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Huron Signal, 1867-11-14, Page 3
N ../ ,L-..-.._ _ _ kl - ---- ,_- - -- ---- L•�1V U� i+_ go In the crook to Ir ink When the Amount Ka ,huald eommingi� Ia wok outrageous Minton )Ras>tmk F a man is wanted of danger dor not hood, , ` `` v m T I » 1 l L SALE. ed Prem visited t of Town, the amhen to and riotous ?uteri as I bey hen only faintly _ th rod 110 fur fasten", a broken h limb, HAN � �•.. 1 L 1-i P QF a�s�, of the n for l paid oht• uC their own privet• I d.asrfbed 1 AuJ I haat ronin U, sup, ole Br.p.e•I Td.gn9h W the arms aws•t ) that v toe reran ohne ►e ahawld M 4e.dls" e funds for carriage* to shut them rhmpy I that wcb is fngwntlJ thr err. It rut tar .till asd not favor the healing proceed. Nur Snips propert with the net of the lown,and to prove that vier Isf whatever nature lite Clinton, Nov. 12, Ib67. Noon. CUCN rY IIF' Hl: RUN. t Orta.dia.. nifIhealThrstdlramixr•••ro OVER 2000 ROLLS WALL PAPER LEFT YETI now, Lucifer hit•. he mays that the Council mar be .ill soon tN.rome proof against all Fall wheat ........... 51:5U i.,, 1154 "uff•n d,r+an of i he Throat, Low t, Liar, m"tinps cwt $46.00 each ; when it is for the mural teachings of ; ulpit and pre", and Spring do .............. 1,30 (.y 1:33 Kidneys, or Uig"trve Orland. site., in that a AT THE N{ 7, Con. 2. K. U . IOU acres. the honest nebls of this town that the hep, sedum° a promireoe* demanding the tooro URN .................. 0:39 (,y 0:40 reason why he ebculd sot rook fur belly.- $ O $ g T O R F• - I,ol 3, Con. 6. K I) , 2110 " taps is lard on, slid the present board of intimate sur•eil:ance of r police force, with Harley ..... •, • , • , . • • • . 0:67 0:67 C) M, I N T O N .; " And for the reel caro of sone of those die { {, Cun. fi, E iI , 1 UO ger S., (',wncJnn cannot help it. for it was the all ill conutaianl Jegrr,frl wu•, unless Pars ' • • •• • • • • •• • • - • • • • O:6b Oaib adwya, were we raked for an opinion, w. It n rl'ioj so low, Bowater, that it is npoly guinRp elf, and will soon all i.y In, k{ Y Con Ti E l). 2 0 'r . Pimpy Ssoi that voted to borrow money indeed the legislature of our New 1),lminioe Potatoes ...............0:35 0:26 I wurll ma b all trusty tar the Jreat tubus- ( L t „ from tit* (Juverument and never expected Ix see proper to make nal in some measure Rutter :.. ... O:I3 O:U y / ,,,I.. in wont of brrjaias f4 this lire mut loath mbar 1 have •dew arm sante of some u( 11 W boom Reflexive W41 I an the patterns left. that twill be ,old for anything that they w11 Brent• 'I he chole nock mot 6, pvl 26, uou16 0l Town Plot, 111 erns. (+sr it that caused the heavy taxes, and if the plwwling waged of our bed system. l Folds - - • • • • , . • ......... 0:68 0:1.0 y and ,hall be ,frosted off immndtstely, and in order to du so, it Is bring ofruced at -�� I is not •nouth to vn:ighten The "bumble { would not at all be rrprised that yuunR men I Flour ................. 7:00 (_ 7:25 ---- - ' „ �0$H H. 7:00 T:oo I -N-,f ('1.4x11111 Iicalu4.4•al 1 rte-. red+ ! TOWNSHIP OFWAW . i round head" of St. Andrews Ward, ke tan rod women should indulge in rational festiv. r • • • • • •• • •. • •• • • • . • ( y • 3r call on me at No. 79G, West Slrett, and 1 ilia* on all reuem►ble occasion ; I would IdiN°a . • • • • • • • • . • • • .. 6:60 (1 7:00 { A few of the patterns being put down actually bd ear cow. , ;tel, nun. 3. loo acre., will endearuur verbally toeaplaiu this matter, ant Neve human nature cramped up or pu,fuo Seaforth Markets. IMPO TATIONSIsolne t { and hoping you will give this on i:rrrtiun in ad down by the absurd ant austere rule* of - Snlendid Satin -finished Parlor Papers N 14, Co...eonIW your valuable roper, *sur minded hoicks or .ig,d and crusty old Rp.,vl 'rdeslau u, uur.n R,prl. R I" Lint 3a, cull. T. 200 ' I remain yonrooke., grandaunts; I would allow all suet, youthful Seafurlh, Nov. 12, 1,467. Koss. I ' H59 0gAQ1D!i1. OF THE CHOICEST PATTERNSt .1 32. roil. 9, 2Uo " 1W, E. LEON ARU. •rjoym•nts as tend to enh awe tine I.eulth and Fall 8 host . 1:60 (' F:56 7 P• " 2 . L- I happinras of young and generous "Murval Spring Wheat .• ..• f ......... 1:30 (no 1133 --- Are among them, and are wall worth tae attention of buyers in Ouderich, cr any rt of G, ren. 12. 20e " K{ 37, ane. 12. 100 " wittl udringmg oat the natural duti,•s of Barley a •...... 0:65 (alo On68 THE SUBSCRIBER HAS DN -01t] IA) he ctounty. r E:{ 2'J. Lron. I,i, 100 ,e. ReMA►es.-Although .• do not wish to IIf°-tt* modesty or etiquette, or the mora flats_ ........... ......... 0:40 111 0:42 -L from Europa ,member they m1�t 69 SDld Imm9diately 1 R{ YS, eon. 1:, 100 •' macre.] linitis of virtuous nwlitimritt, but 1 1'•wn . 0:62 u 0.6.5 led 27.cna. 1:1. 2011 " interfere bat pen lid r. lnnnand and a "A would question pretty hard the rO riel Butter .................. p at 0`14 , Ik12 ;fifty-two cases of New Goods Call and Nee the Great 131rg111>; f will give in Heom Pap r;. E4,21.1. Colo. il, toe ' Meehisoic," who hast Acct ri btto enquire N 2t, sun. 14, to() ,• M r I and have little confidence in the mix, that 1%RR• • •••............... 0:00 (g, 9:1'l CEO. LAYCOCKg Wi:6. eon. 14. 1iso ' f into the roasoea for our increased Notion, could argue, the poria, of Young men sad lied .................... 8.00 fine 0:00 n Coaa.0 IA,tAk store. ' we would just state that Mr. Leonard to •n- women who rcsido several miles distant from this season on under, •high ha oR«a at Clint«, Aov. 9. 1867. w4•• I • l 24, esu. 11. 200 I. lowly wrong in his statements as regards the 'he locality of a " bed," and bat to had no - -- ------r- Wholesale and lfetail, at prices that cannot _ The above d.wcri'ved Ion -In aro goaerally of connection with tie business of the day, DIZD. be sudrnold in the Province. ---- - - ---- r the bast quality. Tarns LiMnl. liabilities of the town when "W. 1'. Cox Rhould be found on the scene of bas%anal:so e'V I a. IrIL1.lA\I HAWfiiN3. f Raq.," retired from office. The bank ind°bt revelry at niAht, without ere,, Living bouured On Monday morning, the 27th of October, I ARIIIVFI). C'rO TO - n ,5 - 401 King rlrwyl W, a, T. routo, { eJnnr was assumed only some five months by .n,r•itstion, le■p:ng and roofing around of Ma "aJenc•, St,nity, County Isf Flu.w, I Per 9.5. Perupinn. 4 car* Rooks. g, y ('� Aar ,� ,7th October, 11167, w39 3m I axe, and lbs Norl4•rn G. It. was only $2,3110 in nett ul pendemori+l vortex of physical IU the 7Yth der rel his ere, hemp Ilertby, Mornsi,tw, 2 cues Allium°. a lir thereabouts behind last year, Will Mr, distortion, like " Ike Witches in )Iclklh," a active of 'roupiA, Broomfield, i.md. i, " Iliberaan, l case Electro Plated - rose" ^ - L. inform and ending the whole neral A ; porn fi of . ,Were• J Ce DUMOR & CO"'s ? = M 0 � • � UN � -! C �. ✓) � d Mel "a mechanic" and the public their Jiven,ons i° • general Ih'U ; pumellinA I -- �I, � - -- - - � , - •i or •' 2 nates Fane Gonda. 1 e'r• O � ' whether the double tux of this year is not to. perhaps their inn hospitable host almost io a,tir �kdrtrtistmal,ti red P, Belgian. 2 cues hooks. dQ e� C'� 04 xcxT Puna rte be art, seenunte f for b lb fact that the I death, and finishing off with an overture of ,,, _ _ partly 1 ,ti - a a Austrian. 3 cave* F'ansy G Yoda. (y FuII REAL, NEST; ST., N. O. It. liabilityis in a still worse i- sanding all bid furniture and crockery into ,& µ •( '• l rase Electro dated ware e� ►'� -1 '"-4 t 1 Po• W>1ISESR9 ! kv ]3If2zJL]RS I1 N N P _ ._ ]iANli OF bl0\Ti cnmplale sNW of demolition. lllgbY bed �• Patrick, 7 cwsn Stationary. A•' ti tion tau to 1966. 1)r. L.O. Mu, r�x' C,rr.frd. the rrteN roils O. r, 3 ears Bible. n Q Q rat ON exp manly loathed at the subject this time; he alder m tee w.,rld, will farce tveuk*n ur Mw ~ _ u .r . _. - - will be mon pointed neat time he finds ee ,sashes to grow on the ono-4hest face or char ate u it l ossa Hooks, '/'{, f H t: =, b A L : R O;a L' 11 P L Y I - - es(ion to an his goer 9ui 1 s. sever kwon on f.,l. Sample far rest rill redo Ready-�ade a[loth�' • "re„3• C- r� IO any our dc•.........I M o rat menu. Adored TO ARRIVE, f\"'1 ROTZ9 AND OFIeRAOTLPRIt3TI0$ U1 UI CS llIGBY, i s Q uq --__----- I Rea+n ,k Cu, 7n Na sat iM., N. Y. PMam'liag w.rwl Aron, 14 balsa Wall Paper. -0 1111 From Our Vty"w oo Corre• eNu filters taken ..T.r prepaw ) 1r1N > o n FILL 1 D WIYTER GOODS _ pendent. __ " lwrpA Drays, b cas►B ink, Cli � A ' - -- --- io 7 cases Slated. be most fashionable and O ems'► 71 Q+ t+ `/' +` g 1 an frequently at sume lo" what to write nSrlio 'ow. lith 1,4li7. Perry Dat lsr Pain k filler. red '1 .' 3 curd Slst• 1'euits .__• �ie which he it p"nxced D, make up in the short Raoul ; not that subjects -are by tray mearu �. Nares, or void of intent, but just bo eafse (to on* ponut, all petrous see reed, that -� The "have importatinM having (leen pure droit ., e r rut mmic., and Cbe.p fol Cash. they do not sr;t m own ec,liar acAaflf. in, that corruption rowels to • •ml NCI. lA'• clip the following from the fror4elsce chased direct Gem the manufacturers, on the •, In other words, the woj�ets themselves in. his quite mnclw`ro that •hM ow ero an, a General AdrKliur: brat terms, off re ad,sntag,•f t., the g...rol C�EIPLST 111 GODERICA o C 11 GFOOD FiT WARR ANTED. volae something akin to rsonali•ies. and r' At this season of file ear when ehob,rw, ublie that cannot be equalled by any other 'f,' {{y{,,,,��� g P° I tnnww influence is brought to bear on aloe. 1 �, (9 `p e•r ,d -� - r7 Ancvr rat. tree T ono hate° -at least I do-tn be forever found ehu a morbus, dyatenterv, and other kin. ; code west of Toronto• ,..-. 0 roww iioas successfully, the pea Bears w be an' THEO. J. MOORiMUSE. Caw+ P v- •• , ? a I s rodos a[anst certain principles which, however I deo comp ret. a l h1 preoil,rr r-) '- 11 anersal S n M ash e ndominent in "train Uarten she w exponent of public sentiment end powerler � hn Id he I"berit� f �J � h P U Si will Office Now I'J 18GT i3 �• C7 N P I , i ISTOP AND SEE. •(�e F. f,lhnoiv, r .m Is. ,.n T..Lmonmt. •fdv.t 1 ,e.u.'. uro e.In.Muury cured In It•ntW 1•Y the GREAT INIHAN REIEDY. TT., sr. m,rn...• dr,whlf *rd,--'I'uWe "", ,ilt.irni N m.rka•, �1h. m...I.kr,A1ca1 nail Ill, Give, Mrdi.-„NI t'Arlr-I oh. *ri.r Iw neer N ".. ac.rwl.le N U• Green SHOSRONEES REMEDY • Foe U-, Kid d rhe , B, well a..1( , ko. i lag..,. ll, rays,don RYIn lh*e cirri liamnn, owl ell Jirrue. ul.ulg hwo' I ..Para+r,alh. 11n 1. we f-lifix.,air ,bel I►x .f ratio -YM• YRVe:R BLFN ).gt.At.1.F.D. MIN. w.. Mare ... r nlrh. car. m IMI In the p.rr.0 .f Mlbuw bre.,, of Rr,raam, C. W or o;-, wvr6.:.e I be, Pat., C. V. 4Iler, Foie ,,. . r led. of CN.• - is, P that of Aasbm•. m wl.nlc:'Nre: � Iv., ,x DYN•elYin cul L. C pia ret, Mr J.,a. r Hort. of Napa,Ne. t'. P•. w Rn.mMINr. •b eel artlNilr I... w, vr.IchA. for , rood, u, q.re M.R nsly. ant k.rel.wre. sold a .... wash. re' -lo M.rA ra•.e A.ghl N beton nrel had -tier., fCt .all .1 the Drug If—. ...it tte,r • Cir�ris ,J .,.yfuu,.NWit n,b,:•rs• , Ill.' F.-IAr Ie.". NONEEb RICULDY .,d PILI-I'a.d mttYfy "ars Mire.. Pries of the Remrdj in large ri•fdsl° tl' F.., sal. by all Ihag.u.. std IAwlrn Y' Pads' ,lir. AI.a. foe Lk..1. 1s, F. lutea. nand I'ar er a Caltle I 'v"OlIX'SALP. AGENTM•. LYM I N, F.LWO red a '."i, I T'Usorno DUNRPAUOII a IVA'rb,AN, 1, wINERS, C,,., ) t olmatarK a x•rANK. SHA?lllhO,l T. 31CItLL A *UN, } A -RA M I I.T•UN A Ca I q w•ryI . Ior u I suppo .II erred Am S 1 r I I y I� , AURLATruae. GFWVI;RrutlPI,%INT Ali' mueh at dirlvantage when embodied in * fur spud,-owy further in opp•,sed W the • L egn.abin Pain 7hDer. Persons leaving I• CO TO rZ+ .. `90 0 i O DYf PF.PSIA IR CANADA, local sketch, and published to the ov,rween I popular will, a giant ill evil. Now a liana, whether it be fur sys excursion or , � . - - - _ _--- W O � l' tb best low-pl inert aaohine in the market. eaTweterd, Prinr. L..w.nl r., c ted.. YarrY.1M'. ing crowd in the columns If a promir rot I mean° likely to remove, or even kbndAe, he a trip to Europe, ■boald be , pn.ition to "^1-- "•IJ (R , IvRI(.'11Q. e16.OU. Mona V-wiw a I ....... t. s. -en-, b.rNg on - local journal over the signaty" of Mr.: place their hands M 1t ill a mom• ..rn '1 ii e..r. •ea w,lb.n man own p.1•,,. IMI Ih.n w,o sun • N.ai• Didymus Uighy, • person who. of all modern ' evil is euutL.•d to • fur trial. Brow° ■ in,,. Mrnr diRrafx•f ill incident to the s °r I FR E E Z E ? NEVER 'j tontributon to the newspaper prove of the' means proposed, ,my here elerahrre failed mnrths, which w``II prose fxlal ,f nal i present Age r perhaps the most solvents, lis of enmplrte wecer, if the q.d•m in itsrl mr,lmtely ch,ckefl, can be promptly cured . _--- personalitive. However, without point then I of ruling i, acknoyb•d--ed enrrupt, nod a cur ' by one or ;wu dNrs of tie Pain Killer, Uo FOR town has just patented a ' Cow s no notice, rod without mitre them is no roption of the franclo-e tend, t., the over- more Ihun one occasion have we been " ev- FOR bined tasGgatban, and without easti4stian them i.' (brow of eonsti,utlorsl government. TI -en rd of int, rise suR"ring or the timely ode of y1 n no conviction, and without conwictios them is I is IM propelled remedy tesuble T.ff so give the alsovo num.•d propalktion., r not-stov d Lantern an petalem", without penitrore then in no 1 it • trial. Now lbs crit complained of i.1 S.dd by loll I)ruglist,, grocers; and medi• I in our Now Unminion -.. t b warmed in n(ornt, and w,thoa( reform vicious or pdi� I twofold, bribery sod coomien. That to eine dealers. fifteen miuut". ■nd in a set r rp stuator ui siainns habits ren rampant, extend and i elector could he induce i to ae:l his opinion I PERRY DAVIS k SON. heal as long at d,eired. It toper fly ware, multiply duly and hourly, and nimbly thus for a arm sn (rifling as live ill the tower al I Pluprieton. heing warmed with a double wick, p. Just bet ARM, an the Yankee phrsae rens, ony eand,date to pay seem° nartli■g, and; 21w 3m 340 St. Paul street Montreal• It whin torn., a most excellent and gubets I " (hero is nobody hurt " now this is jolt the fact a that hof man guilty of bartring I - 1 -- I tial lantern, it w ill keep the feet eomfort - owing In the mawkishness of hoian senti- I bis tote for a few dollars r so hopelessly I ably warm while travelling, asd. for an -ser (sent, dapping down Into;' drift sawder " the I depAted as to he beysled Rnygamtory mein I THE BREI l' 1�:ULiSB ItEXED1 dent, or fur turning out horses at nigh) it w { fealtnt• and judgment of such perrenns uro, any guvervirri miAbt prnpAm-Every a superior lantern, 11 is also a gond bnterc r ` Uidymr Uigbr," The P' r Young man so :nnrict°d should forfeit his right I BiR J.1NES CL.iBKE'S ror carrvinA to church, and if the church i° Man," or r-imebody *Its, who might ase tit* I ever after w route. -That voting by ballot : Cold, it is o,t comfortable as a (act stove Celebrated Female Pllls. ") se nal Dovequill u ro row mur•I and • eart t sold remove bribery entirely rte rut cordial • o e m I t not :chine renlrrf. it received a most cord a R Pas 1 y ; Pr,p,rred /row a preemption of Sir J. #4 with adoo much , had they not leen human believe.re all proeWalt bolo•* he belief but • 1 rocanme"da(ion at the recent Provirelal rod web tae much of the mild milk of lumen the greater ime(nnty that the bailed truly I Ctrrrke,.l .D.,PAyyriri;ted Extraordinary Fair at Kingston. This valuable " Pto•o to fAe Queen. L41 toasututiooali, to ,)low of his wird the tole as aimed m,.mut of necessity le,seu sad l.uttrrn " cap be p•tebard for the ham potty of his •' [nue„ quill pen." thus evil. The Len¢rr argS" currrcily obeys ( I °mall arm of :1 50. Mr. J. W, Yokom has Thre mr.'n*hh mnlici"o .. nnf. il,ne In the, 1 have .tlAhed thin matter aarefelly ; and it mars, while voting vice coca is practised, i r•wre of All •h,..r Lam,d and .lesnaen,n. m•r..es hought the right to manufacture and ell in -digested all m many avg.neuts with, if not the bribed may take what own,y h• pleases,,,, ,w rte n Ihr 1 n,ni• „o.t.Ietn,n 1a ,.hire,. It lit• PdsntY of Huron. '1 hey may he had at the akdl, at Last the untiring seal of the from oM (andldate ■red roe for the other if I bl.lder.ir.11ex,eelmndre,n, vreall.b• ,uolu,n,.I the hardware atoms at Seaforth, Clinton and .e n 1 ■ nJ • t curt m* Ir relied on. m an halo her and 1 heve um. Y f W tie he IeaAve and • boast M had doss n. PE°`I > ir,derich. int w i tort Town- e veli , Agents eaud r • r 1 l a I o 1 'n dealing n• tee at ee «, aka t d a : er passive. Hal in this "m we mot topper . glia I TO MARRIED LADIES ■kip t9 take and fill orders. From N 00 to 4y teith polwlar wi-es there serer tan be aur amount of villainy and moral courAAe combin ' .I 1. rN••oh•rly -,,ed. It will, .o ■ .b,.rt time, $10.00 per day easily mad•. For further cheek to their inerorr and bent*1 prodos- ed -wordy kind of villainy exceedingly ram. 11"1ea tea rhe monG,llo p..b.i will, rrrul"nlv. particulars apply (postpaid) t^ E.rh t.mi*. pncv ()or Iloilo,, burn f ate tJow- ,avery grid time may naturally of elect that ew The man ,the to I his rote a too ter is 1,f"m"t+tampofOre•t Mntantopreventcalla- I J. W. YOKOM, of rY alert time the field to mnnl progrenn I Ala • ercwlare to Intik P,iS corrupter io the' hie„s Seaforlb, Ont. ,rill be so otrrin with ■wino weeds as to I (ace and vete against. him stood. Hut what � C. AT 7TIn711. Oct. 20. 1807. 41 e • it &be bust teachings of pu:uit or pro, , be is afraid to do opea!y, he svrop,r hat to 171st Pd1.,Aw.td RMArteMa Av fe+afrt 4a,,us I - - - ------ sled, like the IrbBo.a Canada Thiol,, .high I perform secretly a,J ons ine:cu.ity al.m,, #Ar FINS? TURRE AIOIV7.113 ani 1'r,r strike deeper, and spread out (hair pvetilwn would make men cautious. But if the hallo, I -a,,, w tokAw err Anrr to brw,a era Nivar. tat fibro in greater mrltiplinty of n A,fica- I would remove bribery, 1 make no doubt it ^e[r' Anr wt f %on..r.... rArrurr, Anfff .. - f In ell r"o, I of NrnnL s,IJ ,n pini ...I. lie, lion is proportion r they an urdpered with. 1 wnvl.! sokr • elven sweep of coertinn. P",,,o is fhr liaok and LnnM. FRDn.r on .h(M ew•n so will *very degenerating uaffrwne- m I Nothing can prraiWy be eon properly • evniun, Palpation rl In. Ile.n, titnis nlnl ■n11 •a: sbn field of soci.p, d Mk to its Isom oar* mai s owe, lh•n his vote or wo•te (°llmme I tVhdeg, they PJ:a will nR+nt . ,nre whet all T I V E eRnin.d bias. i an the (ie, .I1 call it ) No other has a lxhrr mytaa here fek•1 t wad *Ith-on'h • po six" A, 1 presume there a,a few of rotor read right lis control it. The intention is Ihat it I fol rerll•i r. do not a..i.m Then, r•l.mrd. ash- E. r", who sat be i norm «use sub{ecu of •Mall be the at ,"r:o■ of the mu -his sinA, 1 awari m awrth...I heArul is The. nestnunon. _� [ / 1 I Poll direction. In live semphMl aro loo each 1 •' Its" "-sol ,he •' Iatl la Body flew, ' that I If A, [.,ere B. to vote euctrary to his will parkway, whit •henW be rnrinAy preserved. ' improvse each shining hour, ared Settlers bA's wrewe lir eta s.interetrn triumph, H'■ aro tldvaeKnl furthe [tested Otai-sod C*Md■., Th* Council of the Corpo mticm for the IOuey all the d,1y, from every opo^IRT I opposed ■red re[kct J an his own vote bis! JOH YUSF:i, Rxhe,ler, N.Y. g tlo.n,•, bot chose uo-samed eoa•oeation° of) scouted to °rash them -thy acting is SO ape I Y. R. -t1.09 send vts po In" suAp., roxrloord neighbors .bn,b often, and sometimes new- ,rent we comprrlrerd it aro wren an seen, to ■.a "urbr-nsen elect will inArn. • suede con- County of �j1�ro�i teeing inv RI' M rrhnn moil: a orvly, occur, tot the wlansible purpose of tut coercion presupposes a drpe odrnt clan -I - Ny retwo RCP a i.YNAN, aeasti"4 at chappin,p, log(inga ►rlldingf, nod (hal, •. ►ata out in (',nada. Taw we Newca.tle,C. W„grnrnl I will meet at the •t. 1 need ant tk,nfem enter into ant) have neither alarm r.or se rfe, neither purma a(rm IorCao■da, n f sat a m t e f u r te , dose pti*a o oar, far h* mod u ,roc proud lurdv'lh:,renin( a tenantry, nett a rrisold in G..b)I,A led Poker h only onJ �7 nes TK Tl wtrsn is o viterned, bat it u a fact to p•,pu• 1 bare cordo,. ,es mnre of it Ihen mom of us I P. lanl■o I (inrdinrr a Co., HarAebl ; Jamas. County o Court Room tar as Un defy contradiction, that da ino".1I Ixbert. 7 be r'.n, of men who am redly I ernthwm. R,-re,vdlr ; J. PTrkenl,Lx.lr, ; J.H.' typed wag" of such oeeui°ns are produc lit {{rwrralant. of otters in very spall. Soee u .mbn. \Crus h Jehh, ttyatun', ReenM, Link.' I upon ave or wuiaas eae,aarS which mdhnt, I art Ileleud,ni to mowre brokers, some terra I now; E. H.eks.., ew■n.tn, and all Medic, t►..Ir•e. '311.11 I Toebda , the 3rd da of December next' basvrily agai•i°t the stat• of m .r■I impr)ve- , merited a (savor from s G>a°nd, auJ would not -, --___ I Y Y Merl tkroughorl society, and a,, mn.tuwor. I u9rond kis settlers 0. gn,e:nu,ent Iand* ars , � � � � v Gy A v PETER A M Y frwtht will Men, d•[enenti.R iufl+enL•" pceyed MN vaw for tlr g(ir,rnment tis.. DA . O. whi,h bear strewwva evidence o/ the pn.ah diJ1., lir .=tyre may IN against (firm. I Ameag the mixt nnp,nonf ,.f Irravie n mJ vdl County Clark. •n" of a deplorable ataur of eurnpiinn rh evrh the uld•r rouut,its, Labouring own dies,'"'.-.und..he which is flat creeping into the very vita. who have a tow ■cry° •1' land entered in VANAUI IN PAIN /IFSTRUI•ER I Cnonty r,ork's Office, part of what ought t3 constitute the Ills their sane nu0icicnt to gore them It write are M a PemAy M,drrs,, it i, well .ad t.vor,b]V God.rish 13th Now. 1867. t 1oe/2 spring* and inmors of its physical, no iat, sod I quite nulnrroua. Those are all drpend,Sl known, rr',en"e It..nn,n in fn•m Mins .n .he - ---. - _._ ssarsd graad.or. i Med not "for to the mer and are obligtd Ie vote In SUK their lSi,4. 8•. k *red head!'oaah., (,Ms. ,,re 0-01, I To Rent or Lease - .any instances from time to lima narrated in patrons. In our illi•*, towns and viBastrc $I"'-' - are •s•, I: "'P. in t',e mo-ron h, oar public jonrnn'a, of the dire doodle r". poor depondent men at least firm ►snjonty. aa,.'ra rondn1. x.r v rrrr, H.v rl ..m.. verdantly regtlUn from thus do aided w of And when w. er.nsilkr wFat il,A ee lwn the re'"u, No, ,'. N,",I.. t'n 1 D,Ir., THREE acres of stood gardening land, half q 1 R ge .Irc_•Ar, dry. 1 ieorelard, with rmAll house, treble, stimulating Bgw,t on these eeeouons, hnw Grand Tronk wields in deetierr it'shows I The OANA(MAN PAIN DEaTROYRR ha, often thePontu fed,';rep of vengeful ani-conclusivelyI kc., M the Tlsyl'rld Bond, within the 1'orpnr the Inn r e loaned m no t oxrc m 1 n f time. C now Ir,n w1 sur the BIT, f,. ■ k, h n P° P r oe rt ,tionn(liodwric%Town. Terms mwl,nv. m]aity, which break out on this account, eel body 91 men °,altered as 0s employer air, and wha,evrr, 1 r ..11 bke.l, n -,r Ib.hRst Apply to Mrs Hood, next door W Mr. Cr*bb'a a gloom and a horror over any a fair and could pamihlly have such idenity at ^p,ainor. .�"•'nalrrr•f"R,CInpeeposionr et relitIWho, I PP otberwoe pwwre►hle locality, and open give I F'rtemllknrs o nilwy eompani•e d+ir¢(t tbw:r ,, nmdy a.+l....I sur he" he"r, it....woo w •,rope our+, Kinxn,.n Street. the rave, the Nle lonrt, and the dinar, I nee,ddies•,nNemm� wherethe ober+.on, have Nov. 11, iP67. w42 R 11° R I employes how to •n -P. '1 hen we have the l teen prnpar,T Adtowevl; loo.o. the coror.rv, all --- .---.-- --- another to their dread loo numerous vie various fit fluencits of °ocietie., churLhes ke. Ire de(Irbte.l web e. n r•1mR.. and Ye m lima ; when men and seen woman of ritsi I In contend with, an orange,rra or mason I t r bigb*•tterms of ab, .rt*en ted Teat "l sL Teacher Wanted. spirit, in jealous anticipation of each other's might not wish In vote opNaly ennl'sry to' fe'tn motiw°s, rash from - wordy " into " weapon i�, We.p 1 if bmn e,Poo. tow In thn a .h.l hie- A- MA LF: teacher hu!din a fir■1 rltlan e*rli bis brcthrn, •catholic mi t wish so rocs I me I,ani n fhnn.xxhlr..oJ V.rrekw'r .b,.r who Ll if r war," and perpetuate under the inflteuee of otherwise from his fellow rhaochmen, yet not a'. n,# -..g 4"... any "I uro rnw.Pano. for Neste. to take charge of Union S,hood the "bila provoking passion " deeds which ►awl the he,AiholAd to do it by prtxlaimia I which n .. red'twm.-.rn.trd body Aepe.J upon Ae rketion No. 4, Anhfiah: rend lduron, at the 0 s1. ralalatrrd to - task* the angels weep. p." it at the golly het the ballot thi+"row"!1 asst I blihst ■ S,Armgn Rordcar, beginning of Jasuar, nae. Salary $300 per The" are few placed when men meet in the tnr of liberty" remove" these aepondont an I Thr.,tnnnb Pit**,.,T.( lion (-snsAnt, Mon srnum. Apply N proasealfon of the business of g,n*ral life, at once from the power of the ansrropdors. I ns,wnver .n ,0nng rhe dura.,, h,r wb,. h d is DONALD MciNT YRi:, .hero an" precaution i■ revelasry than on The ballot in the poor m■n'n protector r he, during thin b rt std ill s.,.( 111, rorty on end- .== CAMERON, 04 lbs" oneam,ona mf•eed to. Men know .o I ran deposit his Bufrera a and no man known Juno( Il.e t•rv,no. avec. of ,.remount -R I.d"m R rrli,rmt Nemm�• Affect,~, r•mtne II rte ■ hills Tnatesa. Zola in general of each other's physical ani I for whom. lel the question be ea°twed, milk in the bet nt r•m•.b„ floe ober couvp,rman, Nov. 9-h, 1867. w42 3i• mental capaTitias, that the soberv°t watch- it deserves a trial. Orders am ronnst m from Merin -row DIiien n - .�r1" -/�1* - fnlnew, •"n whenno private malica •Hien 5.-T. an le cross rel to t>)• nd lanhrr "opph", *^J T 0 T N L L A D I M1 S ■ Witold hecome •v now concerned, as hnw "cit testdy,ng q te tYe ea rmrl rtlMen an it 11 often, ere" on anherrl memonts, will • forced The Csnellen P.la Ilei rtnn newer IRAs rte nwshli,g step or the snap ing of a mUlley Local Items. give.rerlrMiaia relrl. Au Aedlciead.wlrm keep or hendapiko compromise 1�e live° of twenty TM Crop. have not turned out go well " it. I Ayn,-tants nrder slid lir d; and to family MISS MI�CON NELLt war thirly individrals. How Ofte l the had been ex cued. This potatoes B*d other "M fir wdh,ol a .11,, .n-,,., es fu nod e1Tort of one lira► in Idris has M P Prase only 16 re"is per b,.tlle. AAV ING been burned out of her eh •p an R pe R green crops have been unusually light. mad I All ordrntkould be adalermrd to H Ibe f3gnen, has opened net to the hoes Ih• can" a •f miol°dr iar the confidence consequently dear, prices rule high ,his RURTUIl 4 LTMAV" . stood formerly occupied by Mr VanEry, of several othen,anl has proAnc*d calamities mason, and if Binmark support@ the Italia° NewcarM. C. O'. I on )Cent Sterol, opraaiM Knot Cbarch, ofleo resulting in instant as .011 as Ultimate mum, we tarry safely predict *rich prices " General Agear /I. C•n.ds. where she in orepared to fill all orders in p d«Ih, and borriNl• mumin s far lit°. But y" ant basis Bonn since the Rebellion of 37. tTlnM m CaknA by Parker k T•ot.k .ad i her Rn".nf business with promptitude. how much ma" horrifying must the cire°rn The rhilere of Ill* Commare;al Bask did P. 1 rd"n( (iRMmtr xI Co. d. flaExte Isms• v MNM. he, when people •ntrrtumr isatin FknfA"m, RAlrrmlk; 1 Prt.M. Es.trr; /. N. I AI A ;f T L R 8 K E 1 T O N 11 A F D M P R feelings considerable damage In this place, Comm•r' Comte, Wale, Ax I*ba, Gheb.; Ve••'d, Lrrk- of deadly "nerrr low" •uh rather, hvee no Pit[ hills were largely in (irtularnn here, rnow; C B • --, .rill, ka1,. •--.rill, sad rU eMwbroe and made to order. oppnrtrnily -if fo°Nnng into open hostj)fl., no other flank had any a(eneies in Waterloo I Dealers. wu Godwrrch. Oct. 14, 1867. -38 elma the deadly dzes of lana eorp°mplM ar Berlin, std it consequently diJ nigh all __ __. --? '_- - -- _..-- - r - ` revenge, which in crouching, rewardly the business of the place. jdA"atGENERALAQINOT. MRS. WINSLOW S private they ha" kept smouldering f,)r We have "turned four Reformers for this iOTTAWA 1Pf5. M 0TSING BYAIIP months or 1 -an, And, Mrhe +would never county and what in perhaps unequalled in TISTARLIRIItn 9 have had courage enough In manifest abler Ontario, th•1 art all ""if" of the county. For Children Tweaking, heated and prompted into setlnn by the niimn At the Int aseines a man was condemned to I we C. D E N 1 8 O N t -1, wili4r« tM lt" "r wthnra, hr d-nevol" Ietiae virus of V.ishbnr l.nval's •hkrk.y Jag' be bun In Decetabill. It in ex elled hoe will the pus• r".",'ru, -" 'Te In"u.R sum dune ALT. Tb •halt *mount bf the *will atbil"11 Such R P PIa1.1,YaxTIR T, Idxo Axn List says. Aasxq assn and .Pa+ R .rd l •stn 1. R hecepnw•ed. Hs ;agentnll,Ia,Alcnnsi,lered Itwrr to Regulate the, Bowels proline° in not however oonf edid to the ere Compost mea/fs. Our first snow tell Te"i"n, Ted OTTAWA AND TORONTO. p.p.4 1h•n, It .,It site _t f. T•"uw.lr, "alit;e$ connected with Ibis02'"I;an o(tht terday the waatser has been most b°wtisl n,1 .. 'a" wRr4, Mr limited to the film@ lir scene of ill ,his fall• atrua3r•r" IT rsarrsalow : Relief and Heilth to your Infants. ro e_uIion. in a majority of instances, at SAUERKRAUT. it. L. Denison, FAA, Toronto, Transactor wash•, - ref -Pant-44 chi, •'trl, pre y,•n• ,Rn �iasl in this nnarier of the eo^ntrl,tbe "live-," _ _ - at (M Agricultural Association of 11 r (I" Ree In C"Alle",t eon T,xth M a .Mt we M,. me Il is denominated, mrd g*n*ally be wMad I - - _. __ --._ red° n.•H I1een MM fo r .-f any rAh,r .NAMIew - N,-vr asp b, what s in hush nomenclature called, THM MANKICT1. Canada, P'asidanu Deaver aid Toronto Me- hMlt►•llm I. Haz.Irw.narAknt.Conn. wM" teal Fire insuosses Company ; Hon Jots ulrtyT .wt NneraM n basrp as hrl,smm M 4M 1..pTM, nixie% literally moa*s a Dalt, or .MIM•,t..ve nY arrTP say who art IL AlM eep9m", "t%sur • leehni•ality, Iter a b .iei•-man, rep. Consented Nr». 12th I R67, hoes, M.Y.C., Toronto • '1'. C. Street, It'sgn Ml dr, dr *l ,7if .1M 11e.psasMm, ■Rd "an& to M. P., Chippewa ; J. F, Taylortt__ 1�aq , MmAar•oAaulm I w efnelml �t.v+ sM. •n«w•al rm•inee Laywn[. naming and hntaSU■1 n 11%est........... 1:26 (ds 1127 Otts, : )L.n. Wm. McMasi*r, M i'(:., �e(''- w•slashboomo ". ■.r wemtrn.,. eetncalation of Mal and t nifiestion of a I.Mryon..11`.r*j w��.sg,.awA77a`■ lir rep"s"tMn on R 1 M FaM do ............. 1:40 (,A 1:47 Toronto; Hon. Gen. Allen, M.1, C.. Toronl". ,M ninlAent.I.tma"bwedw•lem In alm.rlrver, limbs, in .Aieh both male std tamale in (h 0:30 (e0 0:35 (;lain■ befo" the Crown lsnda I)e rt- I inon-0'I `1''^411. Isauss wu0,,nw nom la "M , ddRa for moat paA of the flight with tlwe0,r 0100 T:00 M h Bann. relief row Mw"aA in After. - teeny ,.I. A f r M h the e f ght itroias of FIAt A meet adjusted; pa(tntt for leads o%taiMd; ser sa-r lbs Ywlstswl,-A Liu J inspiring Bagley .........0:b5 1:40 ar"Bra M =1 of in; IimMr lic°Mr PodboemSlkeaMTv�tuwwrmsN.a�I1%"fw «use cracked violin, most unmercifully for- Pma .................. 0:60 � 0:65 rl,dored • (Inbar Aron rollseted, Parties• gmam■ tM .1Am lir r i, • ", lanai into a moltiplicill of whining sod Shee . • .... • • ..• .. , , • 4:00 (r(�r 0:00 P r [Is N*w @rA N m ss A th wA r dbend 464 hotelier, me► r might he P - , R:00 (00 6 60 •r aN*Atinn paid to m;neral and oil IRnda ; sur A"•tiabT umagkn.t the ..Li ase►ue•d fd *msMr from some ereed old Boef, V eat...: -. • (� lode bought and old ; bodies" with the POW OULT h 44-I ata •OTTht, ILdee(gies•) . , (n Se 0;00 Fishery Branch attended lo; pAtonu for Rrww'tr: 1. mfrs. when writhing under own M ids most hour ................. 1:1'2 (4 0:0/1 loodinM• atNeks of chronic RML Thin order { Oe invert lands ven out; ; idp gaunt suer of o,M; I TnA :til+ elan MMtrm of h f vend tlon;oed and None, Pematrae*..-.-. 0:76 0.30 /II invention lass oma; mlMielpd ImABI � ,IugsM; "f RI ►W '•('•'tin9�yi R' marl' 1 M {1,,eA...... .......,...2:01 (� F.00 uad stensnl sereanb csllrrled. --- - -_.- 1«snecd ky fatiodso parties° of tooth voxes, lla Sate ion ........ Or" 4 10:00 wits haws AeA nn rt in the bwin,ed nl lbw y' (d Mr, D., In NSdwria ( his thsnkt t^ hit M p ``, Q1 [ .it. hword hen"dno parceft in mann,. Eggs.. .............. •• 0:04 O'le fri*nrin Blvd if. public poarally for iFe MH7e nAYS HOTE&I I bsidmvfat°A ci lbs ^Set to M per ChieMon .............. O120 MIA "'necorow'"a M hast ratoitvd, bags to W R O Z E T = IL almost, b bat 1 oil: oo,! at Ike mewl t r the" TSAwyc ............... F.-40 1 40 inform them that he Mn ion" it ncecar.�J 1 I" view payspf• wAM, kwllnge « this Bob. woo wmlawl. • . • ..- .. • .. 1111-45 O.bS dam the nmnwal of 140 Crown I.J. V the Airot1 raaA Irbtn PlMrA t N I" t w O -old retire? Bhowt y s 0 whys am Apples - ... - .::.'....Depanm°nt to np°n al *" shells Terosln. O' w.iteMen. Floor, Mes ilia, S esson ISOM lie Broil re te%fob ris ; but �al of Mothis per' .... 1.N 4.7A 10,na" (prepaid) addressed 60 his not 721 ,N,&tiell ter the tnwtlll"r pahlet. saran Riot otrte11t. i h fa oralsmited that III* Oederitb Sala wbdnmla. Lab• pry. W, Ottawa, nor 146 Telerate, about rasolve M RA!INAM DAU deed ami devorre of air OPWID / td+rA 1.06 ; at the werkd, 1.01. stlwnfios. 04230 MrersNe, New. 6, 1061, 941 J. C. Detlor & Co's O Oalcnch,Oct. 18, I hl. w30- ,1, Matoe.ulnlrit-111 nrr,,,AprmI-. lust••" ('.1 O I au ontslynalsocd w I have be .tions ret -I- -1h. too rYa•h is weeny [bat I M.. Hero surely 11wnM roe M. war e- i'+ ,.T M e. vin ar.:uM,n( W the tha•I , Narran+ul. ,rat► ••a �i r �j 6. r c .point ■nJ thlper.i■, 1 nW " le.hng a Full O ^J �,j ��rl FIRE ankA�uMr"rwrr. rear. e. ut M. •hn.Neh. w,use r , thea. Mt. lour do' of wird, =,,,::r,,;:.- caa.w.,•I I,r dwt•.- rat, e..•ipa sols. ...,rads...... u.IM r,g►1 e,d.,'he,eswebe s - -� ■run appenN, ac., A.' --dl-,.4-117 r.J.ced of ,a O IronttttA. Ile.nns y,wr new ,duAMrw• Ib...n.t ah,•b..en RrmM, rp,�tow ..roe blthlY I .reed. w1w ,= a�•tr A . f4 � a a - a- Ei , w .h voter Pill., Ir,nx the, 1 muter my f 'f.u,d .1. nal. TAILOR and LLOI'HI�aEevhrineil n.,Y ....Id.1 and M . , a.wt A, bran. Cloths and Tweeds ! �• cc t m,ryvr,.g. , .,n1.,.M 1t ■,x1111." wkr,t .�., tan 4aur., u..rig the pll., wad 1 find that I be,. 4mt. A. Havingbeen hernial out of hu rho • on the L..rrM. 1 eat howny wi nom pis„ lir un wba.•a I a.. 1'r w 11 and bar. p. lr„f,ng Ie y b Mw. Opened to da, • (resh appy of - Sllns", - TT. d..h,,,,-nNrk.,, w R.. i .:. In..b.,e �,.hpLt,. f 11. hl burn the litre Rh,rh„rarer RemordY w lova ,,. HAS OPENED OLT IN THE STORE 1 Mve r-•."nmr.wt•d Ib, .",'Z, A .1■I ,star a.al �kaslb , octet+ at.11i Canadian INSOLVENT A10T OF 1864.-19,3nrNW. glr.1, g.,l taw. -I was. 1 •..au I /ORM[al.T nCCUriaD ST - 1. oo-one oulo , 9.1 nlu ■;l aterlM ti l war. AYBRIhYE HOOD. oro(, n.,t f2,r•, 1;; c' M. Z' \V D. � J. ('. 2lE TLOR ,ac CO.,; ai. a,J R,a�•fx•rch. Irw7 In thus mystery of JoLn >ltcwarl, or RIM•LTUN +TRSRT J M. CADwAR, J. r., sun Insolvent. ' A C,.mmi.now., N Q. R., or,1 r Ih. -� 11 F. eredrlars of thus ehn•e-named inenl. when he +ill M Riad to mord old ees&~m was 1 n County of P•Yry warrants. C. IV. T -- •.nt who will and his era n I entitled n I t meet at the Iwo Butter, Butter, Butter I A \EN' LOT OF offirw is Ma t H. -Jordon in l6• Town of I RICES "Ll ED �'Qpderioh, in the County of Huron, an � � g W.ANTDh• T�(rAd+yl,the3rd dine of D:crmb.r, lr;li7, Rn r•.. A T D. ESRB, JB, 0015 OLD STAND Boots and Shoes -Very Cheap, 94Iwelv*O' .*k, hone, for the porolNa of; 7. \lull: F: `ti '1' l)•C h' exam'n.ing " the ieesl.t, and of inatrucliut I the assignee as to lhi 1. of the interest of or: .0.000 KEGS GOOD BDTTEB, the insolvent • i l n Mr1w1. .I ]• w �nld r al r to M. J. C. DETLOR A CO, ceivr a " rt from the ant an r t fur which the Highest Mather Plla T. to mrum (,loti� i �� ;, %lochs, Cod•rich, Now. 8 1867. w42 Aebis doe to the estate, end M eairefion and I will M paid. inatrn't: him to crit the mame u ,i�the Goderich, June 1716, 1867. wit atatu4s pro•fdrA ; RIs^ to ooetraet the i'C•t &'C• Estate for Sam - -- - -- -- ri(net as to r certain claim to money* arising rich, Oct. 7th, 1867. w37 e Ont Of the mIP of lot number one in the _ ___ TT�� eighth en.lc.OrCol or eon the division of. �� TO YR�SE' ST.DAVID'SSTRERT,OOD99fCH. Strayed. ------- the 7 nwn*hip of CulM,roe, in the County 11 y Horoa, a mortgage o" which it beld by the 0 COMPRISING Lou Nun. 137 and 139, ,sinner; also to innpwat eaA instruct the J with • 9ma1: Cottage and Good Stable, rem off the pnmis'e of Bodaig alarm (int- -,Keo• as to a hill of aunts *]aimed by TNN TOLL OATUS tit TUB F Mwiewn also lot No. 85, with good Dw•Ilia Ito"' to R• Farm, a )oar old Ram wiih lou Tom• A Ilton", " •olieiton fort a 1 tail, marked H, with tar on the right redo I tb• ir�lw*nt Rud for the onleriug of rho ^ &paAieulars tobet se.rsaly legible. ►Rain geueraly. Cot of Horoa erarel 0$7CHOL30N, D•ntis4 P HiNCKS, Fwq. F'. M. WI;'I.SON, ,Coderith, 4th °on. Goderic., T. p. l lfnui.1 assi gross , wltt aR RURT. STtiRdttiu'(.N,•ember 1 sG D•tvd a kintul. 1 1 7. 2w, t Goderie Noa 8 li Lb. 67. *.21 4 i ��• py Duction,8th, 1867_- w39 3w Let TRAR 186.1, IN JOHN B. PULLER, HARDWARE, IiDRDw�RF • GUUERICH'NURT HOUSE I Consulting Engineer, 8TC+1,sT OF Ar 2 O'CLOCK, I 47 DLI' ST., NE W YORK, M,n.,4 rarer rA 0.•al.r In (I11 WEDlIE 'DtT IFTEfi110011,� Portable'and Stationary Tlir. '�Oth OF NOVEMBER I ifi7. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS TH 11191(all pAp, CI I� Each leasee moat furnish two prom R g0 a r,o:. :•Otrra. Y v • ;the Freeholnere fl8 ee0urlt %r ,rFrLlh.Irrn,km 1. ,ltM u, e.t rin-•wr rad the Rent and tllA Performance Of Ei nprl,htww M.Iw th.Nr11 err„oleseful erne M,r..r•' hoWt, A.J •rrrl d•w,ll.1,•a ,.s . I conultions. Rent to be Paid month- brill Machines} and Machines} Supplies, �[ :\ It 1� 1.'T fi Q U A i; i;, C3 () I) I~, It 1 Q }I. I l) 1n advance. r.rt•1A,'e'lmt. F.rnGrt'tUlu- Th.INrt sh,a,w. Fn,th.r 1'"rfu a4n .a1 he givwa oa ll» irtb anal .t•,. M-hnrr m ■,. H. CARD 1 N E R dfr MrMnisw' T•Jt M e"ry A ikov; Brea cad ell klnJ+ CO I Day VAI,, _ror mtlr,pp{. ,M tbuiltt ..I- McMRwy la a, o9 G. M. t It l' line, .� . A. Co.Su rnTh. buy on bed and WATER VM.r A ntun.,.*r, o, fdrnryer, The ,ai TC WiINb' w1T[R wHPJtIA, 1111111 Gent IN RETURNING THANKS TO TIIFilt NUxIFROUS CUSTONF. 4 Roderish 2-ith, 1.07, w4old tsg•a.,ar. Ilbemi petronaxe bestowed on them for R FOR TIi a Sys,�.,.(orOak•TannedLeather R Rubber the .avl vie • __._-. ___ 1 w be - f;'' r1. In inform rte r 1 [ n th. public that their stock is now complete in everything m and the 11E1t1Ag & Hose, at Rednosd Prince P A .rented for Rodding, Furnishing, at. A iA•rge $tr.:k of AUOtIOn Sale RMnin,. 1.011.:. ,nil Il.nr.n. rnl,.nr H.nr.n .nn Of Farming Stock 1 MACHINERY 'A" 'W"D RAILWA. SUPPLIES HANGING, HILL AND PARLOR LAMPS A g In.t"rr..tthrl".r.,r,I,t • to "'%'"I ' YIIL. we hlww� eat , .M ,nn Rp.- 8 M A I L L& HARDY t .r1.o. i.0 of 1 ""U". e rrMla: tl a •1 .butes t R -11 l'onper s fool,, Axys, Aastn", BT.•bn, Iron, Steel. AB•R., Vires, Pn.de•, Shot, Gan•eap, tea 1"rg. 0�1:4C.naxu• ilia n,wa o(B. t Make I,nokint (Ih cert, Looking Olaus Platen, Cirenlar Swot, Maley Sawa, Am inerncueA b, Crohn 1'Lr4 to ell by Ana n Mud Awt•w -,Press. And In Fact Everything that shield be kept in 2 Iiarllware Store I lion on hist pmm,so., flute'" Road. on __ __ Wednesday the 2014 of NOVEMBER, STEAM, iii§ AND WATER PIA -.8 An nesort>Pent of Sleigh Shoe Stsel.ols hand, vise, Weaver's Bo�da 'he rnnnwl..a atnrk, •^t :-I apart bones ; 3 b JBL �'$ LTJ EJq -- - ------ mileh sewn In cal(; h•iI,U m cal(1- 1 two and allklnds of Oran ,red Imm rltnap, Ynol•/--t .. (", I -a rs V I R(r0IJ R,ibr Pnm ,11I U 1 arNTRY I (•� «.1 � I . of n+sun of eiRecentRDEii8 PROMPT y..h rel hol(ol , kL Y AT T E D • y r, .i.,r sum `: ATTENDEE) O T O. wafer Erna.., .nil .,r tap, MRaanm Agents for Fti. Atwater A Co'g Celebrated Varnish.s. Aloq for Com eernal 17n;en Ai are* ; 1 grind stone, with smrdry other arU. Rfo-n' E,r,l, In c•.. wnv:•rl, anA Is.f.R,.e g.ay °*err, Company, of London, England, a ,.. ,wlorod prey.. TM largrd au.ek its At Itry. 9-4 Gode,ich, In November, lap8. TERMS OF SALp -.Ali same of a3 and fort"w.cx„aw Pro" ore. J. R. rQLLRR, w.14 ender cash. neer thnt Rom, ,it mnnths credit 47 rear A ver allowed by tiornisilti Rpprnred joint hotA. -` N.w rose Co[ OLD If ,no, nf.+1• 12 o'rin.k, none. Ged.neh, Ost 2S, IRIT. w10.31 . Who Wants well?U OTH'S SZANP� -y - f NEXT DOOR TO THE BANS OF MONTREAL, OODERICH,STEAM I PUMPS, - _---�- ,=.__�__ -__ -� I lIf You Want Bargains in D Goods! Dry rectorT, resort Pnmpol ot Ar Rc1-nl,fl I.IR IVI, ►„Red•[ I•I'Rr, Fur PUMPS, AHD DR©m[EIiIIIM'.".11"_I Fire and C9rden Engines G T 0 L, W, WATSONPgovelor.2I Plumbers' and Gas Fdttor ll' Gfoodr. wh.lr•I. Ann n.".11lir JOANB- FIILLES. ! t7 DRll A At the wbowa ado", .b*" . will 6eA York 41. ill" CHI imb ISAA C FREDERICK J.SCOTT & COMStratford]OANKRUPT STOCK �• - SELLiNG OFF AT PRICERS FRG)1 20 and 50 P uCent Bel ow the Usual R3tas ! V,. N EW GOODS WATCIiMAKEi1 A JEWFki,Ali an g arriving which have been be.bnm taer the "mirates, anA will he odd I WZRT ST., GODERICH, Next deer Wfltt of Hr. Stotts' Saddlery AT A MODERATE A DYIN C E Old COST► And one . �`. �i`^., �aw e•#ice. A L" o t of Canadian Tweeds I WATcNES CIOCKS AND JEWELERI RP.PArRED ON SRORr NOTICR. TAILN11, LIED LADIES' A" GZNTe( U"]tB -CLOI'HIJ1(l3 In the best 6t�let Warrented. •,an' _..:, ^ Ud and Plated Jewelry Watoh4ta (erptated ainet rrom the rwo rt« in . ov& 1 Cl -1. Ar, Ayr Castle"'? ,in Ira.,A and w t,"tod M bed Y Wt/laRsw/w1, L- e WATSON,W ATSO N If *.I mem 7 refunded. -- ally REMEMN" BOOT N'S -A L D a T A N D 1 I fjlslcrwb, " ."Many 1, loot. way The - ho. %It Rud they In ally good f« rr..h [•ora. red nen, .mit . IwmliY t� efewt Rn f. r P solrrkk's. . wed Goldfish( Ur. 12. 1067. 020, is Otley's Patent Refdervor Well 1 ,IIF R.M•riMn hwemt Mnhw N IIA, ,'all' Far 1 Ihr• ".,rear nrlM •Myr welt. will Iw pnlrnd 1. ,d • the Mwn.I• r(P.mp N,.d•r. iw • 0. Iwy.. 11 6. bran Pr..n.a,1,.4. n., . Ih"nr arh Isq .. .,"- ire. IoM ,he [, 1. ...'un,n th..•y M+rll. T,1 direr..M. 'he r,n reek.red.,."..h•awlMe-POT M wainn, glow wlMm .w Mur M -Ards A w•I: n,.M r:l Anon ,n 1i -.it .. oume or red-T..1m .Ihnror renlnrk.@ M .."J.",41,Il'.-nn • 4. 7T Chr•pel ass Mtrr than the mlrhrr, ..it .red P. A p .it Ard"r M NA of the lir,,. M Nr. a.rxpors.,wnl and IIV m lion"n oRANT, MURRAY A UI'vIC M, 1. - BTR,AYED. ' 1HTO the promise" of th* moheerib". lot 24, 6,h eon., Fast Wate n -II, ohool the lot of Sept. last, a red ani white neer *hoot 4 years old. Th* owner can has* Ibe ma by proving property and Tving .ep►R" B. J.T. HARCOURT. Nov. S. 1007. W"..1v. LAND SALE. UNDER POW1tR Or SALE TN Mohr. Gibbs. tj T toms M a r,w*r M .Ok r.Sam- is a w•vi- Rgy■g.n seed M Thew R y.nt..ry ,d lea va►Ir M fi,-A,r1,s s Ills C.ewwt) M Hwmw. M tM ala lure rA M•etane vrtvww. Y► .fah (*w W aafmRl ,d 56w, I;w ,-.--I- nes IN of M m•Iall tore sass w tM OM21r. .em Ave TerMy. iM ed" A Q. at It MIM cloth "a*B, A AofMm tt40 a1 qmy� U. M Tr"w■ . llrb" a.%. vee M. M a°MMb. ynya: is 7b.'"tiwt"if es4a k". :"+e"' of Isms, ,.af dew by sue 3 bo%6dis " snM *as f M) wsM tom' k wS sf l�,ealcv�Nb� las M Ra Mahe a gsw. Yaw Mtam. K:: wad -_ , dbOW lir AN& I k 0", 7t, taaa `, I ti b .•.