HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-21, Page 8iursday, Sept. 21»t,WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 40% OFF ■Mr PIPES u WHITECHURCH BELGRAVEKI Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 21, 22, 23 Also “Mickey Mouse” “Traveltalk” “News” rieDionne Quintuplets ' jn their third and best feature picture! FIVE OF A KIND ’ S » HERSHOLT • TREVOR * ROMERO., SUMMERVILLE •. HENRY WILCOXON. ' COURTNZY ‘'JOHN QUA.LEN?; ? "7 W'JANE’- D,AR.W^Ll<7 'PAUUNE-MOOllE^- ' " A 20 ,lhr' c e n R i < <’ v r» ‘ Show Starts at 3.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 1 Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. I __________- IT Monday, Tuesday, Wednes., September 25, 26, 27 MELVYN DOUGLAS VIRGINIA BRUCE -----In------ There’s That Woman Again” Melvyn Douglas is better than ever as the super­ detective and Virginia Bruce is “Mrs. Reardon/’ the answer to a detective’s prayer. Also “Charley Chase Comedy” “Screen Snapshots” “Cartoon” Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m, Admission: Adults 20c, Children, 10c. Mr. Peter Lever has been under the Doctors care during the past week. Quite a number of relatives and friends from here attended the fun­ eral of the late Mrs. Alfred Carr in Wingham last Friday. Word was received here on Satur­ day of the death at Clinton of Mr. William Foster, who was a brother- in-law of the late Mr. Frank Henry. Over fifty years ago he married Mr. Henry’s sister, and worked at the blacksmith,,tr.^,de. in Whitechurch, but he has bqgpj' dp. invalid from heart trouble.-for many years. The funeral was held from his home at Bayfield on Monday? ajternoon, with the fol­ lowing from-’ here attending it: Mr. Win #Henry, Miss Olive Terriff and Mr. Mac Ross and Mr. Frank Ross, Mr, a*nd Mr^ W. R. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert -.Rpss also Mrs/ Frank Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green of Waterloo. Mrs. Foster has been in Clinton Hospital during the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Guest and daughter, and her mother, Mrs, Macintosh of Ripley visited on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes, Niag­ ara Falls on Friday last and spent the ?W.pekt.end with his sister, Mrs. Gib­ son. His mother, who had been visit­ ing there, returned home with him oty Monday. J Miss Addie Ross, who had spen$ two weeks at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross, return­ ed to her position in Toronto on Sat­ urday. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnston and son, Robert of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Mr. Cecil Middleon of Toronto, vis­ ited with his aunt, Mrs. Joe Holmes on Friday last, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock spent the week-end with his parents, at Pine River and while there a re­ ception was held in their honour, Rally Day service was held in the United Church on Sunday. Miss Mil­ dred McClenaghan read the story and the choir sang special anthems at anniversary services in the evening. Miss Olive Farrier of Toronto, spent the wek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. Fred Lott returned on Satur­ day .after working for six weeks in the West. ®',Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain and Or­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott vis’ited on Sunday at the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Orval Newby of London. The W.M.S. of the United Church held a tea at the home of Mrs. Ben McClenaghan on Tuesday. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Morrison of Tues­ day last with the President, Miss Grace Richardson in charge. Two new trustees for the Institute prop­ erty were appointed, Mrs. J. G. Gill­ espie and Mrs. B. S. Naylor being appointed to take the place of Mrs. Leggatt and Mrs. Henry. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz was appointed local leader to attend the meetings of .the (Meat Cookery Project to be held at Holy­ rood on September 28 and October 26. The list of exhibits for the Insti­ tute part of Lucknow Fall Fair was received and the promise of a good COMMUNITY PLATE Any Pattern Two Weeks Only ’’■■u..■ i'AJ! ■y p??’1 W?,(Jhis- Geo. Williams The Jeweller Pipe Season Is Now On. Pipes from 25c to $3.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe exhibit this year was assured. The program was in charge of the Grandmothers. Mrs. Thos. Moore gave a reading, “The new grandmoth­ er talks”. Mrs. W. R. Farrier, sang a solo, “Kathleen Mavourneen”. Mrs. A. E. Purdoh gave an interesting reading, followed by one in gaelic. Miss Grace Richardson read a paper on the last 35 sovereigns of Great Britian. The old-fashioned apron par­ ade proved very interesting and the prize was won by Mrs. Ben Naylor. The judges^ being, Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mrs. Arville Tiffin. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. Mr. Thos. Henderson of Listowel .spent' the week-end at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Dawson and reports that his son Lawrence has enlisted. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colwell of Win­ nipeg are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wel- ■wood. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson Spent Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs'. John Turner of Kitchener. Mrs. John Kilpatrick and children of Lucknow,, spent a few days last week, with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Louttit and Ray and Gordon of Gorrie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Mr. Dan Martin of London is spending a few days this week at his home here. ^d Cornelius ’"ite'd ,pn Sunday. at\tJj$ Ro;b“Cj9/s lldij.' sister, Mrs. Sam Westlake of Bay­ field, Mr, and Mrs. John Mason and family spent Sunday at the hom<? of her sister, Mrs. David Kilpatrick of Exeter and Miss Mary Mason, who had been visiting there, returned home with them, Mr, Sam Stirling of Bayfield spent a few days last week at the home of Mr, Amos Cor- | nelius and Will and Joe Kelly of St, Augustine spent Sunday with their grandmother, 'Mrs, JaS, Cornelius, The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U, of the United Church was held on Monday evening with Mrs. Sparling in charge. The theme of the meeting was about the Bible. Mrs. Scholtz and tMiss Lettie Fox read the Scripture lesson and Psalm, and. Milan Moore led in prayer. Miss Susan Carrick played a number on the piano, Nearer My God to Thee, and Mr. H. Pollock read a poem, Miss Mildred McClenaghan told the story of the life of the three Bronte sisters, writers of Withering Heights, In the discussion period, Clarence McClenaghan told the story of the book written by Madame Chiang ki Chek and her husband, on their work in China. Millan Moore also told of the book, “The Shape of things to come,” written by H. G. Wells. Doris McClenaghan also gave a book re­ view. The meeting was closed by re­ peating the society prayer in unison. Mrs. Albert Patterson spent Tues­ day in Lucknow with Mrs. Dr. Pat- • terson. The regular weekly meeting of the young people of the Presbyterian Church, was held, on Monday even­ ing with Jack Pollock in charge. Alec Robertson read the Scripture lesson. Miss Grace Richardson led in prayer. After the roll-call, arrangements were made for as many as possible of the young folks to attend a convention in London the last of October. Miss Jean Welwood had charge of the Meditation period, and Miss Velma Scott had the topic, telling of a tour taken to improve the efficiency of the Missionary work. The Mizpah bene­ diction closed the service. a in an elegant mood Interpreting the new seas­ on’s ’’most ; important style . themes with rare distinction ........coats with the graceful new front fullnes, all ’round flares, interesting back full­ ness, and^graceful swaggers swinging straight from square shoulders. Here you will find an exquisite coat at just the price you want to pay I..............: In Several Special Price Groups *19.50 to *49.50 KING’S AFTERNOON ■ TIP TOP! TAILORS I ■ RUNNING RACE GENTLEMEN’S ROAD RACE HURDLE JUMPING SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS BAND MUSIC HORSE RACE »=g ■ Evening Entertainment - Wingham Arena A REAL TREAT FOR EVERYONE Canadian Cowboys Concert Co. of London Dances - Recitations Instrumentals present a special show- gf ing of Falk and Winter | Suitings' and Overcoat­ ings .by C. A. RAFELMAN Special Tip Top repre­ sentative, on ■ Held Anniversary Services Very successful Anniversary Serv­ ices were held in , Knox United Church on Sunday. The church .was nicely decorated with flowers. Fine weather also added to the pleasure of the services and good congrega­ tions attended both morning and ev­ ening services. Rev. Moore, who was pastor in the former Methodist Church here fifteen years ago, was the special speaker for the day, and gave two splendid addresses. The choir contributed suitable music at each service. At the morning service Mrs. Geo. Taylor sang a solo and at the evening service >Mr. John Rea- vie sang a solo. of the Great Chief” and Rev. Barn­ ard delivered an address on the theme of the program ‘‘The Sunday School Moves Forward.’’; Mr. Wm. Bell, of Pine River, and Mr. and Mrs.' Win. Smith, of Kincar­ dine, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom.; * • Mon., Sept. 25 Be sure to come in and inspect the varieties of samples at this display. $24.95 KING’S ■ ■ EXAMINE EYES AND FIT GLASSES — BUT I DO IT RIGHT! — AND AT VERY MODERATE PRICES Eyesight Specialist Rev. and Mrs. .Moore and family were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H'. Wheeler. Mrs. E. Armitage and Doreen of Arva were week-end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young. ■ ’ , • • f.*. Prompt-Delivery GLENANNAN Mrs. R. J. Woods, Misses Isobel and Dorothy Miller were visitors with the former’s sister, Mrs. Ratlnvell at Varna. Mrs, Rathwell returned with them for a .visit. Lome and Harley Phillips, of Ash­ field, were weelc-end visitors with their grandmother, Mrs. T. Phillips. Phone 161 Miss Clara Gordon of Los Angles, Cal., who has visited the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver .Stokes, left on Sunday for Milbank where she will, visit friends. . Miss Margaret Geils of Timmins, who has spent a week visiting her aunt, .Miss Mary Forgie, has returned to her home. Miss Mary Leopard of Cargill vis­ ited last week with her friend, Mrs. Clayton Edwards. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe of Lakelet; Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and Bernice of Dungan­ non also Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jer- gens of Walkerton, Mr. Boyd Marshall returned home on Saturday from the West where he has- spent the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, ;X.lbert Tone and Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw of Toronto, spent the week-end with their par­ ents, Mr, ahd Mrs. John Metcalfe. Our delivery Service Is Prompk For Rush Orders Phone 161 and Be Sure Of Quick, Courteous Service. HEAVY ZINC RINGS ................... 25c Dozen , 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS ................. 3 Dozen 15c SPECIAL XX Blended or Spirit VINEGAR..................39c Gallon Butternut Bulk PEANUT BUTTER .............. 2 Lbs. 25c Forest City BAKING POWDER ...... 22-Oz. Jar. 35c E. D. SMITH’S GRAPE JUICE....................10c Australian SEEDLESS RAISINS ...................2 Lbs. 25c DALTON’S O.K. ' .JELLY POWDERS................................5 Pkgs. 25c AYLMER PORK & BEANS ..... 21-oz. Tin 10c Hawe’s Floor Wax and 4-0z, Lemon Oil .... ....For 45c BIG FIVE CLEANSER ........... 5 Ting 25c CATELLI COOKED SPAGHETTI...10c 16-oz. Tin Bruce’s Grapefruit JUICE..........-...10c 20-oz. Tin fair havenSARDINKS .............5 Tirts 25c Picake Vegetable SHORTENING . ... 2 Lbs. 25c ............■—-—............ .'"T..1". ' "m f ' < .Davie’s Easy Spread CHEESE .. 15c Viz-Lb. Pkg* Maple Leaf LUNCHEON LOAF................39c Lb. THRIFT BULK 1 O.K. Utiwrapped Laundry SOAR FLAKES.... 3 Lbs. 25c | SOAR........ 10 Bars 29c ST. HELENS the itiheyestitig story ‘.ofc “The Splrl^ Ri to • J Complete* A. IMu* Wingham Office: Williams’ Jewelry Store, Every Wednes- day Mottling 9.66 till Noon. Phone 5W or 5J. I .............................. JITNEY DANCING AFTER Music by Canadian Cowboys Loud Speaker System Afternoon and Evening Miss Laurine Miller, student nurse at the Stratford General Hospital, was a week-end visitor at her borne her’e. Mr. Neely Todd was hottie from Stratford for the week-end, The annual Rally Day Service was observed at the United Church Stm« day morning’ with Rev. G. A, Barnard jft charge.,, Mrs,, John ,^ap)efot^:^ad