HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-30, Page 5WINGHAM ADVANCE’TIMESThurs., November 30, 1939
nd Mrs. Thomas Hopcraft,
.Wing ham Phone 99
Wingham, Ont.
[OESOE ioeso
1 estiva
This Christmas Festival Sale gives you an oppor
tunity to purchase Christmas Gift Merchandise at
sale prices
delivered to your home. Take advantage now of
these special offerings while stocks are. complete.
Telephone 36
This Pre-Christmas selling includes
» for all. Bills have been mailed or
, “The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail”
Ski Boots for Men and Women.
See them at Greer’s Shoe Store.
Mrs. E. R. Harrison and son,'Ross,
spent the week-end in Toronto.
Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy was a week
end guest of Mrs. A. Bieman, of Lon
Miss Agnes MacLean, of Toronto,
is visiting this week with her mother,
Mrs. John MacLean.
Mr. W. W. • Armstrong and son,
Craig, were guests of Mrs. E. Wood,
.Toronto, over the week-end.
Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Jeffery, of Arn-
prior, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Richey, Frances
Miss Isabel Habkirk’, of the
onto General Hospital Staff, is
ing with her parents, Mr. and
J. O. Habkirk.
Messrs. W. A. Miller, H. McKay,
George Scott and N. Williamson at
tended the Leaf-Americans game in
Toronto on Saturday.
Rev. W. H. Lloyd, and his son,
William N., of San^Jose, Calif., were
visitors last week with the brother’s
brother, A. E. and Mrs. Lloyd.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong and
. children, of Port Credit, spent the
week-end at the home of Mrs. Arm
strong’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Frank Howson, Dr. and
Geo. Howson. also Mr. and Mrs.
Howson, attended the funeral of
uncle, the late Archibald Howson, in
Arthur, on Sunday.
Miss Gladys Priest also Miss Jean
Baker returned home to London af
ter spending the past week with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Baker, Wingham. I wife, Janet Rush, to whom he was
Mr. and Mrs. Dave. Hamilton at
tended the funeral on Tuesday of their
sister-in-law, Mrs, Hugh Hamilton, in
Toronto, who died following a short
illness with pneumonia.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Traill and son,
Allan, of Toronto,„were week-end vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs.’Alton Adams.
Mrs. Adams returned with them
spend a few days in Toronto,
The Langside community met .in
the Foresters’ Hall, Langside, and
I held an organization meeting for Red
| Cross purposes. Alex McKenzie op
ened the meeting and Mrs. V, Enter-
! son was appointed chairman and Mrs.
Farrish Moffat, secretary for the
meeting. Rev,., J, Pollock, of White-
ch arch,, ,an4 James Ros;sr, of J?eeswat
er, gave addresses on organizing for
Red Cross work, It was decided to
work with Lucknow Red Cross Soc
iety and have them grant a permit,
charter for the duration of the war.
The following officers were then
elected; President, Foster Moffat;
1st vice-president,. Miss Jean Os
borne; secretary, Mrs. Farrish Mof
fat; treasurer, Miss Reba Marshall;
members on committee, Misses Isobel
Orr, Grace Richardson, M
Dan McKinnon, Cliff Young, Wesley
Tiffin, William Henry, Peter Moffat
Sr.; convener of work committee,
iMrs. V. Emerson with Mrs. Neil Mac
Donald, assistant.
j. s.
Harold F. Buchanan
This community was greatly shock
ed on Tuesday when it learned that
one of our prominent businessmen,
Harold Francis Buchanan, had pass
ed on in Wingham General Hospital.
Mr, Buchanan was enjoying good
health until he suffered an attack of
acute appendicitis on Wednesday last
week. Early Thursday morning he
underwent an operation and was ap
parently making a satisfactory recov
ery when complication^ developed and
he passed ‘on about 8 a.m., Tuesday,’
Nov. 28th.
Born in Toronto, he moved to
Wiri-gham in 1904 with his parents,
the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchan
an. He attended public and high
school here and after spending ten
years in Haileybury, Massey and
Sault Ste. Made, returned to Wing
ham, and for the past fifteen years
had conducted a hardware business.
He took an active interest in the work
of the United Church of which he
was a member of the Board of Stew
ards. He” was also’ a member of the
Canadian Order of Foresters. In pol
itics he was a Conservative.
He leaves to mourn his passing his
married 23 years ago and two daugh
ters, Mrs. Jack (Doris) McLeod, of
Toronto, and Donna at .home. He is
also survived by two brothers and
two sisters, George Ernest, of Tor
onto; Gordon of Wingham; Mrs.
Claude Gregory of Burlington, and
Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson of Wingham.
A private service will be conduct
ed at the family 'residence, Carling
Terrace, Wingham, at 2 p.m., Thurs
day, November 30th. Rev. J. F. And-
reson will officiate.
Burial in Wingham Cemetery.
Jordan - Agar
The marriage of Lillian Ada Mary,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Agar, Killarney, Man., formerly of
Morris Township, and iMr. Walter
Jordan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Jordan, Killarney, was solemnized
at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Kil
larney, on Nov. 4th. Rev. H. D. Rob
erts officiated, assisted by Rev. L.
Taylor, of Manitou, cousin of the
bride. Following a trip to Brandon
and Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan
will reside in the Hullett district north
of Killarney.
A simple home treatment, which is
bringing new hope and happiness to
sufferers everywhere. H. E. Blakslee
of New Brunswick writes; “Have us
ed one‘..bottle of ‘AURINE EAR
BALSAM’ and it has been a wonder
ful Jielp to me, for some months I
have not been able to hear plainly,
family talk at the table was a jumble
to me, and had to have repeats so of
ten that I feared I would never hear
plainly again, have not heard the
clock strike for months, the radio was
a thing of the past. Now after using
one bottle of AURINE EAR BAL
SAM I can converse with the family
as in the good old days, hear
clocks striking and listen in on
programmes presented over the
and beginning to enjoy life as in
past. Would highly recommend AUR
INE EAR BALSAM to anyone who
is hard of hearing for I know it will
do them good.” Before you invest in
expensive hearing devices try one bot
if it doesn’t help you too. If you are
hard of hearing, have ringing and
buzzing in the ear — Get AURINE
EAR BALSAM today. Relief is
quick. Costs only a few cents a day.
Money back if it does not help you.
For sale and recommended by Me-
Ribbon’s Drug Store, The
Store, Wingham",’Ont.
Craig - Roddy
Miss Blanche Roddy, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Roddy, became
the bride of Mr. Allan M. Craig, of
Eugene, N.D., son of Mr, and Mrs.
William Craig, of Marsden, North
Dakota (iMrs. Craig’s maiden name
was Clara Penny, formerly of this
district), at a ceremony solemnized
by Dr. J. C. Harrison at the First Me-
thodist Church, Eugene. They will, London, preached in Knox. Presby-
live in1 Eugene. terian Church, taking his text from
Mrs. Gordon Hamilton and son,
Lavern, of Centralia, returned from a
two-month visit with her sister in
New York, spent, last week with her
mother, Mrs, T. Elliott.
Mr. A. W. Robinson visited last
week in London with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Forsyth.
Mr. R. Self, of Western University.
St, Matthew ID 28-80.
Mrs. I. Jolmston entertained
Mission Band to a shower for
bale for the north at the home of
brother, Mr. John Cuming.
‘ Mr.^Stewart Robinson has purchas
ed the .grocery business from Mr. Ber
nard Hall.., ■ 1 (i
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McGill celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary Sat
urday with a large number calling
congratulate them.
Dashwood, visited Mr, and. Mrs.
E. Gallaher one day last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer, Mr
and /Mrs, W. E, Weir and Mr. Walter
Bush visited last Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, who reside near
Orange Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogan of near
McIntosh’s Church, called on Mr, and
Mrs, John Gowdy one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar, Wing
ham, spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Palmer.
Mrs. George Paulin Sr., Mr, /And
Mrs. George Paulin Jr, and children,
of Wroxeter, spent Saturd’ay evening
with Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Weir.
If you have visitors, or have been
away, do not hesitate about phoning
in the news. We’re always glad to
get items of that sort. Or if you have
any other item of news of interest to
Wingham or the surrounding district,
let u§ have it please. If it’s short, you
can phone it in. If it is too long for
that,write it out and mail it to us.- If
you mark the envelope "Correspond
ence” and do not seal it, a one-ceni
stamp will bring it. :
Youth: “That girl you picked up at
the dance last night was from Ire
land, wasn’t she?"
Chum: “No, from Iceland.”* 'ft
Colored Employee (at the express
office): “Now, what we gwine to do
about dat billy goat in de crate, boss?
» 4*
done et whar lie’s gwine.”
theA successful Social was held in
United Church Friday evening under
the auspices of the Sunday School.
Rev. G. A. Barnard presided over the
interesting program which included
recitations by Greta, Caroline, Mary,
Lloyd and Lome Humphrey, Don
Cameron, Billy Webb, Dorothy and
Marie Swan, Billy and Margaret Mc
Pherson, Shirley Buchanan and Shir
ley Bannister; a piano solo by Dor
othy Webb, choruses by the girls,
duets by Marie and Dorothy Swan
and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice, a solo
by Gordon Miller and a short talk by
Mrs. Ramage, the supt. Games were
enjoyed under the direction of Dick
Weatherhead and Gordon Miller af
ter which lunch was served.
All members are urged to attend
the annual meeting of the Beef Ring
on Thursday night in the Hall.
The pupils are busy preparing for
Win Your .
Christmas Turkey
-—~ At —
Huron Motors
A Free chance cm a prize Gobbler with every
purchase of 4 gallons of British American Gasoline
or Oil Change.
Draw will be made at 10 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 23rd.
British American Petroleum Products
Firestone Tires
the annual Christmas concert to be
held Friday, Dec. 22nd.
Mr. Wilson and Miss McQuillin at
tended a conference of teachers of W.
Wawanosh, Ashfield and Colborne
Townships at Dungannon on Friday.
The boys who are attending the Ag
ricultural Course at Dungannon with
their instructor, Mr. Alex. Muir, spent
Thursday afternoon at the farm of
Messrs. Frank and Tom Todd when
the subject under discussion was
"Judging Beef Cattle.”
Mr. Tom Todd goes to Chicago Fat
Stock Show this week with several of
their Polled Angus cattle. ■"
Members of the Harris Mission
Band are preparing for a social even
ing on Wednesday, Dec. 6th.
Recent visitors in the community
included Mr, Jas. Hyde, ■ of Bervie,
with Mr. Jas. Hyde; Mr.
Harold Currie, of Detroit,
and Mrs. D. Phillips; Miss
Jefferson of Donnybrook,
and Mrs. Stanley Todd.
Mrs. Robinson Woods and Mr. L.
Woods were recent visitors at the
home of the former’s, sister, Mrs.
Campbell, Stanley Township.
The December meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held in the
Community Hall on Thursday after
noon, Dec. 7th, at 2.30. Roll Call —
“My Childhood Memories of Christ
mas.” Subject “Christmas", in’ charge
of Miss Mary Murray. Program com
mittee, Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. G.
Stuart; lunch com.: Mrs. D. Phillips,
Mrs. Chester Taylor, Mrs: Jas. Ait-
cheson. An enjoyable feature will be
an exchange, of Christmas Gifts
xeceeding 25c in cost.
moved into their home here, recently
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Drager.
Miss Margaret Mitchel is visiting
with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Charlie Felkar and Miss Ethel
Young spent Thursday of last week
in Toronto.
Mrs. J. Hardie was a recent visistor
with her son and family at Moore
Ileen Hardie was a recent visitor
with friends at Hickson.
Messrs. Nelson Mitchel and Thom
as Waldrock are attending the Bee
keepers’ convention in Toronto this
week. .Mr. D. A. Stewart accompan
ied them to Toronto to visit.
and Mrs.
with Mr.
with Mr.
To the Electors of
I am seeking Re-Elec
tion to the Council. I
have served you in thjs
capacity, and have done
my best in your inter
Your Vote and Sup
port will be greatly ap
andVisitors at the home of Mr.
Mrs. H. R. Spence on Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hobley of Walk
erton and Mrs. Grainger and
Hockeridge, Gorrie.
The W.M.S; of the' United
held their meeting in- the
School rooms on Thursday
Quite a number of people attended
the picture show in the hall on Fri
day evening under the auspices of the
Community Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Mitchel have
Mr. 1..
of last
To the Electors of i
Your Vote and In
fluence is solicited to Re
Elect me as Councillor.
For five years I have
been a member of your
council and have always
had the interests of the
Township at heart.
I will appreciate your
Yow Vote tor
* I
* i I.
their intermediate training'.A.T)?’!1'W&t-
You wjied the- music for dancing.
You starl''.
get ottt an<tx
8 |w/ 1
Voices of Canada’s new crop of
fighting airmen at Camp Borden arc
raised to a tune played by Mrs. Dor
othy Walton, empire badminton
champion (LEFT). Flying from Ot
tawa, Lord Twcedsmuir dropped in
on Camp Borden to inspect the air
and tank •training' depot. When he
paused to talk with Col. "F. F. Wor
thington (LOWER), head of the ar
mored fighting vehicles school, he
was speaking with the O.C. of the
tank unit in which his son, Hon. Alis--
fair Buchan, serves as a lieutenant
Surveying the scene where thousands
of empire airmen will win their wings
are (RIGHT, Loft to.Right), Group
; Capt. LJ F, Stephenson, commander
/at Gfimp Bordett? Chief of Air Staff,
M, Croil; Brlga-
and Air Com-
tfOWfei the
— t
Your Vote and Influent- |
For Council - Tumberry I
and Economical |
Administration. I
Yours sincerely,
For Councillor for Turnberry
will be appreciated.
—■ ............. .........- ----------------- ---------------------------™-------------
The Women’s Institute will meet
on Wednesday, Dec, 6th, at the home
of Mrs.-Gus Ki’ ’skatLt. The District
President, Mr.^n0ea£^f Blytli, will
be the gust .In the smWJostesscs:
Mrs. Chas as nearly closed^ Marie,
Wd be open. It Ib
41yj ojble to Open the slide in
idbr slightly—about the
,, ft wooden match stick, J21
witlit the former’s sister, Mrs. N.
Thompson and other Donnybrook
.There was a large attendance at the
Institute "At Home” which was held
on Friday evening at the Parish Hall
at St. Augustine. The first part of the
evening at progressive euchre, prizes
going to Mrs, W. z\,rBoyl.e ancf.^rs,
Will Moss; consolation, Miss Plunkett
and .Gits Redmond. Local talent sup-
Reeve ot Turnberry
For Economical Municipal Administration