HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-30, Page 4tags four Wiggan WJNGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES TJiwrsv November 30, 1939 3<JJKW£ >| centB a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.j, Fe'atudM thq band .of H. M. ■ Cana’dkn Grun^cjisr guards’and an. ■ J,eitcUlnj Mystery Tuni Congest Willi'' , ;prlx?. Rollin Hood Flour t4C. N«<Wprlf every-TbuhAy ............... . satosaOT THESE WANT AD’S BRIMG RESULTS ARE YOU THE MAN? You will make amazing profits every hour selling 200 guaranteed iflcessities used m every home. You can have a solid business established.within three months. If you arc tired of working to earn profits for some­ one else OWN YOUR BUSINESS and enjoy all the profits. NO OB- LIGATION. Get details and cat­ alogue FREE. BE FIRST. FAM- ILEX PRODUCTS - 570 St. Clem­ ent, Montreal. DATED this fourteenth dav of Nov­ ember, A.D., 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8.30 P.IW. - CKNX FOR SALE—Gent's black melton ov­ ercoat, size 88. Apply Advance- Times. ! FOR SALE—Electric Rangctte; Sin­ gle brass bed, mattress and springs; green Wilton carpel; oriental hall runner; verandah rugs; several crocks; mahogany dining room chairs; electric light fixtures; wal­ nut chest of drawers; several other articles. Apply Mrs. L, R. Black­ wood. FOR SALE THIS WEEK — Dry Cedar for kindling. Apply Shell Gas Station. All persons having claims against the estate of John C. Mitchell late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the fourth day of October, A.D. 1939, are notified’ to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the second day of December,t A,D, 1939, full particulars of their claims id writ­ ing. Immediately after the said sec­ ond day of December, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this fourteenth day of Nov­ ember, A.D., 1939. J. H, CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. FOR SALE—Double House, Victoria St, all conveniences, stable and good sized lot; also small House with 2 acres, back of Foundry. Ap­ ply F. J. M'onoey. NOTICE TO CREDITORS HOUSE TO RENT —On John St. All conveniences. Apply F. J. Mooney. ____ ______ LOST—A sum of money. Finder ap­ ply Advance-Times. Reward, SELL WHAT EVERY HOUSE- 'HOLD NEEDS I You will earn more than a decent living if you join “Kanillcx.” QUICK and SURE SALES - BIG PROFITS - RE­ PEAT ORDERS. Beginners can earn good money from start. Get facts and catalogue today: FAM1L- EX PRODUCTS, 570 St. Clement, Montreal, All persons having claims against the estate of Eleanor Jeffray, late of the Village of Belmore in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the day , of August, A.D. notified to send to J. H. Wingham, Ontario, on or second day of December,, ______, full particulars of their claims in writ­ ing. Immediately after the said sec­ ond day of December, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this fourteenth day of Nov­ ember, A.D., 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, t Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. twentieth 1939, are Crawford, before the A.D. 1939, Blocked sewers on John street had been fixed and catch basins repaired. Trees had been cut and snow remov­ al attended to. He thanked the peo­ ple for their support in- the past and asked their support if necessary this time. Elmer Wilkinson Mr. Wilkinson thanked citizens for past support and said if it is your wish I will serve, yon on the council next year. The council did well this year in keeping expenditures down and did this Ayithout curtailment of services. Heating plant now.paid for and only debentures issued since he was in the council were for the fire truck and he was of the opinion this was good business, His hope is that the town can operate ip the future without fur­ ther debenture debt. My wish is that we can in future tower the taxe rate and have a more prosperous town, he concluded. Dr. A, W, Irwin Dr. Irwin was the only member of the school board to speak, He ex­ pressed regret that the chairman of the board, Mr. Armitage, was unable to be present as it was his intention to give a statement of public school work, Dr, Irwin stated he liked the work and was pleased to be in it again. He said the board wag very smooth functioning, He expressed "his appreciation at receiving an acclama­ tion. • SCHOOL CONCERT WAS FINE INDEED the this WHEN PAINS ARE t TORTURE from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back­ ache, use Rumacaps — their Two- Way Action*attacks the cause, Mc­ Kibben’s Drug Store. ___ WATER LOCATED and Wells dug. George .Baird, R.R. 3, Wingham. Notice of Sale for Taxes CARD OF THANKS Miss Lillian Ellacott would like to take this opportunity to thank her many friends for all the acts of kind- nes shown to her during her recent illness.____ ______ ______• CARD OF THANKS The husband, daughter and sister of the late Mrs. Gordon Barton wish to take this means of thanking their friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses, also Rev. J. L. Ball for his words of assurance in their recent sad bereavement. _______ _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of the William Henry Wil­ lis late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Shoe Mer­ chant, who died on or about the third dav of November, A.D. 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Otuarhs on or before the. second day, of December, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims in writ­ ing. Immediately after the said sec­ ond day of December, the assets of the said testator will fee distributed) amongst the parties entitled thereto, < having regard only to claims of which' the executrix shall then have notice. I DATED lids fourteenth day of Nov­ ember, A.D., 1939. ! L H. CRAWFORD, j Wtogham, Ontario, j Solicitor tor the Executrix. . TAKE NOTICE that copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, o\Ving to the Town of Wingham have been prepared and may be had tn the office of the undersigned Trea­ surer, at the Town Hall, Wing'hatn, and that such list has been duly pub­ lished in The Ontario Gazette on the second day of September, A. D., 1939, and that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the said Treasurer will proceed to sell tl\e lands on Saturday, the ninth day of December, - A. D., 1939, at the hour of two, o’clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Windham, Dated this fifth day of September, A. D., 1939. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer. ALL OFFICES FILLED BY ACCLAMATION Shredded 2 Lbs. 23c COCOANUT Pound 17c (Continued from Page One) The cast of characters — Princess, the White Gypsy, Dorothy Hamilton; King, a dethroned exile in the forest, Jack Pym; Kom, a gypsy prince, Nor­ man Anderson; Jola, Korn’s mother, Elizabeth Hare; Romany Rose, wise gypsy, Joyce Walker; Guinn, gypsy maiden, Lillian Angus; Zingan, Korn’s friend, Donald Campbell; Miklo, Korn’s ifricnd, Fred Templeman; Kink, brother of the King, usurper of his throne, George Copeland; Spies, accomplices of the Kink, Edward .Fitzpatrick, . Bruce Wilson; Gypsy Chief, imprisoned, jack Lewis; Spook Cats, slaves ^of Romany Rose, Harold Sell, Jim Sanderson; Skeletons, Don­ ald Lloyd, Jack Montgomery; Yyros, white subjects of. the King, Orwell Al­ len, Lome. Gardner, Jim Stoakley, Harold Seli, Jim Sanderson. Gypsy Dancers, Annie Shiell, Madeline Mel­ lor, Marie Lockridge, Shirley Edgar, Evelyn Cantelon, Evelyn Allen. Gyp­ sies, Marjorie Krueger, Jean Mac­ Leod, Muri,el Evans, Helen Carr, Lauretta Evprick. The Grand Chorus was composed of pupils of Grades IV, V, VI and VII. t Mr. C. B. Armitage, Chairman of the Board, gave an address in which he urged the public to attend the op­ en night at the school so they may become . more familiar with the new work. He gave the children a holiday on the Friday and this announcement drew plenty of cheers. Mr. Anderton, the music supervisor, gave a short talk explaining the de­ velopment of the music course as the children pass from one grade to an­ other. He also spoke of the untiring co-operation that he receives from the teaching staff. ham, J. W. Craigie, Nelson Hill, J. E. Huckins, P. J. Ryan, iMiss Eva Somerville, David Sproul. (6 to elected). Colborne Township Reeve: George Fcagan (accl.). Council: William Thom, Nelson McLarty, Alex. Watson, James Chest- olm. Goderich Township For Reeve: Oiive Jervis, Ben Rath- well. For Council: Harry Corey, George Ginn, Herbert C, ^ox, Harold Mont­ gomery, Robert Smith, Frank Powell. (Three to be elected). Carrick Township Reeve: J. Fischer (accl.). Council: R. J.'Morrison, D. R. Eub- er, C. Schefler, L. Bruder. Ashfield ■ For Reeve: (accl,) Alex. McDonald. \For deputy reeve: (accl.) Gilbert Frayn e. For Council: (accl.) Fred Ander­ son, Lome Johnston and Cecil Johns­ ton. be hours preparing meals for her brood. I am always half expectant of find­ ing someone when I walk through the rooms . . but find only the twisted, distorted leather of old high boots, discarded before the family moved . . an old book forgotten perhaps in the bustle ., . in another, corner a winter’s supply of nuts laid in by an enter­ prising squirrel . . faded, yellowed newspapers spelling out stories of success and .misfortune’ of years far removed. ' * There’s never , much silence in the old Simpson .house! The squirrels have busy lanes of traffic, throughout the attic and down the sides between and outside the walls . \ . and mice scurry around under the floors and pop enquiring heads out of gnawed holes in the baseboards, from time to time to see if the intruder is still in their midst. Somehow that noise never really seems to be there. In its place there is a sound of family life . . sometimes happy, other times a trifle discordant . . the patter of baby feet on the stairs . . and he domestic sounds of pots and pans from the regions of the kit­ chen . . all these but memories of the departed Simpson family. I wonder will the Simpson home and the many Others in our township- ever be filled again with the happy noises of a family. Simpson’s, like so many others, lost sight of the seren­ ity of the country for the busy turmoih of the city. They left one by one un­ til f inally, the father and mother,, wishing to be near the family they raised in the country, moved to the city .as well. # Why should there be families homeless and jobless in a big city when there are so many farms witti- empty houses like the Simpson one . . and so many fertile acres, such as- there are on the Simpson farm, wait­ ing for the hand of a 'man to guide- the shearing blade of the ploughshare1 in cultivating them, and willing to re­ pay with a bountful harvest. But then, I suppose if these vacant farms were filled there would not be empty houses for boys and men like myself to prowl through and explore . . . and dream. they pay to County roads, This mon­ ey is spent on roads in the town and this is how the work on Minnie St, was financed, ’ Speaking on reforestation/he said the county were ready to go ahead but suspended operations due to the war, Equalization takes place every 10 or 12 years in the county. In the equalization made last year and ad­ opted this year, Wingham was slight­ ly raised. Stephen Township and Goderich town have appealed their as­ sessment and the courts are now de­ ciding this question. County of Huron started in 1841 and will next year celebrate their 110th anniversary by being free of debt as the last debentures amounting to $12,000 will be paid off next year. As chairman of the property com­ mittee the Reeve said the principal ‘item was the Arena, which so far has paid its way so far as operating ex­ penses are concerned. Expect to have a good hockey team this year. Commissioner A, J. Walker Mr. Walker was chairman of Commission this year. During year he said a change had been made in the sending out of the water bills. Now sent out with Hydro bills and payable at the Hydro Shop. The new pump has been installed and will soon be in use. It is the only one of its kind in Canada, he said. It has a ca­ pacity of 400 gallons which is as much as (he fire truck can pump. The commission have a contract for the removal of Bell Telephone poles from the main street. So far the Bell com­ pany have laid wires and cables un­ derground and work will be contin­ ued to completion soon, After look­ ing over lighting systems in various places the standards and equipment were purchased and all supplies pur­ chased before any price rise which saved considerable money. There has been a slight reduction in rates this year but this has been offset by the tax the federal govern­ ment placed on domestic users, he in­ formed the audience. He closed by thanking the people for election by acclamation and promised the same service as in the past. Murray Johnson Mr. Johnson expressed his apprec­ iation for his election last year and said if elected this year he would do his best to give good service to the ratepayers, He felt the council had done well this year keeping within the estimates, Walter VanWyck Mr, VanWyck who is chairman of the Fire committee, stated that his committee had kept within their esti­ mates and that they would have a surplus of three or four hundred dol­ lars, He said he was proud of the fire I given a good account of themselves at re- I cent fires. He thanks the citizens for | their support during his four years in | the council and. stated If elected he pvould do his best next year. R, H. Lloyd j As chairman of the Cemetery coni- Imittee, he said this committee was | within their estimates and had enough ’ on hand to pay expenses for the bal- ? ance of the year. So far the expenses a have been $1866.65, while the esttm- ates were $2100. He stated that there jhad been a record number of burials I this year. The section being levelled jthis year required more fill than us- |ual and a knoll at the cemetery was used for this purpose. « Speaking of Relief* Mr. Lloyd said| (Continued from Page One) Dr. R. C. Redmond was named chairman and the speeches followed. Mayor J. H, Crawford After thanking the electors for an acclamation last year and also this year, the Mayor stated that it was the duty "of all ratepayers nomination meetings. I back with satisfaction on done by council this year. i Last year I promised you that all j estimates would be kept and would i be low. I can now report that this is Hhe case as each committee has kept | Apartment and that they Jiad ? within their estimates. The whole “ " * “ * " I council gave good service in this re- ’gard, he said. I People ask when taxes will be re- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’duced and the Mayor stated that if we ’'7'“* , , | keep on as we have for the past year All persons having claims the taxes in 1943 shouM be 43 mills the estate ot Veter D. Kmg late of the , . ..... t u ... ,Village vt Bluevale in the County of and. in. 1.44 about ba mills. This re- Hiiron, Retired Farmer, who died on auction will be aue to the paying of ‘ the debenture debt. This year $19,000 had to he raised to pay principal and interest. In 1944 the amount required for this purpose will be $3000. When taxes go down, property values will go up he said. He promised to keep ........... expenditures down so that the tax thereto^ having regard ’only to claims , rate will be kept down. .......‘“'I " # No relief was given in July or Aug­ ust this year and the. Mayor hoped the | relief bill will be less this winter than That the town’s share was $1740 out I tor several years. U'f & total expenditure of $4324. This | The Mayor took the opportunity top'eat the town paid 40G of the cost ..........kongratohte the citizens of Wiftgbam M ncxt town will pay MATirF TA CRFBITORS <,tl tiaw SiR to the Red Cross. Xoj20% so cost of relief should be less: «««««*. lone town compares with the showing;jnext year. He thanked the people for* All persons having claims against ‘ made by Witigham, he declared. ’ Ms election last year- and said he J the estate of Charlotte MacGregor,, Reeve R. S. Hetherington ; would continue to serve <m the conn- tote of the Town of Wingbani in the Council as a whole gave their ell next year if they so desired, tmmty of Huron, Married Womatt, } .. < . . t " ..who died on or about the twenty-first : 'am ?ntt? ’ * day of Oc tober, A.D. 1939, ate jdeastxl wdh the acclamation and wish | notified to send to J. It Crawford, also to thank you for the acchr.iation S UWiam, Ontario, on or hetore th* jast yeat< Speaking of County Cotm4 of dS claims in writ*^* tnatters, two three things w</.ej in& Immediately after the said toipMUM to Wmgtam he said, ond day of December the assets of-The paving of Minnie‘street»as (Ione the said ftstntrix will with no additional levy as Be^Cvtm- ■ * eertain amount aside ■ oat of the money ; or about the third day of July* A.D., ’ 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford. Whigham, Ontario, on or before the second day of December, A.D. 1939. full particulars of their claim* in writing. Immediately after the said second day of December, tine assets the said testator will be dis­ tributed mnongst the, parties entitled of which the executrix ‘shall then ’ havemotice. w ’ DA’IT'D thF fourteenth day of Nov ember, A.D., 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. West Wawanosh Reeve: (accl.) Thomas Webs-For ter. For Gordon McPherson, Wallace Miller and Brown Smith. Council: (accl.) Harold Gaunt, PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS to attend can look the work "Whatever became of that friend of yours who had money to burn?" "He’s sifting ashes.”- NOMINATION RESULTS Blyth Reeve—George McNall (accl.). Council—Petts, Taman, Johnston, Cook (accl.), Mildmay Reeve: RD. Leisiner (accl.). Council: C. Lobsingtr, F. Lobsittg- P. Schumacher and B Goetzer, (accl,). Arthur Keeton was elected commissioner. Hensail | Three qualined for reeve as follows I —Owen Geiger, R. Shaddick, F. AV. I Smallacvinbe. Council qualifications | were: R. J. Cameron, H. W. Horton, |P. Moir, D. McKinnon, D. Robinson. I Four to be elected. School board I nominations, J. Flynn, G. R. Hess, E. IL, Mickle. Hydro Commission, Chas. Moore (accl.), Clinton Mayor: W. Glenn Cook, B, J. Gib- bings, Kenneth G. Waters. 5 For Reeve: Fred Livermore, N, 'iTrewartlia. Council (elected): W, M. Aiken, M, J, Agnew, A. J. McMurray, O. L. Paisley. Victor Falconer, William Walker. hydr | x X 'Evans j I The Street Committee had estim-| ates of $4300 this year, which, was-« $200 less than they had at first re-I Lobsinger, T Jenkins, H. Baker, R, quested. A fair surplus will be left, Merchant. he sard. With the estimates down the j fcommlttey efetrtd not do as tyiucM •work. The drain to stop Hood inert-1 ace near fitowu^ factory had been J started, 700 feet yet to complete' it. | By Harry J. Boyle * EMPTY HOUSE What is there about an empty house that seems so fascinating? From the time we country folk are old enough to toddle after our older brothers we want to prowl through empty houses. Is it curiosity or a sense of the romantic in our natures, that makes us want to see what they look like inside. | Some empty houses have such a comfortable look about them. It I ’ doesn’t seem possible, for instance, i that no one is living in the Simpson house. There it stands with clap­ boards missing, windows agape and sagging verandah, and yet you never notice those things. Somehow I aways seem to notice the lilac trees at the front door, the old binder wheel that was once a flow­ er bed, on the front lawn .. the spac­ ious, friendly front door flanked by a tew of the remaining coloured glass windows considered quite stylish in the days when the Simpson house was occupied, I always like the took of the big chimney, built on the outside, with its squat, stubby peak that seems ready a a moment’s notice to send a homey curl of smoke up ino the sky outside. I often prowl through the Simpson house! Why, I know the layout as] well as our own home. There’s the | big kitchen with it’s bare wooden! | floor, that looks, in spite of the dust I ” Walkerton Mayor: Harry K. Watts (acct). Reeve: William Winter (acct). .......... ... „ Councih C R. Skelton, C. Cross, jJof years, as if it were waiting for the * j furniture to be moved back hi, Here * are the two scraped streaks where fa­ ther^ chair at the head of the table was feom the table,. and in front of the stove-pipe 'Kofe "ffie gmtged'IKbard's^sIiow where Mother Simpson stood for so many Goderich I Mayor: H. J. A. MacEwen (acct).’ Reeve: R. E« Turner (acct.), J Deputy Reeve: E. D. Brown (accl.) ' Council:-J. W. Baker, F. E. Bing- VALUES ON SALE THUR., FRI., SAT., NOV. 30, DEC. 1 & 2 SPECIAL VALUE PURE LARD £ 2 - Golden Hallowi DATES - - FIRST GRADE Recleaned CURRANTS Glaced CHERRIES WHITE SATIN Choice Walnut Lb. 15c PIECES - - - , Pound 39c Xmas. Pkg. Pound 39c CHOCOLATES 4-Lb. Box 89c Domino Baking Cut Mixed POWDER « Pound Tin 19c PEEL - >/2 Lb. Pkg. 15c Ready Cut Macaroni ®F? 25c FRUIT SPECIALS SPECIAL ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE ’ Cooking GRAPES - - - * 2 Lb. 19e APPLES FirmHEARTS - - - - 2 tor 19c CABBAGE 2 Heads 15c SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 f« 23c Bask. 19 c