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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-28, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Sept, 28th, 1939 * Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 28, 29, 30 - SPECIAL ~ x-r QHUJLLEAJMV /with WALTER CONNOLL vNSy WILLIAM FRAWLEY • REX INGRAM = LYNNE CARVER • JO ANN SAYERS Screen Play by Hugo Butler « Directed by Richard Thorpe « Produced by Joseph L. Also “Cartoon” and “News” Admission Adults 35c, Children 20c. Matinee: Adults 25c, Children 10c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 2, 3, 4 BASIL RATHBONE RICHARD GREENE ------In----- “The Hound of the Baskervilles” Conan Doyle’s famous character, Shedock Holmes, is portrayed on the screen by Basil Rathbone in this exciting mystery story. Also “The Three Stooges” and “Cartoon” WHITECHURCH . Mr. Robert Kelly, of Toronto, vis-' ited on Friday1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. John Fleming, of Hamilton, N. Dakota, is visiting here at the home of her brother, Mr. Chas. Mar tin and with other relatives in this ■community. Mr. Herb Pettapiece had the tele phone installed in his home last week. Mrs. A. Emerson is visiting this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Haggitt, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and family, of Langside, visited on Sun day with Mrt’aK^Mrs. Herbert Laid law and'all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent at Auburn during the afternoon.- Mr. and ‘Mrs? Elwood Barbour and family ■ visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hetherington, Morris. Miss Viola Thompson, of Goderich, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney. Mr. Marsh, of Manitou, Man., who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Jones, of Dungannon, visited Sunday at the homes of Messrs. Wm. and Thos. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt, and her brother, Jim Currie, and Mr. jpd, Mrs. Walter Lott, spent Sunday"4 at' the home of the latter's.,,son, ..X^arl Lott, at Ayton. •*; Mrs. Robert Mowbray and family w3nt' Woodstock with Mr. Mowbray who has. built a new house there this summer. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held last Thursday after noon with the President, Mrs. Mow bray, in charge. The ladies are read ing the book of Hebrews for the Scripture lesson, each lady reading a verse in turn from the chapter. (Mrs. J. Pollock gave an interesting talk- on “Divine Intervention” and Mrs. Murray spoke on “New Canadians,” Mrs. Archie Pattern led in prayer, while Mrs. R. J. Ross led in the spec ial prayer for the missionary work ers, Mrs. Mowbray gave a talk on The Untouchables of India, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence spent Friday with Mrs, Beecroft’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Scott and children, of Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and little son, of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn, and Mrs. Hardie Simpson spent Friday there. Mr. Conn Has been very ill during the past week. . The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. ,S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday last with the president, Mrs. Victor Emerson, in charge. Mrs. Thos. Gaunt was ap pointed as delegate to the W. M. S. presbyterial at Belgrave with Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mrs. Emerson read the Scripture lesson and led in prayer. Misses Lettie Fox and Muriel Watt sang a duet. The reports of the work on the mission fields were given, and the meeting was closed by prayer for the missionary workers1. The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. of the United Church was held, on Monday evening with Clarence McClenaghan in charge. A sing song of hymns opened the meeting. Miss Muriel Watt read the .Scripture les son and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Miss Lettie Fox led in prayer. Miss Agnes Gillespie read a poem, and Rev„ J. Barnard had charge of the topic, on "Church Oragnization.” Miss Muriel Watt was appointed to attend the London Conefernce Convention for young people, to be held at Sarnia on COMMUITY f PLATE SALE i ANY PATTERN 40% OF OPEN STOCK PRICES JUST THREE DAYS LEFT Sale Closes Saturday, Sept. 30. A Deposit will hold your pur chase until Christmas. This Is The Best Buy That Will Be On the Market For Years., DON’T MISS IT! , Geo. Williams The Jeweller . EYES that show signs of trouble should be examined AT ONCE by a specialist in this work, and G1 asses work wonders to restore vision and give perfect comfort if fitted by R. A. Reid R. 0. Eyesight Specialist At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every. Wednesday Morning 9 to noon. ter, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Rolph’s parents, Mr. and Mils. W. W; Mann, • Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie, !df I Seaforth,-., with .jthpir. cousins, Mrs.- R. F. G'arniss apd Miss Olive Scott. Mr. atfd Mrs, Robt. Hutclieson^W. Thompson, Mrs, Edith Taylor and Miss Sanderson, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. Robert Shaw returned home from Wingham General Hospital on Sunday, Mr. Shaw has. ’made a re cord recovery, following an operation. BELGRAVE his Wingham Fair Thursday, September 28th — AFTERNOON — North Huron’s Outstanding Horse Show HORSERACE RUNNING RACE GENTLEMEN’S ROAD RACE HUR DLE JUMPING SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS BAND MUSIC % DAYLIGHT FIREWORKS Evening Entertainment - Wingham Arena A REAL TREAT FOR EVERYONE Canadian Cowboys Concert Co. of London Song*-Dances-Recitations - Instrumentals JITNEY DANCING AFTER Music by Canadian Cowboys — BINGO — - - - - - ■ —■■■ " — ■ - — / ■ >..■ rn ......... . ■ .. Loud Speaker System Afternoon and Evening Oct. 13, 14, 15. Mr. Fred Lever, of Toronto, is vis iting with Mr. Chas. Lever. The following from here attended London Fair last week: Mr. Fred Davidson, Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Ross, Miss Jean Burchill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Godk'in and Mr. W. J. Coulter. .The regular ' monday evening serv ice of the youhg people of the Pres byterian Church was in charge of Miss Velma Stott and opened with a song service. Mr. Dawson Craig read the Scripture lesson and gave the meditation address. Jack Pollock gave an interesting talk on the city of Edinburgh, James Wilson contrib uted a solo, and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray gave a reading “Cole Hill’ by Isabel Cameron, and Miss Grace Richardson gave a paper on the origin of the hymn “Stand up for Jesus”, and Miss Jean Welwooc| gave an interesting pa per on interesting events and people, connected with the month of Septem ber. Mr. James Richardson led in i Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and children, of Yarmouth Centre, spent the week-end with his parents, and Mrs. John Gillespie. BLUEVALE Mr. Duart Minister Preached Rev. George G. Tannor, D.D., Duart, in the Chatham Presbytery, preached in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The subject of his message was “God^s way of using a surrendered heart” using Moses as the example. The regular service will be withdra*wn next Sunday owing anniversary services being held Eadies’ Presbyterian Church. of to at Dr. Gordon Stonehouse and bride, of Vancouver, are spending their honeymoon with relatives here. The death of Robt. Nicholson, 4th line Morris, on Saturday night, re moved one of the community’s high ly respected citizens. Mr. Nicholson, was was 68 years of age, suffered from heart trouble. He is survived by his widow to whom our sympathy is extended at this time. Institute Held Meeting The September meeting of the Wo men’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, 4th line Mor ris, with a good attendance present. The president, Mrs. N. Keating, con ducted the meeting. A letter from the department was read in-regard to the part women could take in the pre sent war situation. This meeting was in charge of the conveners for legis lation, Mrs. J. Wheeler' and Mrs. J, Anderson, and. they had a splendid program prepared. The roll call was well* responded to with “What you would do if you had lots of money.” Two piano duets by Misses Mae Wil kinson and Bone were much apprec iated. Current Events were in charge of Mrs. J. C. Procter in the absence of Mrs. R. W. Proctef.'Mrs. Ander son also conducted a period in “Bet ter English.” Mr. E. D. Bell, of Brus sels, was guest speaker and spoke on the subject, “Money.” Besides speak ing on. the subject generally he told how the war has affected the money business with the United States and of new formalities requires. He also spoke on the war situation and said there was a part for each to act in the present critical time.. The meeting decided plans would be made later for the social evening October 27th. The singing of the National Anthem clos ed the meeting after which lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler. ■ the home of her daughter, Mrs, Clay ton Robertson, of Copper Cliff. U. was held on Wednesday evening witb 22 present. */Jhe .programme was proved by Fern. McDowell.. The mee'fin was led by Stanley Black The Scripture lesson was read by Graeme McDowell from St. John 14. A read ing was given by - Mildred Thornton on “Holiday Friends.” Solo was ren dered by Edith Cook, Mae Mason gave the report of the Summer School. ReV. H. C, 'Wilson led in prayer. The Lord’s prayer was re peated in unison, After the Mizpah benediction John Gear led the group in games. ; Mrs. Charles Smith and Miss Jean McDowell were.London visitors one day last week. Mr. John Harrison has returned to Toronto after spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook. Hydro power was turned on in this district for the first time last Wed nesday evening, when about 16 hom es were lighted with electricity. The Westfield school, S.S. 6, was closed .last Wednesday noon for ten days owing tp. an infantile paralysis scare. Master Gordon Mason was quite ill for some days. We are glad to be able to report he is on the mend. < A number from Westfield attended the anniversary • services at Donny brook on Sunday where the Sr. Quar tette, Messrs. Wm. McDowell, Alva McDowell, J. L. McDowell and Mait land Henry, rendered special music in the afternoon. Tom Lawlor, .of Auburn, was ser iously hurt on Sunday night when he was meeting a car, his, car took the ditch, turning over three times. Law lor was rushed to Goderich hospital, where it was fbund he ’had received internal injuries. Fast driving was believed to be the cause of the acci dent. Composition of Milk Milk contains approximately 13% solid matter. This is a larger amount than occurs in many foods, yet the fact is frequently overlooked because milk is in liquid form. The solids are composed of several food elements, proteins, fats, sguar, and minerals, each of which performs its special function in nourishing the body. The country minister was giving the milkmaid a lift home in his car, and when he came to her house he set her down. The girl started to thank him. “Oh, don’t mention it,” said the clergyman. The girl blushed and replied: right, sir—mum’s the word.” *. ST. HELENS ■ =i ■ Ii n ■ Women’s Groups Entertained On Wednesday afternoon the Westfield Woman’s Missionary Soc iety entertained six sister societies, Dungannon, Blyth, Auburn, Belgrave, Brick, Donnybrook. The president, Mrs. Wm, McVittie, was in charge of the programme which was pres ented by the visiting, societies. Scrip ture lesson was read by Mrs. Marvin McDowell from Psalm. 46. Prayer was given by Mrs.. McVittie and Mrs. McDowell.. Sol©’ was- rendered by Betty Craig of Auburn “God’s Way Is The Best Way”; reading by Mrs. Michie,, of Belgrave,, “The Master Is Coming”; reading by. Mrs. Leslie Wightman, of Brick Church “The Two Crosses”; solo by Mrs. H. Jeff erson, Donnybrook “The Valley of I Peace”;, solo, Amelia McIlwain, of Dungannon. Mrs. Eedy, St. Marys, the president of the London Confer ence Branch of the W- M. S., gave a splendid address* on “The Woman’s Missionary Society of Canada.” The meeting was closed with. prayer by Mrs.. (Rev.) H. C. Wilson, after which lunch was served to about 100 by the- Westfield ladies. Mrs. J. D. Etsley, Mr. Ellis Elsley “All Prompt Delivery -■ ■ FALL COAT is an important invest ment. You should have high quality materials, good furs, guaranteed linings, and, of course, smart styles. See our display at the Wingham Fall Fair, inspect our stock, and you will ap preciate the high stand ard we set for our coats. KING'S PIPES Pipe Season Is Now On. Pipes from 25c to $3.00 a 1 a ■ I Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe HENDERSON’S BARBER SHOP For Particular People. LADIES’ WORK A SPEC IALTY TWO CHAIRS and Miss Lois, of near Wroxeter, were week-end visitors at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. J. Ellis. .Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis and child ren, of Seaforth, were guests Sunday with Mrs. J. E. Ellis and Miss' Mary. FOR Phone 161 Whitechurch Lady to Address W. M. S. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, have arranged to have Mrs. John Pollock, of Whitechurch, ad dress the annual Fall Thank-Offering meeting on Thursday, October Sth, at the home of Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Messrs. G. A. Webb and Gordon Miller returned from Rosetown, Sask, on Saturday. Mr. Chas. Rathwell, of London, and Mr. Wilson Woods, of Dundas, were recent guests of Mrs. R. J. Woods. Miss Irene Woods, of Waterloo, was a week-end visitor at her home here. The October meeting of the Wo men’s Institute will be held next Thursday, October Sth, at 2.30 p.m. in the Community Hall. Roll Call— An exchange of Perennials. The sub ject will be in charge of Mrs. Lome Woods and the program in charge of Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mrs. E. W. Rice. There will be a pumpkin pie contest in which all the ladies are urged Annie Davie’s Easy Spread CHEESE.......15c >/2 Lb. Pkg. Lealand TOMATO JUICE ....... 3 26-Ob. Tins 25c Miss Dorothy Aitken, of St. Cath arines, was a week-end visitor at her home here. Mrs, M, L, Aitken and Miss Dor othy Aitken were guests at the wed dings of Miss Loreen Honsirtger nad Mr. Clifford Carson Goodwin, at the Hollen United Church on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 23. During the sign ing of the register, Miss Attketf sang “O Promise Me.” Mr, John Smith, of Brucefield, spent a few ’days with .I|j§ sort, A. D. and Mrs. Smith. % j Everett ^'GeejJ went to the Canadian West some weeks ago as a harvest helper, lias returned home, .Miss M. Olive Scott spent a few days with friends at Seaforth and act* ed as judge o£ ladies’ work at the Fall Fair. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolph and daugh* to compete. Hostesses: Miss Watson, Mrs. J. Gaunt. WESTFIELD and Mrs. James Gallaher, ofMr. Goderich, visited recently; with Mt. arid Mrs. W. A, Campbell. Miss Anna McDowell, Miss Mae Frisby attended Stratford Fair oh Wednesday. Mrs. Bert. Voddeti, of ited last week with her Alva McDowell. Ml, ahd Mrs, Arthur Alfred Tebbhtt, of Goderich, were guests of Mf. and Mrs. W. A. Camp belt A mimber from this Vicihity at- tended the dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Lockhart at Auburn Fri day flight Mr. Harvey McDowell as sisted. with the music. «... . .. Mrs. Party of Brussels, was a guest recently of Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Mrs, Will Straughan is visiting at Hullett, vis- sister, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. WITHIN | YOUR ’ BUDGEf .. J Salted or Plain Weston’s Soda WAFERS ........... 20c Lb. Box E. D. SMITH’S GRAPE JUICE ... 10c 10-oz. tin FREE 1 Pkg. HANDY AMMONIA With 5 CAKES PEARL SOAP For . 25c KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c Australian SEEDLESS RAISINS..................2 Lbs. 25c GRAPE-NUT . FLAKES .................. 10c Pkg. Durham or Canada CORN STARCH 10c Pkg. SPECIAL VALUE CHOCOLATE FINGERS 23c Lb. DALTON’S O.K. JELLY POWDERS ........ 5 For 25c POWDER OR CAKE BON AMI ........ 14c Butternut Bulk PEANUT BUTTER ......-....... 2 Lbs. 25c PURE WHITE LAUNDRY STARCH 10c Lb. HAWE’S LEMON OIL HAWE’S FLOOR WAX Both For............4Sc BIG FIVE CLEANSER I MAGIC-WHITE | JAVEL WATER ... 10c Bottle Maple Leaf LUNCHEON LOAF Durnarfs SUMMER SAUSAGE »««*»■»» 39c Lb* »••°ir »■»»11 35c Lb. For Courteous Service, Quick Delivery, Phone 161. Satisfaction Assured.