HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-10-05, Page 7in training on
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Kellogg’s All-Bran is a tasteful
ready-to-eat cereal. It supplies
the “bulk” you need plus Vitamin
Bi, which helps tone the in
Eat All-Bran' every day, drink
plenty of water, and gain a new
lease on life! All-Bran is made
by Kellogg in London, Can. Sold
by every grocer.
The induction service for the Rev.
R. C. Acheson of Vancouver into the
• congregation of Molesworth and Gor
rie Presbyterian Church took place at
Molesworth - on Thursday afternoon.
The Moderator of Maitland Presby
tery of the Presbyterian church in
» Canada, Rev. G. M. Young, of South
Kinloss, presided. The sermon was
XfljP preached by Rev. S. Kerr, of Brussels.
' Rev. John Pollock 6f Whitechurch
Narrated the steps leading to the call
and Rev. Kenneth MacLean of Wing-
. ham addressed the newly inducted
minister. Rev. C. H. MacDonald of
Lucknow, addressed the congrega-
w -lion.
Anniversary Services Next Sunday
Gorrie Presbyterian Church will
hold its Anniversary Services Sunday,
Oct. 8th, at 11 a.m.Xand 7.30 p.m.
1 • Rev. Mr. Acheson will preach at both
Thanksgiving Theme of W. A.
The W. A. of St. Stephen’s Church
■met on Wednesday of last week at
"the home of Mrs. Charles King. The
-meeting opened with the Litany fol
lowed by the member’s prayer and
the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Minutes
-of the'last meeting were read and ap
proved. Roll Call was answered by
:a Seripture verse or thought on
Thanksgiving. The Bible, reading was
Psalm 96 and read by Mrs. Ritchie.
An interesting paper was given by
Mrs. Lawrence with “Thanksgiving”
sis the theme, after which an approp
riate poem was read by Mrs. Norman
“Wade. The work of the afternoon
was piecing a quilt. Meeting closed
Thursday, October 5 th, 1939
1 iv ^0=E . "Ji
h " ' -K'-J
1 Ji J Ft
archy shells that exploded
them in the sky were not al-about
ways taken seriously by fighting air
men in the last war. Since then the
effectiveness of anti-aircraft gunnery
has greatly increased. • The skill need
ed. to man these new guns is rapidly
being acquired by army recruits at
Victoria, B.C., seen
two -types of 'guns at the army bar
racks, in these pictures. Not only in
Toronto and Canada’s most westerly
city is army training making quick ( will be representative of the
progress. Ottawa has announced that
the first Canadian forces to go over
seas—no date having yet been set—
“a k,
r w ... action
as Canadian units, and will 'not be
split up as in the early days of the
last war.
Dominion. They will go into
with prayer by the president.-
White, Betty Abraham, Thelma Den
ny. Int.—Yvonne White, Merle Ab
raham, Phyllis Hemingway. Sr. —«•
Mildred Griffith, Marion McDonald,
Laura Bennett.
High Jump; Jr. — Pauline White,
Doris Galbraith, Alma Durst. Int.—
Yvonne White, Jean McDonald, Phyl
lis Hemingway, Sr.—Mildred Griff
ith, Marion McDonald, Laura Ben
Softball Throw: Jr. — Doris Gal
braith, Norville Brown, Pauline
White. Int.—Isohel MacEwen," Jan
ice Strong, Yvonne White. Sr.—EL
canore Carson, Mima Dodds, Made
line Ritchie.
Softball Throw (Distance): Jr. —
Doris Galbraith, Pauline White, Thel
ma Denny. Int. — Jean McDonald,
Muriel Henning, Phyllis Hemingway.
Sr. — Madeline Ritchie, Marion Mc
Donald, Mima Dodds.
75 Yards Dash: Jr.—Pauline White,,
Doris Galbraith, Betty Abraham. Int.
—Phyllis Hemingway, Muriel Hen
ning, Jean McDonald. Sr.—Mildred
Griffith, Marion McDonald, Vera
Three-Legged Race: Jr. — Doris
Galbraith and Pauline White, Thelma
Denny and Alma Durst, Norville
Brown and Jean Heibein. Int.—PhyL
.is Hemingway and Yvonne White,
Merle Abraham and Jean McDonald,
Tsobel MacEwen and Muriel Neill. '
Sr. — Madeline Ritchie and Mildred
Griffith, Mima Dodds and Marion-
McDonald, Laura Bennett and Vera
Relay Race (75 yards each): 1st,.
Vera. Sharpin, Phyllis Hemingway,
Madeline Ritchie, Merle Abraham;
2nd, Mildred Griffith, Jean Heibein,
Norville Brown, Muriel Henning; 3rd,
Marion McDonald, Pauline White,
Alma Durst, Isobel MacEwen.
. Boys’ Events
Running High Jump: Jr.—John Ab
raham, George Galloway, Jasper Far
rish. Int.—Garry Gibson, Jack Durst,
Weldon Hambly. Sr. — Bill Martin,
Jack Meahan, Bill Abraham.
Standing Broad: Jr. — Bower Far
rish, George Galloway, John Abra
ham. Int.—Garry Gibson, Weldon
Hambly, Jack Durst. Sr.—Bill Mar
tin, George Heinmiller, Bill Abraham.
Running Broad: Jr. — Bower Far
rish, Glenn King, Jasper Farrish. Int.
—Jack Durst, Garry Gibson, Weldon
Hambly. Sr.—Bill Martin, Jack Mea
han, George Heinmiller. t .
Hop, Step and Jump: Jr. — John
Abraham, Bower Farrish, George Gal
loway. Int. — Garry Gibson, Jack
Durst, Weldon Hambly. Sr. — Bill
few days last week with her sister,
Mrs. Cloyne Michael and iMr. Mich
Messrs. Lloyd and Glen Wheeler
and Stanley Wilson visited on Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Sparling.
Dr. L. N, and Mrs. Whitley, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, of
Wroxeter, spent Sunday last in Ham
like to state that we have one who
haS| been practising for 60 years in
Gorrie, Dr. Armstrong, who came
here on April 14th, 1879, and is still
practising. Dr. Armtsrong hopes to
celebrate his 88th birthday on Nov.
6th. ’ ' ,
WROXETER '■ and taken from Isaiah, chapter 53. I occasional chair by friends of Wrox-
Mrs. George Allen led in prayer. Mrs.'eter ar>d commnuity. Music was sup-
MacNaughton gave a sketch of the
life of the great hymn-writer Bishop
Heber. Then followed one of his best
i loved missionary hfmns “From
Greenland’s icy mountain”. A read
ing was given by Mrs. Lovell entitled
I “Today”. Mrs. Stocks and. Miss Elva
plied by a five-piece orchestra from
Gorrie, and refreshments were served,
Presentation to Mr.'and Mrs. N.-Carr
Mr. and Mrs Neil Carr (nee" Lily
Waller) were recently presented with
a kitchen set, with the good wishes
of their friends from Wroxeter and
community.. Owing to bereavement
in the groom’s family, the social ev
ening which was planned by their
friends with withdrawn.
Road Much Improved
The county road connecting Wrox
eter with the Brussels road is com
pleted and with the cutting of the
Guelph where he will
College. His many friends wish him
Mrs. S. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs.
Schatt, all of * Cleveland, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Munroe. On their return home they
were accompanied by Mrs. James
Stutt who will spend the winter sea
son in Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strong, Victoria, I Stocks favored with a duet “God,
B.C., are visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lovell and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell
ed Anniversary Services at
Church and were the guests
and Mrs. Hugh Gilmour.Mr. and Mrs. J. L^ MacEwen and
family visited Dundas and Niagara
Falls recently.
Mr. Tom and Miss Beatrice Shear
er were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Gorrie.
The many friends of Mr. P. F. Doig
will regret to know of his serious ill
ness, following a stroke a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovell, Ford
wich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Lovell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warwick, of
Morris, were Sunday guests of the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Mr. and Mrs. "J. H. Wade, Ford
wich, were Sunday guests of Mr.
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton.
.Mr. Albert Gallagher visited
daughter in London last week,
are pleased to know Miss Iva is
proving nicely and may be able to
come home in a few days.
Mr. George Fischer spent the week
end with friends at Brussels.
Miss Ethel Fitch was a London
visitor part of last week.
Owing, to illness in the home of
Rev. A. M. Grant the morning ser
vice in United Church was taken by
Mr. Hopper, of Wingham. In the ev
ening a representative of the British
Foreign Bible Society, Rev. Wm. Mc
Cleary, B.A., Toronto, took charge,
and his subject most interesting with
lantern slides of China.
Mr. Charles Stewart, of Goderich,
formerly of the local bank staff, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Wear ring.
a visitor at the home
Mrs. Albert Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Divid
Mr. and Mrs, Harold
of Harriston, were Sunday guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Philip Durst.
Miss Vera Durst also Mr, and Mrs.
Sam Zurbrigg, Ingersol, were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. j. Durst.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack' Watson, of Bly th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
McDermitt of Salem.
Owing to Thanksgiving, the Octob
er meeting of the Evening Auxiliary
of the United Church has been post
poned till Monday, Oct. 16th, when it
will be held at the home of Mrs. Jno.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Irwin and dau
ghter, Miss Lucille, of Long Branch,
were week-end visitors with the form
er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.- A. Ir
Miss Velma Baiers, of Belmore,
spent the week-end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Earngey, Brus
sels, visited on Sunday with the form
er’s aunt, Miss Kate Earngey.
Mr; and Mrs. Ed. Bolton, Maxine
and Clare, spent Sunday with the- for-
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bolton, near Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan, Mr.
and Mrs. William MacDonald, visited
on Saturday with the ladies’ sister,
Mrs. B. Watson, of Brussels, and al
so attended the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dokn, of
Mitchell, spent Sunday with the for
mer’s mother, Mrs. A. Doan.
■Mrs. D. W.‘ Hicks, of Bornholme,
•was a Sunday visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cathers spent
the week-end with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. ~
Mr. and Mrs. A.
son, of Glenannan,
the home of Mr.’and Mrs. John Cath
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera
Sunday visitors with Mr. ’and Mrs.
Henry Shera of Moorefield.
Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Ross and
ily, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday
at. the home of the former’s mother
and aunt, Mrs. M. Ross and Miss E.
Mr. and Mrs. William Souter, Mh
and Mrs. Percy Coltner, of Toronto,
and Mr. Ernest King and daughter,
Marilyn, of Detroit, were week-end
visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Ernest King.
Mrs. Riley and daughter, Miss
Merle, of Toronto, visited last week
at the home of the former’s brother,
Dr. L. N. Whitley and Mrs. Whitley.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Cooke and daugh
ter, Fern, spent Sunday with relativ
es in Clifford.
Mrs. Wheeler, of Brussels, was a
Sunday visitor at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, R. G. Dane,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Spearin and
daughters, Edith, Olive and Greta,
were recent visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. William Whitfield.
Quite a number from here attend
ed Trinity Church, Fordwich, Sun
day morning last when Confirmation
services were conducted by Bishop
Seagcr of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huggan, of
Brussels, are visiting at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, William Marshall.
Mrs. Moore, of Milverton, spent a
noticed an item in the
Record about the oldest
in the province, we would
of Mr.
Who Touches Earth With Beauty.”
The guest speaker, Mrs. Harold
Doig, of Fordwich, was then intro
duced and gave a splendid address,
taking for her text the words of the
Master "A new command I give un
to you.” In her remarks she spoke
of the great challenge made to wo
men today" and suggested devotion
to duties as individuals or church
groups, the value of prayer and the
giving of one’s self, talents and
means. She also offered suggestions
for the work of the Home Helpers.
The President, Mrs. Wearring, ‘then
took charge and expressed the ap
preciation of the members to Mrs.
Doig for her address. During the
business period which followed plans
were made for the Thank-Offering
meeting and the members were urged
to attend the W.M.S. Presbyterial to
be held in Belgrave on October 20.
“Take up,thy cross” was the closing
hymn followed by the Lord’s Prayer
in unison. A pleasant half-hour was
spent over the tea cups. Mrs. Rob
ert Stocks poured tea and refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Lovell,
Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Wearring and
Mrs. MacNaughton.
corner and the widening, it is
improved. Work
of the village.
George Brown
is continuing
returned toattend O. V.1
every success in his third year at col- Martin. Ja’c^Me^han/Bilf Abraham,
A.Y.P.A. Opening.Meeting
The opening fall meeting of the A.
Y. P. A. of St. Stephen’s Church was
held Wednesday evening, Sept. 27th,
at the horn? of Mr. and Mrs, J. Dins
more. Meeting opened with a hymn
followed by prayer by Rev. Ball and
the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Scrip
ture lesson was.read by Bill Bennett.
Business of the evening was then at
tended to. Installation of officers to
be held in St. James’ Church, Wrox
eter, on Oct. .8th. Community sing
ing which was enjoyed by all brought
the meeting to a close, after which
lunch was served by the hostess. ,1
■ _ ____ _ •• - i
Campbell also
Campbell, all
David Gathers.
Lincoln and little
spent Sunday at
Edith Spender,
at the home of
Elsie Jacques,
Stratford, is a
Mr. and Mrs.
of Howick’, is
of her sister,
and,Mr, Gal-
Women’s Institute
Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
Cookies, Chocolate Marsh
mallow ......................15c lb.
Pearl Soap, 5 bars and Box
of Handy Ammonia .........23c
Lux Flakes, with coupon ... 25c
Coupon and 10c good for
3 cakes of Lux Soap
Crown Tea, black or mixed
_______„_______ «/2 lb. 27c
•Wanted—All Kinds of Dressed
and Live Poultry—Globe prices
United Church Anniversary Services
The anniversary services of the
United Church were held on Sunday
when large congregations were pre
sent at both services. The guest
speaker was Rev. Dickinson, of Tor
onto, whose morning text was found
in John 14, basing his theme on “The
Christian’s view of God.” In the ev
ening Mr. Dickinson chose “The
Spiritual Supremacy of the.Church.”
A full choir rendered special music
and were assisted at both services by
the Wheeler Brothers of Brussels
who sang duets.
A.Y.P.A. Officers’ Installation
Evening service at St. James
Church, Oct. 8th, will be. of special
interest and will be attended by the
members of the Anglican Young Peo
ple’s Association of the parish, Ford
wich, Gorrie and Wroxeter. Officers
of the three societies will take part in
the service and Misses Elva and Eth
no Foster, of Fordwich, will sing. All
will be welcomed at this
Young People’s Service.
Pole Vault: Jr.—George Galloway,
| Jasper Farrish, John Abraham. Int.
j —Jack Durst, Garry Gibson, Weldon
J Hambly. Sr.—Bill Martin, Jack Mea-
ham, George Heinmiller. '■' ■ r*
Shot Put: Jr.— Glenn King, George
Galloway, Jasper Farrish. Int.—Rob
ert Curie, , Garry Gibson, Wilder*
' Hambly. Sr.—Bill Martin, Jack Mea-
successful Track and Field Mee!
held by the Wroxeter Continua-
School on Friday afternoon.
Girls’ Championships
Junior—Doris Galbraith and Paul-, han, George Heinmiller.
ine White (equal).
Intermediate—Yvonne White.
Our 25 Point Scientific. Examin
ation enables us to give yon
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MONUMENTS at first coil
Having our factory equipped with the
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[All finished hy send blast machines
We import All our granites from the
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rough. You can save all local deal*
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seeing US.
E. 1 Skelton & Son
at West End Bridge—WALKERTON
Institute to Meet Oct. 11th
The October meeting of the Gorrie
Women’s Institute will be held on
Wednesday next, Oct. 1J, at the home
of Mrs. Percy Ashton at 2.30 o’clock.
Mrs. W. C. King will give a short re
port Oil the Convention held in
Guelph. Mrs. Ankerman, of Ford
wich, will be the guest speaker and
her address will be on “Bees.” Ttoll
Call-—Why I belong to the Institute.
Visitors always welcome. «
L.O.L. Name Officers
Gorrie L.O.L. held its regular meet
ing Monday evening when the elec
tion of officers for the coming year
took place, resulting as follow’s: W.
M„ W. E. McCracken; D. M., Ray
McIntyre; Chaplain, Anson Thorn
ton; Rewc. Sec., J. G. Underwood; Fin.
Sec,, John Dinsmore; Treas., J. H.
Neill; Marshall, Alex. Marshall; 1st
Leet., Sd. Malone; 2nd Leet,, W. J.
(jtallaher; Committee; 1, R. M,‘ Car-
son; 2, K. J, Mueston; », H. V, Holm
es; 4, W. H. Gregg; 5, R. W. N,
Wade; Auditors W. Gallaher, H, V.
Home Helpers’ Meeting
The October, meeting of the W. M.
S. Wag held in the church school room
on Thursday afternoon. The school
room was tastefully decorated with
tall baskets of seasonable flowers,
Mrs. D. S. MacHaughton presided
over the devotional period opening
with the hymn “Jesus, the very
thought of Thee”. The Scripture les
son was read by Mrs. Wm, Gibson
The October meeting of the W. I.
will be held on Thursday of this
week, October 5th, 3 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Current
Events will be given by Mrs. J. Ad
ams. Roll Call, Suggestions for new
books you would like the library to
purchase. Book Review, Mrs. G, A.
Wearring. Reading by Mrs. Mac-
Naughton. Members please note the
meetings will now be held the first
Thursday of each month.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ritchie and fam
ily, Bob, Betty, Grant Marshall, of
Galt, were week-end guests of Mr,
and .Mrs.* Jack Adams.
Miss Minerva Higgins and Mr, E.
Baker, Fordwich, wore Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Bus Giles,
Bride add Groom Presented
The Town Mall, Wroxeter, was the
scene of a pleasant gathering Tues
day of last week when Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Adams (nee Doris Flliott)
were the guests of honor and were
presented with a miscellaneous show
er and also a studio coach and an
100 Yard Dash: Jr. — John Abra
ham, Bower Farrish, George Gallo-
Senior—Mildred Griffith and Mar- way. Bit.—Jack Durst, Garry Gibson,
ion McDonald (equal).
Boys’ Championships
Senior—Bill Martin, 24 pts.
Intermediate—Garry Gibson, 19 pts.1 ham, George Galloway, Glenn King.
Junior—John Abraham, 14 pts.
Results were as follows.
Girls’ Events
.Standing Broad: Junior—Doris Gal
braith, Pauline White, Alma Durst.
Intermediate — Phyllis Hemingway,
Yvonne White, Muriei Henning. Sen
ior — Marion McDonald, Mildred
Griffith, Laura Bennett.
Running Broad: Jr. — Doris‘Gal
braith, Pauline White, Betty Abra
ham. Int. —• Yvonne White, Phyllis
Hemingway, Muriel Henning, Sr. —)
Marion McDonald, Mildred Griffith, Meahan.
Madeline Ritchie. j All Classes: Lucky Spot—Eleanore
Hop, Step and Jump: Jr.—Pauline Carson.
Weldon Hambly. Sr. — Bill Martin,
Jack Meahan, George Heinnfiller.
220 Yard Dash; Jr.—John Abra-
Int.—Jack Durst, Garry Gibson, Wel
don Hambly. Sr.—Bill Martin, Jack
Meahan, George Heinmiller.
The staff and students wish to ex
press their appreciation for the gen
erous , support given them by the
Wroxeter business men who so gen
erously contributed special prizes.
Open Events (Boys and Girls)
Junior: Sack Race—Pauline White.
Intermediate: Slow Bicycle Race—•
Jack Bennett.
Senior: Cracker and Whistle—-Jack
REAL /I&bpitcdity
Hotels of character and comfort
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