HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-30, Page 8....
Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p,m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Nov. 30th, Dec. 1, 2
America’s favourite funny paper family are back hi
the movies again and this time Dagwood is
. doing the housework. .
Also “Charley Chase” “Screen Snapshots” “Car
toon” “News”
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 4, 5, 6
“Fast YndLoose
All he knew about sleuthing he had read in books
but thas book-peddler found himself turning
detective to save his life.
“Cartoon” “Floyd Gibbons” “Romance in Colour”
WHITECHURCH Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and children, of
Marnoch, spent Sunday there also.
Mrs. John -Little, who spent the
past three weeks with Mrs. Albert
Patterson, returned to her home in
Ashfield last Thursday with her hus
Mr. Cecil Falconer held a very suc
cessful shooting match on Saturday.
Mr: Clifford Purdon has taken the'
job of underbrushing through the
bush along the 12th concession.
Miss Amelia Lever returned Thurs
day to her position in London.
Mr. George Haigh, of Stratford,
visited recently at the home of his sis
ter, Mrs. R. J. Ross.
Mr. Clarence McClehaghan spent
the week-end with relatives in Tor-
song, and the president, -Miss Velma
[ Scott giving the call to worship. The-
I Scripture passages were read /by Jan*
1 et Robertson, Catharine Mowbray and
LMrs. J. Pollock. Miss"’Merle Wilson
pad in the’ iIi^dlt^fi'bir'pe^Jbd, l speak-
I ing on “My Utmost for His King-
- dom”, Miss Janet Craig sang a solo,
Bev. J. Pollock gave a talk on “The
Bible and Christian Religion” and
Miss Janet Craig gave a paper on the
work of the Provincial Y.P.S. The
' social meeting for next Monday night
I will be held at the home of Miss C.
| Mowbray. The meeting was closed
. by the president pronouncing the ben
| Mrs. Thos, Morrison and baby,
| Marilyn, are spending a few days in
Toronto,j .Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Wilson, of Tor-
I onto, spent the week-end with
1 and Mrs, Rhys Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
daughter, attended a reception in
en Grove Hall on Friday* night in
honour of the recent marriage of her
brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Kerry.
When Tom Morrison and Norman
Welwood were returning from Luck
now on' Monday afternoon a small
deer bounded out from Albert Patter
son’s bush and was killed by their
car. The game warden divided the
venison among the village folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. RobinSon spent
a few days last w'eek at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler,
and Dr. Harold Robinson, of Walk
erton, visited with them on Thursday
Mrs. Wm. Norrish and Mrs. Wal
ter Robson, of Walkerton, visited one
day last week with the former’s bro-
J tber, Mr, "Wm. Barbour.
I Mr. Millan Moore was in charge
i of the meeting of the Y.P.U. in the
United Church on Monday evening,
and took the call to worship. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Pollock read the Scripture
lessons, and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Mrs.
Lott and Mrs. J. D. Beecrpft led in
prayer. The topic, The Good Samari-
i tans of the Sea, was taken by Miss
l Genevieve Watt, who with story and
pictures, told of the work and hard
ships of the missionaries an'd people
of the New Foundland and Labrador
Visit Our Store and See Our
Attractive Christmas Display.
devotional period when Spence Mc
Kinnon read the Scripture lesson and
Mrs. J. Wickstead spoke on the topic.
Rev. C, Tavener spoke a few closing
words and dismissed the meeting with
Gates, of
the home
and Mrs.
iMr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Howard, Toron
to, were week-end visitors with Mrs.
Mary Robertson . and Miss FraSer.
They were accompanied home to
Toronto by Mrs. Robert Nicholson
for a visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Cherrywood, are visiting at
of Mrs. Gates’ parents, Mi*.
Robert Shaw.
The infant 'daughter of
Mrs, Joseph Redmond died Monday
Mr, and Mrs, Otto Walker, Staffa,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jas,
Mrs. James Bremner, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Cardiff and three children, of
Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Car
diff, of Grey Township, visited Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacEw-
iMrs. Jowett and daughter, Edna, of
Port Huron,, spent Thursday with
Miss Florence Fowler.
Mrs. R. F. .Garniss. spent a few days
recently with her. daughter, Mrs. Neil
B. McEachern and family at Mount
coasts. The London Conference has! Mrs. Charles Turvey Toronto, vis-
Ji __! 1.1- TO. C _• J! n I z* **•••» att*
Mr. Alex. 'McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs.
Farrish Moffatt, of Langside, |Mr. and
■ Mrs. Fred McQuillan and children, of
Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Ross.
Mr. Chas. Dobbs, of Damascus and
Mrs. Fred Graham, of Mount Forest,
also Mrs. Maxwell and daughter,
Mildred, and Mr. Fred Lever, of Tor
onto, attended the funeral of the late
Mr. Peter Lever last Tuesday.
Mr. Robert Mowbray had the mis
fortune to have his left arm broken
at the wrist last Tuesday. He put his
hand on a young horse as he went up
beside it, and it crowded quickly over
and jammed the arm against the stall.
’ Mrs. Jos. Holmes left last week for, onto;
a few weeks with relatives in Clinton.
Mr. John Shiells and Mr. and Mrs. I spent a few days last week at the
Frank Thompson., and family visited home of his parents, Mr. and iMrs.
on Saturday with. Dr. and Mrs. Gor- Arthur Moore. I
don Shiell, of Kitchener. | Mr. and Mrs. Lome Durnin andI
Mr. and Mrs. John McGee left on children, of St. Helens, and Mr. and
Monday to spend the week with Mrs. Robt. Galbraith, of "Wingham,1
friends in Toronto. > visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran visited Gordon Elliott. j
one day last week with his parents The W.M.S, of the United Church >
and other relatives in Ashfield. held their fall Thank-Offering mcet-
Mr. James Weir, of London, spent ;ng- on Wednesday last, and the lad-
the week-end with his parents, Mr. jeg of the yy.M.S. of the Presbyterian 1
and Mrs. Fred Davidson, and Mr. and Church responded to an invitation to 1
recently taken over the full responsi
bility for the salaries of the eight res
ident missionaries there, and also the
upkeep of the five boats, which ply
from house to house and from vill
age to village, ministering to the many
i needs of a sea-faring people. Misses
' May and Susan Carrick sang “Throw
out the life-line.” Miss Mildred Me-j
. Clenaghan gave a humorous reading, I
Ar i r i i • Mr. Garnet Farrier a violin Solo, andlvlr. Stanley of Caledon, r*-Mrs. Jas. Falconer gave a reading,
Mrs. H. Pollock read a local news
edition, the happy news-carrier. Mrs.
' H.‘ Pollock was in charge of the gam-;
es during recreation period, and lunch '
was served and a social time enjoyed
by all.
j Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mitchell, Col-
! borne Twp., were visitors with Mr.
land Mrs. J. D. Beecroft on Monday.
| Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacques, of
( Paisley,
, borne of
ited with Mr. and Mrs. James Kerney
and other friends.
have been visiting at the
the former’s sister, Mrs. J.
Eyesight Specialist
R. A. Reid R. 0.--------..
Eyesight Specialist
At Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning .
9 to noon.
be present. The President, Mrs. Vic
tor Emerson, was .in charge of the
meeting and. after the business meet
ing, Miss Genevieve Watt led in pray
er for the missionaries. Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz sang “Dear Lord, Forgive.”
Mrs. G. A,. .Barnard gave a very in-
terestirtg talk on their work on the
Phillipine ‘Islands, telling of the great
change in country and cities and am
ong the people after these islands
were taken over by the United States,
of the typhoons and hurricanes, and
the bamboo homes. She closed her
talk with a prayer of thanksgiving.
The ladies tendered her a hearty vote
of thanks. Miss Agnes Gillespie and
Miss Anna May Carrick sang, “Just
the whispered nairie of Jestis” and
Mrs. Lott led in prayer. Mrs. Emer
son led tn prayer for the many sick
folk in the community, and the meet
ing was closed with prayer. Lunch
was served in the S. S. room and a
social half hour enj’oyed by all,
The theme of the Young People’s
meeting in the Presbyterian Church
on Monday night was “Loyalty” and
the meeting opened, with a service of
Y.P.S». Has Choir of Forty
The Young People’s Society met in
the Sunday School' room on Wednes
day with the social' committee in
charge. Ruth Wheeler and Harold
Vincent planned and carried out this
very pleasant evening of varied soc
ial and ^recreational activities after
which lunch was served. The even
ing was brought to. a close with a
brief devotional period.
A choir of forty voices made up
from members of the society, is pre
paring a special service of story and
song to be presented in the Church
auditorium on .Christmas. Sunday ev
The Society was, host for the noon
day meal to the teachers attending
the convention, held lii Belgrave
Monday of this week. Rev. J.
Townend acted; as chap-l'ain for
convention itself and welcomed
teachers to the village'.. A group- of
the lady members -under the direction
of Miss Anna Grasb-y carried through
Sunday. Services
At the morning service in the Unit
ed Church Rev. C. Tavener spoke on
Christ’s Call and the various respons- the arrangements in an efficient and
es of individuals to the call.
The members of the United Church
Sunday School are preparing a Christ
mas entertainment to be given on the
evening of Thursday, Det. 22.
Rev. R. A. MacConnell, of Luck
now, occupied the pulpit in Knox
Presbyterian Church
morning, preaching on
Abraham and Lott.
Cupper Mineral? In Northern Ontario.
Tljq inciting closed with the Mizpah
Benediction, after which a social time
was ^pept in games.,upder the leader
ship of.Jphn 'GeaK " ' ’'
Mr. anji MrsrOUo Schmfdtj ofJSas-/
katoon, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Maitland Henry and other friends.
Mr, Norman Taylor is visiting at
the home of lus sister, Mrs. Leonard
Miss Mildred Thornton recently
visited with her sister at Orangeville,
S.S, No, 6 school was closed Mon
day as the teacher, Miss Margaret-
Jefferson, was attending the teachers’
Guests over the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Camp
bell were; Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Ford,
of Comber, and Mr. and Mrs, W. B.
Ford and son, Buddy, of Oil Springs,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jenning and
family, of Windsor, spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.’ Walden.
Mrs, J. E. Ellis, Miss Mary Ellis
and Mr. Ellis' Elsley visited with Mr,
and Mrs. Jason Ellis, of Seaforth, on
Sunday.* Master Wayne Ellis returned
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell
and family visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Johnston, West
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and
Kathleen, of Dorchester, and Mrs.
Phoebe Taylor, of Blyth, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh.
, Mr, Arthur Speigleburg and (Miss
Marjorie Campbell, R.N., of Toronto,
are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morgan, of
Ripley, visited'recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Taylor. /
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, God
erich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. McDowell.
iMiss Dorothy Govier visited at the
home of her brother, Mr, Mervin Gov
ier, of Morris.
Mr. Gordon Bosman spent a week
with Leamington friends. His brother,
Mr. Jack Bosman, accompanied him
home for the week-end.
Miss Grace RedmOn'd, of Linwood;
spent the week-end at her home here.
Mr. Bob Henry was a St. Marys
visitor on Sunday.
Reeve R. Redmond attended Coun
ty Council at Goderich last week.
A number from this district attend
ed nominations at Belgrave Friday.
There will be no election in East Wa-
wanosh this year. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell
entertained as their guests on Sun
day, Mrs. Osbaldeston and Miss Al-
tJerta Osbaldeston of Goderich, Mr.
Dean of Wingham and Mr. Howard
Wilkens, of London.
Miss Doreen Vincent spent the
week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Mel
vin Good, of Goderich.
. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook were
guests on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Govier, of Morris.
'Mr. W. H. Campbell is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crozier, Crewe.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Bair and Miss Marjorie
Bair were guests on Monday at the
home of Miss Chris. McClinton and
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kershaw, God
A. number of the ladies of this unit
of the Red Cross met with the Au
burn unit on Tuesday when
her of pyjamas were made.
a num-
friendly fashion.
on Sunday
the- lives of
Mr. Jas, VanCamp, of Exeter,
visiting relatives here-.
Miss Kay Townend' has returned
London after spending a couple
weeks with her parents, Rev., and Mrs.
J. B. Townend’,
Mrs. Gerald Vanderburg,
ens, spent a few days with
Mrs. R. Ytil'e has spent
of weeks with friends in Lott-
of Ath-
Thurs., November 30, 1939
Bolutiott” to many Christmas problems.
Front sheerest chiffons to pure cashmeres, Orient
gives‘ the-very best in hosiery. - All Orient Hose
come in special attractive Christmas boxes.
Gilbert Beecroft; A brief recreational
period was held after the regular
meeting. One. more meeting will be
held before Christmas, after which all
the time will be taken up in prepara
tions for the Christinas’ Tree, to be
held on Dec. ,15th.. ,, .. .
lected for the.Bible Society Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogan visited
their daughter, Lillian, at Hamilton,
the past week.
McIntosh congregation gave a
chicken pie supper Friday evening.
The party who removed the hay
forks from the barn of Miss Jeffray
The young people'of the Presbyter
ian Church are'preparing the play,
“The Old Fashioned- Mother” which
.promises to’be a'good one.-They will
also have a supper,
The Bible class of the United
Church were pleased "to Miss
•Fanny Longley as' theif^feacher Sun
day. ?1' A-
Readers of! the Advance-Times who
did not read Miss Fuller’s letter in
last week’s issue-, missed' much.
Mrs. Wm. Curie- is visiting friends
in Toronto. Mrs. Shurted was also
a Toronto visitor.
The missionary meeting of the Un
ited Church was* held at Mrs. Hak-
ney’s Wednesday afternoon.
Those taking tea- with friends Sun
day evening were';-Mr. and’ Mrs. Alex
Marshall and ' Jimmie, of'Gorrie, with
Norman and'. Mrs. Newans; Mr. and
Mrs. Ray McIntyre, Del! and Patsy,
of Gorrie,'at George MundelFs; Mrs.
Arthur Lincoln and’ Lande* Mir. and
Mrs. Dickinson- of’ Teeswater, and
Mrs. McCullough, at McNeil's.
Mrs. Duncan, Marlene and' Doreen,
of Hamilton, also tlieir cousins, visit
ed Saturday and" Sunday at Albert
Haskins’. ,
Mrs. Newans- and' ,M- Jeffray col-
return them at once.
and Mrs. Roy Alton, Mr. Bert
accompanied by Mrs. Sam
Morrison, 'attended the funeral of
their uncle, Mr. George Stevenson,
near Varna, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Bird, near
Brussels, spent Sunday with his aunt,
Mrs. John Campbell and Mr. Camp
bell. His father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Bird, who had spent the
week' here, returned home with them.
Mr. George Henry, Lucknow, has
bought the 50-acre farm of Mr. Alf.
Sherwood, 10th con., near Belfast, and
Mr. Sherwood is“moving to his 100-
acre farm across the road.
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton is spend
ing a couple of weeks with their dau
ghter, Mrs. Percy Graham and Mr.
Graham, near Sheppardton.
Mrs. Sam Sherwood spent a few
days the beginning of tne week with
her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and
Mr. Gaunt, 12th con., West Wawa-
Mr. and Mrs. vSam Kilpatrick, near
Mafeking, have moved to their new
home they bought on the 6th con.
Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161
and Mrs’. John Bosman and
of Dutton,, spent the week-end
with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Bosman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bos
man and sons.
.Mr. Donald Roberson visited with
his mother and. brother on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bishop, of Grey,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Johnston, 1st line. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Johnstori and son.
We are sorry to hear Mr. Harry
Bosman is not getting on as Well as
his many friends will like to hear and
is still bedfast.
Mrs. Robt. Warwick visited with
friends in Toronto for a few days last
week and attended the wedding of a.
niece on Wednesday while there.
Mrs. Samuel Woods, Mrs. Walter
Woods, Miss Agnes Hastings and
Mrs. David Fortune, visited on Thurs
day with ,Mr. and Mrs. Melville'Math-
CITRON PEEL____33c Lb.
RAISINS --------------- 19c Lb.
RAISINS............ 2 Lbs. 25c .
the pastBible Society Name
The Executive of the Bible Society
held a regular business meeting in the
lecture room of the United Church
on Wednesday evening. The Presi
dent, Mr. Robert Shaw, presided. The
secretary-treasurer’s report showed
that twenty dollars had been collected
in this district last year and forward
ed to headquarters. The following of
ficers were elected; Hon. Pres., Rev.
C. Tavener; Pres,, Mr. Robert Shaw;
Scc.-Treas., Mrs. R. F. Garniss; Dir
ectors, Messrs, Arthur Shaw, John lowed with the Lord’s Prayer in ttni-
Mundell, W. J. Johnston, Mrs. R F.'
Garniss and Mrs. M, L, Aitken; Col
lectors, Morris, 2nd Con., Mrs. Bill
McTaggart, Helen Turvey; 1st Con,,
Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. Walter
Smlllie; Boundary East, Mrs. Jack
Fischer, Mrs; J. C, Higgins; Village
and Boundary West, Louie Fatten,
Daisy Holmes, Helen Thomson, Mrs,
Hugh Mundell; B, line, Tumberry,
Mrs, S. N. Gallaher, Marguerite Ni
cholson; 4th Con., Mrs, E, Nichol.
Y.P.U* meeting held on Wed-
15c Lb.
CUT MIXED PEEL ....... 25c Lb.
nesday evening with about 35 present,
was led by the president, Harvey Mc
Dowell, while Winnifred Campbell
presided at the organ. The Scripture
lesson was read by Jean McDowell.
Rev. H. C. Wilsoii led in prayer, fol-
SAIR DATES ........... 2 Lbs. 29c
WHOLE PEEL ...25c Lb.
Buy Your Christmas Fruits for your cakes Now* Our stock is now
on display* Give us your order and we Guarantee Satisfaction.
son. Mr. Corliss, of Clinton, gave a
very interesting talk on the Develop
ment and Process of Mining Ore and
DATES ...... 2 Lbs. 23c
WALNUTS ................ 39c Lb.
2 Lbs. 25c
We have a complete stock of the
Give Slippers
This Christmas
styles for all the family. See these smart new lines
and be sure to have Slippers on your Gift List.
Y.P.U. Weekly Session
The'weekly meeting of the Y, P. U.
of the United Church was presided
over by the president. Miss Daisy;
ttotaes, condtieiing the opening exc!t>
eises. Bill Peacock had charge of the
$1.00and tip
Lighters ahd Pouches
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
The regular meeting of the Young
People’s Society of Brick Church was
held in the home of the* president, Mr.
Robert Scott, on Friday night. Mas
on Robinson presided ovel* the meet
ing with Beatrice .Beecroft at the or
gan; The lesson was read by How
ard Waller and the prayer taken by
Gilbert Peectpjt The topic for tlm
evening cm “Young People and the
Temperance Question’1' was taken by
James McGee with comment thereon
by Geo. McGee, Beatrice Beecroft and
HONEY.............43c 4-Lb. Tin
GOLDEN CORN ..... 10c Tin
WHOLE RICE ......... 3 Lbs. 25c
New season
COOKING FIGS ...... 2 Lbs. 23c
New Season! MINCEMEAT .................. 2 Lbs. 25c
York Good Quality BOLOGNA ........17c Lb.
York Fine HEAD CHEESE ..............k ■» i t » I So Lb.