HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-31, Page 71 Thursday, August 31st, 1939 If Britain should find it necessary to rsend an expedeitionary force across ■the water to Europe proper, it is pos- -sible that some of the troops may be transported by planes at a great sav- GORRIE Mrs. Geo. Robertson, south of Gor- ■rie, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. MacDonald, of Lis­ towel. Mrs. Wm. Jacques, of Estevan, Sas­ katchewan, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Edgar. Mrs. S. Munroe spent last Tuesday ■with her friend, Mrs. Peel, at Ford- ■wich. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Underwood and son, George, of Wingham, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Mrs. J. Johnston, of Arthur, is vis­ iting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Cole and Mr. Cole, also other relatives. Kicked on Head by Horse While assisting with a threshing at the farm of Mr. Delbert Clegg on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Henry Finlay had the misfortune to be kick­ ed) on the head by a horse.. He was •rendered unconscious for a time and it was necessary to have’ several stitches in the head. He is now much improved and we hope to see him around again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller and Dorothy Arscott visited with Brussels friends on Wednesday last and the latter remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Nash and dau­ ghter, Margaret, of Toronto, are visit­ ing the former’s mother, Mrs. T. Nsh. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Purlcess and ■daughters, of Windsor, spent Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Staf­ ford. <Sunday visitors at the same home were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Wass- ■man, Mrs. Hicks, of .Burnholm, and Miss Louise White, of Cockrane. Held Successful Tea The afternoon tea which was held last Saturday under the auspices of the Girls’ Branch of the W.A. of St. Ste-} phen’s Church, was well attended and a decided success. The- tables were spread on the Rectory lawn, .a delic­ ious tea was served and a social time YOUR EYES NEED . ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118. Harriston MONUMENTS at first coat Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work we ask you to see ths largest display, of monu­ ments of any retail factory in Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines We import all our granites from the Old Country duarnes direct, in the rough. You can save, all local deal- ers’/agents* and middleman profits by seeing ns. E. Skelton & Son «t West End Bridge-—WALKERTOF “TOMMY” TAKES TO THE AIR for a week. Rev. George Wylie of Oakdale,Mr. and Mrs. James Wylie, their small son and his little friends, are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Wylie. WROXETER ing of time in those vital first hours, These men of the Royal Ulster Rifles were taken from Ryde, Isle of Wight, to Yatesbury airdrome, Wiltshire, on their way to Axford camp, near Marl- enjoyed by all those present. Mills. Misses E. and B, Potter visited with friends in Owen Sound and Paisley last week and Miss B.' Potter has re­ sumed her duties in the store ‘of R. H. Stephens & Son. Mrs. Margaret Thompson and dau­ ghter, Miss Harriet, of Regina, Miss Berva Thomas and |M1‘. Lloyd Thom­ as, of Detroit, visited last week at the homes of Mrs. Hugh Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hutchison. Mrs. Harold Cockburtf, of Guelph, spent a few days last- week with her sister, Mrs. V. Shera and Mr. Shera, and she and her mother, .Mrs. Ellis, Who had spent' the past five weeks here, returned to their homes in Guelph on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera motoring down with them for the.day. , Institute to Meet Sept. 6th The September meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held on Wed­ nesday, Sept. 6th, at the home of Mrs. Ray McIntyre with the program in charge of Mrs. E. Sparling. The roll call will be answered with “A Use of Salt." Each member is asked to bring a weed which ‘will be named. Miss Velma Lennox has returned to her home in Wingham, after a va­ cation at Callander, North Bay and Ttottt Mr. and Mr's. Robert Graham are in Toronto for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mundell were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turnbull at Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade spent Sunday at Midland and Wasaga Beach. We are sorry to learn that Mr. R. Walker is confined to bed but hope he will soOn regain his normal health. Mr, and Mrs. Ray McIntyre and daughters, Dell and Patricia, visited on Sunday, afternoon at the home of . Mr. an'd Mrs. Walter Ballagh, Tees- 1 water; Dr. L. M. and Mrs. Whitley, accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, Wror- eter, ^pent the week-end at Crystal Beach and Buffalo. Mrs. A. Stephens and children, El­ eanor and Bobby, and Mrs. W. J- Earngey, visited friend in Harriston on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and (Mrs. M. McKenzie and Mr. Louis Edgar spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Under­ wood. Mr, and Mrs. Carter McKee and children, of Galt, are visiting at the home of the former’s brother, Mr. G, McKee, Mrs. Arthur Jacques ahd son, Ad­ dison, and Mrs. Wm. Jacques, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, George Hubbard, of, Orange Hill. Dr, and Mrs. Ridge and sons, Jack and Bobby, of Portland, Were Week­ end visitors of Rev. II. N. and Mrs. Watt. •Miss Ruth Pydell, of Kerwood, vis­ ited last week with Miss Dorothy Ed­ wards and other friends. Miss Emily Heinmiltef and Miss Phyllis Hemingway weye wingham visitors last Saturday, -a Miss Dorothy Edwards, of Toron­ to, is spending her y^catlon at the home of her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Mr. James Ballantyne, of Ethel, vis­ ited with his sister-in-law, Miss Jean Graham, last'week. Mr. Jack Hupfer and daughter, Mar­ garet, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., are vis­ iting with Mrs. George Paulin,-also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hupfer. Mrs. Doan who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lome Kaake, has left for her home in Biggar, Sask. Mrs. John Gibson is visiting with friends in London and Ailsa Craig. Miss Jeanette Adams is spending a two-weeks vacation in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Paulin and daughter, Grace, spent the week-end with friends” in Hanover. . Mr. and Mrs. FI. H. Mercer, Donald and Bobbie, of Markdale, spent-the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Mrs. Dave Haskins, Audrey and Kenneth, of Burlington, are visiting with Mrs. C. Sproal. The many .friends of Miss Isobel Milligan are sorry to hear of her re­ cent illness, Mrs. Grimshaw, Mrs. Stuart, Buddie ' and Kay, of Detroit, arc visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanderson. Mrs. Fred Coe, daughter Eleanor, 1 of Gallaway Lake, Mich., Mrs. Earl Montrose, daughter, Alice Marie, also Mrs. Harold Rich, all of Pontiac, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. John Adams last week. Master Teddy Edwards, who has spent the past month with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards, has returned to his home in Toronto. Miss Marguerite Smith, of Strath­ roy, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mrs. Arbuckle and daughter, from Toronto, also Mrs. Coulter and dau­ ghter, of Morris Twp., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson and family spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and Mrs. Neil White called on friends in Harriston Sunday afternoon.. After spending the past week with . het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hen­ ning, of Turnberry, Miss Muriel Hen­ ning returned to town on Sunday. After spending/ the past month at Grand Bend, Rev. Mr. Grant will re­ sume his charge on the Wroxeter cir­ cuit next Sunday. Miss Maggie Linton left for Toron- ' to last Thursday for medical treat­ ment. Her many friends hope she may return much improved in health. Master Campbell Reeves, who is spending the summer vacation with I his uncle, Dr. I. Campbell, also iMas- ■ ter Roy Durst, spent the week-end at Wasaga, at Dr. Campbell’s mother’s cottage. ..........______________ Mrs. Metcalf, Gelannan, also her hold effects to the property in the vil- daughter, Miss Elva Metcalf, R.N., of lage which she has leased. Mr. Archie .Brooklyn, N.Y., spent part of last Halliday who had spent a couple of weeks with his mother, returned to Toronto on Saturday.___________: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Graham, Tor­ onto, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gra­ ham. Mr. Robert Wade and Mr. Elmer1 Dickson are spending Wednesday at .VanVelsor, who underwent a minor the Toronto Ex. Master Donald Mil- operation in Wingham General Hos­ es, who had been holidaying here, re- ( pital last week, is improving nicely. Miss Iva Gallagher is visiting in 5-borough. What Would have been a hour journey by boat and road or rail, became a half-hour jaunt followed by a short road trip. These men are awaiting orders to “deplane.” James Edwards. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dettman and daughter, Shirley, of Turnberry, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Er­ nest King. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warwick, of Morris, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor.' Mr. and Mrs. H. Vn Holmes and Miss Perkins have returned to their cottage at Bruce Beach and had as their guests on Tuesday, Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Ball and daughter, Kathar­ ine Marie, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Mrs. W. C. King. Mrs. David Gathers, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short and son, Ronald, were Sunday visitors at the home of the former’s son, Mr. JJoyd Cathers and Mrs. Cathers, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anger and fam­ ily accompanied Mr. John Anger and family of Listowel to Durham one day recently where they attended the fun­ eral of a friend. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Edgar on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newbigging and daughter, Dorothy, of Britton, and Miss Mabel Cochrane, of Atwood. Mrs. Mary Robertson, and Miss Fraser of Bluevale spent Thursday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black. Mn and Mrs. Russel Richmond and | Mrs. Shortreed, near Blyth, visited on! Tuesday last with Dr. J. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Halliday has moved her house- week with Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Wylie. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Shearer and baby daughter, who have spent the vacation months with Mr. Tom and Miss Beatrice Shearer, returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie Mon- I day of last week. We are glad to report that Mr. L. turned with them. Mrs, W. B. Elliott and two daugh- London at present. Her sister, Mrs. ters, of Vancouver, B.C., visited the Erie Atkinson and two sons, of Lon- former’s niece, Mrs. Stimson Thurs-. don, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. day of last week. A. E. Gallagher at Salem, Miss Irene Metcalf and little Ver-1 Dr. Irwin Campbell has won a good | Mrs. T. H. Gibson, Wingham, her daughter, Mrs. Jim Zeigler and son, 1 Jimmie, London," were guests Thurs­ day of< last week at the home of -Mr. 1 and Mrs. J. H. Wylie. Miss Peterson, Rothsay, formerly della Metcalf are spending this week share of honors at the different golf j mrs Durst went to Lon-...... ...... E ... ......... ♦«. I "S's*X Agnes Drust who is confined to Byron Sani­ tarium there. with their aunts, Misses E. and B. j tournaments he attended this season.- Potter. | Competing with some of the outstand-! The friends of Mr. William M.‘ar- ing players in Canada and United shall will be pleased to know that his States, he has won six prizes. Con- health has very much improved the gratulations. last few days. Visitors at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Day on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frain, Mr, and Mrs. Forest MacKay and daughter, Alice, of Grey, Misses Mona Miller and Hannah Russell, Mr, Glen Wheeler and Mr. Stan. Wilson of Brussels. Mrs. M. Ross who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen and family, of Wroxeter and Miss Marjorie Ross of Toronto, to Dyer’s Bay for a week’s holiday, retUrhed home on Saturday. Mr. H. Irwin and daughter, Miss Lucille, of Long Branch, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Irwin. Mrs. Woodcock and daughter, Miss Marian, of Toronto, who had spent the vaca­ tion here, returned with them, accom­ panied by Mrs. Morley Johnston and Miss Velma Baiers who will remain Low Rail Fares To TORONTO* EXHIBITION $3.65 Goad going Aug. 24 to -Sept, 9 Return Limit Sept. 13 Canadian Pacific Following what has been termed in many quarters as a great “double­ cross,” the British and French military missions left Moscow overnight. Be­ fore their departure, the chiefs of the two missions briefly called on Soviet War Commissard Klementi E. Voro- of the local C. S. staff, spent part of last week with Miss Mae Davidson. Miss Winfield, Toronto, also Miss Isobel Thompson, Georgetown, were guests of Miss K. Goodfellow part of last week. Mr, Charles Stewart, who has been a popular member of the bank staff, has been moved to Goderich. Mr. Jack Brown, Toronto who is a guest of his sister, Mrs. T. G, Hemp­ hill and Mr. Hemphill, has been very ill during the past week. We hope he will have a speedy recovery. Morning service in United Church was taken by Mr. Robert Stocks. Mr. and "Mrs. Wm. Mundell, 2nd line, were Sunday guests of the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, near Wingham. © Miss Aileeti Schaab and Miss Breta Peterson, Rothsay, were week-end guests with Miss Schaab’s parents, at Elmwood. Miss Ruth MacKenzie and Miss Jean Knowles, both of Guelph, were week-end guests of Miss K. Goodfel- low. I School Opens Tuesday School will open on Tuesday of next week. Mr. Hector Knight, Ethel, as principal, who was recently mar­ ried and will occupy the home recent­ ly purchased by him from Mrs. Fred Kitchen. His assistant, Mr. Robert­ son, comes from Strathroy and with his wife will live in the apartment ov­ er Walden’s store. Miss Keith, Tees- water, will be senior teacher in public school and Miss Elva Stocks remains on the staff as primary teacher. We welcome the new members of the staff to Wroxeter and wish them every suc­ cess. Miss K. Goodfellow was a George'- town visitor on Monday. She was ac­ companied by Mrs. E. J. Williams, of Fordwich. Miss Lillian Neil, of Toronto, is-a guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Sawtell. Dr. W. A. Spence, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann. (Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst also Mr. Married Waller — At the Rectory,Carr Gorrie, by the Rev. John S. Ball, Neil Allen Carr, youngestftson of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carr, Wingham, to Lily Gert­ rude, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller, Wroxeter. Guests of Miss Mae Davidson last week were, Mr. and Mrs. M, A. Deans of Sprucedale, Mrs. Stewart of Barrie, Mrs. Hobley, of Toronto, September Meeting of W. I. The September meeting of Wroxet- er Women’s Institute will be held on the evening of Sept. 22nd, and will be of special interest. Keep the date op-* en. Women’s Missionary Society The September meeting of the W. shilov. When the “bombshell” of the Russo-German pact was flung into their midst, the missions were in the thick of discussions with Soviet re­ presentatives, looking towards align­ ment of the U.S.S.R. with the western democracies. This picture shows the M. S. will be held in the church school room on the afternoon of Sept. 12th, 3 p.m. and will be in charge of the "Home Helpers” with Mrs. MacNau- ghton as convenor. All the ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. Master Jack McLaughlin, of Wing­ ham, is visiting John MacNaughton, 2nd line, this week. Miss Gladys Weir is again on duty at the telephone office following two weeks’ vacation. We regret the serious illness of Mrs. David Breckenridge, and hope she may soon improve. CAST MONOTONY OUT OF MEALS It’s almost automatic, isn’t it, to think of dinner in terms of meat, po­ tatoes and some other vegetable? The only thing is to decide which kind of meat and what other vegetable so that meals become almost routine. Why not break,the monotony of such meals and as a start, think of fish instead of meat? There is such a wide variety of fish available to the Canadian housewife at all times that it can be served frequently and not grow tire­ some. And then there are so many ways of serving it, such delicious gar­ nishes to accompany it that a whole new field of culinary exploration is opened up. As the next step in get­ ting away from routine, serve a salad or cole slaw instead of a cooked veg­ etable. That is a particularly approp­ riate step at this time of the year. As for desserts, there is no reason to be in a rut there, but if you are, the re­ cipe below will please you. With this suggested menu, say goodbye to bore­ dom and start a new dinner table era. There is nothing elaborate or difficult to prepare — it’s just a change for the better, Menu Finnah Haddie Delmonico Cucumber and Tomato Salad Crimson Crystal Dessert Sponge Cak'e Coffee or Tea Finnan Haddie Delmonico 1% pounds finnan haddie 3 tablespoons butter 1% tablespoons flour teaspoon salt Dash of Cayenne Dash of nutmeg 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 6 slices toast lVs cups light cream or top milk I Wash finnan haddie, drain, cover with cold water, and cook slowly Un- ! til tender. Drain; separate into large flakes to measure 1% Cups. Prepare j sauce by melting butter in top of dou­ ble boiler, Add flour and stir to a smooth paste. Add cream and season­ ings and cook until thickened, stirring constantly1. Pour small amount of sauce over egg yolks, stirring vigor­ ously. Return to double boiler, £lace over hot water, and cook 1 minute longer. Add finnan haddie to sauce. Serve on toast; garnish with parsley. , Serves 6. Crimson Crystal Dessert 1 pkg. strawberry jelly powder mission arriving in Moscow. LEFT FRONT, is General Joseph Edouard Doumenc, head of the French delega­ tion, and Admiral Sir Reginald A. R. Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, chief of the British mission. IV2 cups warm water cup maraschino cherry juice 12 maraschino cherries 'quartered Dissolve jelly powder in warm wat­ er. Add cherry juice. Turn into shal­ low pan. Chill until firm. Cut into* cubes. Pile into sherbet glasses with cherries. Serves 6. SOUFFLES THAT PONT FLOP There is one member of a luncheon party which should never sit down. It’s vetjy embarrassing to the hostess when her guests are seated at the table, to have the main dish — the' souffle — not only sit down but fait flat on its face. But as wise cooks know, this need never happen. So i£ in the past yo-u have hesitated to make, a souffle because it might fall, try this, delicious recipe and banish that bogey forever. The addition of quick-cook­ ing tapioca to the souffle will keep it high and handsome’ all the way. This salmon souffle is ideal for at summer luncheon. It is easy to make and has a delightful flavour. A light salad and a simple dessert are suggest­ ed to complete the luncheon. Salmon Souffle 4% tbsps. quick-cooking tapioca , Vz teaspoon salt 2/2 teaspoon minced onion 1 cup milk 1 cup water and 2 bouillon cubes, 1% cups minced salmon 3 egg yolks, beaten until thick and lemon-colored 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten Combine quick-cooking Tapioca* Salt, onion, milk and stock in top ofc double boiler. Place over rapidly boil­ ing water and cook 8 to 10 minutes, after water boils again, stirring fre­ quently. Add salmon. Cool slightly while beating eggs. Add egg yolks and mix well. Fold into egg whites. Turn into greased baking dish. Place in pan of hot water and bake in mod­ erate oven (350 F.) 1 hour, or until firm. Serves 8. “Many a man has a t'alent for con­ versation which he has had no oppor­ tunity of turning to account!” “Um — er •— yes; I am married my­ self.” WALDEN’S GROCERY — WROXETER — SPECIAL Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Rolled Oats ...... 1 lbs. for 25c Dates (Pitted) ........ ......lie lb. Corn Flakes, Kellogg’s Large ................... 2 for 23c Oranges 288*s..........._ _ 18c doz. TORONTO PRICES FOR UNGRADED EGGS Low Prices on Bread Flour— “ Robinhood” “Five Lillies” “Quality”