HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-16, Page 311 mi npi /J < Thurso November H 1939 5t Quality Counts SMost "SALAM .T SA SO T WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES the ” indorsement signifying she is a Jewess was to allow her to enter Canada to join her husband. Not Hopeful of Peace London — The British Government is not hopeful the Bclgo-Dutch peace offer will lead to an armistice, it was indicated in’ a speech read at the Mansion House*by Sir John Simon, chancellor \of the exchequer. The speech, which surveyed the nation’s war effort, was written by Prime Min­ ister Chamberlain, who was prevented from attending the lord mayor's lun­ cheon by a sudden attack of gout. ft t f •fc? :rz r 71a 7 /; Ft - U>; I Daladicr Meets Empire Group Paris — The loyalty of the British .Empire to the .cause for which it has taken up arms.was reaffirmed here at a reception given by Premier Dalad-^. ier to Dominions Secretary Anthony Eden and the Dominion ministers meeting in London for joint war talks. The Empire delegation was present® ed to Daladiervby Mr. Eden. Among the ministers was Hon, T. A. Crerar, Canadian minister of mines and nat­ ural resources. , ing the first Great War, a director of the Bank of Canada and of several large corporations, he was "Uncle Tom” to many of his friends in local club circles. Polled 52% of Vote Quebec—About 30,000 votes swung the balance in the Liberals’ favor in the October 25 election, according to calculations by The Canadian Press from results in 84 of Quebec’s 85 con­ stituencies, Tabulations show the Lib­ erals polled 52% of the vote, f-M -1% fig "MW oSh js-s Pope Condemns Hitler’s Tactics Vatican City — An explicit con­ demnation of the political methods of Adolf Hitler was considered in Vati­ can circles, the essence of Pope'Pius’ speech of welcome to Abel Leger, new Haitian minister to the Vatican, The Pope declared that “peace, and the order which is its indispensable condition, will be enjoyed by the world only if the men responsible for the Government of the peoples and their mutual relations renounce the cult of force employed against right.” Missle Th’rown at Hitler’s Picture Berlin — While Nazi police comb­ ed Germany vainly for clues to the persons responsible for placing the time-bomb which took the lives of seven,, in the Munich beer cellar, and which Hitler narrowly escaped, a new impetus to the liunt was given when a missle apparently aimed at a huge picture of Adolf Hitler, smashed a plate glass window in the Berlin store of Heinrich Hoffman, the Fuehrer’s personal photographer. IFormer Crown Prince Under House Arrest Zurich,' Switzerland — Former Crown Prince Wilhelm has been plac­ ed under virtual “house arrest" at his estate near Potsdam because his" ap­ pearance on the streets of Potsdam caused popular demonstrations in fa­ vor of a monarchist restoration, ac­ cording to reports reaching here from Germany, . ’*■ & ■■■ OS , j . «•" ‘■x.B " Z* ■> $• OB I 9 /7 //< May Attack Through Netherlands Paris — With the French and Ger­ man air forces increasingly active ov­ er the opposing lines and artillery fire heavy, Paris believed Hitler might throw his troops through the Nether­ lands and then attempt to strike on toward France through Belgium, while simultaneously attacking the Maginot Line in full strength. Warn Canadians to Leave Holland Amsterdam — An authorized state­ ment said the Netherlands would ask Germany to investigate a fatal border incident which it referred to as a “serious crime." The official account of the events near the' Venloo border station said a group crossed the fron­ tier from Germany, killed one man, wounded another and took’ the vic­ tims and several companions in a Ne­ therlands automobile back to Ger­ many, The statement was made pub­ lic as the Canadian Legation in Brus­ sels announced that Canadians should be prepared to leave Holland and Bel­ gium, which like the Netherlands was speeding precautionary measures ag­ ainst invasion. Will Italy Join Allies? Paris -— A plea to the French peo­ ple to be patient, made in the Roman Catholic periodical La Semaine Re- ligiefeue by Jean Cardinal Verdier, Archbishop of Paris, made some French circles wonder if he had in­ cluded a hint that Italy might be brought into1 the Allied camp. I Canada Kept Posted London — Counting on Canada as • a mighty potential arsenal, Great Bri­ tain. has been keeping the Dominion posted on all manufacturing develop­ ments. Nov. — The laying "nest Atlantic and Expert in Civic -Financing Dead Toronto — Thomas Bradshaw, who could have become a multimillionaire 1)Ut preferred to devote his energies to the service of cities and large or­ ganizations, died at the age of 71. President of the North American Life Assurance Company since 1928, fin­ ance commissioner of Toronto dur- U.S. Planting Mines Fortress Monroe, Va., United States, navy is eggs" up and-down the Pacific coasts. They are submarine mines, put away for the possible day of attempted invasion. Each contains 200 pounds of TNT and can be fired electrically from an observation point miles away. Britain To Buy Arms Here* Ottawa — Aircraft, anti-submarine boats, ammunition and gun barrels will form the basis of initial orders to be placed in Canada by the British Supply Board, Lieut.-Col. J. H. iM. Qreenly, controller-general, told The Canadian Press. Col, Greenly was not in a position to estimate the vol­ ume of business these orders would bring but said it would be heavy. I . ~ Germany Prepared for Long War Munich — Adolf Hitler told ans of the Nazi party .that the is prepared for a five-year war, end of which there could be, opinion, only one victor — Germany. Hitler apparently regarded it futile to mention the peace mediation offer from Queen Wilhelmina, of the Neth­ erlands, and King, Leopold, of Bel­ gium. veter- Reich at the in his Wi Bi Look at the greatly increased size and luxury of this car, bigger inside and outside ... See its stunning new "Royal Clipper’’ styling ... Study the bigger, roomier, rust-proofed Body by . Fisher... Examine the ultra-luxurious upholstery, hardware and appointments—all of which combine to make the new Chevrolet the streamlined beauty leader of the low-price field and the biggest value money can buy! Settle down into the deep, soft seat cushion . . .Tune into gear with Chevrolet’s exclusive All-Silent Vacuum Power Shift . . . Test the matchless com­ bination of power, acceleration, smoothness and economy of the Super-Silent Valve-in-Head Engine . , . Relax as you enjoy "The Ride Royal”, Chevrolet’s Perfected Knee-Action Riding System”*. Then you will know beyond question that here is the best-driving, best-riding, and best performing low-priced car that ever thrilled a pulse and protected a pocket-book! ,» Only Chevrolet gives you all these high quality features at such low cost... NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING • BIGGER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE • NEW FULL-VISION BODIES BY FISHER • NEW EXCLUSIVE VACUUM POWER SHIFT • "THE RIDE ROYAL"—Chev­ rolet's Perfected Knee-Action Riding System* SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN»HEAD ENGINE • PER­ FECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES • ALL-SILENT SYNCRO-MESH TRANSMISSION • NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS • GENUINE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* LARGER TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH • HIGH QUALITY ' SAFETY GLASS • NEW SAFE-T-LOCK HOOD RIGHT SIDE SERVICE. ^On Special De Luxe Models. Crawford’s Garage NERVES HELPED ONE of the best things a woman can take for nerv- ousness is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, pre- scribed by a, phy­ sician who special­ ized in women’s ail­ ments. Mrs. James Johnson of 17 Wil- ys: ”1 had bad headaches Troop Movements Near Holland London — Ominous German troop movements behind the Netherlands frontier were reported as hopes of armistice, based on the peace media­ tion offer of Belgium and Holland, faded into diplomatic history. Irish Hunger Strikers Near Death Dublin — Prime Minister De Val­ era told the Dail (Parliament) that some of the Irish Republican Army members in prison in Eire “are in im­ minent danger of death” as a result of a hunger strike. Hitler Narrowly Escaped Death Berlin—Adolf Hitler escaped death by a few minutes in an explosion that wrecked the’famous Buergerbrau beer cellar in Munich after he had com­ pleted a'fighting war speech. The ter­ rific blast brought down the’ ceiling of the spacious room, killing seven and injuring 69, among the old Nazi leaders who had Come together to celebrate the famous putsch in 1923 that failed. Hitler had left 11 minutes before the explosion. ONTARIO TO CON­ SUME THE APPLES MEANT FOR BRITAIN Province wipes all No. 3 grade ap­ ples from market to speed sale of No. 1 fruit which, had been ticket­ ed for Great Britain before war was declared. ... to eat apples, not once a week but ev- about the death of Peskov through butter. Add to meat mixture; then ery day. It’s still true what they say improper treatment for an attack of ( add tapioca and Worcestershire sauce about the apple and the doctor. MURDER BY DISEASE A Russian Invention . Ham St.. Galt, Ont., says: “I had bad headaches associated with feminine weakness and had no nppetito. The least little noise completely un­ strung me. I could hardly sleep and became so weak I could scarcely get about. After tak­ ing Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription I felt like a new person. That upset condition and the Headache and feminine weakness disappeared, I was able to sleep, and I regained my strength.” Get Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription from your druggist, •. Opera Singer Held as Spy London —•. Johanna Elly Simon, 40- year-old German opera singer charg­ ed with possession of an irregluar passport, was remanded for further investigation after police told a Bow i street magistrate that the reason she ' wanted to obtain a passport without! i i r Start Hospital for Canadians | Toronto — Work has/been started at Taplow, Buckinghamshire, on Can­ ada’s first military hospital' in Eng­ land, it was announced by the Canad­ ian Red Cross which is financing its construction and equipment. It will be-known as “No. 1 Base Hospital." ■ft H.M.S. CAPETOWN WB One ol the units In Britain’s fleet of tttfisers well known in Chinese and eastern waters is H.M.S, Capetown. - A ; .?;: - * i j The Wqpdbourne Institution of Defective Delinquents, New York State. Department of Correction, > is Ontario housewives and apple con- publishing a new magazine Journal of sumers in general can confidently Criminal Psycopathology. Reviewing look forward to a continuous fall and , "Murder by Disease” by Leonard winter supply of the “king of fruits” such as has not graced local markets for some time. Ontario apple grow­ ers have in the past carefully built up an excellent overseas business, which, of course, has now been lost owing to war conditions and the need of boat space for war necessities. This means that Ontario teeth will replace British molars when it comes to munching rich, red w Ontario Spies, McIntosh, Snows and Delicious this apple year. What British consumers lose in the way ot quality apples, On­ tario consumers will gain. To make doubly sure^that Ontario consumers will gain nothing but the*cause of his father’s fame, best, the Ontario Department of Ag­ riculture, working with Ottawa, has eliminated all windfalls and iNo. 3 grade apples from sale. In other words it is a punishable offence by law to offer for sale poor grade ap­ ples. The fine is from $10 to $50. Last year Ontario shipped some 100,000 barrels of apples to Great Bri­ tain out of an 800,000 barrel crop. This year the crop is about the same. Eastern Ontario crop is not quite so large, but Western Ontario orchards are heavier. The Ont. Government estimate is that there will be another 800,000 barrel crop, with ihe over­ seas quota of 100,000 barrels being used right in Ontario and Quebec as according to an agreement with the federal government Ontario growers cannot .ship beyond the borders of their own province and Quebec, leav­ ing the, Canadian West to British Columbia growers. Apple growers are being reminded that all open packages of apples must have the same markings as closed packages. This means that in addi­ tion to file growers’ names, each bas­ ket or package must have the variety of apple and grade stamped on it in letters of at least one-quarter inch in height.. The grades will be No. 1 and Domestic. The leading difference between a No, 1 apple and Domestic grade is color. In al! red varieties, No. 1’s must have 40% color, while the Dom­ estic grade requires but 15%. In oth­ er words, a No. 1 basket must con­ tain all highly colored Apples, It is not only healthy but patriotic j Tusknet in the Annales of Medical ! History, it gives a brief resume of ! the biographies of four Russian phys- ! icians who were prevailed upon to ut­ ilize their medical knowledge for the , elimination of enemies of the Soviet State. During the year 1932-34, an oppo­ sition group .against the prevailing Soviet Government came into being. Among a number of prominent men involved, Maxim Peskov, the son of the great writer Gorky, stood out. While he was of poor physique, a chronic alcoholic and a moral weak­ ling, he had a certain. following be- The vice­ Chairman of the Soviet Secret Serv­ ice prevailed upon Dr. Levin to bring C. P. R. Promotion pneumonia. The other physicians en- ■ and bring to a full boil, stirring con- I tered the case as consultants. •other victims were removed by sim­ ilar methods after repeated pressure had been brought ‘upon the physic­ ians by the police. In this case a cardaic condition be­ came aggravated by improper treat- ____ — w,---------f ment. Finally the writer Gorky be- shape. Roll dough % inch thick; with, came an object of their attack but sharp knife make slits to permit es- his essentially rugged constitution en- j Cape of steam. Fit over meat mixture | abled him to withstand excessive jn casserole. Bake in hot oven (450 F.) 30 minutes, Serves 6 to 8, ■ j j ...— ---------- -—, ■ i “Johnny, can you tell me the dif- ference between perseve.rance and obstinacy?” “One is a strong will, and the oth­ er is a’strong won’t. Two stantly. Turn into greased casserole. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again,1 Cut in shortening. Add milk gradually, stirring until soft dough is formed. Turn out on slightly floured board and knead 30 seconds, or enough to medication for some time. Upon his death an official investigation by a Commission of Medical Experts re­ sulted in a conviction of all three of­ fenders (the fourth had died during the investigation). The author calls attention to the fact that this is a new chapter in the history of medical crime. —From a review by “Health" LET THEM EAT PIE The promotion of II. C. James, assistant general passenger agent, Canadian Pacific Railway Com­ pany, Montreal to the similar post in charge of the Ontario District, with headquarters at Toronto, has been announced by George E. Carter, generaj. passenger agent of the company. Mr. James suc­ ceeds the late C. B. Andrews and takes otCr his new duties Novem­ ber 1st. Mr. James in bis 25 years’ experience with the Canadian Pa­ cific Railway has covered a wide field in Canada and the United States, embracing positions of Over increasing importance and responsibility. By Katharine Baker Fall weather calls for a change in the diet. It means forsaking light, cold dishes for hot, nourishing food. Here is our suggestion of the main dishes for a chilly day — Beefsteak and Kidney Pie: It has everything - flavour, body and plenty of nourish­ ment. This recipe caljs for quick-cooking tapioca as a binder and if you’ve nev­ er tried it you’ll be surprised at the result. It gives the pie just the right consistency but docs not intrude on the flavour. Beefsteak and Kidney Pie lamb kidneys pound round steak, cut in pieces cup sliced onions tablespoons butter cups boiling water teaspoon salt teaspoon teaspoon bay leaf 3 allspice berries 2 cups mushrooms, cut in pieces tablespoons quick cooking tapioca teaspoon Worcestershire sauce cup sifted flour teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter or other shortening 6 tablespoons milk (about) Soak kidneys in salted water one hour. Brown steak and onions in 1 and pepper. Tic thyme, bay leaf, and allspice in small jioth; add to meat; cover and simmer about 1 hour, or until nearly done, Remove bag of spices. Slice kidneys and saute with mushrooms in remaining tablespoon "Ji’s made from the wheat that grows in the West”, Says Purity Maid, "It withstands every test. "Bread, histiuits or pastry—whatever you're malting— "Use Purity Flour for all of your halting.” salt pepper thyme "Everybody likes good cake, but every­ body does not know how to make it; There’s a knack in mixing a cake. You must have the right ingredients. The first thing to remember is Purity Flour; It is always so uniform, always so sure; Use Purity Flour for all your baking and you’ll never be disappointed. It makes mote bread, and better bread, as well as finer pastry and cakes.” Here we two recipes to try: CANADA CARE ] M cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup white sugar 1cups Purity Flour ? ... teaspoons baking powder Ji cup milk JiteaspoPn salt METHOD—1. Cream butter. 2. Add sugar gradually. 3« Beat in Unbeaten eggs. 4. Add milk and vanilla. 5. Sift flour with baking powder and salt and add to Mixture No. 4. 6. Bako in layer or loaf Cake tins in moderate oven of 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Listen to “CAVALCADE of DRAMA” CKNX (1200 Kc.) — 11.45 AM every Monday, Wednesday, Friday PURITY FLOUR Best for all your flaking