HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-21, Page 3i Thursday, Sept. 21st, 1939 Russia Turkey’s Best Friend Istanbul, Turkey — Officially JRussia and Japs Have Truce Moscow — Tass, • 'Soviet official news agency, announced a Russian- Japanese agreement to cease hostilit­ ies on the border between Japanese- dominated Manchoukuo and Soviet- protected Outer Mongolia. Formal announcement of the agreement came after unofficial reports of the action had been coupled with predictions by some observers that it might be the forerunner of a non-aggression pact. Britain Searching Merchant Ships Deal, Kent, England — The Royal Navy, strictly enforcing Britain’s •wartime rule of detaining virtually every merchant ship to search for contraband cargo, held 70 vessels un­ der aimed guard off the southeast coast. Two British destroyers follow­ ed by one of France’s fast and pow­ erful new gunboats steamed back and forth past the “captive” merchantmen in a patrol that never relaxed. •Envoy to U.S. Named "Ottawa— Prime Minister King an­ nounced that Loring Christie, veteran member of the civil service and member of the external affairs de­ partment since 1913, has been ap­ pointed Canadian minister to Wash­ ington, succeeding Sir Herbert Mar­ ler, who resigned because of ill health. Vatican Criticises Nazi Action Vatican City — Criticism of the Nazi Government’s action in closing German Catholic churches, ostensibly as an air raid precaution, was ex­ pressed by the official papal news-, paper Osservatore Romano. Exchange Control Taken by Ottawa Ottawa — Creation of a ment board with power to and control transactions in exchange, to license imports ports of all goods, money and secur­ ities, and to use the exchange stabil­ ization fund as an aid to maintaining Govern- regulate foreign and ex- get FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR ROOFING C0UNCH.5TANDARD WRITE NOW fiendridge and rafter measure­ ments or area'to. be roofed. I patched or re­ paired. Council Stand­ ard :Tite-Lap” metnl roofing ia a sound, per. manent investment. .Absolutely weather- tight. Greatly reduces fire hasard. SOLD ON A 25 YEAR ^GUARANTEE Prices now, are lower because of Sales Tax .exemption.. Save money by writing today. Manufacturers also of famous Preston Steel TrusslBaras and Jamesway Poultry equip- ment.‘Address: 308 Guelph St.,Preaton, Ont. Eastern Steel Products ^nnitecl^ PRESTON ONT Montreal e.Toronto HF r a >Tej 0 Don’t wail fol tirerto let you down* We have a Goodyear at the price you can afford to pay. Drive in and see uitoday! I: WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES excise duties imposed on* liquors by the Federal Government’s war bud­ get the Ontario Liquor Control Board announced price increases ranging from 35 cents to 1,50 per bottle. exchange rates, was annpunced by Finance Minister Ralston, Control is effective as from Saturday, Graham Ford Towers, governor of the Bank Of Canada, will head the foreign ex­ change control board of. five mem­ bers, all Government officials. in­ spired Turkish newspapers applauded the friendship of Turkey and Russia for the first time since Russia signed her non-aggression pact with Ger­ many. Despite Turkey’s mutual as­ sistance treaties with Great Britain and France the influential newspaper Dan said “Turkey is- more faithful to the maintenance of gopd relations with Soviet Russia than with any oth­ er country in the world.” Urges U.S. To Keep Out of War Washington — Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh urged the United States to keep carefully out of the second Great War, asserting that “if we enter fighting for democracy abroad, we may end by losing it” at home. Nazis to Evacuate Civilians on West Front Copenhagen — The Berlin corres­ pondent of the Danish newspaper Bernlinske Tidende reported that measures now being taken in Ger­ many show the Reich realizes at last it is in for a long war. Plans are un­ der way, he said, for evacuating from 18,000,000 to 20,000,000 civilians from the western frontier. Even m you read this, Bome Father somewhere is rushing this news to relatives. No matter where they are or what time it is—his first impulse is to let them know! Netherlands Seize German Plane The Hague — The .Netherlands coast guard seized a German seaplane off the north coast of Netherlands for entering the country’s territorial waters and violating its neutrality, the Government announced. This was the first time a plane has been seized by a neutral in Europe’s war. Planes Shipped to Poland Paris — Havas News Agency re­ ported from London that a steady stream of warplanes is reaching the Polish eastern front by way of the Mediterranean and Rumania. Halifax Warns Germany London — Foreign Secretary Vis­ count Halifax warned Germany in ef­ fect that, if she resorted to civilian bombings, the British Government “must hold themselvqs completely free to take such action as they may deem appropriate.’’ NEWS Head Forces London — As the old Allies of 1914-18 — England and France—set­ tle down again to the prosecution of a new war upon Germany, General Marie Gustave Gamelin of France, will have supreme command of the combined armies and Sir Edward El­ lington, of Britain, of the combined air forces. Large Orders from Railway Ottawa — Canadian railways are planning .to give immediate orders for about $25,000,000 new equipment, it was learned authoritatively here. The orders will be divided approximately equally between the Canadian Na­ tional and 'Canadian Pacific Railways. British Respect Neutral Trade London,— The information min­ istry reassured neutral countries its contraband control would not inter­ fere with their normal trade. Leading Educationalist Lost * on the Atheriia Education circles were saddened by the news that Thornton Mustard, To­ ronto member of'the committee that revised the primary school curricu­ lum, may have perished when the Athenia was torpedoed. He was re­ turning with Mrs. Mustard from a trip to England and was included in the unofficial list of Athenia surviv- ‘“MRS® I till® 1 , •’•TI £ M <• Come in » . . examine thia , rugged tire. It is built for tough going. One look will convince you that it’s a lot of tire for „he money. We have your size. GOODYEAR R-t Packed with Goodyear stand-out features. A big mileage tire at a remark­ ably low price. •«Myf r* Wile* SUPERIOR SERVICE STATION (CL W. Armstrong, Prop.) Wingham, Ont, Phon. 174W It’s a Boy! And that is also true of Aunt* (and Uncles) and all the in­ laws. Before Baby is half an hour old his arrival is cele­ brated far and wide—and he is endowed with DISTRICT a dozen names. i To Grandparents another chapter ■of Family History begins. Their grandparents may 'have waited for days before they 'had good news like this, but that was before the telephone—-and Long Distance—-became part of our everyday existence. Spread Good News by LONG DISTANCE! Look in your telephone direc­ tory and you’ll find that by using Low Night Rate* (also applying all day Sunday) and placing “Anyone” calls you can talk to nearby towns or Prov­ inces for ■expected. much lees than you //W ors. When .the City of Flint docked at Halifax Mrs. Mustard was aboai^l. Until theri .she believed that her hus­ band had been rescued but since no word had been received of him from Glasgow or Galway it is now thought he was drowned. No Troops from Africa at Present London — The ministry of infor­ mation said that G.en. Jan Smuts, prime minister of the Union of South Africa, has announced that the Union for the present does n.ot intend to send troops overseas. Hungary Makes Rumania Threat Budapest — Speculation on Hung­ ary’s territorial claims on Rumania was intensified with a statement by Foreign Minister County Csaky who declared the situation of the Hungar­ ian minority in Rumania was consid­ ered “serious.” U. S. Congress Meets Thursday Washington — President Roosevelt called Congress to meet in special session September 21, Although his proclamation made no mention of the Neutrality Act, the president had al­ ready stated informally he would seek repeal of the arms embargo clause and try to confine the session to that, action. Liquor Up In Wke L... Load of Cattle Upset When Ernest Blake’s team, trans­ porting livestock to the Ashfield school fair, took fright at a passing truck and upset the wagon and its load in the ditch. The boy held onto the lines, and although he was drag­ ged some distance, succeeded in bringing the team to a stop. Beyond a few minor scratches and bruises he was uninjured, but had quite a time collecting the livestock which ran in every direction. Suffers Broken Back Suffering from a broken back, Al­ bert Schumacher, Carrick Township farmer, is a patient in the hospital at Walkerton. Schumacher was climb­ ing the ladder in the barn and slip­ ping from a rung he fell 14 feet to the barn floor. In the fall he struck a beam and injured his back between the shoulder blades. He was unable to raise himself for some time and after being able to revive sufficient strength to stand on his feet he man­ aged to reach the house. Short Course at Dungannon J. C. Shearer, agricultural represen­ tative for Huron County, has an­ nounced that a month’s course in ag­ riculture and home economics will be held in Dungannon from November 28 to December 21, this year. Buys Dozen Double-Yoked Eggs Last week Jack Montgomery, local insurance representative, bought a dozen eggs at W. J. Collins’ grocery store. There’s not much of news in­ terest in that first sentence, but the unusual point in the story lies in the fact that, upon cracking the eggs in­ to the pan, Mrs. Montgomery found that each and every one of them was of the double-yoked variety.'—Palm­ erston Observer. Fractured Vertebrae Mrs. James Etherington, of Us- .borne, is at present in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, in a critical condi­ tion suffering from a fractured ver­ tebrae at the back, of the neck. Mrs. Etherington, who is 71 years of age, was at tire home o£ her son, Albert, and had gone across the road to her own home to do some work and in going from one room to another she slipped and fell on the floor.—Exeter Times-Advocate. An Equine Curiosity Councillor Chas. Schefter has a curiosity on his farm, in the form of a white baby colt, which is attracting a lot of attention. The animal is about three months old. It is very rarely that a white colt are usually born grey, turn gradually white, strain of Arabian breed of this colt, which may account for the pure white color.—-Mildmay Ga­ zette. is sceti, They and with age There is a in the mother Handver Hospital Supt. May Enlist Because she is.on the list of re­ served nurses for war service. Miss Honor Tregear has resigned as sup­ erintendent of the Hanover Memorial Hospital and is thus prepared to of­ fer her services and help wherever called upon in the Canadiah forces. Miss Tregear has been in charge the local hospital since the first January, 1938,—Hanover Post. of of Has Souvenirs of Athenia Arthur Schaus, foreman of the En­ terprise, has some souvenirs of the 0 (p W ■■ } r w 1 li • 1 •y'" (Bet Now You can obtain ready cash from this Bank TODAY for legitimate farm or business operations that bring you more profits. Taking cash discounts by payment of your accounts promptly; buying materials and hiring extra hands to enable you to accept orders; widening domestic markets; seizing export opportunities — all these may be made possible by a loan from this Bank. Consult the Manager of our Branch near you. fa® 2.v? wi be torpedoed and sunk in the present owned by G. A. Habkirk, Listowel, war. When he and Mrs. Scliaus were on their honeymoon in Montreal in 1937 they were shown through the ship which was then in port and were given several menus and a folder des­ cribing the Coronation Route to be followed by King George and Queen Elizabeth.—Chesley Enterprise. and driven by Dobbie, left the high­ way, snapped off a telephone pole, sheared off four guardrail posts and landed in a gulley 215 feet from the road. The car was a total wreck but- the four occupants, Habkirk, Dobbie, F. Desmond and E, Riggs, escaped with nothing worse than minor scratches and abrasions. Dobbie was fined $10 and-costs and had his 'driv­ er’s permit cancelled for one year. Poultry Pen Raided Thieves with a pickup truck, visit­ ed the premises of Mr. Ernest Witter at the Aetna Roller Mills, and made a complete cleanup of all the poultry there. Mr. Witter takes considerable interest and pride in his special breed of chickens, and when he heard a slight commotion in the millyard, he arose from his bed to ascertain the , cause of the trouble. Arriving on the Inglis, scene, he first made a careful note drench a baby beef calf for bloating of the license number of the truck, j when the animal cither tripped him and then, discovering that there were or he slipped on the cement floor several members in the raiding gang, he deemed it unwise to meddle furth­ er with them at the time. We under­ stand that the license number belongs to a series issued at Port Elgin, and that there will be little or no difficul­ ty in establishing the identity of the guilty parties.—Mildmay Gazette. Suffers Fractured Hip Mr. Albert Inglis who has been as­ sisting on Mr. Albert White’s farm on the 10th of Bruce, was brought to the hospital suffering from a fractur­ ed hip. Just how the accident hap­ pened will remain a mystery. Mr. it appears, was going to explain matters in connection with his report, the Court of Revision on this by-law was adjourned till Tues­ day, October ,17th. The Clerk was instructed to for­ ward a letter of condolence to Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Mr. Ellis, lately deceased, having been for some years a valued official as well as Councillor and Reeve of the Municipality. The following accounts were paid: T. H. Wilson, premium on insurance on road grader, $33.70; Bert Kechnie, brushing on Rd. 2, $4..00; King & Speiran, roads, $208.75; R. Vincent, ditching on Rd. 4, $2.00; S. McBur- ney, salary as Road Supt., $24.40; H. McDowell,-filling washout Rd. 6, $4.- 40; G. McDowell, filling washout on Rd. 6, $2.20; A. B. Killough, trucking chemical $1.50; ing oil $3.45; ium $100.00; Co., Culvert $2.10; L. Scrimgeour, culvert $4.00; County Huron, hospital treatments indigent patient, $1.75; Dept, of Health, insulin, .33; The Dorn, Road Mach, Co., payment on road maintainer $1739.50. ' Before adjournment, Reeve Red­ mond took the opportunity of thank­ ing diis fellow members of Council and also the officials for the assist­ ance so cheerfully given in making the first Township Picnic held recent­ ly such a successful event. Council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 1 o’clock. causing the accident EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL all of chemical, T. on road The F. Ledy, $7.00; J. H. Wilson, insurance Metallic truck- Reavie, prem- policy, Roofing Hydro Rate Reduced at Kincardine ‘ The sales tax on electricity, impos­ ed under the special wartime budget will be offset by a decrease in hydro rates, passed on to Kincardine by the Public Utilities Commission, whose costs for powei* have been cut from $46.50 to $45 per horsepower. Ap­ proximately 700 horsepower is used. Under the new rates the service charge is abolished. Street light costs have also been reduced. German Sailor Fired at Goderich Alleged to have repeatedly made pro-Nazi utterances while aboard the grain freighter Wahcondah as a mem­ ber of the crew, Ben Krozer, aged 30, a German, was dismissed when the vessel docked at Goderich. He was turned loose, but later police were notified and Constables Rutherford and Jennings searched for him in ho­ tels and boarding houses. Several cit­ izens stated that Krozer took the bus for Kitchener. Won Seaforth Scholarship Donald MacTavish, son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacTavish, Seaforth, has been awarded the sixth annual Sea­ forth Collegiate Institute alumni scholarship which is given each year by the Alumni Association in mem­ ory of graduates of the school who fell in the Great War Hanover Furniture Workers to Support War Work At a largely attended meeting the Hanover furniture workers it was unanimously decided that .everything possible must be done to support Canada in the war and to stop dic­ tatorship in Germany, The All-Can- adian Congress of Labor with which the Hanover local is affiliated, was highly commended for the loyalty they have shown to King and coun­ try. Council met on Sept. 13th, with the members present. Minutes previous meeting were read and ap­ proved. Communications from the H.E.P. Commission re collection of unpaid hydro rates, the Doin. Road Mach. Co., offering a discount on payments of road maintainer if paid at present instead of December, which offer was accepted, the County of Huron, and the Dept, of Health, re hospital ac­ count for indigent patient and insulin supplied to patient, respectively, re­ ceived and read. Ratepayers waited on the Council asking that underbrush on sidelines 39 and 40, Cons. 1 and 2, be cut this fall. The Road Supt. was instructed to attend to this matter on condition, however, that the brush inside the fence would have to be cut as well. A renewal of the road insurance pol­ icy for another year at the same pre­ mium of $100 was entered into with T. H. Wilson, of .Auburn, represent­ ative of the same company. Court of Revision was then opehed, according to notice on the Hallahan Drain By- Law. J McGill appealed against his assessment as being too high. Owing to the indisposition of the Engineer, whb was unable to be present and Rearin’ To Go Two old has-beens in the persons of Bert Williams (formerly of Wing­ ham) and Ed. Walker, of town, left here in the wee small hours of Mon­ day for London, Stratford and other points determined to come back in khaki. But to their sorrow and dis­ may every recruiting station put the kibosh on their war fever- by turning them down flat in the medical exam­ ination. Both are World War veter­ ans.—Walkerton Herald-Times. U.S. to Probe Communistic Doings Washington—The committee prob­ ing “un-American” activities will match its current inquiry into Nazi and Fascist activities, its chairman said, with an investigation of Com­ munistic organizations cZnitanea to REAL //(yipitality "DETROIT Car Wrecked Driver Fined As a result of a traffic accident at a curve on Highway No. 23, west of Moiiittotir charges were laid against Archie Dobbie, Listowel, driver of the ear, The toe arose wIblim Hotel* of character and comfort with a most uniutudl downtown location/ right in the heart df the bu tines*, chopping and theatre district, .yet with beautiful parkway* on two ride* which make* for coolne** and quietude. Parking and garage adjacent. , SPECIAL SUITES FOR FAMILIES W£tKLY Am fAdiim RXKS I OFFICIAL Wtl MADISON-TENOX I VEHNONW. McCOY MAWSON AVE AT G*AN DOKUS PAtX (maW