The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-09-07, Page 3Thursday, September 7,1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE t:
SAL AD A STAMP CLUB - 461 King St. W., Toronto
• For ten cent* and the label and. showing the teapot trade
mark, from any packet of SAL AD A TEA w* will send you
a Beginner's Outfit pf i 1—64 page Stamp Album. 1—100
all-different stamps. 1—Big list of thousands of stamps offered
Fro* in exchange for SAL ADA labels.
Seek Haven in Country
London — While German bombers
swooped oyer Polish cities, there be
gan in England an exodus without
parallel in human history, The flight
of ^the Israelites from Egypt was
.dwarfed as 3.000,000 children and mo
thers, the* blind-and the maimed be
gan to move from the big cities for
unknown havens deep in the country
Ontario minister of game and fisher
ies, announced the regular Pelee Is
land pheasant shoot this fall will be
confined to two days, October 27 and
28. No lien birds are to be taken and
the bag limit will be five birds each
hordes of tiny aphids have invaded
district fields, leaving damage mount
ing into thousands of dollars in their
Soviet Ratified Nazi Treaty
Moscow — The Soviet Parliament
ratified the new German-Russian non
aggression treaty and announced the
Red Army was ready to meet all em
ergencies arising out of the interna
tional situation,
Appeal Sentence in Tar Case
Calgary — Less than 24 hours af
ter Magistrate D. C. Sinclair sentenc
ed Mrs. Ethel Allen and her daughter,
Betty, to short jail terms for assault
in tarring and feathering Miss Alice
Knowles, a nurse, here July 18, they
were released from Calgary jail pend
ing an appeal. Mrs. Allen was sen
tenced to 45 days and the daughter to
30 days.
On Guaranteed Trust
■ Certificates
A legal Investment for
Trust Funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed
Medical Examination Boards Set Up
To speed the raising of Western
Ontario’s 5,200-man quota to Canada’s
two division Canadian Active Service
Force, 12 medical examining boards
have been appointed. Col. E. G, Dav
is, C.M.G., is appointed in charge
the examining boards which began
function Saturday.
Italy Not Taking Initiative
Rome — The Italian Government
declared it would refrain from taking
“any initiative" in military operations
growing out of the German-Polish
hostilities. The announcement, issued
after a brief Cabinet meeting, called
by Premier Mussolini, was interpret
ed in foreign cities as meaning Italy
intended to stay out of war until her
own territory was attacked.
Alleged Smuggling Ring Arrested
Windsor -- Eight persons are in
custody and three others are sought
as police brought to a close an eight
months investigation of what they de
scribed as a smuggling ring that
brought huge quantities of illicit alco
hol into Canada from the United Stat
es, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
arrested Rocco Perri and a woman
companion, Anna Newman, described
as Rocco’s housekeeper in Hamilton,
at Toronto in connection with the
time followed them from the barn and
was horrified on seeing his little dau
ghter lying unconscious on the
ground. He picked the child up and
carried her into the house. Moving
the body loosened a clot of blood that
had formed in the larnyx which the
doctor, when called, declared would
in a few minutes have proved fatal if
it had not been disturbed.
Mildmay Society Won Seed Prize
At the Canadian National Exhibi
tion in the class of grain and seed, in
sacks, the Carrick Society of Mild
may, took first place.
Ripe Cherries Today
Picking ripe cherries on August 31
is rather an unusual experience. In
the Banner window'is a branch from
a cherry tree containing three ripe
cherries that Mr. W. J, Dowd broke
from a small tree in his garden this
morning. He reported ripe cherries
and blossoms on the tree at the same
time.”—Lis towel Banner,
Multi-Toed Kittens
Tommy Brodhagen dropped into
the office on Monday evening with a
story about a freak batch of kittens.
The kittens, four of them, were born
to a cat, the pet of Mr. John Frank
lin, of the 12th of Howick, and uncle
of Tommy’s. The kittens all have sev-:
en toes on their front feet, and seven
on one hind foot, and six on the oth
er, giving them complete equipment of
27 toes each.—Palmerston Observer.
British Press Blames Hitler
London — Great Britain’s press
solemn tones and complete unanimity,
blamed Fuehrer Hitler for the war
and expressed confidence the outcome
of any conflict would be a victory for
the forces of justice and democracy.
Manion To Co-Operate
Ottawa — Conservative Leader R.
J. Manion said whatever assistance he
could give Prime Minister Mackenzie
King and the Government would be
given freely and promptly.
Danzig Part of Reich ■ ‘ '
Berlin — Fuehrer Hitler Friday
cepted the Free City of Danzig into
the Reich. “I accept your proclama
tion of the return of the Free City of
Danzig, to the Reich,” the Fuehrer’s
telegram said. “I thank you, Gauleit
er Forster and all Danzig men and
women for your loyalty which you
have displayed for so many years." A
Short time previously German planes
bombed Polish cities
moved into Poland.
and her army
the seriousness
Japs Warn Britain
Tokyo — Japan's new premier, Gen
eral Nobuyuki Abe, declared in a
statement to the Japanese press Japan
was determined to “deal firmly” with
nations which fail “to understand our
position" and to co-operate with Japan
in China.
L.C.A. Charge Dismissed
Stating that he did not place much
credence in the evidence of James Ray
and George Walker, crown witnesses,
Magistrate Makins dismissed a keep
ing for sale L.C.A. charge against
Mrs. Violet McGill^ of near“Seaforth.
One week ago the magistrate dismiss
ed a charge of theft of $67 from Mrs.
McGill against Ray for lack of evi
White Groundhog Captured
On Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Cyrus
Baumaft, R.R. No. 3, Elmira, brought
into The Signet office a white ground
hog which he captured on his farm.
This type of groundhog is rare, sel
dom is an albino groundhog seen. Mr.
Bauman and his hired man had seen
the albino the previous day and, being
a bit inquisitiye, decided to investigate
and find out what the white object
sitting on the fence really was, and its
origin. Assisted by the farm dog, the
capture was accomplished. — Elmira
If your home is in the
country or in a town or
village not served by a
Community Water Supply
System, a Duro Pump will
supply running water under
pressure to all parts of your
home, barns,., dairy-build
ings, etc.
Without running water
your family cannot have
bathroom facilities and
other conveniences so nec- •
essary to their comfort,
health and daily work.
Duro Water Systems and Emco bathroom and kitchen
equipment are made in designs and quality to meet the
needs of every type of home.
L» 4 *,
Emco Products Are Reasonably
The four pieces in the bathroom illustrated
—-Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory—
with all Trimmings, ready for installation, cost
Expect Long Bloody War
London — Secret diplomatic
changes between Fuehrer* Hitler
Prime Minister Chamberlain
published by Great Britain in a white
paper which disclosed an agreement
on one ominous point—that if
should come it would be long and
bloodier than the. Great War.
• and
Canadian Women Get
Toronto — Due to
of the international situation, the coni-
mittee on voluntary registration of
Canadian women met here to speed
up organization plans. The meeting,
attended by 200 women, decided to di
vide the province into 15 districts, for
organization purposes, with a district
chairman representing each.
Franco Appoints General Staff Head
Madrid — General Franco appoint
ed General Juan Vigon, chief of his
personal staff, as head of a supreme
general staff charged with studying
means of making Spain self-sufficient
in the production of all commodities,
war -materials and ammunition in the
event of war.
Canadian Parliament Meets Thursday
Ottawa — The onset of Hitler’s
long premeditated war finds the Can
adian Parliament called in an emer
gency summons for Thursday, brings
declaration from leaders of both ma
jor parties that Canada will be on the
side of the mother country and sets
in motion all the machinery created
in and after 1914 for a state of war,
real or apprehended.*
Sunday Legislation Opposed
Toronto —. Mayor Allan Johnston,
of London, cast the deciding vote
from the chair as delegates to the On
tario Municipal Association conven
tion went on record against “any
change in legislation which will tend
to create a general commercialized
Sunday" throughout the province. The
vote was 26 to 25,
Agricultural Minister Visited England
London —- Ontario’s minister of
agriculture, Hon. P. M. Dewan, has
just completed a three-week personal
investigation of the agricultural situ
ation here, the purpose of which was
for “the more effective administration
of my own department.” He is en
route home aboard the Empress of
Australia, after covering approximate
ly 2,500 miles visiting farmers, cattle-
brecderg, horse-breeders and business
men throughout the United Kingdom.
Committed to Institution
George Brunett, aged inmate of the
1 county home at Clinton, who ran away
and when captured told the magis
trate he much preferred the county
jail to the House of Refuge, was com
mitted to a mental institution for 60
days for observation. Dr. A. H. Tay
lor, jail physician, and Dr. W. A.
Shaw, county home doctor, gave evi
dence at to Burnett’s condition.
Overcome in Water Tank
While employed painting the inter
ior of the water tank Mr. M. H.
Bundscho, took a weak spell presum
ably .brought on by the fumes from
the paint. He was unconscious for a
time and his companions had consid
erable difficulty in getting him up to
the opening in the tank where he soon
revived when he got fresh air. It was
a rather difficult task to get him to
the ground and to avoid an accident
a rope was placed around his body.—
Mlverton Sun.
Turkeys Stolen
Twenty-one turkeys were stolen
from the farm of George Mannerow
last week. No trace of the
has been found. — Milverton
Peelee Island Hunt 2 Days
Toronto — Hon. Harry C. Nixon,
Turnip Crop Loss
Agricultural experts are seeking
more effective means of halting infes
tation of .Middlesex County turnip
fields since 1925. Since late last week
Japs Send Troops to Manchoukuo
Tokyo — As a result of Soviet Rus
sia’s non-aggression pact with Ger
many, freeing the hands of Japan’s
rival in Eastern Asia, the Japanese
army is sending large forces into Man
choukuo through Korea and North
Trampled by Cow
Daniel McKellar, 71-year-old Park
hill district resident, was brought to
St. Joseph’s Hospital in a serious con
dition after he had been trampled by
a cow on a West Williams farm. Mr.
McKellar was at the farm of his nei
ghbour, Bert Wilcox, 10th concession,
where he had been helping in manure
spreading. He stopped at a well in a
pasture field to get a drink and while
drawing up water was bunted from
behind by a heifer. This threw him
forward hitting his head against a rod.
The heifer then trampled and kicked
him as he lay. on the ground.
(Soil pipe, iron pipe and fittings extra)
Other complete Bathroom Equipment as low as.....$76.84
A Duro Special Pumping System complete with
25 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor
with capacity of 250 gals, per hour, costs only.......$87.00
Can also be supplied for
Gasoline Engine operation
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Modernize your home NOW. Under
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Loan Act, or Duro Finance Plan, the
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period not exceeding three years. Full in
formation and free booklets on request.
Machan Bros.
Phone 58 Wingham
of the
Seaforth Drug Business Sold
Mr. Charles Aberhart, after 37 years
in the drug business in Seaforth, dis
posed of his business to Mr. R. R.
McKindsey of Ottawa. Ill health
forced Mr. Aberhart to retire.
Admits Giving Worthless Cheques i
A remand to September 8th was
made in the case of Elmer Ritchie,
Kincardine, who pleaded guilty to two
charges of uttering worthless checks.
One for 10.38 was given a local res
taurant Owner and one for $5.18 to an
Alienford boarding house. In addition
he purchased a car in Goderich, giv
ing a worthless check for $575. The
car was recovered. Magistrate F .W.
Walker declared there are too many
“check artists” in Bruce.
“I know a BARGAIN'
when I see ONE!’1
Come to think ofit, he’s right. For where will you find
anything comparable in value—so milch—for bo very little ?
Every minute, day or night* the telephone is ready to .
serve your social, business or emergency needs. You mav
have grown accustomed to this service—you may think
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But when you do think it over,you realize that the modern
telephone represents the greatest value in
terms of service that money can buy 1
Telephone service is widely used
because it is courteous, efficient, yet
surprisingly inexpensive. Nothing
else yields so mucA for what it costs!
Burned Badly by Gasoline Fire
Thomas Gaffney, of Logan Town
ship. wrapped a blanket around him
self when his clothes caught fire as
he was cleaning his truck. He was
using gasoline and a spark from a live
wire jumped to the gasoline contain
er he was holding. As Gaffney wrap
ped the blanket about his body, com
panions beat it, extinguishing the fire.
He suffered severe burns about the
arms and legs.
Hydro at Point Clark
Point Clark beach is included in the
hydro extension program being car
ried on in that district and a number
of cottages are being wired to receive
the current, which will add to the
comfort and convenience of the sum
mer colony.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Goes to England
Through the British Canadian tea
cher exchange system to enable both
countries to better the modes of‘tea
ching, Miss Jean Babb is leaving on
Friday for England, where she will be
at the Royal Victoria School for the
Blind at Newcastle-on-Tyne. A teach
er from that institution Will likely
take Miss Babb’s duties at Brantford
in her absence.—Teeswater News.
Mildmay Woman. Kicked by Cow
Mrs. Louis Kopass, of Mildmay, is
a patient in the Bruce County Hos
pital, Walkerto.h, suffering from in
juries received when kicked by a cow
While assisting inomilking at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Henry Zimmerman
of Carrick. The cow, annoyed by flies,
suddenly kicked Mrs. Kopass on the
knee. She was thrown tinder a second
cow standing alongside, and only the
prompt action of Mr. Kopass saved
her from further injury,
Burned by Rope
Peter BUrchill is going around with
both hands bandaged these days.
While not seriously hurt it has been
quite painful,
burned with a
Brussels Post,
He had been badly
rope while playing. —
Quick Action Saves Child’s Life
Art accident which very neatly re
sulted fatally occurred at the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dale
in Hullett, the sufferer being their lit
tle 3-year-old daughter, Lois, who was
kicked oft the head by a horse. Mr,
Dale had turned the horses out to
water at the trough and after a short
A Record Oat
A farmer residing on the 18th con
cession of Howick, and who also owns
land in Carrick, whose veracity we
can vouch for absolutely, kept a care
ful record of his threshing and discov
ered that one of his oat fields yielded
96 bushels of oats to the acre. This
gives some idea of the tremendous
crops that are being harvested on
many of the farms in this district.
This farmer is a firm believer in trac
tor farming, both as a weed desttoy-
er, and in the best preparation of a
seedbed.-—-Mildmay Gazette.
As the result of a bumper crop this
season, peaches are being freely used
in the daily menu as fresh fruit in des
serts, salads, pies, puddings and in
several other ways. Housewives are affin. wax and store,
well advised to take advantage of the 1 Peach and Aple Marmalade
abundance of the fruit, which is now Use equal parts of peaches and ap-
available at reasonable prices and put! pies, diced. If the apples are a good
up a good supply of home-canned pea
ches. The following recipes
prove useful:—
Peach. Marmalade
18 peaches
2 oranges
Peel and stone the peaches,
move seeds from oranges and
through a food chopper. Mash all to
gether, weigh, and allow an equal
weight of sugar. First cook' the fruit
until tender in a small amount of wat
er, then add heated sugar and boil
quickly until thick. Pour into hot
sterilized glasses, cool, seal with par-
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver
colour, do not peel them. Add three-
fourths as much sugar as fruit. Cook
the mixture slowly until thick and
clear. Seal in clean hot jars. Equal
parts of rhubarb, peaches and apples
may be used.
Peach Conserve (Method 1)
Peel and slice the peaches. Add the
sugar, raisins, juice and grated rind of
; the lemons and oranges, and let stand
| overnight. In the morning cook slow-
' ly until thick. Put in hot sterile glass.
large peaches
cups seedless raisins
lemons (juice and grated rind)
lbs. sugar
oranges (juice and grated rind)
Peach Conserve (Method 3)
large peaches
oranges (juice and grated rind)
cup seedless raisins
lb. shelled almonds (blanched
and cut lengthwise in pieces)
lbs. sugar
lemons (juice and grated rind)
Same method as in No. 1, only that
ten minutes before removing the con
serve from the fire, add the almonds.
Peach Conserve (Method 3) ■ |
24 large peaches
2 oranges (juice and
grated rind)
cup seedless raisins
lb. shelled almonds (blanched
and cut lengthwise in pieces)
lbs. sugar
lemon (juice and grated rind)
Same method as No. 2.
Xs s • *
You can obtain ready cash from this Bank TODAY
for legitimate farm or business operations that bring you
more profits. Taking cash discounts by payment of your
accounts promptly; buying materials and hiring extra
hands to enable you to accept orders; widening domestic
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Consult the Manager of our Branch near you.