Arthur Shaw,, Robert
Shaw, Messrs. Ralph, Frank and Alex.
Shaw, David Johnston, Charles Johns
ton and Edward Jacklin, were at Pal
merston this week attending the' fun
eral of the late William Clark, Mr.
Clark was a brother-in-law of Messrs.
Arthur, Anson and Robert Shaw, of
the village.
. (Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and
two daughters, of Dublin, spent Sum-
day with George Mathers and Miss
Hazel Stamper. '
Mrs. Clark, of, Port Burwell, was
called home owing to the illness of'
her sister, Miss Florence Shied.-
Miss Isohel McKinnon, Waterloo,,
spent Sunday with her parents,
and Mrs.. Rf H. McKinnon.
elected: Sec.-Treas.. of. the- fund,. Mrsd
S. N. Gallaher; Purchasing and Cut
ting Com.: Mrs. Wettlaufer and Mrs..
Mary Robertson; Yarn and Knitting
Committee: Mrs. Joseph Smith, and.
Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Mrs, Tavener re
ported a recent interview with the
.president of .the Red. Cross Society at
.Whigham, among other items-, of. in
terest, were the latest, instructions- for!
■knitting socks. Miss Florence Fowler
gave a fine paper on the Life of, Paul
ine Johnston, followed by two. of heir
poems, The Legend, of. Q.u’pelle, by
Miss Jean Elliott, and The Cattle.
Thief, by Mrs. W., N. McTaggart.,
Miss Jean Elliott, who had, taken the
short course at Belgrave, in. January,
spoke briefly of the Junior Girls’ Club/
.work. Mrs. JoS. Smith, andt Miss Et-
lktt were named local leaders for the
Spring project in, this work. At tile
' close qf the meeting, a- pot, hick lunch
;was served by the members.
World Day of Prayer
The1 Women of the different
churches in Belgrave met in Knox
United Church on Friday afternoon
for the World Day of Prayer pro
gram. Mrs. H. Wheeler presided.
Others- taking part were, Mrs. J*. Mill
er, Mrs.. R. McCrea, Mrs. Alex. Por
terfield, Mrs.’ C. Logan, Mrs. R.
Cliamitey,. Mrs,. Wightman. A vocal
duet by Mrs. N. Keating and Mrs. C.
Procter and one by Dorothy Wade
and B’etli Bryd'ges, were modi enjoy
Mr. and Mrs, James Farrier gnd
family, of Bervie, spent last Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Golley. * 1 ■ „
Mr. and Mrs, Art Wheeler and fam
ily were visitors at the home
and Mrs, James Johnston.
Mrs. Sarah Hutcheson, of
ham, is visiting at the liomet
and Mrs. Milo Casemore.
Mr. and Mrs.‘Alex: Campbell spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and' Mrs.
Walter Jef fray, *
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jacklin and-fam
ily, of Jamestown, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Gray,
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaw and Mr.’R.
Shaw attended the funeral of Mr.
Clark at Palmerston last Wednesday.
Miss Viola Mathers spent a couple
of days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moses
of Grey. . ‘-
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClennan at
tended a funeral on Thursday of Mr.
Robt. Scott at Atwood. "f
Mr. David Johnston and son, Chas.,
attended the funeral of Mr. Clark at
Palmerston on Wednesday. ' ■
Mrs. Harvey Robertson and two
sons spent the week-end with her mo
ther and aunt at Brussels. F
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathefs and
daughters, of Dublin, spent the Sun
day with his father and Miss Hazel
Stamper, at Bluevale.
of Mr
of Mr.'
Council met on February 6th with
all the members present. Minutes of
last meeting were read and approved.
Communication > from McBride
MeGibbon, Barristers, Waterloo,
recent equalization of the County, re
ceived and read.
Accounts of the L.O.L. and C.O.F.,
Belgrave for rent of halls for the Ag-r
ricultuiral .Short Course held in. Janu
ary,, were presented and ordered paid.
Mr.. Monteith, C.A., of Stratford, ad
dressed the Council regarding audit of
1939 township accounts. Council how
ever Gould not see themselves clear to
pay tile cost of an .audit as outlined
by Mr. Monteith, and later appointed
George Tayjor and Frank Thompson,
a; former' auditor, to audit above ac
counts and to present their report on
same- to- the Council at the March
The following accounts were paid:
The D’orttinion Bank, collecting taxes,
$3.40; The- Blyth Standard, printing
financial statements, $22.75; L.O.L,
hall’rent,. Agr. Short CoursO, $9.50; C.
O.F., halt rent, Agr. Short Course,
$25.00';- 'Hie Blyth Telephone System,
telephone assessments, $1273.00; S.
McBurney, Road Supt. salary and
telephone- $9.60.
Next meeting of Council will be’
held' on Wednesday, March 6th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
Rewarded for Attendance
An interesting part of the service in-
Knox United Church on Sunday
morning was the presentation of peal's
for regular attendance at Sunday
School" and' Church. Mr. Goldie
Wheeler,’Supt. of'the Sunday School,
made' the presentations to the follow
ing,. Exlith Procter, Ross Anderson,
Anna 'Grasby, Marjorie Grasby, Nor
man Keating, Kenneth Wheeler,
Freda Jordan, Bob Grasby, Mabel
Coultes, Lois McGuire, Marjorie Mac-
Kenzie and Thelma McGuire.
World! Day/ of' Prayer
Ladies from the two, churches', in the
village gathered, in the United Church
on Friday afternoon to. observe, the
World Day of Prayer program. Mrs.
R. J. McLennan, President of ’the W.
M. S, of the United Church, presided,
assisted by‘Mrs. J. J. Elliott,, presi
dent of the W.M.S. of Knox Presby
terian Church, Mrs. W. J. Johnston
presided at the organ and opened the
•program with quiet musk. The Scrip
ture message from the 15th chapter of
St. John’s Gospel was read "by Mrs.
R, F. Garniss, Members taking part in
the.. period of intercession included,
Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mrs. 0, Tav
ener, Miss Olivo Scott, Mrs. George
.Thornton, Mrs. Archie Messer and
Mrs. Edward Johnston. Eev. C Tav
ener, spoke on *‘T!ie Secret of Fray- _ _ ___ __|...................
er” stating that lie feared that rnuclf’j home of the president, Mrs, Norman
of the world conditions today was due I Keating, Convenors ate, Mrs. J. M.
Farmers’ Club Met „
Belgrave Farmers’ Club met at the
homfe of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coultes,
Jamies Michie,- president of the Club,
presided. ’ There was a good discus
sion on Public Health Service and it
Was decided to Continue the disetfssion
at the next meeting which will be held
on March 5th at the home of James'
Michie, After the discussion, Mrs. J.
Michie and Earle Anderson ’sang a
‘duet and Mrs. John Wiekstead a solo.
was served and a social hotir
Institute To Meet
regular 'meeting of the Wo-The i_.„
men’s Institute wilt be held on Tues
day, Feb. 20th at .2.30 frm. nt the
POWDER ..... 15c 1-Lb. Tin
TOASTED SODAS ... 10c Pkg,
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APPLE’JUICE ....... 10c Tin
POWDERS 5 Pkgs. 25c
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196 Tin I PEANUTS ...... 15c Lb.
Silverbright Salmon^ Sliced 18c lb,, In Piece 16c lb.
. HEAD LETTUCE ... 10c Head .
hot House
RHUBARB______2 Lbs. 25c
Our Service is Prompt. Our Stock of Groceries, Fruits and Vege-
, tables are Fresh. Phone 161 for Speedy Delivery
and Foods That Satisfy.
ORANGES..................25c Doz.
NEW TEXAS-1 CARROTS 2 Bunches 15c
. 1.TT5J,1 ... .. .
Miss Elmira Alton is spending a
few days this week with her friend,
Miss Vera Little, near - Courey’s Cor
ners. j
Mr. Eldon Culbert and Miss Melba
Fowler,, south of Dungannon, spent
Sunday afternoon with the former’s
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam"
Johnston, near Courey’s Corners.
Miss Winnie Lane, teacher at Bel
grave, spent the week-end with' her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lane.
Sorry to hear that Miss Violet
Twamley is in bed suffering from a
bad. Gold.
Miss Verar .Little, near- Courey’s
Corners,, spent Saturday afternoon
with. Mrs. J. Mullin, near Belfast.
Mr;. T. -A. Cameron and daughter,
Jeati and sem, Ralph and wife, spent
Sunday afternoonvwith Mrs. Cameron
who has, been a patient in Wingham
Hospital for two weeks, from an ap
pendix* operation. We are pleased to
hear she is' improving.
Mrs. Cyril Campbell, 10th con., re
ceived word on Friday that her fath
er, Mr. Johnson Roulston, near Ripley,
had a slight stroke Thursday night.
She and'Mt. Campbell spent Saturday
with him, at his son’s home, Mr. Wal
ter Rpulston.- ' ‘ .
Chief' Justice Takes Over Duties
• Death1 of a governor-general of Can-
ad does* not break the continuity of
government', machinery. The chief
justice of Canada, or in his' absence
or incapacity the senior justice of' the
Supreme Court of Canada, automati
cally takes over (the vice-regal duties,
after taking, the necessary Oaths.
Mr.and Mrs. John Finlay from
north of Gorrie, called on Mrs. Edwin
Bennett and- family last. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael
.visited! the latter’s parents,1 Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob z Gathers' of the 14th df
H’owicfc last Sunday afternoon.
Hon, James 'Gt, Garclinef
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jaq-ues from
hear Orange Hill, spent last.'Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Weir. Miss Edythc Weir, -returned
home with them and. will visit for a
few days in that locality..
A large'number from this vicinity V
attended the annual meeting of the
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance > Co.,
which was held in Gorrie last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bolt spent one
day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Les
lie Bolt who reside west of the church.
The Woman’s Association met on
Feb. 7th in the classroom of the
church. The meeting was opened by
all- repeating the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son. There were 17 ■ members pres
ent. The Scripture lesson was rest'd
by Mrs. Will Dane taking, the first 13
verses of .chapter one of the book of
Philippians. Two comforters were
quilted by the ladies. Lunch, was ser-,
ved after which .Mrs, J)ohn Gowdy
closed the meeting with'prayer.
The ahnual congregational meeting *
was held in the church, last Thursday
afternoon. The various, officers were
elected. Lunch was‘served) by the lad
’ Miss Myrtle Cather-s,. of Wingham,.
spent the week-end with her parents, -
Mr. and Mrs. W. A\. Gathers.
Wednesday Evenings
Saturday Afternoons
, Saturday Evenings.
f 1
Former Premier of Saskatchewan,
now Dominion Minister of
Agriculture, also
‘ . *■ , *
and Other Speakers.
Town Hall, Wing ham
Thursday ■PJ1 Feb. 22nd i
North Huron Liberal Association.