HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-10-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 26, 1939 * I a Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.xn? Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 26, 27, 28 SPECIAL Admission!: Adults 35c, Children 20c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1 -----DOUBLE BILL------ Mary Boland and Charles Ruggles in “BOY TROUBLE” -----And------ John Howard in “Bulldog Drumond’s Police” Comedy and Mystery combined on the one, bill to make good entertainment. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin and sons, Joe and Dan, spent Sunday at ■Clinton at the home of her brother, Dr. Dan McInnis. Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and 'children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, of Caledon, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland, of Caledon,- spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood. The W-M.S. of the Presbyterian Church held their Fall Thank-Offer­ ing meeting on Thursday last with the president, Mrs. Robert Mowbray, in charge; Miss Merle Wilson read BATTERY Batteries For All Makes of Cars. *SPECIAL OFFER A Liberal Allowance For Your Old Battery non Bert Armstrong, Prop* Phone 181 i GET YOUR ANTIFREEZE NOW i liMiiHiiiaiiiniiniiMiiniiHiiHiiwiiniiHiiniHiiiHiiHiiiiiMiininiiintniiiminimn' , > - b a g Sale of large size Dresses in S lovely shades of newest mater- = ials. 40 on sale. Reg. $12.50 fw 6.95 COATS Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats. Smartest coats for your in­ spection. Sizes 13 to 18, 18^, 20J4,22J4. Prices 14.50 - 29.1 Always the newest styles and best materials, Hanna’s Ladies Shop the ■ Scripture lesson and Mrs. J. F, Davidson and Mrs. W. J. Coulter led in prayer, Mrs. Robert Ross gave a thank-offering reading and Mrs. John Pollock and Miss Velma Scott sang a duet. The president of the Presby- terial, Mrs, Robt. Davidson, of Dun­ gannon, was present and addressed the ladies on the subject of Steward­ ship, stressing the necessity of it and blessings accruing from it, both to the society and the individual. After she was tendered a vote of thanks, Mrs. R. J. Ross closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mackay and Barbara and Alan, of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs, Robt, Mowbray. The Culross' Club held a surprise meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick of Culross on Thursday last and presented Mr, and Mrs. Wal­ lace Conn 'with a miscellaneous show­ er. The evening was spent in games and dancing, lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. The McClenaghan families and Mr, and Mrs, Laidlaw were in Wingham on Friday attending the funeral of the late Robert Dobie, who passed away last Wednesday after being in the Hospital in London, for the past few months. He was in his 79th year, and over forty years ago married Mary Ann McClenaghan, sister of Robert and Ben McClenaghan and of Mrs. Laidlaw. We regret to report that Mrs, Dobie passed away at the home of her son in Listowel Tuesday morn­ ing. The service will be held Thurs­ day in Wingham. Mr. Ernest Casemore is driving a new sedan. Quite a number of the ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church were in Belgrave on Friday attending the meeting of the Fall Presbyterial, at which the guest speaker was Mrs. Taylor, who had been sent to Africa and the Madras Conference in India, and who gave a splendid address. Master Harold Thompson, who spent the past week at the. home of his grandfather, Mr. Thos. Robinson, returned to his home at Tilsonburg on Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Calvin Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, of Langside, spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Emerson. Mr. James Emerson has been under the doctor’s care during the past week. Mr.Floyd Thompson was taken to Wingham Hospital over a week ago suffering from hemorrhages of the stomach, and has been very ill. Miss Genevieve and Mr. Geo. Watt of Toronto, spent the week-end with their sister, Miss Muriel Watt, at home of Mr. Wm. Barbour and Monday, Muriel and George left their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cane and Jimmie, of Toronto, spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her- son Irwin. Mr. Cane is with the 48th Highlanders. Jack Shiell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiell, of E. Wawanosh, was taken to the Sick Children’s Hospital, London, on Sunday, suffering from what was feared an attack of infantile paralysis. The school! was closed as a precaution. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Ernest spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs.. Cahill, of Paris, and with other relatives at Galt. Miss Annie’ Kennedy, of Pme Riv­ er,spent the week-end. with’ her mo­ ther, Mrs. David Kennedy. Communion services, were held in the Presbyterian Church here Sunday. On Mondy evening l’ast, the young people of Teeswater, Wingham and Whitechurcli, met at the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, each society con­ tributing several numbers to the pro- gram. interesting contests were held, lunch was served' and a social half- hour was much enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor re­ turned last Tuesday from their honey­ moon trip and left on Thursday for their new home east of Seaforth. Mrs. Fallahay, of Toronto, is visit­ ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bert Thompson. Mrs. Browning and Lilian, and Mr. Ernest Sparling, of Kincardine, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Miss Evelyn Dane, of Gorrie, ited at the home of her cousin, Harold "Pollock last, week, and MisS Lois Fraser, of Pine River, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pollock. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held last Wednesday with the vice- president, Mrs. J. G, Gillespie, in the chair. Psalm 96 was read responsive- j ly, and Mrs. j. D. Beecroft' led in prayer fur the missionaries, Mrs. E. Scholtz read the Scripture lesson, and Nov. 22 was set for the Thank-Offer­ ing meeting with Mrs, G. A, Barnard oLSt. Helens as special speaker, and a special Invitation to be sent to the W.iM.S. of the Presbyterian Church to be present at that meeting. The ladies made arrangements for various committees for the fowl supper to be Save Money Prices will advance owing to war time conditions, While our present stock lasts it will be on sale at Pre War Prices. May we suggest that you do your CHRISTMAS SHOP­ PING NOW. A deposit will hold any ar­ ticle until Dec. 24th- Shop ear­ ly and be sure of getting just what you want. Later on goods will be difficult to obtain. play by a group from Wingham, u selection of lantern slides and some musical numbers. Mrs. R.,M. Collins, of Sarnia, spent "the’ week-end with' relatives here, > BLUEVALE W.M.S, Start New Study Book The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held in the vestry on Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. C, Tavener presided in the .absence of the president. The theme for October was /’The God of all the people of the earth”. After singing “O, Lord of heaven and earth and sea” the 96th Psalm was read responsively. The Scripture lesson was taken from Isaiah 40: 1-5. Rev., _ I C, Tavener introduced the new study I book “India’s Rural Millions.” Dur- held at the. church on November 7th.1 bg. the business period p]ans were Miss G. Laidlaw led in prayer and ! for having an autumn thanlc- Mrs. Beecroft told the story of the ' offering service on Sunday morning, first chapter of the new study book Oct. 29th, with’ Rev. C. Tavener as Moving Millions. . Mrs. Gillespie special speaker, and the Listowel closed the meeting with prayer. | Quartette to provide the singing. The Miss Anna May Cai rick spent a ( fOij call, a verse containing the word few days last week at Mount Forest "Thanksgiving” brought a splendid with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Graham. | response. Singing “From .all that Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Farrier and ( dwen below the skies” and prayer Geo. Williams JEWELLER Carman, Mr. and Mrs„ Joe Tiffin, vis­ ited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. George Tiffin, of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Louttit, Wing­ ham, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Elliott. Mr. Thos. H. Moore and Mr. Ar­ thur Moore made a business trip' Toronto last week on Thursday. to ’ closed the meeting. BELGRAVE Showered by Friends very pleasant time was enjoyed Kinloss Minister Preached Rev. G. M. Young, of Soqth Kiti- loss, occupied the. pulpit in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday I morning, speaking on the restlessness in the world at the present time due largely to selfishness and over-anx­ iety and the promise of God in the text “Come unto me all ye that lab­ our and are heavy laden and I will give your est.” A on Tuesday night when friends and neighbours gathered together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCal­ lum in honor of. their daughter, Mab­ el, whose marriage took place Wed-; nesday. Many useful'and pretty gifts'^ were showered upon the bride-tb-be. [ _ . ' . An address of good wishes was read,„... . ' 'z. by Corrine McLean after which Mr. I r_,7 , t. _ . T Th . . , , , j 1 • I Canadian soldier enlisted will be pre­Smith on behalf of himself and -his I __ bride-to-be, thanked all for their best■ wishes and gifts. Lunch'was serveci by the ladies. Bible Society Representative Spoke Rev. W. McCleary, Toronto, gave an address in the United Church on ; Suwday morning on the work of the Upper Canada Bible Society. He J spoke of the needs of the work at the • present time, when the society has the | Bible printed in 784 languages. Each > sented, by the society, with a New . Testament. Bluevale branch has sup­ ported the work since 1865. Mr. Clifford Logan, who has been employed in road construction work near Sudbury, has returned home. the on for I VIS* Mr. Dispense with .Hallowe’en Social The Young People’s Society met in the Sunday School Room of the Unit­ ed Church on Thursday night with the Citizenship committee in charge and Kenneth Wheeler in the chair. Mrs. C. Procter presided at the or­ gan. The fesson was read by Mar­ jorie Grasby and the prayer taken by Edith Procter. The topic for the ev­ ening was taken by Ruth Wheeler. After the meeting committees worked on the details of the program for the remainder of the year. There will be no Hallowe’en Social this year, society will co-operate with the man’s Association for the Goose ner instead. ■ Collar Bone Fractured in Car Mishap While iMr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Johns­ ton accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Cur­ tis and Miss Margaret Curtis, were driving to Wingham on Sunday even­ ing the lights of an approaching car and a heavy rain falling made .visibil­ ity, poor and' the' Johnston car went off the- road’ and turned1 over on its side. Mrs. Curtis suffered a broken collar bone and’ the other occupants of the car received’ minor cuts and bruises and a shaking' up; The Wo- Din- Successful Fowl Supper The members of Trinity Anglican Church held a very successful Fowl Supper in the Foresters’ Hall,__Bel- grave, on Wednesday night. Follow­ ing the supper a program was pre­ sented consisting of a- short one-act DTDVC& 117 Ki3 Pipe Season Is Now On. Pipes from 25c to $3.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe that show signs of trouble should be examined AT ONCE by a specialist in this work, and Glasses work wonders to restore vision and give perfect comfort if fitted by ' R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon, Mission Band Elected Officers At the October meeting: of’the new­ ly organized Mission Band held on Saturday afternoon in the United Church Mrs. C. Tavener, supt., was in charge. Norma- Hall, Scott Mac- Lennon and Cassie Seiling took part in the- devotional exercises! Muriel Smith gave -a reading. Mrs. Tavener told a temperance story and conduct­ ed a finger play with the children. There were fifteen present. The fol­ lowing are the officers: Supt., Mrs. C. Tavener; Assist. Supt., Mrs. Fred Seiling; Spc., Shirley Seiling-;' Treas., Muriel Smith; Pianist, Florence Shiell;; Assist. Pianist, Helen Thom­ son; Temperance Sec., Billy- Gallaher; Peace Sec., Wilmer Smith; World Friends Sec., Norma Hall’. Some- Improvement Mrs. Blanche Costello-, who suffer­ ed a severe stroke of paralysis, at the home of her tinCl'e, Mr. Wm. Thorn­ ton, last Tuesday, has been taken to the home of her brother, George and Mrs. Thornton. Friends will be glad to know /hat there is a slight im­ provement in her condition, Mr., and Mrs. Vernon Higgins, of Toronto, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wettlaufer and son, Keith, of Maple Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer. Miss Dorothy Aitken, of St. Cath­ erines, spent Sunday with her moth­ er, Mrs. M, L. Aitken. BELMORE A shower was held Friday evehtng for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stokes who were married Wednesday. Mr, Scott has purchased the house occupied by Mr. Gibson and family, A quilting by the Association was held Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Albert Haskins*. Mrs, Wm, Curie was a Gorrie vis­ itor last week with her daughter, Mrs, Alex. Marshall Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tuck and little daughter were visiting at R. J1. Doug­ las’ the past week. i Mrs. Raynor’s mother,’ after spend­ ing some time at the manse, returned to her home at London Friday. tn spite of weather conditions a ter 1 a Underwear Whether you prefer featherweight scanties or more substantial gar* ments, in • cotton or wool, you41 find that we have a complete range of ladies’ underwear, priced at 50c to $1.65 a garment New lines for Children include Interlock cotton vests, briefs, bloom­ ers ......................29c, 39c Wool Rayon Vests and Bloomers Turnbull’s Combinations Klastic Back Sleepers - blue,' pink .. 89c .. 1.00 s ■ Phone or Mail Orders Receive Careful Attention McKibben’s PHONE 53 — Drug Store — WINGHAM large crowd! tunned out to hear the male quartette from Toronto in the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. Mr. Elmer Jeffray, Clifford, spent Sunday with His< parents. Miss Fanny Longley, of Salem, was the gueset of Mrs. 'BalTagb Sunday. ASHFIELD Mr. Richard Twamley parsed! away at the home, of his sister,. Mrs. James- Drennan, near- Kintailj, on Wednes­ day, Oct. 18, from ai stroke; The fun­ eral was held on’ Friday afternoon to Dungannon Cemetery. He- l’eaves to mourn him, one daughter, Mrs. Mil­ ton Kilpatrick;, off Mafeking; and one1 son, Charlie Twaml’ey’ of'B’.C. His wife and one daughter, Mrs. P'ercy Finnigan and two sons, Wesley and George predeceased him. Three sis­ ters-, Mrs.. Sam Sherwood, Mrs. Wm. Sherwood and Mrs. James Drennan, and one brother, iMr. Wm. Twamley, all of Ashfield, survive. We extend our sincere sympathy to all the rela­ tives. Rev. Mr.. Wilkins of the Circuit and Mrs. Wilkins, were called to Windsor last Wednesday as their daughter, Quinnie, had undergone an operation for appendicitis. We are pleased’ to hear she is- improving nicely and1 ex­ pect them all back to the parsonage next week. Miss Winnie Lane spent the week­ end with' her sisters, the Misses Mel- da and Hilda Lane, of Orillia. u Phone 161Prompt Delivery FINE OR COARSE BULK OATMEAL 6 Lbs. 25c WHITE CLOVER HONEY ............. 43c 4-lb. Tin I LUCKNOW WHEATLETS . McCORMICK’SI BUTTER SODAS.....15c Lb. ... 6 Lbs. 25c CLUB HOUSE CHOPPED NUT BUTTER ... 16-oz. Sealer 25c DALTON’S O.K. JELLY I LEALANPOWDERS .......... 5 Pkgs. 25c | CATSUPLEALAND TOMATO ► ,.......... 18c Bottle Newport Popped wheat fluffs With 14-oz. Pkg. 22-oz. Pkg. t Glassware 25c 39c LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS... 2 28-oz. Tins 25c FRENCH DRIP COFFEE ......49c CLARK’S SPAGHETTI ... 10c 15-oz. Tm COWAN’S PERFECTION COCOA 25c 1-lb. Tin York Good Quality BOLOGNA.......-.... 17c. Lb. Mild CANADIAN CHEESE......................21c Lb. DUMA%T’S CHICKEN ROLL ........35c Lb. SWEET JUICY ORANGES .................29c Dozen SEEDLESS GRAPE* FRUIT 4 For 25c Let Us Supply You With Candies For Your Hallowe’en Party or Shell-Oiit. FRESH CRISP CELERY HEARTS 16b Bunch NO. 1 LARGE! COOKING Onions ................... io Lbs, 25c