HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-01-18, Page 71
Thursday, January 18, 1940
Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette
Gprrie, January 8th, 1940
The Council elect for the year 1940
“1»et in the Township Hall, according
to statute, the members were all pres-
ent and took the necessary Declara
tion of Office, also the Oath of Alleg
iance, as follows: J. W. Gaipble,
Reeve; D. L. Weir, Deputy-Reeve; E.
H. Strong, Ed, McCallum and John
,“Winter, Councillors,
4A short Inaugural Service was con
ducted by Rev, H. Watt and Rev. J,
L. Ball.
Moved by Strong and Weir that the
minutes of the last regular meeting as
read be adopted, Carried.
Moved by McCallum and Strong
that the Clerk be instructed to order
eight copies of the Municipal World.
Moved by McCallum and Winter
that the Reeve and the Clerk be here
by authorized to sign the petition for
the Statutory Grant .on road expendi
tures for the year 1939. Carried.
Moved by Strong and Weir that
this Council meet on the Fifth day of
■each month, instead of the third Wed
nesday,' as formerly. Carried,
Moved by Weir and Strong that this
Council be resolved into a Committee
•of <the whole Council to regulate sal
aries and appoint officers. Carried.
The Committee reported as follows:
Clerk’s salary $475.00, and $5O‘.OO for
Postage ^and Stationery allowance;
Treasurer’s salary^ $300.00; Assessor’s
salary, $175.00; Collector E. Div.
$115.00; Collector W. Div. $150.00;
Medical Officer of Health, $150.00;
Sanitary Inspector $1.50 per trip; Aud
itors, $40.00 each; Road Supt., 35c per
hour;School Attendance Officer, $65.-
00; Member Board of Health, $6.00
each; Live Stock Valuator, $1,50 per
trip; Caretaker of Twp. Hall, Gorrie,
$40.00; Caretaker Twp. Hall, Wrox
eter, $30.00; Sec. of Board of Health,
$15.00; .Weed Inspector, 30 cents per
hour; Operator of power grader, 30
.cents per hour.
Officers appointed — Collector, E.
Div., James Walkom; Collector, W.
Div.., W. C. King; Sanitary Inspector,
Gordon Underwood; Auditors, A. A.
Graham and E. A. Fallis; School Att.
Officer, Mrs. M. C. Knight; Member
of Board of Health, Herbert Collins;
Live Stock Valuator, James Douglas;
. Caretaker Twp. Hall, Gorrie, James
Anger; Caretaker Twp. Hall, Wrox-
cter, Fred Hambly; Sec. of Board of
Health, Isaac Gamble; Weed Inspec
tor, Ray McIntyre; Operator of pow
er grader, Nelson Gowdy; Relief Of
ficer, J; W. Gamble.
Moved by Strong and Weir that by
law No. 1 for the year 1940, regulating
salaries, a's read the third time, be fin
ally passed. Carried.
Moved by McCallum and Winter
that By-law No. 2 for the year 1940
appointing officials, as read the third
time, be finally passed.- Carried.
Moved by Winter and Gamble that
the following bills be paid. Carried.
Bert Harris, D.R.O. fees, Polling
Booth and Clerk, $12.00; C. Scarffe,
D.R.O. fees, Polling Booth and Clerk
$12.80; Alex. Edgar Jr., D.R.O- fees
and Clerk $6.00; Herbert Collins, D.
R.O. fees, Polling Booth and Clerk,
$12.00; J. G. Edgar, D.R.O. fees, Poll
ing Boqth and Clerk $12.00; Gordon
Topham, D.R.O. fees, Polling' Booth
and Clerk $12.80; Robert Paulin, D.
R.O. fees and Clerk $6.60; J. H. Rog
ers, salary as Treasurer 1939, $300.00;
Isaac Gamble, Postage and Stationery
allowance, 1939, $50.00; Jsaac Gamble,
part salary as Clerk, $85.00; County
Treas., hospital expenses for Isabel
Watson .85; County Treas., hospital
expenses for Jacol> Smith $78.75;
Mun. World, Election supplies $10.16;
J. H. Rogers, -servicing street lights,
Fordwich $78.40; J. H. Rogers, bulbs,
etc., for- Fordwich shed lights $4.50;
Frank King, refund of dog tax, due to
error $2.00; How, Mun. Tel, System,
telephone in Clerk’S Office .and tolls,
$17.20; Rich. Griffith, shovelling snow
off shed in, Wroxeter $3.20; T. A.
Roberts, Printing cards and hand bills
$10.90;; Gorrie Christmas Tree Fund,
grant $10.00; Wroxeter Christmas
Tree Fund, grant $5.00; Relief for De
cember $65,19.
Road Expenditures
Gordon Wright, snow roads $7,60;
Garnet Wright, snow roads $1,00; W.
Cgudle, brushing $1,00; Rich Griffith,
rep/ to “culvert, $7.00; Snow roads:
Robt. Sanderson .40, J. Cowan $1,20,
George Ashton .80, Cecil Wilson $1.-
80; Wm. Wilson $3.00; John (Mont
gomery, Road Supt. salary $30,10; N,
Gowdy, operating power grader $11.-
10; John Finlay, »snow roads $15,80;
J. H. Rogers, salt for weed killer, 1939
$6.45; Charlotte v Spotton, stone for
maintenance $1.00; D. D. Sanderson,
snow roads .30; Allen Griffith, snow
roads .60. ■
Moved by Winter .and McCallum
that this Council do now adjourn to
meet in the United Church Hall, Ford-r
W’ich, on the fifth day of February, or
at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk. ,
Mr. Emerson, who had spent some
time witn relatives in Detroit, return
ed last week to the home of his dau
ghter, Mrs. Downey, and Mr. Down
Miss, Janet Watson ‘spent the week
end at the home of her mother, Mrs.
B. Watson, of Brussels. " *
Born—In Howick on Friday, Jan.
12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Austin, a
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and son,
Earle, spent Sunday at the home
Mr. -and Mrs. Thomas MacDonald,
Former Resident Passes
The death occurred in Teeswater on
Friday, January 12tli, of Alma Shier,
only daughter of Mrs. J. F. Pratt and'
.the late L.‘ E. Shier, of Port Elgin.
Funeral services were held at the
home of Mrs. Pratt on Sunday, Janu
ary 14fh. The deceased spent her girl
hood days in Gorrie as it will be re
membered that the late L. E. Shier
conducted a drug store here. The
sympathy of the community is extend
ed to Mrs. Pratt at this time.
They don’t stick to the highways,
these tanks from the arihored fighting
vehicle school at Camp Borden. Nor
do they care whether the path they
take is covered with snow or ice.
which was very much enjoyed by
those'present.' After the close of the
meeting a very enjoyable lunch was
Served by'the hostess and committee
in charge.
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Optometrist ..
Phone 118 Harriston
■ Ladies* Aid Met Last Week
The Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian'
Church met last week at the home of
Mrs; Gordon Mundell. In the absence
of the president, Mrs. Irwin, the chair
was taken by Mrs. Burns Stewart, the
vice president. The meeting opened
with a hymn followed by the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. Miss McLaughlin
read the Scripture lesson which was
taken Rom the 20th chapter of Revel
ation. The business of the afternoon
was then dealt with, aftaj- which Sev
eral of the members gave very inter
esting readings. Miss Acheson closed
the meeting .Svith i>rayer after which a
dainty lunch was served by hostess
and a social hour was enjoyed,
A.Y.P. Enrolled New Members
The regular meeting of the A.Y.P.
A, of St. StCplien’s Church was held
on Wednesday evening of last week
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Bol
ton, The meeting was opened by. the
singing of a hymn followed by pray
ers by Rev. J. L. Ball and the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. The Scripture’les-
On Wednesday, the Women’s Insti
tute of Gorrie met at the home of
Mrs. A. L. Stephens with a large at
tendance. The president presided and
the meeting opened with the Institute
Ode and Lord’.s Prayer in unison. The
minutes were approved as read. Am
ong the items of business was their
decision to work with one, of the local
Red Cross societies, for the present
application will be made to obtain reg
istration under the War Charities Act.
These committees, will begin work as
soon as can be arranged/
The program consisted of a discus
sion on the War Charities Act, lead
by Mrs; J. Cathers. A number of True
and False questions pertaining to Leg-,
islation were presented by the presi
dent, which brought out many points
of interest. Mrs. J. G. Mundell read
“The Old and the New” from Pat
ience Strong’s book “The Sunny Life”,
Suitable poems were, read by Mrs. R.
W. N. Wade, whose poem was in
keeping with the roll call
Duty in the Community.”
King read a poem with
New Year’s thought.
Dinsmore -favored
The treasurer,
closed with ‘ the
gave a full report of the Christmas
Tree fund, and it was decided to post
these reports in places of business
here, During the social half hour the
hostess, assisted by iMr§< A, Galbraith,
and Mrs. J. Hutchison, served a. dainty
“A Citizen’s
' Mrs. W. C.
a beautiful
Miss Nellie
two musical
the meetingafter
National Anthem,
Nothing seems to.dampen the love
of the tank men- for their iron-clad
buggies. In sub-zero weather they
have been bouncing over .the snow?
covered country around Camp Bord
en. ' The heavy tanks pound their way
smoothly through snowdrifts, smash
down brush and small trees in their
path. On concrete they speed along
at 40 miles per hour... Each day re
cruits are out across the countryside
in practice runs.
A memory verse from niy school
days. Every member to wear some
very old article or pay 5c fine. Com
munity singing of old songs. Histor
ical talk. Bring an article that be
longed to grandparents to exhibit.
Hostesses: Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Brown,
ited the Gorrie club on Thursday af
ternoon for.friendly games.
Fordwich: J. Wallace, R. Marshall,
A. Roberts, E. Denny (skip) 4. Cor
rie; E. Parish, K.“ Hastie, J. Cathcrs,
J. Douglas (skip) 10. Fordwich: C.
Perce, G. Hargrave, E.„ Williams, C.
Harris (skip) 11. Gorrie: E. Bricker,
A. Toner, M. Nash, B. Maguire (skip)
Totals—Fordwich 15, Gorrie 19.».
Mission Band Elects
The Goiirie? United Church Mission
Band met on Thursday afternoon with
an attendance of sixteen. Following
the opening exercises the Installation
of officers was conducted by Mrs. E.
Whitfield. The new officers are as
follows: President, Mac, Hutchison;
Vice Pres., Erland Gregg; Sec., Greta
Hyndman; Treas., Wilma Heibein;
World Friend Sec., Mary Ritchie;
Temperance Sec., Pauline Heinmiller,
George Gregg. After the installation
ceremony several members participait-
ed in the worship service, which was
followed by further study of the book
"With Shera in India.” An activity
period supervised by Miss Lennox was
enjoyed. The meeting closed with the
Friendship Circle,
lovely lunch served by Mrs. Watt.
Mrs. W. C. Montgomery
Anne Williamson, widow of the late
W. C. Montgomery, passed suddenly
away of a heart attack at her home
on’the 2nd con. of Howick' on Friday,
Jan. 12th. She was in her 73rd year.
She leaves to mourn her passing two
daughters and three sons, Mrs. Rum
sey, Toronto; Mrs. Askew, Toronto;
Roy of Toronto; Elgin at home, and
Frank, of Florida. Rev. J. F. Ball
conducted the funeral service at her
late residence on Sunday afternoon.
Burial in Gorrie Cemetery.
is the
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we hsk you
td see the largest display ofl monu-, rr;tvcr Hi uittisw*** ****** SWT's**-x-— -—-r ,
ments of any;retail’ factorym Ontario.!^ hy Leonard Sanderson.
All finished by sand blast machines. I new members.. were enrolled,
roughs “You can save all local deal-^ty-fivc, Next meetmg is to be held at
era’, agents’ and middleman profits by heme of Mr, and Mrs. Norman
seeing Us. Wade on January 24. The social part
E» J. Skelton & Son M the evening was in charge of Rev,
at West EndBridge—WALKERTON J< t. Ball, Who directed a beetle drive j
Wade on January 24. The social part
of the evening was in charge of Rev,
airend on
,The first
and the
The Gorrie Cruling Club is hold
ing a Bonsfiiel at the Tc>cat
Thursday evening, Jan. 18,
draw is called, for. 9,30 ayrtt.
second draw, for 12.30 p.nj.
...Mr, Jack Newton,.who'had been bi
Sarnia for some time, returned home
last week
.The annual meeting of the Gorrie
Habile Library will be held on Satur-
day.’afternoon, Jan. 20, in the .Library,
Gorrie Curlers Won,
Two rinks of Fordwich cutlers vis-
Gorrie Young People’s Union
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
Y.P.U. was held at the parsonage lasit
week with Mr. Watt in charge. The
meeting opened with two contests by
Mr. Watt and a talk on the “prepara
tion of a good .worship service.” The
hymn “Jesus calls us, o’er the tumult”
was sung after which was prayer by
Mr. Watt. The 1st verse of t'Oj Mas
ter, let me walk with Thee” and the
Scripture was taken in two parts by
Reita Galloway and Betty Edwards
■taken from Mark 1: 14-22 and 29-38.
Two poems were read by Lloyd Hock
ridge and Bus Ruttan, “All the way
my Saviour leads me” was sung and
Mr. Watt conducted an interesting
talk on “How well do We know Jesus”
after which all united in prayer. Jan
et Watson, the president, then took
charge of the business. The minutes
were read and adopted and the roll
call answered. It was moved by Jack
Thornton and seconded by Margaret
Dane that Lloyd Hoekridge and Mr,
Walt be auditors of the treasurer’s
book. If was moved by Lloyd Hock
ridge and seconded by Jack Thornton
that the membership fee be 10c. Sides
were chosen by Janet Watson and Bus
Ruitan and the meeting closed with a
Miss Nicklin, of Millbank,
new assistant of Mr. J. H. Wylie, ait
Howick Insurance Co. Office. We
welcome Miss Nicklin to our village.
Mrs. D. Percival Hainstock and
Helen Hainstock, Shaunanon, Sask.,
were visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton last week.
Mrs. N. T. “McLaughlin, of Wingham,
was also a guest at the MacNaughton
Mr. Cliff Denny, Toronto, was a
week-end guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Vernon Denny.
Congratulations to
Campbeii, Listowel,
known here and who
(or Council in his
municipal politics.
Mr. Robertson, of
Ladies' Guild Elect
Mrs. J. L. Ball, Gorrie“Rectory, op
ened her* home for the January meet
ing of the Ladies’ Guild of St. James’
Anglican Church, Wroxeter. The
meeting Was opened by prayer by the
Rector, Rev. J, L. Ball. The president
Mrs. Waller, was in charge and fol
lowing ,the devotional period, there
was a discussion on the various phas
es of the work of the Guild. The var
ious reports were received from the
Sec.-Treas., Mrs. G. Paulin Sr., splen
did progress being made during the
year. The Rector then conducted the
election of officers for 1940: Honor
ary Pres., Mrs. Agnes Earls; Presi
dent, Mrs. H. Waller; Vice Pres., (Mrs.
Robert McMichael; Sec.-Treas., Mrs.
George Paulin Sr,; Auditors, Robert
Paulin, Harry Waller. The meeting
was closed with prayer. The hostess
served refreshments and a social hour
was enjoyed by tho.se present. ..
Women’s Missionary Society
The first meeting of the W, M. S.
for the New Year was held in the
church school room on Thursday af
ternoon, Jan. 11th. Mrs. Robt. Stocks
conducted the devotional period, op
ened with the New Year’s hymn
“Standing on the portal” fdllowed by
Scripture lesson and prayer. Each
member contributed a number to the
programme^ Mrs. B. Cook gave a
reading “The Auxiliary Meets Today.”
Mrs. Grant read a prayer hymn writ
ten by a young girl. Mrs. A. J. Sand
erson gave a report of the Mission
Band Bale which was sent to North
ern Ontario prior to the Christmas
season. A letter of appreciation was
read by Mrs. Sanderson from those
receiving the bale. Mrs. Wearring
read the words of the beautiful old
hymn “Father, I now that all my life
is portioned out for me, And the
changes that are sure to-come, I do
not fear to see.” Mrs. Stocks read a
letter from an absent member, Mrs.
A. Stutt, who is spending the winter
season with Cleveland friends. A
hymn “Unto the hills” was sung.
During the business period a com
mittee was appointed to make plans
for the Day of Prayer which will be
observed next month. The closing
hymn “Take time to be holy” and
prayer by Mrs. Wearring closed an in
teresting meeting.
all bemg made from coarsely ground
hard wheat flour to which is added sl
small quantity of .boiling water. Me
chanically the mixture is .thoroughly
blended, then kneaded, and finally em
erges from a perforated plate in the
forms which are sold Under different,
names. Steel pins in the centre of
each hole in the plate gave the tubes
of macaroni their hollow form. Spa
ghetti is pressed through smaller hol
es without pins, and vemicelli through
very.small hole£ Noodles or ribbon
varieties pass through flat openings
in place of holes, while some flat fan
cy shapes are cut from thin sheets of
the dough. Noodles, sold as egg
noodles, contain egg in addition to the
flour, ,
These flour products are popular
fare in Canadian homes, especially
during the cold months pf the year.
Served alone they, would be too bland
for most tastes, but combined with
highly seasoned sauces, or with pi
quant flavoured food such as cheese,
they mak’e dishes hard to excel in
In cooking macaroni and similar
foods, boiling salted water should be
used in sufficient quantity ‘to allow
for the amount which will be absorb
ed. When tender, drain a colander
and pour cold water over the cooked,
The following suggestions for sup
per dishes are given by the Home Ec
onomists, Dominion Department of
Baked Macaroni
cups uncooked macaroni
tbsp, butter
tsp. mustard
tsp. salt
cup grated cheese
cup chopped pimento
cups hot milk
Pinch cayenne
Chopped parsley
Cook macaroni in boiling salted wa
ter until tender. Drain. Place a lay
er of macaroni in well buttered bak
ing dish. Mix butter, mustard, salt,
cheese, pimento and cayenne. Sprin
kle macaroni with cheese mixture.
Add another layer of macaroni, sprin
kle with cheese mixture and repeat
until ingredients are all used. Pour
hot milk over macaroni. Bake in a
moderate oven (350. degrees F.) until
macaroni absorbs most of the milk.
Sprinkle with chopped parsley before,
Spaghetti Creole
2 cups uncooked spaghetti
3 tbsp, butter or other fat
small onion, finely chopped
cup celery, chopped (may be
tablespoons flour
cups tomato juice
Salt and pepper
tsp. Worcestershire sauce
cup grated cheese
Mr. Lome
who is well-
beaded the poll
first attempt in
the local C. S.
staff, has been ill during the past
week. His many friends wish him a
speedy recovery,
Mrs, Breckenridge has beeh very
sick. Wc hope for some improvement
Mr,‘ and Mrs. Neil Carr have moved
to Wingham for the winter months,
Mrs, Wilbur Fralick (nee Aileen
Schaab) was in (town during the past
two weeks assisting Mr. J. H, Wylie
at the Insurance Office. Before leav
ing on Friday, on behalf of her many
friends in Wroxeter and vicinity, Mrs.
Fralick was presented with a Kitchen
Set of ivory and black Famous Enam
el Ware. During ten years spent in
our village Mrs. Fralick has been a
popular and highly esteemed young
lady. While we regret her leaving,
our good wishes are extended to both
she and her husband, for many years
of happy married life.
Cook Spaghetti in boiling salted
water.. When tender, drain. Cook on
ion and celery in melted fat. Add,
flour and cook until flour is browned.
Then add tomato juice. Stir until
sauce thickens. Add Worcestershire
sauce and season to taste with salt
and pepper. Pour sauce over spaghet
ti and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Note.—1 cup chopped mushrooms
or chicken livers is a tasty addition
.to the sauce. '
Oxtail Noodles
tbsp, lard :
cups canned tomatoes
cups water
small onion, chopped
tbsp, celery, chopped . •
tbsp, parsley, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Dash Cayenne
cup uncooked noodles
Wash and cut oxtails in three-inch,
pieces. Brown in lard. Sprinkle with
salt, pepper and cayenne. Add bay
leaf, water, parsley, celery, onion and
tomatoes. Cover tightly and simmer
about 3 hours or until tender. Cook
noodles in boiling salted water. Drain.
Place on hot platter. Pour over n.ood,-
les the oxtails- and sauce.
Red Cross Executive Met
, A meeting of the Red Cross Exec
utive was held at the home of Mrs.
J, Adams last week. Materials for
sewing" and knitting have been order
ed and it is hoped the work will get
under way in a few days.
, Hockey Notes
Two hockey games were played in
the local rink during the past week,
Fordwich boys came over on Monday
night, defeating the local gang *M. Oh
Friday night the Harriston club came
over for a game, The score ended 10-
5 in favor of Harriston,
"You ain’t one of them fellows who
drop their tools and scoot as soon as
knock-off blows, are you?*’
“Not me, Why, £ often have tex
wait five minutes after T'.put my tools
away before the whistle blows?*
Women’s Institute to Meet Feb, 1st
The February meeting of the W, L
will be held Oh Thursday afternoon,
Feb, 1st, 3 ptm.s at the homo of Mrs.
J, H. Wylie, Mrs. Denny will have
charge of current events.' Roll Call-
Macaroni and Kindred Products
Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles and
vermicilU are dose relatives in the
food family. They differ in appear-
ante, but are similar in composition,
;fc .......
RbC.HFS>"[R BUF’Ain (