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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-28, Page 8
1 KING’S Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 28, 29, 30 SPECIAL •<i WWW AM ADVANCE-TIMES McLaughlin and Joanne of Detroit, I ship Crusade Sy a special effort to- KLTlfl Aifr* ami IVTve -A A ■ __> ‘___' .. ~___« I IN TECHNICOLOR GERSHWIN SONGS and Mr. and Mrs. Gcrshom Johnston and family, Miss Casemare and Miss Valetta Chamney of Wingham,, and other neighbouring relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson and her brother, Mr. Stanley Thompson of Caledon, spent the. week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore. Mr- Walter Lott met with a painful accident while working in the bush cm Friday when he was cleaning up some dead wood, he had fired a dead pine tree about 20 feet long, and was stoop ing over when it fell unexpectedly, stricking him between the shoulders and knocked him unconscious. How ever, no bones were broken but he spent the next few days in a very sore back. Miss Helen Willies of spent the week-end at the I, II, JU; folk dance* 6 senior girls; medley of songs; Cantata, a humor ous Christinas Cantata “Santa*s Ex periment’’, At the conclusion of the program Mr. C. Ji. Wade on behalf of the section thanked ^liss Lane and Miss Wheeler for thei? efforts in pre paring and presenting this program. The children were presented with b?d with ADOLPHE MENJOu THE RITZ BROTHERS ZORINA • KENNY BAKER Charlie McCarthy Also “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c January 1, 2, 3Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, NELSON EDDY LIONEL BARRYMORE VIRGINIA BRUCE ‘LET FREEDOM Presenting Nelson Eddy as a lusty outdoor hero of early days. Also “Birthplace of Icebergs” “Fashion Forecast” “Traveltalk” Toronto home of Mi", and Mrs. A. E, Purdon and re turned home on Wednesday with Mr. Hector Purdon, Mrs, Cecil Falconer accompanied them and visited with relatives at Caledon. i The Y.P.U, of the United Church held a social evening in the church on j Wednesday night. J The young people of the commun- ’ ity held a dance in the Hall Wednes- ' day night in honour of Mr. N. Thomp son who leaves shortly with- his di vision from Stratford, and presented 1 him with a wrist watch, Lunch was served a social time enjoyed by all. ! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutchison, of > Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie -Simp- 1 son and family, of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Scott and children, of Kinloss, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnston and baby, of .Lucknow, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mr^, Will Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Waddell and baby John spent Mon/ay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caskinet. ward good attendance and increased contributions. For the last two months average attendance has been 66, with collections, includihg miss-' ionary’givings of $27, j Miss Isabel McKinnon of Waterloo,' spent the holiday with her parents,1 Mr. and Mrs, R. H, McKinnon. I Carman Hetherington of the Guelph ; gifts from the tree- Veterinary College, is spending the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, Hetherington. Mr, and Mrs. Neil McLean and son Neil, Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Thornton. Mrs, Tavener Addressed Y.P.U, The president, Miss Daisy Holmes, conducted the opening and business period at the weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. at the United Church Wednes day evening, William Peacock pre sided for tlie devotional period, Smith Robertson reading the Scripture les son . Mrs, C. Tavener was the guest speaker, speaking on her trip across the ocean to England aboard the Li- tetia. She described the beauties of the sail down the St, Lawrence River and the historic grandeur of Quebec City. The thrilling experience of of hours of fog off the coast of New foundland and the sighting of ice bergs, She explained life saving prac tice, told of the various forms of en tertainment; also the varied menu. Rev. C, Tavener closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stonehouse and children of London, spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone house. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon (Mitchell and children of Rothsay, spent Christmas with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKenzie* and children spent Christmas •'with rela tives at-Teeswater. Kay Townend of London, spent the holidays with her parents, Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Townend. Louise McKenzie of Sturgeon Falls is spending the holiday week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKen zie. Nora Wheeler of London’ is spend ing the holiday’ with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R, C. McGowan of Blyth, spent a few days with Mrs. C. R. Coultes and family, Mr, and Mrs, George Charter and family were also guests on Christmas. If the New YM brought us notflj more, we should Ig content that it ai® fords us the oppor tunity to wish ^&u, our patrons, success and happiness. May 1940 be your BIG year, and reward you with its bounty. WESTFIELD spent the Christmas holidays with Reeve R. Redmond. Mrs. W. F. Campbell was in Lon- desboro last week caring for Mrs. J. Elsley who has been ill, * MORRIS BLUEVALE Finnigan and family, Crewe,- with- Mrs. Jos. Chamney, Mrs. Geo.’-Naylor of Goderich, and Mr, and Mrs. J. C- Robinson and family, with Mr. and- Mrs. Gordon Naylor; Mr. and- Mrs,- John. Thompson and Howard and Mr,- and Mrs. Will. Thompson, Auburn,, with. Mr.;. and iMrs. Mark Armstrong, Miss Viola- Thompson, Goderich and Miss V.. Chamney, Wingham, with the latter’s parents,. Mr. and Mrs. David’- Chamney; ’ Mr; and Mrs, Fred Moss- and son, Bert, and Mr. and Mrs. Willi- Moss and daughter, Rlth, with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Mills, Goderich;* Mr. afid’Mrs. Clarence Chamney wi^ friends: itr Ki treardih e. DONNYBROOK■ Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of Hensal, spent over tlie Christmas hol iday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh. Mr. Edwin Lee is spending the hol idays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kurschenski of Detroit. Miss Mabel Bosman of Goderich, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Bosman. The Hydro has been installed in the homes of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Wight man, and-Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Hen ry- Mr. , Warren Bamford of London,' is spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bamford. S.S. No, 6 held a successful Christ mas Concert on Friday afternoon with A Happy and Prosperous New-Year to All. The Women’s Institute will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, .Jan. 3rd, at -the- home of Mrs, Gordon Naylor. Roll Call, “Exchange of New Year’s Gifts.” Current Events, Bern adette Boyle; Topic, Mrs, Robert Chamney; Hostesses, Mrs. Chas. Rob inson, Mrs. Jno, Mason, Mrs. D. Chamney and Miss Ruth Robinson. Despite bad roads and stormy wea ther there was a good attendance at the school concert Thursday evening in S.S, No. 7. Much credit is due to the teacher, Miss MacDonald, for the; excellent manner in which the pupils ; took thqir parts in the following pro- j Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEwen spent Xmas in Detroit with his Son and dau ghters. Mr. and Mrs. jim Peacock and Will spent Xmas with Mr. W. J. Johnston and Mr. Thos. Stewart at Bluevale. Mr. and iMrs. Robt, McClennan and family spent Xmas with Mr* and Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson 4J Ripley. Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Johnston' and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Nethery and daugh ter, spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston and Emma 1st line. Mr. Henry Mathers and son, Chas, and the Misses (Mathers, Mr, and Mrs. Melville Mathers and Arn old, spent Xmas with Mr. George Mathers, also Miss Hazel Stamper at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and Carl, Mr. and Mrs, Sparling Johnston and family spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.- Harold Harris at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs- Harvey Robertson and sons with Mr. and Mrs.. Richmond at Blyth. Mr., and Mrs-. Robt. McMurray and sons spent Xmas: with her father at Stratford'. Mr; and Mrs;. John' Bosman and son of Dutton, spent part of their Ifo'Tt- days and Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bosman, 1st line: Mrs. Robt. McGuire; Mrs. James Lei’shmari, Whigham, Mr; and’ Mrs. C. Bosman- and’ two sons, spent Xmas- with Mr; and’ Mrs. Harry- Bosman. Rev. and Mrs. Tavener’spent’ Xmas'i with her niece at Etnbro and’with her sister in Toronto; 1 United W.M.S. Name Officers i At the annual meeting of the W. • M. S. of the United Church held with ' the president, Mrs, George Thornton in the chair, and Mrs. R. Shaw acting 1 as reader and leader in carrying out the responsive reading as outlined for end in Mount Forest at the home of' the Christmas program in the Mision- his aunt, Mrs. Fred Graham. ‘ ary Monthly. The subject," Christ- Miss Addie Ross of Toronto, and mas in Madras,” was introduced by Mr. Malcolm Ross of Levack, spent Mrs. C. Tavener. Christmas messages the week-end with their parents, Mr. from Africa, China and Ceylon were' read by Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Mrs. Mr. Nat Thompson of. Stratford J. Breckenridge and Mrs. Ed. Johns- ' Machine Gun Division, spent the week ton in keeping with ths subject; Rev. C. Tavener spoke of the birth of Christ being the- start of Christmas celebrations’. Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Arth ur Shaw and Mrs. Thornton read' ar ticles showing how Christmas is ob served In India, Japan and Mexico. The program throughout was most in teresting and; greatly enjoyed. 'R'ev,, C. Tavener conducted tire- election of j officers: President, Mrs. R. J. Mac- -1 ■— -*——> ■■■■ - - ’ Walton, (ton; secretary, Mrs. -Joseph Curtis; parents, t treasurer, Mrs. Arthur' STroW; organ- Matinee Monday Afternoon at 2.30 P.M Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c WHITECHURCH Mr. Albert Campbell as chairman. grantme with Mrs. Mark Armstrong I he opening-chorus by the school was as chairman: an openings chorus by Good Afternoon Dear People. ’ Read-1 |-he school, address of welcome by Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cross and fam ily of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira’ McLean and family of Brussels, and Mr. Earle McLean ’of Listowel, spent ’ and Mrs. Malcolm Ross. Monday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean. Miss Nellie McGee of Toronto, end at his home here. spent the week-end with her parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman and fa- M'r. and Mrs. Leask McGee. mily spent the week-end with her par- . Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hendershot of Ha- Donald and Betty of Yarmouth Cen- milton. tre, spent the week-end with Mr..and 1 Miss Lorna McClenaghan of Glen- Mrs, John Gillespie and relatives at coe, and Miss Doris McClenaghan of Kinlough. j Pine River, also Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Misses Winnifred and Olive Farrier Barbour spent Christinas with Mr. ■of Toronto, are spending their holi- and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. days ‘with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. .R. Farrier. Miss Bertha Mackay of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mr. Jack Pollock of Woodstock, spent the week-end at the manse with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J, Pollock. Mr. Pollock has been laid up with heart trouble and his services on Sun day were taken by Mr. Douglad Mac Donald, son of Rev. C. McDonald of .Duck now. Mrs. Andrew Forsythe, daughter of Flying Division at Barrie, spent the Mr. and Mrs. J. B. .Morrison, went' week-end with his wife and family at through a serious operation at St. Michael’s Hospital Toronto, last week. Se is steadily improving. Mr. Chas, Lever spent the weep Miss Jean Coulter, R.N. of London, , Lennan; vice pres'., Mrs’.. Ed. Johns- and Miss Flora Coulter of spent Christmas with their Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Coulter,ivxr. anu w. j. uvuuci, list, Mrs. W. J. Johnston’; Associate Mr. and Mrs.'Lance Grain and Or- ‘ Helpers, Mrs. Geo. Thornton; Christ- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grain ian Stewardship and’ Finance, Mrs. C. spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T.‘Tavener; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Gilmour of Turnberry. i Mary Robertson; temperance secret Mrs.'Aldin Purdin spent the week-• tary, Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge; Mi’s- end with Mrs, Lqster Falconer, C-ul-, sion Band supt, ross, and Mr. Purdort and Billie visit- 1 ed there on Monday. , . i Mr. Harold Sparling, who is in the, BELGRAVE ings were given by Jeanetta Snell, Violet Cook, Franklin -Campbell, Donald Campbell Jimmy Buchanan, Cecil^Campbell, Roy Buchanan, Hat tie Wightman, Gordon Carter, Billy Buchanan, Gordon Mason, Gerald McDowell, Billy Rodger,. 1 Wightman; dialogues “When Uncle Came to Visit” Anne Chamney, song by six pupils en titled “One Umbrella Built for Two” dialogue “The Spelling Lesson”; re citation by Irene Robinson; Christmas Carols by the school ;-recitations, El- j aine Jefferson, Mildred Jones and/’-------------- CU-IJV J UiACJ 4U11UICU JUHVO Norman Norma~Bruce; solo, by Gordon Cham ney “Don’t wait till the night before 'Fooling the Agent”, Christmas to be good”; a number en- ‘■‘Hames-s Mending. Days,” which was titted “a. Dream of Mother Goose”; composed by Billy Buchanan, “Giddy recitation by Arnold Bruce, song by School Girls”,. “A Helping Hand”; fOrU giris “Three Little Kittens”; re- __._aw _ r-i um.,. _ tw .. . xr. . .. ...re citation by Mary Armstrong; dialogue “Goodbye” song by grade II pupils, Tom Armstrong, Anne and Gordoti -Chamney; recitations by Tommy Fin* Icon, and Dorothy Mason; dialogue, “Getting Rid of an Agent”; panto-, mine “Shine Little Stars” by the senv ! the home of her parents, Mr. and’ I Mrs. T. H. Moore. i Miss Susan Kilpatrick of Lucknow,! visited recently with Mrs. Albert Pat- j terson. Mr. F. McK. Paterson spent the week-end with his son, Frank and’ Mrs Paterson at their home ini Detroit. The Kennedy family held their Christmas at the home of their moth er, Mrs. David Kennedy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of Goderich, also celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, Wing- ) the home of ham, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Durnin and iMrs. Davidson, where she expects to I family of St, Helens, and Mr Mrs. Geoge Kennedy and little son: | Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and fa-!with M' imily of Morris, Dr, and Mrs, Harold,and family at Ripley. ; Robinson and children of Walkerton and Mr. and Mr Mrs. C. Tavener; cor; sec., Mrs. Ed. Johnston;-strangers sec., Mrs. Ed. Johnston; press secret tary, Mrs. Robert Shaw; Rev. C’. Tav ener pronttnoced’ the Benediction; Christmas visitors: Mr. and Mrs. James Masters and' family of Parkhill, and Norman Hall of Lindsay, witli Mr. and' Mrs. John Hall. . Mr. and Mrs. George Fells of Blyth with Iii’s mother,,Mrs. Eliza Fells. Miss Dorothy Aitken, St, Cather ines, and’ Miss Ruby Duff, Reg. N’., Toronto, with Miss Maty Duff and' Mrs. M, L. Aitken, tMr, and' Mrs. Jos.' Marshall; Lis1- towel, with I Thorton, | Miss Mae Sunday Schoo!, Christmas; Tree: The annual Sunday School. Christ mas Tree program of. Knox. United. Church, was held. in. the Foresters.’ .Hall: on Wednesday iiiglih w.itfh ai Ikrgg' crowd. present,. Rev,. J.. B.. TownendJ Mr. and' Mrs. George Davidson. Wroxeter; at her brother, W. S’, and' and spend the whiter. Jim McHardy spent the week-end nd Mrs. Robert Ai't'cl'teson Mr. and Mrs. J. C. John Kilpatrick and their brother and sister, family of Luck’now, spent Christmas 1 Vernon Higgins in Tort with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wnt, i Robinson. ; Miss Mary Weir, R.N, of Mount welt at Seaforth. George, New York, and Mr. James 1 Fearson .McIntyre, Toronto, with Weir of London, spent the week-end his uncle, George Greenway, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred j Subject ‘‘No Room tn the Inn’ Davidson and Mr, and Mrs. Edgar) At the Sunday Christmas service in Gaunt and family of Marnoch, spent the United Church, Rev. C, Tavener Monday there also, used the phrase, “No room in the Itm” Mr. Ge^Jge Robinson of Fort Bur- j to show how people crowd the Sav- well, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson of Tilsmiburg, and Mr. James Robinson of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Traylor of Seaforth, spent Mon day at the home of Mr. T. Robinson', I The following were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil .Chamney on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, J, Johnston and Den ton Moore of KlnJcm, Mr. and Mrs. Ravmon Finnigan and child ren of AshBeTd, Mr, and Mrs, Mac Higgins with Mr. and’ Mrs. into. Miss Florence Fowler with her coif* sins, the Misses Flo and Emmie Cress- in opening, the. evening. eht.er.tainme.h.t. •asked, all to jpin. in. singing; a. hymn. ,Norman. Keating, Sunday: S'clioolzSup- erintendent, was asked; to-. Die cJiaifmam ' fair the following' program::: aliorus by the Sunday School,' recitation by /Margaret Procter,;- duett ((uocaT).. W11u ;h'am and Jack Manning;, nocitatibii By Marjbri'c and’M'anlfeme'MrauICenzi’e; my. ■t-ibnai drill by S’cnibr- gi’rl’ss'; piano sol’o,, R'oss Procter;- vocal’ soToy Earlfe- And-- erson-; instrumen-tal1, Freda Jordan-, and’ Clilf Wal'sli; triby. Winnie Laney Rtttlr Wheeler, Elhiue- Whlsh, Mar Jot*' ie G'rasby, Fred'a Jordan, Anna Gras-1 by; piano duet, Vetma Wheeler, ETahic Walsh; flashl'i'ght drill* fry the girl’s; solo, CTi'ff* Wafsh; piano soto, Gladys Campbell’;* play, “The Music Box.” Another chorus by the school, , Bi. ____, brought the program to a close when ! Hard, and Gordon McDowell, mando lin; impersonator, Leonard Cook; I chorus by Beginner and Primary Class. Santa made his appearance elw-ruis ‘‘The Clock,,”’ “The First NoelT “Luther’s Cradle- Hymn” “Deck The Hall,.”’ “Tlie Way To- Be Happy Ou Christmas^; quartette,. by Jeanetta Snell, Violet Cook,. Lloyd. Walsh atrd Harvey Wightman; orchestra by school children; trio by Victor^ Cecil’ ____ ____ _____ and! Frairkfiri Campbell At tlie- eTo®t'po,r girls.. In all the musical numbers ©f the: p'rognairnme Santa arrived’ and! t]ie pupjls were accompanied lat.’.thtf unloaded’ the- tree-. The organist fori pjain.o. their teacher. Several young the choruses' was one* of the- pupils, Phyllis; Cook. Tlie' Sunday* School’ coircert' was' well’ attended on- Tuesday nighitt,. wffili> tlie Supt., Mr: W. F! CampbelT, as- chairman. A Christmas Ca-rol’ was. smrg- a-nd’ Rev: H, C. Wlifeow Te-dl i’ru prayer. The-’’first number-on tlie pro gramme- wa-s; a chorus,. “Away In The- Manggxr’” fry tlie.- Bleginmr.si” cliass;;:, re* ' citations; were given: by Gferalid! Mc- EfowelL Jimmie BweBanan,. Aldon.' Cook, Hath Teeft’ Mason,, Franklin Campbell, Lloyd McDowe-lT:;: cliioras, by the* Junior boys and' gitfe’ class; chorus by the Sunshine- class “The 1 First Noel”; pi’aato) uet„ Pfryllis and Arnold! Cook; dialbgues fry the Sun- ‘ sliine: Class, The- Jir.;,. Bifrte Class, and the 6th line; ladiits,’ orohiestra mtmiber wi.tfr Mrs. Wtm, M'cDwttll and Miss Jean: McDowell at the p>uno, Mrs., F. j., Grok, mouth organ;; Phyllis Cook andl Fern McD^weliH and Elsie- Snell, gnifars; Mrs.^ W'm. Walden, combs; Mrs. Marvin McDowell and Mi's, Alva McDowell, karoos^ readings by. Mrs. Howard CMnp.bell.I, Bill Buchanan; men’s orchestra* Jean McDowell at piano, Hairvey McDowell, violin; Ed. McGill, mouth organ; Arnold Cook, people of the section presented a one- act play entitled “Rooting for -Ritthc A chorus by the school and recitation 1 by Elmer* Brace brought the program to a close after which Santa arrived and the tree ent supplied tike! concert. Week-end __ „ , eluded: Messrs. Will Craig and War ren Bamford, of Western University at their respective homes; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jefferson and daugh ter, Kathleen, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jefferson dhd son, Mildmay> Miss Gladys Jefferson, R;N., of Woodstock,. Miss Irene Jefferson, of Dunnyille^ Miss Olive Jefferson, R.N., of Niag ara Falls and Miss Margaret Jeffe#? son of Westfield, with their mother, Mrs. Christina-;Jefferson; Mr... W. H.” Campbell wit'hphis daughter, Mrs., WL P. Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. b?br*. man Thompson and family with'. MX and Mrs.. Jos*, Thompson, LiStoweL Miss Pearl’ j£me&, of Crewe, at’ her- home here,-’. Mr. and Mrs, G; A,, Mae* t.atighlJbi atid’ daughter, Joann’ej. De troit, apdl Mr. and Mrs. Rhywmd was .unloaded. Local tal- music for dancing af.jt.en and holiday visitors iri-* I 1 May the coming bring Joy and; Happiness to you. f Sincerely > George Williams lour out of their lives and many ccle* brate His birth for just one day, fall ing to carry out lhe Christmas spirit during the year. The choir sang some of the less familiar Christmas carols and a male chorus, George Johnston, Norman Mall, Carl Johnston, Smith Robertson and N, J, Peacock sang "The Christmas Star”. The United Church Sunday School co-operated In the Christian Fellow- Santa entered and distributed the gifts from the Targe Christmas tree. Farmers Club to Meet ......... ................ ................. The Betgrave. Farmers Club will and presented the Cradle-Roll child hold its January meeting at the home ren with oranges and the children of Mr-., Rk J, Scott on Tuesday even- I January 2nd, James Shearer, Ag* served at. the close of the program... ricultural representatives, will address The Sunday School room was prejjJly the meeting. School Christnias Concert On Friday night the pupils of the Belgrave school held their Christmas (program in the Foresters* Hall, when there was a good gathering presetrt to enjoy the program. Mr, Abner Neth- cry act^d as chairman for the follow ing program, Patriotic songs, 0 Can ada, May God Preserve Thee Canada, Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue; Irish Dane, 6 junior girls; Tab leau, grades T, TT, HI; two part songs By Grades V, Vf, V.H, VTH; dirll, 6 boys and G girts; action son?;, Grades bags of candy and nuts, Lunclr I HAPPY O NEW decorated in blue and silver. Mr, James McGill instruc.^4 tlfo dismantling of the framwotk of a barn for Mt\ Howard Campbell which he purchased from Mr, Will MbDow- ell. The timber will be used next summer to enlarge Mr-. Campbell’s barn, Mr. and Mrs. J,D. Sisley, of Lis- towel, visited recentfy with Mrs. J, IL Ellis and Miss Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Miss Eileen and Ronald 'were Goderich vis. itors on-Thursday. Miss Grace .Redmond, of Linwood, good health for you all