HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-10-19, Page 4WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES TKursclay, October 10, 1930)
li cents a word perl insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 11
AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock
and Implements, will be held at Lot
32, Con. 2, Cuirass, on Thursday,
Oct 26th, at 1 p.m. See bills for
of horses, cattle and imple
ments. Terms —- All sums of> $10,00
and under, Cash; over that amount,
4 months’ credit on approved joint
notes; 6 per cent, per annum off
for cash. Matt, Gaynor, Auction
eer; Milas Moir, Prop.
Stock and Implements, will be held
at North Lot 10, Con. 5, Mor
ris, at 1 p.m., on Thursday, Octob
er 26th, Terms of Chattels, Cash.
The farm, North % Lot 10, Con. 5,
Morris, of about 100 acres, 10 ac
res in hardwood bush, will be off
ered subject to a reserved bid. On
the premises is situate brick house,,
barn 60x56; straw shed 50x40; driv
ing shed; drilled well with windmill,
water in stables: Hydro; rural mail
and is two miles from station.
Terras—10f< on day of sale and
balance within 30 days. George El
liott, Auctioneer; Mrs. R. H, Nich
olson, Executrix.
hold Effects of Mr. R. J. Dobie will
be held .at his residence, Diagonal
road, Wingham, at 1.30 p.m., Sat
urday, Oct. 21st, Terms—Cash. No
Reserve. T. Fells, Auctioneer; R.
J. Dobie, Prop.
FOR SALE—10 Young Pigs. Apply
to S. Morton, Route 1, Belgrave.
IN. THE MATTER of the Estate
of William Findlater of the Township
of Morris in the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased, who died on or
about the 17th day of May, A.D. 1939,
and IN THE MATTER of the Es
tate of . Annie Findlater late of the
Township of Morris in the County of
Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died
on or about the 17th day of Septem
ber, A.D. 1939.
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against either of the
above mentioned deceased persons
are hereby notified to send such
claims to the undersigned solicitor for
the administrator duly verified by de
claration on or before the 4th day of
November, A.D. 1939.
that immediately after the said date
the assets of both the said estates will
be distributed having regard only to
claims of which the administrator
shall then have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
10th 'day of October, A.D. 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
FOR SALE—Double House, Victoria
St., all conveniences, stable and
good sized lot; also small House,;
with 2 acres, back of Foundry. Ap-,
ply F. J. Monoey.
FOR SALE—Electric Toaster, new,
also Electric Iron used but a short
time, in perfect condition. Apply
FOR SALE------Beatty Copper Tub
Electric Washer, good as new, fully
reconditioned. Enquire Machan
Bros. a )______________
FOR SALE—Beatty Engine Drive
Washer, for balance of payments.
Enquire Machan Bros._________
HOUSE FOR SALE—Well located
6-roomed house. All modern con
veniences. For full particulars ap-
-4 h Crawford,_____________
IF YOU REQUIRE the services of
sgn Auctioneer, phone 38 or 121
Listowel. F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer
and Monument Dealer, Listowel.
' We are looking for ambitious wo
men who are FREE to work and
make money in an independent bus
iness. Our line includes over 200
daily necessities. Many valuable
territories now available. No ex
perience necessary. For FREE DE
TAILS and Catalogue INQUIRE
TODAY: Familex, 570'St. Clement,
M o n tr eal._____ ____________ ___
from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back
ache, use Rumacaps — their Two-
Way Action attacks the cause. Mc
Kibben’s Drug- Store.___________ _
Mrs. W. H. Waram was a week
end visitor with Mrs, Charles Neil
son, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willis, Toronto,
spent last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Foxton.
Mrs. (Dr.) W. Connell accompanied
by her son Billie is visiting with her
parents at Little Current.
Mr. and Nirs. J- R. M. Spittai are
on a two weeks vacation to the
World’s Fair, New York.
Mayor J. H. and Mrs. Crawford
attended the Thom - iMcQuigge wed
ding in Toronto on Saturday.
Mr. Lloyd Henderson, son of Mr.
Wm. James , Henderson, Wingham
Jet., is attending University of Tor
Mrs. Edith Dunning of Vancouver,
B. C., is spending a week with her
cousin, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Blue
vale Road.
Mrs. Allen Ramsay returned Satur
day night from Kingston after spend-
I ing a few weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. A. F. Michlejohn.
Guests with Mr. and-Mrs. H. V.
Pym on -Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Melvin McGregor and Mr. and
Mrs. Dalton McLung of St. Marys.
Mr. arid Mrs. George Gregory, of
Cookstown, Mrs. Ollie Moffatt and
three children of Ingersoll, were week
end visitors with Mrs. George Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson, of
Bly th, wish to express their apprec
iation to their friends who gave them
a wonderful reception and presenta
tion at Belgrave on Wednesday even
ing of last week._________~_______
Notice of Sale for Taxes
Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Ford who have
been on a trip through the West re
turned to Wingham Saturday. They
will spend some time* at Neustadt
with their son and other relatives.
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
F. W. Spry, who recently underwent
an operation' in Western Hospital, in
Toronto, is progressing very favor
ably and is expected home On Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hickson and
TAKE NOTICE that copies of the
list of lands for sale for arrears of
.taxes, owing to the Town of Wingham
•have been prepared and may be had
in thejoffice of the undersigned Trea
surer, at the Town Hall, Wingham,
and that such list has been duly pub
lished in The Ontario Gazette on the
second day of September, A. D., 193J,
arid that unless the arrears of taxes
*and costs are sooner paid, the said
Treasurer will proceed to sell the
lands on Saturday, the ninth day of
December, A. D., 1939, At the hour
of two o’clock in the afternoon at_the
Council Chambers in the Town Hall,
Dated this fifth day of September,
A. D„ 1939. __ _vh A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer.
notice to creditors
late of the Township of Culross in
the County of Bruce, Widow, de
ceased.Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
the Trustee Act, that all creditors and
others having claims against the Es
tate of the late Sidney Campbell, are
required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to j. W. Bush
field, the solicitor for the Executors
of the said Estate, on or before the
21st day of October, A.D., 1939, and
that after such date the executors will
proceed to distribute the said Estate,
having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have had not-
DATED at Wingham, t*1'3
third day of October, A.D.* 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors,
Miss Betty McPetrie of London, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Melrose of Milverton,
Mrs. M. Lord of BowmanVille were
week-end guests of iMr. and Mrs. W.
A. Heughan.
Special Services at City Mission
Last Wednesday evening Evangel
istic meetings,., commenced in the
Wingham City Mission with Rev. W.
Cecil Brown as evangelist. His first
subject was a very soul-stirring one
On Faith. Other messages were “The
Homing: Instinct’’, “The Seeking Sav
iour.’’ Sunday afternoon In speaking
on “Down by the pool”, Mr. Brown
spoke of the picture we find here. At
the Sunday evening services the Phip-
pen sisters gave a very beautiful duet
followed by a sermon on “The Five
Beliefs,” from the book of Hebrews,
9: 26-28, These evening meetings
which continue until Oct. 25, as well
as on Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 22nd,
when the Kitchener Male Octette will
bring messages in song. Two years
ago they were here. They will be
heard next Sunday afternoon over C
KNX from 5.30 to 6* when Miss Ray
mer will give a short farewell mess
age, y
The regular monthly meeting of the
W, M, S, was held on Wednesday
afternoon with 18 present, The group
leader, Mrs. H, C. Wilsori was in
charge of the devotional program,
Psalm 96 was read responsively. Mrs,
Wilson led in prayer, Mrs, J, L. Me*
Dowell gave a reading, TTbeuWail
of the Women?’ Mrs, Thomas jar-.
dine gave a talk on “Frontiers of ser
vice.” Mrs. McVittie read a letter
from Mrs., Longley of China. Mrs.
Longely was formerly Marion Auld
of this vicinity, Winnifred Campbell
rendered a piano solo,
The president had charge of the
business. 14 members answered the
roll call with a verse of scripture, The
treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Blair, reported
$102.00 sent to Branch treasurer.
If was decided to have a social ev
ening bn November 3rd, when the
talent money is to be brought in, The
program will take the form of a con
test. The men against the Women.
Mrs. Hugh Blair and Mrs. Stanley
Cook are being sent as delegates to
Bayfield sectional meeting. Mrs. J.
L, McDowell dismissed the meeting
with prayer.
X. ...
The Y. P. U. have withdrawn their
meeting this week and accepted an
invitation to meet with Auburn Young
Dr. J. McClinton of Timmins, visit
ed recently at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Emmerson Rodger.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Mr,
and Mrs. Alva McDowell, Mrs. Leo
Bair, Miss Ada Stackhouse attended
the Anniversary services at Brussels
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James McGill were
Belgrave visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobie were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
James Johnston of Bluevale.
Miss Ada Stackhouse of Blyth is
visiting at the home of her cousin,
Mrs. Wm. McDowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johnston of Tor
onto were recent guests at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Fred J. Cook.
Mrs. N. G. Ainslie of Monroe,
Mich., Mrs. Harry Kretsinger of
Winter Park, Florida, visited last
week with the former’s brother, Mr.
W. F. Campbell and sister, Mrs. Bert
Mr. and ,Mrs. Thomas Kernick of
Blyth visited one day last week with
Mrs. J, E. Ellis and Miss Mary.
Mrs. Mahsel Cook and children
spent a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Orval Cook of Morris town
Misses Minnie and Elsie Snell, Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. McDowell are Toron
to and Burkes Falls visitors this week.
Mrs. Mugford'- and Mrs. Hunking
have returned home after spending
several week with Mr, and Mrs. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith of
Goderich spent Sunday with Miss J.
Mrs. Ben Walsh and daughter of
Blyth, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Walsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell
visited on Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Good of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cook', Miss
Bernice, Mrs. Paul Bertram and Isa
bel, Mrs. John Cook visited last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Carter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby of
Goderich were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott.
Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Miss Mary, Mrs.
J. D. Elsley, Mr. Ellis Elsley were
Clinton visitors on Friday.
Messrs Ned Thompson, James
Thompson, Thomas Thomas, Will Ait
kens and Borden Scott have enlisted
from this district and are the first
to respond from this neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter and fam
ily were Goderich visitors on Sun
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bosman on Sunday were: Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Gaunt of Lucknow
and Miss Mabel Bosman of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford,
Ross and Shirley were guests on Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ja
son Ellis at Seaforth.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Walsh on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McGugan, Lorna
and Ross, Mrs. Wm. Walsh and Eil
een, of I'lderton,
Mrs. Harry Armstrong is with hen
mother, Mrs. Wells, of Hullett, who!-
IS ill. ■
Rev. C. H. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson,
visited with Rev. and Mrs. Reycraft
of Picton. ’ >
Mr. Leo. Blair, of Milk River, Alta,
and Miss Marjorie Mair, R.N., of
Lethbridge, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Alva McDowell and other
on Sunday afternoon in Hacketts
United Church with Miss Courtis, re
turned Missionary from Tokyo, Ja
pan. Miss Jean Anderson from Blak
e’s Circuit and Mrs. Phelly’s Stewart
from Lucknow Presbyterian Church,
sang solo's,
Mrs. Chris. Sanderson of Goderich
spent a few days with her friend, Mrs.
John Mullin, 10th con,
Miss Melda Lane, teacher in Orilla,
spent the Thanksgiving holidays with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Lane. ’
.... V
The W. M. S. met last Thursday
at the home of Mrs. W, A, Campbell
with an attendance of 10. Minutes of
previous meeting were read and ap
proved and the treasurer’s report giv
en by Mrs, J. C. Robinson. Mrs. Gor
don Naylor read the 91st Psalm as
the scripture lesson and Mrs. George
Naylor led in,prayer. Mrs. Norman
Thompson gave a reading and Jean
Robinson contributed a solo. A very
interesting letter from Mrs, Longley
in China was read by Mrs. Jefferson.
Jean Robinson had charge of the
study book. Mrs. W. A, Campbell and
Mrs. J. C. Robinson were appointed
delegates to the Sectional meeting at
Bayfield, October 19th. It was de
cided to hold our Thankoffering meet
ing at the church in November and
invite the members of Brick W. M. S.
to meet With us. Sandwiches and cake
were served at the close of the meet
Mrs. Gus Devereaux and twin
daughters came home from Clinton
Hospital last’ week,/;
Mrs. R. Chamney and son Stuart,
spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
J. H. Mills.
Mr. Harry Moss of Glencoe, spent
the week-end with his parents, |Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Moss.
Mrs. Jefferson Sr., Cameron and
Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeff
erson and daughter Louise, were Sun
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Jefferson at Mildmay.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chamney re
turned home from their wedding trip
last week. We extend our congratu
lations and welcome Mrs. Chamney
to our community.
A large number of friends and
neighbours gathered on Thursday ev
ening for an enjoyable time at the
home of Mr. Thos. Robinson in honor
of his daughter Margaret. During the
evening an address was read by Miss
V. Chamney expressing the good
wishes of those assembled and Marg
aret was presented with a miscellan
eous showe^ of useful and attractive
gifts. Both Bride and groom to be
made fitting-replies. We extend our
congratulations to this very popular
young couple.
Mr. George Barger, 12th con. lost
his barn and seasons crop, some pigs,
by fire also the MacKay bros, lost
their separator. They had just com
menced threshing on Friday morning
when it happened.
Rev. Mr. Wilkins and Mrs, Wilk
ins and daughter Muriel, accompanied
by the Misses Pearl Thompson from
Slakes Circuit, Violet Ritchie from
Zion Circuit and Elmira Alton and
Fred Anderson from Hacketts Circuit
all attended the Y, P. S. Convention
held in Sarnia over the weekend.
. The. Annual Thankofefring meeting
of AshfieM United Church was held
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rendwick and
children from near McIntosh’s church
and Miss Gladys Weir of Wroxeter
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Cathey.
Mrs. Alfred'Taylor, Mrs. Alex Tay
lor and children from north of Gorue
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Weir
an attended "the Anniversary Servic
Mr. and Mrs-. Roy McKay and two
children of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
.Chas. McKay of Brussels, spent one.
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Palmer.
Miss Jeffray of Belmore spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Rev. A. R. Stone of Japan will
preach here next Sunday and will
give a talk using the lantern slides.
Miss Myrtle Cathers of Wingham;
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers.
Mr. Walter Willits returned home
recently after spending some time in
the West.
Miss ,Mary Fralick of Summerhill
and" Mr. Wilbur Fralick of Kinburn
also Miss Jennie Fralick of Wingham
spent i the week-end with their par
ents, -Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fralick.
Miss’Helen McKenzie of Wingham,
visited at the same place.
, Mh -and Mrs! Nelson Higgins and
children ..from near Belgrave attended
Anniversary Services here and also
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas
McMichael and Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
The Anniversary Services were well
attended last Sunday and the Rev.
Mr. Stewart of Tees water, preached
two very appropriate sermons which
were appreciated by all those pres
ent The choir also tendered some
fine selections, A liberal offering was’
received at each service.
Mrs. Duncan Campbell of Ripley,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Gtaingfer dir Saturday last, also
Mr. l and Mrs, Howard"'Grainger oi
Detroit, *" • '■
Mr. Robert Warwick and bride are
visiting at the home of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Warwick, Grey.
Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Grainger, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Addy of
Ethel, spent the week-end with Ham
ilton friends.
Miss Laura Savage was a Sunday
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Savage.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur McCracken
of Gorrie called on Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Grainger on Sunday afternoon.
Allan and Mrs. McKercher, Glenn
and Ruth, spent Sunday with Bolton
friends. .
Word, was received from Lloyd-
minster, Alberta of the death of Mr.
John Grainger, brother of Mr, Wm.
Grainger of Jamestown.
The Young People’s Society of
Brick United Church met on Friday
night last for the election of officers
and to plan for the activities for the
winter months. The officers elected
for the* ensuing year were as follows:
President, Rob Scott; Vice Pres.,
June Irwin; Secretary, R. Irwin; As
sistant, Geo.M, McGee; "Tre’as., Helen
Thompson, Assistant, Louise Coultes;
Organist, Beatrice Beecroft, Convem'
or’s of groups, Jas. McGee, Jean
Johnson, Lavina McBurney and Miss
The meetings will be held every
second Friday night in the homes of
the members as long as the roads are
open for cars. The next meeting is
planned for a Hallowe’en Social..
A number attended anniversary ser
vices at Salem Sunday.
About twenty ladies of the Insti
tute gathered at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Elliott Wednesday, afternoon
and enjoyed a few hours together.
Mrs. Playter had the topic for this
meeting. Mrs. George Inglis gave a
reading. The main feature, a demon
stration in setting a table, by Mrs.
Fred Doubledee, was interesting. Roll
Call—What I Admire in Others.”
Community Singing. Mrs. Shurter,
Mrs. Geo. Mundell and'Mrs. Corrigan
served lunch, .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell, Mrs.
Adam Simpson, Miss Simpson, of
Wingham, visited at Mrs. Hak'ney’s.
Minnie Jeffray spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy, Salem.
A host of friends are wishing for a
speedy recovery of Miss Lillian Vo-
gan, R.N.
Many Attend Fowl Supper
The Community Hall at Belmore
was crowded to over-capacity, the. oc
casion being the annual fowl supper
provided by the United Church. The
ladies kept up the good work until
nearly nine o’clock, when they had
turned out nearly five hundred well-
satisfied customers. The Belmore lad
ies have long been noted for the high
quality of their viands arid on this oc
casion their reputation was fully
maintained. The young people of At
wood presented their play “Mary’s
Castle in the Air” and made a splen
did hit with the large audiences. The
anniversary services in the church
were conducted by Rev. A. S. True
blood of Clifford. His able sermons
were well received both morning and
(Too Late for Last’Week)
Anniversary services in the United
Church Sunday were well attended.
Mr. Trueblood, of Clifford, was the
guest speaker. His choir accompan
ied him in the evenipg. The home
choir supplied the music in the.morn
ing, with Carl Douglas as soloist and
Mrs. Norman Newans as organist.
We notice among our visitors over
the holiday, Miss Margaret Darling,
of Toronto Normal; Mr. and Mrs. El
don Purdon, of Windsor, at R. J.
Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. George Hark
ness and daughter, of Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. David Breen, Grand
Rapids and Mrs. Fortune, of Sault
Ste. Marie, called on Mary and Han
nah Stokes the past week. They at
tended the funeral of Mr. Mitchell.
Mr. George Dinsmore, of Bedford,
Ohio, an old Belmore boy, called, on
Minnie Jeffraj' recently.
The village has contributed two sol
diers, John and Bill Abraham, also
Clare Edwards.
Mrs. Wissler is a patient in Wing
ham Hospital.
Successful Anniversary Services
were held in the United Church Sun
day with Rev. Andrew Lane, Clinton,
as guest speaker. Special music for
the morning service was provided by
the local choir while in the evening a
quartette composed of Mr. George
Douglas, Mr, Horace Aitcheson and
Mr. Eldon Henderson, Lucknow, and
Mr. Mochrie, delighted the congrega
tion with three numbers.
Rev, George Wylie of Oakdale and
Miss Evelyn Dane, of Gorrie, were
recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley
The Annual Thank-Qfferittg'j of the
^01^^^ Missionary'Sb^ifety wfil
As a fitting introduction to Dominion’s great 20th
Anniversary Celebration we pff a chain-wide sale oi
branded products that NEED NO INTRODUCTION!
Products of long-standing reputation . , , , supported by
honest advertising , . . brand names that enjoy your con
fidence and patronage! Dominion offers this splendid
merchandise at prices that tempt you to buy liberally,
Shop early and save!
Crown or Beehive Corn Syrup sib-n. 37c
Libby’s Tomato
CATSUP - 12 Oz. Bottles
Vegetable and Tomato
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
Maxwell House COFFEE
Carnation - Tall Tins
Milk - - 3 Tins 25c
SOAP - 3 Cakes 21c
RINSO Large Pkg. 23c
Heinz — 16 Oz. Tins
SOUPS - 2 for 27c
Lux Toilet
SOAP - 3 Bars 16c
* 2 Bottles 29c
Pound Pkg. 13c .
- 3 Tins 29c
- 16 oz. 32c
Pound Tin 45c
Ketchup 14 oz. bot, 19t :
Magic Baking (Cash & Carry)- *
Powder - Lb. Tin 28c
Canada \
Corn Starch - Pkg. 10c
Dr, Jackson
Roman Meal - Pkg. 33c
Quaker Bread
98 Lb. '
Sack 2.85
Fjesh Choice Celery
Mushrooms - Lb. 35c • Hearts - 2
Head Fresh
Lettuce - 2 Heads 19c Carrots
2 Lb.
j *
' A
held next Sunday morning at 11.00
o’clock when Rev. R. C. Todd, Luck
now, will be the special speaker.
Miss Kathleen Thom, of Lucknow,
was a visitor at her home here last
Miss Laurine Miller, of Stratford,
was a recent visitor with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller.
A meeting of interest to all poultry
growers will be held in the hall on
Friday evening when Mr. Benson, of
Toronto, will be the speaker.
Mrs. Will Johnston, of Wingham,
visited with her parents, (Mr. and Mrs.
George Wheeler.-
Mr. Donald Robertson of Millbank
spent Sunday with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peacock, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Johnston and Emma,
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Johnston at Walton.
Mrs. Sparling Johnston and baby
came home on Monday from Wing
ham Hospital. . ...
Mrs. Jas. Godkin spent a couple of
days with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Fra
ser and family. .
Mr. Richard Johnston bought a car
load of cattle last week.
Do not leave this important work un
til next spring, advises J.'D. Mac
Leod, of Ont. Dept, of Agriculture.
In vieWv of the present situation in
Europe, it Is of vital importance that
every effort be made to increase crop
production, particularly crops which
are necessary for.. the sustenance of
those actively engaged in the defense
of the Empire, Says J. D. MacLeod,
Crops; Seeds and Weed Branch, Ont.
Dept, of Agriculture.
Ontario farmer have a duty to per
form, that of making a special effort
to produce more bushels per acre
than has been customary in the past.
It is possible to do this without in
creasing materially tile costs of pro
duction by maintaining arid building
up soil fertility; adopting greater ef
ficiency of implements and labor; bet- -
ter cultural practices and by sowings
the very best seed obtainable.
Farmers are urged to 'make sure-,
that they have their 1940 seeding re
quirements on hand. Clean and grade
a sufficient amount of seed for your-
own use. Do not leave this important:
work until your bins are low. Do It
Now. If you have not got sufficient..
or suitable seed of your own, purchase
high quality seed’ from your neighbor.
This should be done while prices arc-
reasonable and before there is a scar
city. '
The sowing of clean seed is the first-
step in profitable farming and the-
first step in weed control, Mr. Mac
Leod declares.
Clean seed should be of a bright,,
plump, uniform sample, pure as to*
variety, free from all foreign matter,
including seeds of other cultivated
crops, diseased grains, small shrunk
en grains and weed seeds. -
The man who sows weed seeds is
his own worst enemy and is laying
down a job for his children and his
grandchildren. Weeds lower yields;
the quality of crops; the market value
of crops and the value of farms; they
add to the costs of production; they
crowd out cultivated crops; they rob
the soil of plant food and moisture;
they prevent the farmer from follow
ing a proper rotation; they attract in
jurious insects and fungus disease.
Some weeds and weed seeds are pois
onous to livestock.
Raw Meat In The Home
Uncooked meat should not be kept
in the home more than a day" unless
in a refrigerator below 50 degrees F.,
or cured by an antiseptic such as salt
or smoke. Meat requires careful stor
age. Bad refrigeration and too close
covering contribute to spoilage. When
meat arrives ih the home, the wrap
per should be removed and the meat
placed on a platter without riiore cov
er than 'a piepe of waxed paper lai<t
loosely over. When the. meat dries a
little on the surface, the growth of
bacteria is checked.
“Dad, the barometer has fallen.”
“Very much?”
“About five feet.”
Round Trip Bargain Fares
To Stations Oshawa and east to Cornwall inclusive* Uxbridge, Lind
say, PeterbOro*. Campbellford, Newmarket, Collingwood, Meaford*
Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol arid West to
Also to Brantford, Chatham* Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Londoii,
Niagara Falls* Owen Sound, St Catharines, St Marys* Sarnia, Strat
ford, StratlirOy^WoodstOck.
See handbills for complete list of destinations*
For Fates* Return Limits, Train Xttformatiott, 'tickets, etc.* consult
’ ' nearest Agent T321D