HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-14, Page 4S'\ •'> 4 : PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Show Starts at 8,00 p.m* Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7,4$ and 9.45 pan. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. December 14, 15, 16 DENNIS O’KEEFE FLORENCE RICE An action romance that reaches its entertainment highlight in a wild and woolly polo game between a team of cowboys and a club from the Long Island smart set. Also “Andy Clyde Comedy” “Traveltalk" “News" Mantinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission: Adults 20c; Children 10c. magazines and Sunday School papers went sent to the Canadian West. The Treasurer’s report showed a falling off due largely1, to the removal of members during the year. Miss Olive Scott presided for the election of officers with the following result: Hon. Pres., Mrs. P. S. Mac- Ewen; President, Mrs. J. J. Elliott; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Raymond Elliott; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. W. H. McKinney; secretary, Mrs. Walter SmilHe; assis­ tant secretary, Mrs. Harvey Robert­ son; treasurer, Mrs. R. F, Garniss; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs, R. Elliott; supply secretary, Mrs, W. S. Davidson; Glad. Tidings sec., Mrs, Harry Elliott; Home Helpers sec. and Press, Miss M, Olive Scott; literature and library sec., Mrs, W. H. McKin­ ney; organists, Mrs. R, Elliott, Mrs, J. c. Higgins; girls’ sec., Miss Jean Elliott; auditors, Miss Florence Fow­ ler, Mrs, Harry Elliott, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 18, 19, 20 JANET GAYNOR DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Jr. “The Young In Heart” A light comedy based on! the story “The Gay Ban­ ditti" is about a family of fortune hunters who live by their wits. Also “Pictorial" and “Sports" f BLUEVALE The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Raymond Elliott and Mrs. R. F, Gar- niss offered prayer. The secretary gave a very encouraging report of the year’s work. 'Regular and special meetings had been very well attend­ ed. Bales of clothing had been sent Presbyterian W.M.S. Elects The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday school room on Thursday afternoon with the 1st vice- J president, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, presiding, to needy districts, also quilts. Books, . Woman’s Association Name Officers The annual meeting of the Wo­ man’s Association of the United Church was held in the school room of the church on Thursday afternoon with the presiding, Mrs. Stanley Gal­ laher, presiding. The treasurer’s re­ port presented by Mrs. Joseph Curtis, showed encouraging effort during the year. Plans were made for monthly meetings during 1940. ’ Mrs. C. Tav­ ener conducted the election of \ offic­ ers which resulted as follows: Pres- Mrs. Stanley Gallaher; vice pres,,- Mrs. Charles Johnston; secretary, Mrs. J. Wickstead;v treas.,. Mrs. Jos. Curtis; press sec., Mrs. M, L. Aitk'en; organ­ ist,- Mrs. Robert MLenno'h; program com., Mrs. George Thomson, Mrs. E. Hamilton; visiting com., 1st Line Morris, Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. C. Johnston; Boundary West, Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Mrs. E. Hamilton; Bound­ ary East, Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge; Turnberry, Mrs. Her­ bert Shiell, Mrs, Frank Stamper, Mrs. Stanley Gallaher; village, Mrs. Well­ ington Mann, Mrs. W. J. Johnston; parsonage com., Mrs. R. J. McLenn­ an, Mrs. George Thornton, Mts. Jas. Robertson. and Mrs, A. D. Smith, and Mrs. Wade, of Belgrave. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ■Sf-.v •s j Christmas Ideas °h | | , Let us help you with'your gift problems. We S| I have a gift for every member of the family from j Baby to Grandma. Come in and see them, they will delight you. Prices range from 25c to $10.00. ft I SEE OUR STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GREET- g f ING CARDS — THERE’S A CARD FOR ft f EVERY FRIEND. 1 w» {?( tw (U t>! !>1 Thurs., December 14 th, 1939 BE PRACTICAL! A man like Christmas gifts he can use - and appreciates good quality. Selections from this list will be sure to please him. Arrow Shirts — He can’t have too many whites.—* and there are stirring new patterns if he needs coloured shirts ..,...., 2.00, 2.50 TIES — To complete the shirt. Attractive patterns, good silks................................. 50c to 1,50 , Suspenders - free swing, action back styles — guaranteed to wear .. ................ 50c to 1.00 Handkerchiefs — Pure Irish Linens, hemstitch­ ed, hand-rolled hems, or initialed .... 25c to 50c Attractive sets of three coloured -handberchiefs ..............................1.00 Socks - fine wools/1 heavy wools/ silk y and wool, silk - all kinds and patterns ...........39c to 1.25 Gloves — Doeskins, Buckskins, Cape, Woollen - lined or unlined styles - a big stock to choose from. Priced at............................... 1.00 to 3.95 Sweaters — Penman’s finest products in coat and pullover styles, made,. for style, comfort and long wear . .............. ............1.95 to 3.95 I commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another,” at the morning service in the United Church. A trio, Ross Smith, Will Peacock and Carl Johnston, sang “Have Thine Own Way, Lord.” Rev, Charles A. Mullin, of West Flamboro preached in Kuox Presby­ terian Church on Sunday using the text “To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is a sin” to point out the wonderful influ­ ence the professing Christian would have in the world today if he could refrain from wrong-doing. Allan Ramsay sang a solo “Thy Way Not Mine, Oh Lord,” Miss Jean Scott, of Seaforth, spent a few days with her friend, Miss Flor­ ence Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickstead spent the week­ end with friends and relatives in Tor­ onto, . • < • Miss. Alba Mowbray, of Lucknow, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. Mr. spent Lloyd Turvey, Miss Marie. Wettlaufer, of Blyth, and Mr. Winters, of Tillsonburg, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Wettlaufer. Y.P.U. Select Officers Miss Daisy Holmes, president of the Y.P.U. of the United Church con­ ducted the opening exercises at the weekly meeting- held on Friday even­ ing. George Johnston, ,1st vice pres,, had charge of the devotional period. Rev. C. Tavener read the Scripture passage and led in prayer. The topic “Why-things are being made synthet­ ical” was taken by Smith Robertson, Mr. Tavener presided for the election qf officers with the following -result; President, Bill Blackmore; 1st vice pres., Bill Peacock; 2nd vice pres., Smith Robertson; 3rd vice pres., Rus­ sel Barnard; 4th vice pres., Daisy Holmes; Sec., Mossie Milligan; treas., Emma Johnston; pianist, Bill Black- more; assistant, Helen Thomson; Press Reporter, Rhoda Robertson; re­ creational Com., 'Geo. Johnston; Del- phine Bisback; visiting com., Carl Johnston’, Geo. Hetherington; Lunch com., Daisy Holmes, Dhoda Robert­ son, . Mrs: Earl Hamilton, Mrs. C. Tavener. It was planned to hold the annual banquet on the evening of De­ cember 29th. Good Broadcloths, warm . .....................1.75 to 3.50 Pyjamas — i flannelettes Dressing Gowns - Eiderdown, flann­ el and silk........................2.95 to 6.95 House Jackets - Smart styled English flannel with contrasting trim .......... ......... 6.95, 8,50, 10.5'0 ^1- KING’S s. Q-* V* 'W >« she reported on the Women’s meeting and also some of Miss McPhail’s ad­ dress which was one of the high lights of the convention. Mrs. O, G. And­ erson reported on some of the* activit­ ies that were being planned for this coming'1 year, Lyle Hopper took for his report, the banquet part of th^ meeting and also said that in attend­ ing this Silver Anniversary Conven­ tion, he understood more to what a great extent the work done. James ! Michie then reported on the Co-Oper­ ative Company’s work which was out­ lined at the shareholders’ meeting. As this was the annual meeting the aud­ itors’. report was given by Harold Procter and showed a balance on hand of $419 and also $250 worth oi supplies on hand.. During the year over *$10,000 worth of business was done by this club. Mrs. O. G. Anderson was then ask­ ed to conduct the eletciOn of officers which resulted as follows: President, 'James Michie; Vice Pres., Martin Grasby; Sec.-Treas., C. R. Coultes; Directors, R. J. Scott, J. S. Procter, W*, C. Wheeler, Albert Vincent, Lyle Hopper; Auditors, Harold Procter, tfvljoe Yuill. Program Com?. Geo. Mi- chie, Mrs. J. M. Coultes, Mrs. Carl annual meeting at the home of. C. W. Scott, Wawanosh, with a good attend­ ance. The president, Jamies Michie, conducted the meeting which was call­ ed to order after a time had been spent in garnet. The minutes of the previous meeting were-adopted. The delegates to the convention held in Toronto were then called on to give the report of the meeting. Mrs. C. W. Scott was .the first to speak and she took for her part, Mr. Arkell’s address which had a great deal of material that would be worthwhile studying. Mrs. C. R. Coultes was the next' and Procter, R» H. Coultes and Richard Procter. * During the counting-of ballots com­ munity singing was enjoyed and also violin selections by J. M. Coultes. Mrs. R. J. Scott invited the Club to meet at her home for their next meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd. The invitation was accepted. It was also decided to give a donation to the Bel­ grave Red Cross Society. A vote of thanks was given Mr. and Mrs. Scott for their hospitality and the, meetig was closed with the sing­ ing o.f the National Anthem- Lunch was served by the ladies and a social time enjoyed. Ladies’ Aid Elects Miss Olive Scott presided for the annual meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church. -The fin­ ancial statement was not complete as some of the groups were unable to present a completed report of the year’s work. The report of the Mor­ ris group as presented by Mrs. Smil- lie showed the greatestactivity, some of the members having a perfect at- tendance. It was decided to continue the group system, the Boundary East to join with the village. The follow­ ing officers were elected for the year: Pres., Mrs. .Harvey Robertson; ‘1st vice pres., Mrs. Burns Moffatt; sec., Mrs. Archie Messer; treas., Mrs. W. H. McKinney; organist, Mrs. R. El­ liott; auditors, Miss Olive Scott, Mrs. W. S. Davidson. Following the elec­ tion of officers the newly-elected president took the chair. She thank­ ed the Radies for the honor they had given her and asked for their loyal support. A few items of business were, arranged, then a delicious lunch was served by members of the Boundary group. BELGRAVE Farmers’ Club Name Officers The Belgrave Farmers’ Club held Rev. C. Tavener used the text “This .., 4-Lb. Box 89c FRUITS For CAKES, PUDDINGS, MINCMEAT i CURRANTS ..... 156 Lb. Lexia Raisins ............. 2 Lbs. 25c Shelled ALMONDS .... 59c Lb. . QUARTER WALNUTS 39c lb.4J PITTED DATES ... 2 Lbs. 29®* CHERRIES.................... 45c Lb. Seedless RAISINS ../ 2 Lbs. 25c Seeded RAISINS........11c Lb. PINEAPPLE 59c Lb. COCOANUT_ _______23c Lb. I Our Parcel Wrappings, Seals and Tags are t new and different. We invite you to come in and gj r look around. ‘ McKibbon’s Store This Is A Year To Give “PRACTICAL GIFTS” Choose From This List. COSY SLIPPERS RUBBER GOLOSHES RUBBER BOOTS OVERSHOES OXFORDS SPATS PARTY SLIPPERS - DRESS SHOES HOSIERY IN GIFT BOXES ■w A * SKATING OUTFITS VELVET GOLOSHES HEAVY RUBBERS LUGGAGE BROGUES SOCKS ALL FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Don’t Send Greetings, Send GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE Beautiful Silk Stockings Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats -— Special Prices for v Christmas Gifts. Ladies* Smart Dresses Dress Sale for Christmas Buyers — a lovely gift. Evening Gowns, Evening Purses, Costume Jewelry? Gloves, Sweaters, Purses, Lingerie. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS........... DIAMOND BUDDED WALNUTS ..........>.......... YULETIDE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ... LARGE BRAZIL NUTS Held Euchre and Dance ‘ A Eucfire and Dance was sponsored in the Forresters’ Hail, Belgrave, on Friday night by the Skating Rink Club. The early part of the time was spent in cards. The prizes were won by Myrtle Yuill and William McKen­ zie and the consolation prizes went to Edith McClenaghan and Gibson Arm­ strong. The lucky door ticket1 was drawn by Mrs. Archie Montgomery, a bride of this week, and resulted in this prize also being won by Edith McClenaghan. - GOLDEN MIXED NUTS THIN SHELL LARGE PECANS.......29c Lb. ' 21c Lb. CHOICE 21c Lb. TABLE FIGS............ 10c Pkg. . FRUIT AND NUTBUNGALOW CHOCOLATES l-lb.Box 29c CHOCOLATES 1-lb. Box 25c SATIN MIXED "LIGHT SILVER Lb.CANDIES ..................... 15c Lb. HUMBUGS ........-------- 19c GUM DROPS CHRISTMAS MIXED JELLY BEANS .........19c lb. CANDIES ........ ...................19c CHOCOLATE ' FRENCH CREAMS DROPS .......................... 19c Lb. AND JELLIES..................19c NEW NAVEL ORANGES FOR CHRISTMAS 21c Doz. 27c Doz. 35c. Doz. Smith’s Economy Food Store PHONE 161 PROMPTDELIVERY