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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-14, Page 12
PAGE TWELVE Hanna & Co tt;Kt WESTFIELD ■w jr.ifu in an and at 69 . . we’re many a Deposits Increase - Total Assets Higher If he’s like any Bob, or Tom or Dick or Harry that we know, he’ll be tickled to piec es with any smart item of apparel — for in stance, any of these at tractive and inexpens ive suggestions. Leather Jacket C-oats $8.95 a; tv! tw WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thurs., December 14th, 1939 Mr. R, Redmond, Miss Grace Red-1 with Anna Grasby presiding, moud were Kitchener visitors on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Winnifred ors on Friday. Mrs, J. Cook the home of her son, Mr. George Cook A were burn. W. F. Campbell and were Goderich Visit-* visited last week at , of Belgrave. number of the Young People entertained at the Manse, on Sunday evening. Au- West field, Pure Silk Ties 50c, 75c and $1.00 Shirt Selections. Finest Madras in modern pat terns, $1.55 to $3.50 Silk Pajamas. Fancy patterns and plain col ors $1.95 to $3.95 Sweaters, real wool in pullovers and jackets as low as $1.75 to $5.50 Toilet Kit. Complete outfit for the man who travels or rooms. $2.25 to $4.50 Men s Silk or Flannel Robes ! $3.75 to $3.95 DOMINION BANK 69th ANNUAL STATEMENT dends for the ten months, so that at total, of $31,463 was added to the pre vious balance of Profit and Loss.mak ing $837,400 presently carried forward in Profit and Loss Account. Capital, $7,000,000, and Reserve Fund $7,000,000 remain Unchanged.tu*'The Dominion Bank’s Sixty-Ninth Annual Statement was presented to shareholders at the Annual Meeting held in Toronto on Wednesday, Dec. 13th, At the last Annual Meeting the date for closing the fiscal year was changed from December 31st to Oc tober 31st. Therefore, the Statement this year is for the ten months per iod ending October 31st, 1939. The continued improvement in com mercial loans is an outstanding feat ure of the Statement. The increase in Current Loans is 23.9% in the period Under review, and this follows an in crease of 13,5% in the previous year. Also, Deposits are Substantially high er again. At the same time a strongly liquid position is maintained, holdings of government bonds are the highest level inv the bank’s years of history. Current Loans and Discounts Canada now stand at $58,396,413, increase of $11,276,618. Call Loans in Canada and elsewhere amount to $5,- 759,377, a reduction of $2,014,862, showing the lessened demand for this kind of financing. The Bank’s port folio of Dominion and Provincial Gov ernment Bonds and other high grade ■securities amounts to $60,649,317. There Is an increase here of $5,225,- 245. During the ten months operation under review it Is noted that the Total Assets of The Dominion Bank have Increased by over $15,000,000. Total Deposits increased $14,565,- 760, bringing the total to $138,901,- 997. A strong liquid position continues to be maintained; Immediately avail able assets being 64.6% of Public Li abilities* and cash assets being 18.86 % of Pflblic Libalitles. After provision for Dominion and Provincial Government Taxes totall ing $264,285* Net Profits' were $802,- 296 for the ten months, A contribu tion of $62*5000 was made to the Of- feert' Pension Bund; $125,000 was wrte off the Bank Eremlses Ac- provided for Divi- 22 Years Married and Mrs. Walter Cook, were at home to their many friends and relatives on Friday for the occasion of their 22nd .wedding anni versary. During the day many mes sages of cpngratulations were receiv ed by telephone and mail. In the ev ening they were entertained ^t the home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, where the family enjoyed a fowl din ner. The table was centred with a three-storye wedding cake. Mrs. Cookf was formerly Charolett Eleanor Tunney, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Tunney, of the 4th concession of East Wawanosh, Mr. Cook’s parents were Mrs. J. Cook and the late Mr. John Cook, of East Wawanosh, They were united in mar riage on Dec. 8th, 1917, by the Rev. F. S. O’Kell, then pastor of the Me thodist, now United' Church, of Au burn, Westfield and Donnybrook. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have resided on the same farm on the 4th con. of E. Wawanosh since their marriage. They were married at the home of the bride’s parents, at which a number of guests were present, the wedding march being played by Mrs. William Walden. Both ,Mr. and Mrs. Cook have en deared themselves to the whole com munity by their friendliness and kind ness and helpfulness, always willing to lend a helping hand when needed in Church and Community work. Both are valued members of the Unit ed Church. Mrs. Cook is a member and worker of the W.M.S. The union was blessed with three daughters, Mrs. L. Walden (Mary), Mrs. Alvin Snell (Gene) and Laverne deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Cook were recipients of beautiful gifts .from the family. The community extend to them best wishes for a continued long and happy married life. topic was given by Edna Vincent .Scripture lesson was read by Kenneth Wheeler, Geo, Michie led in prayer, a duet was rendered by Winnie Lane and Freda Jordan with Eileen Walsh at the piano. The social period was under the direction of the Westfield Y-P.U. with John Gear and Ed. Mc Gill as leadefs. Lunch was served to the visiting society. On Monday Mr. and Mrs, Leo. Bair and Miss Marjorie Bair left from Bly th by train for their home at Milk River, Alberta, after spending some time with their relatives in this dis trict. Mrs, Ba'ir has been Ontario since June. Mr. Miss Marjorie have been since October, KING’S visiting in Bair and in Ontario Celebrated 20th Wedding Anniversary On Sunday, Dec. 10th, klr. and Mrs, Walter Mason, of the 4th Con. of E, Wawanosh, quietly celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary, They re ceived many messages of' congratula tions and good wishes. Mrs. Mason was formerly Ethel Clow, daughter of Mrs, Archie Clow and the late Mr. Archie Clow, of Whitechurch. Mr. Mason is the only son of Mr,' and Mrs. John Mason, of Blyth. They were .united in marriage at the parson age at Auburn on Dec. 10th, 1919 by the Rev. A. E. Millson, then pastor of the Auburn Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Mason have resided on the same farm since their marriage, and the union was blessed by seven child ren, Archie, Mae, Albert, Elmer, Jim mie. Gordon and Kathleen, all of whom are at home. Mr. Mason was a soldier in the Great War, and although he did not reach the front lines, he spent some time in England. Mr. and Mrs. Mas on have made many friends in this district and are ■ well thought of in Community Heart. Congratulations are extended for a long and happy married life. BORN On Wednesday evening the West field Y.P.U. entertained the Belgrave Y.P.U. There were a large number in attendance. The programme was presented by the Belgrave Y.P.U., ROBB—In Sarnia General Hospital, on Tuesday, December 7th, to Rev. and Mrs. A, V. Robb( nee Ora May Abbott) of Camlachie, a daughter— Mary Wilhemina. ROSS—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Friday, December 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, R.R. No. 3, Wingham, a daughter. YEO—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, December 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Yeo, Wingham, a daughterr. Ever so many gifts are ready in our stock to aid you in your Christmas selections -r- gifts which will instantly appeal to you — gifts which are sure to win favour — gifts which you can afford. LINENS John S. Brown’s Linens are always “right”. Handkerchiefs, Towellings, Breakfast Sets and Cloths are all of the very best quality. iw Bridge Sets - new coloured H linens..............................2.50 Wabasso Pillow Cases - alf white or with coloured border.......................... 1.00 Wabasso Sheet Sets - all white, ® or with coloured border - ' large sheet and pair of pil- ’ low cases ......................4.-50 I' Madeira Pillow Cases - coloured $. embroidery............. 2.00 Bath Towels - extra heavy, extra 3 large,, extra soft....................< 75c | Others1 from 29c 2 Blankets- and Coverlets - pure wool, attractive colours .... 5.25 to 7.49 i Woollette Coverlets - fancy design ........................2.19 Reversibte Mats - Smyrnas and Ax- minstersy all colours . 2.39 to 7.95 Bed Spread's^ - Riplettes, Rayons, Candlewic.fe and Homespuns ...... .................1.50 to 6.95 Lingerie — A delight to any lady - * lovely crepes- and satins in1 a big assortment ©f panties, slips, gowns and pyjamas .. 1.00 to 3.95 Rayon pan ties, pyjamas and gowns ...................... 50c to-2.95 Gloves —Warm Angoras 1.95 to >3.95’ Fine Kids.................. 2,25’ to-2.'95' Capeskin - excellent, wearing qualities ................. ^-75' Scarves — fine wools in gay.colour.Sj chiffons and rich satins 1.00- L.95 Orient Hose '— Chiffons, Crepes;.Ser vice weights, Silk and Wool;.Cash*- mere - a stocking for everyone .......................85 c-to • 11501 Sweaters — Smart Pullovers': and’ Cardigans - sure to please and1 always useful............1.95tm3',9.5:; House-Coats and Dressing Gowns;— flannels and taffetas . .2.95?to>6;95" OUR STORE IS OPEN EVENINGS FROM DECEMBER 14 - 23, &iv x, <3 ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradford, God erich, visited with Miss Minnie Snell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell and family were guests on Friday with Mrs. Osbaldeston of Goderich. The Sunday School Xmas Concert of the Westfield United Church will be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 19, Everyone will be macle welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and family were guests on Saturday at the home of Dr, and Mrs.‘Victor Johnston, of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, Jack and Margaret Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor on Saturday. Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Smith, of Goderich, on Fri day were, Mrs. J. L. McDowell and Mr. Gordon McDowell, Westifeld. Miss Minnie Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bradford, were London visitors recently. Miss Edna Plowman, of Morris Township, spent Sunday with her sis ter, Mrs. Edgar Howatt. Mr, Gordon Bosman, Morris Twp spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Bosman. Guests at the home of Mrs. J. E. Ellis last Thursday were, Mr. and Mrs, Mogridge and Mrs. Sturdy, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Mr, Gordon McDowell and Miss jean Mc Dowell, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sib- tfaorpe, Blyth, Mrs, J, E, Ellis, Miss Maty Ellis, Mr. Ellis Elsley visited with Mr. and .Mrs. T. D. Elsley, df Lis towel. We are having ideal weather in this district, although a number ate wish ing for tain as the wells and cisterns are getting rather tow. A number of the farmers are busy cutting their winter’s supply of wood :for next year, * A gift of Jewelry-,, of Silverware, is; a truly appreciated’, gift because of the in finite pleasure derived from it by the re cipient. It need not be expensive to be impressive^. Many of our fine pieces are priced amazingly low for such fine qual ity. Come in and look around sure you’ll find the answer to gift problem. Bluebird Diamond Rings ....................................... $15.00 up Fen arid Pencil Sets...$1.00 up Ladies* Brush and Comb Sets ................................ $1.85 up Men’s Brush and Conib Sets....................... $1.00 up Ladies* Rings ...... $1.00 up Men’s Signet Rings ...... $2.00 up Ladles* Watches $5.00 up Butova, Westfield and Vadis Watches, Westciox and Mauthe | Clocks, Rogers Silverware, Community Plate. 4 All kinds of China, Glass, Leather Goods, Bookends, Fountain Pens* ! Dress Sets, Razors, Costume Jewellery', etc. * This is the Best and Largest stock that We have aver had and the ,1 prices wilt please you. Come in and look around. j Prompt arid Courteous Service. J Men’s Watches $1.35) up> Chests of Silverware ... $7.7,5, up 38-piece Sets Breakfast Dishes _____________ __.__$5.00* up Clocks_ ..___________$L..35 up Bracelets ................$1.00; up Lockets.... $1-00 Up Salt and Peppers $L0Q up Casseroles .....*................$3.00 up Pie Plates ...... $1.95 up Lit I| George Williams, Jeweller | A pleasant social evening, was spent in the United Church when, the Harris Mission Band.under the. leadership of Mr. Tom Todd presented, a fine pro gram. Rev. G. A. Barnard presided over the program which included re citations, songs, drills and a short play by members of the Band. At the conclusion games were played under the direction of Dorothy Miller after which lunch, was served. The December meeting of the Wo men’s Institute was, held in the Com munity Hall, with 35 ladies present. Mrs. Allan, Durnin. presided and the roll call brought an interesting res ponse to “My Childhood Memories of Christmas.” It was agreed to donate $10 to'the. Lucknow Red Cross and to obtain material for sewing direct from them. It was also, decided to send a gift to each one enlisting from this community.. A cominitte composed of Mrs.. A. Gaunt, Mrs. E. McPher son awl Mrs, McK. Webb was ap pointed. to arrange for an At Home. The- subject, was “Christmas” and a splendid paper was given by Miss M. Murray. A poem “This Christmas” was-. rqadi by Mrs. McK, Webb and MuiS.. A.. Gaunt read an appropriate a^tfel'e. A Christmas chorus was sung by Mirs. Will Rutherford, Mrs. E. W.. RijE.e-, Mrs. A. Gaunt and Mrs. W. A., Milter with Mrs. D. Phillips at the pi-- apo,. The exchange of Christmas gifts was much enjoyed after which lunch Was served by the hostesses* Mrs. D, Phillips, Mrs. Chester Taylor and; Mrs, Jas. Aiteheson. The main feature of the? meeting of the Y.P.U. on Sunday evening was the installation of officers. Rev. G. A. Barnard had charge and used the candle-lighting service in which the candle of the president was lighted from the pastors and the officers from that of the president. The following are the officers for the new year Pres., E. W. Rice; Vice Pres., Winnie Barnard; Sec., Mae McDonald; Treas., Allan Miller; Fellowship Con., Dick Wcatberhead; Assist., Murray Tay lor;. Citizenship Con., Stanley Todd; Assist., Mrs, McK. Webb; Missionary Con,, tsobel Miller; Assist., Vera Tay-. lor; Christian Culture Con., Gordon Miller; Assist, Grace Weatherhead; Recreation Con., Dorothy Miller; As sist, Mrs. Stanley Todd; Publicity Con.,. Winnie Barnard; Pianist, Mrs. ! E. W. Rice; Assist, Dorothy Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Ruby, Jack and Bob, of, Nile, Mrs, Chester Feagan and Mrs. Will Clark and dau ghter, Rosemary,.of Carlow, were vis itors with Mr. andl Mrs. Stanley Todd. At the annual, meetings oft the.-Far mers’ Club held:’on,Monday, evening,. Mr. Lome. Woods - was- re-elect nd. as- President aadlMh-. Wall . Humphrey, as- * Sec.-Treas.-v. Everyone will Appreciate Slippers in Felt or : Leather for every j member’ of the fam- i iljy. We have many j styles*, to choose . from, in the bright, new colours, priced from 39c to $3.45. I A Hockey Outfit will make someone happy this Christmas. I See our new stock of Bauer out- fits - Tube Skates fitted to anlde- | supporting Boots, with steel shanks. Priced to suit every £ shopper Women and children will be delighted with our new Velvet Motor Boots. All the inewest styles to choose; from and in all sizes* Miss es’ and Children’s $1.98 per pr*; Women’s $2.49 - $3.75. I Willis Shoe Store