HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-14, Page 8Kr ■Ki’*'PAGE EIGHT WIHGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES f Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two-Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2,30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 14, 15, 16 JEANETTE MacDONALD LEW AYRES & -f Thursday, Sept. 14th, 1939 u Broadway Serenade is a combination of music and romance. The picture has modern and classical music. Also “News' Monday, Tuesday, Wedintes., September, 18, 19, 20 ------SPECIAL------- LESLIE HOWARD BERNARD SHAW’ PYGMALIO WENDY HILLER.WILFRID lawson “Also “Crime Does Not Pay Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c WHITECHURCH Quite a number from here attended the school fair at Holyrood on Mon- ady. t Rev. and Mrs. J. Pollock returned from their cottage at Kincardine on Saturday after spending their holidays there. Mr. Chas. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. E. Scholtz and Mr. Jack Gillespie at­ tended the Exhibition in Toronto on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke, of Am- herstburg, spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Robert Carrick and Miss Anna May Carrick returned with them for a holiday. Mr. Cecil Furbur, from Saskatch­ ewan, left last week to work for Mrs. Albert Brigham, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lever and dau­ ghters, of E. Wawanosh, spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert* Coultes. Miss Addie Ross, of Toronto, has been holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. - Miss Lorna McClenaghan, Glencoe, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. The following 'girls, Agnes Gilles­ pie, leader, Jean Johnston, Catharine Mowbray and Doris McClenaghan, were at London Fair on Tuesday, PIPES Pipe Season Is Now On. Pipes from 25c to $3.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe taking part in the Homemaking Club exhibit, and judging program. Their short course wbrk had been on the Milk Way Project. In the afternoon they were guests at a banquet tend­ ered by the Rotary Club and were guests at the evening performance in front of the Grand Stand. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sim, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sim, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, T. Inglis. The ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church held a tea at the home of Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw on Wednes­ day last and quilted a quilt. The young people of the United Church had charge of the service on Sunday afternoon in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Barnard. Mr. Millan Moore led the service, Airs. Jas. Fal­ coner, Pres., led in prayer, Miss Mur­ iel Watt read the Scripture lesson and Mr. George Taylor, of E. Wawanosh, gave a splendid discourse on “The New Man”.* Rev. Henry Martin clos-. ed the service with the Benediction. Next Sunday is Rally Day and the parents and children are cordially in­ vited to attend this Fall Rally. Mrs. Oliver McBrien, Doris and Denson and Martin Straughan, all of Goderich, visited recently with the former’s sister, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Sea­ forth, Mrs. Oliver Kirk, of Birming­ ham, Mich., and .Mrs, F. L. Creight­ on, Pearl and Thelma, of Detroit, vis­ ited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mr. Denton Moore, of Toronto, ar­ rived last Monday to spend the next few months with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston. Rev. Henry Martin, of Chapleau, who had been to Montreal to meet his wife, returning from a visit with her son, at her former home in Eng­ land, is visiting this week with his mother, Mrs. W. Martin. Mrs. A. Emerson and James and Mr. Victor Emerson, of Langside, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. Peppier, of Tavistock, Last Wednesday evening the peo» pie of S.S. No. 10, Kinloss,, met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ben Mc- Clenaghaiq to welcotpe Mr. and Mrs. ■ Harold Pollock as residents of this community, With Orville Tiffin as chairman, a short program was giv­ en, then Mrs. Robt. Mowbray read an address and Mr. Jas. McInnis, as trustee, presented Mr, Pollock and his bride with an end table and large round mirror. Mr, Pollock very fit­ tingly replied, thanking the section for their thoughtfulness and kindness. Lunch was served and the evening spent in dancing, Mr, iMiUan Moore was at Ayton on Monday playing ball with the Wing­ ham team. Mrs. Chas. Hinde and Miss Annie Henry, R.N., left on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Greer, of Wingham, to visit with their mother, at Kitch­ ener and leaving Monday for their home at New York. Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, spent Tuesday last with the former’s sister, Mrs. Jesse Gray and other relative in Goderich, Mr. Bill Hunter, of Hespeler visit­ ed one day last week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. John Richardson. The young people of the Presby­ terian Church held their first meeting of the fall on Monday night with Mr. Alec Robertson in charge. Miss Haz­ el McBurney read the Scripture les­ son, and Miss Grace Richardson led in the medication period, speaking on Luke 11: 1-15. Miss Jean Welwoocl led in prayer. Miss Agnes Robertson had charge of the topic “Lord Teach Us To Pray.” The election of offic­ ers was held with the following of- < ficers elected: Pres., Jack Pollock;'. 1st Vice, Velma Scott; Sec., Mrs. R. Pollock; Treas., Catharine Mowbray; Pianist, Janet Craig; Convenors: Worship, Murdeen Simpson; Miss­ ionary, Janet Craig; Literary, Merle Wilson; Social, Mrs. Johnston Conn; The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Miss Grace Richardson spent last week in Wingham at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. John Fells. Mrs. Fells has bqen very ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and fam­ ily, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes, of E. Wawanosh. The Y.P.U. meeting of the United Church on Monday evening was in charge of Mrs. Jas. Falconer, who gave the call to worship and led in the opening prayer. Mr. Harold Pol­ lock read the Scripture lesson and Mildred McClenaghan and Lettie Fox read interesting poems. Miss Muriel i Watt led in prayer. Miss Doris Me- j 'Clenaghan, who attended the summer, Blackmore, of Listowel, at No. 4, school as a Y.P.U. delegate, gave a j Bluevale; Miss Thacker of Teeswater very interesting account of the week ' at No. 2, Turnberry (Kirton’s); Miss spent at the lake. The meeting clos-1 Delphine Biskay, Clinton, at' No. 10, ed by repeating the society prayer. Mrs. (Dr.) Wilfred Robinson, who has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, return­ ed to Dryden on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, who spent last week with Mr. George Fal­ coner, of Culross, spent the week-end at the homes of their sons, Cecil and James Falconer. Mr, Richard Wel­ wood also accompanied’ them. Mr. Thos. Robinson and Mason spent the week-end wi’th Mr. Mrs. Joe Thompson and' other tives at Tilsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Purd'orr family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and iMrs. Nathaniel Bolt, Mar- noch. 40% OFF COMMUNITY PLATE Any Pattern Two Weeks Only Don’t Miss This. Geo. Williams The Jeweller grave Women’s Institute will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. Con­ venors, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Mrs. J, Anderson, would do if Music, Miss Events, Mrs. Mr. E. D. Com.: Mrs, John Anderson, Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. C, Wheeler. All the ladies of the community are cor­ dially invited to attend. Misses Dorothy Golley and Mar­ garet Coulter left on Monday to be­ gin their studies at Stratford Normal School. „ Miss Verna Bell, of Clinton, spent the week-end in Belgrave. Miss ‘Dorothy Anderson, of West­ on, visited with relatives here, Roll Call: What you you had lots of money. Mae Wilkinson. Current R. W. Procter, Address, Bell, Brussels. Lunch I BLUEVALE Cambridge Clothes are the choice of the man who appreciates better tailoring, super­ ior quality. Every CAMBRIDGE g a r- ment combines the season’s smartest styl­ es with perfectly fin­ ished detail. C.- ISfcw ■ -J gog Kg s sided. Mrs. Harvey Robertson read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, Peter S, MacEwen led in prayer. Arrange- •ments were made for the Fall Thank- Offering meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Mrs. Garniss spoke on the chapter for study “India Becomes a Nation” dealing with the government of In­ dia, treaties and relations between Great Britain and India, and Indian men and women who had become leaders in political and Christian life. Will Hold Supper in October Following the W.M.S. meeting, the third quarterly meeting of the Lad­ ies’ Aid was held with the presilent, Miss Olive Scott, presiding. Financ­ ial statements were presented from the Circles showing receipts for the quarter to be $12.90 and the treasur­ er stated the proceeds of the bazaar to be $40,90. During the business dis­ cussion the society decided to hold a Macaroni Supper near Hallowe’en time. At the close of the meeting, members of the Morris Group served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. George Gannett are visiting in Detroit and other points in Michigan and will also visit their friend, Mrs. John Amsden,’ at Nor­ walk, Ohio, who will- be 102 years of age on Dec. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern and son, Gilbert, of Mount Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Miss Florence Fowler spent the week-end with relatives at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston were Sunday visitors with their dau­ ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, at Lon­ don. Miss M. Olive Scott is attending the Women’s Institute Convention at Guelph Sept. 12 - 13. The following have taken over their duties in this neighborhood, William ;Morris, (Ramsay’s school); Miss Mary Douglas, Lucknow, at No. 8, Morris, Browntown. Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and two daughters, of Dublin, spent Sun­ day with Mr. George Mathers. BELGRAVE vis- WESTFIELD and rela- and Mrs. Cox, of Goderich, was a itor with Mrs. J. A. Brandon for a few days last week. Institute to Meet Sept 19 The Legislation meeting of the Bel- IIffi Forecast At Church News Rev. John A, Sutherland, of Tor­ onto, occupied the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. H. J. Snell, of Ethel, preached in the United Church. Rev. C. Tav­ ener preached anniversary services in Roe’s United Church, of the Ethel Circuit on Sunday. Anniversary services will be held at Ebenezer United Church next Sun­ day when Rev. James Wilkins, Ash­ field, will preach. Services at Blue­ vale will be withdrawn, RAWT LET RHEUMATISM UUiX 1 CRIPPLE YOU Thomas’ Rheumatism Remedy removes the cause. This Remedy does bring results; a long con­ valescence Unnecessary. A 2- week’s treatment, only $2.00. See your druggist or write THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY Mr. Jack Harrison, of Toronto, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook. Mrs, J. E. Ellis visited recently with her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Elsley of Wroxeter, Miss Mildred Thornton spent last week with Mrs. Osbaldeston, of God­ erich. Mr. and .Mrs. Bert Vincent, Miss Edna Vincent and Mrs. Cliff Logan, of Belgrave, viisted on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook, Belgrave, were Sunday guests at the home Of Mr. and Mrs: Walter Cook. Mr. Roy Stonehouse, of Goderich, Mr. Amos Challnger, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with Mr. J. L. Stonehouse. A number from this vicinity attend­ ed Goderich Fair on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and'(Mrs. J. Killough, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell vis­ ited recently with Dungannon. Miss Mary Ellis towel visitor. Mrs. A. Lafave, Mrs. (Dr.) W. R. Carr, of Los Ang­ eles, Calif., visited the latter’s broth­ er, Mr. W. H. Campbell and her ne­ phew, Mr. W. F. Campbell. The Senior Male Quartette, Messrs. Wm. McDowell, Alva McDowell, J. L. McDowell and Maitland Henry, rendered special music at the anni­ versary services at Crewe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell visited on Sunday with Mrs. Annie Walper, of Auburn. \ The Y.P.U. met on Wednesday ev­ ening with 24 present. The meeting was led by Gene Cook, Fern McDow­ ell read the Scripture lesson from 16 chapter of St. Luke, 1-12. The Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. A reading was given by Mabel Cook, “The Morning Star.” A splendid ad­ dress on “Faithfulness” was given by Rev. H. C. Wilson. The meeting closed; with the Mizpah Benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell, Mr. Alvin Shell, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Annie Walper of Auburn. Mrs. Walter Cook and Mrs. Nor­ man Radford were Londesboro visit­ ors one day last week. Rev. H, C. Wilson took as his text on Sunday,. Isaiah 45:3 “I will give thee the treasure of darkness.” A number from this vicinity at­ tended Belgrave School Fair on Mon­ day. Several are attending London Fair this week from this locality. Mr. and’ Mrs. Fred J. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell and Miss Winnifred' were London visitors on Tuesday. The Hydro line through this sec­ tion is almost completed and it is ex­ pected the power will be turned on in a few days. See the Cambridge representative at our store on MONDAY SEPT., 18th His casual serges, stripes bones. range includes tweeds, classic distinctive and herring- Order your new CAMBRIDGE Suit or Coat on Sept. 18. KING’S^ >•>3 1 Mrs. Barkley, of was a recent Lis- of Cleveland, and MORRIS daughters, of Dublin, spent the week­ end with. his father and other rela­ tives. Some of the L.O.L. members will visit the Royal Scarlet Chapter Toronto on Saturday evening. ST. HELENS in The September meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute was held in the Com­ munity Hall on Thursday afternoon with some twenty ladies present, Mrs. Ewart McPherson presided over the interesting program. The roll call: “How you would like to be remem­ bered if you were a shut-in” received a full response. Letters and cards, visitors, sunshine boxes and flowers were among the suggestions. Plans were made for a booth and a fish pond at the School Fair and for en­ tering an exhibit at the Lucknow Fall Fair. The program included readings by Mrs; Robert Buchanan, Mrs. McKen­ zie Webb and Mrs. E. J. Thom; a piano solo- by Mrs. D. Phillips. The subject was in charge of Mrs. Geo. Stuart who gave a splendid practical paper on “Health.” At the conclus­ ion lunch was served by the hostess­ es, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. Archie Aitcheson and Miss Freda Rintoul. In the absence of Rev. G. A. Bar­ nard, who is on vacation, the services on Sunday morning were in charge of the Y.P’.U. Mr. George Taylor; of Calvin, the guest speaker, gave an in- spiring address on “The New Per­ son.” Mrs. Andrew Gaunt favoured With a solo. *” The special Rally Day service will be observed in the United Church next Sunday morning. .Miss Norma Weatherhead left on Monday for Stratford where she will be a student at the Normal School. Mr. Neely Todd, of Stratford, was a week-end visitor at his home here. ,Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd were week-end visitors at Loyal. Mr. Fred Webb and Mr. E. J. Thom were recent visitors with Mr. Win. Bell at Pine River. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Courtney and daughter, Mary, of Amberley, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Advance-Times Want Ads Bring Results. M. Piano and Vocal. :r of Piano, Theory, Organ and Voice. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examina­ tions.. Classes Open September 5th. Phone 268-J. Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 GOOD FOODS WITHIN A YOUR V BUDGET 1 New Styles for Autumn and Winter w1939 have come to ’ Hanna’s. You’ll see all that is new and charming in Winter Coats, Hats and Dresses. Fttr trimmed Coats from $19.50 to $47.50 Daytime Dresses from $2*95 to $13*50 Hanna’s Ladies Shop Exclusive Not Expensive W. A. Plan Fall Work The Woman’s Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Joseph Curtis on Thursday af­ ternoon. The president, Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, presided. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs, Robert MacLennan and prayer by Mrs. Geo. Thornton and Mrs. Edwarl Johnston. Plans for fall Mrs. Gallaher current events Refreshments hostess assisted by Mre, Fred Seiling and Mrs. john Fell. 21 Yale St. London, Ontario 48-4 That’s AU I Do O. K. Unwrapped Laundry SOAP ........ 10 Bars 29c THRIFT BULK SOAP FLAKES.......3 lbs. 25c- BIG FIVE CLEANSER .... PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP ... 4 Cakes 23c 5 Tins 25c DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 39c Lb. God for and His the Ex. A. D. Smith. the work were discussed, read some interesting reported in the press, were served by the EXAMINE EYES AND FIT GLASSES — BUT I DO IT RIGHT! — AND AT VERY MODERATE PRICES Eyesight Specialist Plafi Fall Thank-Offering Meeting The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Ku ox Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon; The 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. J. J, Rlliott pre- Ri D • 1 Complete* A. Reid Wingham Office: Williams’ Jewelry Store, Every Wednes­ day Morning 9.00 tilt Noon. Phone 5W or 5J* Ebenezer anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Sept. 17, 11 a.m. Brussels male quartette assisted by the Church choir, will render the mu­ sic and at 7.30 p.m. the Whitechurch United. Church Choir will have charge of the service of song. Rev. James Wilkins, of Lucknow, will be the special speaker for the occasion. Do not fail to attend these services return your gifts unto bountiful harvest. Those who attended past week were: Mrs. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wick- stead, Miss Emma Johnston, Miss Freda Jordan, Stewart McLennan. Mr. Robt, Shaw is quite ill at pre­ sent with an attack of appenlicitis. We hope for a speedy* recovery. Mr, A. D. Smith is attending Past Masters’ Convention at Brookville for a few days, K We are glad to report Mrs. Lee Breckenridge arrived home from the Wingham General Hospital wonder­ fully improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston al­ so ,Mn and Mrs. Harold Harris, of Llstowel, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Turnbull and daughter, of London. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Mathers and 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS ........—...— 5 Dozen 25c CERTO CRYSTALS 14e pkg. HEAVY ZINC RINGS MEMBA SEALS .......... 25c Dozen 10c pkg, SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA................. 59c. Lb. BUTTERNUT BULK PEANUT BUTTER 2 lbs* 25c I Butternut Chopped Nut BUTTER ........... 1-lb. Jar 25c Maple Leaf LUNCHEON LOAF 39c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF 27c Picake VEGETABLE SHORTENING 2 Lba* 25c COWAN'S PERFECTION BREAKFAST COCOA 25c 1-Lb. Tin Kellogg's or Quaker CORN FLAKES ... 3 I THE NEW CEREAL pkgs* 25e I CUBS 2 pkgs* 25c Fresh No* 1 Peaches arriving daily* Buy yours now. *