HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-31, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES WHITECHURCH ■Xi j Thursday, August 31st, 1939 2* i.1 & .a s ■■s a .» a a a a a a a a1ra a 9 Show' Starts at 8.00 p.m. ExceptSatyrday ’ Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9,45 p»m>&i •Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 31, Sept. 1, 2 ERROL FLYNN DAVID NIVEN. BASIL RATHBONE Dawn Patrol is second to no aviation picture in en­ tertainment merit. The plot concerns a British av­ iation squadron patrolling World War front lines. Also “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 4, 5, 6 ELEANOR POWELL ROBERT YOUNG -----In------- “Honolulu” One of the season’s lightest and gayest comedies. The picture features the dancing of Eleanor Powell and the comedy of Bums and Allen, and Eddie (“Rochester”) Anderson. 0 Also “Fashion Forecast” and “Miniature” Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission:' Adults 20c, Children 10c. SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES l Flannelette Blankets of fine quality, on sale at, Each........................................................$1.00 Flanhelette, 27 in., good weight, fine weave, Sale.........................................10 Yards for $1.00 Turkish Bath Towelling, Now ,........... 15c Table Cloths in fancy colors, Size 52x52, go at 35c Batting, large Quilt Batt 72x90 ......... 35c Window Shades on Spring Rollers in cream or green, Sale........................... 49c Fine quality Bleached Cotton^ yard wide, Bar­ gain ...........................................2 Yards for 25c Broadcloths, Best Colors, yard wide, Now On Sale at............................. 15c Girls’ Ankle Socks, elastic tops, Now................10c Girls’ Ribbed Hose, all sizes, part wool, now .. 25c Girls’ Suede School Bags, Now .. .........................50c Girls’ Faricy All Wool Pullovers, Sale . $1.00, $1.19 Girls’ Print Dresses on sale at..................59, 69, 89 Girls’ Princess Slips, fine quality, Sale................59c Clearing a range of Girls’ Skirts at ... $1.49 - $1.69 Blouses now on sale at only.................................79c BARGAINS IN OUR MEN’S WEAR STORE Youth’s Overalls, good Denim, Sales Special $1.00 Boys’ Overalls and Pants, Bargain ,. $1.00 to $1.25 Boys’ Tweed Pants, strongly made . $1.95 to $2.50 Boys’ strong school Shirts, go at 69 - 75c Good Values in Boys’ Caps ........... 25c to 39c Boys’ Socks, fancy colors, Now ................ 25c, 35c A Range of Choice Ties, Sale ................ 25c Men’s and Boys’ Shirts and Shorts, Sale ...... 29c Buys* Cotton' Jersey, fancy colors ............ 39c Boys* Sport (Jackets arid Pullovers . Sale 49 to 79c Sale of Boys* School Suits. We show a com­ plete stock of New Fall Suits. Buy your Fall Suit now while prices are down. DON’T LET RHEUMATISM UUH 1 CRIPPLE* YOU School Specials ♦ ' 1 g B Mrs. Frank Henry left on Wedne’s-1 day last with Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm j Green to reside with them at their home at Waterloo. Mrs. Harold Sparling, Douglas and Marie, are spending a’-few* days this weielc at the Lome - of ■ Mr, and Mrs. | jrick Hendfefson/ of Lucknow, Mr. Cecil Furbur, of Goldburg, Sas- t katchewan, arrived at the home of his aunt, Mrs. J. G, Gillespie, last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Coulten Mrs. > Hinde and Miss Annie Henry spent Sunday with the latter’s aunt and un­ cle, Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Bayfield. . Quite a number of the ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church met at | the home of Mrs, ■ Ezra Scholtz last Friday to attend the Mission Band social and quilt the Dutch girl quilt. The picture of the group was taken and all enjoyed the -lunch and social time. Miss Nellie McGee returned to Tor­ onto on Monday after spending last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. [ Leask McGee. Mr, and Mrs. Eli Jacques spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ab. Mc­ Quillan, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Reid, of Brant­ ford, spent the week-end with his mo­ ther, Mrs. Alec Reid, Miss Muriel and Master Bob Watt returned to their home in Toronto with their uncle, Mr. Harry McClen­ aghan and Billie and Edith, of Bel­ grave, All will attend the Ex. Mr. and Mrs, Will Straughan, of Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. ‘ and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw. Mrs. George McClenaghan nad : Mildred are spending this week with Mrs. Blackhall, of Toronto, and are ' attending the Exhibition. The marriage of iMrs. Annetta Fish­ er Knight, daughter of the late Mr. : and Mrs. Wm. Fisher,,of Kinloss Tp., ' and Mr. Jhansi, of Linwood, was sol­ emnized at Bruce Beach on Saturday, ' August 26th by Rev. Mr; MacDonald, of the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow. The wedding dinner was served to the ' immediate relatives at the home of the • bride’s brother, Mr. George Fisher, The happy’couple will reside at Lin­ wood, and have the best wishes of a ! host of friends in this community. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barbour, of • Orangeville, were recent visitors at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood • Barbour of Fordyce. ' Miss Mildred M'oore spent last • week in Toronto at the home of Mr,, and (Mrs. Stewart Moore. Mr. and- Mrs. Harold Pollock, who were married on ‘Saturday at Ripley, are moving this week to their new home on Con.. 2, Kinloss, and this community extends a sincere welcome to them with best wishes for many years of wedded happiness. Mrs. Hinde and Miss Annie Henry leave on Thursday to spend a day with their mother, Mrs. Henry, at Kitchener, before leaving for their fut- ure home in New York. ■1 Mr. and Mrs. George GarfOn and Ml children spent the week-end with'her J 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith oi ■'{ Listowel. The people of E. Wawanosh are holding a community picnic at the 10th bridge this Wednesday sponsor­ ed by the Reeve and Council, and are holding a dance there at night. AU are invited to come and bring their basket of provisions and enjoy an afternoon with their neighbours. Mrs. Cox received word on Satur­ day of the sudden passing of her" fa­ ther, Mr. Wm. Patterson, of Auburn, who has been ailing for some time, and Mr, and Mrs, Cox attended the funeral to Ball’s Cemetery on Mon­ day. This community extends sympa­ thy to the bereaved family. Mr. George Falconer has been un­ der the doctor’s care for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer and family, of Blyth, visited with him one day last week. Mrs. Aldin Purdon received word on Saturday of the sudden passing of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harold Goy- eau, of Windsor. She leaves a hus­ band and three children to mourn her early passing. Miss Winnifred Farrier spent the week-end with Tilsonburg friends. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence and Ernest, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. And­ rew Kirk, of Seaforth. Rev. and Mrs. Wright and family, of Dover Centre, visited one day last week with St. Helens and White- i church friends, being on theif way | to Trowbridge and Orillia. I Mr. and Mrs. John Craig arid Janet | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl I Lbtt, Of Ayton, I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. iMdllwain and | daughters, Margaret and Minnie, and grandson, Ian Pittendreigh, nf Ford- Wichf, spent Thursday last at the home of her sister, Mrs, Fred Davidson. ! The service in the Presbyterian Church will be withdrawn on Sunday tttt account of1 the anniversary services at Langside when Rev. Stewart Kerr, of Brussels, will have charge of the morning and evening-services. Mrs, Joseph SmclUet; passed away in Olinton Uospitat on August 14th a ■ ■ ES a a a a a a ■ CALL AT THE Isard’s Stores FOR BIGGER STOCK AND BETTER VALUE Wingham J ■ Wk-, .. , EXAMINE EYES AND RIGHT! — AND AT VERY MODERATE PRICES Eyesight Specialist RA D Complete. A. Reid Wingham Office: Williams’ Jewelry Store, Every Wednes­ day Morning 9.00 till Noon. Phone 5W or 5J. Thomas’ Rheumatism Remedy removes the cause. This Remedy does bring results; a long con­ valescence .unnecessary. A 2- week’s treatment, only $2.00. See your druggist or writer THOMAS’ RHEUMATISM REMEDY 21 Yale St. London, Ontafio 48-4 in her 82nd year. Born in Colborne Twp., after her marriage she arid her husband lived on the farm now owned by Gordon Elliott in E. Wawanosh. Her hgsband predeceased her twenty years ago. She was buried in Wing­ ham Cemetery. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan return­ ed from Ryerson Camp on Lake Erie- on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Boyd, Kenneth and Dor­ othy, of Paris, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weaver. Miss Bertha Mackay, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Hector Mackay. J Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Purdon and Mildred, Mrs. Coran and Mr. Dubey, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. .Purdon, and Anita and Shirley Purdon who have spent the past two months with relatives here, returned' home with them. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, of Teeswater, spent thd week-end at the home of his niece. Mrs. John Richardson. Mr. and' Mrs. Lance Grain and Or- - ‘.%r' ton and' Miss Margaret Proctor spent Sunday, at' the home of Mrs. Grain’s sister, Mrs. John Kennedy of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs". Ross Robinson and Miss Alice Cook and Miss Ruth' Rob­ inson and' Calvin Robinson, of Tilson- hurg, spent the week-end at the home of their father, Mr. Thos. Robinson and with- other E. Wawanosh relativ­ es. Mr. and' Mrs. John McInnis and family, of'Langside, Mr. and Mrs. Or- val Tiffin and sons, visited on' Sunday with Mr. and iMrs. Robert McInnis, of Teeswater. Mr. and" Mrs. John Kilpatrick and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.” Robinson, Mr. an-d Mrs. Fred Deacon and Old Colony Silverware For Three Weeks Only. Do not miss this chance to complete your sets. & Geo. Williams The Jeweller > ‘ ' *' Students, big and small, like to get away to a real start with new school togs, i Penman’s Ankle Sox — the best wear­ ing, best fitting sock you can buy ................... , 25c pr, Cotton Sweaters *— for warm Septem­ ber days, easily washed ,, 50c, 69c Martha Washington Prints ’and ' Broadcloths 1.50,. 1.95 Serge Tunics and Skirts .;. 1.95, 2,95 Pipe Wool Pullovers, Cardigans 1.50 Raincaps - children’s, misses’ ,,.‘1.00, 1.39 New - Wool Crepes for Skirts, Dress­ es, Jumpers - 54 in. wide . 1.25 yd. Orient Hose - 4 thread chiffons and semi-service weights - perfect for school wear............;............ ........................................ 75c pr. Boys’ Arrow Shirts - fine Broadcloth with button down or regular colls 98c, 1.25 Wool Pullovers - Zipper or V-neck styles - Roval blue, green,, maroon 1.00, 1.50, 1.75 Tweed Knickers - fine quality wo.oi designed to stand lots of wear . 1.49 to 2.75 Boys’ Longs - plain navy and tweed patterns.........’.........‘............ 1.98, 2.50 Young Men’s Suits - smart collegiate styles, two trousers .. ........ 18.50 to 27.50 Made-to-Measure Suits - School Opening Special .................... 21.50, 24.95 Smart Pullovers, Sports Jackets- - Brushed Wool, Novelty Weaves 1.95 to 3.95 I 5 Si i ■ ■ KING’S Gertrude of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Hurd and Loraine; of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pounder, of Souris,. Man., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, this week, Mr. .Platt and son, Bill, of Stratford, and Mr. Bill Thompson, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. Robt. Carrick? Mr., and Mrs. Will Conn, Wallace and Ruby, visited on Sunday with Mr. and; Mrs. Sam Hutchison, of Wing­ ham, and Miss Kathleen Simpson, of Teeswater, is visiting this week with her grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. Conn. BELGRAVE home of Mr. and. MrS.. Norman New- ans Friday evening. Elmer Jeffray,. of. Clifford, spent Sunday with his parents at the brick yard. Miss Elsie Parnell. visited Betty Zinn Saturday. ' , Misses Betty and Isabel Zinn spent Tuesday at Dr. Connell's, .Wingham. Mrs, John Mulvey and Mrs. Joseph Hall visited Minnie- Jeffray (Monday. Mr. and' Mrs,. Alex. Marshall and baby, of Gorrie; were- Sunday visitors at Will Curie’s. Mr. and Mrs. Rihtoul and little son of Wingham caU’ed’ ini the village on Tuesday. Mrs. Thos. Wallace, Mrs. Muir, Messrs. Robbie and Norman Muir are visiting, a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Muir, at their cottage in Mus- koka. Miss, Elva. Metcalfe, R.N., who has spent the past month holidaying with her parents,, left on Saturday for Brooklyn,, N..Y. Mrs. John Metcalfe > and Herman, accompanied her as far as Toronto where they, spent the week-end.. Dr. Elmer Aitken, of Toronto, is visiting, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. El­ liott. Messrs. Reuben Appleby and Roy Hastings are on a motor trip through ’• Northern Ontario and will visit friends at Sudbury? Mr, and Mrs. .Isaac Metcalfe visit­ ed on; Sunday with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr..and Mrs. R. McKay in Grey. Mr,. John Beecroft and sons, Mel­ ville and Gilbert, also Miss Beatrice, were recent visitors with iMr. and Mrs. Reuben; Stokes. GLEN ANNANGirts; Entertained Boys’ Class A very enjoyable time was spent on Wednesday evening at the home of fc an’d'Mrs. C..R. Coultes when the members of the Excelsior Class entertained the members of the Triple V Bible Class at a corn roast The time was spent in playing various group games on the lawn until lunch was served. Following lunch a sing song was enjoyed. Harold Vincent, on behalf of the boys, extended a vote of tha-nks to the girls for the pleasant evening’s entertainment and to the host and hostess for their hospitality. Mabel' Coultes, president of the class, responded. Miss Mary Corley, R.N., of Toron­ to, who spent a few holidays with re­ latives- here, returned to the city on Sunday. Jas. R. Coultes and Ross Anderson spent Monday at the Ex. in Toronto. Mrs. N. Keating, Mrs. H. Wheeler, Mrs,. J. C. Procter and Edith Procter attended the Officers’ Rally of the- Women’s Institute at Auburn Thurs­ day. • Ann-a Reid, of Varna, spent a few days with her cousin, Mabel Coultes. a Marian and Maude Powers, Rock­ wood, Spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Or'val Taylor. Girls’ Class Had Charge of Service The members of the Excelsior Class of Knox United Church took charge of the services at Brick arid Belgrave Churches on Sunday* The members formed the choir and ijdso sang an an­ them. Several member of the class took part in the service. The address was given by Edna Vincent. Follow­ ing the address a number Was sung by five of the girls, Freda jordan, Ruth Wheeler, Elaine Walsh, Nora Wheel­ er and Marjory Grasby. Rev, J. B. Townend, pastor of the church will be in charge next Sunday, Miss Lois Appleby visited a days with her friend^ Miss tMae Fris­ by. Mr. and’ Mrs. Joe Thompson and family, of Listowel';. visited on Sunday with Mr. and’ Mrs; Oliver Stokes. Prompt Delivery few FOR Phonel61 >FOODS * FRESH SALTED PEANUTS ................. 2 lbs 25c FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA ...59c lb. GARDEN PATCH WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2: tins 23t FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .......... BLENDED OR SPIRIT. EXTRA XX VINEGAR .. 4 •i ....... 39c lb. \ .........." . Gal. 39c & MAPLE LEAP TOILET | SOAP ...a...........,*............ 5 cakes 23c |MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES ___..... 59c 4 lb. box SPECIAL VALUE, MAPLE LEAF PURE LARD ................lb. 10c TIP TOP No. 4 PEAS .... FANCY LARGE GUM DROPS ............. 15c DALTON’S O. K. JELLY POWDERS................5 for 25c 15c lb. lb. GRAPE-FRUIT JUICE................10c 20 os. tin BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER -------- 2 lbs. 25c COWAN’S PERFECTION COCOA-----------25c 1 lb. tin lb. 19c I HEAVYI ZINC RINGSBELMORE 8iut Gillette Blades .. 32c lb. 4.■All for only ^9 i MAPLE LEAF VARIETY LOAF..............39c lb. 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS 5 doz, 25c 68 . Wiagham g 4 ^•Gillette TECH RAZOR with 4 Vita! Shnvinty Impravamcntf Omar Haselgrove’s SMOKE SHOPPE MisS Doris Raynor, ntirse-in-train- ing, returned to London Sunday. Miss Elsie Parnell, guest of Minnie Jeffray, left for her home in Toronto on Monday. Miss Elva Reid isvisiting her aunt in Wingham, Mrs. Jack Rdd and Reggie visited friends in Teeswater ihe past week.? A tittle boy came to gladden the McCORMICK’S FANCY BISCUITS ............................. DUMARTS SUMMER SAUSAGE . MACARONI & CHEESE or DUTCH Loaf 27c lb. peaches arriving fresh from Niagara daily BUY FRESH FRUIT HERE