HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-09, Page 6Wlh'GHAM ADVANCE TIMES ‘ \\ :.M.'1' ‘X’lJi, ttoCuog?’ \>.me did- not wam ko wiih xiAuvi Imt Iwv mothw w nwm x'wyi thwi hvM htv to maW How lo Ami how xhx' ’M’ll hot mother that '’” Fhnov opened her bag and look out vmwv ‘T vac.t you b' give this to \ why as soon as wu get home. 1'ven if she's asleep, I want hev to have it wight-?’ Jost then Da\ M came up and Elim oi' xxW with him, her head high, her ^outaoes mitfavg, The look in her mo» ther's eye* ami the whiteness of her faee bad t'rt&htencd Anno. What was iin that letter to Vicky? When at last she started home with ............................ _ ^awy the rain xxas earning down the family jewvls, If Francis •werejheayfty. tasyoue. 'mot such a I wonMn’t be driven^ <*Gee?_ v»awy said. * Ibises some- 'to do Mich things. t had pww-'thing like it, Anno, isn't it?" Imeson that mornex today and i.j • .......................... | last, my darting?’ | Dead silence, except for a swish of A...?........... •■But what -good wBU that do when ; by the gate? i ....... ' I I "Yesi ytm tell me what yen 'dene whh ilhonV’ ’•l\x ’ 'AVeJk if ye® must have ■ «' s eyes < h.,1 net meet \ scky'h. »»*' I . :oek them tins te V ,a!x! Ihth oj Awe Ordway, nineteen, is shocked simps of her sappm slippers when she realises that their old friend She asked *us % reky came fe, Wx-U Edkout is m l^e wish hcr;you Jike ?G” Toother, Elinor. adores "Very much. ’ Wh her mother mu! her father, F^- ; "1 ihe etystals gt a to- ^ore. 1 d« d&re 'One »ight she ami Garry Brooks dax <W dowwrs awl s?; ■foid & man waking eofree over a fire ’•eal yexveli-j these days, in a tueadoxw—a charming young man ■, k x'ky lot that ‘4 - who rM's Ms name onh a> Charks. -ndnetc fw W- Mrs Ordn-ay Mter Aune has let: him, Charles, ’ "I hayor't a mmnte tor ihroueh a second story windoxx in , Erancis rs wa;ti»is. Aide's house, secs a beautiful woman ; The maid was hoWe A’nne***take something from a;wrap o? blue and silver ■fshessm? table. Next morning Anne; V ieky touk. at ??om boo 11? ftaisses her ^warls and Garry Brooks .ter Mrs, Oresway And 1 w< There's that diidomatse din- ney next xvoek and Wasteis yconTd-j isters ;my e.wn. .A ' 1........ ’Have you a .have a fit ii 1 didn’t deck smyself tn < nation lightly, but only he and Anne Knew that there was no lightness in him. For in that hmm of darkness Anne had definitely defined her posi­ tion. "t can't many you, Garry, and i I \vunV And something remote and resvdute had at last convinced him. Yet now when he left her, he lifted her hand to his lips. "This Isn’t the end, Anno?1 But it was said as mw who, with his back to the 'wall, cher­ ished a forlorn hope, Anne smiled and then forgot him. "Here’s a letter Mother gave me for ; jxm, Vicky?’ She was glad to get rid of it. Mow that her mother was safe­ ly at home the letter no longer wor­ ried hew (Continued Next Week)* '•i '■*Gce?' Gawy said. "This is some- Thursday, November 9, 1$30 REAL ‘DETROIT X Hotels of character and comfort with a meet unusual downtown location/ rljht In the heart of tho butlnc«% ehopplnf and theatre district, yet with ■ beautiful parkwaye an two sides which ••!<«• fot coolness and quietude, Parklnp <>nd aaragt adjacent. HI I IlfflHlil fJ50B; II I SPECIAL SUITES FOR FAMILIESOllllWWf MOKTHDf UTSS __________J—________ * that the srangc* took them Chartes is m.’cre/i in an automubik -aedde-nt—-sm? ie be Charles Patter*. n, m r re* bls Acre's "Liko xvUl?' "OK dcmY begin by asking Hy laughed a little and dew ft to her. ‘T’w get you j at hst» my darting?’ qnex* nean- alone r£You crys-* 1’ br-wade. had to set it.” look s.t»' Yon pawned them?” sh you'd ■ with the ' f Have yon the ticket r" brinpr^' "Vos” after the , "Gtx'e it to w?’ * asked I haven’t the woneyY* "Hew ‘mtseh*'* id ehxsed 1 Elinor named a sw that seemed <| o detect' -;*o Vicky' astounding. "IVe paid all 4 'tmy debts and 1 bought there "And yon hax*e none left?” ■"Not a pe-r.nx'?' "Then T mast get xt nom my as soon as possible,'”' Elinor clutched Vicky's ami. goina’ to ^et them back?” "TB do my best” bank sn e tsFe. rer b.e&ve :r.c sbzffli fcC tea. ‘&£T wished ChET-es alsmg th dhsr rd 1 hut a sc it. She rueeped ar Char? eg. aTorjS "Aims!” “I your 3e. “T shumdr/i have xrnttes h. JTm glad yw did.” ‘Why?” “Because now I shall nev> dhe things they are sajd: yrm?’ “’Other people believe them.” “’What dr> I care about other per»- ■ple?r’ She wa= flaming with her rhampinnship of him. and lovely. He said, ‘V’du are perfect in that ■dress. And now you will gr* anc ^fiance ■with Garry?” "Yes. But I shan’t ma~ry him.” "Good.” "I’m going away.” "Goins away? Where?” "To France. Mother and I.” are going •witr: yo.nr mothers” Jn^* then Tirlw ronnded th? srm- 'jer “Oh, n-ere won are, Anne' Ga—? as asking fur yrm.*’ When she had gone Tfc&y, ■wifi, her tpoffeer nv tfegseb "Wuy iH£- "'Because tiiEm. There va te~ which Elmar said v::~ aarefessn&ss, “’Who was ht ‘'T thmk I rast ask yen NEWS OF THE WORLD 1 "S* Greek • Italian Notes Rome *•* An exchange of Greek - Italian notes expressing a desire to give t-hejr friendly relations a “more concrete form” was published, Ob­ servers said the notes showed that: It­ aly is working to improve her non­ belligerency status to strengthen her influence in Southeastern Europe. BEST HOTEL LOCATION ers can best serve in this war by con­ tinuing to do well what they have been doing, namely, producing cer­ eals, meat, dairy products, poultry products, fruit and wool anil flax fibre in the best quality aiid greatest vol­ ume possible. ‘‘I realize, however, that more dir­ ection will be necessary as we pro­ ceed. We have been attempting to co-ordinate British requirements with possible Canadian accomplishment be­ fore becoming too specific in pro­ nouncements other than warning far­ mers to prepare to produce what they are already producing in greater vol­ ume without detracting from qaulity. "We have already consulted with the provinces and have been guaran­ teed their undivided co-operation in carrying out any effort thought ad­ visable by the Dominion Government. We intend to utilize provincial staffs aS well as farmer and processing or­ ganizations so far as possible in car­ rying out any program decided upon. “We do not -desire, however, to start a Dominion wide campaign until we are fairly certain as to the need and the objective toward which we are driving. "We now think that by the middle of November we will be in a position!, to give more definite direction to an; agricultural effort. I am, therefore, in­ tending to take advantage of an invi­ tation to address the annual meeting, of the United Grain Growers to be­ held in Winnipeg on November 15th to outline what the position is so far- as that can be done and the direction we believe farmer effort should take- to be of the greatest service,” hvet leaves as they passed a great tree "Did you hear what 1 said?” "Yes?’ "Why didn't yen answer?'’ "Because I’m not your darling?’ The ram was beating now- against ’the windshield, a cloudburst that, im­ peded their progress and obscured Garry's view. At last they stopped with a sudden jerk. Garry opened the door and got cut, and then came back to say, “There’s water in the engine. It’s hopeless to try to fix it in this storm. We’ll have, to wait until some- orte conies along.” Vicky, waiting up for Anne, won­ dered why she did not come. It was a dreadful night and Vicky was ner­ vous as a cat. She had had her inter­ view with. Francis who had arrived before midnight to meet the detectiv­ es. She had waylaid him in the hall and had asked for a few moments alone with him. "It's about Anne’s pearls,” she said. “I know who took them, but I’d ra­ ther nof tell you. I wish you’d trust me to get them back and not push the matter farther?’ “If it were anyone but you, Vicky,” he had said. “I wouldn't listen for a moment. But you must have your rea­ sons and good ones.” “Please,” she had implored, “send them away before Anne comes. Say | that it was all a mistake and that the i pearls have been found.” | "You shall have them tomorrow.” | He had then dismissed the detec- | lives, and, coming back to Vicky, had j talked of other things. Through it all dance andj realized his thoughts were turning and twisting in dark chann­ els. At .last he had said, "I spoke to ...iUUU GMULJU ,V,IU MV. M.VVMV., in'|but I’m not keen about it.” “ “Why not?” „ >< Appointed Australian Envoy Ottawa *- Charles J. Burchell, K. C., of Halifax, has been appointed as Canadian High Commissioner to Aus­ tralia, Prime Minister' (Mackenzie King announced. New McGill Principal Montreal — Appointment of, Prof. Frank Cyril James, distinguished ec­ onomist, to succeed Lewis W. Doug­ las as principal and vice-chancellor of McGill University was announced by the board of governors. Editors Arrested Toronto — Richard Sair,‘ Editor of the Toronto publication, Hush, and Robert Knowles, assistant editor, were arrested on charges of publish­ ing obscene matter. The arrests were made on instructions of the attorney general. The charge was made re­ garding Nov. 4th issue. Continue Russian Trade Talks London — Taking Premier Vyach- eslaff Molotoff's declaration of Rus- sion neutrality at its face value, Great Britain pushed on its tradg. talks with Soviet officials. SOON TO GIVE DEF­ INITE DIRECTION TO CULTURAL EFFORT ORANGE BANANA DESSERT A quick and simple dessert that the? children will like and that’s light en­ ough to appeal to the grown folks- these days is made by combining 1 cup orange slices, 1 cup banana slices,. I cup quartered marshmallows. Save juice when slicing oranges and pour over mixture. Chill, if desired. Serve in dessert glasses. SWEET CAP<?§M. cio-__ 'Th« p«r««t («<■ which lobacce b« Round Trip Bargain Fares NOVEMBER 17-18 From WINGHAM To Stations Oshawa and east to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lind­ say,-Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmayket, Collingwood, Meaford,.’ Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to- Beardmore. P.M. TRAINS NOV. 17 ALL TRAINS NOV. IS TO TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London,. Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, §t. Marys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. “I note that most farm papers and some farm organizations are becom­ ing restless in a desire to be getting along with some definite form of farm endeavour related to the war/’ said Hon. James G. Gardiner, ‘Dominion Minister of Agriculture in a statement issued on October 28th. Continuing he said **I have already stated, and it is still true, "that farm-' e was havang a wonderful time etiy Lanvale’s party. She g and she I wed ia s____ ng men Sacked around her. When 1? ’ y;es began t-o drift toward the mg rtgm. Garry guided Anne easily There was a hall I ..she stjI] needs you She>s just a sss ©eiere they reached the din-1 c}15jt4/» great walled Ml hung „j know „ vicky was slarfng jnto iapesirret, and portraits of dead , the fire f«e larvate. Sei out in stone! leaning forward< I]ad said, sere orange trees, hewy «>«■ «YOU'Ve been more than a mother to tt was agamst the b«kjher_ vicky, and you mustn>t desert hcr ^5 jiTeera ama gJossy leaves ana ■ ien Btobes, that An-e saw her mo- - ,Tm not deserting her, and j bav0 5 thought of this. If you can spare her, zAs Arms came up Elinor said hur-jm take her home with me and we’ll mediyt I was looking for you, Anne, ■ spend Thanksgiving with my people. 1 aTe ^^‘^ver to the She needs to be away from every- rirb whh the Dorsays for, bridge. J thing—from Garry.” A ere fed cp. Garry will drive youj Jt had been late when Francis left | her, and now Vicky was waiting. She I went to the telephone and called up I the Lanvale residence. A servant re- J ported that Miss Ordway had driven | away an hour ago with Mr, Brooks. I Mrs. Ordway had gone on to the club. So that was that. As she wondered whether she should, tell Francis there came, suddenly, the sound of a motor, She flung open the door to find Gar- iry stumbling through the storm with »Anm? in his arms, I "She half frozen," he said. "Who j ever heard of such weather at this time of year? My car stalled and I bad to wait until le saric stopped the eou-jAnn; about going with’hcr motheri feet 5: w a life a rparide statue, agairst <?- wyrlt! be ^battered. e s.dtsff’S L3^ someone came8 IVI along/’ Vicky you?" Elinor from the "Elinor?" Vicky’s voice was tied. "Where is she?" "Out, there in the car/’ But Elinor was not m the car. -She was standing in the hall. "Where’s David?" Garry asked. "He’s gone/' She came forward, more like a wraith than a real per* son. "It’s an awful bight," she said In a toneless voice, "Has Francis come In?** "Yes/* It was Vicky who answer* Interposed, and David, club/* "Who found Coming back star* site met the doctor her opinion and thrilled" at seeing See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares, (Return .Limits, Train Information, Tickets? etc., consult nearest Agent. T337C CANADIAN NATIONAL "I think he must be a good guy,’’ said Bette Davis, Hollywood’s ace box-office attraction, before meeting Dr, Allan ’Roy Dafoe, during a visit |o Callander and the quints, When gross since birth. Miss Davis was j other tourist. . . ■ 1 -J |f,e confirmed, for he answered all her points in person, though no special questions about the famous babies lowing was Arranged for her, She and showed her charts of limit pro* J watched them tafrmted# like W * * "Well, I'm going up,’* Elinor said presently, "You’d better gel Anne to bed, Vicky, And send Garry home,’* "That sounds as if I wore in dis* grace," Garry protested, "and nothing is really my fault Blame it all on Anne, I asked her to marry me and she wouldn’t so I ran the ear off the road and asked her all over again/* He was trying to carry off the sit* Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840. Risks taken on all classes of insur­ ance at reasonable rates. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. CO SENS & BOOTH, Agents, Wingham. Dr. W. A. McKibbon, B.A PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Located at the Office of the Late Dr. H. W. Colborne. Office Phone 54. HARRY FRYFOGLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service. Phones: Day iogW. Night 109J. s 4 f DR. R. L. STEWART J. W. BUSHFIELD PHYSICIAN Telephone 29. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money To Loan. Office — Meyer Block, Wingham A THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham. Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND M.R.C.S. (England) L.R.C.P, (London) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ■ J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Bands, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario Consistent Advertising in The Advance-Times Gets Results f ........ .............. .......... ...... ...... ........ ' 1 w DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19, *’ 1 R. S. HETHERINGTON BAimiSTER and SOLICITOR Office *- Morton Block, Telephone Ho. 66. 1 ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY « RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment, Phone 191, Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at tho office of the late Dr, J, P, Kennedy, Phone 150 Wihgftam Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH Offices; Centre St<> Wingham, and Main St.. Lfstowel. a Listowel Days: Tuesdays and Fri­ days. Osteopathic and IffiHctric Treat­ ments. Poof Technique, Phone ##......................Wingham A.R.&F.E.DUVAL CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTRO THERAPY North Street •“ Windham Telephone 300.