The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-28, Page 3December 28, 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMKS PAG® TH®
117e 1Wingha
failed to report. Mr. Moffatt appear- Council of Huron Township consider-
ed with ihe accused and told the court
a satisfactory settlement had been
did not see the lad on the bicycle and
was unaware of his presence until the
car struck him. He found the lad ly
ing unconscious in the ditch.—Exeter
Times- Advocate.
cut, but left on the premises as the
lads who cut it were frightened away.
—•Lucknow Sentinel.
able worry. During the present year
more than $1,000 has been paid to
township farmers for their losses, but
revenue from dog licenses pays only
a small portion of .this amount.
amount at $1,000. Manz was arrested
by Provincial Constable Morley
Wright, of Arthur. He was the ten
ant of a barber shop in the building,
police said.
tesgsL, ...—
May 1940 be a year of fine achievement for all. We
hope it brings you the fullest share of bright prospects arid
substantial Prosperity and Happiness.
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co.
366'days of Health, Hap- •
piness. and Good Fortune
is our wish for you.
The fleeting passage of
time brings us once again
to the turn of another
year. May the new one so
rapidly on its way bring
you prosperity in unusual
Canadian Tire Products -
of the
Mildmay Woman Injured
Mrs. Joseph D. Kuntz, of Mildmay,
was admitted tdThe Palmerston Gen
eral Hospital suffering scalp wounds,
and bruises received in a car accident
near Alma, She was taken to Palm
erston by Dr. Campbell, of Drayton,
Who said,, the woman’s condition
^Dungannon Red Crops
Collected $594.66
The drive for the Dungannon Red
Cross branch has resulted in the col*
lection of $594.66. Women of the dis*:
trict are btfsily engaged1 i« knitting
socks and the work, of’sewing is «n*
ryic'timized’by Poultry Thieves
iMajaigd Baines of the
■ The nice' things you’d
like to have happen to you
in 1940. This is our wish*
for you.
Sunoco Dealer
You’ve Heard It Before
But never before have
we meant it more heartily
for everyone in this com
sion of Carrick has been put to a
heavy loss and great annoyance by
poultry thieves this summer and fall.
He had seventy-two well-bred pullets
that' he had purchased earlier in the
season, and fifty-four of these birds
Were Stolen from him on various oc
casions.—Mildtnay Gazette.
A Belated Robin '
A robin was observed by Mr. Bert
White on his farm, the former Gordon
Ritchie properly, west of Enniskillen,
on Monday last, and whether this in
dicates an open winter or that the bird
is ddc for colder feet and leaner pick
ings than it figured on, remains to be
seen.—Walkerton Herald-Times.
Arrest Follows Fire at Alma
Arrested following a disastrous fire
which destroyed a hall and service
station at Alma, Adolph Manz, aged
20, of Kavil, Sask., appeared before
Magistrate Watt in police court In
Guelph on a charge of arson, G. E.
Eastman, counsel for Mana, pointed
out itliat the Crown was not ready to
proceed, and reserved both election
plea. Mr. Rastman applied for
.’ball, and Magistrate- Watt fixed the
Face it with a smile.
We’re wishing you.every
happiness you could ask
Huron Motors
Walk ^Washed Out at Kincardine
An added expenditure, on which
the town council did not figure, Will
be buildihg a new concrete walk along
the lakefront from, the north pier. Re
cent/Storms Washed out the cribbing
and gravel walk which leads along the
like to the pier. With 1940 the year
for higher water, it will be necessary
to build a more permanent walk Ahan
.there has been to date.—Kincardine
Lad Knocked Off Wheel
Fred, 8-year-old son of Mr. and
.Mrs, Jack Elliott, is critically ill in
the Children’s War Memorial Hospi
tal, London, where he was rushed on
Tuesday evening after, being knocked
from a bicycle when fart by a car, The
accident happened on the Main street
in Exeter North, about 6 p.m. Wal
lace Seldon was driving his car and
was meeting another car, Blinded by
the lights of the approaching ear, he
Falls in Path of Car
John Hunking, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hunking, had a narrow es
cape and is fortunate to be able to
Cnjoy Christmas at home instead of
the hospital. John delivers groceries
ahet was returning from a trip east
to the store when he fell from his bi
cycle into the pather.of a car driven
by Mr. Nairn of Chatham, as the lat
ter proceeded south across the inter
section. The driver was unable to
avoid colliding with the bicycle which
suffered somewhat. John escaped with
a sore arm and body bruises.—Clin
ton News-Record.
Raid Reforestation Plot
A reforested grove of sotne two
hundred Scotch pifte trees, Off the
farm of Mr. J, J, Smith, east of the
village, has again been visited by
Christmas tree hunters, Three or four
years ago a similar Incident occurred
arid last week another large tree was
May it be the beginning of Happier Days ahead for
that is our wish to you for the New Year of 1940.
United Farmer’s Co-Operative
Greetings for the New
Year . . ?and all the gifts
and blessings and joys that
go with it.
Clinton Science Teacher Resigns
V. V, Pranks for the past five
years science master at the Clinton
collegiate, has resigned to accept the
position of principal of the Prescott
Aged Man Found Dead
John McCosh, an aged gentleman
who has made his home in tills’1 com
munity for some time, was found
dead in his home. It is believed he
died several hours previous to the dis
covery being made. — Lucknow Sen
Car Case Was Settled
M. J. Perkins, of London, pleaded
guilty to charges of false pretenses
before Magistrate Makins, and was
given suspended sentence for One year
on payment of costs of $20. Perkins
was charged with obtaining a 1938
car from Alvin Moffatt, of Wroxetcf,
turning in a car upon which there was
•a Hen of $<120.48, which, it is said, he
We’re flying high with
many wishes for your New
Year. May it bring you
real happiness and a year
full of pleasure.
Says: “There’s Happi
ness ahead for everybody
in 1940.” Meaning for you
and you and you! «
Measles Rampant
For several weeks measles have
been prevalent in a few families in
and near this village, but during the
past week the disease has become epi
demic, with the result that on Satur
day the M.O.H, ordered both local
schools closed and the cancellation of
all Xmas entertainments in the vil
lage.—Fordwich Record.
Goderich Woman Found Dead
Mrs. Mary Watson, 80, life
resident of Goderich, was found
in her home on Lighthouse street on
Friday afternoon. She was sitting on
the edge of a cottch which she used
as a bed when found by a young lad,
Coroner W. F. Gallop pronounced
death due to natural Causes.
Township Sheep Loss $1,000
The cdhtinuaily rising cost occas
ioned by slaughter oT sheep by wild
dogs —* or wolves ** Is causing the
Given 5 Years and 20 Lashes
George Singer, aged 20, of Slrath-
roy, was sentenced by County Magis
trate Hawshaw to five years in Ports
mouth Penitentiary and 20 lashes for
having carnal knowledge of a 12-
year-old girl. "That sentence may
sound harsh 4o you, but it’s not very
harsh,” said the magistrate. ’I’ve
shortened up the sentence for you.”
Accused of Robbery at Kingsbridge
Three men, Alfred Dietrich, Lome
Uttley and Dan Rocklei*, of Kitchen
er, were brought to Goderich to an*
swer charges of .thef t. They were ar
rested in North Ray and taken to Kit
chener. They were taken there on a
Judge’s order for robbery at Kings
bridge service station on November IB
by Provincial Constables McCoy and
Rutherford. They will appear this
will appear this week.