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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-02-08, Page 2
It takes ABILITY to earn money WINGHAM BRANCH J. R. M. Spittai, Manager. PAGE TWO — CHARACTER to save Tragic are the "failures" who lack the character to save the money their ability enabled them to earn. Happiness and success are built on a sound financial basis and there is no surer start on the road to financial security than a Savings Account. Follow a plan of regular saving, This Bank will gladly help you and it also provides absolute security for your funds. Trust Accounts may be opened for your children. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM ONTARIO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES concentration camps or in work camps where they are forced to do the Nazi will. The raping of Poland by the Nazis and the linking of the Germans with the Soviet is a direct challenge to the rest of the world. The British Empire and France have accepted this challenge. If Germany is the victor, which God forbid, the Nazi system would kick democracy into the sea. This would be the saddest day the world has ever known. These are just a few of the reasons why the Allies must stop Hitler in his ambitious ideas. es of hose were used and at time of going to press the firemen were still on dUty.’mMt. Forest Confederate. Mr. and Mrs. Weiland Hav© Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, old and highly esteemed Egmondville residents celebrated their golden wed ding quietly on Wednesday of this week. Both are hale and hearty and received congratulations and best wishes from their family and a large number of friends.—Seaforth News. DISTRICT Brussels Fair Had Successful Year The annual meeting of the East Huron Agricultural Society was held after having been postponed on ac count of inclement weather. It was the best turnout and most enthusias tic meeting in years. The society spent $400 in improvements during the past year; paid out $900 in prizes and are making plans for a better fair in 1940. Old board of directors and of ficers were re-elected. Dublin Tot Bats Sleeping Tablets An anxious week-end was spent by Mr, and Mrs, Dan Costello, Dublin, after their two-year-old daughter, Pat ricia, had taken four luminal tablets in mistake for some candy some time on Saturday afternoon. Known as pheno-barbital, these tablets are used by adults for inducing resit, and we believe they have not been procurable from drug stores without a doctor’s prescription for some time. The lit’- tie tot ate four tablets, after reaching them from a shelf.Mitchell Advo cate.COUNTS MOST A VALUE I ■ * . Thursday, February 8, 194# .fire losses being $1,130.05, and losses {away from the shoreline during the | through reinsurance in other compan-1 night. I i i i LONGLIFE . . . is an outstanding characteristic of Chevrolet’s leading all-around vblWr Chevrolet dependability and reliability -proved by millions of owners—marks this car as your soundest motor car buy. double the satisfaction of driving, the low price field’s smartest, best-perform ing new car. Only Chevrolet brings you all the finest features of l$40 at lowest:" cost in purchase price, gas, oil, upkeep/ you see it in every part of the new: Chevrolet and in these matchless features . . . New Vacuum Power Shift, Bigger Full-Vision Bodies by Fishery Super- Silent Valye-in-Head Engine, Perfected! Hydraulic Brakes and Ride Royal*. ■ Hotel Fire Caught in Time An overheated stove and pipes at the Commercial Hotel one day this week caused quite a flurry for a while. Fire Chief A, W. P, Smith was call ed when the trouble was noticed and with the aid of a fire extinguisher, the blaze was squelched. The fire was smouldering in the wall behind the stove, and some damage was done, both by the fire, and in trying to ’get at the trouble. It was fortunate that it had not made more progress before it wag noticed. — Blyth Standard, BEAUTY ... it’s a treat just to look at Chevrolet’s "Royal Clipper’’ Styling—and you’ll'get a whale of a lot more pride and pleasure on the inside looking out as an.owner! Chevrolet is bigger, smarter, all’ways! ntem„ odels. Lacerates Fingers Arthur Carr, of the Pahnersion Ob- server,, met with a slight accident on Monday afternoon while operating a power saw in the printing office. His thumb, third and fourth fingers came in contact with the blade, but fortun ately the cuts were running parallel to the fingers and the bones were not damaged.—Palmerston Observer. would break before very long. Prem ier Daladier, of France, shortly after gave a speech in which he warned the people that total war was soon to conte. Hitler, in his first address since November Sth, made it clear that Ger many was out to win the war and that the Allies would feel the effect of the German war machine in a short time. It appears to us that these leaders are preparing the people for what is to come, a bloody period in the Avar. So far we have not felt that the war proper Avas under way but it is appar ent that this condition is not to last for much longer. Many are of the op inion that with the great defenses that have been prepared the fury of the war will not be as devastating as it was in the Great War, We are of the opinion -.that this is more than offset i by the more efficient arms that have] been devised. 1 At any rate the leaders in Britain | Friday afternoon. Rev. J, W, Johns- and France have warned us to’ expect • on conducting the services.—Fordwich , greater activity and this means more ? Record. J destruction and a great number of| -------- J casualties. We should do all in our J Gavel oi Walrus Tusk power to prepare for this time that is | The gavel with which Hugh Hill jto come. ! qr sj: , POOR POLAND j It is reported fhdt the Germans are j doing everything possible to destroy Poland. If they succeed in their ef- I Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U. S, A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. REFORESTATION The County Council at its recent meeting turned down the suggestion of some members that $5000 be spent ou reforestation within the county this year. The County Council has been toying with this problem for some time and so far very little has been accomplished. The majority of the council members were of the opinion j that due to war conditions it was not; worth the Mme to launch a reforests-j lion scheme. It may be a good pol-1 'icy to curtail expenditures as far asir possible during the war period, but^ to stand still in Important matters, we"*' believe, is a mistake. The matter of reforestation has been left off too long I in this county, as it has in many other j centres, but the council did not vote any money for war purposes there fore we can see no good reason for holding back from getting this im portant work under way. To effect a L_____ .. ._ ............................... benefit from a reforestation plan takes i forts they wifi have done away with I a long number of years and each year jail of the Polish culture and. any who that the matter Is shelved makes it j might be a power in the restoration | Suffers Painful Accident A painful accident befell Donna Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Crawford, of Tara, on Saturday afternoon while skating in the local arena. Falling on the ice, she endeav- Infant Strangles in Sleep Sincere sympathy is extended and Mrs. .Allan Emmerson, sixth line j oreJ to get up by putting her hand on east, in the tragically sudden death of j the box which leads to the ice An their four-months-old son, Lawrence | .;3er. skater, not noticing the child, Alexander, which occurred last Thurs- stepped out on the box, his skate am- iputating the end of the third finger ’ on her right hand. After receiving | medical attention, Donna returned to I her home. Latest reports show that | she is recovering satisfactorily, „al* | though suffering considerable pain-—' I Tara Leader. Mr, day morning. 'When Mrs. Emmerson went to get the infant from his cot, to bathe and dress him, she was hor rified to discover him dead. A doctor was summoned and his conclusion was that the child had apparently vomit ed and that some of the discharge had been breathed into the lungs, causing strangulations. Besides the parents, two older brothers survive. Inter ment was made in Fordwich cemetery Purchased Mt. Forest Hotel • A deal was concluded tins week whereby Mr, Oscar Hahn, proprietor of the Hahn House here, acquires the Mount Royal Hotel m Mount Forest, having purchased it from the Bud Fisher faterests. Mr. Hahn took ov er the business Wednesday.—Durham Chronicle.The gavel with which Hugh Hill j wrapped down anyone exceeding the I two-minute limit at Tuesday’s banquet j Bruce Woman Dies Suddenly I has a unique history. The gavel head Lin 100th Year is made of walrus tusk, brought front| Airs. Lydia E. Betson, widow of the Arctic Circle by Finlay Mclnnes, | William Betson, died suddenly Friday upon his return after serving In the j rn her 100th year at the home of her I North with the Royal Canadian Moun-| daughter, Mrs, Anna Sinclair, Hep- * ed Police. The gavel was made by ’ worth, in Bruce County, where she » Dean Mclnnes and presented to Luck-1 and her husband went to reside -more 4-t,_x tc I - A . . ' j , , , w, . j now Lodge No. 112, I.OO.F., and was 1 than 40 years ago. She had been in that much longer. If the council were: or that captured land have or will be -,r j- . , - a , ,4T..L UJ.___ A . Ik r ‘ " |at Mr. HuFs disposal that evening.— good health up to the time of fierito change their decision m tins mat-j put to death. It is difficult for us who J T wt.nn„ cenJjnet - 1 I ter and, get things Under way we be- 'j five under the British flag to realize I I ' ’ . f Sieve the public generally would ap-jthat such a thing could happen event pland them, '! In a captured country, but the Nazis I are most ruthless and they destroy | INCREASED WARFARE SOON I anything and everything that stands j Recently Winston Churchill, Firsttheir way or that might stand in] Lord of the Admiralty, gave an ad-gtheir way. It is said that the Germans dress in Manchester in which he in--j have put IS,,000 Poles of all classes rimated that the war m all its fury j to death and that many others are iu ’ * . -eration in raising the rates. * Serious Fire . i A stubborn fire of undetermined or- | I igin broke out in the basement, of s Bateman's store on Wednesday morn-? lug about eleven o’clock and for as tirac threatened the whole block of; stores. Dense clouds of smoke pour-j : ing through the windows, doors andi chimneys made it difficult far the fire brigade to get at the smoldering joists. Fortunately flames did not break through but severe damage was caused by smoke and water. Four lin- 1 A Boost Telephone Rate Operating at a loss because rates previously were reduced too low, the; Huron and Kmibss Municipal Tele-j phone System subscribers, at their an- ■. nuaT meeting in Ripley, voted to in--held when T. P. McDonald Aras re-1 crease rates from $10 to $12 per an-J elected president; John BurchiU, vice-] num. Commissioners Stewart Need-! president; F. G. Moffat, secretary- j ham, Dan D. McDonald and Ernest j treasurer, Dan McKinnon, of Kinloss, j Pollock were re-elected. Net loss for j was appointed a director,, replacing j the year was $400 and for the past j George Falconer. The financial state- 3 two years Increased cost of jmeat showed that the company had] materials also was taken into consid-: enjoyed "an excellent year, the totaU I Culross Insurance Firm Shows Excellent Year The 67th annual meeting of the Cul ross Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was Hes, $2,553.13. The liquid assets were i improved by approximately $5,000. Recover Equipment Two Miles Out irr Lake Six men made a hazardous trip ip; tv.v row-boats two miles ' out into I Lake Huron off Goderich, Friday, to* recover an ice-cutting saw, gasoline’ engine and other equipment, total; value $1,000, which had. drifted with; a northeast gale when the ice broke' Advance-Times Want Ads Bring Results. 77i&t£ CANADIAN PLANTS ARE BUSY PRODUCING WARPLANES FOR EMPIRE AIR SCHEME | Desigmd for ph worksm Moft’Jreal. LEFT. They are a speed ef 205 miles per Slianaers- arc turned ©ut at to and ies$ .«^y kw# ! are these N -r^.y deltas hrin.? hm’Thva-wiftg m^nopUnes, Wilt >Harod-mved, eh'boratdy processedsate of cue in six weeks. They arelgo^d and shrnsr WetaI* <; for the R.CA F. at ti-.e Vickers piant e» a crew half a men and perfectly bahmeed, ptopdlers forbade of mahogany, which is lighter!!" " 1 ' *