HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-14, Page 7GORRIE Mrs. Whitley spent week with Toronto Miss Bernice Brussels on of Kitchener of his uncle, Mr. Robert visitors on Thursday, Sept. 14th, 1939 BOMBS ROCK WARSAW , Mr, and Mrs. Meryjn Walker, Mrs, Robinson, Mrs. Tucker and son, Douglas, all of Coldwater, visited last week with' the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Walker, who return­ ed with them for a time. Rev, J. L, and Mrs. Ball and dau­ ghter, Katharine Marie, spent a few « days with Toronto friends recently. Mr. and Mrs? Norman Wade visit- • ed friends in Inverhuron on Sunday. Isabel and Loreen King spent the week-end -with relatives in Toronto. Miss Margaret Arscott, Toronto, of Mr. and speaker will he present and also or* the programme is a debate ’’Resolved- that the Woman exerts a greater in* fluence as homemaker than as law-- maker.” The affirmative side will bet taken by two members of the Brus­ sels Institute, while two from Ford- wich branch will take up the nega­ tive side.' Community Singing will also be a feature. The members of the local W.I, branch cordially invite young and old to be present. Anniversary Services United Church Anniversary Servic­ es will be held on Sept. 24th at 11.00= a.m,- and 7.30 p.m. Dr. Dory, Toron­ to, will be the guest speaker. The choir will contribute special music. is visiting at the home Mr§, Archie Miller. Mr, Ed. Bolton and Patterson were Toronto Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mundell spent Sunday last at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Davidson, of Blue­ vale, Mr. Kenneth ‘Hastie, Mrs. Robert Ha-stie and Mr, and Mrs. George King were week-end visitors with • friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Earngey anl son, Dean, of Brussels, visited Sun- ■ day at the home of Miss Kate Earn- ' gey. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Farrish and •family have returned to their home ;in the village. Dr. L. N. and ■ a few days, last p friends. Mr. and Mrs.Alex. Marshall and son visited at athe home of Mr. and Mrs. William Curie, of Belmore, on ’.Sunday. The Many friends of Mr. William Marshall are pleased to see that he -is able to be around again. Mrs. Howes was a week-end visitor, with her son at Sudbury. iMrs, J. A. Day and Day visited friends in Friday last. Mr. James Hyndman is visiting at the home Mr. John Hyndman and Mrs. Hynd­ man. Mrs. H. Jennings is visiting with ■friends at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McIntyre and ■daughters, Dell and Patricia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell of Glenannan. Mrs. Flora Litt, of Marmora, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brad­ nock and other friends. Mrs. Lawrence spent several days last’ week with her daughters in Tor­ onto. Mrs. William Hastie visited recent­ ly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Hastie, Wingham. < Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton left on Sunday for a trip to Alpena, Mich., Newport, Washington, Empress, Al­ berta, and other points. Mr. and°Mrs. Harold Bradnock, of Eureka, Calif., are visiting at the Germany claimed, Sept, troops were already in Warsaw. The announcement was made on a War­ saw radio station’s wave-length. In the meantime, another announcer who said he was Polish, denied the city had fallen and stated the Germans had merely stolen the Warsaw wave­ band. , After this came a general ap­ peal to the army to defend the city with all its strength. Meanwhile, Ger­ man airplanes were said to be rain­ ing bombs on the central part of the war-torn metropolis, concentrating their -aim on theatres and public j*1 0 _J-----------------------------I.--------------.......dl - y ------------- ------------------------------------------- buildings. The West railway station proach of the mechanized army. The and other buildings have been reduc­ ed to a shambles.. The Poles are said, to have barricaded streets and over- suburbs within the city limits, turned street cars to hinder the ap­ Polish radio station Lwow said Ger­ man motorized units had entered the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and with, with Mrs. W. C. King being ap- Mrs. Thomas Bradnock. Mrs. Rumsey spent" a few days last week with friend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Day and"Miss Bernice were Listowel visitors Satur­ day. Woman’s Association The W. A,, United Church will meet on Wednesday afternoon of this week, Sept, 13, at 1,30 in the church, schoolroom for quilting. Through the efforts of this group, the church, school room has been redecorated, most attractively. Mr. Short, of Arthur, is relieving agent during Mr. B, Cooke’s absence on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson re­ turned to their home in Oshawa on Wednesday after a few weeks’ yac.a- tion with friends here. Mrs. H. Waller atvtgpd§(l the Wo* ■n.en'8 Institute Convention in Guelph Tuesday and Wednesday as dele>- gate from the local branch. Miss Mae Davidson was a recent visitor at Bayfield. Dr. Campbell was a London visit­ or on Wednesday of last week. Miss Evelyn Montgomery, Toronto,, was a week-end guest of her parents' here. • ■ . , Miss Kathaleen Durst, who has spent several weeks with friends at Ingersol and Woodstock, returned home last week. Married Carr-Waller—At the Rectory, Gor­ rie, Aug. 25th, by the Rev. John S. Ball, Neil Allen Carr, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carr, Wingham. .to Lily Gertrude, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller, Wrox. Harvest Home Service St. Janies Anglican Church will hold their Harvest Home Thanksgiv­ ing Service on Sunday evening next, Sept. 17th, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. T. H. Ball, the Rector, will have charge of the service to which everyone in the-, community is cordially invited. — WROXETER — SPECIAL Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Super Suds, with dish and plate ............ 2 Boxes 39c Peanut Butter, large jar ....23c Cheese, new ....—....... 15c lb. Tea, black .. ................ 47c lb, TORONTO PRICES FOR UNGRADED EGGS Low prices On Pastry FloUr, Vinegar, Jars, Spices. GORRIE UNITED I CHURCH W. M, S. I . The September meeting pf the Wo­ man’s Missionary Society was held in the S. S. room of the United Church, Thursday, Sept. 7th at 8 o’clock, in charge of Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Watt and Mrs. W. Strong. Meeting opened with quiet music by Evelyn Stephens. A hymn was sung followed by the Scripture reading, Luke 10: 25-36, by Mrs. Watt. Mrs. Scott led in prayer. Minutes of August meeting were read and approved. Roll Call was answer­ ed to by the name and location 1 missionary. | The Presbyterial Vice Pres., Rob't. Nay, was guest- speaker gave a very interesting and helpful report of our foreign missionary Sec­ retary, Mrs. Taylor of Toronto, ad­ dress at London Conference Branch earlier in the year. Mrs. Taylor had attended the Madras Conference in 1938 and Mrs. Nay also told of the address- ‘of the Temperance and Christian Citizenship Sec’y., iMrs. | Tricky, of St, Thomas, Evelyn Ste­ phens favored with a piano solo which was qnjoyed by all. Rev. Mr, Watt gave a short talk on missions. A social time was then spent with the members of the Evening Auxil­ iary who were our guests. of a Mrs. and YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phdne 118. Harriston pointed as delegate to the Convention in Guelph this week. Arrangements were also made for as many members as possible to attend the convention as well. “The Uses of Salt” as roll call, brought forth a splendid res­ ponse by all present. Mrs. E. Spar­ ling took charge of the program, and conducted the display of weeds and the naming of same, with Mrs. John Cathers giving a very enlightening talk on Bind Weed and means of de­ stroying it. Mrs. Earl Toner, the guest speaker, gave a talk on “The Raising of Turkeys” from hatching to the time they were turned out on range. The tattooing of same, their feed, the points of a good bird, were explained, making her talk very edu­ cative. Plans were made to hold Family Night in October, with each member to ask two couples. The .meeting will be held in the Township Hall, and Mr, J. C. Shearer, of Clinton, Agricul­ tural Representative, will be asked to come as guest speaker. The meeting closed with the Na­ tional Anthem and lunch was served by Mrs. Kaine, Miss. Margaret and the hostess. WROXETER Dane Constable George Westlake, was employed as Chief of Police at Grand Bend during the holilay sea­ son, has returned to his home here. who Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher <of Bluevale. ' Mr. and Mrs. West Palmer spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Gor- rie. Mrs. Fred Kitchen and Mrs. James Sangster were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister, Grey Twp., recent­ ly- Mr. Bob Berkinshaw, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. F. Kit­ chen. MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work, we ask you to ?®e largest display of month .retaii factory in Ontario, w !’nl*he<! By sand blast machines. JK5 a11 our granites from the quarries direct, in the X°,u c?n 8ave *11 total deal* ers, agents and middleman profits by seeing ns. E* J. Skelton jtk Son ttWeit End Bridge—WALKERTON MONTHLY MEETING OF INSTITUTE Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLennan, of Wroxeter, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Evelyn Ruth, to Howard G. L. Harris, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harris, Ford- wick, the marriage to take place on September 16. ' The regular monthly meeting of the Gorrie Women’s Institute was hold on Wednesday afternoon at the- home of Mrs. Ray McIntyre, with thirty-five members and visitors pres­ ent. The president was in the chair, and the mccttfig opened in the usual manner. The minutes were approved as read and items of business dealt Mrs. Neil White and Miss Maxine White are at present visiting the for­ mer’s daughter, Mrs. Pleasance in Pt. Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Knight spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCosh, of Ripley. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gallaher spent CHAMBERLAIN AND MASK Prime Minister Chamberlain has been forced to forsake peace for war —and with, it has forsaken his tradi­ tional umbrella, made famous in the days of Munich, for a businesslike gas mask, Out fo? a stroll, over his shoulder, he carries his mask, like thousands of other Londoners, i Miss Doris McAllister visited her I friend, Miss Jean Sangster, a couple of days recently. Mrs. M. Rogers and Miss Jessie Paulin visited in Toronto last week. Mrs. C. Sproal is visiting her dau­ ghter in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Biggins, Stev­ ensville, visited at the "home of Mr. •and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards vis­ ited with friends in Molesworth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard I-Iayes, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller. Miss 'Kathleen Durst has returned to her home after spending the last month in Woodstock. Miss Jean Keith spent the week­ end at her home in Teeswater. Miss Marjorie Waller, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McMichael and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc­ Michael. Please Sign News Items We are always glad to get news from our readers but please sign your name when you send it in. It is not necessary that your name be publish- Miss Mary ’ Gibson is enjoying a few weeks vacation having returned to Winnipeg with Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson who spent July and August at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol were visitors part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Challicombe, Toronto. Mr. John L. MacEwen was a God­ erich visitor on Thursday of last week. Mrs. H, H. Mercer and children, of Markdale, are visitors with the form­ er’s parents, Mt. and Mrs. D. D. San­ derson. Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Ftemiuig, Tor­ onto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Brown and the former’s mother, Mrs. Isabella Flem­ ing. i Mr. Melfort Sellers visited his ghter, Mrs. Leslie Hetherington Mr. Hetherington, at Toronto, week and took in the C.N.E. Miss Helen MacEwen, little daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Mac- Ewen, suffered a broken collar-bone while playing in the barn. Helen’s many friends hope she will soon re­ cover from her injury. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Frances and Jimmie, were guests of friends at Inverhuron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cooke are en­ joying a three weeks’ trip to West­ ern Canada. Miss K. Goodfellow was in Goder­ ich judging at the Fall Fair last week. Mrs. John Bosman, ‘Brandon, Man., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Melfort Sellers part of last week. Miss Thacker of 4th line, spent the week-end at her home in Teeswater. Miss Velma Higgins spent Thurs­ day at Toronto Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doig and Miss Nellie Doig, Miss Eva Brown and Miss Harris, all of Molesworth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Higgins. Week-end guests of Mrs. J. Stutt were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt, Bow- manville, and Mr, Wm. Stutt, Orono. dau- and last A SIMPLE BRAKE TEST A simple brake test, known as the “milk bottle test,” "is advocated for motorists in the current bulletin issued by the Industrial Accident Preventions Associations. Motorists are told trr. put a pint of water in a quart bottle, cap it and set it on the floor of the car. The car to be tested should be driven for a short distance at a speed of about 20 miles an hour, then the brake applied. If the bottle remains... upright, it is evidence that the brakes need fixing; but if the bottle upsets and the car stops within 30 feet, the brakes are reasonably satisfactory. The mechanical expert of Toronto’s. Central Police Garage endorses the idea. He says: “From tests T have made at different stopping distances, the method has proved to be correct.”' Advance-Times Want Ads Bring Results. EXCURSIONS To All Stations In WESTERN CANADA Rally Day in Sunday School The Annual Rally Day Service for United Church Sunday School will be i held on Sunday morning next, Sept. ' 17th, at 10 a.m. Parents and any who are interested are invited to attend. Women’s Missionary Society The annual Home Helpers’ meeting of the W.M.S., United Church, will be held in the school room of the church on Thursday, Sept. 21,st, 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Harold Doig, Fordwich. All ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to be present W. I. Will Hold Open Meeting The September meeting of the W. I, will be of special interest and will be open to the whole community, on the evening of Sept. 22nd, 8 p.m,, in the Town Halt An outstanding guest Going Dates DAILY SEPTEMBER 15 TO 29 Return Limit: 45 days. Tickets Good to Travel in Coaches Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars al* so available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of par* lor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTES—Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Out.* Chicago, Ilk, or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings, STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket, both going and returning — at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and West; also at Chicago, Ill,, Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., and west, in accord­ ance with tariffs of United States lines. Full particulars from any agent, Canadian Pacific