HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-23, Page 7Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette EVENING AUXILIARY I HELD FINE MEETING Nominating Committee Chosen A very interesting and pleasant time was .held at the home of Mrs. Ken Hastie, 9th Con., when the mem­ bers of Gorrie Evening Auxiliary met ■for their November meeting. Twelve members and several visitors were present. The committee in charge -were Mrs. E. J, Farrish and Mrs. G. Mundell. The theme of the meeting was "Seeking True Success in Life." The meeting opened with Mrs. Far­ rish in the chair, reading. “Do You "Wish the World Made Happy?", fol­ lowed by the hymn "All people that on earth do dwell.” Psalm 696 was read in unison. Mrs. E. AV. Whitfield led in prayer. Mrs. Shera read a lovely poem "Be- jgin Today" in keeping with the theme. Scripture reading, Matt, 25: 14-29, was given by Mrs. A. L. Ste­ phens followed by the hymn “Take up thy cross." Mrs. G. Mundell gave* a very fine paper on "What Is True Success?” In part, the speaker said “Few words ure more often on lips of modern man than the word, success. We all seek -it, yet many of us measure it in terms of material success, but few men are remembered for their wealth acumcu- lated but for their service to mankind, gifts to science, literature, etc. Jesus said, Man shall not live by bread alone, emphasizing the fact that these things are necessary but that true suc­ cess is not measured by money but that cultivation of the inner spirit. Again, to quote the Bible, Paul, who -turned aside from great wealth to fol­ low Jesus, came to say, For Christ’s sake I, have learned to count my for­ mer, gains a loss. Mrs. Mundell clos­ ed with the thought that each and ev­ ery one could gain that true success if we live our lives doing our task nearest day by day, laughing often ■and loving much, by enjoying the -trust of pure men and women, in short —trying to live that our lives may be an inspiration to others and leaving ■this world a better place than we find It. Hymn "Breathe on me, breath of <God” was sung, after which Mrs. "Michael led in prayer. The president, Mrs. V. Shera, took ,-fhe chair. The Roll Call was answer­ ed by thoughts following the theme of «-the meeting. The nominating commit- ■tee composed of Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Farrish and Mrs. Whitfield, were ap­ pointed to prepare the slate of offic­ ers for the coming year. At the close of the .meeting the hostess served a •dainty lunch and all spent a social hour. SWIFT GROWTH OF BRITAIN’S AIR MIGHT SHOWN IN KORDA PICTURE "THE LION HAS WINGS Thursday, Nov. 23rd, 1939 The pictures are actual photo- a Kiel canal naval base the day after number of German warships. A wit- Flying low ness of the raid said the Gniesenaugraphs of tlie daring young airmen Britain declared war. who carried out a successful raid on amid anti-aircraft fire, they bombed a was split in two by a bomb which dropped in her funnel. The men are shown on their return to an English base. . Previewed in Toronto in the first showing on this continent, was-the sensational new film, "The Lion .Has Wings,’’ produced by Alexander Kor­ da in conjunction with the British ministry of information and flown by clipper across the Atlantic. In the film, which pictures vividly the ever- growing might of Britain in the air, are actual scenes of the R.A.F. pilots who raided a Nazi naval base Sept, 4. Scenes of the bombing itself were filmed from the pilots’ personal re­ ports. The picture shows a British bomber swooping out of the clouds," zooming low to get that essential hit which puts a giant warship out of ac­ tion. Canadian fliers took part in the Kiel canal raid. happy week-end visitors at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and dau­ ghter, Shirley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-; Henry Shera, of Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. Cutler and daughter, Mary, of Toronto, were week-end vis­ itors with Rev. H. N. and Mrs. Watt. Mrs, Sterton Ashton and daughter, Joan, are visiting relatives in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar, of Wingham, visited on ‘Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg, Erland and George, were recent visitors with Hanover friends. The many friends of Mrs. Robert Cathers will be sorry to learn that she is confined to bed with a heart con­ dition. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Vittie, Wel­ land, spent the week-end with rela­ tives here. Mrs. Agnes Earls, of Wroxeter, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. C. King and Mr. King. HOWICK COUNCIL GORRIE ........— N / Girls’ W. A. Held Meeting The Girls’ Branch of the W. A. of St. Stephen’s Church met on Wed­ nesday evening of last week at the! home of Mrs. Wilford King. In the j absence of the president, Miss Blythe > Underwood, the meeting was in charge of iMiss Nellie Dinsmore. The meeting opened with the Girls’ pray- j er, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in ( ■unison;. The Scripture lesson, Psalm; Congregation Held Social Evening The congregation of Gorrie Pres­ byterian Church enjoyed a social ev­ ening last Friday in the Orange Hall with their new pastor. Program con- ! sisted of music, games and contests, I at the conclusion of which the ladies I served lunch. { Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cathers, towel, were Sunday visitors with and Mrs. Lawrence Short. I Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes 12i7wb\'rad"by‘M:LBolton/Mi«'Mi^ Perkins accompanied Mr. and Nellie Dinsmore read a beautiful Mrs. Shera, of Wmgham, to Guelph poem entitles "Lamps of God.” Miss on Sunday when they were the guests Myrtle Shout read a paper ------ "‘Why Four Gospels?” which told a tittle about the life and character of Mrs. Harvey Sparling and Mr. John each writer and for which particular Sparhug attended the '"neral of ti e nation or people each Gospel was «». W.lham Downey at All.s- written. Rev. J. L. Bab the, >°Michie kit on Monday served by the for Toronto where she expects to re­ side for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Youngblut, Mr. and Mrs. Moustain and Miss Gladys Moti- stain, of Londesboro, visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Whitley Sun­ day. The community is shocked by news of the death of .Mrs. Gordon Barton of Myrtle, Ont., sister of Miss Pearl Stinson, ■. , Mr. and Mrs, Sandy Edgar and sons, Bobby and Jack, spent Sunday with friends in Guelph. | Miss Bessie Wylie and Mr. James Wylie, of Toronto, visited last week­ end with their itiothetjr Mrs. John Wylie. , . Mrs. John Metcalf, of Paisley^ is * " ‘ ig her sisters, Misses Emily and 'Beatrice Potter. Mr. C. Cooke spent a couple of days last week with Kitchener friends. ML and Mrs, Thos, Thompson, of Wingham, Mr. George Seymour and Mr. H. Malconlan, of Ripley, spent I Strnday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Lawrence. Mr, and Mrs. Albrecht and daugh­ ter, Miss Rforence, near Harriston, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. I Boltoti. Lis- Mr. and beautiful Mrs, Shera, of Wingham, to Guelph r called Mr. an(l Mrs. Smith. 1 Mrs. William Whitfield, Mr. and meeting with prayer after which an enjoyable lunch was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Roseborough, •of Owen Sound, spent a couple of ■days last week With Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and other relatives, Wednes­ day visitors at the same home were: Mr. and Mrs. William McBride, Ham­ ilton, and Mr. Ed, Stewart, of Stoney Creek. Mrs. George Anger has returned home from Listowel Hospital where she underwent an operation for mas­ toid recently. Mr. and Mrs. John King and dau­ ghter, Miss jean, of Toronto, were MONUMENTS at firat cost Having our factory equipped with the ’most moaern, machinery.fer the exe­ cution of high-class, work; we ask yob to see th? largest display of monu* merits of any retail factory in On tar 19. All finished by sstftd bY^t machines, we import all our granites front the Old Country 4tiMrrte$ direct, in the tourih. You can save all Ideal deal* agents* and middkmaa profits by seeingns. E..'X £ Son nt West End Bridre-WAtKERTON late Mrs. William Downey at Allis- Fordwich, Nov. 15th, 1939 The Council met in the United Church Hall according to adjourn­ ment. The members were all present, the Reeve J. W. Gamble in the chair. The minutes of last regular , meet­ ing were read and on motion of Strong and Weir were adopted. -** Moved by McCallum and Strong that the Clerk be hereby authorized to prepare a money By-law for U.S. S. No. 14 according to the request of the said School Section, for the pur­ pose of borrowing, on debentures, the sum of $2300.00 for a term of three years, for school purposes. Carried, Moved by Weir and McCallum that the following bills be paid, Carried. Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $35.0P; Norman Wade, Premiums on Bonds for Treasurer and Collectors, $57.50; John Ferguson, sheep killed or injured by dogs $10.00; F. A. Ed­ gar, Engineer’s fees on ICreller Award and re-staking Richardson drain $76,- 00; Cecil Grainger, sheep killed or in­ jured by dogs $9.00; Robt. G. Gibson, Wood for Twp. Hall, Wroxeter $17.- 00; W. R. Fraser, M.D., services for John Smith, trip to Mt. Forest, and services re J. King, $25.00; David Robinson, servicing street lights, Wroxeter, $76.00; Isaac Gamble, pre­ paring Amending By-law on Mun. Drain No. 5, $20.00; J. H. Rogers, ser­ vices on Municipal drain No. 5, $10.- 00; Isaac Gamble, expenses re trip to 'London, $10.00; J. H. Rogers, ex­ penses re trip to London $10,00; Un­ ited Church, Fordwich, rent -of hall, $1.50; R. J. Lovell Co., supplies for Treasurer, $1.56; J. W. Gamble, two trips to Goderich re Co. Equalization $10.00; Relief $30.65. Road Expenditures H> E. Burrows, repairs for grader $27.45; J, W. Hathaway, welding pipe $1.00; E. W. Bolton, Prestone .60; M. McPhail, repair to tire $1.40; Nelson Gowdy, operating power grader $56,- 50; John Montgomery, Road Supt., $68.60; Ditching: Harry Locking $22.60, Ed. Killinger $23.80, Norman Reis $1.00, Earl Baker $1.30, Frank Garaham $1.30, Wilford Weitz $3.50, H. Eastman $14.70,- Bert Carter $13,- 70, Alex.' Porterfield $12.70, Harold Dickert $1.80, Thos. Porterfield $4,70, Chas. Killinger $7.60, Lloyd Jacques $4.50; Earl Moore, repair to culvert $2.90; R. B. Watters, balance on posts $1.50; Wray Cooper, Dragging $8.25; Win. Wilson, dragging. $2.20; Walter Redtlon, dragging $6.85; Nelson Steurnol, ditching $2.00; F. A. Edgar, engineer’s fees $10.00; Rich. Griffith, repair for plow, $2.00; R. H. Carson & Son, gas and oil, $51,13; Bert Mann, underbrushing $10.00; Balfour Brears Compensation for wire fence $8.00. Moved by Baker and Weir that this Council do now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the 15th day of December, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried, Isaac Gamble, Clerk. -------J .................................-....... ~ arrived last Wednesday to spend the winter with his brothers in Turnber­ ry and sister, Mrs. Archie McMichael. Miss Jean Sangster spent last week with friends in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Knight and son, Ross, of Brussels, spent an ev­ ening recently with Mr. and Mrs. Knight, in town. * Mr. and Mt’s. Alvin. Wray and Miss Joyce Wray, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. John Wray, who is con^iw.d to the house with a sore foot. Her many friends hope she may soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell and son, Harris, of Morris, 'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gallaher, of Gorrie, called on friends in. town one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Denny and family, also Miss Mae Davidson visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs, Leggatt, at Mount Forest on Sunday. Mrs. Sandy Fraser, Ridgetown, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bolt and Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovell. Mr. Thomas Ritchie was a visitor with friends at. Ayr- lasLoveck. Mr." and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton were Toronto visitors on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Gavin Davidson re­ turned to their home in- Osliawa bn Thursday last. Mrs. Kenneth Hatfield (nee Feme Bemieri) was guest of honor at a number of parties prior to her mar­ riage. Mrs. Fred Bowker (nee Jean Wylie) entertained with a shower. The Department staff at Eaton’s, where the bride was employed, gave a kitchen shower in her honor. Mrs. H. Waller spent the week-end with her daughters, Mrs. Leonard Hayes and Miss Marjorie Waller, in Toronto. Born—At Wingham General Hos­ pital, oh Wednesday, Nov. -15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson, of Wroxeter, a daughter. Mrs. Edwin Beilnett, Mr. Kenneth Bennett, Miss Laura Bennett and Miss Gathers were in Toronto recent­ ly, guests of the Hatfield-Bennett wedding. . Fresbyterial visitations throughout this section of the country will be car­ ried out Monday of next week-, No­ vember 27, at 8 p.m., in the United Church, when Rev. Mr, Anderson, of Wingham, Rev. Mr. Mahoney, Brus­ sels and Rev. Mr. Snell, of Ethel, also layman Mr. Frank Hewson, Wing­ ham, will be present to speak. Ques- tions of interest in Church Work will be brought up and questions answer­ ed. Salem and Wroxeter congrega­ tions will unite on this occasion. Fol­ lowing the meeting refreshments will be served in the schoolroom, to which the ladies are asked to contribute sandwiches and cake. ... BOB PEARCE A KRUSCHEN BOOSTER “KEEPS ME FREE OF POISONS" says world’s champion pro sculler You should read what Bob Pearce Bays about Kruschen Salts. ‘*1 consider Kruschen Salts excellent gs a preventive against common ailments that bring discomfort and worry to people in all walks of life. The body requires certain mineral salts and the daily dose of Kruschen is a good way to get them into the system. I take KTtiscktK every morning* myself—just a little—and it is absolutely tasteless in coSee or tea. [keeps me feeling I YOUNG ANO FIT/ Kruschen is a combination of several highly refined mineral salts. One, for example, combats excess acid so common in cases of heartburn; another aids the kidneys to eliminate poisons; a third helps purify the bloodstream—and soon. Why not try Kruschen Salta starting immediately and sea for yourself how very littla it costs to feel like a millfos dollars! Bottles, 25c, 45e —I -nnrl 7Scat ITS THE LITTLEDAILY DOSE 8torc8* THAT DOES IT Holmes, presided. The Scripture mes- | sage was read by Miss D. B.isback. , from Matt. 25: 14-30. Miss Mossie I Milligan spoke on the topic “Modern. Youth.’’ A piano solo "Nearer, My God, to Thee” was contributed by Mr. Blackmore. Mr. Tavener offered the. closing prayer. Y. P. U. Regular Meeting Miss Daisy Holmes, president of the Y.P.U. of the United Church, pre­ sided over the opening exercises at the regular meeting on Friday even­ ing, opening the meeting with the- singing of a hymn and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Carl Johns­ ton conducted the devotional part of the meeting, when George Hethering­ ton read the Scripture, “The Spirit of Giving" was the subject of a fins paper given by Mrs, Milton Smith.-. Rev, C. Tavener contributed a solo. I AH repeated the Mizpah Benediction- —'- Mission Band Gave Entertainment^ The Mission Band, under the direc­ tion of Mrs. C, Tavener, Supt, gave were: Mr. Philip and Mr. Stanley Hatfield, both of the R.C.A.F. and brothers of the groom. As the bridal party left the chapel fellow members of the groom's regiment formed an arch. Following a reception given at the home of the groom’s sister and bro- theMmlaw, Mr. and^Mrs. Russel Ir- j'! win; Mr. and Mrs, Hatfield left for a motor trip, the bride travelling in a wine dress over which she wore a Hunter’s green coat and accessories with a silver fox jacket. The many friends of the bride here will wish the ! bride and groom many happy years of J an entertainment in the United Church married .life. 1 ’ on Wednesday evening. The president Miss Keith Tells of Trip The J. Y. S., United Church, held' their meeting on Tuesday evening of last week. The president, Mr. Jack MacLean, presided and the devotion­ al period was taken by Gladys Weir, who following the’singing of "The Day Thou Gavest” read Psalm 103 and verses from the Gospel of St. Luke .ahd followed with prayer. "Stand up for Jesus" was the second hymn chosen. The guest speaker of the evening was Miss Keith of the local school taff, who gave a talk on her recent trip to the World’s Fair, illustrating her subject with many in­ teresting pictures. Rev. A. M. Grant expressed the appreciation of the young'people to Miss Keith and clos­ ed the meeting with the singing of t'Faith of our fathers” followed by the Mizpah benediction. Turnberry S.S. 2 Held Social A very enjoyable evening was held at S.S. No. 2, School House on Fri­ day evening last when the famous Gulley Jumpers Orchestra with Clark Joihnston singing numbers, provided excellent music. There was a splendid turnout. A new piano has been pur­ chased which will prove useful for the teaching of music in the school as well as for the social events which ' preached are popular in so many school sec­ tions. Refreshments were served the ladies. by Gould - Rogers A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Rectory, Gorrie, Jjy Rev. J. S. Ball, on Saturday, Nov. 18, at 5 p.m, when Marjorie Edith, young­ er daughter of Mrs, G, Baulin and the late Geo. Paulin, was married to Al­ bert Adolphos Gould, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs: R.. Gould, of Cedarvalc Ave., Toronto. The bride wore a becomingly gown of street length crepe in Elizabeth Blue shade over which she wore a long* coat in • plum‘ shade with black accessories. Her corsage was* of' Talis­ man roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Jessie Paulin, who chose Winter’s green costume with match­ ing turban. Mr. Harris Gould, Toron­ to, was his brother’s groomsman. Fol­ lowing the ceremony a wedding din­ ner was served at the home of the bride’s mother. The table was attract­ ively arranged in pink and white, and centred by a three-tiered wedding cake, for a home on Wednesday evening. The president Jean MacLennan, presided. Duets were sung by Florence Shiell and Eileen McKinney, Cassie Seiling gave a recitation, Mr. W. Blackmore favor­ ed with a piano number, and Mrs. W. J. Johnston sang a solo. Coloured, slides depicting life in India and il­ lustrating the study now being under­ taken by the Mission Band, were shown, with a commentary by Mrs. C. Tavener There, was a good attend­ ance. A, Mr. and Mrs. Gould left motor trip and will make in Toronto, BLUEVALE later their Lucknow Minister Preached Rev, C, H. MacDonald, Lucknow, in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday taking his text from l?rov. 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Mr, and Mrs. James Masters, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.’ John Hal! return­ ed home with them for a few weeks’ visit. C. G. Yoe, who is working in the C.N.R: shops at Kitchener, spent Sun­ day at his home here: Miss Alba Mowbray, of Lucknow, is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. Miss Marian Gilmour spent the week-end with Mrs. Eldred Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Meahan, Jack and May, of Wroxeter, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blak'e Duff, of Welland, spent the week-end with Miss Duff and Mrs. M, L. Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and two daughters, of Dublin, visited over Sunday with Mr. George Mathers. A I WROXETER Mr, Hugh Harris, of Saskatchewan, sons those those being Mr. WEDDINGS Women’s Institute The December meeting of the W. I. will be held on Thursday, Decem­ ber 7th, at 3 p.m., at the home of Miss Mae Davidson. Current Events—Miss Davidson. Roll Call—Donation for Xmas Cheer. Christmas Carols, Can­ dy Making Demonstration. Sale of Candy, Each member to donate 1 lb. home made candy. .Bring Recipe. The hostesses: Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. J. J. Al­ len. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Halliday, Wing­ ham, were visitors at the home of Mrs. John Bush one day last week. There was a splendid representation from here attended the Training School held ih United Church, Gorrie, United Church Presbyterial Conference Part of a Conference scheme for Hatfield - Bennett lovely evening wedding which is of special interest in this community took place at St, Paul’s Anglican Church Chapel, Toronto, on Saturday evening at seven o’clock when Luella Feme, eldest daughter of Mrs. Edwin Bennett and the late Edwin Bennett, of Wroxeter, Ontario, became the bride of Private Kenneth David Hat­ field, Toronto. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Kenneth Bennett, the bridc*was lovely in lovely bridal gown of white with silver lame trimmings and her veil was caught with orange blossoms, and her .bouquet was of American Beauty roses and orchids. Her sister, Miss Eaura Bennett, as maid of horn or, was in a long rose dress and the bridesmaid, Miss Clark, wore blue, with matching hats, and both attend­ ants carried nose-gays of Sweetheart roses. Mr. Erie Hatfield was his bro- that’s groomsman amt the ushers United Church Services Rev, C. Tavener used as his sub­ ject “Life’s Recruiting Base,” in his morning sermon in United Church. The lives -of Zebedee and his were spoken of as examples of Who serve in the front lirfc and Who support the leaders, both necessary in the battle of life. Tavener sang a pleasing solo, Hollywood Singer Called on Friends Mrs. Margaret Messer Morrison, Holywood singer, called on Bluevale friends at tile week-end. She is a daughter of the late Doc. Messer of Hamilton,, and granddaughter of the late William Messer, pioneer store­ keeper of the village. Young People Conducted Service The Young People’s Union is tak­ ing charge of the evening service in the United Church once a month, Sunday evening was the first of the series, The President, Miss Daisy ATTENTION Out 25 Point Scientific Examin. ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118. Harriston