HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-28, Page 4.........................................................;-ihiu.i|i.u«ii .... TH!-, ’ . ; ' PAGE FOUR * WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Sept. 28th, 1939 iI 3©E3O: 14’ .ocnoi: 1} cents a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of ,25c. OE3OE THESE .WANT AD’S ~BRING fol RESULTS JI ....o D O8 AUCTION SALE — Of Valuable Town Property and Chattels, The undersigned proprietor having en­ listed for over-seas service, is off­ ering for sale by public auction on Saturday, September 30th, 1939, commencing at 1.30 pan. sharp, on the premises on Scott St., Wing­ ham, the following: 7 room 2 stor­ ey frame house with summer kit­ chen and woodshed, part conven- . iences and large frame barn. Chat­ tels: Chesterfield Suite, 3 Bed­ room suites, 2. stoves, radio, organ, washing machine, rugs, odd chairs, t 2 cupborads, dishes, garden tools and other items too numerous to outline. Terms — Chattels, Cash; and terms may be arranged on house. For further particulars ap­ ply to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham, this 19th day of September, 1939, Thos. Fells, HENRY ROSS, Auctioneer. Proprietor. XOK3O? and costs are sooner paid, the said Treasurer will proceed to sell the lands on Saturday, the ninth day of December, A. D., 1939, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Wingham. Dated this fifth day of September, A. D., 1939. W. A.- GALBRAITH, Treasurer, ACTIVE DEALERS WANTED - Men and women make easy money selling our lines of 200 products. Needed in every home. Sure re­ peaters. Wholehearted co-operation. NO RISK. Inquire Today: FAM- ILEX PRODUCTS, 570 St, Clem- ent, MONTREAL._______________ DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE — Electric lights and water, good stable, located on Victoria St. Al­ so nearly new china cabinet and range for sale. Apply to F. J. Mooney, Arthur St., back of Foun­ dry. VOTERS’ LIST 1939 MUNICIPALITY OF WINGHAM COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Vot­ ers’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office, at the Town Hall, Wingham,, on the 16th day of Sep­ tember, 1939, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munici­ pality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And T hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct­ ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th day of October, 1939. Dated at- Wingham, Ont., this day of September, 1939. W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk of Wingham, of the Dominion was taken in 1871, sixty-eight years ago. Attention is called to some of the more important features of the pres­ ent volume, All parts of the volume have been carefully revised and brought up to date; the latest information appearing to the date when each section was sent to press. There are over thirty maps and charts contained in the volume, and’ a photogelatine insert illustrating the special article on Noxious Forest in­ sects, Three lithographed maps are included, In commemoration of the Royal Visit to Canada, May 17 to June 15, 1939, colour plates of Their (Majes­ ties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, together with official pic­ tures of incidents connected with the unveiling of the National Memorial and of the Royal Assent to legislation of the 1939 Session of Parliament, ap­ pear as frontispiece. At pp. 1159-1160 a short account of the Royal Tour across Canada together with a con­ densed itinerary is given. Persons requiring the Year Book may obtain it from the King’s Print­ er, Ottawa, as long as the lasts, at the price of $1.50, covers merely the cost of printing and binding. By a concession, a limited number of pap­ er-bound copies have been set aside for ministers of religion, bona fide students and school teachers, who may obtain copies at the nominal price of 50 cents each. LOW RAIL FARES FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK-END !! FARE AND .ONE-QUARTER For‘The Round Trip 1 ** I. in. .i->iwy .>7 Between all points'in; Canada and to certain destinations in the United » States. GO: from Noon Friday*, Oct. 6 un­ til 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, 1939. "‘Where no P.M. train service Oct. 6 tickets good on A.M. trains. RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight Tuesday, October 10, 1939. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children ............... 25c Full information from any agent. Canadian Pacific If, Mundy lb, Furless 3b, Lankin rf, Chown p, Medows c, G. Paul 2b, Dundas p. 21st BELMORE BORN HUTCHISON—In Wingham, on Tuesday, Sept. 26th, 1939, to Mr. . and Mrs, David Hutchison, a dau­ ghter -- Nancy .Anne, ’"•"Vi ..'i j $ * • ~ : • Would Fight for Hitler — Arrested. Alleged to have stated that if there was any way of getting to Germany, | he would immediately go there and fight for Hitler, Frank Edward'Ecke- meir, 19, was arrested at Seaforth. At Goderich, before0 J. W. Craigie, Jr., he was formally charged under the Defence of Canada Act with making subversive remarks about His Majes­ ty’s forces. He is said to have ad­ dressed a small group at Seaforth Fall Fair in which he upheld the Ger­ man cause in the present war, He is the son of a Logan Township farm­ er. Fall Clearance Sale 10 DAYS ONLY ■ FOR SALE—Two young Shorthorn ■ Durham Bulls. Wm. 'King & -Son, R.R. 2, Teeswater, Phone Wingham,t 604r2. .FOR SALE—Boys’ Overcoat, fit a boy 14 or 15. Practically new. Ap­ ply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Int. Tractor 10.20, in first class condition at very reas­ onable price. Apply Massey-Har­ ris. FOR SALE—11 Large Ducks, three drakes and eight ducks, $8.00 for the lot; also one kitchen cupboard $2.00. P. Biggs. FOR SALE—160-egg Incubator, in good shape. Apply Advance-Times. FARM FOR SALE—South half Lot 40, Con. 7, East Wawanosh, 100 acres, brick house, good barn, 10 acres bush. Apply D. S. Scott, Bel­ grave. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres about 2 miles from Bluevale. Possession at once if desired. Terms. Small down payment and mortgage. Ap­ ply Advance-Times. KITCHEN CABINET FOR SALE- Is in first class condition. Apply to Miss K. Pringle, phone 143. STOVE FOR SALE—Quebec Heat- er, used only two months. Good as new. Apply Advance-Times. STRAYED—Onto Lot 1, Con. 13, Howick, a steer. Owner may have same by paying expenses and prov­ ing property. W. Underwood. USED RADIOS FOR SALE — 3 console models and two mantle models in good condition. All com­ pletely overhauled. For demonstra­ tion in your own home call 332; Ernie Seddon, Westinghouse Sales and Service. WHY SUFFER with Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago? Rumacaps’ Two-Way Action quickly relieves pain while attacking the cause, Mc- Kibbon’s Drug Store. WANTED—A couple of rooms for light housekeeping. Apply to Box X, Advance-Times. Rally Day was held in the Presby­ terian Church on Sunday and the Lbfd’s Supper was observed in the United Church. ' The Association" of the United Church met'&l Mrs. Wm. Curie’s on Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of quilting. Fourteen were present and a social time and lovely lunch concluded the-meeting. Tuesday was the day set for the Institute meeting at Mrs. Mulvey’s. Thirty turned out to this meeting. Mrs. Thomas Metcalfe had the topic, Community Activities* and Relief. Mrs. Roy Rutherfo.rd gave a paper on the Storing of Vegetables. Roll Call, My Favorite Hymn. Those on the lunch’committee did their part to per­ fection. . ■Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowry, Archie and wife and. little' daughter, Aggie, Mrs. Will Nichol of Toronto, called on -friends .in the village the past week, and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs,. Ralph Metcalf. .The United Church congregation, owing to other activities, have post­ poned their supper until thfe 8th. Miss Feme Jeffrey, of Fordwich, visited her parents Sunday. Miss Edna* Johann took first for hurdle jumping St Mildmay fair. Misses'Marie and Susan Johnston adn George,' alsb M. Jeffrey, visited" Sunday evening at Albert Haskins’. At the service Friday evening three babies * were ’ baptized, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods and lit­ tle Miss Ballagh. Hitley.-put-.up-T the boast that he could throw five bombs to the Allies’ one/ Cheeir up, there may be nothing in those bombs but hot air. Mr. and Mrs. McNeil attended the shower of Miss Effie Mighton in Teeswater one evening last week. The constable was in the village the past week investigating some petty thieving. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. John Bateson wish to •thanks and appreciation to friends and neighbours for „___ kindnesses shown during the sickness and death of their dear Mother. 1939 CANADA YEAR BOOK NOW READY express sincere their and neighbours ‘ for great Information Official and Authentic supply which paper, special R. H. Wingham ...... 121 001 000— 5 9 Lucan ............ 003 030 04x—10 11 E. 6 2 PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS / ------ By Harry J. Boyle “UNCLE BEN” Each Wallpaper purchase entitles you to a draw­ ing on the Free Room of Paper given away during the 10-day sale. Large choice of Sun-Tested Bedroom papers re­ duced to 12%c, blue, green, cream, white, yellow and pink, grounds, plain and flowered patterns. 30 inch heavy embossed Living Room paper, reg. 60c, for 35c. > 35c and 30c better Bedroom papers reduced to % Price, 18c and 15c. Living Room, Bedroom and Kitchen Papers as low. as 8c a roll. Is u LOCAL AND PERSONAL STATEMENT OF LIONS FROLIC As reported earlier the Lions Frol­ ic which was held on Labor .Day was a great success bu| up until their meeting Friday night last an exact statement could not be issued. The following is a statement of the re­ ceipts and expenditures which shows that the club netted $522.72 to be us­ ed for Crippled Children and welfare work. Receipts To Proceeds — Draw ............ — Dance ...:.......... — Park ............. — Games .......... — Arena Gate ... Advertising Sold ....................... To Donation .............................. Net proceeds from refresh­ ment booth ........................... other 291:20 181.75 31.50 596.04 307.27 90.00 2.00 By 21.31 Expenditures $1521.07 Printing .... 65.34 Advertising ............-.......—.... "115.21 Draw ................ -............... 143.88 T.abor .................................... 95.73 Music and Floor Show ... 201.80 Parade '...............................-... 37.50 Baseball ............................... 40.00 Games .................................... 208.85 Contest and Draw Prog.... 37.60 Misc. Expenses .........-....... 52.44 Balance .................................. 522.72 $1521.07 LUCAN PUT LOCAL TEAM AWAY Irish Nine Came From Behind to Win 10 - 5 were with Lan- NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of; Dan Geddes late of the Town of I Wingham in the County of Huron,) Gentleman deceased, who died on or( about the 17th day of July, A.D. 1939, | are hereby notified to send their! claims, duly verified, by declaration to j the undersigned solicitor for the ad­ ministrators oil or before the 30th -day of September, A.D. 1939. FURTHER take notice that im­ mediately after the said date the as­ sets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 11th day of September, A.D. 1939. R. S, HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, * Solicitor for the Administrators, Notice of Sale for Taxes TAKE NOTICE that copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, owing to the Town of Wingham have been prepared and may be had in the office of the undersigned Trea- ^nrer, at the Town Hall, Wingham, and that such list -has beeh duly pub­ lished in The Ontario Gazette on the: WW'4 W&ffWA, D., 103d/ gnd that unless the arrears of taxes The publication of the 1939 edition of the Canada Year Book, published by authorization of the Hon, W. D. Euler, Minister of Trade and Com­ merce, is announced by the Dominion ■ Bureau of Statistics. The Canada [ Year Book is the official statistical • annual of the country and contains ft" | thoroughly up-to-date account of the ! natural resources of the Dominion I and their development, the history of the country, its institutions, its demo­ graphy, the different branches of pro­ ductions, trade, transportation, finan­ ce, education, etc; —, in brief, a com­ prehensive study within the limits of a single volume of the social and ec­ onomic condition of the Dominion. This new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and includes in all its chapters the latest information available up to the date of going to press. The 1939 Canada Year Book ex­ tends to over 1,200 pages, dealing with all phases of the national life and measurement, A statistical sum­ mary of the progress of Canada is in­ cluded in the introductory •- matter This gives a picture: in figures'tlidii remarkable; progress which the coun^ try has made since the first census By defeating the Wingham Central League Club in two straight games the Lucan Irish Nine took another step forward in the Intermediate “B” O.B.A. playdowns. The score of Wednesday’s game at Lucan was 10- 5 and the for the first game here 7-1. At Lucan the local team gave the highly tooted Lucan club a scare. George Johnson, the first man up for Wingham, banged out a home run. With two more in the second and one in the third the Central Leaguers were leading 4-0 in the first half of the third. Lucan came through with three in their half of the 3rd and with three more in the Sth. Wing­ ham notched another in the sixth to end their scoring but Lucan scored four in the Sth to put the game on ice. Fraser and Groves pitched for the local team. Fraser, who did duty for the first three innings Struck Out two. : Groves finished the game and fanned nine. Chown and Dundas did mound <luty for Ldcan, between them they struck out eight. « Line-ups: Wingham: Johnson cf, Beltz If, Moore ss, Scott lb, Thorpe c, Small 3b, Groves lb, p, Carter 2b, Fraser p. Lucan: Burgess cf, Paul sS, Amos Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Campbell Chicago visitors last week. Mrs. R. S. McGee is visiting friends in London this week. Rev. Roy V. and Mrs. Starr, sing, Mich., visited with Mr. George Wraith. Jane Meaden and Doreen Klager, of Toronto, were week-end visitors- in town. Rev. Robt. Pearson, of Edmonton, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence, Saska­ toon, were in town visiting Mrs. P. Ar de, last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Blackwood re­ turned on Monday from a three weeks’ vacation. Mrs. A. P. Buck, of London, spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Katie Steele.. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hetherington were visitors with friewds in Kitchen­ er over the week-end. .Mr, and Mrs. R. H. King, .Mont­ real, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. MacLean. Mrs. John T. Crawford, of Bramp­ ton, is a visitor with her son, Mayor and -Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Field and dau­ ghter, of Chicago, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Field. ’ a ? ’ ;Mr. and Mrs. R.' A. Greer also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greer, of Toronto, spent the week-end at W. J. Greer’s. Miss Alma Sears, of Brantford, is spending a week vacation with her aunt, Mrs. E. Jacobs and other rela­ tives. Do not fail to See “Huckleberry Finn” at the Lyceum Theatre this week. The picture stars Mickey Rooney. Dr. G. J. Musgrove and son, Wen­ dell, of Niagara Falls, visited over the week-end with his brother, A. H. Musgrove. Mr. .and Mrs. Norman Bak'er, Mrs. Mabie McCoy and Mrs. A. Stone at­ tended the funeral of their sister-in- law, Mrs. William Baker, of Brant­ ford, on- Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanmore, of Sarnia, were guests over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Mundy. Mr. Hanmore sang a solo in St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gorrell,' of Port Credit, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Heughan. Mrs. Heughan returned with them for a week’s visit. Rev, E. O. Gallagher, secretary of the Deanery Chapter of Huron, is attending a conference of the Chap­ ter this week’, to provide for Religious Education in the Public Schools'. For as long as I can remember Uncle Ben has been trading horses. Where he came from no one seems to have the faintest idea, but the ma­ jority of folks just take him as a nat­ ural part of life here in tile district. I never did know what his right name was and the post office folks say that he gets mail by the name of Uncle Ben, For the.past number of weeks he’s been eyeing a little chestnut mare of mine, when I happened to have the team in the village. Fie would stroll casual-like by, turn around and look the mare over and then in a sort of absent-minded way pass the time of day. He was interested. So, it was no surprise to me when I saw him drive his horse and buggy in this morning. He scorns a car, saying that when you drive along in a car you don’t get time to.think. Tying the horse up to the fence he unlimb­ ered his long, lanky frame down the laneway to the stable where I was harnessing the horses. Uncle Ben is a born horse trader. He never once looked at the chestnut mare, but started talking about the sorrel horse. Then in a sort of cas­ ual way he looked up under those bushy eybrows of his and said: “I’ll give you a hundred dollars cash for her.” But I knew Ben too well and merely said: “Double it and you can have her.” .That floored him. He took a chew of tobacco, made a neat bullseye on an upended water pail and after talk­ ing about the weather for about five minutes said: “I’ll raise it five.” He assured me that he couldn’t possibly sell the mare again because she was too fine-boned and she looked old. I agreed with him and started for the stable door. “I would take her off your hands,” ■.< Room Lots from 50c up< BASEBALL RECORDS The'following is-the batting, fielding and pitching records .ons at the completion of the season. Player Groves ........ Smith .......... Doran .......... Peterson ...... Somers .......- Chalmers .... Miller .......... Bridgeford ... W. Tiffin ...... Lediet ............ Mellor .......... Gray ............ J. Tiffin ...... McCammon Carmichael .... Team Totals T G. A.B. 19 19 20 4 • 18 13 10 8 11 15 20 12 8 10 • 4 20 70 76 84 10 68 47 b35 25 34 61 81 34 26 30 5 R. 19 16 13 0 11 6 7 1 4 9 14 5 4 3 0 H. 28 28 29 • 3 18 12 9 6 8 14 18 7 4 3 0 •PC. '.400 368 .345 . .300 .265 .257 .257 .240 .235 .230 .222 .206 .153 .100 .000 . Po. 135 34 197 1 30 8 12 1 4 26 50 6 8 11 1 A. 20 61 0 7 5 14 1 20 5 27 66 0 7 0 1 of the Hur- E. 5 17 7 0 0 3 0 2 2 9 14 4 0 0 0 ASji A L. 0 W.‘ J." Tiffin ............... . 3 . Bridgeford ..............' 5- 2 Chalmers '....... 5 2 Peterson ............... 1 1 ' ■ ” ; t .*■'.» •*■> ’ ■ ■ ,■ Two-base hits: Smith 8, Chalmers 5, Mellor 5, 691 112 186 .268 528 232 64 ’ .923, Pitching Records ER PC.IP ER PC.SO BB HBRO HO WP CG 1.000 27 6 2.0 21 7 1 12 26 1 3? .714 71 5 .6 70 7 3 10 35 2 & .714 58 ■28 4.3 32 14 1 37 66 0 6- .500 26 5 2.7 12 4 0 9 23 .0, 2 .................... ... ........_________ _ , , Doran 4, Groves .4, Mill-' er 3, Somers 2, Lediet, J. Tiffin, Peterson. Three-base hits: Doran 2, Smith,, Somers, Lediet, Gray,.^.Home-runs, Doran 4. Totals Bases: Doran 48, Smith. 37, Groves 32, Mellor 22, Somers 21, Lediet 17, Chalmers 17. Runs batted in:. Doran 14, Groves 8,-.Somers 7, Lediet 7, Smith 6, Gray 5, Chalmers 5. Stolen bases: Smith 15, Somers 11, Mellor 7, Groves 6, Miller 6, Doran 5, Lediet 4. Sacrifice hits: Smith 4, Somers 3, Doran 2, Groves 2, W. Tiffin 2. Double­ Plays 10. Total struck out 147. Total earned runs 74. he condescended as he reached for his ; a horse. .He carries.an enormous sum jackknife and a handy piece of wood, • f money on him, all the time, and at a fair price. , , , „ he has niade and lo,st several forttines in his lifetime. Iri Ordinary life he’d give you the shirt from his back but AGENTS for COUNTFR CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY Applaud, PAPLR PRODUCT^ & hawt LET rheumatismUU1! 1 CRIPPLE VOU Thomas* Rheumatism Remedy removes the cause. This Remedy does bring results; a long con­ valescence unnecessary, A 2- week’s treatment, only $2.00, See your druggist or write THOMAS* RHEUMATISM REMEDY London; Ontario ' -..I.',/ 48-4 MUMU*II iiii iiiiiiiiimiiiliiililiili Illi Stylos tor ovory business Various colors and designs Samples suqqesfions and prices without obhqations nW The Advance-Times * Phone 34. I came down five dollars and Ben whittled furiously. When he had a neat pile of shavings he walked over and looked at her teeth, and said: “H’mm”, in a way that would do cre­ dit to a quack doctor trying to make out you are seriously sick. "Sounds as if she might break in the wind,” he top price is a lars.” And so all Twice he made me offers and when I refused he walked half-way across the barnyard and turned around to raise his bid by a dollar. The really tough bidding was from one hundred and forty to one hundred and fifty. I had come down from my price to one hundred and sixty and Uncle Ben was at one hundred and forty and accord­ ing to himself losing money every time he raised the bid. He raised it to one hundred and forty-five, pulled some money from his pocket and offered it to me as if the deal were settled. Then we split the difference and, agreed upon one hundred and fifty as the price. He immediately pulled that familiar black wallet from his pocket and paid over the cash. I am to deliver the horse next Monday to his stables in the village. Then he sat in for dinner. As soon as Mrs. Phil saw his horse and buggy in the laneway she set another place. Uncle Ben is an elderly man. He’s tall and thin and his imposing height is crowned with a mop of white hair that borders on being ridiculous and yet makes Ben look sort of dignified. , He invariably wears a suit composed of a different pants, coat and vest. Across the vest poeket there hangs an enormous gold watch chain, that was hammered from pure gold in the Klondyke Gold Kush and ho uses one of those old-time key wind turnip watches that have repeaW.^bbUcs 5ft* Sider them* - ‘.fd «’He kndWff atid1 loves' horses, just as he loves to bargain and bicker over declared hundred morning grimly, “My and ten dol- it went on. in a horse deal he’d pluck yours. “Man was made and horses were made to help him,” says ’Ben. “It ain’t natural to let machinery take their places.” It LastsWhile Silver Ribbon Tomato Juice 4 29cSilver Ribbon Tomato Juice 4 29c Clark’s Assorted • Special • « SOUPS 4 For 25c Alymer Sweet CORN 2 TZ 15c Limited Quantity Bayside Choice Quality TOMATOES 3 Tins 25c Chdice Quality Diced CARROTS 2 15c Freshly Ground Richmello COFFEE Pound Q E „ Pkg. <5OC To Clear Libby’s PICKLES 12 Ox. jar 10c Fresh Salted PEANUTS Party Brand - SALMON .. Pound Tin. 25c Budget Blend TEA...........Pound Pkg. 49c Alymer GOLDEN BANTAM CORN .................3 Tins 35c Fresh GINGER SNAPS 2 Lb. 25c Peerless WHEAT PUFFS .. . 16 oz. pkg. 19c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE....................3 Tins 25c Plain or Iodized SALT Perfection FLOOR WAX Lb. Tin 29c FRUIT SPECIALS Blue Concord «, GRAPES Bask* 25c White CAULIFLOWER Head 10c Fresh t.£ Celery HEARTS .. bch. 10c Firm, Green CABBAGE ... 2 Heads 15c Sweet POTATOES . 2 Pounds 15c Cooking ONIONS .. 10 Lbs. for 19c Lb. 10c 2 Pkg. 15c Al