HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-28, Page 4four RING IN THE NEW The old year ends ».. . the new year begins. May it be the start of a joyous New Year for you, • brimful of happiness, well-being, and all the good [ things, we wish for you. H. E. Isard & Co. S0K3©E THESE WANT AD’S BRING WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright of Wal­ ton, Air. and Mrs. Roy Gadke, Ford­ wich, were Monday visitors with Mr. Wj and Mrs, Chas. Black. Air, and Mrs. Cooke spent the week Ku? end with relatives at Lakelet and CHf- ^ord- ; Mrs. iM. Ross and Miss E. Ross spent the week-end with Dr. W. J., and ® Mrs, Ross at Kitchener. Former 'Gorrie Nurse Transferred a® j (Rainy River Record) I What is Rainy River’s loss is Emu’s gain can be truly said of transferring Miss Alma Nash,, who has been nurse P& in charge of this branch of the Red ■M Cross Hospital. Miss Nash came to sg Rainy River* from Bancroft, Ont., abou two and a half years ago, and in ,»k her residence here has endeared her- Self to all with whom she came in contact, a thoroughly capable nurse with au aff’able disposition. She will ke greatly missed from our midst, and her hosts of friends will wish her ev- ery success in her new location. Note —Miss Nash is a daughter, of Mrs.. Nash and .the late Thomas Nash, who was editor of the Gorrie Vidette. again I appeal for your vote and sup­ port in electing me ag Reeve and I wish to slate that, if my record dur­ ing 12 years’ service in municipal life does not merit your support, this will be my final appeal to the ratepayers in this regard. . If elected, I promise a conscientious disposition of all mat- Jers pertaining to my office. With best regards to all, I remain sincerely yours, J. A. BRYANS WROXETER United Church Christmas Service Special Christmas services were ob­ served in the United Church both morning evening, when the Rev, A. M. Grant spoke on "The Three Wise Men” at the morning service. At that service the choir contribut­ ed two fine anthems "Hail O Morn” and “Sing Glory” both by Judson. In the evening the pastor spok’e on the Group around the Manger and the choir number was “Calm on the List­ ening Ear” by Wilson, Carol singing led by the choir was feature of the evening service, Yopng People’s Union United Church Y, P. U. had their Christmas social on Monday evening last with Stuart Musgrove in charge. The opening hymn was "Angels from the realms of. Glory”, Weldon Ham- bly led in prayer, Gerry Gibson read the Christmas story from Lukes’ gos­ pel, Vera Wright favored with a hum­ orous recitation "Reducing”, Mr? Cook favored with several, selections on the Euphonium. A hymn "As with glad­ ness men of old” and the Mizpah ben­ ediction closed, the meeting. Games including Chinese checkers were en­ joyed By all and refreshments served by the committee. a DOMINION VALUES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, PRC. 29th And 30th SPECIAL AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN - Sweet Mixed PICKLES - - * - Jar 25c Aylmer Vegetable and Tomato SOUPS - - * * 3 Tins 25c Richmello COFFEE AYLMER «“ 9c Domino Dry GINGER ALE - Plus deposit 10c Budget Blend Blk. TEA Pound 49c Aylmer Tomato JUICE * v - 3 Ig. Tins 25c Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stocks had for their guests over the holiday, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Brandon and Norma, also Mr, and Mrs. Herman Depew and family, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North and daughter, Ben- erley of London. Mr. George Brown of O. V. C, of Guelph, is a holiday guest of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Brown. Mrs, G. A. Wearring returned from Toronto on Saturday, she was accom­ panied by her sister, Miss Helen Gib­ son, who will spent the Christmas hol­ idays with friends. Mr., and Mrs. Alldn Rann and fam­ ily of Brussels, also Dr. W. Ar and Mrs. Spence, Toronto, were holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann. Miss Jean Lane of College of Edu­ cation, Toronto, is a visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Lane. Miss Aileen Underwood, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Underwood. Mr, and Mrs. Chester Higgins and Mr. Joe Higgins spent Sunday in Lon don with Miss Lenora Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. H, FL Mercer, and sons, Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sanderson and Catharine, London, spent Christmas with Mr, and -Mr-s. D. D. Sanderson. Miss Mae Davidson is spending the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Davidson, Bluevale. Miss Viola Thacker is holidaying at her home in Teeswater. Mrs. D. W. Rae is visiting het; dau­ ghter, grave, Mr. . spent < friends. Miss Irene Wright, Bracebridge, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright. Miss Gertrude Sangster, Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and fa­ mily spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Edgar, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCutcheon and daughter, Audrey, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc­ Michael. ‘ - Mr. Alex. Holmes, Newton, is visit­ ing his aunt, Mrs. Eldred Nichol and Mr. Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. George Allen are vis­ iting ,Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allen, Ganan- oque, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forster, Tor­ onto, are spending part of this week with Mr, and Mrs. D. S, McNaugh­ ton. Cliff Denny, Toronto, is spending the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs .Vern Denny. Mr. Jack Rann, London, is holiday­ ing with friends in town. Miss Isabel Fox was a Christmas visitor in Hamilton. • From the Huron Expositor 1889: "At the Caledonian Society supper in Goderich last week a duet "A Man’s a man for a* that” was sUng by Mr. Thomas Gibson M.P.P. of Wroxeter, and Mr.. Thomas Strachan, of Grey township, with each alternate verse in Gaelic which brought down the house. Mr, Strachan was reeve of Grey at the time”. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hayes also Miss Marjorie Waller, Toronto, were guests for the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter. Mr. George Fischer spent the week end with Brussels friends. Mrs,. John, Fraser, Ridgetown, was Sunday visitor with Mr, and Mrs, Lovell. Mr, and Mrs. William Mundell were Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. Carter, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton and John, spent Christmas day with friends in Fordwich. Mr, Sandy Fraser and Mr. Will Fraser, Ridgetown, spent Christmas day with their mother, Mrs, Douglas Fraser, St. James Christmas Service A special Christmas Communion service was held in St James church on Sunday evening last, when Rev, J, S. Ball based his remarks on the story of the birth of Christ as found in Luke’s gospel. The opening hymn was "Hark the Herald Angels sing” and following the “ “ h "While Shepherds during my last term (1988) I believe | watched their flocks by night” was was instrumehtal in my defeat one sung. An anthem by the choir was year ago, bnt the fact that the entitled "Listen to the Wundrotts vineiaf Government paid the grant on]Story”. The hymn "Carol, Sweetly every dollar that was spent that year Carol” was followed by Holy Com* vindicates the judgment of myself and mimion and the service dosed with other members of the Couneit Once j "Silent Night, Holy Night GORRIE PUBLIC , SCHOOL REPORT Pound 39c . Sherriff’s Asst. Jelly POWDERS Tilly KETCHUP Fresh MINCEMEAT - - 2 lb. 25c Domino PEAS - Seive 3 - 2 Tins 25c SPECIAL DEVON SLICED BACON FRUIT SPECIALS NEW CROP NAVEL 5c Each Turnberry S, <S. No. 2 Entertainment. There was a splendid attendance at the annual Christmas Tree and enter­ tainment held on Wednesday evening last. A'good program of recitations, songs, drills, pantomines, dialogues, were much enjoyed with Mr. Jim iMc- Tavish, the ■ genial chairman. Santa Claus arrived and distributed gifts and treats much to the delight of the chil­ dren. Following the’’serving of re­ freshments dancing was enjoyed. Miss Viola Thacker is to be congratulated Orts the success of the evening. Senior Room A indicates 75 to 100%, B 65 to 74%, C 55 to 64%, D 45 to 54%. (a) __ ____ _____ Much of the low grading is due to absence from school I owing to sickness and quarantine. | Grade VIII—Reg. Taylor B, Jack 'E i Underwood C, Doreen Harrison C, Dick Carson D, Earle King D, Wil­ ma Heibein D. I Grade VII—Lucille Underwood C, ! Mac Hutchison C, Hugh Hutchison I C, Betty Heinmiller D, Bob Nay D, j Bjll Heibein D, Emily Heinmiller D. ‘ Grade VI—Mary Ritchie A, Norm­ an Carson B, Greta Hyndman B, Clare ! Bolton’ C, Lome Kin C, Elgin King . (a). Grade V—Maxine Bolton B, Clara , Harper (a), Leslie Miller (a). J. Gordon Mundell, teacher. Junior Room A indicates 75 to 100%, B 65 to 74%, C 55 to 64%, D 45 to 54%, * mm 74%, C 55 to 64' wi indicates absent. ssoex' I 1} cents a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. v&ssoe: AUCTIONEERING — Matt. Gaynor, General Auctioneer. Farm. Sales a specialty. Sale attended anywhere. Charges reasonable. Write, or tele­ phone No. 1,. Lucknow. FOR RENT—Part of double house, on John St. Immediate possession. , Apply F. J, Mooney. 3OE3O oraol with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Miller. [QF^OIZ, -JOE3OE Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Bel- Mrs. B. Watson and daughter, Miss indicates absent. Wilma, of Brussels, spent Christmas, 5 Grade IV—Betty Foster5A, Erland day at the home of /Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Gregg A, Pauline Heinmiller A, Hat- ... (.jg Grace Harper*. Grade III—George Gregg, A, Helen and Mrs. Laurie 'VahVelsor Christmas day with Clifford 45c Crips Head LETTUCE ■ - -x Choice Celery HEARTS - -, CRANBERRIES CHOICE SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT k 6 25c DOmiQN STORES. LTD - - Head 7c z Bchs. 2 for 19c - Pound 25c Firm White . CAULIFLOWER - Firm CABBAGE - - 2 Ontario Delicious APPLES - - - - Head Heads Dozen FOR SALE—Linklater property in Lower Wingham. House, acre of land, barn, garage, good well. Fur­ ther information from A. H. Mc- Tavish, Teeswater, Solicitor for the Executors. LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE—Apply Arthur Edgar. LOST—-A combination Hudson Seal Muff and Purse. Finder please not­ ify the Advance-Times. WANTED: Man for profitable Raw- leigh Route. Must be satisfied with good living at start. Sales way up this year. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. ML-453-101-L, Montreal, Canada. WANTED—Experienced farm hand, Married. Free house and fuel al­ lowance. Commence April 1st. Steady employment if satisfactory. Apply to Box T, Advance-Times. WANTED—• Position at light house­ keeping by an elderly lady. Apply M.rs, Hutchison c|o Percy Gibson, Lucknow Road. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Sarah Magee and family wish • to thank their friends and neighbors for their unceasing kindness and sym­ pathy extended to them in their sad bereavement, GORRIE January Institute Meeting The January meeting of the W. .1. will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Waller on Jan. 4th at 3 p.m, Current event—Mrs. Pope. Roll Call, Why is the Women’s Institute worth while? New Public school course of study, Miss Elna Stocks. Wroxeter-Public School Concert On Thursday of last week the chil­ dren of the Public school put on their annual entertainment and Christmas tree. The first part of the program!' J'“ was given by the Junior room who, , , , ,* . .x, . . church schoolopened with a rousing chorus, lhe Rhythm band was an interesting feat-1 come' ure, recitations, folk dances and a short play were also given by the jr. pupils. The second half of the program was ( given by the senior room who opened ifunds' a Wingham orchestra supplied with a welcome song, a Christmas excellent music and there was a splen- Miss Britannia and did amount of money realized. Mr. Harvey Robertson was chairman of the evening, St. James Will Hold Entertainment 'Jan. 5th«is the date set for the St. James Anglican church Sunday school It will be held in the room and all “are wel- Watson. Mr. Keith Watson of Fergus, and Mr. Harry Watson of Monkton, were 1 Strong A, Stanley Hobbs A? Maxine holiday visitors at the home of their ‘ Farrish B, Tom Newton C, Bobby parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Watson. Mr, and Mrs. Spencer Ashton and small daughters of Toronto, Mr. and 1 ricia Strong A, Hilda Neill B, Mild- Mrs. Grindrod of Seaforth, spent the 1 red Farrish B, Jack Reidt B, Dorothy holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Watson C, Bill Nay C, Jessie Miller*, Avery. Mr. and son, Dean, visitors at Earngey. Mr. and and Clare spent Monday at the home ney* Marion Downey* Joan Ashton* of Mr, and Mrs/Henry Bolton, near ( Nelson Harper*. Fordwich, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton were Mr., and I Mrs, Albrecht and daughter, Florence I of Harriston, Mr. j Morrison and small Forest. Mr. Jack Newton the week-end at his Margaret Newton, R.N..of ListowelJ but a short time. He was born near visited on Monday at the same home.! Bowmanville, Ont,. Cartwright Town- Miss Dorothy Doig of Toronto, is ship, and sixty years ago, October 8, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11879, was married at Belmore to Sar- William Doig. } ah Amelia (Emma) Scott, of Lakelet. Rev. H. N. Watt and Mrs, Watt1 They celebrated their diamond wed- and son, Harold, spent the holidays ] ding at the home of their daughter, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Mrs. Williamson,' Fordwich. All the in Toronto. 4Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and daugh­ ter, Miss Jean, Toronto, are holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King. .Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera spent Christmas with the latter's mother, Mrs.. Ellis of Guelph. Mrs. David Gathers visited Christ­ mas Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gathers, near more. Mr. Lloyd Hockeridge spent week-end at his home in Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Percy .Coiner of ton, visited last week-end with latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and three great-grandchiidren. King and other relatives. I Miss Nellie Ruttan of Toronto, is ! visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An* I son Rtittan. - Miss Ida Ritchie of Toronto, visited at her home last week-end. Miss Arlene Galbraith of Stratford, Is spending the vacation with her par­ ents, .Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Mr. J. J. Moffat and Mr. Cedrii, Moffat of Wingham, were guests of' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller on Wed­ nesday fast, Misses Olive and Edna Lawrence spent the week-end with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Lawrence. Mt, and Mrs. Cloyne Michael spent Monday with the former’s parents at Goderich, Mt, and Mrs. S. C. Stanley, Rtpley, ate the guests of Dr. ahd Mrs. Whit* ley. Mr, A. Livingstone of Toronto, vis* Rod last week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Short. Harrison D, Betty Harper*. Grade II—Donald Burrows A, Pat- I Jim Miller*, Marlene Barton*, Flor- Mrs. W. J. Earngey and eneg. Anger* of Brussels, were holiday I Grade I—-Bobby Edgar A, Jim Wal- the home of Miss Kate ker A, Shirley Newton B, Betty Zim- J merman B, Bobby Stephens*, Norman Mrs, Ed. Bolton, Maxine Anger* Bruce Anger* Dorothy Dow- V. iM. Lennox, teacher. OBITUARY School Xmas Party' Owing to an epidemic of measles it "Was necessary to withdraw the annual Christmas Concert of the Gorrie School. However, the children who were able to attend enjoyed a Christ­ mas party. Following the program presents were distributed from a well laden tree and the children received oranges and candy, a treat from their teachers. Mr, and Mrs. Archie McDonald of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Dr, and Mrs, Whitley. Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Shera and dau­ ghter, Shirley, spent Christmas Day With Mr. and Mrs, Jack Fitch at Bel­ more. Mr, George McKee visited on Mon­ day with Mr. and-Mrs. Lane near Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nay and children spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooke at Clifford, Mrs. Ritchie and daughters, Misses Ida Madeleine and Mary, were holi­ day visitors with friends in Harriston. Mr. Robert Wade of London, is spending the vacation with his par*i ends, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and sou, l&arle, ,Mr. and Mrs. Koiwth Hastie ®md family, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mil- Iter spent Monday with Mrs. Agnes &rU of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman spent I'ltfe hwHclay with their daughter, Mrs. I a^’Mr. Dowdell, Toronto. Amradt and son, Kenneth, of siSPrtBg’ vambttt i and Mrs. Percy daughter of Mt. Edward Galbraith One of the-e-ldest residents of How­ ick Township. Edward Galbraith, Gor­ rie .passed away on Sunday, Decern-of Sarnia, spent home here, Miss ber 17th, in his 91st year. He was ill j family were present except two sons in the West, and several grandchild­ ren. He wife, Isaac (Ruth) Corbett, Fordwich; George, of Howick Township; John, Kenville, Man,; Auson, Howick Township; Lawrence, Clifford; Lindsay, Ford- wich; Mrs. Emma Williamson, Ford- Iwich. He is also survived by two sis­ last ters and one brother, Mrs, Mary Uu- j derwood, Bluevale; Mrs. Maltilda To- Clegg, London; Mr. Levi Galbraith, the ( Howick Township; 24 grandchildren _ r. Three children predeceased him, Margaret in 1903, Harold in 1909 and Elsie the same year. He was a member of the Orange Hill United Church and was a valued, member of the church board. The service was conducted'by Rev, H, Watt, B.A., in Gorrie United Church on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 19th. The pailbearers were, John Montgomery, John Warrell, Wm. J. Douglas, Gallaher Burial I ery. leaves to mourn his passing, bis six sons and two daughters, of Kisby, Sask.; Mrs. Wm. Bel a J. Red Cross Dance j Lane’s School put on a dance in ’ their school recently for Red Cross drill in which Miss Canada played' the leading parts was very well received as also were selections bn the accordion by Audrey Sunday School Social United Church Sunday school will get-to-gether on Dec. 27th. A good’pragrom is being prepared and will be followed by a social half hour, if- Wade, a dialogue with Frances Wylie , hold their annual j taking the leading part and the Good Wednesday evening, ■K-r» ■•<■ . < i. ■ i-i. _ -l . a.—. ‘ L La! »Night chorus brought the program to a close. Santa Claus arrived and dis­ tributed gifts and treats from a beau­ tiful Christmas tree. Although the weather was most unfavorable a large , audience was in attendance and the (to a home in our community when teachers, Miss Stocks and Miss Keith following a lingering ''illness, James with Miss Stevens aS accompanist are, Cowan Knox passed into the 'great to be congratulated on their success, beyond. James Cowan Knox Christmas morning brought sorrow The deceased, who was a son .of the late Christina Cowan Knox and John Knox, was born in 1869 and came as an infant with his parents from Blair to the farm south of the village, which is still occupied by the remain­ ing members of the family. The late Mr. Knox was a staunch member of the Presbyterian church and his occu­ pation that of a farmer. He was a fine neighbor and friend,, a man whose sterling qualities won for him the highest esteem of all who knew him. During a lingering illness which confined him to his bed since: February last he has been very patient’ until an attack of pneumonia released him from his suffering. He is sur­ vived by a sister, Margaret and bro­ ther, William, a brother, Adam, pre­ deceased him a few years ago, to whoiii the sympathy of the community is extended. The funeral was held at the horii on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 .;6| clock, Rev. Mr. Aitcheson of Mold worth Presbyterian church officiati Interment being made in the Wrd eter cemetery. OTTAWA PRAISES OSHAWA AIR MECHANICS ’ SCHOOL Reuben Harding, Wm. J< and Robt Dane. took place in Gotrie Ccmel- To the Electors of. Howick Twp. Criticism of certain. roa$ work done j special prayers. The course, in which a large group of young men are being trained in air mechanics at Oshawa collegiate was termed ’’very complete” and "all thatlteh classes have already eniistedTn the J? could be desired” by the department | R.C.A.F. Tat the machine shop, thus j " K0!!’.*”- h “ young moelinm-M work- on eonimimlMtion to llic board or cdu- airptane motors. The group si1<wn raiton recently. Several members of |laa inefafa- A. Kovacs, V. WriX igMs, R, Atmstion