HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-10-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WI^GHAM ADVANCE-TIMES i Thursday, October 5th/ 1939 Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 745 and 945 p.m Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2,30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 5th, 6th, 7th ROBERT TAYLOR WALLACE BEERY An impressive picture packed with action and ex­ citement. The story is about the fight between the stagecoach and the railroad in the early days. Also “Sport Subject” and “News” of Goderich, week at the ■H St Organist and Choirmaster Andrew’s Presbyterian Church TEACHER announces Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 9, 10, 11 SPECIAL ------ AMERICA’S MOST THRILLING STORY! 20th Century-Fox Presents DARRYL F.ZANUCK’S Production of f rKajJSW I o | A Cosmopolitan Production |||| 0OR£VAfAY°^\ 1 . Gon" 1 I Cho»'0t Ceprin9 BY’>n9’on j&jd Young ... Also “Mickey Mouse” and “Sport Subjects” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 P.M. Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c WHITECHURCH Mrs. Joe Thompson and her grand­ daughter, Marlene Phillion, of Court­ land, and Calvin Robinson, of Til- sonburg, are visiting this week at the home of their father, Mr. Thos. Rob­ inson. Mr. and Mrs. Hueston and Miss Rena Bradt, also Mr. Will Knox, of Walton, and Mr. Gordon Cooper, of Simcoe, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hueston’s sister, Mrs. Amos Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen of Mark­ dale are spending a few days this week at the home of her sister, Mrs'. John Webb. Mrs. Jack Page, of Kirkland Lake, -and her sister, Mrs. Foster, of Tim­ mins, and their cousin, Mr. Fred Lev­ er and his son, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Peter Lever. .Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and son, Iv­ an, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Dobie, of Listowel and Mr. a’nd Mrs. Fred Gilbert, of Listowel. Mr. Patrick McMillan met with a serious accident on Saturday night when one of the tires on his car blew out and*, turned the car upside down after breaking off a telephone pole, || Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor ® Sunday — 7 P.M. ■= Subject — “Why there have H been more Biblical prophecies gj fulfilled during the past thirty- = five years than during the pre- 5 ceding 1800 years.” § Bring your Bible and see ■ what these prophecies are. 9■ i on the road east of Lucknow. He bled profusely from glass cuts. Mrs. David Kennedy celebrated her birthday on Sunday and the fol­ lowing members of Jier family gath­ ered at her home that day, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dur- nin and sons of St. Helens, and Miss Annie Kennedy of Kincardine. We extend congratulations. Mr. Charles Hiles, of Windsor, is visiting with Mr. James Curran this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt and Miss Zora, of Marnoch, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and their grandson Mr. Richard Welwood, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cal­ vert Falconer, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. George McClenagh- an, Mildred and Ted, also Miss Verna Purdon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott, of Palmerston. The ladies of the Whitechurch Wo­ men’s Institute won the first prize at Lucknow' Fall Fair for their exhibit and St. Helens won third. The first prize was $4.00, and six Institute ex­ hibits were shown. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason spent Sunday with Mr. and iMrs, David Wallace,, of Turnberry. Mrs. Jos. Tiffin received word from her sister, Mrs, Cottle, of Detroit, that Mr. George Cottle had passed away suddenly on Sunday morning at his home at Calgary. He was the on­ ly son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cottle of Whitechurch, and leaves his wife and two sons, Fred of Edmon­ ton and Frank of Detroit, and one daughter, Evelyn, of Detroit, and three grandchildren. Mrs. Thos. Kew of Wingham arid Mrs. Ed. Browning of Kincardine and Miss Janette B. Cottle, Reg. N., Supt of Memorial Hospital1, Dunnville, are sisters. Sym­ pathy is extended to the bereaved families. ‘ ‘ A wedding of interest in this com­ munity was solemnized at the Pres­ byterian manse, at Listowel, on Sat­ urday when Miss Hazel Hiebein be­ came the bride of Mr, Hugh David Henderson, formerly of Whitechurch. This community extends best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. Miss Sarah Sharpe, who has been with Miss Catharine Ross for the past two weeks while Miss May 'Sharpe j had the final operation on her eyes, i returned to her home in Teeswater last Wednesday with Mrs. Jno. Clarke I and her daughter, Mrs. Elliott, Tees- j water, Mrs. Robt, Phillips, spent a few days last home of Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. B, S. Naylor attend­ ed anniversary services in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacDonald. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and Carman attended the wedding of her niece, Ruby Reid, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Reid, of Ashfield, to Charles' MacDonald, of St. Helens, on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Todd of the Lucknow United Church, of­ ficiated at the bride’s home. Mr. and Mrs.' Gibson Gillespie, Jack and Agnes, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten, Lucan, spent the week-end, with her mother, Mrs. A. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, Agnes and Edwin, of Belgrave, Norman and Archie Young, of Brussels, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. The young people of the Presby­ terian Church held their social even­ ing on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn, and with the President, Mrs. Jack Pollock, in the chair, the following program was given. Call to worship, the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Moffatt; Dawson Craig, Grace Richardson and Mrs. R. Pollock led in prayer; the roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture containing the word ‘shep­ herd’; Miss Velma Scott had charge of the topic, and the society accepted an invitation to Lucknow Presbyter­ ian Church on October 16. Miss Jan­ et Craig sang “The Lord is my shep­ herd.” James Wilson gave a reading; Gordon Wall gave a violin solo, and Miss Hazey McBurney gave a read­ ing, and Miss Murdene Simpson read an interesting Journal. All joined in playing crokinole. Lunch was served and a social half hour enjoyed by all. Miss Ruth Patrridge, of Lucknow, spent Saturday last with Miss Muriel Watt.- ' Mrs. Wm. Orris and -Miss May ■ Smith, of Sarnia, visited one day last week with Mrs. Lance Grain. The young people of the United Church held their meeting Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan, and Mr. H. Pollock was in charge of the prog­ ram and the call to worship. The Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Lott, Doris McClenaghan and Mrs. H. Pollock, and poems were read by Mrs. Scholtz, Garnet Farrier and Mil­ dred McClenaghan, after a season of silent prayer, Mr. H. Pollock led in prayer. The topic,- Good Books, was in charge of .Millan Moore, and Mrs. Scholtz and Miss Lettie Fox sang, “Wonderful Words of Love.” Mr. Clarence McClenaghan then address­ ed the chairman, telling of the real help he has been to the societycduring the past year and Miss Lettie Fox presented Mr. and Mrs. Pollock with a pair of blankets, and Mr. J’ollock very fittingly replied. All enjoyed the contests that followed and lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie oh Tuesday, Oct, 10th, when the meat cookery demonstration will be given by Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, who with Mrs. Gillespie, attended the meat cookery project at Holyrood last Thursday. An Invitation is extended to all the ladies of the community to be pres­ ent. Special Courses In PIANO beginners and advanced. VOCAL COACHING: In the Art of Choral Sing­ ing. Pupils prepared for Examinations in Piano and Vocal. STUDIO: at Residence, Josephine Street, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Elliott spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larder at Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Kearney have return- , ed home after-spending a few days with relatives in Brussels, ’ Mr,'Blackmore spent the week-end with his parents at Listowel, Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Elliott were; Mr, Herb. Powell, of Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. .Gor­ don Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mor­ row, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Colclough, of Goder­ ich, were Sunday visitors at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Larder, Nicol, of Allensville, was a by a colt and had her he?id cut which necessitated several sfitcl}cs«r>. Miss Margaret Vincent * lias' gone to Stratford” where she lias secured work.w q Mrs. recent visitor at the Home of Mrs. Wm. Rodger. Mr. J, D. Elsley, Mr. EUis Elsley and Miss Kathleen Elsley, Wroxeter, spent Monday with Mrs, J. E, Ellis. Miss Kathleen McGill, of Wingham High School, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Hupking, of Detroit, lyere week-end guests and Mrs. Wpi. Carter. Yarns of Mr. Bl W. H. McKinney. Miss Olive Scott will give some ideas and suggestions gathered from the reports of Stand­ ing Committees at the convention. There will be an exhibit of wedding dresses. Sacrament Observed The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per was observed in the United Church on Sunday. Rev. C. Tavenor spoke on “The Touch of His Hands," showing how Christ’s hands are hands of service, of protection, and of bless- theing. The- Quarterly Board of charge'met on Monday, evening. andMr. and Mrs. 'Ross Douglas Douglas Shaw, of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Shaw, of Regina, Sask., spent Sun­ day with Miss Mary Duff and Mrs. Aitken. Mrs. Shaw was an acting delegate to a meeting of the Council of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian. Church in Canada which met recently in Toronto., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and daughter, Miss Emma, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. James Masters and family, of Parkhili', spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and other re­ latives. Mr. and Mrs. John Geddes, of Bel­ grave, and Mrs. Robert Nicholson, of Morris, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw and Miss Martha , Fraser. ':-‘- ' Miss Florence Fowler is spending' this week with her brother, Henry- Fowler and family, at London. Mr. and M^ Walter Jeffrey, Mor­ ris, visited at Wm. N. Robertson's,. Bluevale, on Sund'ay. Expert Butter Maker Robert Watson, a grandson of Mr; Thomas Stewart and’ the- late Mrs. Stewart, is a buttermaker' at Belmont, Man., and has been successful' in wi'n- B » > •7 BLUEVALE B FOR OCTOBER g Special Prices on Brake Lining | Jobs - - Free Inspection. i ■ B Cold Weather Is On The Way — Be Prepared — Get a Complete Motor Check-Up At Once with our NEW TUNE UP MACHINE BELGRAVE Y.P.S. Held Weiner Roast The members of the Knox United Church Young People’s Society open­ ed their season’s activities. The ev­ ening was spent in a social way at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Walsh when a weiner roast was en­ joyed., The evening was ideal for the occasion and the time was spent in various outdoor games. At the con­ clusion of the games the lunch was enjoyed and a sing-song about the afire brought a pleasant evening to close. Injured in ^ccident Residents were sorry to learn on Friday evening that Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule had met with a motor accident south of Clinton as they were return­ ing from Lucan. A head-on collision with another car resulted in injuries to both Mr. and Mrs. Yule. Mr, Yule after receiving treatment at Clinton Hospital, was able to return home, but Mrs. Yule, who was seriously in­ jured, is still in Clinton hospital. The car was badly damaged in'the impact. Farmers’ Club to Meet The Belgrave Farmers’ Club will meet at the home of Stewart Procter on Thursday evening, October 12th, and .will be addressed by a represen­ tative of the Marketing Service of the Department of Agriculture on the preparing of poultry for market. Lad­ ies please bring sandwiches, body welcome. WESTFIELD Every- wereand Mrs. Elwin Taylor Goderich visitors. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell Mr. recent Mr. were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McDougal. Dr. bride, home house. Mr Gordon Stonehouse and his of Vancouver, visited at the of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stone- ning prizes at a number of' Fairs’. Tn I Black, Miss Hilda Black and Miss Toronto he received three prizes and" a silver medal. He now stands tied' for top place for prizes won for ex­ hibition butter in Canadian1 Gass’ ‘A’- Fairs this year. Morris Circle Held Quilting Mrs. Roy Selters, 2nd concession, Morris, was the hostess on Wednes­ day afternoon of last week for the monthly meeting of the Morris Circle of the Ladies’, Aid of Knox Presby­ terian Church. Plans were made to hold the October meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter Smillie. The greater part of the afternoon was spent quilt­ ing. Tea was served by the hostess. BLYTH I Mr. Norman Sinclair returned' to Toronto on Monday where he will resume his studies at the University. Mr. G. M. Chambers returned home this week from St,. .Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he was undergoing .treatment. Mrs. Bert Bainton is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ross, at Goderich. On Sunday, Oct '8th, Rev, F. E. Clysdale, of Palmerston, will conduct the anniversary .services in the Unit­ ed Church at 11.15 and 7 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Watson attend­ ed the Brussels Fair on Saturday. After an illness of a few days, Mrs. Elizabeth Pollard passed away in the Clinton Hospital on Saturday, aged 74 years. Surviving are one daugh­ ter, Mrs, Beryl McDonald, George on the homestead arid Elymer, of town. Her husband and one daughter, An­ nie, Mrs. John Ferguson, predeceased her several years. Service was held at her late home on Tuesday with Rev. A. W. Sinclair in charge. Inter­ ment in Union Cemetery. Khaki ancl Aviation Blue in Monarch Dove and Monarch Down — fine, soft yarns, ideal for sweaters and socks. Dove ............15c ball Down................25c ball 9 ■« MOLESWORTH andVisitors at the home of Mr. Mrs. H. R. Spence last week were: Mrs. E. Drew, Mrs. L. Turney, Mrs. H. Lamerson, of Lansing, Mich., and Mrs; Vallee', of Vancouver. On Friday evening last the Canad­ ian Order of Foresters held a meet­ ing in the' Community Hall. The members from here were hosts to the Stratford' League- which also assisted in initiating three new members, Jack Clark, Albert Aitken and Ellis Elles- ley. A good’ program was provided and lunch was- served by the Moles- worth members. " Mr. and Mrs.'JEL R- Spence and Miss Dorothea1 Spence spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McPher­ son in Guelph. GLENANNAN and Mrs. Wm. Snell and son, of London, and Mr. Emmerson Davis and' nephew, of Michigan, were re­ cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. A number from this vicinity attend­ ed Wingham Fair on Thursday and Brussels Fair on Saturday. Mr. Alex. Nethery, Mr. Stanley spent a week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace.’ Mrs. McLeod’, of Lucknow, is vis­ iting her aunt, Mrs. Colin Eadie. Mr. and' Mrs; Howard Wylie, also Miss Mae Frisby, of Belgrave, is spending this week visiting her friend Miss Lois Appleby. Mr. and Mrs; Allie Lincoln and baby, Eldon, visited on Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. John Cathers. Miss iMary Walpole, of Paisley, n ■ 9 New Shipment of Monarch Dove and Cor- ticelli Thistlebloom 1— large variety of colors. Thistlebloom 2 balls 35c Wheeling Yarns 98c, 1.19 lb. Scotch Fingering Yarns 1.35 lb. Andalusian — assorted shades ........ 25c 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Angora 55c Crofter Yarns — ten shades .. 10c ball KING’S ■ £ ■ Frances and Jimmie, of Wroxeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe'. Mr. Williams and' son, of Roches­ ter, N.Y., visited' on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mrs. Howard Evely and family, of Fergus, visited on Tuesday last with her sister,- Mrs. Omar Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and little son spent Sunday with the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. Samuel' Wood's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell, Blue­ vale, spent Sunday with friends- orr the ninth. Advance-Times Want Ads Bring Results.t JVSTiMSTO WOK AT YOUR WATCH.-./.,', Any watch, no., matter- what it costs, works twice as welt and lasts twice as- long with a clean'* ing and overhauling periodical­ ly. Stop in today for a free ex­ amination and adjustment. Geo. Williams OFFICIAL C. N. R WATCH INSPECTOR: EYES that show signs of trouble should be examined AT ONCE by a specialist in this work, and G1 asses work wonders to restore vision and x give perfect comfort if fitted by ’ ■ : Institute to Meet October 12 ! I Tiie regular meeting at the Wo- | men’s Institute will be held on Thurs- ■ i day afternbon, October SI home of Mrs; Milton 5 Cali—A Recipe that a III Hike to know. Current * 12th, at the Smith. Roll bride would Events, Mrs. R. A, Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist At Williams* jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to nodn. Fern McDowell visited' on Sunday | with Miss Norma Nethery of Hani- rJtoni. Mrs. J. L. McDowell visited recent­ ly with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Smitli, of Goderich. There will be no service at West­ field next Sunday owing to the anni­ versary services at the United Church at Auburn. Mr. Wm. Anderson, Mr. Oliver An­ derson, Miss Dorothy Anderson are visiting at the home of the former’s son, Mr. Thomas Anderson, Sturgeon River. Miss Cliff Logan, of Belgrave, is spending a few weeks with her cous­ in-,, Mrs. Charles Smith. The Senior Male Quartette assisted m the service of song at the anniver­ sary services at Port Albert on Sun- ' day. Mr. W. F. Campbell picked ripe'! raspberries on Sept. 30th. j Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rodger and dau- [ ghter, Donna Pauline, of South R'iv*! er, visited recently with the former’s . mother, Mrs, Wm. Rodger, who is quite ill. . Mrs. J. E. Ellis and Miss Mary El­ lis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elsley, of Wroxeter. Congratulations are extended to Mr. James McGill Jr., who has been (awarded the fellowship in Analytical [ Chemistry at Queen’s University in j Kingston, where he will do post graduate research work in micro- quantitative analysis as well as assist on the university Teaching staff Sts demonstrator. Mr. McGill is an lion-1 or graduate of Western University, London. Mr. Clare Vincent, of Sturgeon River,' is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Campbell and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, A, E, Jolmston, of W. Wawanosli. ■ We are pleased to bo able to re-i port that little Miss Hattie Wightman has recovered from the accident she ' suffered when she was knocked down i Prompt Delivery t • ■ t Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe FOR ii Phone 161 f • - VO WITHIN YOUR rljr-budget. v <- : -• ’F ZEALAND TOMATO j JUICE ..... 3 26-oz. Tins 25c .Australian Bulk SEEDLESSRAISINS ..................2 Lbs. 25c I I LIBBY’S. PORK &I BEANS'....... 2 28-oz. Tins 25c I SHREDDED I COCOANUT 23c Lb. One Pkg. HANDY AMMONIA FREE With 5 Bars PEARL SOAP ......... All For 25c CAMP,BELL’S TOMATO SOUP.......10c Tin ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER ........ 15c 1-Lb. Tin CLARK’S COOKED SPAGHETTI ... 10c 15-Oz. Tin BULK > „ , ’ BAKING SODA ...........5c Lb. With. Coupon on Box Top of 25c Pkg, LuX You Get 3 CAKES LUX SOAP FOR .. . . . .......... ... 10c Free Running dr Iodized SALT.............. 8c 2-Lb. Pkg. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 Pkgs. 25c DALTON O.K. JELLY POWDERS FINE OR COARSE ROLLED OATS ...... 6 lbs. 25c QUAKER x , PUFFED WHEAT ... 10c Pkg, 7 York Fine Quality BOLOGN A 5 Pkgs. 25c .,. 18c Lb. Picake Vegetable SHORTENING .... 2 Lbs. 25c Maple Leaf LUNCHEON LOAF ,... 39c Phone 161 For Service Prompt Delivery Quality Groceries k :'u&t 1