HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-10-26, Page 4page; four WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 26, 1939« wr AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock, at Lot 36, Con. 3, Kinloss Twp., 2% miles north of Whitechurch, at 1.30 o’clock, on Monday, November 3rd. Cattle, all good quality. No reserve on all stock listed. Terms—Seven . months’ credit allowed purchasers furnishing bank approved joint not­ es or a discount of S% straight off for cash. John J. Johnston, Prop., W. Henderson, Auct. FOR SALE—Chesterfield, two large chairs, single bed and springs, dou­ ble bed and Marshall mattress. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, Minnie Street. FOR SALE—A piano case organ in good condition; also breeding geese. Apply Mrs. Wm. J. Parrish, R.R. 4, Wingham. ber, A.D. 1939. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against either of- the above mentioned deceased persons are hereby notified to send such claims to the undersigned solicitor for the administrator duly verified by de­ claration on or before the 4th day of November, A.D. 1939. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date the assets of both the said estates will be distributed Laving regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 10th day of October, A.D. 1939. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. fans much has been given, therefore much is required. A solo by Mrs.’ W. B. McCool, of Wingham, was much appreciated. Mrs. Tavener, of Bluevale, intro­ duced the new study book ’‘Moving Millions” in a most interesting man­ ner, Mrs, Gardiner, the president, gave a helpful message, urging all to put practice the inspiration and help re­ ceived during the day. A very interesting message from the London Branch Summer School, held at Alma College in August, was brought by Miss McGowan. Mrs. N, Keating, of Belgrave, fav­ oured the convention with a pleasing solo. The closing words, including votes of thank's to the Belgrave auxiliary and to those taking part in the pro­ gram, were given by Mrs. R. Coultes of Brick Church. Mrs. Chas.. IJoyd, of Wingh,am, was elected to the nom­ inating committee and Mrs. Charles Shiell, of Brick Church to the Fin­ ance committee. A member from Bel­ grave is to attend the Branch conven­ tion. • •' The invitation from Gorrie for the 1940 convention was accepted. Rev. J. B. Townend pronounced the Benediction. • Millions suffer needlessly because they eat only the kind of food that is consumed in the body—meat, pota­ toes, bread—and so does not form the soft “bulk” the bowels need for regular movements. Such people afflicted with constipation due to diet deficiency of “bulk”, should eat Kellogg’s All-Bran every day and drink plenty of water. All-Bran con­ tributes to the needed “bulk” and is a rich source of Nature’s intestinal tonic, Vitamin Bi. Try the All-Bran way and know the freedom that FOR SALE—Double House, Victoria St., all conveniences, stable and good sized lot; also small House with 2 acres, back of Foundry. Ap­ ply F. J. Monoey. Lemons Check Pain of Rheumatics in 48 Hours '"FOR SALE — Standing Hardwood timber enough to cut 500 cords. Apply to S. Morton, R.R. 1, Bel­ grave. FOR SALE—Essex coupe, in good shape, rumble seat, good tires. Ap­ ply Advance-Times. PIANOS — The Mildmay Furniture Store has for sale a new Semi­ Grand Piano, a new Upright piano, a new Miniature piano. Also recon­ ditioned pianos $27.50 up. J. F. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. PRIVATE SALE of Household Fur- nishings including electric washer, stoves, sewing machine, rugs, furni­ ture, etc. J. Johnston, Minnie St. Hours 10 to 5. TWO-WAY ACTION on the Kid- neys, antiseptic and invigorating. Rumacaps attack the cause of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago. McKibbon’s Drug Store. Oh, what joy awaits the sufferer from rheumatic or neuritis pain who. uses this simple inexpensive home re­ cipe. Just get a package of the RU-EX PRESCRIPTION from your druggist. Mix it with a quart of wat- ed, add the juice of 4 lemons. It’s easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 tablespoonfuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours — sometimes overnight — pain leav­ es, stiff joints are limbered. Try this prescription. Feel good, years young­ er, enjoy life again. Costs only a few cents daily. Money back if it does not help you. For'sale and recommended by McKibbon’s Drug Store, The Rex- all Store, Wingham, Ont. W. M. S. GROUP MET AT BELGRAVE (Continued from Page One) tion.” She pointed out that our work is still greater as now we are citizens, not just of a country, but of the world. Mrs. MacKenzie also had charge of the Mission Band roll call. She stressed the importance of hav­ ing a Band wherever there is an Aux­ iliary. A new Band at Bluevale was reported. Besides interesting regular meetings the various bands reported such special events as: Peace and World Day of Prayer programmes, work meetings, and Easter pageants. The value of lantern slides in the missionary education of the children ,was pointed out. The rolls of the ____ _ri.— — -------------- Mission Circles and C.G.I.T. Groups gave them Jwo beautiftil^showers^and; were called respectively by Miss Clare McGowan and Miss Caroline Well­ wood. In the Baby Band department interesting features were reported, particularly the promotion service from the Baby Band to the Mission Band. A period of discussion followed the reports. Several of the Presbyterial secretaries spoke on their work. Mrs. J. D. Colquhoun, of Seaforth, display­ ed and explained the literature which she had on her table. Miss Mary Milne, of Blyth, the treasurer, gave the financial report, which showed an increase during the . first half of the year over the same ent uvicovcmwu. j-uvj ,v., Per’°d last year. The Christian Stew- gratefurm those*who'so^kindiFloart- ardship secretary, Miss L. Young, of RADIOS — 1940 Victor, General El­ ectric and Roger models. Battery models complete $29.95 and up. Electric sets $14.95 and up. Gener­ al, Everready and Burgess B. Bat­ teries at new low prices. Sterling Finlay, Wroxeter. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY — House with all conveniences, cent­ rally located in Wingham. Apply Box P, Advance-Times. WANTED — Roomers, good loca­ tion. Apply to Mrs. H. Aitchison, Shuter St. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Malley take this opportunity of expressing their appreciation to the friends who presentations following their wedding trip.____________________________ 4 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Alex. MacGregor and daugh­ ter, Mary, wish to express their sin­ cere thanks to their neighbours and friends for the kindness and sympa­ thy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement, also they wish to thank those who so kindly loaned their cars. CARD OF THANKS .Mrs. George Edgar and family take this opportunity of expressing their sincere appreciation to their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy extended during their re-1 cent bereavement. They are also very ed their cars.Londesboro, urged each auxiliary to have a budget. She pointed out that giving is a grace tn itself that culti­ vates other graces and asked if each has considered -what it really means to be a Christian steward. i Mrs. Stocks, of Wroxeter, closed s the morning session with prayer. 1 ' 'he <levotional period which open- iished in The Ontario Gazette^ orT the ed the afternoon session was conduct­ ed by Miss Clare McGowan and Mrs, W. A. Gardiner, president of the Presbyterial, Mrs. H, D, Taylor, Foreign Miss­ ions Secretary of the Dominion Board was the guest speaker, Mrs, Taylor I took us in imagination to the mission I fields of Angola and Central India, I which she visited on her way to at- _ .............................................. tend the Conference at Madras. She NOTICE TO CREDITORS showed us glimpses of the living —— [ church of Christ in Africa, The Afri* IN THE MATTER of the Estate [cans arc eager for instruction, the need is great but the workers are few. In India the situation is similar. At the Madras Conference it was em­ phasized that the will be won to Christianity fey.Ahe witnessing of the, ordinary Christian, Deeds as well aT^ords are need. To tis as Christ- Notice of Sale for Taxes WESTFIELD Congratulations are extended to Mr. and iMrs. Norman McDowell on the birth of a baby girl, born in God­ erich Hospital on Saturday, Oct. 21. Mr. Ellis 'Elsley, of Wroxeter, is spending the next few months with his grandmother, Mrs. J. E. Ellis. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobie, of St. Augustine, Que., visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobie. Mrs. Ross Robinson, of Tilsonburg, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Cook. Mrs. Cook accompanied Mrs. Robinson home for a week’s visit, A miscellaneous shower was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook in honor of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell. The evening was spent visiting and community singing with Rev. H. C. Wilson leading and Jean McDowell at the piano, after which a short ad­ dress was. read by Harvey McDowell, and the presentation was made by Hilda Black and Alice Cook. The bride and groom thanked their many friends for their lovely gifts which were numerous, ornamental as well as useful. After the opening of the pre­ sents the bride served candy. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McDougal and Jackie, of Auburn, visited on Thurs­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Mr. Charles Scott spent a few days last week with Toronto friends. A number of the Y.P.U. met with the Y.P.U. of Auburn Wednesday ev­ ening and enjoyed the lecture and slides on Japan, given by Rev.'Stone, a returned missionary from Japan.- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor visited with Rev. Wm. Taylor and Mrs. Tay­ lor of Dorchester. Mr. Lome Stonehouse visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Dowe, Granton. Mr. Edward Rodger, of South Riv­ er, spent lastw eek with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Rodger. Mrs.. Alex. Cloakey, of Morris, vis­ ited on Friday with Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Mrs. Stanley Codlc and Mrs. Hugh Blair attended the Sectional meeting at Bayfield on Thursday as delegates, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Mrs. W. McVittie, "Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. Walter Mason, Miss Winnifred Campbell and Miss Mary Ellis attend­ ed as visitors. Miss Mary Ellis was secretary for the day. Mrs. A, Tyerman, of Leamington, Mrs. J. Tamblyn, of Londesboro, are visiting at the home of the latter’s nephew, Mr. W. F. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford, of Londesboro, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Radford. Miss Zella Cook, of Wingham, and Miss Mabel Bosman, of Goderich, spent the week-end with their parents. Made by Kellogg in London, Canada. At your grsarx William Rodger, who predeceased her eleven years ago. To this union were born 9 children, two of whom died in infancy, and David passed away Sept., 1.930, in Woodstock Hospital. For the past two years Mrs. Rodger had been a great sufferer which she bore very patiently to the end. $he bore the journey of her life in 53 years, and it is a path marked with deeds of kind­ ness and cheer, Flowers not thorns. Sunshine not shadows, did. she scat­ ter everywhere, Truth was the inspir­ ation of her life and by kindness she exemplified its great worth. Among us she ranked as a woman of culture and refinement and sympathy, a de­ voted wife and mother and a true friend, To her the struggle and burden­ bearing of earth are ended, and we confidently trust that like one who wakes from a troubled dream she has awakened to see life’s endless morn­ ing break and knows herself at home. Mrs, Rodger leaves to mourn their loss, one daughter, Mrs. Mansel Cook (iMary) of E. Wawanosh; Emmerson of Con. 4, E. Wawanosh; Norman, Leslie and Ralph at home; Edward, of South River; one sister, Mrs. Gor­ don Cook, of Cochrane; four broth­ ers, Gordon of East Wawanosh; Wil­ liam, Edward and Edmund Snell, of the West. One brother, Charles,^pre­ deceased her a few years ago. Mrs, Rodger was a devoted Christian wo­ man and a member of the United Church. The funeral service was held from the family residence on Monday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. H. C. Wilson. The sympathy of this community is extended to the sorrow­ ing family and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Stackhouse, of Brucefield, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Miss Bernice of Cochrane, Mrs. Paul Bertram and Isobel, of Timmins, returned home on Tuesday. Mr. Edward Rodger returned to his school at South River. TAKE NOTICE that copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of( taxes, owing to the Town of Wingham' have been prepared and may be had| In the office of the undersigned Trea­ surer, at the Town Hall, WinghamJ And that such list has been duly pub- !„ T!._ C*. ‘A: second day of September, A, D.» 1939, nnd that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the said Treasurer will proceed to sell the lands on Saturday, the ninth day of December, A, D., 1939,. at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Towft Hall, WingWam. Dated this fifth day of September, A. D.« 1939. _ *W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer. of William Findlater of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, wlm died on or About the lYth day of May, A.D, 1930, and IN THE MATTER of the Es­ tate of Adiriie Findlater late of the Township of Morris in the County of Hutrotif Spinster, deceased* di^ck Oil or about the 17th day of Scptem- Celebrated 30th Wedding Anni­ versary « On Saturday, Oct, 21st, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gdvier celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. Twenty- one guests were present at the cele­ bration. All enjoyed a fowl dinner. In the afternoon pictures were taken, Candy and fruit were served. Two of the grandchildren, Yvonne Austay and Reggie Good, presented the bride and groom with a lovely wool blanket from the family, and a lovely gift from Mrs. Alice Govier. Mrs. Anstay and Mrs, Caldwell served at lunch, William Govier and Margaret Bu­ chanan were married Oct, 21st, 1909 at the home of the bride’s parents, 4th con. of EaM Wawanosh at 5 p.m, The Rev. A. E. Jones performed the ceremony at which about fifty were present, Mrs. Govier was born on the farm now occupied by her brother, John Buchanan. She attended S. S. No, Mr, Govier was born on lot #0, con. i, of East WaWanosL The farm is occupied now by Lewis dy. Mr. Govier attended the Auburn school. Mrs. Govier is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bu­ chanan. Mr. Govier is the son of Mrs. Harry Govier and the late Harry Go­ vier of Auburn. • The family were all present for the celebration, also (Mrs. Harry Govier and Mr. Leslie Buchanan. There are six children and seven grandchildren, Mr. Mervin Govier of Morris, Mrs. Charles Anstay of Goderich (Alice), Mrs. Earl Caldwell (Margaret) of E. Wawanosh, Mrs. Melvin Good (Vi­ ola), of Goderich, Robert and Dor­ othy, both at home. Mr. Gordon’Snell had the misfor­ tune to .lose a horse on Sunday. Miss Grace Redmond, of Linwood, spent the week-end with Reeve Ray­ mond Redmond. Mr. Thomas Anderson, of Copper Cliff, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson. Mrs. E. Thornton Thornton, of Guelph, with the former’s Miss Mildred Thornton. Miss Jewel Bullier, of Ridgetown, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. R. Redmond- and Mr. Vern visited Sunday granddaughter, Mrs. Wm. Rodger One of Westfield’s highly respected residents passed away to the Great Beyond on Saturday, Oct. 21st, in the person of Mrs. Wm. Rodger, aged 53 years and 2 months, at her late home on the south halfo f lot 31, con. 4, of East Wawanosh. Mrs. Rodger, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Snell, was born in August, 1885, on the 6th_ con. now Mrs. late Her of E. Wawanosh, op the farm owned by Mr. Alva McDowell. Rodger was the daughter of the David Snell and Louisa Cook, marriage took place in 1904 to - CROWN BRAND CORN 5YRUP ivilktkc DdicuniA ■FIojm’i TH CANADA ITAI^H COMPANY Limit* BLYTH Large congregations attended^ the services in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Oct. 22, on the occasion of their Anniversary. The Rev. S. iM. Scott, of Kincardine, was the guest speaker and preached two very fine sefmons. In the morning he chose for his te.xt Isaiah 35: 7, The Great Promise of Tomorrow “And the parched ground shall become a pool and the thirsty lands springs of water.” The evening sermon was bas­ ed on Isaiah 21: 11 “Watchman what of the night?” and the answer for those who love God is “Joy cometh in th.e morning and I will keep him in prefect peace.” The floral decorations were lovely and seemed to add. their song of thanksgiving to those who worship­ ped Their Heavnely Father for peace and plently in troubled times. The music by the choir, arranged by the choir leader, Mrs. H. Philip, was of a high order. In the morning the fol­ lowing anthems were well rendered, “The Earth Is the Lord’s” by Ira B. Wilson and “Sing Unto the Lord a New Song’-’ by Ray Molte. In the evening, “Trust in the Lord” by Lotte N. Gage, the solo being taken by Mr. Jamie Sims, and the guest soloist was Clifford Walsh who sang “Give Me This Day.” On Monday evening the ladies pro­ vided the usual Hot Supper, which was enjoyed by a large number of people. The proceeds of the supper and bazaar netted quite a substantial sum for the treasury. Rev. Boyle took Mr. Scott’s work in Kincardine for the day. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Weekes are visiting this week in Toronto. Miss Alice Wdtson accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Powell haye re­ turned from their honeymoon and have taken up residence in their ap­ artment over their father’s store on Main St. MORRIS Dobie, of Au- and Mrs. Jim is spending a iMrs. Anson or It depends on your■ ■ ■ ISARD’S Ladies Wear $26.$24. It depends on your own taste and figure which sil houette you should choose among this Autumn’s casual coats. And we have both fitted and swagger type models in a grand variety of smart new de­ signs. All are tailored with meticulous care of soft, thoroughbred quality tweeds. Herringbone weaves, Diagonals and other soft tweed mixtures. Checks, plaids and nov­ elty designs in lovely tweed casual coats. Mr, and Mrs.-Wm. burn, visited with Mr. Johnston on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Thornton while with Mr. and Thornton and family of Gorrie. We arc sorry to hear Mrs, Blanche Costello as not improving as her many friends would like to see. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClennan and family visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCutcheon of Grey. ST. HELENS speaker. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be observed next Sunday morning. Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening when Rev. Mr. Newman,, of Dungannon, will be the speaker., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance and daughter, June, .of North Bay, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. The November meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held Thurs­ day, Nov. 2nd in the Community Hall. Roll Call—A quotation containing the word “Peace.” Subject—Peace Edu­ cation and International Relationship, with Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, convener. Programme committee: Miss Annie Durnin and Mrs. Earl Durnin. (Mrs. McKenzie Webb will give a demon­ stration on “Making a Meat Loaf.” Hostesses, Mrs. Ewart McPherson,.. Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mrs. McIC Webb. It is expected that a represen-- tative of the Red Cross Society, Luck­ now, will be present. Anyone ready and willing to knit socks or sweaters- for the soldiers may obtain yarn from*. Mrs. W. A. Miller. The purchase of this yarn was made possible through a grant fratefully received from the Township Council. A Hallowe’en Masquerade Social will be held under the auspices of the Y.P.U. in the United Church Tuesday evening when members of the White­ church Y.P.U. will be guests. 1 BRAESIDE BUTTER X 2 lb. 61c Mild Canadian CHEESE 2 Lbs. 33c EGGS Grade B Large 26© Dozen 5 Lb. 25c Rideau CHEESE ■ %-Lb. Pgk. 15c Early Morning COFFEE - Pound Pkg. 35c Sugar Crisp * CORN FLAKES 2 Pkgs. 15c Budget Blend BLACK TEA - Pound 49c Maple Leaf SOAP FLAKES - Pkg. 15c Readi Cut MACARONI Domino Baking Powder Lb. Tin 19c DEVON SLICED BACON - - lb. 29c KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE 2 £■■ 53c Aylmer Choice PUMPKIN - Tin 10c Carnation Tall Tins _______ MILK - 3 Tins 25c Cottage Roll - Lb. 27c * FRUIT SPECIALS ' Green Valley PEAS - - 2 Tins 19c Peameal and Mrs. P, Wallace, of visitors with Hynes and Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. E, and Mrs. W. A. Miss were I Mf. Mary recent J, Thom and Mr. Miller while Mt and Mrs. Archie (Mc­ Kinnon, also of Walkerton, visited at the home of their cousin, Mt 'D. B, Murray. , Thij annual Thahk-Offe^irfghcif Sfhe W.M.S. Was observed in the United Church bn Sunday morning with Rev. R, 0. Todd, of Lucknow, as the guest LARGE WHITE CAULIFLOWER - 15c CRISP CELERY HEARTS 2 for - 19c Crisp ............. Large Stalk CARROTS - Bask 21c CELERY - 2 Bdhs, 15c Fresh Wax Cooking BEANS * Pound 15c Onions 50-lb. Sack 55c