HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-14, Page 11Thurs., December 14th, 1939
News and Gorrie Vidette
GORRIE Cher by being present at, their Christ*
mas Tree and entertainment
Girls’ W. A, Elected Officersi>
The Grils’ Branch of the W.A. met
clast Thursday evening at the Rectory.
The meeting opened with the Girls*
Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son, The work was hooking a rug
-.and election of officers took place al
so: Adviser, Mrs. W. C, King; Pres,,
Blythe Underwood; Vice Pres., (Myr
tle Short; Secretary, Mrs. Jennings;
Treas., Mrs. Bolton; Dorcas Sec., Nel-
Tie Dinsmore; Auditors, Mrs. Ball,
Mrs. King. Rev. J, L. Ball closed the
:meeting with prayer, after which a
• tasty lunch was served by the hostess.
Sunday School Social
United Church Sunday School will
hold their Annual Concert and Social
on Wednesday, Dec. 27th, in the
church school room. Each class will
contribute to the programme, there
will be a period of games and con*
tests. Lunch will be servred, which
the parents are asked to provide.
Mr, A. D. Armstrong, of Seaforth,
.and daughter, Mrs. J. Willocks, Rip
ley, visited on Tuesday of last week
iat the- home of Dr. J. and Mrs. Arm-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and son,
*Carl, Bluevale, spent last Friday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Whit-
. field.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Earngey, Brus
sels, were Sunday visitors .with Miss
Kate Earngey.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Armstrong, of
‘"Whigham, spent Sunday at the home
■of the former’s sister, Mrs. K. Hues-
ton and Mr. Hueston. Mr. Jack San- 1
‘derson was a week-end visitor at the
• same home.
Miss Dorothy West, of London,
-and Miss Elva Davidson, of Brussels,
; spent last week with Miss Evelyn
‘Stephens. " '
Misses Edith Wallace and Arlene
^Galbraith, of Stratford, visited last
-week-end with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Miss
“Margaret"Newton, R.N., of Listowel,
’Spent the weke-end at the same home.
Mr. John Sparling, Mr. and Mrs.
..Everett Sparliitg, spent Sunday with
.Bluevale friends.
Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., has re
turned home after spending some time
.in New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Irwin and Miss
Lucille, of Long Branch, Mrs. Wood- * pc _
4:ock and daughter, Miss Marion, Phyllis Hemmingway favoured with
Siindav of hnmp nf TVfr onrl 1 « ht « . ««
V.a . ■'
Sleek, new machines, half of them
less than one year old, are turning
out munitions of war for Canada’s
army. In decentralized plants the
munfacture of bullets, shells, explos
ives and gas masks is being carried on
quietly and efficiently. ^Skilled work
men put the high explosive into the
shells which will arm.Canada’s artill
ery. Girl do much of the work. Be
hind a precision-built machine this girl
(LEFT) is working on bullet casings.
Different operations in the process of
turning out ammunition are carried
out in different factories, often miles
apart. Each unit is geared to a sched-
ule which can be slowed or speeded
up almost instantly. Girls working in
shops take lunch (RIGHT) not in res
taurants or .canteens, but in what they
know as “department 46X.”
read the Call to Worship. Everyone
joined in singing hymn “Wonderful
Doan went to Mitchell from Gorrie
five, or six years ago, returning eight
tary, Mrs. Taylor; 1st Vice Pres,. Mrs.
Norman Wade; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs.
The minutes were read by Elmer
Farrish and aproved. The group serv-
Stocks, which will be given in Town
Hall at 8 p.m.
story of love.” The Scripture, taken
from Luke, 25th chapter, 25-36, was
read by Doreen Harriston. Eleanore
Carson gave a very interesting talk
on “Doing”, followed by the hymn,
“You may help a load to lighten.”
Phyllis Hemmingway''led in prayer,
after which Margaret Ruttan read a
I poem entitled “Lost Opportunities.”
months ago after living in mitchell
and Molesworth.
She is survived by two sons, Bert,
in Sacramento, Calif., and Charles, of
Mitchell, Ont. One son, Austin, died
’some years ago.
Friends from Goderich, Listowel
and Mitchell attended the funeral.
jspent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
-Mrs. W. A. Irwin.
a piano solo then “I hear a voice”
was sung. The square was formed and
the C.G.I.T. Purpose repeated by all.
Mrs. Mundell then took over the
meeting ofr the work.
Foster; Treas., Mrs. Geo. King; Dor
cas Sec., Mrs. Ritchie; assistants, Mrs.
Marshall, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Law
rence; Living Message Sec., Mrs.
Short; Little Helpers, Sec., Mrs. Dins
more; Pianist, Mrs. Norman Wade;
Aduitors. Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs.
Chas. King.
After singing a hymn, Rev. J. L.
Ball closed the meeting with prayer.
A bountiful lunch was then served by
the hostess.
ed refreshments. ,
BY. A. Y. P. A.
Women’s Institute
The December meeting of the W.
I. was held Thursday, Dec. 7th, at
the home of Mrs. Vernon "Denny. The
president, Mrs. J. J. Allen, presided
and opened the meeting with the sing
ing of the Ode, followed by the Lord’s*
Prayer in unison. During the business
session $5.00 was voted to the Com
munity Christmas Tree fund. Letters
were read from Fort Stewart express
ing deep appreciation, for the bale of
clothing sent recently to that com
munity, also a letter was received
from Miss Agnes Durst in Byron San-
itorium, in which she conveyed her
gratitude and pleasure from the Sun
shine Bag sent her by the members.
The Roll Call brought a generous res
ponse of donations for the Christmas
cheer boxes for the sick and shut-ins,
Mrs. Waller, Mrs. Adams and Mrs-
Carr being namfed as the committee
in charge. Current Events were pre
pared by Miss Mae MacNaughton and
■ read by Mrs. MacNaughton. The dis- 1 plays of home-made candy which lat
er was sold, was delicious as well as
profitable. Recipes were read by Mrs.
MacLean. Christmas Carol singing
with Mrs. J. N. Allen as accompanist,
was a feature of the meeting. Follow
ing the National Anthem, a social
half-hour was enjoyed. Tea was ser
ved by the hostess assisted by Mrs.
J. J. Allen and Mrs. J. H. Wylie.
W.M.S. Re-Elect Officers |
The December meeting of the Wo
man's Missionary Society was held at
hte parsonage Thursday afternoon,1 Mn and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and
Dec. 7th. The meeting was in charge fanldy spent Thursday of last week
of Mrs. R. H. Carson and Mrs. Gam- with Mr. a*d Mrs. Thos.."MacDonald
ble. The devotional theme was “Jesus at Molesworth.
the light of the world.” Meeting- op-, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, of
<ened with the hymn O come all ye Brussels, visited on Sunday at the
faithful.” As Scripture lesson, Mrs.' home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane.
Mr. Errtest King was a Toronto
visitor for a couple of days this week.
Children, don’t forget that Sarita
visits Gorrie on Saturday of this week.
Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Jennings
visited friends in Toronto last week
Rev. George Wylie, of Oakdale,
spent a few days last week with his
Gamble read the Christmas story, fol- ■
lowing with prayer. “Silent Night”
was sung, after which Mrs. Carson
told of the International Missionary
Council, which met at (Madras, India,
at Christmas time, 1938. At noon on
Christmas Day Madras spoke to the
world. The messages* of Africa,
China, Ceylon, India, Japan; Mexico,1 sp
were read by Mrs. Carson and several mother> Mrs. John Wylie, who return-
of the members. 'What a friend we ed with him t0 spend the winter
have in Jesus” was the next. hymn.1 months at Oakdale.
Mrs. Watt read a paper on Christian
Stewardship and Temperance. Roll
Call was answered by a Christmas
Thought. After some discussion, it
was decided that the present officers
be returned to office for 1940. Mr.
Watt closed the meeing with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .^Bolton, Maxine
and Clare spent Sunday with Mrs.
Bolton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
brecht, near Harriston.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Doriglas, on Monday, Dec. 4th, a son.
I Mrs. Robert Hastie and Mr. Sandy
Hastie, of Toronto, spent a couple of
C.G.I.T. Had. Fine Meeting I days ]ast wee^ with Mr. and Mrs.
The regular meeting of the Gorrie Kenneth Hastie. '
C.G.I.T. was held Thursday of last. Mr. Harry Watson, of West Monk-
week, at the ho'ine of Margaret Thom-. spent Sunday with his parents,
son, with the president, Eleanore Car- Mr. and Mrs. M. Watson.
son, presiding. The meeting opened ! Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Armstrong,
with the business, twelve members an- of For^Jch, visited on Sunday at the
swering the roll call. The group was home of Mr> a)ld Mrs "Georgc Danc>
called together.in worship with quiet] Mrs> ThoSi MacDonald, of Moles-”Mrs. Thos. MacDonald, of Molcs-
music after which Margaret Thomson worth, ;s spending a few days with her
sister, Mrs. W. C. King and Mr. King.
Miss Mildred Dane and Miss (Mar
garet Dane, R.N., of Fordwich, visit
ed for a couple of days last week with
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
The December meeting of the Gor
rie Evening Auxiliary was held at the
home of Mrs. Ewart Whitfield, Mon
day evening. The committee in
charge was Mrs. Newton and Janet
Watson. The meeting opened with
the singing of Christmas Carols and
a Christmas story by Miss Janet Wat
son. Mrs. Newton led in prayer and
also gave a devotional talk, “Joy to
the world.” Miss V. Lennox sang “O
Little Town of Bethlehem” and a talk
on Christmas Customs in other lands,
was given by Miss Janet Watson. She
said,* no matter what country we are
in the salutation meant the same, that
the Spirit of Christmas was the same.
Mrs. E. Whitfield led in prayer and
the roll call was answered by a Christ
mas thought.
With Rev. Mr. Watt in charge, the
following were elected officers, the
names being submitted by the
gram committee:
Pres.—Mrs. A. Stephens.
1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. V. Shera.
2nd Vice Pres.—Mrs. C. Michael.
Rec. Sec.—Miss Evelyn Dane.
Cor. Sec.—Mrs. Charles Black.
Treas.—Mrs. E. Carson.
Sec. Christian Stewardship and Fin
ance—Miss V. Lennox.
Sec. Temperance and Christian
Citizenship—Mrs. H. Watt.
Supply Sec-.—Mrs. Reg. Newton.
Press Sec.—Mrs. A. Taylor.
Pianist—Mrs. K. Hastie.
Lunch was served and social half-
hour was enjoyed.
Young Married People’s Club Met
. Last Week
in the
On Wednesday night the
Married People’s Club met
schoolrooms of the United
when the largest number of the sea
son was on hand to enjoy the program
for the evening, the town group hav
ing charge.
Rev. H. N. Watt took charge of
the devotional period when Christmas
carols and the Christmas story of the
birth of Christ was read as the Scrip
ture lesson. A passage from H. V.
Morton’s book, “In the Steps of the
Master,” telling the story of the Holy
Land and their interpretation of the
stable, followed by prayer.
The topic for the evening was in
troduced by the convener, Mrs. C.
Michael, the topic being “How can
we make Canada a better place in
which to live,’\and was taken by Mrs.
A. L. Stephens, whose subject was
“The Home”; Victor Shera choosing
the subject “The Farm", and Clifford
Cooke, whose subject was “The
State.” These were followed with an
open discussion that brought out
many added points.
The Gorrie A.Y.P.A. met on Wed
nesday evening of last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Musgrove.
Meeting opened with a hymn follow
ed by prayer by Rev. J. L. Ball and
then the Lord's Prayer. Scripture les
son was read by Mrs. McIntyre. Min
utes of la^t meeting were read and
approved. It was decided that the
next meeting would take the form of
carol singing in different parts of the
A very interesting debate was then
held “Resolved that the Farm Girl
Makes a Better Wife than the Town
or City Girl.” The affirmative side
was taken by Harry King and Bill
Bennett, and the negative by Carl
Dinsmore and Leonard Sanderson.
The judges decided in favor of the
Community singing was then en
joyed for a short time after which a
delightful lunch was served by
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins
son, Mr. Joe Higgins spent Saturday
in London with Miss LenOre Higgins
who is training at Victoria Hospital.
Miss Edytlie Martin, nurse-in-
training at Victoria Hospital, is spend
ing several weeks’ leave of absence
with her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Martin.* Edythe’s many friends hope
she will soon be restored to her usual
good health.
Dec. 21st is the date chosen for
the Public School entertainment under
the direction of Miss Keith and Miss
“Tune Detector” Earns $100 and Watch
Mrs. Amos Doan
funeral of Mrs. Amos
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having o.ur factory equipped with the
«ost modern machinery for the exe-
dewion Of high-class work, we ask you
fiSgsee the largest display of monu-
Rpents of any retail factory in Ontario.
Ail finished by sand blast machines.
We import all our granites from the
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough, you can save all local deal
ers’; agents’ and middleman profits by
seeing ul. •
E. J. Skelton S Son
« Wtit End Bridge—WALKERTON
was held from the. home of Mrs.
Frank Bingham, GorHe, Thursday af
ternoon. Rev. Mr. Acheson conducted
the service. The pallbearers were:
Robert McAllister, Edward Doan, H.
V. Holmes, Wm. Whitfield, James
Walker, G. W. Walker. Burial-took
place in Gorrie Cemetery.
Mrs. Doan passed on December 5th.
She had been in poor health for sev
eral years but was confined to her bed
for only two weeks. Born in Peel
Townhsip, she was in her 79th yean
Over 50 years ago she was married in
Wailace Township, her husband pre
deceasing her 24 years ago. Her maid
en name was Hannah Sanderson and
she attended school in. Gorrie. Mrs,
' The annual meeting of the W. A.
of St. Steplien’s Church was held on
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Holmes. The meeting opened with
the singing of a hymn. Prayer was
then offered by the president follow
ed by the member’s prayer and the
Lord’s Prayer in unison, Minutes of
last meeting were read and approved.
Annual reports were given by the sec
retary and treasurer, also a report* by
Miss Blythe Underwood oil the work
of the girls* branch. Mrs. Norman
Wade gave an interesting Christmas
reading followed by some weli chosen
thoughts and comments by the presi
dent. The Scripture lesson was from
St, Luke’s Gospel, chapter 2, verses
1-20, Rev. J. L. Ball then gave an in
teresting and instructive address, tak
ing as his subject, The Women’s Aux
iliary and the work of that organiza
All the officers were re-elected, as
follows.- Hon, Pres., Mrs, J. L Ball}
President, Mrs. H, V. Holmes; Sccre-
THIS photograph shows Miss
x Lcxie Glover, Glenavon, Sask,
(inket), listening at the western
end of a long distance telephone
wire connected With the studio of
the “On Parade” program in
The Band of the Canadian
Grenadier Guards was playing its
“Mystery Tune”—‘and Miss Glover
had the opportunity to name it.
“‘My Wild Irish Pose’”, she
pronounced emphatically after the
first few bars, "Right!” said Jerry
Wilmot, the announcer — eighteen
hundred miles away in Montreal—
and young Miss Glover, just turn
ed fourteen, became the nappy
recipient of $100.00 in cash and a
valuable watch.
Two hundred Glenavdn citizens
gathered at the Town Hall to wit
ness the “Tune Detecting” — a
weekly feature of' Robin Hood
Flour’s big Thursday night radio
program “On Parade.”
Friends of Billy Hart, who is ill ]
with pneumonia, will wish him a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Neil White, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence White and family were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pleasance, of
Port Elgin, on Sunday. Lucille White
who has been visiting at the Pleasan
ce home, returned home with her par
Master Jack McLaughlin, of Wing
ham, visited on Saturday with Master
John MacNaughton. !
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Denny, Cliff
and Thelma, spent the week-end in . ±vit (AVX1S. vopeiana spent
Toronto, Cliff remaining in the city Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merk-
to take a business course. Success to
you, Cliff.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton
and John spent Sunday with London ,
Misses Eva and Jean Sangster vis
ited friends in Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Knight, Brus
sels, spent a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs, H. Knight, in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Sangster attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Doan in
rie last Thursday afternoon.
| Miss Myrtle Cathers, of Wingham,
I spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
’ and Mrs. W. A. Cathers.| Mrs. Charlie Simmons has returned,
home after visiting her daughter, Mrs.,
• Maitland Porter and Mr. Porter, who
live near Wingham.
I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland spent
I The measles have been quite prev
alent among the children in this com-
( munity. We hope to see them all bet-
' ter soon. .
1 Miss Kathleen Willits, who attend
Wingham High School, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr, and
I Mrs. Melvin Willits. (■
• “Well, Miss Johnsing,” said the
J colored physician to the worried wife
I “Ah has finely knocked de fevah out-
' en dat husband o’ yourn.”
I “Sho nuff?” she said. “You means
;J he’s gwine git well?”
“No’m,” said the doctor. “Dey
haint no hope fo’ him to git well. But
’chair and conducted’"^' devodona'i ,h“,.<*« satisfackshun of knowirf
period, opening with the hymn .1 ho died-cured,
know that my Redeemer lives”. Rev.
A. M. Grant led in prayer. The Scrip
ture lesson was taken from St. Matt.
22, and read by Mr. Robert Paulin.
Rev. J. L. Ball then led in prayer.
"Breathe on me, breath of God” was
the second hymn chosen. Then fol
lowed readings by Weldon Hambly,
Jack Durst and Alma Durst. The
closing hymn “Stand up for Jesus”
and prayer by the Rector, closed the
meeting. A period of games and con
tests were enjoyed and refreshments
were served by members of the A.Y.
P.A. Jack' MacLean expressed the ap
preciation of members of the Y.P.U.
for the enjoyable evening.
A.Y.P.A. Entertain Y.P.U.
The A.Y.P.A. of St. James School
entertained the Y.P.U. of the United .
Church on Monday of last week. Miss '
Jeanette Adams, president, was in the
Women’s Missionary Society
The December meeting of the W.
M. S. will be held on Thursday of
this week, Dec. 14, at 3 p.m. in the
church school room. Each member is
asked to contribute a number to the
programme. All ladies of the congre
gation are most cordially invited to
the Christmas meeting of the W.M.S.
Community Christmas Tree
Santa Claus will pay his annual vis
it to Wroxeter on the afternoon of
Dec. 16th and will have a treat for
every child. Donations are being ask
ed for this worthy cause and every
one is asked to co-operate in making
this a happy season for the children.
Christmas Entertainment
Tutnberry S.S. No. 2 (Kirton’s
School) will hold their annual Christ
mas Tree and Program on the even
ing of Dee. 20th, 8 p.m. A good pro
gram is being arranged with the tea
cher, Miss Viola Thacker, in charge.
Encourage the children and their tea*5
• for
Styles "for every business
Various colors and designs
Samples, suggestions and
prices without obligations
The Advance-Times
Phone 34.
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ation enables Us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118* Harriston