HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-11-14, Page 1.y M I I 1 h a -, 1k ys,,, _ i t,;r I . z PPShEE �. 4 I . � I e is . WEEZ:zL"y EDITIO.W. ', ,t I L * .'' •1 0, - I ! . i� I.. � ., , I I �, Ili � `__ m:mgamm.aw�•n� �m.rm-�om�Coaa�.o� m��.0 W T. 303, E liter andProprietor, j - The Greatest Possible 3ood to the Greatest Possible Number.", $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE# � GOD$RICH, ONTARIO, D• C., THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1867. U 1% IVOL. XX.—NU'4L O�•mr - ,. - -- ----- USituSs tDlrtdOr __ ------ -- -- — ^- -- - — -- T— HALLOW 22N. — (IMPORTANT DEWS FROM EUROPE the wmber fur the West Riding of Nonhum - -�I /�T T / -- its of lIetd gayety. a 80 wi■hes to t.L''.r a. ftmintes Wrtctorg• I susintso Wrat0ty. I — berfaad, be elected Speaker. THE O TCAs,r : Jou a ride on how Baud, .bill he will _ BALiAWM Fart... te ltuemicarT'ra haw The nation was carried by acclamation. 8 O H 1♦ s T J. a L O A N. la. D Miudiegil. e.ar t}ARIB�LDLANB DEFI/ATED. The Hou Yr. Cockburn was eorducled to -OR.'THE-- walk beside you and hold the rietjw. That rY=CIAR, WR V. S. A •a, At Tt,w r..n . C 0 n H ]I i r H the Ch,ur b the mover and seconder, u the gains in which 1 met boa estard• P .Fry.¢■"rw U. Ana dari��hr Fie war fill 11 AAAI iM is v The Caledonian society of Montreal esteem �d 111, 130II Pri.�neta T ■l8'1'Eg OF FlLC011'8 EYRIE. g Ip ' 0-af re•Itatn aur■■•aa as IL red w,er.mr Titcheird Moore. I bnted If•lluw•en is loud style b, • f,81 wall The Hames, by motion of Hua Sir John -bile I was waitiie, upon Mi= Vivian home "Q A. Joa-� 11 A.vi mat open•• t.r ate tilt PIIYSiCiAN, durgeoti and Aeeouehear, 1 XO i° lbs 1 hewn lta,al. Tba pl+cn was dansely RIOT IN ESETEtt, ENGLAND. A 3(cdua.ld, adjourned till to morrow at after her call upon Jou. HJ thw .a, Pear]. Arm) Capaw. 'MkWwq, Mi.., kc.. kc. l Y•°cbe■tor, C. W. k.11 Pam two: who is the fair Uulci..? 1 don't remember tlRr .W ..Yoe. -Mr. T. r." )-t-,., I.-, crowded. The follewi°g is he pr;■■ Dorm .�• Continued. Mr face &mor Wb,mt•m. N. tl.-r..wlmt.wues .■ Tkw —.I- _f'b�1 ilk, 11111 _ w3JrI reed upon the occasiuu, written bJ Yir Bol► I'mDoi, Not. 6. -Parliament hr been R the •iilaRe girls," t.add u an tom er,t. r.wwryJur. . rz. r,all: 1 ealled'to reassemble oat ttbe 19th of the Pro " She is a a mega: hare, I kunw no mon N'ioghaw, floc, tkI. it►, tes7. sen GRADUATE of t►e M•dte■I l>ar■nrneot .1 Rant month. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. "Even w -this, village swawtorem," said ofhrr Chau ]esu do. except that her nam■ ie llYietor;s Urirvisi , Turorrn,aoJ late olthe HALLOWEEN.she at leuglh. C+alt °u ncu•v the shuck T" Unbam, that abs tw■ads ai/h Yn B•Awlt, l,sawLewis.Ifopttilas4llsPo, New Y Iteade.ce Tek PATk14T'a F■aTn•L. Geaoo, Nov. d an It Mian has •rrivrd a (nW Ow (I- Cwrrposdrm I 'Tardoo me," summered the ooh man, slid that i had the Ieasum of defendin her I)ARR[STEIL ANUA!TUBNRY•AT Uld¢Ussl(all'*(tlaJ,tl;aay4YwaDamen Peasia oat lip.rd w Italia man-ofrrr, • 1 6 p gBL■w, u,it Sohett°r-i■ llsocery, Coun t ---- __ . ___ _.___He'll, sirs, I'm young again the nicht prisoner in the kauds of the Italian govern New Yoaa, Oct. 31 1867. mortified al bat involuntary rudeness. '•1 sea■ from a serious danger yesterday, and after wonderinghow I. that ease, I had never ha wud brow ht her hums in the pair manner Gown lUonel, ..der;ch,^uadaWcaT. o'sk, V--unefe/=1 ecoi.Tflltebel IC.W To Gee y• r' w Dn., wohL Being • true -bon Canadian, living Io • P R lf Court Nouse vlt■40 AXE FACTOR . To mingle .i' my limsfult here, Yung, :•fol. 5, (evening,)-'fhe Yi•nna hndjoeoesly styled "Unel! Sam's Dbmaim.," pened to west you T' ■t my command," sed Percy, coldly, And talk o' those awe "I have only been in this part of the soon. Yes ]e*, ver nn 0■id .irr-1 lo'e,er bonny smiles,- attar that Baron Von Heast onto it s note And supposing that my (riande iu Cansila -• try a fortnight, "said lh• Rirl,wuh an air of n- pastoral 1 aware lou Raw, was quite di Ra. O. g7ameren, -� Dtdu!!s, •semi-efec,al journal of this city, I 1 pretty. A °ice little ��\`t ligrsa, ATTORNBY, CONVEY JOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th THF.Sobs-be,h....grero,ame■cedthe1 P Huo•en N] trims, how ha's ,a bee" T hat the lie of Emperor Napoleon and mere partbalarly in the goodly town of some, "God hen beau out but ver, little. i vaned yesterday, hill the eom w figure yon .goat,tse.,Kisirw•.rir..t,UuJseTe►,O.W ad4r. atud hest As .. Hotel s WHow, 1 le air" • - - - - Aoadr."d a►erg•. u .."-to as as New, flow sem to fait a anchor's Farrt, that of F� ens Joseph am the same, use"el 0od■rleb-would like W h --r bow like "sorld balm not fu"red moth emplo3meut yet for m, eat, you Iso, ' laughed liolani, .t ohm Uwv.... a M"shell. Sthce Pry awns. tiuod.•. AT THE OLD STAND,Fpr —,-its u.lf¢apn ,T' needle, s■d Kim. Bartell le! me I bad tetter Pere, d*tgdrd no mplv.but savagely rwh. foo Haers. Nursaa rad r.l. ale, rw r- that of peace. wags"is the Onat lin li I balm eon PPlT ■r Rg shells beside }la plate, and the. 2 \R%NTR&ATTORNEYAOLICiTOR aces for Hue, on on the C' I rof Bg1mix, Now. 5, -it is thought hero that POb o at Yr. soon f as the iodine ". had d the • �/ is eh+wrory. Joe Ota*•, Markat Secure sh.rte.t Nets. "" 1 1 waist had thocht -hes I cam by, R eluded to heeome -Our own tmrrespondeat" G•gseat sccasio¢ for • ewmstress. So 1 pushed fhe■ angrel, away. odroot.is,oRaseaitmotAloolsneh. %42 '- - �f'` -- Water.o0 and Light -House Streets, And board the 1'ipen' dist the resent defeat of Ganboldi eancele the of the HUwR SIGNAL for a few lettere. New woos thio morning, cid was well repaid ter Used Nerrilou s dark eyes Iwo tee lan- sew M. ELLIOTT woad be to intimate to Ma ok'in•eltim.ts" of Napoleon, t �, end Al•+ K'i' seritrin fiddlers m Jou oeakr York, as you am rl aware, i. •great cul, for the long walk. Mrs Vivian bas promised gaid ,*differerte which had lbw tar sled Ptmolear ac l7wlker, asuy sew ones sea sv.un him Rauh w call •sd And roarin crowd& within, Lorhon, Not, S. -it u said that the mer much sewing as I call do in a long time, their natural brilliancy, r she fixed tkem u General Hone sRd Catlda lfkrTler• Ind, that as, ryes lwuditce Gad sella and will worth ebitinl, sod though any on• A ARR[STERB, - SOLICIT0R.8, CON- That 1 Rau Hoek i° Dumlrfw sews � Italians ban np•erd the frontier, •Iw kept me to luncheon, and creaked m• owns, apo■ lb• handsome and indignant flee of the •snows, be. Utes., over the Store al WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAP The lean stuiA ;n m, a -en ; that the Emperor Napoleon bas received Gen. of m, readers might speed weeks and *visa kindly. After leaving there. I strayed a young man. V. N"lot&,Sow.GoderieL, New Grocery and Temperance House, For a Scotch man's home, u hame for aye, Marmara the Italian ambswwdor. months visiting the man lifeless of Interest little into the woods to look for euwe whir° " I do not think," said she, deridedl,, •leo eat ones jumped et ■ .mall sow, picks, 6[s,., g T PI '•. IIenmfllar. Y d• and Fh"lventd eo.hart .,lice But insist on H.Ilow*ens. PAai e. Nov. 5. -The Monitewr this morn in and ground New York, i will not trouble that horsed dug darted ata{ upon m•, and I " that him Vtvte, will laugh any mon tit&,, Pete►Ikl'tiwe. WELT. turnuhed .t.ble, ane„t�rr h� tter, N,S.-Alw ■ °out. a 7tleasbs.R heRd. ing publishes full particulars of the battle t° began to ron. I halo t the feast idea," card 1 do now, when she been the tow glory of FORWARDhR AND COYYI8810N A Ta taw lire warlock you with a hisarytad description of any of 1 sl dl ■sore.■ a..•. �,nm ,latn.n for thus JOHN YcPH6Y'JUN, s. Rhaiats, or [tel The erne of the fight was near Tiro L. the utawr la° hed a little nervous Ise Yr. Percs kiudnew to a bel ler stronger. 1 P ser. Yen►ut.l a•e,uvsos, C.W. Notea ss- Publw•, at very reasonable rues. 4odclbh. Oct.70th. IN$. 401 8*4 rife the night "e hams, l hrte thousands of the insurgents were them 1 for I trent rondescend W lower my- ••that,I could run w fast, and make each pro- W women an owinua-the man who ben. a ateeatasotb t!Ir aYmwees of uy it e■- Bewmillar, May 16, Iks7, 17wem7ps _ _- ___ _ Has ever Perched on tender brig, eith" killed, wuuudtd or made priwnen. self in the *,e• of those w000d me, as would digiousepriags. I believe i should have we fin one of r wru$ the gratitude d the sfadto ►an w�llreew,ve Prompt uteat,o■. That be Victoria a name ; Garibaldi himstA and his won Ye.ea. wen be Ibe ase should I presume to retail In ,an caped • •r all,if [ had not ■tumbled in erase- whole." .4(1,rTa= LUCHNOW,,HOTEL LOOK HERE, \tar e'er a and Yount Rei ails brow captured at Trrai sled scot to Florence as ins lbs" Lf4htly won, lilted, Iwo f' ma.msnt! s.. R. RwmHn• HM fairies et been ren'; no*en of war ; 4,000 Guihaldiant, ►hi'* aeeouun of various )llaer "d thiols for ••I am k-11 ful the experiment was not Reiland, behind hie paper, and then elated ffVIL RNOINBR.H AND 3(1RVF.YOR AND STAGE OFFI{,`B,' Tit but au irnrl.uon hen on the mooch w reinforce the iusurgeats, .h,eh authors have gone to •groat deal of tried ; , ohe houndyeb•oes was hettar Hound, "If■t that u really delighurl, YseJ L"1 ApausdCo■•stysaear,Cucallnc $•g•CII1tYL>lOH�BI, !Ft f1NgIf trouble and at re books m thou yuana lung run," sed Percy *era- N•rnwn. i had nn odes the aR were a, It. p O' Scotland'$ Halluwro. were aoPp■d, disarmed ■■d turned hack. Pe Imposing --- ---- - -- L I .,s,1 D nn tM ..ewer i. the Nor}kera ,,.,greatest agitation prevails in Italy. d•meriptio° 1Mtaof, taa°krin j them in en11. disinterested. 1 shall gra immediately and Tema fc 1Koos t. lJ (inrrl Ir 0r Lur•kn.,w, 6nr,•a,t-. -Try But %boa l row the kilties bere- Lo t,ox, Now. 5 meso° he Clerk's office. •'7 he roe was On enough h for me u it coax some rmity little village girl W take a A TTOR41118,SULiCITORS, Ac., O,de mornmm kw Oeie.w•e .sJ W.Icetw. •Toy ( ).-Serious bred t ■R -% ►•1•i a filled up anA everyy ■coomm duns for The g•a Frazer So o.boon ht, riute o, carred i° Eawter ,rtarJa, "d les Toe groat lupi° of speculation and eon- retia rolrr■ed b tompwwr with • atrlul rata on Ythmu iA, •sed the° *pane to reveille reek, C. W. U�ee-CRASS'7 NEW cononere 1 invdlen. A 4ryo lfall stte•h.d. TIE subeer'b*r haying ItEYOVKD to the Whom F'rasrr led ,:boon Gushiest day, Every most and bnwd shop u, the city Ole"t 'n that cou¢lq at present, not only in lan7h, and attar lh Me cont*rwu(In took • my gratitude and pair a your fair bands. dI.a 7K Aa+ue.rnou Jusrtl, 15t7. air Ston latel! timupied b, WY. DUNCA N. And gained the heights wnerthed, bile been .locked. At the time of the recri(.t the newspapers but to private circles, is the lively turn, and the seg people to beguiled •' Hut ;1 wont h mi"eels• Jou or pmre, to t.rew■. Ent dour .outh`uf Rfintlhw's, Market can, N keen went trek to days of un-, chauen of this or that candidate for the the way with merry e t and good-hamorred I or circumstances can prove fur you. that v - T v f tha Iwo Jrpatehw inoroumry krn .en TOR raasipercr laughter u sash otMr little nu, that n would have been un As real to plan an old Nalene►.Acgc•IT1th. 1x44. wrt07wt1 -�-- -' -_ ---- - - 1 _ rashes les iu (or m'Lat (nand• in the Tows of To yr "noryy halluved .tons ; hr*akiat out a the d,6ereul parts of theJ I 1 PSIrCE OF OR114E HOTEL (I'wlench and wrramding country, that he Ye're welcumv herr, for ]ourtumrades'rke•, town; there was touch excitement, and the The great atcitet•-"t throughout the was with an exclame. of surprise that and withered crone upon Mahmael back, if n• NhaAe (JtooAtnrr nor hat lh* Itryest and m-st comrlete stuck his Richt u' H$llu wevu. Parer suddenly ascend LeT had reached she had been the one in need." nterued 1;ARR19TRit. AT70RNRY SOLICIT DUNG AN NON. of Frll and w'i„tsar beat rhnriti a had petitioned thus uvan” Ir' meat for troops to quell the disorder. whole Farr a at high tide : rwspapien in the nvl*t.uard, where one turning rep Mood, smiling, as de row and walked w tis.,Un■aroa, C. W-(�rrrca: Mg 'rho, Ramo man slue to sea our e[ i■b e•rrJ d,rreio0 an Galin his name Oea. q ten W.teee's IHa•k, Wont 81.1 saln■er the 6111, led to Falcon's Eyr , and another oword the door. w 1tLACli' les ilk■ nue en • Pawls, Nur• 4th (sown )-This following Hayes Lea pro■ousoed him already °Dein• at lb opposite hand, deacon W Vee cony, ltuland rose •lin, and Lowed ceremonious twat Door teat of Olalfgow Meew. Boots a�� Siioes l R J g`' mtellietuee 1Troived from Re.me, at *fa ted• unA ,nam an faveria the dee of •• not -- I'st.prirtor And when think our syuna aro •old, J R tad W the hamlet est Risen "A' I, as his late*{ prgsed him, but the ung• snhm R. aior"". orany house in the eounlry,eoltaining evert Ared tar behind The a o'clock u.in morsieg, calve the Pulled troops , even hn'ding a colevoeatioa," but rimnl 1 .� TTORNBY•AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ampt• --inne.Ia.w.... stvle of 1.aJirs' and l'Wdren'w o u,d w, -el f- let the gal •upport.d by the French force*, au.eted fake it for granted the great •biel of the g "I tasty walk now perfectly p Let re ourh upon his brow [rtakened that even Mur a t'dtr b,dise hAs heir say g , 6 et down, gale.•, and gat hams e, wins." Yerreoh'r &lig hit ear.urnJo had chafed the Ch"'I'". Notary ruate, C--vava■cer, rt.. 1 ,..rw.wd t•'•d •' that be bas also a very large assortment of Cum• berm trust f,wn' Tr Ganba,dt at Monte Surs"dA and delated American armies, ' Hailed Stales arae him. Slwo say Garibaldi i■ a prisoner and w "already nominated." fry fiery, gnicklT,As the young man Bay sen:Pot t■ bas bout• where jealousy &.J ave% Jens., molaas of Rah, Gad■ Wow. ORomtsea ucDweld And tr ram fir Ecu its Aske v P' T try's head toward the tillage. &us;, toes had ea ablatbd a cbrotoc would. t. 9• -Hoose Se Wrl Ytreet,t►iratborfru"t►e D.ayumow. flan t"'i GENTLEMEN'S T g t mi -e u,y he s kill"* At half est hour.(,*, A •ecoud candidate is spoken of in the - "° WINTER BOOTS ' L` spurts o Halloween, the attack commenced Garihafdi finding how p*i1n11 of Chief Jnotice Chow. Ifs denial. "N i¢dsed,i shall carp you quite one, Pere awe aro, and followed Maud a the C w - __ Senate. •ti• retreat out of, fought his say to the town of through bis '• adiWrial frrnde,," chill hw and come in a drink a lass of Mrs. II's HuI, intent apse his beneeleul sebemr <7Jltwm T fimtr. L, Linin folk, ml hrifben fit' Monte R(otuuds, when he was roiidurced b twnn negro sub • in the North, iastesd home crowed keens," rid PucJ, gayly. •, • toward her. ,` rTUR`rRY-AT-LAW. 1OLICITOR IN ROYAL OAK HO'i EL, coarse and title, both im ,ted, and of his Whe-* r a dwell the nicht, l 1 used to be housekeeper at Falcou'■ E ri • Wont u° wmw into the f"' sat•.* Is.l:yt troops, hat this French uumm of Isrin this e6eet inte■ded h, its sathor, J 1 garden • few IL Chose«t•V.s■nhMir•C.." are oil,.. Ise OI own manufacture, which he will sell �mrmber. utlunJ s Priacipl. sr I g g Rod she and i to great friends." mtbatr T" Raid be, '• Them •n some u ,den. h, C W.-Olce,•ter C. 5. Arrkrb•lds LUCKNOW. And ye m.., it 11 be richt ; W the ari6mnp of the Pontifical wld, s he has really decreased the number of his frnnds •16*tP - --- ----- ---- ser beaten• among 'ham to whom alone the Cblef `Uoo't imagine I slant a Right under her bewhftl dahlias i■ bloom, r I noticed Jen Rton, Crabb'& INrek. y. s� In too, no, or rustic Ami banes, 8 roof without bowing all about (bat," replied a, sod we must make fee mom pas of ieR.w to IMI oat sN1 PrDSFti J!><Ey CitirPfELL, Preprtfater. heap for Cash ! N'hrrw y,.uu, and •u,d eo••rre F,.m ".tler source it u Gutsy hal Jeatico nerd Icok for Rapport -the wont To hrhd •crock orouu' the kin ' Oarib,.ldi wit. attacked and d*leafed on rudicW of Rrdi om. 8tf11 his kolds sane Mw Graham pulling at Fiayud's roto without s rowan as •trema &paras r." A. ff- t)e7la. -- -- Call and examine, as h.• " snGafied that be Pm d for Hdlu.na Sunday. He retreated and w,rcudued to strong some in kis bands for thecomin o°° perceiving Wl his master held the bit u*ia ►ns.ald • moos --t, and glanced I3F.4T OF WINES IN LIQUORS. Rfir' the Italmos. tont se that her pull had no effect. tow kas just the guudw,ne .s.t. 4rY the door of her mother's room, thea B \ r I [ S T R a. 's New BltoL C. W. g "Wbu.,l Ray don't he wbnn t'What thmwiu�. kenhmf over h td, turned OrrwR HONE -rLE D. , Tie R P•Rm, Nov.4 (midniPub.)-Gerrel V b' 8 A M L F U R S E. rank g a' us hero dep*wdlf Iles{ • third rnddae* looms Tato consider perverse horse perverse as-" toward t garden door, saying : YUNi3Y 'rU LEND. live Good Acrnmmoddtfou for Trasellrrc, Oat doing i Mugs .erg Yarmon, Rahe was sent w Paris b the ►hila promiaeae•-.9 akar Colfax. Hs has _ Guderich, Sept. 24, IMC7. w4 ' Kills of Italy, os, a mission, the motors of -.Well, say fl cut-" perverse as-" '• Pu it will be r well at the end." Ye aced taw fear "t Canada t 1. inounerrbla friends in en aline of lbw I. Y. ialwood. U,IODaTARIAvrc: AeD ATrF:NT1vR MOtITLERA ---- -- ---- - wbtca hr not been direst d, has rctarrd to I *eery � alt a nal rude of yoa,Yr. Crowritrhleld, '• Far r, 1 arse too," cud Percv. X1000 REWARD Gia T* can help teasel' ; pat"tar, and v mesh mon ,elrrsfa flea BARRIBTRR, ATTORNRY • AT -LAW. Luetnow, 5th Narch, 1"7f. w8tf I And tell make& awerTer ilk& thio Flunnee, baying fwilyd m accumpl,■h•og the Jdge (:h.oe b tit. acareiq o(eoe=ies. fru te rwprat my words so -didn't you bow it T RntfT ; tad t r the two ptosed out lute the (7a+vetrvilat 16oe. O amr.h. by Moek, • I'll-[ Prunndrr.ce has a.,.., l' ob*ta (.r Rah eb be woe dompatehed baker. is probably the mow popular eir11,an is the Now do atop L -or, and let me get down. I beautiful ,bsuonow neglected garden, Rud appeal t+. r.rT ui4 e, Tledafeb, J. Ds CAM E R O N Fal ruttier walk, really and truly, you know r' after• little, the oholaed un tow" tM i e' J"aat, 7,lwao. owi7 t lYa thank bin fur his buuuteuwue.e, Thw Wumuion e( Emperor Napwt*.° was lOt. w■g now mrgniad Y the '• hill- F" _ F O R C� E R Y 1 This wept o' Hallewveu. r1riol sed I'► The French charge de a6.in at Ing ch°ml.ion is the Coogromoold Rin Al cites motiu°l, while the fee• of the grove and • eu4`•Iwow the house, .l. riewnete O. aimtd.sn ■As aar.•u reor TwaCatruL To F'In I. ago w the Itaimr Rovernme,t on Sun- Own. Gran', bcw$vaq bas so warmer friend young Iran tuned upward towards his cow- That their 9ref ak9wihuees had wonder. A T roviKY-.\ r LAW, Si)IACITOR IN The B ayflel3 Hotel ! Not of the Rank of Montreal Notes, but ■ dry, and an immediate reply was demanded. than Wiez, and sale" Oram skull finally pa.ion, was lighted all over nth • look of full, rdrmftd toward, intimacy is the two for smile of the hum" face committed' Sl. Ltwrcnce barks k■s yielded u Ch .enrrr. '' ,+vryanrer..tn .lite , li•dwr ever)' day b, Their sWnA •' ripened arwio,- lA..po., Nov. 4, (mid■imW.)-Ring have decide that K w bettor, for the country, and amused sdmimpur, wh2a the fair girl folk" hour cuowwed m their walk, we mel judge /ash, C. W.Law4 fta,"j. C W. U.ler-Roy' ((.rmerlr kept br Mr, L■by) y o Ho.ember's blasts .tit won bong doom taken Pirp at several point. tel Paris, but himself, to remain whom be, u, oohing sell .d down at hin, bar beauty be" htaned by else LT Iwtrnmg to a naleh of conwersactue, u W. -c. Co nch, and Mr. Pane his■ s W.n Thr riots wAws • atu ; T •d Soyte4f. ON3TANTLY o■ head, the bow of Liq.ton, ` (' J g h* have b.eu suppmwed. n.ducs Yr. Colfax to come before the Coo- °o"c,o "m that she was mired -while the, again Dow through the aeries on s►ee T; Mr. HaY+4 w ll h• ■t his br6"ch .Mr., %_,0 Ci TANT . u.d ■e utentihe Lo I.t,, .red W `�\ A � What rue sen fur the Liner "old, nation to oppose him, one hand vainly tugged at the reins, and return toward the house. Baytl.Y,e..y Monday tom IO R. w. nil m man. tq wrest ourne.,a w buonr•. buys t. went a O ,�. W hater pleat, reigns supreme Y THE NATIONAL TRAN"Glytrr. he other Rau outstretched towed her tom- It at Yard who speaks •rr8cw76 kin file nicht, panieD, that be might help her to slight, at ' I wars you she don't love Lt.. I •a.rv.'pd.ha pwtmnago, .-7 `_ � "\ r..r We'll braid tfr wiurer- g The anpoiotaot of a day of'tbank.gi•in halmome°t,two homew,ronelnely approach watched her slangily •bila be w hen " _ _----- — - — NarOeld. Yan•h s. 1•M7. w7 sm - W For this u H+dluw..u. Maniffieto of the Florence RevOlu- by the pruclamauon or the Presilent Is b� ing Gloagg the wr1J udr of F'alcon's Eyrie t*rda►-slie r r beaaUful-and n " WnUwm P'rwe.r• - - t". > LlonlRta• cowuag so ens;om•ry at tLu period of the road, suddenly waned the eorrer, and very she don't &•ars • pin for biou a. ♦N her Ar rOItNRY-AT-LA W, iOLiCITOR IN (�D�j�i=�S In a' Ike wells °' indwlr - vrar that it u no mom hailed with the ez- rte•rly w0» into collision with Bayard,Rake thoughts ■oro with Rama or who should rlhs.evry, r+--lmysrer, eco. WJMea U. 1(t� Campbell 1'r n fart ammuR fan &rel ; The Floronte Ccutral Committee, ertab- C.i a {rare. v1i6lha■ BROOK FACTORY/ fished in tad of he Roman nwurmetim, bare "re'"i'I' of joy r in the nod old da _ p And � rhes New IWmmiun'. 3or t r be- had been brought W s su°dstill just behind have base there slid wasn't. Every other -�-- -" issued Ib* following address: f"rc the war. The observ"ee, however, the clump u(tr•es which masked the inter- miuu4 she glanced toward the door, " hen p m I'm Burr ye ,e esu the w.nl ; 1T11.lACh !-You her* responded and will «eau esu eommwud iwlf to the community Nelion of the roads. blushed to Think she had done w.' Wllllttm R. BfL1II, B. S. < "1 The a ros bear hone ■ml wLl joie continue to mond to our • peel, which vrrell P it was opt much matter ter the bottles, but ` You Hauer me too mach, M.r Mercian�t' d H A N fv g T• The President, in his roelam•_ Fs ;f\r y Q w. ,a. I he Fur atd .hwmn it gyre.,• was same otter than a c fn m ill* Rauf "o■, iadulgw in the expromon of s ho unfortunate) the carried each a rider, and I am afraid our desire W eosafm' me "akrf AND Isaac Dobson CL IJQn• And nth it.. map!. leaf entw°is, revswlin dol 7 t that, under the guidance of " ova r -Folios T T . 7 Each lrrr on Ilalluaeew 'f The fooling which anirmis0 g our young people sudieely looking ■pp from you forepaw mon Ilion the rerl•ty," said A w O D E.. ' L+ 0 1 D g . T c ft. w was shrrelbT all. For us $ow and soldiers Providence the peoples' bearte have been thrix ploylul d'upmta, taw the dark fst* of P. rcy, sadly. •' To he wrc, formerly, when SAYING &STA BLiSULD MFACTORY where he half -fitted his Rooms, and on The t i u' the People, members of a Parliament which turned .w., fro= "domestic cortentforu sod Roland Crown,Ashield, with a smile of ewe I 1 supposed myself • weAlihy man, I h• tr Csuo's `f$w q ,v..r••ns Rt. rtro ■ STR98 1 pa l'ot's firdr a fi;i°I Ion Samdedortd Rowe W be the ca ital of Iml eommotionlf wonwy p 1 R R F:iyrnJr.vd a the nreut, p and dw dwpn B Pp Por T (ivr the manutwcturo of firo:•m. in (3 - !erred his .ilk irht, ranking it the lar ear annm iuus that that tote expressed the will Deet u h distracting "one hand, and a the other the d* "fat know how well I love her. But (i O D R R [ f, 1[ . - y, g easue and sinister meaning ■ n his lips, •t shown her w mesh of m hvsn, that sbw ,rich, the subscribers aro prepand to ,,,end m the County, u,d one of the best in Canodw And ib, y Rahe guard the ■..cased saw � P more Ana more Lin ilhe ancient sea . to to walk !� In all ord•n in heir fine of business from especially f r t.knr groups. Tw. pan o w U' ■ui• civ tar the 1"sL of The nation, Ore ar,utio■ was simple, as } 1 hanghtl features of Reese Vivian who, still# taw-" N. B.-Cmte,aneinl. money ete vs, Jr tt $huv!d be, Fighting and death were going I c"ciliuion and brotherly fun. There of bar ,adi a l'on, cast upon Perry r she A despairing tura elcord thus ahteuce, rowonahl" twr"m ihsp.leA and detective sow, part of Canada with promptness taken in "her st thus same rales as one. Therm nein mwid rwedr toSeptemberg g e+'e„sse „ g la 1 rP R 8r la r«tum,ng th.nkp (ivr tM lifenl palma Bnnan■ia r widowed „era, "O ' the eonvantinn was •I rooA ground for the indulgence of that awed, such • lanee of Otter whetel edr. ” And now T' Asked Maud, gently, 1' .,It titles to nal Estate Quiet«}• AT WHOLESALE ONLY• ov or the pat, 3Fr. Camplwil G,4 sniiafied T6au what mgr Q tollk*r to blo..c. the time for a unent was hope• the country has been relieved fo that the young m" involontari y dropped she boa rales your love as much, when it it __ Their facilities Iver manufaclrre will, their that hose who wi.h a d Photo •n h I° I in Cunrda R Ooderit►, Dec. K, 1966. M 4 g , .tan cud. W Lwt than, remained T To aid he terrible burden and scourge of civil -ivr the bridle nin,Rad rs d. hast movement to all on lure to lie, as when K Rau only h P 'Ire Lrud]ens Hwl�uwrtn. T J a '---gj;Tig$-F,`iiilR(�-'tel- feel confident. *n►kla hem in compwtw with � ahocld to his new Sky LfrhL these who arse kurli"g the temlroral pawvr f~' 1'ha banal has bee° abundant, and wards her, but whetker ahn did not ws it. part?' 1 do not rd a bei so h■rtfnl W s Yves 1" of d the r he PO tai • Y Pictures taken in ewer style w ion fro t' OR 1. it the noun- its° p gat hw t m im AT -LAW (I,I .iT any establishment me¢t of the kindPr's t t me measure AT CAAAN ERT,4e Ar.,�A - Olace-King .fa a the Art. INoe As Rau .tripe, to Aama!1 rhymes, the air. Now we declare that lbe die caM able indhis M whether she did not nt str In r.0 if it ` i thank ,pat for the june Tun liar," twirl cid ■,•sial calx=itiee. Then at AoIJ Scotii ■ Pra.w les e1nir b much to Ise thankful for, though when we si p bl at that infant etrect her palfni replied the lu•er, with •warm smdo. •' I An pare street, Godarich, 5 door want of Y. C. Factory on Rinlaon Street, opposite Proofs shown if rehired. Photographs And Inun's crown he victor** hrow, J Tlw iiuorgenu has leen •ken up bl les R •sharp blow with the little riling :TIrrg- believe Rose Vivian would lure ms u •elf Comroft ■Law Omcs. if Hotel, AdJrer, taken ser, all kinds of weather, 1Yhibt cheep nod ldabdiu Fin Italy, tad Italy, wider pain of death, must ok over the whole field of political can. ing from her wrist, and was gone closely poor as rich, but I we forbidden to inquire.' MONRT To LsRD• w20 ISAAC DOBSON A SON, Life' Size Photo r8 hS A:." Inter -to Burns' memory a�r, oPoidily fulfil the duty enjoined aeon hos A, stet, h.re n not much W inspire rcjniemg at followed b, Mr ¢..&leer. ' Forbidden I tnd sato half eta write to, g p l'utaruuhrJ in is ■baro ; y •o Ola"J centuries of mulortuna by all her the Present moment. The strife, even d it Yr. Parc Crow niosbie]d oiler - __ - --Y. ltawJommron Ood*rich, C. W. plain or colored, taken on ser asonw►!r fertile. thiolors, b, all her m.rt r. In order that $bould be prolonged, at her for • moment, and then returniud t$ hu duiKi•e }von TPardon -s, if l a= loo ia- U, CANPHM.I,L, He stampicJ Rai' an immortal was 7 is W be blooAl$es, K 9 e)ARNi41TEI Anweel, "letters its kis. December 11, 1866. - w46ti Our tel* wIJ Hellon",. 1 � IL. pi.i,:_, m may not be a wain Thing, that least "m compared with the co"eict the homey uie, asked m a cold "d almost bomb " That is impossible, door Yiw Yerrifon: 1) the ...... cud yrclexU (or sglmodering wry eO1O1rI bas just � wJ4 .. Gabb'$,Iflnrk. 6 Iwwd lhro°ssh, and this is {ons : Yater pnwor mtenet in mJ unhappy Inv* cit. C.ill. river, Ihol ad l Pretexts rsel may per_ the `real thing. Then will M a time when r Did Jou say That Jou preferred walking gives you • right to knew all that cohcenw YONBY TO LR'ND. Bolt Territory I Otld*TTeh, Jrly 231d, 1867. w27 Moatnal, October, 1867, fill. M¢[)or Rau -- --- ---� - _ tall, that me twn me J his drives from ys,- lbs y set apart for National Tb"ks spin ICRNSF.DAUCTION R.BAYFiELF) TFIR Subeentw r offers to fin, psnnn or _------- beld fend w hr world-IWians to R,.mn I s"d oke Guff S41r as among the cid home. • ,i • •Meta. sea -tars, (. The following ttatislies Ors mterruma w Khat money -•bat blood will ever bear `el$°Js, est few Enlbnd, l,, u �wl touching tM band held out W especially dwelling *poll his prohibition of ' of the roda�uon, one half ore of land, with 7 g assist ens, she leaQe� H¢hul to the ground, marriage to his datiuh" iced sou except will p the are Authoeitativp,Leing given by bq,,tp more truthful ruuit than this 1 Show that THE aRvaerg.n and immediately y Deg" to w•Ik toward the m heiress. ' P e' 1 , JAltal6s D')YRl'.gUl11AN. -- about (aur hamlrod feet front. Land aittu y he cry oI ,°rihs;di is the voice of the o.. of New York are b) ne nears fine, tad, u • villa&$. " Ann Mw Vivian u not an hmnr T" ted about eighty arch from r!e resent S 1 7 St. Paul Street, 1'wlin Grein. The 4ltan unJ news. aRCRRTART HURON TRACHRak' AaaOC1ATION, g T T P papers circulated in Canada West •tad p_1. tion) rnwcie Orolorfeh Salt Works fcr-He r s prtaoeer in his neral thin the Noa Yorker oro ,cry ,.You bad b.tter take my arm, Mw asked Mand. BRrr,[FItLD, Poor U►nvs. x40 For further particulars • 1 lit letter a MONTREAL N T R FJ L . from Ir+63 W I867 inclwiye, wen u under : Island -a fault and • mwfertuw-buy hie "' f(. 1.o- _ Dw apply T romPlrhed m the to of ►mwwa¢laeektn Onbtm. You msec feel fatigued r0er your '• No. Ii*r flher is gatth,r but wishes Iwtten. NrwepAMn. soul is everywhere. It now calls The Romans Now, an Honda last• a• fri ► said the ours gentleman, sa dre M keep his property in the family. He has P$rw"II, to , .... 1 1,000,000 12. (,00.000 P — � — —._. " 1 last and •sem m- R tr" young R l • Y Y Pe J y. Cans e,late et oho lc&- � eteles o R. por o- tent,JN Hats, Caps, p8. Fur'J �C. 163 to assemble to h.ir ismer aed miles IuIJ Itome,,,,9 k;ad of somm seatmishI he •e bwm ging along the reluctant H•Jud, who much two moo liters younger than Row, and he ♦�ertta. Kwepsra. Couhty Owl. 1MI4 ..... 11,500,000 12,500.000 to narh the capital. Victory Ifs s,n dearly found on Now" 8troet-ons ¢I {b* no A. Prej•rred h* other rood h• tute°ed after promi$e$ them each fifteen thouwl d"Ilsre 1) A va IC N H U T 7a.' L. G,Aerich, Dec.6th, 1866. w46tf MESSRS. GREENE tt BOMB ineitr the 186.1...... 12,200,000 I1,M00,000 Avec Hing toe ol.).*{ of the battlw, and .e ni sed most crowded th lie blare is this bei• on their weddingda. The art of the pm- 1) boors from / o'clock, a. m., to 3 _ _ _ - aaenln.n ivr the Merchnds throughout 1466 , .. 1:3,000,000 12,M00,00ti Msrre that lbs Frye "at remein Pope for leis) -Ln the shape *f old barrels old bo.w "1 thank ln4 air, Get i used so Lusher pent Rai l to To it e'el.ek, p. m. the ll.miuinn of Canada to heir extensive 1 67 .... 1 t, 200,00u 14,000,000 tit°"* Rho believe in him. RtPdiy of action old tube, and old tin concern, filled with owi■umw," replied the thong girl, with a " Fifteen thousand dollars with s pr free. THF. BARCLAY SEWING NACHINE moo rtment of Mr. GnR i thinks that Postmasters were is 4100 n-cerury, And will not ItAIJ spwedr Rake..wowpmge, limy Fetus*, Gad all sari- dignity of which Pere, bad not believed her is not beggary in America," anggeatrJ J Ali )H tai f•tl�l A Ii T.v FOR I xnt w aecunie in 18656 me thus fJ furnish suety =cans T Yen who =' air of hti l"ng" material, '*in", ron lying capable,nityfor she bed , enlyad felt the .ed len iilard, of bell. ARCHITECT, Wool 8t Fah flat., lltru'r Fnr Capti, 7 aught i1 how to df, uM,aad •mohg se. Best That w oat the -alk. The •t oucme"t was to 1» change in t►e young mwn's marine,, sed wait No, but my further-geommands f' hrow been. It is also w be ■oted that of PLANS ANU:tre.uIMICATIONlt of -s,- Tailoring It Family use. ;Hen's Fur llate, IlAdleY FurQ, the fourlee■ mdhnr mw$paprrn (,,, not sufficient ; maronal resouror are ngeir foui,d in low pwpb work hsv sem n ;teas to d ou g lire cause rel it, "Taw, 1 had 6.r ate" that. And in tis., lot *pan ■oral and rorrwt•T•tyk Heng & BO's' Clutli iiuck 8[. Caif mitts 1866 7, eight -1111614 woe /:•n•dmo and ho in order 1 so there m■, rent he • veto Noun•! as bas 1 R y,os A I � s1 the Harno Arrtno• Mut, Yu I ' lbw ether six from Europe sad the Staten- hecatn-b o) iso man T• t they ooutd� through and ''B.1 you .UI permit me to accompany INI bound to ohe, ham, sown .Mn he rare ot e"a■ew.H.d.neh, tow vla7lviv T. J. Noorhouse.- Agent, Caps, Boys' For caps, Ulabs. fore of eeeelry may Danewba lits', A " tb regionallydill- old barrels, As,., As,., .ed os,- you home i" , newer know your dfwb.diwee., ■red when uwv _ _ _ _ _ pw )) a barrel fall. oeeuiumally a "1 thwi yen -so. i prefer to go alone, submission is of 0° profit b yn.roH r SIr3NALOFFICE, GODERI CH. sills Hats, Vietorines, Collars, bongo sed abudosm.nt sed that lha utk u nee ass the other 4 ped W ro•e�n' gentleman of lir. Crnwrinshbld's I "hoes it strike yo■ w hard, that wash _ _ _ and wuwidrd w.1 be Prop■rh •t4oded, As 660.1 tr • Ppe ■ad • est i N 8 U R e N C E • _ Scotch Calc, �e., lealleas •pour be romhe atte troage" is nese at eollista%. good brooding alould remain etlimiled obedience should exacted r asked Percy, Terrlblo D�4votton )>y s Tornado. The .peela¢t4 Rasa • "vol one, but startled wilt wch an anarunee. Good afternoon, m miogll, sed without wailing for an aesa•r The Rthe m Sewing Mucking is unq•em BRQ810 R(Itll'S, tflC. _ Flar.noe, out.11. Twe (.,,ITT RI. nobud except• mewl +rrivtd or." want o■ remiluvl sed et I shell .bay, f.r /last Marine and Lite Insurances lionably the most a t Haran Noll. 6. -An official despatch -- 'win e•.nlemood that they +�� I T FnncA=a n, 1. from !'4. Thoma to oho British consul hen, Ofetnra, r1•l1w Rlrut ort In P.rie,. A T bfid wtbiwg of thus 'y) certainly, prfabl,, Nim Oreham. los see weA t enmmrnd sP els to oa•r n►RcnD os aaAeotuT.e tsars. ncldfa all the vsn..s mud. in the tsade. 'l. SIMPLE and PERFECT GREENE A SONS , DOM,, oil awn Attractive, if ne, Yoe need not ba almid that i shall peni.t in humor. If ml father was ivivig, 1 might sap that 411 iL* rovow of the Ru - /Imrifatsoeml. better, ue■wmwt n to be found in any of anwoyieg lou .fth my civ -pant, atter Greek .r,(ee the r.rsr .il►Atm. 1 mi(lit,porhmpw Office -J. F. C. Haldan's Law Chu.Mn, Family lack Stitch Mwchine now in Ise. 61 T M Paul &reeT, Ntesmsbi Compu,lwa� destroyed b, aforYtil Ila hig►Ra tiles of 1-*atw The Olympic m frank anneal of your wis►ee. Good aMr- awes dare, Ls 'In ori to control ay •Mdse I• s Block, anchor Court [loose Square find 11 will sew from ill* finest cambric w the Next Albi.-n Hotel. Wen; At.. Godarieh, C. W. heaviest cloth 1r k•tL.r with rf•ct *sen Nnntre■I, Aarrt 11. 1857. x29 3m read. on the 29th of OctnLer, mad the town Mr. Cockburn Elooted SV,,"ar of given ;re it omeof thio clam, On Yot.dty son.." life. 1 should at any rate enrd W • fair ma. i1e of, fir. Thomas ash re in aalres o runs Fitt tLe Oommoua. R, for the trot time in at"J] yore, b tha rw nada friends partly almost in der.tArwlma with bin, before 1 did "ylbtng JUHF1 HALDAN, JR., hod neatness without let ehp,ing nhches. It -------- .- _-- -- •worts iso mas is The In" of nM N ivr) el Midsummer Night', m eew "- ha Agent. smhrtces all the qualities of any otbwt M•- U �c' 1� I 1 Milli, "- 'g , aoat • �"trw[. A quarrel, ono, shows cause contrary to ha wtehe , Put aver ,burning O. der:&►, 2Tt6 Regal., 1868. wolf *bias it the Market and Ise Advantage over A gnat, and lye destretti.n s! property r Ottawas Now. A. I eaoontWly sasttabio of all .f Shakw*pwmm,, mitkrr et 1Mm could pmbably ►ave named, it dilenat. He s do.r1, sad sea no Mager -- "--_ _ i4 nvals, in its strength, simplicity, dembil- I .nmwnss. The nesrsrr RAnse was hat w That Afternoon, at thus a'alook, Aa F..- I P n -w.s ptmeutd I. this tktatrm Rah► s-* w A'er dawn s the taw" beast lis chow rensm or nprura any drnlaed m( bas eor- FL01 R AND FEED STORE, Peter Word, tM seh.aner Wkir no Rack lane celle"ey tho Oove"w Oweeml t"me down ota t glias, "d dmlilf•ey, Tibia play ham kiddw springs of lose, jeal.at,, ptgw, which wands. fie Aw left me ism If wick mom .teen C7..nperwu, i atw• 4 G B RAL COMMISSION AGENT ily •-1 general construction g Grabble Block Kingston Street- 1i fi"'d' told tits etramer Conway how Tonol in state to she Aer fDb•rher, fa opt" lbw I bee. " 6vorisa ysbieh for pine -tial m."tol...ad. hr ,its Fol mol iso govars parrin ( njrustiun, .re lbw, b. crow me tv Oewimrr..eeno Qr.aR4 tlw"eL,rwtahmS Putir w wort of • real) ar me I■lend. A II the oflican And .ng.neon of the first Pulmme"t of Ili* U°wini" of Ceuedn. .ad comical display, ad bttweew the ton the •ni-oe, of mase or wamwn, r to chaurn ohwy As if his eye .r Tlfbat me. ?w sse 1 awavies,Ceevave*r•r .ltc.,ALe. W°tn0 ant aro onpind to t.me sed Wt it. Bring aloe/ RAose. and all .then an ho.nd of her, • e The oath of office bad nt the t■y.Fdlagoo(Kiaa•edt"a,c.W. _414 your work and try it. - LTLOUFC O•t-meaf, Corn-aml and Yell Ia,L F'rua tM N fen r f06! bees "d POWIe h" alwfip gibed iL How muub is a swswt the a"rr of • whole exse- can't help it !' -'-Thovwase Wewttee rmld t} An Operator wanted. 1 posed. fu } pereoaa w■ . m mh* ed h, ths;r ewapmeyn 6! better fe ole bt4r It i r s: the M[y of RoMM fumwe Yard Her iton loshsd$pul tho 6"k,hard- sa,od, including Captain Tel l.r fid r* memMn of the Hour of Geneses at ssrsn, article, em wort* of ran sr/me (sce, all lo.i. .tI► gar flodgeon. Of the n s ori Intl TM Ha Kwe.l1*ne h.v' t ►eet�w ha"ytaaB •t —e-- rt t/ *wort' ivy. CIViL RYt31 iliRR AND PR01 IN(lA1, S o ta. Jj.nk Ord Stationary AUso • Int prime Cared HAYB ptese get 1 mg asrr"ded ,he Tbr" bas r tremhl wvills,a pre .:m tie", and mol seeF w ei.ga.. hats/=,, yltei and Rolled Harlin. mg.lu stsamsr for South e"00--wh"'h asd tha O.wrWme" Ilebw of the Himsit Red, do much dabbled i• M tlw C1IAPTRR 1I. l,asd larval•. ?orae/o9;raet,Ow. 1682 Stere. Jud recoiled his m.rrfng, ril.4 %iih 150 • pxeerot linkm. Tba s"fom. Ibou h she me Y his vs Ondfiri.b. Aug0, 184i w30 P'fe'•g esti oull twelve Gen Her Iaoom aaq , pr,eeedm/ le ,he bar 'I'PrOvd of Ibis este•• - ins all b-ApprovedRa thewns"•'mwu ed Is na■id - g 6011 Hwhele naw Potatres• ( enrin num ha •fit a►s,ol■ta fid D. >). CAMP 9 E l L. --_ ----- --- f sora . oft .w Row vL•t bin Kaeslleat r minas ►--rents ea %tit Goat mswaing,as Pare Crowsinss-bM, 1000 sera {hair sTtandance in tha Swaw y eq Hagan for ueh uadhd r Yaw. w 1 sone to leo Iwa who uusnd n. PROVINOIAL LAND SURVEYOR,T. B. VANRYRY A Co. -- ---- �t�e 4 sm R[IRNrar t►" �ett haRMsa bad set by "y mwa impair ,•Y,ar lair 081TUSE, COLBOA tE LIiB Taw m.mi.n of the wens of �.r" ftp CIVIL 219011 = B)L• Verommlwlar Nere bas am, Ooderieb Jur T, 184T, w20tf. mar' a °f Ikfi `teal" pN eNbse I/rm�tkm odd* Mesad power "f --ting, r r -1, bb tha bl �� 7 t'sr "1 'fiPbiwr► is THE D"Alb RIOTS. -Glad h, tN Illmt�h( W. B. Iigdasy Yt wv.An sa y 1611::tal **est •base yrat• ..A -fish► ..a wt on. it tis-. r sod •k.r e•rwil ass , s . CORNER HOSPiTA1. A ST. JOHN ST'S. .---------- — - __ - aeeordirtgly atl.wsew ■t ,ha has of the 6z" see �[a�rfI The "O, ,w wndd tliai tisyi.me if is w was fi Obes'tr W w�Mi-sea "1 lomat 'h°■sed, boat .' fnw ►i emele� and as,• year owe eom�,• eupliod she yeuy =ass. YOVTRRAI v Fwg., Nov. 4. midni h4 -TM ay.d were frfeirmvd by Bos. J. Gm -es, Y CO1 ONIAL HOUSE. Rowley, J h.. "ftha A.",. that w RawH.r hbe .•m u _ "PPkmmm w Nm, ser " wish a bit of tees•, sad • used *Fat Ilia wild e w All kinds hf 8eneyicg prerRptl,ltttenAwd Ta. BllIIIIett'e Wharf, J hind rbc .Lbh has seam"r.pd hen has d.�iirswl Fim m mate that r ono" " "t he ets*s M wlBq, 'Ilse t�fi�~�w e��' �'POeh IM11,6s •n� riot w �w w�� w $wIIIRZ. gMa hitt!• R P do Han lou t Yr Vivian ifta l Ib.l y.. Hit SuMerilrr •I.*,& kteps the largest attended to Armfnist.r, 20 milts raw of Kt elected Their Spa~. we R.erllwh won aY*SNIa sloRRw dell te"esabwW the advise gfvw him by ,. d . TI rkd Ming Glace -lo I'wt Olbte ifail�rlt,TringAsm. t(ery etaoB M1. lJa. Huse". w39 N rbw teetbbg efw, ha sed _ _ _ 1`11F IANUFACTURESOFCANADA T rwrfolt and tvw•t Slnek s( :tier*"* the rem• of the worn doaten declare In llmm far wlrt r•arie he bad P ..n.If 1' I • " ANL.,W ,� bases Dv. tlBre}e taffA wpptd b Lit treatment ail. t ha when hernmpwskvl by the ,e.pwr nfnefal �p Late Lew• burned. Aumater c.ntwma Th. ar r•arwt, sed That he world Acme s,anwoa, w�me,i( ' it some 1, of tat ywaiq Isty. .sen l sa.. be,•[ a Owmeet I�IMAILL A H_ _ RDY, when"Mipta va {hair hell lfaeh, era anew d- HOISERY � GLOVE81 well knew" esrpel raswfsetretes .ilb built d I A'wn tomorrow at thew *'abet fcr that ser Yr. tr �re this le1HJ rT"S haw y'/►ii4te Yiw Yarrh"w," �"y. = my 16@bw @=. ' ahead into the fn fee the oo"ef e"rw of wool*• d,nh .it Nr ivr. � IaltBallR i /wss4w, � ' I "it your a ghe se a se bar thr 1 N f fl li l OUNTIli9. IN Ms11b wbye,a,m IBoo • es, " boa=► ► r ser, "ss0 t aR•ha /rahe efs'4si r F,swlleat bw its A*•Ik. �' resew d omm. u N.1 AUnTION F:C 1t�3• L O W B R PROVINCES gL:ves, and has 4 ter derrmind sets J hati"g nttrod fr"r 1Le Le -nun •ewes ha wBl ORR%•olsn•t Y w"•rkig "a T's,► tui , CUYYttb/011t11� APi'RAIefaS AND CNAR. B. ABClI1BA1,D. u-- s,1 work `rhe k est n;l14� hm Cbomher, T-ri R•sW, w s$e,f,i" of Rout. J A � sbe" is s1 oho Tw Rust I •" Wf a da"s "a I bei stied r we" r ,•s► awn.' DittWi: AOBNTII} F It E E U F 7l U T l' . Drvdrveb. lard load. IMS. 0.'07 b.w• •led "I Iced Mdsr masa im /e*ow sawadsd etwlmmrmaha Hamfiten, et Ii" L�ksa be" tltlydy, "Do skint ee-tb w thick! s -t �sa ,,4 �,,,g I ► b H--. "sella• ewer) sell IR the !M!�O� w (R'rer� = .' of trwb mit rd ewe raw r• -Wd th■ ,meal no , ••pr[ Li. CfottiilR;iiinentit; Solicited. 1 Breese ad nin4.e•aeer */ tN Yr. r sea 1. hit tmmlr; eeaR OrtRg 1M 1•M *M b M Mo• evert •ware wNMtM UL lmmm ) I'I'gaiaf rbtl 'df'wi+ed IIA 1tlwRwnuw, w Ibe�B i IkS IurN arra sew yw M tMehs,od T' eitB plsosD's,• HURON AUCTION MART, _July 17. __w2T I D w• M. OA1/ACS, txe•pe Leta &K ted is tha sit�lrim the ". •/past ta". site 1 7 of eBk w'wf Is aegl�m "Tq I I sq" repfi.d umt *"W ,. UTA 6"A sella Nlfw Terb Dtkfla-Omer, Gest slaYoa ret P1Jt■rirb t•vi arnsta The tsember sof tha Besse s1 Cwmetm ( "i d" wok M thin •JraRt ~ iRw�.M-/--- to Gas at nswwtls rN Lwk.-!farinnd etrrveq-8tats "otos,, L■re Lr• ands. 1'M Wger of Btrw Lr ►.•fog algin .rewygd t, vb Ch•mLrr, "M A• tlt••i `-l�-1_rd �T ~�') lme �fifiN/ err•& M RIRetT b4er N R. -C newt teMe parwtrtl) stttwdd uL RaSftAi� APot to oPd taesrrmut ror,. al terlwst rats a! e,ruN • wseeb se tM I'e►Ie, Lest tlr rub ie "sir the Plitt 6 --, of 1b- CNA, t/•a. SM tti IBR bat —I 41Bi'bwv, oyes sew► • i"•h ofg.•tl7ri•. y Y. C. CJYRROIf. I s.ehvn stet is fasow, "W mmis otalwMN vails John A 1l*Aa M �teIa�,� sowlll weaftON N Y�rawTW ,eS ll7rl MerwAi.• mems ITo•• Mnseye •tivanrtd no N,wrds sod Ptrenan. le a t'^ eteeea, �tirr y Bo,a �etrfBa loose V lawpa. )<1 IBat ,qh ttBal w �'wwea i a•t • Tr ow Sept. fidnk b lh► Dr., d /6A. .N. i,r� i i. tM s,lra•t7 en. w tw Lses, w. 0•rMti ?Btl w taw oltaM•q bomb -4" W� � I a� a em_ V ! himma oRL trsR ~bas, Ids r m i � AR Il t r swim •tlB7A sett r of Owderles3111th, 1/g T. .tgtc ,w sof b "Ari t titre! tm.,t�litttai n�Jy IIF M