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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-11-02, Page 8
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thusrday, Friday, Saturday, November 2, 3, 4 MERLE OBERON GARY .COOPER ------In.------ The Cowboy And The Lady A wealthy girl masquerades as a lady’s maid and falls in love with a cowboy. Also “Donald Duck” and “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 6, 7, 8 ROBERT YOUNG ANN SOTHERN '-----In------ “MAISIE” “Maisie”, a showgirl stranded in -a cow town, finds work and really turns the place inside out. Also “Laurel & Hardy Comedy” “Traveltalk” and “Sport Subject” Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c. aw WHITECHURCH Mrs. Andrew Fox is spending a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Humphrey of St. Helens, before leaving to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Patten at St. George’s. 'HI I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson re turned on Saturday after spending the past week with her relatives at Galt and Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain and Or ton and Miss Margaret Procteor spent the week-end with relatives at Guelph. The marriage of' Miss Florence Wadel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wadel of Culross and Mr. Wm. J. Henry, son of Mrs. Frank Henry, of Waterloo and the late Frank Henry, was solemnized in the Roman Cath olic Church, Teeswater, by Rev. Fr. Hawkins on Monday miming, Oct. 30. This community extends best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. A reception is bJing held Wed nesday evening in Langside for Mr, p==aOJ=IO£OE3O [OE3OE=ox=io; WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES and Mrs. Henry. Miss Veronica Wadel and Mr. Albert Wadel were the attendants. .■Q Mr. Thus. Robinson, Ruth and M^-j son, also Miss Jean Gamerojn, of Ash field, spent Sunday at the home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, of Seaforth. Mrs, Jerry Casemore and Marion, of Turnberry, and Mr, Oscar Case- more, of Stratford, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casemore. The young people of Kinloss held a reception at the Langside Hall last Thursday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn, and present ed them with a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock spent the week-end with their friends, at Pine River. Little Jack Shiell,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shiell, of E. Wawanosh, although not paralyzed with infantile paralysis, will receive treatment at Victoria Hospital, more weeks, when ed to come home, tinues to improve. The people of this community ex tend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, of E. Wawanosh, whose only ,son, Floyd, passed away in the Wingham Hospital on Friday night. Mrs. J. Pollock and Mrs. Robert Mowbray attended the sectional meet ing of the W.M.S. at Ripley Thurs day, The meeting at Calvin Church on Tuesday will be in charge of Mrs. Wilkie of Teeswater. ■Mr. and Mrs. James Falconer and Lois accompanied Mr. Richard Welwood to his home at Caledon on Friday and spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney and Gladys spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. R. Davidson of Hensail. The Y.P.U. of the United Church attended a Hallowe’en social at the St. Helens United Church on Tues day evening. The Women’s Institute is holding a five-day course in the Hall here this week, Planning and Preparing Meals, Mrs. Abbott, of Ilderton, is in ch.arge of the course. Thirteen ladies were in attendance on Monday. All the ladies of the community are cordial ly invited to attend this interesting course. London, for three he may be allow- We hope he con- Save Money Prices will advance owing to war time conditions, While our present stock lasts it will be on sale at Pre War Prices. May we suggest that you do your CHRISTMAS . SHOP PING NOW,,, A deposit will hold any ar ticle until Dec, 24th, Shop ear ly and be sure of getting just what you want. Later on goods will be difficult to obtain. Geo. Williams JEWELLER MOUTH ORGAN SEASON Is Here Again See the Hohner Assort ment at ——» I ■ Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe BLUEVALE I I HOW MUCH Will You Subscribe To The / RED CROSS The Campaign For Funds Will Be Held Wingham and district Citizens responded nobly dur ing the great war when an appeal for money was made. Once again we are faced with that same task as we were during the period 1914-1918, Funds are requir ed by the Red Cross to carry on their important work. Do Your Part - Plan to Subscribe generous as you can. Dr. R. C. Redmond, General Chairman S0E30E=3====I0«=X0!zocao Special ■ BELGRAVE ■ Plan Thqnkqffering Service Tim W.M.S, of the United Church, Belgrave, held their November meet- i ing in 'the church with a good at tendance. Mrs. Chamney presided in the absence pf.Jhe. president. After the devotional period, Mrs? ©, Wight man very ably presented the 1st chap, of the new study book ’’Moving Mil lions.” The Thankofferjng service is to bo held on Sunday evening, Nov ember Sth with Rev, Mr, Wilson of Auburn as guest speaker. Institute to Meet Nov. 9th The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Institute will be held on Thurs day afternoon, Nov. 9th, at the home of Mrs. S. N. Gallaher. Roll Call—Do and Don’t in Eating for Health in Small Children. Reading “Preventing Colds,” by Miss Dorothy Greenway. Letters will be read, written by for mer residents of Bluevale, giving ear ly remembrances of Bluevale. Exhibit of Jams and Jellies. Visitors are al ways welcome. Supper Well Attended The hot supper sponsored by the Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church on Friday evening was quite a success. The school room and tab les were decorated in black and or ange, carrying out the spirit of Hal lowe’en and made a very cheerful set ting. Following the supper, Rev. S. Kerr, of Brussels, gave a fine address on his recent visit to the British Isles giving an interesting description of the beauty spbts and the places of historic interest in England, Ireland and Scotland. The address through out was a real treat. Other items on- the programme were readings by Miss Douglas, of Lucknow, and solos by Miss Margaret .Garniss, of Brus- i sels.jfe. accompanied by Mrs. W. C. King. Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Wing ham, acted as chairman. J Held Successful Euchre and Dance The Belgrave Women’s Institute, held a Euchre and Dance in the For esters’ Hall on Friday night. The first part of the evening was spent- playing cards. The prizes went tp Mrs. Norman Walsh and Mr, Cecil Wheeler and the consolation prizes to Mrs. Joe Dunbar and Clifford Ben nett. The prizes were all donated by ',Miss Mary Corley, Reg. N., .of Tor- ' onto, who spent several years in the ’ community before she went to Tor onto. Lunch was enjoyed with the Leitch Orchestra supplying the music. Mrs, Neil Montgomery left on Sat urday for London where she will join Mr. Montgomery, who has been in the city for some time, and they will take up residence on Maitland Street. Honored by Choir Members On Tuesday evening, Oct. 24, Mrs. Neil Montgomery was guest of honor at a social evening held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade by Trinity Church Choir, previous to her depart ure to take up residence in London. During the evening Mr. James Mc Crea read an address of appreciation for her help in the choir during the past years and Mrs. Norman Geddes presented her with a hymn book. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Farmers’ Club Meet Tuesday The Belgrave Farmers’ Club will its November meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Martin Grasby Tues day night, Nov. 7th, when it is hop ed there will be a good attendance of members and others who are inter ested please in farm questions. Members bring sandwiches. Special prices are offer ed this week-end on a group of English Llama coats, Shades include grey, wine and brown. Fur trims are of wolf and coon, and there are also a few un trimmed coats in the lot. Sizes 13% to 22%. $15 to 29.50 Mr. Wm. Illbury, manu facturing furrier, will be at our store on Thursday, •Nov. 2. Mr. Illbury has a large range of fur coats and is expert at repairing and remodelling old coats. Make your appointment for Thursday. KING’S REX ALL THIS Phone or Mail Orders Receive Careful} Attention WEEK Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat. n ■ ■ ZOEhtO Miss Ruby Duff, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sisters, Miss Duff and Mrs. Aitken. OE3O [Ota'oi R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to iidbit. GI asses work wonders to restore vision and give perfect comfort if fitted by FYFSJLmJI jL that show signs of trouble should be examined AT ONCE by a specialist in this work, and Purchased Farm sale of stock and implementsThe held by Mrs. Robt. Nicholson Thurs day was quite successful. Mr. Joe Yuill purchased the farm. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Anderson, of Sturgeon River, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Manning. Mrs. Earle Anderson and sons, Jimmie and Keith, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Young, at Westport. Heid Thank-Offering Meeting The annual Thank-Offering Service of the Women’s Missionary Society was held in the United Church Sun day, The pastor, Rev. C. Tavener, gave the address. The1 Tuxis Quar tette, of Listowel United Church, as sisted by the choir, gave some fine numbers. Mr. C. D. Farris, a student from Knox College, Toronto, occupied the | pulpit in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday, using the' text “I am am ong you as he that serveth.” Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott, Bran don, Man., visited his brother, Matt. Elliott, and other friends in th<^ vic inity last week-end. They spent the summer at Kirkland Lake where Mr. Elliott, who is an architect, was in specting the building of new schools. They are travelling by cabin trailer to Montana and from there to Vancouv er to spend the winter. Young People Hear Convention Report The Young People’s Society met in the school room of the United Church on Wednesday night last with .the Christian Fellowship committee in charge. Gordon Nethery was in the chair and Freda Jordan at the piano. The lesson was read by Leslie Vin- I cent and the prayer taken by Miss I McDonald. The topic was an address by Goldie Wheeler in which he dealt with the General Background of the Young People’s Work in the United Church of Canada and some special features of leadership training, plementary to the topic and comment upon it Miss Lane some impressions of the recent ference Convention held in Sarnia. The recreational period was under the direction of Ruth Wheeler. There was a particularly good attendance, and The meeting was a very enjoy able one. The executive met later and made preliminary arrangements for a special musical service to be held on the Xmas Sunday night. Sup- as a gave Con- MORRIS | McKibbon’s | PHONE 53 — iiiiiKiiiwiiniiMihiiiiHiiMiiiMiimiiniiHiiniiiniiisiiiaiiiHiiiwiMimiiiHiiiniiwnBiiMiiMiiHS Drug Store — WINGHAM ■ Mrs. Mervyn Grainger on Sunday. A very enjoyable time was spent Friday evening at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. George Warwick, when a miscellaneous shower was given for their son Robert and bride. Mr. aiid Mrs. Ezra Welsh, Brussels, Mr. and tMrs. Fred Hayden and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rutherford were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Sewage. Mrs. Allan McKercher who has spent the past two weeks with her father, Mr. Herb Henning of Wroxet- er returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grainger, Miss Helen Ament and Mr. Stanley Grain ger motored to Toronto and stayed over the week-end with the former’s daughter, Miss Irene Grainger, R. N. A baby boy has come to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruttan. Stanley Grainger left iMonday for Sudbury where he is engaged as sale sman for one of the hardware firms. Mr. Edgar and his pupils celebrat ed Hallowe’en by holding a party at the school room Tuesday afternoon. The children wore costumes and masks. After the program, lunch was served. Everyone reports a good time. Prompt Delivery Phone 161 Miss Elizabeth Robertson returned to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and daughters of Dublin, spent Saturday evening with his father near Bluevale. Mr. George Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers, Doris and Helen and Miss Hazel Stamper spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathers and Elizabeth. Mr. Wm. Thornton returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton at Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs, Melville Mathers and son, visited on Sunday with her moth-I er and aunt, Mrs. S. Woods and Miss Agnes Hastings in Turnberry. | Miss Dorethy Aitken spent the week-end with her tpother and aiitit,1 Mrs. Alice Aitken and Miss Mary Duff. I Don’t forget Ebenezer Xmas tree on December 22nd. JAMESTOWN * Mrs, Slemmoh, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.} Addy, Mr .amt Mrs, Barker and Miss Flsie Franklin, visited with Mr, and McCORMlCK’S or WESTON’S FANCY BISCUITS .... Australian Seedless RAISINS ............... 2 Lbs. 25c SEEDED LEXIA RAISINS ....... 17c Pkg. 1 WALNUT . QUARTERS ................ 45c Lb. RECLEANED > .1 CURRANTS 15c Lb. CHOCOLATE FLAVOURED CHOPPED NUT BUTTER........... 16-oz. Jar 25c PURE WHITEClover HONEY 43c 4-lb. Pail |50-oz. Tin GRAPE FRUIT JUICE ................ 27c NEW SEASON’S CHOICE MINCEMEAT....................................... 2 Lbs. 25c NEWPORT FLUFFS ................... 25c Pkg. THRIFT BULK SOAP FLAKES.....3 lbs. 25c UNGRADED TIP TOP PEAS ............ 10c Tin GIANT SIZE . SUPER SUDS......»....35c Pkg. ..♦ 19c Lb, York Good Quality BOLOGNA........,.. 17c. Lb. ' Davie’s Easy Spread CHEESE ...15c Pkg* FRESH CRISP CELERY HEARTS ... 10c Bch. SWEET JUICY ORANGES...........29c DOz. SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT CHOICE RIPE BANANAS 29e Doz. 4 for 25c See Our ^Fresh Display of New Seasoh Fruits For Christmas Cakes and Mincemeat.