HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-28, Page 2. ■. l. ■ ' ............ :i " 1' . v ■ PAGE WO. 3s*i-T4 pl $ HAPPY NEW YEAR5 I hands, of the borrower Minister Rogers announced*. II Queen Elena in. official, audience^ laud­ ed the Italian. Government for "per­ mitting Italy in. this, grave moment of war to. remain. outsi.d.e. the, conflict.” i i ! 4 I / ■1ft' I To be thinking of your welfare in 1940. Sincerely we hope you and those nearest you enjoy the best of Health and Prosperity. rior Service Station Bert Armstrong EVERYTHING THAT’S BEST IN LIFE May it all come your way in 1940. Yes, may each of your days be brighter than the proceed­ ing one. That’s our hope. REA VIE’S SERVICE STATION 1 itt<i M* a »iM tl W* fr«aiHI<MW«W»O U f| MH 0 ii rtr"- ~T— : ~~~~ — t1 ~ ■'■ - ■. ■■. - — - ■■ — t. < First Canadian War Loan Soon Ottawa Canada’s first publicly- offered war loan of the present con­ flict probably will make' its appear­ ance early in 1940, a statment in be­ half of Finance Minister Ralston is­ sued through the F-ublic Information Bureau said. During the past few weeks preparatory organization work has been going on in connection with the loan. Gandhi Flans New Campaign Wardha, India — Monhandas K. Gandhi's Congress (Nationalist) par­ ty drew up plans for an ‘'Independ­ ence Day” celebration, on January 26, during which it was authoritatively said Gandhi will weigh the problem of a new non-violent civil disobed­ ience campaign in India. Red Army Leaders in Disgrace Moscow-*** Red army communiques on the Finnish war for the third suc- •GWrive day failed to report any Im* GREETINGS We’re stepping right out with many wishes for you, topped by a sincere one that you find 1940 the best on record. C. N. Merkley NEW YEAR’S WISH ’ We don’t know what the. year holds in store for you —- but If wishes come true,, our wishes will ensure you the grandest year you’ve ever had.. HAPPY NEW YEAR Not empty words but a siwere hope that happi- ®es’s< arid prosperity will come your way in 1940. GREETINGS HAPPY NEW YEAR 1 A NEW CHAPTER In Time’s Book stands open to you. Chapter 1940. We hope it begins happily for you and ends the same way. Mr. and Mrs H. L. Sherbondy portant gains and lent credence am­ ong foreign observers- to Finnish re­ ports of important setbacks to the Soviet war machine. Some observers believe the campaign in Finland is turning into a debacle. Among the more sensational reports circulating in Moscow was that Gen. K. A. Mer- ctskoff, chief of staff of the Lenin­ grad military district, who has been hr charge of the Finnish campaign, had been retired from his post. Asks Jews Not to Vote Red Toronto — Rabbi Samuel Sachs said that the candidature in the. mun­ icipal election here on January 1st of Aid, Stewart Smith and J. B. Salsberg, a former alderman, both Commun­ ists, is a “type of audacity that has not match anywhere except in Nazi Germany/* He appealed to all Jews to help defeat Communist candidates, Turks Finish Railway Ankara — The Turks have driven Five words ouir pern must write. Here they are: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALE We extends t©< ©ur pat­ rons as the* ©Id' year passes the wish that they may en7 joy a Happy and’ Prosper­ ous New Year:. CHAINWAY ' STORES Jack Herdj, Manager. THANKS! A MILLION As the New Year approaches we express our appreciation! to the peo­ ple of this community fair their co-op­ eration and express* the- hope that all may have a prosperous^ 1940. the last spike in a 340-miles rihbon. of. rails across wildest Asia (Minor be­ tween Sivas. and Erzerum, complet­ ing the missing link that gives key its first frontier-to-fro.ntier road. Tur- rail- % French War Losses Revealed Faris —* Premier Edouard Daladier, told the Chamber of Deputies, that up, until November 30th the war had cpM France the lives of soldiers,, 26.0/ sailors and 42 airmen. The premier also disclosed that the northern, forti­ fications extending the Maginot lane and those along, the Jura mountains, on the Swiss fronticra have been fin­ ished. Regulate Small Loan Business Ottawa — A new law designed to “protect the public from so-called “loan sharks” and to place the busi­ ness on an efficient basis” becomes operative January I. Under the new regulations for small Ioans those not more than $500 the cost of the loan to the borrower must be shown plainly and must not exceed two per cent, per month for a 15-month loan ott the .amount actually placed in the GIBSON’S Bakery Harry Browne iv sincere? New. Year’s; wish is .that you” have goodl Health and’ good' lhck- ihi W40. | Foxton Dairy i and Lunch Room I i GREETINGS Look: forward to Better. Luck im tire New Year —■ Greater- happiness and the" Best o?’Health. We’re hop­ ing all; these will come your waijrim 1940. Canada Packers Limited Etetncan Kennedy, Mgr* Report Nazi Admiral Would Resign. London — London newspapers, re-. ported, that Grand Admiral Erich. Ra.ed.er,, German navy minister.,, and. naval chief of state, had offered. hi& resignation to Adolf Hitler because of the Admiral Graf Spee’s defeat and scuttling 'in South Atlantic waters., Iu a move to’meet Germany's newest threat at sea attacks agajbAt Un­ armed fishing vessels the admiral­ ty enlistment of telegraph and wire­ less Operators “until the end of present emergency” was asked.. terrorists exploded in.'the. central Pad?- dingkon postal station.. Three bombs, exploded in the Eversholt street post office in North London. A postal em­ ployee was slightly burned. ithe Much Gaasoline Confiscated London — The Royal Navy confiscated enough gasoline destined for Germany to provide power for 56 Nazi twin-engined bombers to raid this country every day for a year and a half; This was one of the computa­ tions made by British Government ex­ perts, has Believe Irish Terrorists Responsible London -» Ten persons were injur­ ed when incendiary bombs of the type used by the Irish Republican Army British Submarine. Crew Honored London —- The,- admiralty announc­ ed that Lieutenant-Commander E. 0, Bickford, of fifce submarine Salmon, which sank 4< U-boat, torpedoed two German crufears and let tbft Bremen pass, has been promoted to the rank of commander and awarded the Dis­ tinguished! Service Order.. Eleven oth­ ers on the submarine were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross or the. Distinguished Service Medal. French Knew of Nazi-Soviet Talks Faris -*■* The French Government disclosed that France was aware of Adolf Hitler's attempt to conclude an alliance with Soviet Russia more than bight months before the startling Hit­ ler-Stalin accord was broadcast to a* surprised world last August Pope Received Italian Monarch Vatican City Rope Plus, receiv­ ing King Victor Emmanuel and American* Republics Warn Belligerents Washington — A joint discussion accusing, European belligerents of re­ peatedly violating the Western Hemi­ sphere' neutrality zone and warning them against future violations was be­ ing drafted by the 21 American re­ publics in common diplomatic consul­ tation, Allies to Send Arms to Finland London—Great Britain and France are considering sending Finland war­ planes, anti-aircraft guns, field artil­ lery, anti-tank rifles, gas masks, cloth­ ing and food supplies, it was under­ stood in diplomatic quarters. ? Other Troops to Support 1st Division Ottawa ** The First Canadian Di­ vision will be supported In the field by a squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force and also wilt be aided by specialized corps units amounting to between 6,606 and 7,006 men, Defence Suicide Censure of Nazi Leader. London *— Capt Hans, Langsdorffi’s; suicide was interpreted iq, British nav­ al circles , as (the last gesture. of a gal- lant sea-dog determined tp dissociate himself' from Adolf Hitler’s. order for the scuttling of the. Admiral Graf Spec, > , ■ More Rumanian Qil for Nazis. Bucharest — Rumania agreed to double her oil shipments to Germany* The Government considered a new trade agreement with the Reich utter hard-fought negotiations which sever* al times broke down and precipitat­ ed the fall of one Rumanian Cabinet* Stalin’s Birthday Celebrated J Moscow Joseph Stalin, inseffi able leader of Soviet Russia, was i years old Friday, and his birthday'was celebrated on a nation-wide scale for the first time In 10 years, The son of a shoemaker and serf’s daughter, staiin now rules Russia with not a bit of life former opposition left, at ieast openly. 'iz...:1“' .