HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-10-05, Page 2PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 5th, 1939
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Wingham Advance-Times
Published at
Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00
Six months, $1.00 in advance
To U. S. A., $2.50 per year.
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
(Continued from Page One)
Heavy Horses
Class 1 — Heavy Draft — Brood
Mare—Jack McKague 1 and 2, Filly
or Gelding, 1 year — Wm, J. Keith,
Peter Watson,, Howard Brown. Filly
•er Gelding, 2 years — Roy Toll, Wm.
Dale. Filly or Gelding, 3 years —
Peter Watson, Roy Toll, Roy Toll.
Spring Foal — Jack McKague, Wm.
Dale, Jackson Brothers.
Class 2 — Agriclutural — Brood
Mare — Jackson Brothers, Bert Mc-
Lelland 2 and 3. Filly or Gelding, 1
year — Wm. Shewfelt, Russell Baird.
Filly or Gelding, 2 years—iMacLeod
Brothers, Wm. J. Currie, Howard
Brown. Filly or Gelding, 3 years —
MacLeod Brothers 1 and 2. Spring
Foal —- Stanley Bridge, Wm. Dale,
Howard Brown.
Class 3 — Wagon Horses — Brood
Mare — Jackson Brothers, MacLeod
Brothers, Bert McLelland. Filly or
Gelding, 1 year — W. S. Munroe, Ed
na Johann. Filly or Gelding, 2 years
—- Edna Johann, Jackson Brothers,
Herb. McQuillan. Filly or Gelding, 3
years — Convay Brothers, Edna Jo
hann, Convay Brothers. Spring Foal
— Wm. Shewfelt, Russel Baird, Stan
ley Bridge.
Class 4 — Teams — Team in Har
ness, Heavy Draft — Peter Watson,
Roy Toll, MacLeod Brothers. Team
in Harness, Agricultural — Jackson
Brothers, Bert McLelland, MacLeod
Brothers. Team in Harness, General
Purpose — Jackson Brothers, Edna
Johann, Herb McQuillan.
Class 5 — Specials — Best Halter
Broken Colt, $2,00, donated by R. S.
Hetherington, Barrister — Howard
Brown. Best Heavy Dj;aft, Agricul
tural or General Purpose Brood Mare
and two of her progeny; Rose Bowl,
donated by Robert Simpson Co,, Tor
onto, value $7.00 —• Wm. Shewfelt.
Best Matched Team, 1st, $3.00 .don
ated by Williams’ Restaurant, 2nd,
$2.00, donated by Smith’s Dairy —
Edna Johann, MacLeod Bros. Best
Brood Mare, Draft or Agricultural—
Russell Baird. Best 3-year-old Draft
—Russell Baird.
Light Horses
Class 6 Roadsters — Brood Mare
— E. Lewis. Spring Foal — E. Lew
is. Filly or Gelding, 1 year — J. H.
Currie, Wm. G. Keith. Single Road
ster — *J. J. Fryfogle, Currie & Ter
vit, J. J. Fryfogle, Currie & Tervit.,
Team of Roadster — Currie & Ter
vit, J. T- Fryfogle, W. J. Miller 3 and
4. *—1st prize donated by Advance-
Times $7.00, J. H. Crawford $3.00.
Class 7 Carriage — Brood Mare —
Herb. McKague, M. Cormack 2 and
3. Spring Foal — Herb. McKague,
M. Cormack 2 and 3. 'Filly or Geld
ing, 1 year — Herb, McKague, Filly
or Gelding, 2 year — W. S. Munroe.
Single Carriage — W. S. Munroe 1
and 2, W. J. Miller 3 and 4. Team of
Remove bones and flake one small
can ot ifllmon. Mi* with 2 table
spoon* horseradish, I teaspdon
lemon juice, 4 tablespoons mayon-
naise, seasonings. Spread gener
ously betweeri bread slice*: spread
outside of each sandwich With
malted butter, toast on both sides
Under 16W broiler heat until BroWn.
Pour over the sandwich a sauce
made of melted cheese,
Plake one pound of canned or
cooked fish and place in casse
role. Slowly ttltilt J4 lb. cheese
in double boiler; stir ifi tup
milk. Pour this over the fish,
cover the mixture with mashed
cooked potato, and line the rim
Of the cOssordle^ 'with unbaked
biscuits. Bake In hot (425°)
oven Until biscuits-are dofie,
set’ -w *>' -a* s*1
Depariniefif of Fisheries, Ottawa,
Please send me your 52-page
. Booklet, "100 Tempting Pish Recipei”.
(PL55A3K FRlNt PBTOTtlUi PJ.Ait»I.Y)
There are so many delicious
varieties of Canadian FISH
available all the year round, no
matter where you live, that you
can add pleasing new dishes to
the family menus.
And remember, Fish Is nourishing, and
is easily digested. Ask your dealer
about the different kinds of Fish he
cab get for you, and arrange to serve
Fish to your family often,
Carriage — W. S. Munroe, W. J. Mil
ler, W. S. Munroe.
Class 8—Specials — Roadster Mare,
Pipe, donated by Haselgrove’s Tobac
co Store, value $2.25 — Wm. J. Keith.
Lady Driver of Horse — Mrs, W. J.
Miller, Mrs. Wallace Miller. Single
Roadster, $3.00, $2,00, donated by R.
J, Deachman, M.P, — J. J. Fryfogle,
Currie & Tervit. Best Horse on Fair
Grounds in Roadster and Carriage
Classes: Pair Men’s Driving Gaunt
lets, donated by W/ H. Gurney, Gur
ney’s Glove Works, value $3.00 — W.
S. Munroe.
Gentlemen’s Turnout: 1st prize
$3.00, donated by Rae’s Hardware;
2nd prize, 3 lbs. Salada Tea, value
$2,25, donated by G. Olver, Grocer;
3rd prize, $1,00 donated by Dr, W.
A. Crawford, Physician — W, S.
Munroe, J. J. Fryfogle, W; J. Miller.
Hurdle Horse Show, High Hurdle —
Edna Johann 1, 2, 3. Touch and Out
— Edna Johann 1, 2, 3; W. Illbury.
Saddle Horse — Edna Johann 1,
2, 3,
Class 9 — Shorthorns — Breeding-
Cow — Wm. MacKenzie 1 and 2, W.
F. Ostricher. Heifer, 2 year old —
Henry Hossfeld, W. F.. Ostricher,
Andrew Gaunt. Heifer, 1 year — W.
F. Ostricher, Henry Hossfeld, And
rew Gaunt. Heifer, under 12 months
— Wm. MacKenzie, Strong Brothers,
Henry Hossfeld. Bull, under 12 mos.
— W. F. Ostricher, Bert Monk, Wm.
MacKenzie. Bull, over 1 year and
under 2 — W. F. Ostricher, Andrew
Gaunt. Bull aged — Wm. MacKen
zie, W. F. Ostricher, Henry Hossfeld.
Class 10 — Herefords — Breeding
Cow *— James T. Lyons. Heifer, 2
year — James T. Lyons, O’Neil Bro
thers. Heifer, 1 year — O’Neil Bros.,
Jas. T. Lyons. Heifer, under 12
months — O’Neil Bros., Jas. T. Ly
ons, 2 and 3. Bull under 12 months
— Jas. T. Lyons, O’Neil Bros. 2 and
3. Bull over 1 year and under 2 —
O’Neil Bros., James T. Lyons 2 and
3. Bull, aged — O’Neil Bros., James
T. Lyon, \
Class 11 Polled Angus — Breeding
Cow — Frank G„ Todd. Heifer, 2
year—Frank G. Todd. Heifer 1 year
—F. G. Todd. Heifer, under 12 mos.
—Frank G. Todd 1 and 2. Bull und
er 12 months—Frank G. Todd. Bull,
over 1 year and. under 2—Frank G.
Class 12 Herds — Best Herd —
Frank G. Todd, Wm. MacKenzie,
O’Neil Bros., Henry Hossfeld.
Class 13 Dairy — Breeding Cow —
R. J. Currie 1 and 2. Heifer, 2 year
— R. J. Currie.
Class 14 — Grade Beef Type —
Breeding Cow — Wm. G. Kei,th-1 and
2, Jas. R. Coultes. Heifer, 1 year —
Jas. R. Coultes, Wm. J. Currie. Heif
er, under 12 months — Jas. R. Coul
tes 1 and 2, R. J. Currie. Steer, 1
year — Jas R. Coultes 1 and 2, R. J.
Currie. Steer, 2 year — Jas. R. Coul
tes, R. J. Currie, Jas. R. Coultes.
Steer, under 12 months — Jas. R.
Coultes 1 and 2, R. J. .Currie.
1 Class 15 — Specials — Milch Cow,
1st $2.50, 2nd $1.50, donated by the
U. F. O. Wingham — R. J. Currie 1
and 2. Best Steer or Heifer, 1st $5.00
donated by Union Stock Yards, Tor
onto; 2nd, $2.00, donated by Mit
chell’s Meat Market.—Frank G. Todd
1 and 2. Baby Beef, 1st $3.00, 2nd
$2.00, donated by Chas. Robertson,
M.L.A. ■— Frank G. Todd 1 and 2.
Three Feeder Steers, any breed, priz
es donated by Dominion Bank, J. R.
M. Spittai, Mgr.," 1st $3.00, 2nd $2.00
—■ Jas. R. Coultes R. J. Currie. Reg
istered Cow; Order, to be applied on
the purchase price of any Massey-
Harris Machine, donated by Massey-
Harris Co., Toronto, value $5.00 —
■ Wm. MacKenzie. Herd of. Register
ed Shorthorn Cattle; Silver Tray,
donated by the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, Wingham, L. R. Black
wood, Manager; value $15.00 — Wm.
: MacKenzie.
“ Sheep
• Class 16 — Leicesters — Ram, ag-
t ed — E. Snell, John Cowan & Son,
; Purvis Bros. Shearling Ram -r- E.
; Snell, John Cowan & Son, Geo. Ken-
; ttedy. Ram Lamb — E. Snell, John
, Cowan & Son, Purvis Bros. Ewe, ag-
■ ed — E. Snell, John Cowan & Son,
Geo. Kennedy. Shearling Ewe—John
Cowan & Son, E. Snell 2 and 3. Ewe
Lamb — John Cowna and Son 1 and
2, E. Snell.
Class 17—Oxford Downs — Ram,
aged —- A, Tolton, Bert Monk, Orvil
McGowan. Shearling Ram —> A, Tol-
ton, Bert Monk 2 and 3. Ram Lamb
—• A, Tolton, Bert Monk 2 and 3.
Ewe,, aged — -A. Tolton, Bert Monk,
A. Tolton. Shearling Ewe — Bert
Monk, A. Tolton, Bert Monk, Ewe
Lamb — Bert Monk, A. Tolton 2 and
Class 18 South Downs —■ Ram,
aged Frank? Mohk. Shearling Ram
■—* Frank Mack*. Ram Lamb Frank
Mack, Ewe, aged — Frank Mack 1
and 2, Shearling Ewe Frank Mack
1 and 2. Ewe „Lamb —Frank Mack
1 and 2,
Class 19 — Dorset ~ Ram, aged
-“•F, E. Dearing, Orvil McGowan, P.
E. Dearing. Shearling Ram P. E.
Dearing I and 2, Orvil McGowan.
Ont. — Mrs.
Eloyd Simon of 9
Walter St. says: “I,
couldn’t sleep,
couldn’t eat and jvas
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bones, I felt so very
weak that I was just
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what Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription does for
you, It restores a healthy appetite and im
proves your digestion of nourishing food. Get
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription from your
druggist today.
Ram Lamb — P. E.\ Dearing 1 and
2, Orsdl McGowan. Ewe, aged — Or
vil McGowan, P. E. Dearing 2 and 3.
Shearling Ewe —I P. E. Dearing, Or
vil McGowan 2 and 3. Ewe Lamb
P. E. Dearing, Orvil McGowan 2 and
Class 20 — .Shropshire — Ram, ag
ed — Orvil McGowan, Frank Mack
2 and 3. Shearling Ram — Orvil Mc
Gowan, Frank Mack, Orvil McGow
an. Ram Lamb —> Orvil McGowan,
Frank Mack, Orvil McGowan. Ewe,
aged, Orvil McGowan, Frank Mack,
Orvil McGowan. Shearling Ewe —
Frank Mack, Orvil McGowan 2 and
3. Ewe Lamb — Orvil McGowan,
Frank Mack, Orvil McGowan.
Class 21 — Specials — Ram'Lamb,
1st 100 lbs. of Concentrate, value
$3.00, donated^by Coleman Packing
GO., London; 2nd, 50 lbs., Grofast
Meal, value $2.00 donated by Inter
national Stock Food Company, Tor
onto —- E. Snell, A. Tolton. Ewe
Lamb, $2.00, donated -by Cosens &
Booth — John Cowan & Son. Ram,
Ewe and Ewe Lyimb, Istj donated by
J. H. Crawford, $2.00; 2nd, 25 pack
ages of Seeds, donated by Jenkins
Mfg. Co., London, value $1.00 — E.
Snell, P. E. Dearing. Pair of Market
Lambs, 100 lbs. Shur-Gain Concen
trate, donated by Canada Packers,
Toronto, value $3.00 — A. Tolton.
Class 22 — Berkshires — Boar, ov
er 1 year — John Cowan & Son, Jas,
S. Cowan. Boar over 6 months and
under 1 year—John Cowan & Son 1,
2 and 3. Brood Sow — John Cowan
& Son 1 and 2, Jas. S. Cowan. Sow,
over 6 months and under 1 year —
John Cowan & Son 1 and 2, Jas. S.
Class 23 — Yorkshires — Boar, ov
er 1 year — Ronnenberg Bros., Sam
Alton, Ronnenberg Bros. Board over
6 mos. and under 1 year—Sam Al
ton, Jas. S. Sowdn 2 and 3. Brood
Sow—Jas. S. Cown, Sam Alton, Ron
nenberg Bros. Sow, over 6 months
and under 1 year — Sam Alton 1 and
2, Jas. S. Cowan.
Class 24 — Tamworths — Boar
over 1 year — Douglas Bros., Sam
Alton, Ronnenberg Bros. Boar, over
6 months, under 1 year — Douglas
Bros., Ronnenberg Bros. Brood Sow
— Douglas Brothers 1 and 2, Sam
Alton. S.ow, over 6 months under 1
year — Douglas Bros., Ronnenberg
Bros., Sam Alton.
Class 25 — Specials — Pair of Bac
on Hogs; 1st prize donated by Roland
Grain, $3.00, 2nd prize, donated by
Canada Packers, 50 lbs. Shur-Gain
Minerals, value $1.75 — Sam Alton,
Ronnenberg Bros. Pen of Bacon
Hogey 100 lbs. Hog Concentrate, val
ue $3.00, donated by Coleman Pack
ing Company, ^London.----Douglas
Bros. Brood Sow; 100 lbs. Concen
trate, value $3.00, donated by Cole
man Packing Company, London —
Sam Alton. The T. Eaton Company
Limited Special — Pen of five Bacon
Hogs; 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes don
ated by The T. Eaton Company, 1st,
$12.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $8.00; 4th,
$6.00; 5th, $5.00; 6th, $4.00. —
1st, W. J. Currie; 2nd, W. Pocock;
3rd, Benson Cruiksliank; 4th, Benson
Crtiikshank; 5th, John Burchill; 6th,
R. J. Currie.
Class 26 — Rocks, Barred — W.
I, Miller 1, 2 and 3, Geo. Kennedy.
White Wyandottes — W. I. Miller 1,
2 and 3. Rhode Island Reds — W. I.
Miller 1, 2 and 3., White “Leghorns
—Douglas Bros. 1 and 2, R. J. Cur
rie 3 and 4. Jersey Giants — Douglas
Bros. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Bantams, A. K.
—*W. L Miller, Douglas Brothers, P,
E. Dearing, Douglas Bros.
Miscellaneous Fowl —- Ducks, W.
L jMiller* Douglas Bros, Geese
Douglas Bros. 1 and 2, ,
Pigeons •— Collection of fancy pig
eons -- Douglas Bros. 1 and 2.
Bred-to-lay hen. Barred Rock —
Geo. Kennedy, R. J< Currie, Geo.
Kennedy. Bred-to-lay lien, White
Wyandotte — W, I, Miller. Bred-to-
lay hen, White Leghorn — R. J. Cur
rie, 1, 2 and 3,
Class 27 Specials —• Pen of Six
Bred-to-lay Barred Rock Pullets; 100
lbs. Laying Mash, value $2.50, donat
ed by Kennedy Hatchery, Wingham.
—Geo. Kennedy. Pen of Chickens;
50 lbs. Shur-Gain Mineral donated by
Canada trackers Ltd., Toronto—Geo.
Kennedy. Pen of New Hampshire
Reds, 100 lbs. Laying Mash, value
$2,50, donated by Kennedy Hatchery,
Wingham — Mrs. W. Jeffery.
Grain and Seeds
Class 28 — Fall Wheat, Red —
Herb. Desjardine. Fall Wheat, White
—Herb. Desjardine. Oats — R. & R.
Proctor, Herb. Desjardine. Barley—
Herb. Desjardine. Field Corn, dent—
W. M< Henry, Albert Haggitt. Field
Corn, flint — Herb. Desjardine. En
silage Corn — W. M. Henry, R. J.
Currie, J. D. Beecroft.
Class 29 — Specials — Prizes don
ated by Twp. of East Wawanosh —
Sheaf of Field Crop Competition Oats
— Grant Wilton. Bus. of Field Crop
Competition Oats — R, & R. Proctor,
Grant Wilton.
Roots and Vegetables
Class 30 — Beans, small, white —
S. Proctor, Mrs. R. Brimblecomb,
Mrs. R. Purdon. Beans, large, white
— Herb Desjardine, Mrs. R, Purdon,
S. Proctor. Beans, A.O.V. — Mrs,
Frank Benninger, I, J. Wright, Mrs,
W. Peebles. Beets, A.O.V.—S. Proc
tor, Mrs. Arthur Edgar. Carrots,
table, short — Albert Haggit, I. J.
Wright. Carrots, table intermediate
— Albert Walters, Albert Haggit.
Mangold Wurtzel, long — R. & R.
Proctor. Mangold Wurtzel, intermed
iate — S. Proctor, "Mrs. Frank Ben
ninger, R. & R. Proctor, Mangolds,
A.O.V. — Mrs. R. J. Currie, Mrs. Ar
thur Field. Bus. Turnips, shipping —
S. Proctor, R. & R. Proctor, Mrs.
Frank Benninger. Turnips, Swede —
S. Proctor, I. J. Wright, S. Proctor.
Sugar Mangold — R. & R. Proctor,
S, Proctor, Mrs, Frank Benninger.
Parsnips — Wm. Wellings, Mrs. Ar
thur Field. Radishes, winter — .Herb.
Desjardine, Mrs. R. Brimblecomb,
Potatoes; early — Herb. Desjardine,
Wm. Wellings, Albert Haggit. Pota
toes, Dooley — Albert Haggitt, Herb.
Desjardine, Mrs. Frank Benninger.
Potatoes, Green . Mountain — Wm.
Wellings, Herb. Desjardine, S. Proc
tor. Onions, yellow — Herb. Desjar
dine, Mrs. R. Brimblecomb. Onions,
red — Mrs. R. Brimblecomb, Hbrb.
Desjardine. Onions, Dutch or Top
Sets —■ Herb. Desjardine. Onions
grown, from Dutch or Top Sets —
Herb. Desjardine, Mrs. Frank Ben
ninger. Onions A.O.V. — Mrs. R.
Brimblecomb, Herb. Desjardine. To
matoes, large red — Herb. Desjar
dine, Mrs. R. Brimblecomb. Tomat
oes, A.O.V. —j R. & R. Proctor, Herb.
Desjardine. Cabbage, early — Wm.
Wellings, I. J. Wright. ’ Cabbage,
pickling — Mrs. W. Peebles. Citrons
— Herb. Desjardine, Mrs. Thomas
Moore. Cucumber — Herb. Desjar
dine, A. Proctor & Sons. Corn, table
— Mrs. Arthur Field, Albert Haggitt.
Pumpkin Pie — Albert Haggitt, I. J.
Wright. Sunflowers —• Mrs. R. Pur-,
don, Herb. Desjardine. Squash—Mrs.
Arthur Field, Mrs. Frank Benninger.
Pumpkin, field — I. J. Wright, R. &
R, Proctor. Collection of Garden Veg
etables — Mrs’. Frank Bemjinger,
Mrs. Arthur Field. Market Basket —
Mrs. R. Purdon, S. Proctor, Albert
Haggitt, A. Proctor & Sons.
Class 31 — Specials — Collection
of Potatoes; *5 packages Tender Leaf
Tea, donated by Standard Brands,
Ltd., Toronto — Herb. Desjardine.
Class 32 — Apples — Alexander—
Lome Woods, Mrs. Arthur Field.
Baldwin — Lome Woods, Wallace
Miller. Ben Davis — Wallace Miller,
Thus. Salkeld. Blenheim — Lome
Woods. Cayuga or 20 Ounce—Lome
Woods. Crab, A.V. — Lome Woods,
Wallace Miller. Fameuse or Snow—
Thomas Salkeld, Lome Woods. Gol
den Russet — Thos. Salkeld, Wallace
Miller. Delicious — Thos. Salkeld.
Holland Pippeh —* Lome Woods.
King — Lome Woods, Wallace Mill
er. McIntosh — Thos. Salkeld, Lome
Woods. Maiden Blush — Wallace
Miller. Northern Spy—Lome Woods,
Thos. Salkeld. Ribson — Lome
Woods, R. & R. Proctor. St. Law
rence — R. & R. Proctor, Thomas
Salkeld. Ontario — Lome Woods.
Tolman Sweet — Thomas Salkbld,
•Lome Woods. Wealthy — Wallace
Miller, R. & R. Proctor. Wagner —•
Wallace Miller, Lome Woods. A. O.
V., red — Lome Woods, Wallace
Miller. A. O. V., green or yellow —
Wallace Miller, Lome Woods.
Miscellaneous Fruit — Pears, Bart
lett — Lome Woods, Wallace Mill
er. Fears, fall, A, O. V. — Lome
Woods, Mrs. R. Purdon. Pears, win
ter, A.O.V. — Lome Woods. Plums,
blue — Lome Woods. Plunis, A. O.
V. — Mrs. R. Brimblecomb. Grapes,
white, A.V. — Thomas Salkeld, J. D.
Beecroft. Grapes, red, A.V. — Thos.
Salkeld, Herb. Desjardine.
Displays — Apples, dessert—Lome
Woods, Th onus Salkeld. Apples,
cooking — Wallace Miller, Lome
Woods. Apples, A.V. — Thoma^ Sal
keld, Wallace Miller,
Class 33 — Specials — Bushel of
Northern Spy Apples; 1st pair of
Shoes, value $5.00, donated by Greer’s
“The Good Shoe Store”; 2nd, Merch
andise, value $4.00, donated by J. W.
MeKibbon, McKibbon’s Drug Store;
3rd, MerehadiiiSe by Williams’ Jew
ellery Store, value $3.50, ■— Lome
Woods, Thomas Salkeld, Wallace
Kililey, Bushel Taltnan Sweet Apples;
$3.00 cash, donated by C Lloyd
MacLean Lumber. & Coal Co.
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& Son; 2nd, $2.00 cash, donated by
W. J. Adams (Lyceum Theatre) —
Thomas Salkeld 1 and 2,} Bushel of
Snow Apples; 1st, $4.00 cash, donat
ed C. Lloyd & Son; 2nd, $3.00 cash,
donated by J. W. Bushfield, Barrist
er; 3rd, Merchandise, value $1.50,
donated by C.*B. Armitage, Armitag
es Cleaners and Dyers. — Thomas
Salkeld 1 and 2, Lome Woods. Bus.
of McIntosh Red Apples; 1st, Mer
chandise, value $3.00, donated by C.
H. McAvoy, McAvoy’s Drug Store;
2nd $2.00 cash donated by Dr. W. A.
MeKibbon. — Lome Woods, Thomas
Salkeld. Bushel of King Apples; $2.00
cash, donated by Fred Carter, Cart
er’s. Bakery. — Lome Woods. Bus.
of Ontario; $3.00 cash donated by T.
H. Gibsoq, Gibson’s Bakery. — Lome
Woods.- 2 Bus. of Worthem Spy Ap
ples; $6.00, donated by A. M. Craw
ford. — Lome Woods. Barrel of
Northern Spy Apples; 1st, Dry Goods
to value of $10.00, donated by the
Walker Store, Wingham; 2nd, Dry
Goods to value of $8.00, donated by
King, Brothers, Wingham. — Lome
Woods, Wallace Miller.
Plants and Flowers
Class 34 — Asters — Mrs. W.
Peebles, Mrs. Geo. Orvis. Dahlias —
E. M. Snell, A. Proctor &( Sons. Dah
lias — Mrs. W. Peebles. Gladioli —
Mrs. Thomas Salkeld, Mrs. R. Brim
blecomb. Pansies — Miss Vern Wal
ker. Petunias — Mrs. W. Peebles,
Mrs.- R. Brimblecomb. Phlox, Drum-
mondi — S. Proctor, A. Proctor &
Sons. Phlox, Perennial — Mrs. Thos.
Salkeld. Sweet Peas — Mrs. W.
Peebles. Stocks — Mrs. Wm. Well
ings. Zinnias — Mrs. Thomas Salk
eld, Miss Verne Walker. -Marigolds,
French — Mrs. Thomas Salkeld, Mrs.
Geo. Orvis. Calendula — A. Proctor
& Sons, Miss Verne Walker. Snap
Dragon — Mrs. W. Peebles. Scabiosa
—Mrs. W. Peebles, S. Proctor. Sal-
piglossia — Mrs. Thos. Salkeld, Mrs.
W. Peebles. Straw Flowers — Mrs"
Thos. Salkeld. Geranium, double
white —\A, Proctor &a.Sons, Mrs. Ar
thur Field. Geranium, Double, A.O.
V. — I. J, Wright, A. Proctov;.& Sons.
Roses—Miss Verne Walker, Fuschia
— Mrs. W. Jeffery. Bouquet of Cos
mos — Mrs. Thos. Salkeld, Mrs. AL^
bert Walters.
. Displays —< Basket of Annuals —
Mrs. Thomas Salkeld, Mrs. R. Brim
blecomb. Bouquet, Table — Mrs. T.
Salkeld, S. Proctor, Begonia, Rex.—
I. J. Wright Hanging Basket '— A.
Proctor & Sons. Floral Design for
Cemetery decoration — Mrs. Brim
blecomb, Floral U.Csign for Indoor
decoration — Mrs. Thbmas Salkeld,
A. Proctor & Sons. •
Class 35 — Specials — Basket of
Cut Flowers; $2,00 Merchandise, don
ated by Isard’s Store <— Mrs. Thomas
Salkeld. ’
Dairy and Provisions
Class 86 — Bread —Bread, brown,
entire crust — S. Proctor, Mrs, W
Jeffery, Mrs. Geo. Wale. Bread,
white, entire Crust — Mrs, W. Jeff
ery, Mrs, W, Wellings, Tt. & R« Proc
tor. Buns, plain S. Proctor, Mrs.
W, Jeffery. Biscuits, 6 plain — Miss
M, Frisby, Proctor., Bate Nut Loaf
— K, & R. Proctor, Mrs, A, Edgar,
i Shortbread & Procter, A. Proctor
& Sons. Muffins, Bran — Mrs. A-
Edgar, S. Proctor,
Cakes — Cake, fruit-, dark — Mrs.
A. Field, Mrs. W. Wellings, Miss
Rosewell.' Cake, fruit, light — Mrs.
A.- Field, Miss Rosewell, R. & R
Proctor. Cake, layer, chocolate —
Mrs. W. Henry, Miss Tena Reid.
Cake, layer, light — Mrs. W. Well
ings, Mrs. Geo. Dale. Cake, Angel-
Mrs. Geo. Dale. Cake, Sponge—Mrs.
Geo. Dale. Jelly Roll—R. & R. Proc-*
tor, W. M. Henry.
Pastry — Pie, Apple—W. M. Hen
ry, R. & R. Proctor. Pie, Pumpkin—
W. M. Henry, R. & R. Proctor. Pie,
Lemon—R. & R, Proctor, Mrs. Geo.
Dale. Tarts, Butter—W. M. Henry,
Mrs. Geo. Dale. Raisin Pie — Mrs.
Geo. Dale, W. M. Henry. Doughnuts
—S. Procter, R. & R. Proctor. Co
coanut Kisses—R., & R. Proctor, Mrs.
A. Walters. Cookies — Mrs. Geo.
Dale, "Mrs. R. Brimblecomb. Cup
Cakes — R. & R.' Proctor, Mrs. R.
Canned Goods — Jelly — H. Des--
jardine, Mrs. Geo. Dale. Jam ,— H.
Desjardine, Mrs. Geo. Dale. Maple
Syrup — H. Desjardine, Mrs. Geo.
Dale. Marmalade — H. Desjardine,
Mrs. R. Brimblecomb,' R. & R. Proc
tor. Fruit, canned — H. Desjardine,
Mrs..W. Henry, Mrs. Geo. Dale. Veg
etables, canned — R. & R. Proctor,
Mrs. F. Benninger, Mrs. Geo. Dale.
Catsup, tomato — Mrs. T. Salkeld,
Mrs. A. Edgar. Chili Sauce — Mrs.
A. Haggitt, Mrs. Geo. Dale. Sauces,
Cold Meat — Mrs. R. Brimblecomb,
H. Desjardine. Pickles, mixed — R.
& R. Proctor, H. Desjardine. Pickles,
Pears — Mrs. R. Britnblcomb, R.’&
R. Proctor. Chicken, Jellies — Mrs.
Geo. Dale, S. Proctor.
Dishes — Meat Pie — Mrs. Geo.
Dale, W. M. Henry. Cheese Dish —
R. &. R. Proctor, Mrs. Geo. Dale. Sal
mon Loaf —. S. Pfoctor,. Miss Tena
Reid. Honey Display — T7 Salkeld,
W. M. Henry.
Butter — Butter in Crocks — J. D.
Beecroft, Mrs. W. Jeffery, S. Proctor.
Butter in lb. "prints—S. Proctor, Mrs.
W. Jeffery, Mrs. Geo. Dale.
Miscellaneous Fresh Hen’s Eggs
— A. Proctor & Sons, J/ D. Beecfoft.
Working Man’s Supper — Mrs. W.
Jeffery, Mrs. R. Brimblecomb, Miss
(Continued on Page Three)