HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT I"- DESIGNED FOR R ir December 7, 8, 9 ;3 * t warm a WHITECHURCH of BLUEVALE “Con- 17c lb.. 39 c Lb. .. 59c lb 25c 25c lb. on Saturday held from the home of Church on Sunday, taking' as his sub? up George Williams, Jeweller $1.75, $2.95w RANDOLPH SCOTT MARGARET LOCKWOOD MARTIN GOOD RIDER J. Farmll MacDONALD MAURICE MOSCOVICH MORONI OLSEN VICTOR JORY LESTER MATTHEWS her ’ daughter, Mrs. MacDonald Kinloss. iiuw.1 W1 W 1 GOODRICH Men’s Rings $2.00 Ladies’ Rings $1.00 GREER’S SLIPS New styles in satins and tafffetas, trimmed with lace and ribbons, 1.00, 1.50, 1.95 WINGHAM ADVANCEXFIMKS Thursday, December 7, 1939 Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturdayz Saturday Night, Two Shows 745 and 9.45 p,m Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SPECIAL Also “Quiet Please” “Mickey Mouse” “News” Admission— Adults 35c, Children 20c Mantinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Matinee Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c g g Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 11, 12, 13 EDWARD G. ROBINSON JOHN BEAL I Am The Law” A College professor of law makes his theories work in the most thrilling gangster cleanup in history. Also “The Three JStooges” and “Cartoon” ject the parable of the householder, and the labourers, speaking of the importance of entering into the work of Christs kingdom in youth with a life of service lying ahead rather than at the eleventh hour. He and his family moved there this week. «. Mr. Cyril Canning spent the week­ end with Mr. Alec Robertson and other E. Wawanosh friends, He is in training at Hamilton and returned on Monday. Mrs. Mclllwain' and daughter iMin- nie of Fordwich and- Mrs. J. Ftichel of Wingham, visited on Monday with their sister, Mrs. Fred Davidson and Mrs. Mitchell is visiting there for a few days. The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. of the United Church was held on Monday evening with Clar­ ence McCIenaghan in charge and giv- i ing the call to worship. Mrs. H. Pol­ lock and Mrs. H. Sparling read the Scripture messages and the Com­ ments were given by the Convenor’s of the Committees, Mrs. Falconer, Miss Genvieve Watt, Miss Louise Martin, Mr. Pollock and Millan Moore. Miss Mildred McCIenaghan read the story “The Sacred Slame”. Rev. G. A. Barnard was in charge of the installation of the officers, which took the form of a candle lighting service, with the President lighting her candle from the Pastor’s and then lighting those of her officers, who in turn went to the members with their cand­ les. The following officers were in­ stalled: Past President, Mrs. Jas. Fal­ coner; President, Miss Agnes Gilles­ pie; Vice Pres., Miss Luella Laidlaw; Sec., Doris McCIenaghan; Treas, Mil­ lan Moore, with the following con­ venors, Christain Fellowship, Claren­ ce McCIenaghan; Missionary, Miss Watt; Citizenship, Jas. Falconer; Cul­ ture, Mrs. Lott; Recreation, H. Pol­ lock; Publications, Mrs. Scholtz. The meeting was closed by singing a verse of Lead Kindly Light, and the Miz­ pah benediction. The young people of the Presby­ terian Church held their Monday ev­ ening service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and the follow­ ing program was given with Miss Vel­ mas Scott in the chair and taking the call to worship. Scripture lesson by Fred Newman. Prayer by Dawson Craig. Current events by Rev. J. Pol­ lock. Payer on the Wall of China by ■ Miss Mary Simpson. The story of a i lesson for boys by. Miss Mary Cau- tion. Reading by Mrs. Mowbray. The I young people have invited Rev. Mr. Kerr of Brussels to give his talk and lantern slides of his tour of the Brit­ ish Isles next week and all are invit- £ , ed to attend. Mr. Janies Wilson had . hcarge of the topic, The Christain ' Duty, and the Benediction closed the service. Mrs. Conn, ocnvenor of the ' social committee was in charge of the 5 i social period and lunch was served. £ i and a social time enjoyed by all. | 6 | Quite a number from here attended MADE FOR The MORITZ $0.00 pair This velvet laced motor boot with unsheared fur trimming and fleece lining is always popular with women ’ who want style combined with com­ fort. Women’s, misses’ and children’s sizes. We have a wide selection of styles and sizes. Mission Circle Packed Bale The regular1 meeting of the steady and True Mission Circle of the Uni­ ted Church was held on Saturday af­ ternoon at the home of Miss Margaret Curtis. After the opening hymn, Mrs. C. Tavener offered prayer and Miss Louie Patton read the scripture les­ son. A short dialogue, “Jesus the Light of the World" was given by Mossie Milligan and Helen Thomson. Miss Margaret Curtis had charge of the study chapter which dealt with the great feasts of the native-Indians and child marriage in India,” After the meeting a bale of Christmas Gifts, for a Northern* Ontario District, was packed, valued at $28,00. It consist­ ed chiefly of mitts, stockings, games, books and candy. Vpted Money to Missions Miss Daisy Holmes, president of the Y.P.U. of the "United Church, pre­ sided for the regular meeting on Fri­ day night, Rev. C, Tavener led in prayer. Miss Delphine Bisback had charge of the devotional period, Flem­ ing Johnston read the Scripture les­ son, Psalm 23. Mrs. M. L. Aitken spoke on “David Grayson’s Christ­ mas’’ from his book “Adventures in Friendship." During the business dis­ cussion $25,00 was voted to missions. Bill Blackmore contributed a special selection on the piano. < 1 ................. ■■ .................. ii i ■ > ■ I' —■■ ■ 11 » ed the McGlynn farm from Thos. O’­ Malley and has had two tractors Mr. Charlie Robinson has purchas- plowing there during the past week. up The lasting quality of a gift of jewelry will give the recip­ ient an added thrill when he or she unwraps the things that Santa has left. Williams Jewelry store offers scores of ideas for gifts . . in every price range. . Diamond Rings v$15.00 to $100.00 Ladies’ and Gents’ Watches $5.00 to $35.00 I A special lot of exceptionally fine quality Sateen [ Pajamas—-two piece coat styles. As smart for loaf- J. ing as they are for comfortable sleeping* A rare 1 value and ideal Christmas gift for any man, espec- i tally at these prices. Isard Men’s Wear Christmas She may be hard to please — but there will be no mistakes with gifts chosen from this list. GLOVES Fine Kids at 2.25, 3.00 — angoras in an assortment of ten shades. 1.95, 2.95, 3.95 UMBRELLAS We have one of the best sortments of these useful ticles we have ever had - colours, all materials. 2*25 to 3.95 Sunday Service Rev. C. Tavener spoke on version” in his Sunday morning ser­ mon in the United Church, using the story of Paul’s accession to the king- ship in illustration. The Sunday School concert will be presented on Thursday evening, Dec­ ember 21st nistead of Friday the 22, as mentioned last week." ~____ Rev. K. McCaskill of Perth occup- S I the funeral of the late Mrs. Simpson ied the pulpit' in Knox Presbyterian K I tw If' she still wrote let- ters. to Santa Claus you may be sure hers $$ would, be brimming ov- ££ er with requests for beautiful accessories vk and lots of pretty lin- gerie. So it’ll be no trick at all to delight her with your Christ­ mas present if you sel­ ect it ifrom our distinc­ tive holiday collections- Here Are Gifts For People of Every Type in the showing EVENING GOWNS new 1940 models, delicate sh&des of cerise, love­ bird blue, pink and white. Siz­ es 12 - 20 .......$12.75 - $16.50 LINGERIE! — She’ll thrill with Xmas Lingerie by Janee, Gowns,' Pyjamas^ Slips, Pan­ ties. Nice Xmas variety to choose front $1.00, $1.95, $2.95 PYJAMAS, GOWNS In rich satins and crepes, priced from 1.95 to 3.95 or if the lady is really practi­ cal, try: a practical garment in a smart flannelette. SCARVES Lovely chiffons and satins, light wools, whites of every description. 1.00 to 1.95 HOUSECOATS and BATHROBES In gay taffetas and flannels. 2.95 to 6.95 Orient Hose, Linen Handekerchiefs Two never failing sources of pleasure, always acceptable — complete ranges, best quality. All Xmas Gifts Boxed z Institute to Meet Dec. 14 The monthly meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held On Thurs­ day afternoon, Dec. 14th, at the home of Miss Olive Scott. Roll Call—Don­ ations for the annual Christmas box­ es. Each member is asked to contri­ bute a number for the. programme, a prize will be given for the grandmoth­ er making the best contribution. Ex­ hibit of grandmother’s wedding pic­ ture. Visitors are always welcome. Mr. gnd Mrs. Allan Ramsay were called to Kincardine recently owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Ram­ say’s brother, Mr. T. H. Barber. Mrs. Neil B. McEachern, Louise and Gilbert, of Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mac Scott and Miss Olive Scott attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Thomas Dick­ son at Seaforth on Friday. Miss Dorothy Aitken, of St. Cath­ arines, spent the week-end at the home of her mother,. Mrs. M. L. Ait­ ken and Miss Duff. • ' Miss Fleming and Mr. John. Nichol of Palmerston, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Ramsay. W. H. McKinney, Gordon Messer and Wilson Thornton spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto.. Everett McGee was taken seriously ill at his home here, during the past week and was taken to Wing-ham General Hospital. There is very lit­ tle improvement in his condition. Jack Warwick, 3rd concessipu Mor­ ris, is a patient in the Clinton Hos­ pital. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall have re­ turned from a two weeks’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters at Park- A Hockey Outfit — Makes — KING’S Prompt Delivery SHOP AT SEEDED LEXIA RAISINS ............. SULTANA BLEACHED RAISINS 19c lb. SAXONIA CUT MIXED PEEL ... SAXONIA CITRON PEEL ...33c >4- ^•JYOUR: QUARTER WALNUTS .. ____... SHELLED ALMONDS ..„......... ORANGE OR LEMON PEEL .... COLORED GLACE PINEAPPLE ........... 59c. lb. AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS OR LEXIA (With Seeds) RAISINS 2 Lbs. 25c WHOLE GLACE CHERRIES .............. 45c lb. SHREDDED COCOANUT.23c lb.’ RECLEANED CURRANTS _ ___ CHOICE PITTED SAIR DATES ........2 Lbs. 29c 15c Lb. NEW SEASON DEVON BRAND CHOICE MINCEMEAT .2 Lbs. 25c NEW SEASON MIXED NUTS........... 21c lb. TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE........... 3 20-oz. Tins 25c CHOICE QUALITY TIP TOP PEAS ....... 19c Tin FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA.................69c lb. NEW SEASON NAVEL ORANGES 21c Doz., 27c Doz., 35c Doz. LARGE FIRM HEAD LETTUCE ... 10c Head CALIFORNIA GRAPES...........!......... 10c Lb. SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT......._ 6 for 25c FRESH CRISP CELERY HEARTS ... 10c Bch. Buy Fruits for your Christmas Cake at Smith’s. Our stock is com­ plete and priced to save you money. Buy Now. HOUSECOATS make a lovely j gift. Viyella flannels, satins j and crepes, buttoned and zip- $$ per* fronts...-........ $5.95 feL HOSE - GOTHAM GOLD- STRIPE, Chiiffon, Crepe and service weight in new shades. mJ COATS A gift for Mother 0$ * and Daughter. A wide choice, ® Prices now reduced for De­ cember. The Ideal Gift Enjoy the skating • season on one of our new Skate Outfits, They are sturdy but comfort­ ably built, and Will give plenty df wear. All sizes for men, wo­ men, boys and girls. Make it a happy ChHst- mas for someone with one of these classy Hoc­ key Outfits. Hanna’s Ladies Shop WILLIS < k* o is* <2 nr no ’E* 0 n U ft 0 1. VKLCi i$. Let us help you with'your gift problems. We M have a gift for every member of the family from Baby to Grandma. Come in and see them> they will Sj delight you* Prices range from 25c to $10.00. $ SEE OUR STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GREET S ING CARDS — THERE’S A CARD FOR » EVERY FRIEND. Our Parcel Wrappings, Seals and Tags are new and different. We invite you to come in and loiik around. I McKibbon’s Drugstore |