The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-23, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. Single Copies Five Cents Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year; ”7 JLUCKY DOLLAR x DAY WINNERS $60 in Cash Prizes Given Away by Merchants of Wingham at Dollar Day Sale Last Week SCHOOL CONCERT THURSDAY - FRIDAY Children All Set to Stage Their An­ nual Presentation The great sales events, the Dollar Days, held by the merchants of Wing- 3iam Thursday, Friday and Saturday ■3ast week; was attended by large num­ bers. During these days a ticket was .given with istores that and prizes The -draws v Shop and the prizes totalled $60 in cash. The winners were as follows: Thursday Draw 1st—George Mathers, of Bluevale, $8.00. 2nd—Mrs., J. Anderson, John St., Wingham, $4.00. 3rd—Cliff Leddy, of St. Augustine, $3.00. every dollar spent in the participated in the sale, were awarded eac,h day. were made at the Hydro Friday Draw 1st—Mrs. Congram, 408 Tecumseh -Ave., London, Ont., $8.00. 2nd—LevLGood, Wingham, $4.00. 3rd—Irene Clark, Wingham,- $3.00. fc)’! 4th—Walter Geddes, of Wingham, F $3.00. Sth—Mrs. Cyrus Scott, R. Belgrave, $2.00. Saturday Draw 1st—C. Isbister, Wingham, $8.00. 2nd—Cora Gannett, of Wingham, $5.00. 3rd—Mrs. Walter Lott, R. R. 3, Wingham, $4.00. 4th—Annie Keith, Teeswater, $3.00. 5th—Miss A. Porter, R.R. 2, Wing­ barn, $3.00. 6th—Mrs. Gordon Weir, R.R. 1, i Clifford, $2.00. R.1, ' Aftei- weeks of training the pupils of the public school are ready to stage their, annual concert in the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday .evenings this week, The public school concert is one of the outstanding attractions of the year and, no doubt, the capacity of the hall will be taxed on both nights as it has been in other years.. The Rhythm Band will open the programme and will give four sec­ tions. The band (60 pieces) has be­ come a feature of the concert. Grades II and III form the band. Grade IV will present a flag march and drill. The school Glee Club will ^fender three choruses, Grade I will present Bunnies’ Dance and Dance of the Elf. The second part of the program will be a two-act operetta “White Gypsy.” This is being produced with the permission of the Raymond A. Hoffman Company. The grand chorus by pupils of grades IV, V, VI and VII is the first number. GOFORTH GROUP HEAR OF INDIA Very Informative Address Given by Mrs. H. Bateman Curlers Take Notice Wingham Curlers will hold their ■annual meeting at the Curling rink at 3 p.m. on Tuesday next, November ' 28 th. Institute to Meet Nov. 30th The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held'ln' the Council Chamber on Thursday, November 30th, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. E. C. Gallagher will address the meet­ ing. Roll Call—My Grandmother’s Maiden Name. Hostesses: Miss M. Anderson, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs, J. H. ■Crawford, Mrs. W. A. Sanderson. .Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mayor Visited Here Mr. Ernest G. Merrington Jr., and Siis mother, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sutton last week. Mr. Merrington was .recently elected Mayor of Niagara Fa.11$L N.Y.. for a term of four vear«.Falls, N.Y., for a term of four years. He is a former Wingham boy, having lived here a number of years ago. Mr. Merrington is a young man to be el­ ected to such a position, being only 32 years of age. .He was previously a member of the Council. While here be called on Mayor Crawford and they had a lengthy and interesting talk regarding municipal affairs." The regular meeting of the Goforth Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s Presbyter­ ian Church was held on Thursday ev­ ening at the home of Miss Dorothy Lloyd. After Mrs. W. W. Gurney read the Scripture lesson and Miss Mary King led in prayer, the dedicatory prayer was given by Miss K. Pringle. “Facing Higher Tasks,” was the topic- taken by Mrs. H. Bateman in which she pointed out the change that has come over,the governing body of Tn*dra*.“ In the last few years There has been opposition to Christian missions by the Nationals who previously had favoured them. Christ came to the East from the West,’ and the rulers came from the West, hence a feeling of opposition. The representation in the govern­ ment .of India is based on religious adherence, thus Christianity is drag­ ged into politics and the Nationals naturally do not wish to see their numbers grow. "We must bring a love-offering to these people,” the speaker continued, “we must not belittle* their customs, but be eager to preserve what is fine in their culture.” Events show that a world choice is to be made. We must choose the Kingdom of God, it is the only way o>,ut of individual or national chaos, the speaker concluded. After the meeting adjourned a plea­ sant social hour was enjoyed. ONTARIO’S PRIZE STUDENT DEMONSTRATES ABILITY LUCKNOW MAN KILLED BY TRAIN HEAVY LOSS AT LONDESBORO FIRE Alex.Gollan, of Lucknow, Died Al­ most Instantly. Store, Garage and Two Frame Build­ ings Prey of Flames RED CROSS DRIVE WENT OVER THE TOP RW' MS® *1 ( u ■a < co A .f w The Campaign Committee of the Wingham Red Cross Soc­ iety take this opportunity of expressing their sincere appreciation to the people of Wingham for their generous co-operation in the Red Cross Drive that was held last week. The Committee also wish to thank those who gave so freely of their time for the canvass. The objective set by the Committee was $4,000 and this was exceeded by slightly more than $800.i ... . ^. £*•»■-••• Wingham is deserving of special mention for the large' am­ ount that was subscribed here which averaged over $2.25 for every man, woman and child. . The public may be assured that this money will be carefully and wisely spent by. the executive of the local Red Cross Society. Herbert. Campbell, Campaign Manager. Dr. R. C. Redmond, Chairman. SACRED HEART PARTY WAS GREAT SUCCESS NOMINATION DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN FIRE AT LLOYD’S DID LITTLE DAMAGE Draw Made for Lucky Prizes • X ST. PAUL’S CHOIR NAMJEOFFICERS Choir Was Entertained by the Church Board of Management ELECTION LIKELY IN TURNBERRY The Board of Management of St. Haul’s Church entertained the mem­ bers of the Choir on Thursday even­ ing last. Following dinner served by the Ladies’ Guild, the rector, who act- •ed as chairman, proposed the toast to. the King, followed by the Nation­ al Anthem, and “O Canada.” Mr. J. R. M. Spittai spoke on behalf of the Board , of Management, and Mrs. T. Simpson acknowledged the apprecia­ tion ‘ of. the choir to the board, and to the Guild. Reports of the past year and plans, for the future were then £ivCn by Mri Roy Mundy, choirmaster and organist. In the elections which followed the reSults were! President—‘Miss Dorothy Piper. Vice Pres.—iMr. J. R. M. Spittai. Sec.-Treas.—Miss Doris Fells. Music Com.—Mr. Mundy, Mrs. Armitage, Misses Lamb and Phair. •Clmir Mother—Mrs, H. Brown. Asst. Mother—Mrs. Spittai. Rev. Mr, Gallagher hi proposing the toast to the choir discussed the •respective values of choral and con­ gregational music, and the distinction between devotional art and scientific execution. Miss D. Fells responded, referring to tha«happiness choir mem- *bers secure from the periods of prac­ tice, and their anxiety always to give of their best The evehing closed wth 4‘Auld tang Syne,” It has been reported to this office that there will be a contest for the position of Reeve in Turnberry. We Understand that a former member of the Council will seek the Reeveship. Rumour also has it that -there will be a contest fox* the four Council seats. It appears now that the Reeve and Council of. East Wawanosh will stand pat and it looks as if there will be no election in this township. u Election talk ip Whigham is very scarce and it would be somewhat sur­ prising if there is an election. E, Underwent Operation Mrs. Charles A, Roberts, Patrick St., underwent an operation in Wing­ ham General Hospital on Thursday last. We are happy to, report that she is making a satisfactory recovery. Fl Tables at Bridge Club The attendance at the Bridge Club is very good .this season. On Wed­ nesday evening last, eleven tables took part in the play. The winners were: North and South! Mrs. W. H. French and Miss N. Ditisley; Mrs. J. W. Me- Kibbon and J. H. Crawford; Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Gordon McKay; Mrs, D, B, Porter and Miss M. King; East and West; Mrs. W. W. Arm­ strong and Mrs. L. R, Blackwood; Mt. and Mrs. A. Wilson; Mrs, E. A.0Van- Stone and Mrs. E. M.-Shell; Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam.' .ahd W. W< Arm­ strongs < The Card Party and Dance held in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall Mon­ day night was attended by a very large gathering. The prizes at cards were won by: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. W. Warafn; 2nd, Mrs. FI, Campbell; Gentlemen:, 1st, John St. Marie; 2nd, Wm. Gray", During the past two monthsthe ladies of the parish sold tickets on draw prizes. The draw was made at this party with the following results: 1st, Mrs. Marvin Smith, town, chairs; 2nd, G. Buckingham, town, quilt; 3rd, Mrs. T. Nolan, Brussels, end table; 4th, Mrs. C. Armstrong, Brussels, lace tablecloth; 5th, Mrs. L. Ryan, Walton, table lamp; 6th, Wm. Ken- ahan, Lucknow, bedspread; 7th, Mrs. B. -Benihger, town, salad forks; 8th, Eddie Nicholson, Palmerston, vase; 9th, Miss Eileen Morris, Blyth, fruit knife; 10, Geo. Baker, Brussels, jar of. coffee. FINE PROGRAM AT JOLLY TIME LIT. The Jolly Time Literary society held its first programme of the season on Friday evening in S.S. No. 9, E. Wawanosh, when the following num­ bers were given: chords “O Canada,11 instrumental by Ji'm and George Mc­ Kee and Dick Irwin; solo, Mrs. Art. Scott; reading, Mrs. Lance GrAin; pi­ ano solo, Dorothy Pattison; ladies’ quartette, Mrs. Art Scott, Hazel Mc- Burney, Agnes Robertson and Mrs. John McGee; reading, Dick Irwin; •Jotfrnal,1 ‘ Luella Kerr; instrumental, McGee Bros, and Dick Irwin; ladies’ quartette; "National Anthem,” The remainder of the evening was spent tn dancing, Many Municipalities Will Nominate Friday. Wingham Nominations Monday Next Eleven municipalities in Huron will hold ■ early nominations this year. Wingham citizens will nominate on Monday- evefiihg next, November 27, from 7.30 to 8.30 o’clock. East Wawanosh will hold’ their nominations bn Friday thi§ Week from 1 to’ 2 in the afternoon, at the Union School,House, Belgrave. Turnberry Township will hold its meetirig in the Foresters’ Hall, Blue­ vale, from 1 to 2 pan. on Friday this week. J Other municipalities in Huron that will hold nominating meetings this week are Ashfield, Colborne, Goder­ ich Township, Goderich, West Wa­ wanosh, Turnberry, Hensail, Exeter. Carrick and Mildmay arc also district places that will nominate this week. . Elections in the above municipali­ ties, if necessary, will be held Mon­ day, December 4th. It may be that added interest will be taken in the nominations this year as it is the intehtion of Premier Hep­ burn and Hon. Eric Cross to do away with municipal elections after Janu­ ary 1st, for* a period of two years or longer if than that the war continues longer period. Store RobbedMilverton Thieves Who broke into the Merch­ ants Brokerage, a clothing store in Milverton, Sunday night, made away with several hundred dollars1 worth of goods. The theft was discovered oii Monday morning When the store was opened after being dosed for the week-end. Thieves jimmied a door and entered the building. Sunday Fire Caused Excitement The fire at Lloyd’s factory caused considerable excitement on Sunday af­ ternoon although there was very lit­ tle damage done, not over $25 worth. The fire started in the boiler room where some shavings caught fire. The sprinkler system started to work and the warning bell sounded. This was heard by Miss Y, McPherson and Miss P. Johns, who were across the road, and they put in the call. The firemen were quickly on the job, only two minutes from when the siren sounded until they were at the fac­ tory. The siren was not shut off and con­ tinued to sound for nearly ten min­ utes which caused a great deal of ex­ citement as many thought there was a very bad fire. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. DuVal Friday in Toronto. BLUEVALE L.O.L spent INSTAL OFFICERS The following officers for the year 1940 were installed at the regular No­ vember meeting of Bluevale L. O. L. No. 766 by Wor. Bro. R. J. McMur­ ray, County Master: W. M.—Wilson James Thornton. D, M.—Melville Mathers, Chaplain-—Earl Hamilton. » Rec. Sec.—R, J, Forrest, Firn Sec.—W. J. Peacock. Treas.—Geo, O. Thornton. Marshall—Charles Mathers. 1st Leet.—Ross Abram, 2nd Leet.—Goo. Johnston. Tyler-^Gco. F. Hetherington. Committee — Ross Smith, Seilttig, Amos Smith, Carl Johnston, A. D, Smith. Fred Alex. Gollan, 82, and deaf, of Luck­ now, was walking the railroad- tracks as a short cut to the funeral of a life­ long friend Saturday afternoon when he was struck by a Canadian Nation­ al Railways freight train and killed. The accident occured near the Luck­ now station, ' Mr. Gollan was struck by the side of the engine, apparently as he walk­ ed along a foot-path along the tracks. He was placecQon a stretcher but died before he could be taken the the near­ by station. Dr. Gillies, coroner, of Teeswater, was called, and ordered an inquest be held at Lucknow Thursday afternoon. Mr. Gollan was a former farmer in the South Kinloss district and was his way at the time to the funeral of Miss Margaret McLeod, a friend, at South Kinlosg Church. He is survived by one brother and two sisters in the West, and a sister in California. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon to Kinloss Cemet­ ery. on HUGE SQUASH WAS GROWN IN KINLOSS This Daddy of Squash Weighes 105 Lbs. To Jack Kennedy, of the 2nd Con­ cession of Kinloss, should go the or­ chids for the largest squash grown in this district. This monster squash is on display in our window and weighs 105 lbs. It measures 5 feet, 4 inches one way and 7 feet, 8 inches the oth­ er. It was harvested about the middle of September, and it is thought that when first pulled it would weigh about 115 lbs. Mr. Kennedy has sev­ eral squash in his garden that would' weigh around 75 lbs,, but of course the one mentioned, is,.(he daddy..of them all. The seed for this squash was grown from one that was purchased by Mr. Thomas Gaunt at the Teeswater Fair two years ago. It was a fairly large one and it was cut up and several used seeds from it. We had to open both doors at our office so" that Russel Gaunt could get in with this big squash. It surely is a whopper. Curled at Kitchener D. Fortune, W. Elliott, G. Inglis and Alex. Crawford curled at Kitch­ ener on Monday. After losing one game they won two and will return on Friday to continue playing. Home From Hospital Mrs. W. W. Currie returned home on Saturday following an operation in Wingham General Hospital < nesday. Her many friends pleased that she is making progress. Local Artist Honoured We extend congratulations (Dr.) T. L. Torrance who has been successful in having a water colour study "Woods in Autumn” accepted by the Royal Canadian Academy for the annual exhibition held at the Art Association •Galleries, Montreal, Que. Mrs.' Torrance also had a still life study in the academy Travelling-Ex­ hibition which was displayed in cities across Canada. Damage estimated at $20,000 was caused by a fire at Londesboro Mon­ day evening, when the garage of Alex Wells, the store of James W. McCool and two frame buildings, were gutt­ ed. One of the frame buildings was used by McCool as a storehouse and the other was formerly used by Wm. Brunsdon as an implement agency. Mr. McCool is the clerk of Hullett and village postmaster but the Town­ ship records as well, as the mail and postal documents were saved when the store burned. The high* east wind and shortage of water macle combating the flames a very difficult task. The fire trucks o'f Wingham, Clinton and Blyth, were called but could not pump water from the river as the couplings on the hose I from the various villages did not fit The fire broke out in the Wells gar­ age about 6.3,0 o’clock and it is be­ lieved that overheated pipes was the cause of the blaze, but this is not de­ finitely established. The implement shed wept next, then the McCool Warehouse and finally the McCool Store. Percy. Mannings’ store, across the street, was damaged. David Ewing was injured when he was struck by a falling timber when he was helping to extinguish the blaze. PRIZE MONEY TO BE PAID IN FULL At a meeting of the Directors of the Turnberry Agricultural Society held on Wednesday last week, it was de­ cided to pay the prize money in full. The directors were greatly pleased with the quality and number of en­ tries this year and are already mak­ ing plans for a bigger and better Fair here next year. Here Ts One for Ripley Mr. E. S. Lewis had a Mrs. mon mum which is yellow in blooming on a Firelight mum Cole­ color stem. The flowers of the Firelight mum are bronze in shade. No yellow mums bloomed on any of the other stems that produced bronze flowers. We have this stem on display which has four bronze flowers and one yellow one. In 25 years’ experience in green­ house work Mr. Lewis has not seen such a freak. LEGION SPIKES FALSE RUMOUR Yarn That Red Cross Sold Goods to- Soldiers, Refuted. The executive of Wingham Red Cross Society had rumours- come to their notice that the Red Cross sold socks to overseas soldiers during the last .war. To secure correct informa- tion’regarding this rumour they wrote to the local Legion and the following letter shows definitely that such was not the case, Wingham, Ont., Nov. 20, 1939 Wingham Red Cross Society, Miss Kathleen Pringle, Sec’y., Wingham, Ontario. Dear Miss Pringle:— In reply to your letter of Novem­ ber 15th, 1939, stating that reports are being circulated that the Canadian Red Cross Society sold socks and oth­ er comforts to our Canadian soldiers overseas, we, the officers of the Wing­ ham Branch of the Canadian Legion beg to advise you as follows: Stories to the effect .that Red Cross socks were sold to men overseas dur­ ing the last war arc not true. The.. Red Cross never operated any. can­ teens or booths in England or France. Their supplies were distributed there . through a Central depot to hospitals meeting opened with the singing of and to the Quarter-master General "O Canada” after which the minutes and were eventually issued to the of the last meeting were read. A men, many of whom do not know to musical selection was then given by' this day that they were wearing Red the High School Orchestra. This was * Cross products. followed by a humorous and interest­ ing dramatization of a chapter of I., will 1>e the means of correcting this M. Montgomery’s novel "Anne’s • false rumour and at this time we ex­ House of Dreams.” Meta McLattgh-' tend to your society our yery best lin played the part of Anne, and June ‘ Irwin was Miss Cornelia. Jean Well­ wood then read a few selection of L. M. Montgomery’s poetry. The pres­ ident made an appeal for more entries in the content for a School Song and Yell, which ends December 1st The Journal was then read by Editor Pos- liff, after which Mr* Stuckey gave the. Critic’s remarks. The meeting closed with “God Save the King,” on Wed- ; will be splendid to Mrs. & HIGH SCHOOL LIT. MET FRIDAY L. M. Montgomery’s ‘'Anne’s House . of Dreams1* Was Dramatized The meeting of the Wingham High School Literary Society was held on Friday afternoon, Nov. 17th. The ■ We sincerely hope that this letter wishes and co-operation. Yotirs very sincerely, Wingham Branch of the Canadian Legion, No. 180, B.E.S.L, H. C. Maclean, President. W. G. Hamilton 1st Vice Pres. Duncan Kennedy, 2nd Vied Pres. E. S. Lewis, 3rd Vice Pres. Bert Isard, Treasurer.* A. M; Forbes, Secretary. P« Harris, Sergt at Arms.1