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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-01-25, Page 2
MG® TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thur»day, January 25, Mlendtatl Fou Quality■■IBRrW'WF WW W^w w*; W' W Www “‘Up’ WM A V A ff| An xALAHA SEmi the outbreak has not become extens ive M the present time. Brussels IXxst Wl»gl»m Adv*»Ke-Tim«» i i'“'? *« ^wmww sw th« iis<«. IWstwsUt 5 « * * * WWAB * ©MAW I CAN AMANS OON'T FOOT. S 1;».< Xx.'A-’i'OA ‘LliftVtfAMV Vb ^MeHpttem Rate I $ix Mouthy ht ndvanee l\v U F. Am $W pee yw& toei^u HVh pee ym* MveKising um on wteitem* BUmTO A WWBW It aypw* that thote is net a twd- ,. town wilted m \Hmte wi the wtox tn ow xatos eowttexj ,lt <Ww Vteth*<* to xnv umd* to thete best w eitorts by the one hy \»x toieh n dm^wwaiten of loyalty -nndl -Hte 'ystvin ow\l » Hu**n » J'X.^n^toee. They b«ve been cemted bhxe d -it dmal one yea* a ana ^ow ptegtess of wv&Me tootteMs*rt' lov VA-gjxv^ 'p^ ^xs?^teof Canadam tw wt so tar as 1U to- ■$vW. t!”"Jl ^■•tmnout have given them, w eppoe* be \\aw-n .auW- FttxW Wevship* good Wi-* \\e w oj^ tee XT ' ‘'■\-htes* pwtetox h what Canada is looh? x'^\t W dm'ng these wav thnes* Thei togv hax-e eentlmally stew their j fe** x<et ’wCtegitees in so nw^y ways* New it? be XXaotesy We ate net ukw tlaawa. XVe nwt not fall? exptet to ttoi X'ws xorc* tt ttte’-. .................T....„„^... wthod xxx' ’think is xxteng. xhse yew pa^hhexs o$ the Cennty Vennell :i j l xtoe Cte XX'd^en. j XX'oO & not be a better w^hed to':,; j We all the tonVl wsWis xtohji[ RsaAx the pte'Wt wt’toi OJ a 'tov--[ j; aetw;Ae esse yw and a Liteal tho>; H m to' bto ^o Keep ^Ates ent^ i j „ i- h must have given Hitter a head* Qiw W*s lw !ww*t tky <wws tW tnmwte had xwwuwiibvd tn two ,'da.X'S a wav loan* Rwy !' pan of the mrntvy did their part to nmsb this w«- emuymte piece of I srntw xa-«' the top* The loan was jjwst wRwv opportunity tee Vanad* ? iatn to show the world that they ate iiwlth heaw and soul ^upponing the :j AWs and when the call vonies they «-> .-«! *.««(* ■'''•«wy’'’'w M vmw. stawM Joins Airways Service Randall Item received word last week that he had been accepted in the radio service of Tnns»C*WAda Air ways and. on Monday he. left Alai* ton by uewplane for ‘Winnipeg where he is <to be stationed ter the present. ^Chcslvy Enterprise. Passes Air Force Tests Mw Boss Thueli has passed tests in connection with the Air Force at l\wu\ and is eligible to be called ter training* Ross was working at Vamp Itedcn ter some time past, helping with wiring* and has teat .re* wntly returned home*«-4Uylh Stand* atxl* cuttftr light) the lantern itself being firmly attached <o the cutter* Anoth- er party lost a harness strap* Such occurrences appear to be fairly num- erous^bucknow Sentinel Kincardine Honours Soldiers Only the fact that the gathering fell ou Saturday night) preventing many from attending who otherwise would have been present, kept Kincardine town trail from ‘being filled to over flowing, when the town people under* took te pay some slight honor to those from the community who have enlisted In the farmed forces ter the present war* As it was* the hall was : well filled ter the presenlatten cere mony and program of entertainment —Kincardine News* Sme County Shows Surplus Bruce County treasury -realised a surplus of $ldfdl9.S5 ter Ahe year of 1989, as indicated te the Ibth annual report of County Treasurer Alan Net-: son* presented to the county council. Total receipts for the year* including i a cash balance carried front l&Sk, am ounted to $W,92fei«, while expend!* tunos amounted to ^SlsS02lb9. Ate*' Nelson also pointed out in the report that the total debenture debt now ow ing by the county was i$*kSddM. Ten years ago they mowed to some ^v*m* * lAfUEll wnEN JT *2* NEWS DISTRICT I A wW of the Canadian 7 H Minted xxas h mn to week a. teg tot. xm p^yed, thfegA, W*. gW. owy twnho'r &>i H <M’^ee W w tlbe este he snowunowb^^ ■m khsb W who Ofte^ l^tWh^oSoo. :l * - ■• ■ -% * % sw w wrWtet to pswm 4«iWo|o% XU ^y^wr- W> ^%k.<a. ’£$*.xtfu^’vxai.tfraai. if Sh^L.s* Igiu.vtk. £r?5<*<.»*.<-**&L XtV5?*.#.>.. !!«.*-&. edUkii. ’ th«’ JrM'fc «t WhS & whft 'Wo WX^dteS %. 0^*yw O4W. XW^h the w4 o>i o^wj xm ^Ssj oftW oW',kx.wite^ terweX&e wsWifc&H w bWw» M. ■— *-* -*^ »s*^- v W? -o^Mi Wi Bo was u&ml .yws w jtto tet tex ws *W \Wj tW&s^w ^t^steoiwdk ■■^ -sko^ Ibm fc w =w£m o^tte «s^i'‘ ><yw Wh mWi te;sts St the '"^ TiWf’Adtep We we. te;x$?s& ^=«a»«ea. fewi "W «xe>< tew tern : Oti <Xh^ O w w® Bm -KV^te 0$ bU Mt& Mfcts* sott^y^ss^^b, ^htesst «|®WRd! Xo- Wt& W Wo Qx»MW’ ofe* ^*tw?hw^ 5*teM‘"^AX0> TPk«‘ «teW Wag ssw^ed w. sma Wte$ tetes to- A Frohfie AnimM An Fgremout funner* towgc Hsw*! - gwee* hus u sow tW made something ■ of a record for 1W* On January . she. gave birth to a litter of 1*<* on Juk S* H mere and on Ike* .V2 she .gavel birth to ifi more* This makes aAoul of 4d progeny in -U months-. All are I living- with the exception of S**-Anh* uv Futerprise-News* Treasurer dT Wavs After sewing faithfully as village : tmswer of IMxvyton for the wt §^F years* John Lnna has tendered his re* j Seaforth Baker Xtdmed slgnaaien due to fading health* Mr* *”",<5*-*'*-**kS- * I'.wa has also oendweted a genetelh^ew ted. injuries te a motor msls store in IXxyton for the past SS years, on No* 4 Highway near KensaM when -'■■• ■’• - ---’* *-- *................* -- - - - * nhe ear in which he was riding crash- -ed into a l^dro pote* Cnch was rld- dng wih XXX Ehhel Zurich bate* nnd Gamte C&se* Hensall bs&er* to Exeter to nfttend a meeting of bates. . <’Yt<V -* ^SkV^Wi1* ^*Wb U. ' .^ now issoed ddhdte instrteions that in * Stereteaty Feigns FMC* Charged to Village of Mihhw* on and after I Miss toco towte* Sl-yw-otdj March Mi* IWi, al nallK* emtn* ehee- J torner semw^teasurcr of to Fee-, kdate drinK Wtermils* and all smBtj te lMd& XWto tomtissios^ 'was ptoMtots- except: teter and toeso* forested by IXoxtosal Constable Kl nvm be pasteurised* Citor tnxmleoPX Sditette fSuelpk on sewi parties affected by to otor are|ieso£toS&, toc^tog sun^s of raon^J Teeswatea, and to te fcsseiteir em^oyens* M2ss| Villages ed Fotdwich* CoieSo and|itowte’’«tohRd to potion of see-" XXhoseW* iite^y*tte&sus«r on to &ste& comxds- s&m fee II years, was late •relcssod on Wl of Jack Gte* tetoth hate* suffered Nvtey Xhlagea in -Fastenitofeiiv StC&Wfc The Ite’tohd Itesd <dJtahh has to Village of Mi&Mw* on and after -*te W ! Wc whetetets of to. tedsomej ^ter fees* wWh tswed. scjterWr ■tet to test tesr ote eS;■ - - *“ J CONDENSED REPORT OF COUNTY COUNCIL „ ',JttteT»SeSS3ESs5ta©««OT hte hem te tea asretotod* te; to Ss no to^s- a roterg 5^4 tm in aktet* hat -is tote a Wa&i tew at wa, it teW fate a X&rj too te> aehhb In to te?d& a IWot-' ^agstelteito- xto eoxtod «s- nton’ eeak. Ito osw?r fe as&h^' th& i^eyemW: tbb tos& XXh.^ ^nsd. •itew«fe, ».d wSweh xm te sten bj-i I sextel poA^&r.s sfes ilt SMKtbM n............. ..................................I' ’ 'tete^-h'^fe'on bWwy Wh IMbtw wo^ W&-} * WHEN SOUND BUYINC COUNTS tosrgs* -Fexgxa, .Km’tj CkSteK* Tcw^k^ wss Vk.Oioa XXWfea ea’ BtKoci Cb^®Sy «t the. s^fcssh®. e£ the ©mag?* Oms£i* ■A 8*ey» wd fee- the Sasfe ifeie. . _ . v ws ^s«st«rited te> XX^stem F&&g£n, ro^teite hbe nn^xxX*-“^Wa>Xsste^ ISewJE ^r-ms&d cro<T^a!se3s®jo»s. * ’j XX- B. &3S0& ^ordhs^d g?KK5’' thaVks e'd -th® Cox3o£ j mok 'hs hihni. ajwS Vo Cess^ki, m&ssj stetofed^Rad hue <mSi Bj«s XW■das. B-ss \Vbtsbh> :sdx:isrd a. mtsfem she ^isms^gyhftw vo mess gws-ei $i®3: :ec<lteronte*T^X'T«’Sssft <ee-y Wh -*o i-u OK.* w?K/ W ;<$&. tetem* wc^|i«ttxea5 ke i& >te^W %W»g? aa vheJjvjem ^te^ssfeus, § : w*^teHes?w kboak^ Vo W& w wt?&> who M^ft- SSyV &o $kT M»rte Awscft, am^Owkjs? s«ft ®ajfi tfe iSsSm^tasH./dgr dhr s^ismwjc yee! on Na.xe'sse ejvtheRoy^ ASr ^Feere. 1wa$: 'Wajfixjojtaa nseeft, hns hem s^mcKh te.<*-------cwi*^ ......... ........ .?.«;<*» *...-, ;.■<*. -o> «*x<0k oaS^iy dfcrw^ a.n vn S&teem . afe^Knas. ant waadfed «tht &hs^;ng-^£fo’^- wsfc m*w anB te®’ *£&- eaw-to^^hW^^ jWKsa XK WSw:j^. ‘ - «e«es ^.-.-sa«=Kt. $ <&««s asisS Xhr te; <&? ^uem*. .fr&M The <^b«rt5m» db&t vd B^^jtifeisaSiia^a^esQjacmcsSirtx^tf^ ^da xn-j Xiife ~ ~ .. -------- ------ - - niWith -Mte W w*&$a MUSS BiiteU: &*e\ !§o sfh Jshfe tyiS unfi WiSss ne-’itfne Bssa Smv Ssr Qm? 3rum&tdi llSr^gfitea&itfStm o§ uuS^ofe. BX§ Ws5^tife>. sSsb«s>.] Sl3u?»T^w*E?Sm,,Ohft.-, _____,-___.-.- _ ^Sifc -hrg “fc nelH hfc wfis^sw *te> terns Hfetnc!£mipK3femiu£t2iK!l^^ rfi* ^1®, " .......... " »•--*« - ■ 'Jteeffe rin ebt. miiht Xhv sfeifMn OtrUtyv '“Ta?^ 2e& jsw <g&? * i : W tsisjwrs. wwe nomrnfi ni X&'S* .WiVhk MHw eS Che- <S. Tra^um, $. Wd TiWi^^ w^Hd-Juuftfiu* & B. WW&, JW-town Qo cte kXSu^um &. S ’’ §teim n §»m eff tikv -ii.^.. ’ t*. tofemtr Tc BcKtm! J i Thb s£»»k, wiml vss^ia*^ 'hat $Kwh w£ ^pmsjuH *u «?ma t£f Wffi: j a'-oiir eti iid-U’ hm’n dlows A&^Wipse‘*!| p-assijbtiTg, ’huv *Q«h ’.it eujpteeing olwdlmu' t&mr 'vutssv ax’s? csMi^nsm ^r-gumms*.- j kabi^tslR??' g^ik- isfe- u&Wfr Jnevjir^ tsvmte1 usjrfisr -pwr dkjjr wah. ,! ? 1W feto Wet t^«e ifsstun hta> Qktferm | j . _ . tsia® dto^b ’Whultife^t^’Wws tJtev >< sit u»ld--aiu3 ‘g’lWte.rms ik wa^ «w.t^ifite3ssfig aT&yfbvmw^ nimTWjjr^nrnnsndhAw; :g$> ari5^ih»^ifca^r»w/iCTj“’ < iksa «sisais w- ex- he wmt ;4n. ;*W <snmm *uBim3 v® -nm yiiR W Vljus --h 'is admirndj ctet* ■ <^nm'*’ j | ■;?s'1^- 4«mS -to-w&atminkj ’ ® .K fj. 38, Tates w®»!! ibvKe ea;^ C*w dte;«: 'jswitT $2t.I ,l.u$pkhud] uuilkw fw ^hr u**imiMjaC}j j ,’j 3b W^s* asndmi is- in ttisste- srnrnr, J Mmli: auajiantK, amt «iumut ■ ■Tftjmbte wBifeh dtrlWldimu'dniifr!.^ 3h*xw I toimr •wan xr w Jmmr Tr ’im iW K;:x dta tease w-e \w.«r 'ws. Atuw;s<?t ?k 'ik teamin' -smt wjsiT] - ‘ atett; ^w*s. '-wiite!': miemlrite^nte • Cimtt'rn Tvwii.w-'^ .hr'-ite '‘jwwtiicax -xwv nj’-^mmt nit dte [nrndsmiruib i^hmiTrs1 .d^dte^ <<ows* aww) ^wm^-^^iL^^r4^w^hr^it3 ;n’f OkmHh .rm .W tout a»»stn^ ‘■smiitev mrrumxidtte- -m-. •.jmm^hjtss.. Cbee v-ua®* Ste 4r$* fW3n'k :¥ft ^ni--fcW;->sw-t<a-SffixM® ;'”wdausfiwi^taiib - '=ite arndfei^* ^nuust, -’Hrmri'i Xamj, 3.W) totm- y- Hjjpijo? Jttsii .M t&JHBHSM) ''W*- tu.W^«t»*ift ■Wbmry.WklF, gnW !.itas»p sax ..„ ...................................................... ■wrt.W%: %K,h:.'y; 'Wteh <W! .**wctt*v miJk Sbriiwh mum -iw cite- mnfidte1 Xlfe -M>’totem*)■ *Tk'rdii^®8eite :wstet» Tmfc ?te S^bbc®. W sipyV will titr^ & .temwimitx' itnun -m te1 WhKWh wa esraw wc^WXod ■Af.wh Ws&wsS X»d ddt Wsfc Tte Q4ftet Jatnes <e£- fe> i^vctod Mlow-Srg Sa Wfeged. tete VC && -ten. Mate, A«to< McStoxesx tee o$ Caw^s fts^as&W was* aces Sn to &sft wr.j RIesb^ -d’telat W te feh Sa .>teh, Wt^h ’K teWte Be W yeW-wa ®ra I 'CWlWh'-tofc xMteehk k’tetas ’& fts^tebe® f^xaWi athW to sstoml ipwpjfe te&, tott^ * 'W:'- U*WhW li" •scSfyX' efhtete -tv dte WW i’Tlttt*.^ 4te$ J?hr«te; --rr*—*-’-“• 1 I -* te i TW1S w^nvrlr Cluxtem by the SarSSag Cciuic^&s, an< grss- jcssf^mfiE xt Ttee w® n $tm~: S^*^S6% Ssa&st&, sotted by S«m giW Frayise. Wus <vS$SS&Su hhr nrasutes. .‘fiS; Was^tasm ^SBS. , g-r-Art^-s*—^?gju A-&ri»e n^J2mn?g *i3h? vctos e£ ths.’^cs,, Heahsrfsgt^E. Redsaac-d. |W.s^smx, SskiB^™ $&&. Sh^kms .EgmSasateii Agtpad Chaste Brs-fi — Re-eres VA-1 M,-- ‘jtorr Z^i-'. ixn tfe w;xt wes® rfiumxl &sxt^s®B es.tr." ife Fh^^~lSee«s: Vi^sau. V ....... .. ? omrt E^arasgHaei — Reeyss Rtews- IfeawaSaa. a? <CBmun, a^s2;.«sa&ass. Wli ssjSh&or, ^SM ^■jWsxtes^c,,. Bt-wsssoL MWster., Rahh- -----------.........................................................................--■ f l;^ “n tete ?W££^ :©nmnites to tots ■ j Su^ar., !2 ite- xxtownjg ‘eign-Tss*., 'Ste w&s te Ce>s^nca HUiks ■< -'jj* x;.. <*m 13^ upjper -oi hhi ohm* 4sg:s •* Olui'e \.lg 'sir’^iptfUf.TK' '’USIS. Ufcxtewtwr «nwfe“iunC'O:!miex«Uh ** ’imMtell ;u wimt! 1%, ’ iite etww mini tell dte T<rw ip*atm&