HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-11-14, Page 2I toilly semstoons the teak." wet Percy offer - bog bet hie band, for they bed •isr reached the hall door, sae Bayard omit woitieg low Ins wooer. mod a Weed so towel at tattoo- •01 yon be that t, teed ?" "Indeed I ein," replied Miss tiler: eon, frankly smiling, se Abe eget his heed h&lt way • •ith her's "Tour walk lobs done you .rool, Misr Mee ritoo *sod • silky voice ita le teed Crowe- inskime coltieelyomergod free. the opeo door rind posed down the steps. ••Ikelly, Percy, your genius 10 1I,e 111411 10$ •r1 1101:41114111. Yeteteitl make a fotteroe," ''Your brother es-" began Mend. quickly. bet ebeeking herself, cote:ludo] tot h 111) host.- And exchanging a leueeteg elance with Percy, ehe dieappeared lett tee hems. 1 he young Riau sprang Iluelk OW steps surd ironwood Bayard. As ke did &eh.. wee uek he the iout exeression of the vomit who held the bridle. ••W lot's the matter, Zi anti ?.' tiektd he, pausing, to he .11111 &bout to oske tee reel. °Why. 'Ionic yos, Mr. Perry.' s the man. pulling off his cop ana fingeiinx it tor vously. •.1 tiptoe I soy look kind to dee., for I Word lut eight from me tee orrendoneth er op yander. She's mock end old, tee 1,10011. seer the eunny hood of • young girl bending woo her needle *tot, it the sitting •r000n %Widow. "Walk in, Mr. Roland -here Is the erne ellen your father sent down to nig last year. Yoe woo. find a softer semi short of the hell. Don't go sway dear. Mr. Rolaud •01.1 emit to dine you ••ay," oretinued Mrs. Bartell. I we the mem gorl, who wes, as we ha e al- ready surmised, tio otber then Mary firs em, rose, arid began to collect her ee•teg omple- • teen's into • little basket preparatory to leaving the room. "No, deed," 'd Rol d, I I sitimet glancing at the hesitating girl. '•Lett sot let me disturb ase Of your domestic ar- rangements, aunty. 1 skin', stay but • min- ute. I was guins by, and thoueht I would look in reel roc what you had been about this Ione tinm. You are growing stout." • Fending henielf quite unnoticed by the visi- tor, whom BIM had already &Titled to be °not lolf as handsome as 111 brother," Msry Goshen. quiett1y resumed her seat end beir tool*. mod wet 50011 so profoundly buried in a menial r eatiotielation of her yestorday's ad uotitre that she did not perceive 0•11 Or the (motive &entre with which Roland. having , first weever', menneuvered Mo. Bartell sir, acid she wants to hem me COTO met , jet. the some lino of •isien wita 'centime ber see her Ofis afterfetou. sense te Lint reptant etc* mid glitterieg banns of wag apetioit her up • hit. But. Mr. Rolsed he ; her petite 6gune, and the tiny elinpere dein hke the war hos hose grIle groom. 11,8 fool, realm, so really uron the curly beck moruing, and elite. I axed hen te lemon. , old Pootn, the aidow's dog. She n • _ • - rid Ms young WM, M011111g. " Didn't, meal &eh en explanottue frost her 7" •• Why, yes, I &Me right tout,' why child, what do Jou SSW 7' see I, but Wm only ' tried mod sobbed, and said, • 0, suthing. molting, dun't ask roe to expleiu." " But kow di4 She come here et all What •55 the first yuu eeard of her T'' %elate 1, • 7. W hy, the feet I ever liesed or fter, M Molder that keel s the aaaaa you know, alio SOO. down htlf just weer supper, wife. - no Owes a (eutectic- lemma see -yes, a fort night ago last Wortley, and atter • little chet such • sbe and ate erten have tagether, for Moos Molder's real Womble women, awl ottoman that I likt, she we. 1 she, • Mts. &mit you went it boarder 7" , " ' Mies Madder." itee I. ofthei do yea mean, what sort of • boarder 7" W oth that she up and told me, how a reline only (tor you say see eitii half an eye duet ehe is • lady. or else has lime! amongst Oro all her life). had come to Rivet -ode *het day in the stage, and how she'd put up at the tavern, and ss'.04 to see the latelady, alone, and when Miss Madder had her into her own I vis for the loin/ gentlemen. be smiled as he moutittd hie horse, • shrewd, Melt *mile, but teed never • word, her Roland Crownitobield wee too Weyer • diplomat to iedulge the hetet ot soliloquy. (hey 011C• after Metewoud had steely paced the howls of • long. secluded lone ralleof Leo. Lane, into ivhieh his inserter bed turned, *het gen. tlemart endea • deep revert*, by nodding his I eed *voice 01 shrito, d tou• tering •• Yes, I 11 do it. e Will Wm, troll *be," * bell she be moo" CHAPTER V. Gue friend Perry, meanwhile, after having as we ISOM seen voted himself • holiday, prt - eeeded ohms the bill road, ternarl down the MAW Out, and in • few MAUI'S mom, thew rein tt the door of Vivian leelee. e Cooed mootet," sar. Berry loppy tio see • agein. Welk into the drain.' • room. Maier Percy," sate Robert, the gray -headed footmen, Who had known the sons of Judge Crowninehold ever eines they were boys, through he had never in all their lives before seen so much of them, MI he had done iu the tee. years tool, Miss Itos• Vivien had parlor, the moug lady netted her didn't she know some quiet respectable • idder gromen;" ern' et r e uctitioto, an come -ie loom echool. as would take hsr to board cheap, and fur- I "I wish to se•Mr. Charles, Robert." said 7 therefore, did Miss Madder think elle meld -..,,,,,, . d . r• y, arawieg back (rem th o d.or of the a °vetoes for -Weed sot to earn her living, acid p . drawing -room. whieh the old servant stood ot reedy tu throw open. though; she could di ii best a Bening. O . " Yes otomea-Ment in dere. Walk eraight er to 1 er s see b ' tn-Mr. I MS Crunsol. re he s *ore I shouldn't sur off the place hor • ' even notice Mrs. Berton's attune* from tk week irt gootiest-" room, In quest nr a tunobler of grater G el mu sorry to hear that your mother is • whieh R demi had &eked, knowing when It sick." said Percy, evading the qu-stiett to 41d so, that it soled require at leapt ten nal his ertither's severity, "you hon.' vb. wall 11114 te snooze the little trey, the deems nurse here whet 1 um en intent ; I feel au napkin, the.plate or eako hetes of cur iuterest in eer voltam." .rant wine, without which the old housekeep "Yee indeed. io, it aint much elm ttot would never have presented le dreug she taik• about. now she outing chtidok but the time when she errs nue tu the hall, and ah erocial lord ce tellies Pot a rare liatiby yea was, sir," said the groom, with s grin. •• Iteally thoueh-does she sae that I" erred the young man, laughing. sod wen: that !outer gentleman I voter, and foued him the idea at lust. bet I ace' up Moose with his hand into his pocket. e I nos' send • stanettog does beside her. mod eee the poity innocent yoMit ettel yea 'mak to me, sir ?" &eked eh*, iu her' eneeter. and my heart opened right off, and I a out the hoardni piece (for she see she " I honglo q' me right off), but es to the seeing ri I she coutih't say, fur tbe fulks at Omani& mostly di tfieir own seeing. Howsoever, she thouget slo could let her love • little - herself, and embalm. Stowell np at the hi of water to one of ber revered young gent!. Waft theorem with a mart of genuine surprise ealthnneh the stopirious Roland set it down for off elation), that she looked up great tenure 'meld go re her some- " A good idea r muttered Roland. ' And so she'd come 1,ght offset sum se tits tom. the towhee bed set do... se their upper, to see what! thought •hout it," ene glinted the ex housekeeper, without noticing' at the sound of her own name pronounced in to, eite,ereptiee; „ deoet see. te take e., And its with this senouneetuent Robert ; opetied the door end fell beck, the young geutlentwo telt himself constrained to enter. 1, Ile 4,4 so, •nd the old neer° Weal:to the door doebled himielt op in a fit of silent cachtenatoon. " Flt, bo, hi !' muttered he, at length, • drawing hill coat sleeve repeatedly woo.* hos I eyes. " Geese el Mai'''. Charlie hurls out !you're der, it'll Ile by wol they calls inetirk. i Die nigger .001 go for to tell him. Mosir 1 ['uses he got his tune now, whiles obit bred- ; der ef skylarkin' wares'ers else, an' I'm igoin, to see fair play. Go in, Mas'r Posse, 1"I' 1 he uncenseious object of this address /led mean•hole advanced half.way across the , haedsoute drawing -room, before he perceived her • present in mum for such e fie. c,im- pitmen'. There, Zintre give lee, tles tlollar, eind tell her to buy her sem. snuff -stop 11100111 I've • gond mind to en end see her myeelf- -perhaps she toed& teal help. W here does she live, Zion i 7" " Wey up the mountine, sir," said the groom, prenting meard the he is at the merit Feleon'• Eyrie. '• The judo' was Wrnoso uncommon kind to her, see whilst he lived, eed he bad a little house built up there - Lelia very nigh neiebbors. hut she ieveied to love lonesome allux, and be ese diet she didn't west for within' while be lord. ari ' afore he dtvd. he telled me to toll hal- &len. der et his ri-taeles." ever see needed money or anythong, to let h If my vicinity Is so deneerous. 1 will Dr. Altborpe know, and he would see deo withdraw belt.* I do further mischief." she was took User of." retorted Melo, her feu Oilmen with indig- , " She shoe be token ears ef, Zenri-I cation et her admirer's freedom of speech end will see to it intae:f," said the yews/ genii* Oemeanor, ar.d, rising hastily sbe we" about man. " I know where she lires-1 t eave the rondo' perfectly my father poi ling out the house "Stop one minute. if you please, Mise - during one of oar odes to-gethei, ai,d Grahsin. I believe you are named ?" same ° There's where your old nurse lite!. We must never forget to see that she O reverted fore' And lel go and see bee, today. keep the d else for yourself, Zenri." " Thank you, sir, you're werry good, sir, The old woman"II be oneommoe pleased to see you, sir. •ed so proud, I denim bet eel b.• the death ste her." • " I kips not " said his young mute!, throght not,' said the wily yontb, laughing. u leserode away, sod briskly des.1 MOritly a cheer toward her. ° Pray seat untied the *venue, and then the hilly read , Yourself sgnin, and pardon no too impulsive leading to Rimoside. ezpressien of *devotion. What was say But ea Bayard's flying feet neared the int shout my brother's state of mind, refer. angle where tbe hill road intersected the reel to his relation with Miss Vivien -the some erinfiution. "I was asking if you hat recovered from poor accodent-or 051 it only s foght-of yesterday 7' said Itolsed, with • look of such open admiration, that the cheeks of the girl burned with an angry blush as she coldly replied " I lord'y know what to call it. sir. I have quite recovered, thank you." i• If you love recovered, 1 &mere yea nor brother his ant," returned the young men, fixing his eres more holdly upon her face. '• Aood slue 1 hove seen you, I cannot woe - Mary peeled • mowent, her heed erten ses to bee set I-. you kin come Just r I as you're a weed mr, my dear ;' laud she Letter from Ottawa- MR,,GALT8 RESIGNATION The reeignatiou of the lion. A. T. Galt, en the very ere of the meeting of' SPECIAL TO Till n Hon ittettcm... - of Parlianteut, is certainlysetninous•- Conjecture is rife as to what were Isis OTYAWA, 'tiOY. I 1111, IS67. reasons for taking such an impoitant step, Although the extension or the boon. sod although t".privato reasons aod New Brunswick datea froui July last, &ries of Canada to include NOVa Soon" alleged, even the ministerial organs do the Uniou was inoomplor until the Re- nt*, evideutly, believe that the mystery presentutives from all louts met face to eahrouding the 'Reit. can be solved by faoe, and undertook the responsibility of any convenient assertion or that kind. - For was poi reason, our reader. may, perfecting the great work. This name - rest assured, Mr. Galt did not wish to sary forerunner of future legislation took plea io this city last Wednesdity after - Nee the Confederate Parliament. The noon when Hie Ereelleney, Lord Mooch first thing that will ea ike many winde is infor'cued the Senate and Com mons that' that tile thorough oondertmation meted his reasons for ealliug them together o0u.iti.tonsthge.:evilhfirwuitsaoifii,hais obof iiikhieng.itoosor. would be made known when the hitter elected a Speaker. Afifter ah vasbtoTounb which he might expect to meet in the onsfale,Paarlodde fema nat. .,Thuarts mowbet (y,t House, and that the astute Sir John A. the C 0 m ui o n meneg,ed to reach McDonald was not willing to stand at the their plaoes and prepare thenisehies for helm of the untried bark of the New the aneouncement that the Don. Jame' Dottoiniun while a dangerous poetical l'ockbern, was the gosternuiect candid•te Jonah -remained aboard, and hence the leomreirdkefrro. jp. roApon.hittion cdonall'darainngd retiremeet et. M r• (41.• 1.4 Private rest M. Cartier my opposition wu melees, eons. One thing is certain, the coireerva• therefore after an unusually abort debate Gm journalists have been thrown into a Mr. Cockburn was conducted to the state of sudden trepedition. The Frre chair by the two shove named gentlemen. Press ray' : " The resignation of Mr. " Galt ou the eve of the opening of Per- speaker, but as it only • sbort time since the late speaker vacated the cheer " which has taken place oecenei- the remenibrince of him is too freah to " bly on pereonal grounds, is not a good afford much consolation when we compare " omen.- The London Prototype dote th• clam °I" til°11°°°. k not fed a bit better aboat the matter. It The meet°r'l 9Pesker. "•I'al to be appointed by the Csbioet, they' were W • hope Mr, Ceekburu make • stood says : " It is difficult to sortie what reuons ca. was, now, sofioi. tphroovhidarldi weriththae ,Toirtweetrhielfouumnue, rarefo,eetiii genolvetroniuniefinuienoe Mr. Galt to leave the all wee now in readmese to receive the that did not exist at its Ministerial idiom through his Excellency " forniation, in July ; and it seems to ui no Thursday. Running the risk ot "' that Ott only occupant was a win lad , who digression we musi exprese an ouiniun in " that there is a screw loose in the mini, a let his entrance had droppeditbe eZsobrYeidery. "Wood sorengemmits. "Even the Letztl:r, airs that make their appearance et every oppositios to the amount of show and 71; frame with whick site mu &musing herself, generally profuse in its way of explaining °petting sod closing of the Parliament .of 1, i and turned inward the door, with an espres. away disagreeable gevernmental rect., is ' ' ienanee. ..: mg ber usually gems end amiable min- mat of the Montre3I Herald (liber3ls to !ill' 'oemost7w bcyorti;g; hbeutt0i fi4etthom011 ; , ittn of agitation ard almost Indignation Weed- forced to find a scrap Of C01111.0.1 in IMMIX- oyuGurretiunn,t?...' who do it would pay half the attention to y h ff h M G with her little trunk, and she save her earn is Mary Graham. and thet's al! the does to shout herself ; and, furthert7. thees all know, exeept that pooty as el is t• Look • her behertour is the pouuest hing about her end I fen ene ea11.1 sol w/ot mistrust en thing womog about her. ! other folks se, what they oe • mind to, (Oleo light, Mrs. flume- quite right.' said Robed, enneirogly, with ho eyes fled tome the goof d. " The eirl s. ems a very clever little bieli-eespeeteble, turd' alt that -but-well uow suety, r•• goitre to take you into ny coAdence, and yuu must be discreet." " La. yes, Mr. Itoleud, I'm no tattle -tele, I assure yea." " I know that, &onto or else I shoulthie say to MI what I'm now going to. 1 hat is keep tits young woman out of nv brother told-Itobert said that Charles-" Sir John A. behind es the 0114 1,„ man of business they dote red tape performance, " Rom -Miss Vivien- I teought -I was 1, Canada would occupy • far more honored "Good morning, Mr. Crowninshield," to real ability in the cabinet. Sir. J olin, terposed the yoeug lady, quickly reeover• is well known deepias the details a gov- Wittinn than she dm° tn dm1- 11" this ing her own self pose -soon, iel she perceived ernmental financiering, -and we do not as it may, Got speech frotn the Throne blame him, on that account -be that itself was of 'lomat escondary ronsidsra- t e organs to- don oct Thursday but succeeded in eb- be. completely her visitor hs4 lost his. " My brother is &berm front home ',tie puttino the utterancee of h reoruing," continued stie, with cold civility, ' - &ether we learn that there is a screw taining a position of paramount import- " and I do not know when he ;Mewls re- turning Wel you tut down and .weit for toose somewhere, and thit things are not anee during tha dimuseion of Friday. bite, or will you leave a ineessee 7" weering • very fietterine aspect. No Ameng those present at the openirl, o 0 Root, ohy is th•s ? • What Mu. 1 doubt we shall shortly hare interestilie wo noticed some distinguisheJ, Ani-ricaole don• to deserve this *oldness r' boost out revelations anent the nutter in queettoto in charge ot the American Consid t ;eneral. resolutions sod the cue:Iola of 31164 -- After the delivery of Gm Speech, the two the young man, foreetfel elk. of his owu the latch of the door, but lielther lowered nor pg„ .fty 5, 0, ponibly 005, " Tea seem effuse:hid." pursued Rebind, in " ro, Mr Roland, whet do ?nu mean ?'' sferrit,,n. This Promo Amoototlem. Houses settled ft r baeinees, but as the looker' round. en epolotretie tome, ° an4 poetises you hove Ile neve so toe on her or to i • hen,' „ +newer is alwaye to be disposed . of firit, , misusiderstood me, May I explain l'" emeess it meth* be Of he rid by the house to .1,i,ni... ,iied woe oi,,,,,,, her getge woo. I do cm uneerstend you. Mr. Coownin- ret _o_. Om relies 1' ., i sod the Government, did not inteud to .• 1 don't know. what yne Yuen now, tier .. De„.„ et, to, am. of that, my ,,,, 1 t.t h., ,,..e. .. , , . i . 6 on. " . 1,1 the fair color that hot hitherto tinged it. io.his s'PsY abis ssd iftltrultive l'''etere , propose the address until Friday, mat - vainly," said Mary, timing roundtsuofeign- „,r.,,. 7, „ga on' Tim Mental Outfit of the New : trio were brnoght tn a conclusion ter thet, ed astonishment, them on the hill rood, journeying along aw iytempt an explanation. We MN yoe f Testeteley 11.•1 7 mst added _„ is . a e' 4 ''Th Un:•teniattt ! :a . I' Dominion," &livered in Montreal recently I day. after a short discuesion in reference er ot os WO) 1 W Ile or .011 10 Very ee!tiniti et late -and MISIMM important . es' Bon.' T. D. McGee paid the following I t° th C e 232111 itil in the Cabinet. It may sociably al poesible. She was nilinx no h s horse. met he walked tesi•le tn hull her on tribute to Ste toes Association li p . . i 0.0. , appear as ir i 1 ,wri westing time to spend' between friends are of no moment when i two days before the regular debates of the -they were extremely friendly with each " And I mr, • &trotter, Rose?" ada 'Session cows:reset., but ito it is, and as , strangers ate cuncerned.' other, do assure you." " Now, Mr. Roland," cried the heueekeetoi Wbee oe the topic I may observe that " You haee made eine of' .yourself," said tbereii \Pogo Association- hers) rurish• , this Parliament is not an exteeptien, it • ' or raisin her e es and truth her river roue an undecided pote upon Ms More Itniee he'll *8° Ouly,41 Pu Yeeteedef •rtete indieneet astonishment. " Can it to /torsi ; bmide".t,.-... the yoeng lutr, stoopinz to pick up the eno ine rho& in Ontario -which it muv be , 7 . , re. . e cheeked hi. steady pees, awl another brosght , noon. u you int upon my brother's horns, bhp that such things is ! The little booty ! i ,...,..._.nip.d...111 he oateoded te the ewe 1_,,,,n . upou itheonthier tne rot:newest which tire him ot a halt. ' Yes," said Mary, blushing amen as she wen; on. thn.fr 7 0. e,,,, be so. of. Igo ito, , 1 ° 0 It if yes only knew-" " The morning is so broken op nolo° 1 meellanfeally seated herself in the chair 1 " led you'enjoy yekr rode -or walk per 111(01/ eiterested teen they are aware or. It Olen. In this A istion the whole are , of suffietent importanee to make a Parlit• , anent neceisary. and, of mer she sets her eyes on bout son. soliloquized the rider, " that I might as well 1 hereode hies. look up the old woman dtreetly. and not go " Wall, you understand that e beautiful 1 ie won't be under my noff, for t,a 01 ti,,,tc ',toed Mum Vieian, carelessly. ; doors she Mull tramp before that ere su.i has ',. the laws of perennal courtesy and good l speech was moved by Mr Fisher of New hope I shooed eall it, oli yesterday ?" inter is • firet attempt, long required, to extend I On Friday the address in answer to tlie to the doetor tie afternoon. or , in fact till ; young Indy WM Mitt Vivian would not he well I 1 Al• walk I 0 -true h lot me tell ynu manners, to des all-powerful fraternity. If I turned toward Melo and that jou-'' -- ' Brunswick, and :Trottel by Mr Doom'. te-coorrow, for whole I am over there I con ' pleased et seeing a gentleman in whom -1 o se d • le 1 ahem that -I_ knew )ou wondered • hut it all it succeeds it will be toe Witmer possible tor a • . ,...11 at Mr, Vtvian s and tell Charles about she w interested, 1 may say -in elates atten• &editor, in ecnsidersble alarm. „ td,...h.• . Ine‘tit, ' lope Percy. efteerly,but wesceeek Man to utter behind a priatieg press to a , biers ° .d by the icy totes of his lioeteete • Quebec. After the mover and „ hie dog.' dances upon another yeune lady tbousand or tett tbousand readers, what he ' seconder bad orineltplei their speeches . 'WI mem not at ell what I wish of yea. The gi:r ; wee mooed to he" seeeented en toe, , beautiful than herself." not to blame, she, poor little, thing, doe.' (To be Continued.) dare not mks the pivotal responsibility of , Mr Howe of' Nova Sergio rom aod treat. feetorily to himself for his inclination to turn 1 At this moment, Mee Bartell booted into . stating in a private room, Or anywhere else. 1 ed the Ilaso to an able criticism of the know but that he ts able awl willing to matte _ . . into tito cross road, the young man mimeo , the room, mach to linknife relief, for he her his wee, tend lady et' Falcon's Eyrie. it it succeeds it ehrtilges the privileges of ;speech and its proposed answer. Mr te Berko!, oho- , e„,,„ tem alreedy at •ot a end fir the enplane- is Percy who has woefully deceived her, end 20082dreinm, it eleraff's the reeutelient I doer* bolds the pneitti on of leader of the tootle-, Mighty along the name road ha had non he had promised, as a onions of detain- w'th h I h r • qua of the whole class. It will go far in placing anti -union party in Nova Scotia, which . ong the beautiful reamstrees in the apartment. i, a , pursued upon the proem.. day. .now sow headetrong he always ital., AS a At the same moment Roland Crowninehield I Now, however, that her inifilnation had cool booted and sparred, eterpee fro. ho heti ; ed, stod he heti beell able te insinuate at 011041 boy 0 so I have come to you, to mak that his hrothere ere-oecupetinn, tend hie own you will hare art ere to kis p•oeeedinge, end door, and standing at the top of the lone keep this poor child out of his rearh. If you flight of marble steps lenked carelessly •pott 1 aimiretion. he wu quite pleased to see the tee ooen,e,,,t „Hey e,„„ icreee mnp,hk. teleestete interrupted, trusting to a fume turn ber off, dun't you see site would go tottery's,' for adding to the favorable impres- s* his feet, while languidly drawing on ho , lion he hoped to have already produced. riding gauntlets. Sodeenly the figure of • los most excuse me, Mr. Roland," solitary boreeman rapidly riding slog the till road, arrested.his attention. Ile started. hegan Mrs. Bartell, /111 she held open the . " lo, res, Mr. Roland, rho ft hetet me a repeal. Ile thus applpd Immo It to the in a quandary ahont the recent totoona- -. • end re entering the house. snatebed room door by the h her little servant entered with hime to he gum. ant alloz del home Mr. . . . Percy oes never no noteu tor you At • plan hoe ot Om mune° minister. In its issue The speechifying or the era Session nf address and the spereh made by Mr. Fisher in mover% it. t a rat arliament of Canada oast cons- ' ersight to him, and he would soon tend a home for loer where .4 one would iiiterfeis with ho tbe editors on the stone roterssional lane ' ..........-........ - ) • 01 111 the Faculty and the Itar, and by enforr. I ashrams ail the Toombs,' horn that - ---------- ---- --e•-oe• ----e-e - • Ins 00 their own profeesine their oven prole . • Province, except Dr Tupper whit alone GODEB1011, NOV. 14th. 1867. ..„ „....._ si•.n Gee. own lairs. will obviate the intervene 1 represents the pary of •hich he was head MR. GALT'S RESIGHA.TION. tion uf Ike civil power, al ereyi to 1m repotted and leader. Mr. lowe set out with the even wheu rendered unavoidable. tee peso in rol.i.l°n I declaration that he was most decidedly The Leuder, wh--ioh is regarded as the to 1 and ‘leterininedly opposed to confederation Ontario organ of' the government, is 50 MR. HOWE SPEAK& I and mould do all in ha power to obtain . the hall table & Inrgnette, tirough which he 1he "-al. end Merl Grisham 'nide her emirs to have a little ery in her men bedroom. eagerly inozed the person of the uncon- scious rider. " But our pump water oi kind o' brackish at this tione n' year, and ItO 1 toid Miry to slip It is Percy." muttered he, at length, as down to the spring and get sotne fresh from he closed the glue and metered it teem Ore table. " Whet rends him there, I should oGetn. And here is some of nsy old current 11111 to lino. Mut he be forever in no wine, the vety same brew I 'made -the are way But take care core Itue don t summer 1 came here. put away all that was left of it 1ast summer and mod, Iwo I te get his read•side lovemaking with that village beauty whnni he picked up yeeterday. A face pretty enough to maks any woman lotto's, even if she didn't ears stitch for the gallant, •nd don't believ•-1 wont believe 'Rows cares for him I Ill go end see this girl -I should like to Gni out whether Peicy tole tbe truth about meeting her. Pshow, I know lie old the truth, he alweys does. Be I that 1101 the linr mid I believe ono memo why I &linnet hate tem. ia because l• filers it so eau to be •hei he is, and I so imnomible to be other than what I am. Yee I'll gn and see *hit girl, and leave the //Irian to my brother fur onee ; he deren't make 1005 1. her, because he knows he can't marry her, and to gn theie and sit mormehnue. will do more to injure him with pretty Rose, Goo ell and hardly iliter hind mien the home. So as Roland, angrl'y. " Miss Vivian has views poor biol.'. a the I I tb it says:- menced on Thursdry last by Mr. Howe Mr. Howe ie not only an elolnent '• Nn, nor you noistn t let him outwit me " spite of the explanations, Mr. flatfe epeaker, but au old politician and there. now, aunty. Yen sorely would not 'rid seeing this inneeeet child dreelved end eon dolled. *loot pm col prerezt it by • littl care wool 1io tidertre 7 " 1 1 eoceliet, Mr. 1; tItintl, not k resignmion ie still en enigma to Parliament of Nova Safi), who, of course receive.] en foe by no means a despicable op:oment. . end the publie. The alletr"i"e er Priv"' attentive hearing. Ile took strong ground Ile referred with sone ridicule and con- e reuons, which do not admit of statement, can against Confederation, (from • Nova t: mpt to the smell attendanes in the form no intellige.f ground for ere iristomma 11 lime or • definlie jolgment. Mr Galt points Scotia point of view) declared the open- Home of bade, and the comparative 'help you ell I cue, yee rwly be sere bat 0, to lb° evihnce","*.• r" mg "ltd. 10 br ino of tbe North West uncalled for under s inattentinn in the maroons during the Myry- • There, not a dynp o that ere wine dear tne, in t1,11,k that Terre, kond•Imerted Oulitrio; but a that feeling is tc be getto• par age of the Cilia Act. Ile toek ob- e001•110111 IS' the cellar &gen, except for one h r If •d ered Bent the Poem -and there it is to be promo% eircumstanees, and ended by • y, t Moil tool. so ,oio , VOW Jecti,te tbe mount of $50 000 as . . 0 fie r up to go tor to de eel, a thine as thine' politely refuiong to aompt the leadership i Governor's salary, the proposition. to err The new Salt IVell is now down tutor was here ter icest geese then, Me. Ito'. y a art , h looked for -we must conclude that it is not • toe depth of 1060 feet and we may ezpect and," continued the weloor, meting her hand- •• Ile is not real h d he ed aunt " nearly so 'Goat MI il Wild lest fusion. (too o magnates's- of the Opeosition, his intention beiiilig., otor roadke further aoditions to our torritmq, Ppicoa his speech all through With t h. Wormier to her eyes, " but he'll never come it • h t i. • i 'IVO.' Roland, with a sho• f ' utte poiet 3Ir Galt is explicit; be did all in his to _oar the stertling news at any moment y in iii /ruttier s demure. " Only thcoght• power to r revent the stoepage ot the Com - support good measurci from any s leas snit ft little &elflike Bet he mum be pre. nierteel flank. Bet eien here tk• statement the dioure. Although his speert was a I erally, declarino, it to be most unfortu- • Nein." denunciations of the state of affairs gen-. that the salt stratum has been pierced. e me tetee, toe e 11,,,,, rexerd ro, ,,... I vented trona purseine Isis intimacy, not only is only general. Ile gives no particulars se . sommehst to the scandal nf the ems. Itartelleeteid 11,,Isrul,fthatrusicro, ;,.,d, for hts Gen 'eke, but for the s.k. of the to what he did or was gtilting to do, or wby bellitint Met ii W28 regarded 'by many as mac, especially. oz,,,04 .0.. , girl, and fa- the seke of for hit section of the • immored in the same bteeth-. Pray, oe,,, whom he has led to believe thet he thinks 1 light •Itich we fancied would show us some sums 1111e e'..e, 1 he tailed in his object. At ant poiat the of Itr. Tupper was • clear and logical a failuro. It is claimed that the answer Dominion. In answer te what fell from 17:5' Wil am requemed !r' eenonnee *hal is this younz women, sleying with you ? / I Mors of teen of all the *odd heside-some thing like s pablie emend of resignation de. rover saw her before," lose 8 hose heart .1'1 h. eel Isi i xh broken, if MO was and we sre lift in profound derknees. refotation of Mr. Ilowe's arguntente.- GARIBALDI AND ROMS. The first act of the flomen &ants has Mimed, the martaiu felling upon poor Gar- ibaldi, its hero, • prisoner in the beads of the people for whom he was endeavoring to solve the stern problem of Italian unity. On Sunday last, the kd, Liberal chieftain led hir little army or 3500 MOS and two gnus from efouti Ro- tund* in the direction of Trvoli, where Ise suddenly enoouotensd a fume of 6000 Papal soldiers, weM supplied wieke'artil lery, tee. After a sanguinary fight of au hours duration which the Crertbaldians loot 900 killed and about 1000 prisonere, Garibaldi retrimad towards the frontier, hie men giving up their arms to the Italian troops eller crossing the line, and dispersing iss all directions. laribildi himself, dispirited, and, no doubt, almost heartbroken, wog take° prieoner by the orders of the Kiag of Italy, and, with his eon, eonveyed Spossia• Thu 'Kite - lion throughout the When Peninsula is intense, and there can be no doubt that the efforts of thribaldi well teepee or later bear fruit. The feeling is roue% througheut Europe, that Route ought to be the capital of Italy. GALT TIVE-NOV•IAST.- The people of Greeeock, Sootland, are Dot very public spirited. When Wilma ( Christopher North) was elected flouter of iti gram- mar school, it was stipulated that he should abandon the "profane and unprofi- table art of poem -making.° That was 100 years ago. The worthy eitinens here not improved much sitar. An attempt to raise 100 goineu for a *tette ol Galt, the noveliet, efateer of r ur late reeistrer, and the Boo. A. T. Gallo bee proved abortive. It is the old story of "out of sight out of mind-- the McQueen monu- ment failure being another cat. in point. Mir Robert Gibbons Eery., M. L. A. has been appointed ar a delegate from the County Agricultural Society to repre seot its interests at the tweeting in Toronto for the purpose of drawing up supeeetiona relative to a new Agricultur- el Bill. Vi'e understand that Mr. Gib- bons will advocate the representation by population principle, which would be tee °leans of the reongnition of Huron as two riling,' in the new Ilia. Ile left Goder- . ich this [Tuesday] morning, his expense.. being borne by the Society. ' A better seleetiou eoils1 nut have begs made. A auta•III• •111 also mbisittod Ito Itst Me Pr Iona/moo of tho duty laitaaral own 1:•••••. • 441.1 Wan at th• Uatou on. of thinsoltalo coluiletwitott the lulodeutkolol Ralloal Too some wort mu Old • 5tatilval tad phvatevel uotvalocitou saliva hightlahre tenet tolitiSmio sullies Cho 01111.4.1•11. lesseimoo, Mill Oa Illaarsilly with withili Sim etomet=dwae ewe et tie ofeeeour Iltot tom ohm by Me Is a sow prod of Om hearty kV tla your pnoperity V sol halo baieelain Wink. au. noir twain hoe Um tones ottl ~MP ,onaldwr tostistous .141011M1 prist.g.ofritrIMaral tho totablisMuout ofoulhoolajaors rolatlite oho lioneal,.1 Mal 14 ouittru, ttla$01.1.71 Gentlemen of 1/51 'House of Cons nson• :- Tito cirvitnisiai.... under which tho Art of l'olow room Into opoiotoon rotoleinl onposioldo On. o Woo a.m. of 1•40•14sluro the tetsmoditana mom e ery for rarrylagoa Us. onlluary busitislo of the orniaamt. The ectoolailltelv Otte. Uas ist id July hos, thorettors, boot 1st tarot on Me resisusibility tho Mitt... of the 'nor ro The Stints of that 0. pawl, tors rill bo lithd before yot 501 mbostillotl for your suirtion Ithre dire.1.1 Owt 11.. Pollimetee for lb. catrtest atml surnonlickg lausprIctl yosr shall be laul fOna you l'w4 utd 11104 tioy Moo Wes trained rita all the attenthO 4,mm...toy ertaela ts •sio uo se mess... so slactsary la llo Alder.% nut /loss Gem:smite and' fientknams ▪ woos! oripagatthsts and ealrleory ut Um tuna Mere aud usIl 1 la hay.. hosu grostly improved within lizep lost year rot thr tob.441 roluilloor force of Ontarto wok truob. 010.47, Mr ItIontlny of Me Imports! tottemomot mooed oith the Meech ktestoto ribs I am Imppy tto he able to congratulate you tat the sbunalsott hartest nab which it Vo,n1,1.01,• kir. t. country awl on Use unhand prvepont) Uno Motu ink Tour ••• im1tvtiality eaters ou11• ad by the litoral aupta,r1 Me manna! int sari the somt amt.{ gnat rialtos ...I the mother oust') your 088 lkoylon pen o, sorority, and prosperity INV ‘8,i. 8101 1 foe -tautly pray that your amparatlotat 'say he dinwked o, sorb Mutt slid pal/1011.. mot thot you rosy bo InepinA witlt suvh sprint of mole...Mtn 88.1 WletioN01. 11.411 )%61.1 r8181rf tho •ork of Union bor• artin,o0 a 04.4.44 let yassniol• sr hod prosionty 51NI Roth &tattoo post to the Mural, poittolo an 1 mato.. ,v1t•twoutent 01 Uta pis or laastM FRIZZ LIST Of the Huron & IC allows Arrioulturol tlootety, hetet at thew Village of Look - now, lelth Oot.. 1867. eau OM= ter Agricultural onpsom.-lel iota. IR. OA au sea IlullitSa 111 tio Darttl Wart 80vvi Noe ase Pot pr/Ge. Bodeen& ge0mMet 13 , 1.1 An Am. lOrtiormad 1140/.. 11w. Murray 1".7$6.'• ▪ old rut, 1st prusi Wla Lear $1 SO M4 4.Tjor'tht'yoor"...144(11.15tod -1st prim Robt /AO III U4114•614..1e1 17•rani 1"-^1.011tri lirnry Molloy 111.00 . Ited ▪ u▪ 1';;;;- .17ort 1.S.* pe,o leo Homology . do ‘VII!"...;r.1473,,....11 lot pro* Juba totem , 2.11181M 11'01'1..7:s:rt.:ago- boron. 1st wise Joh. WOO, son 1,61°Cpris.• Rebt 1144• II. INA &loos 111 ,1411 St Thomas Andantino M Tem yr, Mil Mohr. lot mite Rdola Gaunt $1 , Paints Owed I 00 ',in you old liedlor-lot Jobe Illetroboth 111 la toot Jett& Idurdons GI. Indy 'mettle. tattle Naltults lIcliolOthl SY , 2.1 Soho Itrikenskl 11. Throe your obi Mr, 10 1st litsmd 1111. 51 kii rtor 4.. Josiou Hoinl 81 Too yoar ot4 Mews-- no uoiess • to GI Atom (hourrosi Dal rail lot tiemat GI ; Sol Almontolor roatanyo li• Hester 'AU !it.77::LAZitee.";"...or lie°t(4 cr Jj'"idel'ifritt.:rit ."seri 15:"roele; tarronta 71 Aunt Homo anon let Ant Casson. WI Sul James , het Joke Anarreen 50 Ariel RIM tomb Lemestet • -IMIlt`montoll la k Mt kruto SI I. Aped Rhin t'otswold-Coorpr 6.2...,tot 714.141.1L141,1..,1.....n..444..,, •oi Yclullog Iwo vs& Mrslrolr 1414.• .1 SI 74erlihr /Lon, LelenkStS, Wm lam 51.50 , bad ta Lane eorlton Nam Cotswold - 1•14.n. ••- &nom SI bot Rent tomb Grodo let •Irt Contema st se 11. AnI4rrow 411 , bed Wm Asidenno he 11Ans I lamb looreeter 1st John huntueh 51 let 2.1 John W,Anioch 111 , Jotas Stirdtteli 011 Run lamb •••• •olit Witt .11r/stereos Iot Bon !omit 'et • Ws Catio•oolt 111 te . trooao 11,114444444 7, Ataaa$,,,,, .at Ales•ader 11 easlere• 111 ea See 11.s. 70 Penn Meet, 1. at . 2.1 nomad mono Poi att 1 01,-.1•1 Foto.- lat 14". Kral Ram any eau - Ione Inteat sheep nit. MGM of krttn•••• 'reorient. loved TOE Il000r Beason's is the name o,.1,",t'ote.'",,V514,.te sir • of a new Ileform journel started in Kin- itteet:',',,,',".,,le•e,„,.;47,,.:',D""e",,,e..."^ e".°1 aepte, cat dine, County Brum. It O en eight tee",olto,,i rer" „a:nee -hp 82-84b,,,I"ltw.71t.02.1.Aitt MAIMS piper, well printed from true ;'rz.zrYsi.j.i:'t.oINLZ:.,tor,:ok2z..Ktee::.7:s,i'r,,....e.ie,...t,,ki.-:::e:lsz., types, sod got up quite tastily. The WSW T.... TS Ten pound editor ansi proprietor, Mr. A Od MOO, bee oar best wishes for the enocoos of his tilt se: 111".:11,1,:dito..4brdIst 12moal,dr.it,aromh bk.::: terpriee. If he in spired four or fire neon esti...ea us now-iew Mot ▪ Anderson , years he will know that an editor's life• - 1.1.44•• Notesoul 51 40 11.1 Juhn lieges no Th Pritintot goat moles let John 1,44. hoc 111 , :phyrs or rone-bude. is not one composed altogether of sweet Los Volum IM fart Wm 21 Voltam ▪ lot THR SNOW. -Th. first sneer of da Joneli °crew+. 21 t•eate Man •1 Joke Tetomathll Embroidery - let et o woos - the season fell :ast night, (1111.) and our Ile. 2.1 Ro. Pro, tor We VI*. yards ojtlit the ?retest tot 7 Pao btaakeis lot Deseme A rollonton tinth let Re -SI Treleaven $1 Ittelutel ear, are greeted this moruine el . Wm net IS Teo youth ffitsael 64 men'''. of the " merry, merry sleogn Winivrri..Aintrloog;11... Tu.1.1 bells." A n no rain of any aeocunt hap 11,u_gn, tr. fallen yet, it is not expected that the row- si• •reo to.t..1 veil 1•1 le et. band Melt tomes 01 7.0 sot Walrano FInnItmatt. 111 1 GO Toe motel Weighing will be of long duration. 140,1, Si e0 Two t whet P.m, WIllmow lone, GI oo.ne olteni Vrel $1 AO Sol W.Itieto • Wilhom Anctrnam..$1 CO. owe hieshol fr:‘,.. The prwoiype Da•Ido Plril• rm./ tal 18181e• POMO. /8816. Tur rms. hand riles". 1111 GO. Sod Donald nun_ vote Mr. Gett for alloming himself to im 'in"`toiohroh 'ohoz„ u. -46y --1. mot Twelve written uut of °flies by do Reform Press of Upper Canada. We would draw partocular stientiont to the advertisement of the Leonard Setott PO/tidbit% Company. The present it the proper time to seheeribe fur their admirable and clomp republication of the llatieW11 and lilackwood. she bad men whet I ta if yesterday." 01 retest* maws, il *GYM bl lereeeolutbie Some eharp croafiring ie expected in the " 1m. no dear, of course you dellet. for she " NI' V ' • 4 ' to ask any explanations; bet it is difficult not debate an the Governor's .kildrcus. to feel thee Pule/hens wu entitled to sone thing • little more definite asd detailed ef , le f 13' • .. -1,1 PRESENTATION OP' A SWORD. Malta been here bet • rflatter of two weeks, 1 o No, I 51,7 inch I could do or say in a furtuight." Itoland mounted his horse and rode you neve.- come to see 'Our o'd 'col,/ as 7"" altoxether iliffeient brim what you imagine, I used to call me, how should you see bet ?" leisure yes, Mo. Bartell." The rifficert, non commissioned officers and number remained sway not taking any ox. Heinen 03.00, Sot (Ammo ItIonterrtlia ant rot -tom Claildron end. 14 y••co we. straight to Mrs. Bartell's, where imiefol he o psi), e„g 1,„„eq, tone., enety. " lo, sir, I don't mean no etTence," said We sgree with tint Lender that there most In the elections. 1 he bettor de -o Notiee is given of application to the on. • privates of the Huron Rifles met at the cored teet the unto. we. not se iapiry . • 188108 J.•••• (Series not r lb rm. 554bnn.,:blethe'd'Fi.":11:Il. Men IS tneorna spohn. arts . MAO Veltomoe bth is 10 sow., .h.hn tem7rie...17...14"ro".i.."172 r %• W. 0111.083 Orr Wen , Mslrobn thorkf 21'1 airt M"."'eflerkm"."te histwo."1"""te.assiehlt"-t".*'..nort .10. ttral Ilmod McConnell, Mots Yang nr fn... 01411•.1 . Sid geol. (Moo Tarn 12 Omni. VAlsoon mom moo AM Malmo, Rontythrey rel.. hems, W Atom Ione &Oro 2nol Inn.oron Mr. , 11e • t 'ann. Thos AIIVI•lt, • Yer is 16.11A. IA... Weno 12 Irma -low eemee Witham Amino. tarn Wm I atm Selo 115051 11519.1. Jarmo Salem., 1.0 . trvi / •onaked Arononing 2. is It top ..110.11. 1nIon. P•arlaor aOrta. /sere "Iona gots 12 semi memo Dmotin t'anseroo Men . bral Jos Anndonel /brio It rt:Mem. II hosamea. Joht gen M. to 3.1 thigh *tome, Rotund Trelestn, Wit .7.11111oupoinn itsetorsoe. woo it ...w.f.. so... mos, mos . SO Theo lonorrome. RUM PontrIon, Wm lane WM. 2orl Pour retina.. 21r.o. rinumh. Pen, Reed Wu ; .elhUniulteR1.1Lorz„..1(1/70teolls 2r.sjo-k It▪ onformii ▪ SI 00 M.A.* Gloodh. Ro R Roe -tom. 81 4•41 C akerstor. 11 net% •Y• °SI re: hor. sho• Rosh MURAT 111 ass nue. Mr. Ilowe, Dr Tupper delivere I hirmielle :• public meeting. soder the GAN °f. th.P men, Triel Thom. Polroner 7Gen ettorsont:.""'Irlteel' -yni• and hone, of some good ideas in a masterly speech. Good Templer; 0' Gedwich, will be hold Ile :::::dresetsien j, emt Omeetteme. Thee Ile sheered that although the anti union the New Coenezion M. Chortle, os Toned*, alanr"`"*"1.2"" ar"v•V "'• party carried all Gin counlio s but evening, 19th inst., at 7.30, when the Rev. tooktee too. Rhnimakern Illtern'P.tis, one, they did not poll half the vote ' le.v.inrstone ..will deliver .an ad•Irms 7..t.,...",4111.117......1t72.1.62..i:ns: send more than the Union party ; • Or& , in the Province and only polled seven thou - the puttee generstny are invitee to &Ilene. tome* Kerr. ohnerts molt il▪ imom Rohr, wee no strangeor fee the good woman, ex has 1 see that you huen't lost your skill in l il.e n1d lode, - 1 Legislature of Ontario by the Huron and black moot staring on amezerr.eott at tlate is nothing 'whatever in the explanations d d • Veen Wats] ey Perey,..A the ex hoeetireeper iponge cake, thoelh. Our housekeeper upon the face of her truest. of' Falcon's Eyrie, and it W04 several years sifter slie retired from office. totem the young gentleman grew too old to like to call well ae she known how, poor *flour, bet : should know my quick way oi eiseiloolt br for retiring from ofhee at such an manor- recently been promoted to the position of and see whet &totes were stored away foo -well, 'loot setd's grommet mended, &nil I , Mill time, aunty. them in Ilie "eorner cupboard" or tloor old haitot nn grudge Rosiest tee woman, 1,.; nomnihins nnn,....tno," N.1.11. w. hySot. 05 7.A.7.:,0,18 1! tent moment were sulE Um* to induce mach Ile‘gle elsjar to the 33rd Hat. After reading frondet tittle porter. Allerwerd the favors mom seri/ enmetimes, h f a , &direst, Capt. Ilaye test . don't try to alneIna in our home. But I am urine, toe , a /fel). Uwe are to accept Mr. Galt's a very Megan to flo. in the opposite direction. end hold on • lint, longer, toile n• the Thee.' much• Remember, 1 n ly esitirely. upon 'earl toter:thee" Ilit political gospel the Ministry presented Ilse Brute Meter with &fins regale many a handsome heliport and basket of fine fruit or early vegetables foune their wey frore the gardens of the yreat house to the wayside cottage, of the ad bousekeeper. Wben. therelore, Roleed, fastening Mato motel •1 the post, 1.et for the specie! aceomu• and are oteeegol to hoe soot 1 een ketch (or ; thmk of my Mr. l'erey throng mend et 'hie "reeling rn 7 • teem. Thee followed it capes] lunch al d a II Or I y r e minis r•, we •r Ruyard, sauntered leigurety •p the leer .. o out this young *oaten -why eau't she 1 ° Ile didn't •In so white my father need.- ioppowd to pog.,,,,,, rem en enei" IhilitY casein. The whole sale; passed off in the Oootarto Hotel last (Mondsy) evening, for offered by Mr. Galt to warrant us in lir- the purrse of witnessing the presentation of iieving that his reamer public or private, a sword to Serpent B. Ilazlehurst, who hoe don t make such so thee 1 AMMO yoa. ' " Nor gave en', 1 ammo eoe, mud Rob "Thee Mrs. Stowell I let, she does &eland, testantty rerouting: himself. 0 Yoe matts end all, for Story Ann, who promised , discretion, I should not Lime seolte• so 1 notwithotonding ti3n sword, in the nano of the Heron Itifles, to tele: live with me and Cara for ine. Waist i freely to any otber lotn• : : seel, ea i haee to 1 it extremely week ; for, : end the recipient responded in a ehort speech then Lizzie she died, end I haint ere chiek 1 " Yes, yes, Mo koisfee. I'll bit &street -I the fact that the conservative press claim- '' erpreseine the deep obegation he had been right riff end got married the tem year, and ,' Teti nor shild left tn neat me np in my old ago i1"0" lee reilr re"1""1. But lord. lord, In ed. et the close of the elections, • . ' ' • ' laid under by les offieers and felloer-volun- dation ef that woithy animal, and hie broth help, Now there's kirry-" ' End the only man in the Cabinet who ii e gravel walk betvreen Mrs. Berteles prim stay with Inn, and MI tire place of • dengh• "id Redivid. udir• " Well, nell. ne m.., short season of hilerily usual on such oc- \, "P‘91-heda.. it was the misetrose of the ter 7" inquire d Roland. in e voice a the 1 hope for the beat. Perhaps it Will n11 go hy ; resigning &reunite of kis strirptilarity irt beet and jolliest manner. ,t‘fo 11 atter • while. Meantime, tante, be ee'11 Ontario / Ills resignation was aa open ' 00•0 herself, who ran bluely tot of the set- deepott eyrn"the. i -mom to open tee door fur him, and Lid .. Well now hlr. Itolert•i, it's term. hut , !Ind tee '''' i"'" the very same idea occurred 10 me ?" ex , "e"•""Per in31011. *he.* a 'me fiee'ine 1 o Yee 1 11 .1°.• tn 1" declaration that there w3s snmething un• hi inter. "Why,Mr. Roland 1" exclaimed see,throw• nog wed* the door crl her little parlor, sod mending, aside till be should pus ie. 'If a sieht of' is sint good for sore eye., I don 1 Ot\ know what oultilbe,for I don't lotto/writhing any scarcer. Mr. Percy comes once' is h whole, bet ineebeent been hem -not sine. - claimed the wider.. & boom %mile ehouing 1 t"e her Mho ; hut take eAre that if Perey sound in the ., , I polies,. peat or the sorrowful peckers them the corners of rein" h1"1". he ah"n't 'ie. hyr• 7 shad r514 ronepeolive-perhape both -and nothing Ito' mouth, ii I sniff to her this very sell &gain soon upon yen, •uety. end now ' that we here seen since would seern to lent morning : • gond ',tontine." '' My deer,- sez I, " yrve eley with me. 1 ' (toed by, Mr. Roland, gone by. I retell to any other oouglusion. It is not at 211 and be • daughter in room et them that s deleend nn Yner einem( in 'ere often, tor 1 wonderful that the anservatives should feel SG II f hedn't het nee ynung gentleman lett now," sled Mo. Itertell, ewe,. !eel annoyed at his unespected hitch in " 0, not mitstn't feel so.' s ii Reeand, the cabinet, or blame Mr. Galt for taking mowing *eel, to 'halm hen& Stith the ex• the Opp he did. • boamekosper. .• These sow hoeing hut oil] • eats that My brntior is seeing es feet as he . Ile Gerheldi and Ms tem 11004 • 1 pos ) n el 11. Whoa tioy'm all gone, heel sober ,, down." , ites et A: loevano. Ile chtios the rights teal " Tee, Ilr. noised, het whet 1 eel Oaf i privileges Of a *idiom ef the United State., te that them lbw .00e wold mole has 101 to land tie American Minister st Florence hea map the er hitneby. and Ws ft crop that IrOft• 10 Viattl MM. The ItiitiAn troops have gone from me. I amt much in the way of well I do Orel** I dou't know •hen you del common., perhaps. lot I've got • gone cam corns Imo" fortftele home and some hole laid by for • ••So new I am heee, you're going to melte rainy dory, and I 11 do for yea Oat •• I s etranger of me. and put me in tilos dismal little parlor. Yoe limner I always hated it, elm% 1 was • boy," said the pone gentle won, with • good humoured indifferetom to his old (need's pride in her Searing Kolder minister cermet, four hair-seeted vernishy ese would by lezzy if shed • heed. nr Story Ann, it she hadn't np and married sgsiewt my webers or consent. mud I hope to messy, Califrony's cured her of her love lick fumes by this time, for it's more nor I could do- " hooey chair*, steep little sofa, and plaster " Aod whet did yoe- lodger see to your many of an infest InaMtiel, not tO mention o• re„lend, no, 11•001 IMO • 1104111011 neither." that (he'd mere, of itri upon the Wee table, _Sealy cooing short the tore of the mother's " It% h• C•Pirali "nvr• Th•t•a la" • basket of scarlet pesehee, pretertottend grievances. one of your shrewd se yinmt, that I remenber agree., met ,e,oeth rekerroe, ell eon, ie tehe_.ho ? t-) lin. No.", so • • I teem I was • hoe. If I have mote mos, by Mrs. Bartell's 444144 41 homrdinfr bar thought* evidently retarning front " Cei nt • II•iva it'', Pere,' •• 1" "7 1 ha"' 71 school, and kept sacredly from eust, by St, ifrony," et tite sodden seetrenos, in great elhile"tien•h1/ ohine 10 ill hse•imr ben" glum *Mode meting upon a wormed work iireautoe end Murder. •• Yee yoe semen lanr" weld' 7°11 °I° h. rraa 15 °hi 'rem' 1•°. met, the retell of the sate• inane lady le I nary Graham. •• W, It, eee eaid......ohat Imo. .111 forever henntant C'oe honor duet r y. meet oh* said, no.? 1,,,, yes, ? gmm, I itireee polio, whit. ha .aa oat In ploy." “Sore 11•0001,Mr. Rotted," said the twee, shell forget who's the Widow Iloilo* pretty' Maste_er elle"lanale 6'4 1 keeper eel' a hole lugh. theteelt Ow color- Pion. Why, shit throwisd ber arms remota ee'swleo_esit'eue" 10111 roe" •nd Itooineer" moo vomentell to toe eheek 1.11 OAP 1.4 tto gov my neck, ard hest out • aryls' &eel uo Intel "1"-""I' .71/1 417 emile' themegh more. hall to the minim( room, "Yee aver were mere mistaken, annty.. .1 hour yos dila% rea to toe oe, con, ynoeee,, „ono oomion, nely oiot f It Ma Oath" of wisdom, not entitles a titit• oyeof oeee b., 0.1 ....ell I., oheall her grkieh sty Goollifiil smolt Mongered A AA AAA", tbe avow outboard hot me not sooner Or later " Oord•br. este store bun mottled from the Papal States ; and the lereneh beve retired from Berne. pending the negotiate -no on the •neting difficulties rhe voile in *hie towns of the Woman Pro tine. fer onion enth Italy lete been dies. vowed. Uoltriecttoe. -In our report et the Col. borne Ploushing Match leo eeeideetally em rod to mention three the Rot prise in the lines' Clam wee awarded in Mester Jeeeph Carrot, whelks vete/ was meth admired. M0011'101.121.11 IMPORTAT10111. - In another plea will be found an stIvertia ment deseribing the importations of friend eloorhout It is no exaggeration to say that be is the Wiriest. direct importer of goods in his line outside of ?aroma, and sad we tineetion iny house in that eity can stompeto with him except, porhape, in staple articles unes1 by printer, generally which it would not peo him to keep. - flow he ever soils the immense stooks he is In the habit of ordering direct from the F:nglieh, French, Austrien, end other Ke- mpen° [tomes ie a perfect mystery to us; but be does it, and meet make • living profit too, elm he could never import se he him Anne thie voila. The merehante of Dorm sot Brae, we pledge our word • tenni!, to, ,,,ke 500 in .0,7 mi.ofoy Ontario Ship Canal Company, for a bill in eon/ripener, of Mr. Howe's eloquence and to amend Ite character, and for • grant ot , the time would speedily pcbric ionic come when the people would repent of their eeermi, and learn Irons experetnee that con oderation otts Meter than @operation, and 1 (THE 00V11111!.02:13 SPEECH. isolation. The four 'perches spoken of ven- tilated the address in Sue style and opened OTTAWA, rhnrs lay, NOV. 7. the debates in • manner •hich oonfer-ecei His Excellency the Governor General, st cred t Inn the gentlemen whn deliverer:1 1 3 n•th,,,k, pipeanied in Mate to tlu Chamber them' " ri7recs is 'tills Mr. TnPPer of Ike Senate, and having taken hie Nest mom will have • bar bottle to fight aren't his follow memlors from Nova Scotia in eons,- thoThrone, Ile Excelleney commanded the mimes of statorfing alone is opposition toottitenderte• of the House of Commove. The It"TmtO speech promised many things ewe ig 'Speaker, the lion J Cockburn, appeared at members or that body, preeederl by their the semen of the gresteet eneortance Ind the bar. The flon Jae tOokluon, then in conetined much the1 Imo of no ilanortance formed His Exeelleney that the ehoiee of the 10 the Itlinhone and eeline r5,1.(0^^,rnon.q. !Isom or Commies had fallen open him to The measures promised for the assimilation be their Speeker. and he prayed lor the of the Ise. in difbireet parts of the IMminion, member' thereof the cuonevery parlismen- the promise to perfect the lomat arrange lorry pritileges, after which His Excellent., merits and the assumits of continued sup- wu Mimed to deliver the following speech port mod l'nem *h. ft"' hsr nom. Gentlemen of the Stmt. :- count:1.1re matter. which st onto Monet „eatiemen _„._ , and please Cafladais well webers, hut with .1110110t 04,171091r/ - what is good we hove to swallow so mach reieehereieeneZee re'keih• ant" n"'ee.heereerewrheeee"to that only condom, te pomp and show that ospregolon tny nt, tofleap reeling of 'moue. mei the epeech bee 1101130 1 0 be • hy-word tor • eohrhihm hoe nen- days before it ie delivered. Is answer le 'Zen m the ore:7.. unTtlorgrein Confeders.7n.g.1 mme questions from the Oppreitliet Mr. megreishin you mi the lennelatIon mon. obteh Itso Galt explained tress of his masons for noir '•"" r"" 8, 15' P.ste."", ' alort Conon., pas 7rt1 /Intste 'Aver 110 /••••' C18818-380 Amin to• 5600 , 2nA Donn IS lortrat Ploscheng Match James Ilsont 1-1•0 , John Artansiy. Iletq Mil Swint Hermit mut --Pole, Fowler , Robert orrio hotfoot WrItuegh Pon. owes moo:. sou Poo- lothrt tor Poi Jame. Palrotter tad.. Within Whims Fon , 4117rniiII:Kentql,t:;lanT'ID:112onnh" Jithrn Prot. •nel Rome--14On r1^108,08 . Woe Remo Yeti , John Mum, Fri Jorlir• Iron rumen -John • I r - Manly t.oq loto mem. , John Perms b.on. Usbirrt wok, he -Retort Metwori Von.. Jonas Monad, Fleq.. John MO Esq. A emitter el dessrlige by ,Mrs Arno Chrnp.11 wore hT1 :1,11.renont:troisol.o. by the sidloo. Al\liM SOMJeR V ILI.E. Roe. Anel Treas. Huron •ra• Sodom A. a. Gooseicw, Nov. II, 11167. re tiro Editor or WI Huron Alessi Sts. -1 1100111. in the last 11004 or your pep• er *Moved °A Mechanic,' but whose 1 shall call Pimpy Sntp,(a sons. - what merit:al yet extremely sppmpriete term uking what hoe made the *Anna Actable this year ; tool •ttrihnting the emus. to the meinth le meetings of the menet'. Mr, "tempy Snip meet he &Imre that whets W. le ,C011 loati , went out of office the 16.11 w oo $1,500 in debt to the liafth, mod *Ms $4,000 which ihrolel have been plod by tile Northern Gravel Hoed Co., wee not paid, end the present Council ham to morels for the !etymon( of their fteenente. And oilmen "Peery Snipe -eats that el 4.20 im deettooled rty tide year that °illy pald fleon leg from the Cabieet. Them were all per. ooreohled, seid **oh kol Wol thy eenenion•i• • nue lest year ; shirk is a nunifeet tie noel needs nom. a , i • provident rd Whirli WV 88,18 OM on Pier° venal end private 'leapt one. which wee tbat iiihnettrotihienreeheentehee",eieh1,,eheete "'",e,,,hee"'"Ter no Goethe.. revelment, for no nun paid in St. he felt illslienlY is 11,1110in, eflI,• th• .1,erte•eione atIoek Iwo...1W the twirndorlate I Ina AlId1111•• Ward, lest mor VI, and no elm wh.eh e 'melted hint to matinee to diseharge wet ote twoolei Pao...tee. lotofee ...ete- os on the roll for Ille./11 thie year, and Piro- d•ties which has strudy drawn upon him ,1":"4„oottee,atet"ehOe":71reetne",„'"e7e;•,•""rOrro"•„,;"ae. er most Im • fool or • knave- I do not know renew?, for the recent robins and priest* ad! tE• whet wee severimi 1.•11 Over • An mob whieh -bet thinti thei twiner 1111rM gmn:nnte Lai hdyumannt.mrleOnsi'seltmelehoilnedir eeOt helteaoe".-- 5"...7,,.-.6-'6"."-,......r.r.:.7...1:::%11:;11%11:417"...:1 I liettatehlh.ou• 0r. shim* *Guhlide ot"enitte. irgnr:71....ing..o-1 meteors el the cheep, bet atilt preferred to me ▪ preiMasilltekessufaitue our. roreeken WM,* too notch, why did not Pitney appeal ,,,,, su ends 1._111014 Met wait until ;puttee °pinkie so far rite; nged se .- re ret. .1"""4 b.X.0".',..1 and here joust" doe* in his en.? Mr. "Pins- on et.tat. soon hoe Romer .„4▪ ...or py Stop ' does me too mueh honor when l• for it, cannot do better than &el with eeye thet tee dee,. no the old., oat e to the gelroleetim,,,,e, sue seem Mr. the setie" whieh ideerti short oro tool that this seesion or partials of r,":7,""7"1" 'Oh Me Moo mei ems. it" " thnrnnghtl. And bY the wee, adoot will Wow sheet the:rt sr teeth or pee. .7( reetomithow"""mt:i 11" e.""atr., vertising has not a little to do with his The monotnee of Sal af will t.,elree he • onnnra.,,,,orta•t000•••,:e o .. oepoo fes peon- pronwri tg. premmostion of prism woe et a rifle match moms fall. Want whieti leek plam moss time agn, among mWohihtftteetWatil"etteseie /mom,. oroosm.-rh.l,,,,A.„ pr.infrp,..„ ,_ emothet• eif ties Cleo Sorties Flogieent. The ,k,:::,,,„ trer• 7•• onalidlia" •"1,4,,'"ereelee It is steirt ohat Mr. Rue has deelieed to ae. _prises •hieli were preseated by Leggy Menek manse: ni 011inolint MOM nod omit. too - 1 eept • pneitMri in the Privy Cooker'. Rentoreeeee• gloss elmanarvilla Ilmal 01._ ; _e eletreet•l• let "Wir lb. ad' ael.161011 .1.1.1”.••• So MO. entuiseue Mr. itoomed's nova with 0etime Irma 001.44 oPro tb• eint•ro. gotemmestemese Mao pelelle eras n the ening Moat. tho Ilnowitioat SI die wellies, Molend. I Oat pet it to rm, west dbi dem Aad this tie", It"Ivied mme• Woburn to theok ll C. Caseernitowhe Asa a Mimeo eireimer, and Mao says et• WON $011101114 W 1,11/11B Wet seal "Ma, ha, yes Imre see them. misty," ..Nriffw ...a by (011 ...I wn hew MI Yiok into • enolevlee ni FAQ.. M. P., for s STIPPIY of rsslic- I ths1 r•"'er "I, '6 h• """*" 'Ps' pr elestasseaso tutu 4.414n. 4 1140 744.411 pallesoft, following hos pager to lake r" III" The new that Mr. Carter in 46.6":1"..."6's Ibiell 14.111441111 potoor• surmises &ed..' kisses. porpito•I and usairadietely plane, wishes. I numiery perm on the shout. It ge reeworeed la Moetres1 Mmerwiteer end eneen•rn."14=4:71444 NO the embeaseem et et. IT. h" la /I. aln"...b" the leetm• he bed They certain', am my/moms% aunty," mole owl marimmey. , that Mr. Oat CU be weaseled by Mr. Title'. tousled " rrik's d'"1"11. 'Ilya, my ink** moored the kneed -fee I sm. linty .one Hump not of twelve on Gm llionelten. sod eon awe hint *het tr my voice was lie -- *rood to, 1 eerteinly 'ask: melt. tivitt Pettey, endoeleselly. wee nit. that enter! in 1f4r11114 41161141 from the (1.74•11,10n1, oedema k meet be paid, for haat sten my their debee 1161111 het meek* Ammo wee Pita - boo& growl &teat it. Pliory itiso mold to have Frew &shwas whieh * • eery roma mime be ham, and ill now PIllallikinvitg .f 4.1., AMON t.01 earl the Coco.' reeetieres tie ease, when he knows ire e emit 'het thei etaithers et the board meek for eteleng ash