HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-11-7, Page 2L .-
_ _ _ _ -- --- ------ --- - - _�-- - - - -_ 40 --adore _ ` loo M a
_-- _ - ROII[lfl 8�T• ju.0 {b of tb fan sect i"
totip of the young cepa tmolino. "Aod Chrute waltds lightt a -k@n, Lut romem • mikuta. D,r•s ,bu girt -Miss Mvrtllon, I i shield had ever behold ; but it L'u ad■iritis u I camel's back. The 1'tvple are sot going _ tb P+pal territories. Ela wja tb digntly of
R 1 )) p L; y" showed itself in i•i& • e&, big voice ea reseed
■P will lieu rewure Mrs„ - -tour meitbrr ` boll tuts altnsrard, b both sieiui uuJ cos'•'+, b,e•kfretritb you I ) P to 1w cursed with my wore wonopwlies, (dole n tin hislor hY " ro ted TA■ Ilon1r90tWaR•-.• An ineidw{ lke lulitu Oorernmtnt au t vie atiom of
t rt br Loons, where aha td.+ll receive the at I mriArn, g y P'T Grnr,aLy. W Lave its M,s. t lowrll to I tushing Lul the moat rrajcctful kiuc nee■, u I K 7 Ibe )k .lombel at b 1L• ince► r air-
• ,h a )r. AIU,ar •- vent Puor but alio enfloe, soared of \cease, a , b w1.teJ the bewi!dtnJ girl to rise, sod sad if aloe elects l Lnuk IruuLlra hod takcp itself," enJ am army is uigrily kmookiag which reoNUy took pboe in thio toots- this muedmul. ] y
1■auon of L )tsetse, ■ reota.nrol+ h .I Qwumg the sick room. I I sot before the elechuus, they scull shi scop t0 tllustnte atroagly the in•
int leugsa a t r tl 1 sLe,n a Gvuod the malar it Inure s"medble fur Ler." ' ixyuiot I af's Pas ■tie► holt. I pl st aloe sten Of I{amu, Garibaldi, the P Dcat.t a, Nur. 7, anon. -'l'be trial of fie&.
1... g o br ■k 1, I herr r al once t) the Lbr•ry, K oak else b honest of Ihn Qtrmsn char-
•' Exact! Noll, tomorrow oils n rots \ot heat at all, I tclaerA, but U, ao baro tau lot the (ioveapm:nl that such P 7 Warren, fur eomylaeity in Feaunsm, sets
,red sent w It,.creeds to ask bis immdasv bro,ban ersitin- w bear stn seccunt of ha T K the most remarkable wihtary louder of toter fo April IYt llama (we will 0111 concluded lasteyemn't. Ile was found Iui4y
per crop." iyl:cute Thi* kthe phraicien procreJed las I leave lila table, inks her out u. ILe gaidwnI 6iabteued !" exclatnnd ilia young woman, !
"Yue art ve , n kind, air 1 am erre " ire in the curl, ern .Calle HTIe prrYlir to I -talk about the cuuutry, ask her to tide, tr +siukinc upon the bank be„de the road, a auto of aLuin is aucndrrable. Thank modem tions Gu gathered Int •rmy of lies) Iwught t yoke of oxen from Jeob• I of paoauu std feloa.r.
murmured eke^ rel �Y wi ing Mr r•r,” give i f enJ aloes atlur a .Leet p,•ern, n•r, I Jrive, or row, ur Pieces, or air)th-ug ,list will Ileal hides. her face in her heads,larhoe I goodness, we send men from thio Section eOmo 12,000 ince• sell in spite Of Papal It was agreed that the looney aboulia be I .-,�.r.�.-�----
sl.e hope to agirl, ter Ming `4 diem, i ase¢ Lrutiu4 i"qui,inq'] Lune ant• uu Ind til!- 1 rint a little blots' to her cheeks, and herr, ale rider lia,;s,s were quite iucal lb of who are re ared to tell the Government i l in OOtoba•r, but to do the hint in a GAIIIIIALDI AND ROYK.
11.1 ke senor.. hula u•rpn.ati.,w 1', n•- er rarer' 6R. (Ir : U her qes. 71wtshall be your first b,l of 11r.naug the flood of Icer■ which cetec to her P P bulls, French threats cod Itrlida daaue•� xintxs-like way a sola was to be mall,, I
modal. ••Ike;,, 9, ill: e'udilc's heir T^ praenrr-yoarhsdr c•.r.' reu.f. what they think of a Banking; systew eiations, he lou advanced to the gates of b y I L 1'urx, Nov. 7-A Herald special
g fur the amuumt. Aaxurdiewl a note woe
The two men .Loco \,',.r h has n,unZ Ira m. ,event him to vats. in th, nee 1'Try well, .Ir," returned firer, with Percy, during this ebul4diun, offered ueitb- I which has already bon:O such halter the 1''ternal edy, and at Isat atrouunts wY down std eigmed by llama. Perfectly Istye:-(7aria►ldi s camp it at Castle Yefbu
* ) P
msastra's older■, laud dtrwrlyd w atioud atak +Sow tit Mr.IAJ"Yd CrowooiLie!d,' Lead )'eery, more of a smile than the doctor ,en.rmben'd er comas, ret nor c,manlalon. To hats ole to Trutt. acrerd
4 ---• 6 - r• I er , alio noir a lin woYld by that moans :iUlh Utl ail.& dutrnt Gem Rumq on alis
a thick ■cense• I -id upon "dour La"tily re- quickh', roil a sari of L:a L+hJ tomatJ bas writs ante Ihs cowyv man Lad M•en •ata• mnbt men, r .rmto(a lrkiid Warr • painful j throwm • On1ut shells ono it. Ytili the Jacob salt ildas had bettor aero, fire Oil that I , Wedueday, to the '
milled fro•■ its hu,geA, a„w tela•+r.•J,Ir. . !lonelier. Jaut. • if you -prescribe shall i cei: ,t- and emLstmasing u,llat. mud while ,bey flow-. I TEEE OLINTON 11[ARIC]IJTB. OatU,,a of a desperate, haud to hand chs I k I mornutt: Garibaldi hid st his headquarters,
11,P tarsi ort, &"d with aumr hr: fr,,in the ICI ••What ! fl -well -hum; h. Tkrided by ilio @qu:,ing of dela«-, a one of we neu'r, aJ ho coelJ ugly look illy uu .irLin, over ! know then it same due. !tt the day of
P 't alter Gate Taken ylaofi ijntween Gerib•I- under lou immeduto aommrud, 3, U00 nvm
Mr• ('row inahc{d and the . isnted d:'u,h,s r ! boor•, a .s it °” nwl. d the duc'oq our ; lead--*• 1 suppose 1 must oh. y ' a re) ,,veto that 1'. kkieW whet �.e Ought to say Far the Lenefil of talc 'Artning "Mm- I maturity Haas forked over aha amount• I lutionar soldiers. The assets are well armed
%ets.dad its nmoviug the ,. j,) red wuua.a,s to j di.gu:&ing Lit ddusap.fact:Or at till iYfU,ms I -' r It c,. u: to, ruts mot. 'f be re, get it It ors but u Sew minuted, however, before I muuity we made arrang,ments a few hood and I'aAt. Claes, m Ihn the pOr- aid raid, "now Jr muuey� colo pial, you I Itfid hag pkmly of pru•i■ivald. Ths Oenerst
the litter. I lin•,,. ,.to"R' I hfioJ al 0itplgio vtllabntr during the put I isvele to note to show you I kap my tort pts no artillery except two bra" row taken
Ca'wfull main lheu 1 anitn fn mr Il',t i -Net. end a const unlurkw r6ere" T ou Any Ihn doctor slammed the door in 1Lr I the u.ba becune I -:d viufrul ;eke bands ser ,� we, ks nc-, to reca'iee the Clinton end al mil Ou !" COmmeut is Onneo"SusTY. from ,be "&pak soldiers during the fight Dz
y gw th h, use I '+ )r. Alibor e'' lac!• mrd Rolland, I tae+ Of h:s stutkm, and went Lack whir withdrawn, sod after the subridiu4 floral Lad',, Scaforth markets by special telegraph few days. }bW, former claiming ♦icterics, I fl y - Mueta Rotondo. They harts nu tents, and
¢r Oa 'd, tkt ttreo nu set oIf fur a )h;nk , , I I r
v-Iwtg o doors and li hu hui.r m„vin seri' I tit&: e, s+yuig, '• The boy'11 wopa niu.ar:f to Irid sir allot to the woth)ng fout•h o% a sett twice a war k. After a evert trial, how• Oog thing its Oertain, the people of Italy +--
Pe^ i t p J )) then is wy kXua discipline mai*o lead.
fn dap to lace sbow,J 14x1 'n , or l- .1 boio!d rnu sn, teeny man T' asked ,death, what with etude, end whet .iii tlrinn- Aat,dprchief, lbo hazel ey,y Pero oud.tenly I (Ter, the Chnn)m n{,rrs{tur finds that it it are fairly arcaded, and whilst tkcir king I• g&• The severe gale of tTe p+i,t few I'fbe ,,err Y ungerded. Garibaldi'■ a -.J
)m 1 P
les• wen ex tried, eke pk sir,tn, liming his keen mad gory etre ing about Item Vivian, ll 1 Jnn't asst•tolidk - Wined up to meet lL-raze , Iwi h oto' "i'• :taw much ofd strain upon hit mtrllactuul '
• PP T 8hs• end ,he stno�er siring e.,iJ, with • tweed I lours I'raclawatium dcnommeing the I days must have done much dsmRge ul I quartan m aha field a, lao•m1 at • pout
• You 1.ed blur take my art , comaueo- u r 11ie scoot Ii, l tree of ahs sueeker. 'T%e I ceanuer irritation with thi,t O%hrr yu I• owers tow red ten tuinutes err week In
h M” rev •time before, Ro'aud, that I we'll 4"St-@h. isn't the kind that break nettle : I P movement and its actors, lhr are deter- our like shipping. TM Steamer Clinfom lacing Rume, u the sol len rel alio Papa
cord 1'r.ey,:ae be tulloa,d iLe beer side y bid ion ma 9 whish left for !9• inaw Dn Sunday last, who have st•sdild f�lien Lack, here ntroatwd
ids with 1Le dao liter of Lie •u.'+t LuI 'ase 'u , at eonclueioos hofore they are .&ill their hearts, I'll venture t , airy. WO,.A'r til •'Indeed, nr, you must ILifik Int 7aty ■illy, I ObtamttPrceteJm otndl ha t� w detainroattJ mined that Ilnwc, shall Ise the capital of g within the lime of fortificatams of the city. .
s g 4 y 1 cal ..
hesitated Low -to Address hs new ecquaiu inn i"J u,g dirluirP, Abad trick. My.n ball +!re's m.ney T Nr,hu.'t dee n LuJ m nch fur Lal I cou:d-' Lnlp u " are i was aompellad to pat bank to t}oJerith I Before their retirement frim the field, they
AnJ ilial are dots gnrg w do, ■ia T" my ¢oy. Poor tulluw-sham- he w.an't the I dare say oat, but I'm glad you teal !Mod in Lis rep(,rU if we do not arrnnge [l oiled Italy. R'ithiu the city all u you shelter, the Siiuer Sprny Rot in early I burned .11 the bridge* oder the river. The
tames. .I trick. _
\\ ► " acid the nntinued hs, n,rir ,addeu') to 1'rrcy.s he lulgei heir. 1C ander if ILoLmd JiJu't chis M•ttrr. I newer snow wk to du of to sty I to have them handed to him. TFis is trcixditiuD. The Pope hu fled from the nn Sa•urdSy evening. Thn schemer Roman p esunto take uo intsrest to the pro.
•Mood Merrit,m, is ■yls�m c g ;
FI uirt:v.0 she cam lief h his n lacer. I.tarr,d, and re ,li• d burriadly : I Lam- Jost line Lam d he did. !'epee., whir when s women ens•..' olid konest I'ercr, re not caril done, and if our readers do nM, I N. C. Ftnf I•T at aoohor is the ofSnR Roes n(ARr:n. Tbay •re eagrged •t aha
a y P J Yatiean, atid, it i+ alle�eJ, was on hu
••MT mother u \tis Merrill- „ ue,i•i I - • I'm sure 1 Tani kcooksir. Perhaps you'll r goal ocaohs old foul I'm gatun,; to I e. memhYring mUrC IL►n O.re OCCem,Ufi wheal Itae I in future, see the state of the Clinton
0nd we stern " in to eros. the en a boll adwi■o me T" Wish 1'd been ap at the Louse half an hoar Paden had gained her peau with him Ly A market in the Sh jeer!, we wish deem to way to Uvitla Ycechla W glace himaSl(� on NunJay, but managed n get into the I Oariba and tending of in flecks as them,
e T harbor nn Noelle mo►niu minor her /hello■Taft s mea Jo not mterfrn with bees,
. public "red private cuo'eyin'• as ser N I ••1\'ail, i nil!. f Mme to m] uPica enJ 1'l1I emsher len ni;!ht the bn)a were born, tLPercr r•a.A worn lit of ease. I sit aw cl their rat; est The do not
r ret " v uwburr. of uu." Ikl me best w • eLuts ersnge, that Percy .i merry oti!e stole or.r tlr�le,run`rr a undentanJ that it ie not becewr re are I under the shelter of the 1,'icarlg'bayonete. tripe-geuinq. Flr� loss is eothnatcJ at � W P 1• T
wight.to Ifrni.hure. where sol• haw (le . mal a ) take awy cheep or oxen, or any of the
e„u I" is the uldrdl-ink"f•s-well, wet,, lutist 0,1d Lore as slw heard the yonng man reply, end not willing to pay fur the inG reseal n. A I It is new a race between IiaribrlJi and about 111500, and is corerad by inwranee.
Lm thio ten late acridrnt o mr after -nil : •• •ori air icultnml goods or ehuWb Ia aha •kinky
ha" th�onn us a ,nn yrur hie nAl.:y-n, '•&, •elicits{r••a). 1•MLn•�ian, rind psnar woeesl mend J_ I\'ish tht7'd scut lel an *tie ylrmecd anprorhrz ] tit hie freak enJ ('lintnn friend says, aha Oper -tor there the French c,�tumatldrn, ff he eta gel Beyond this, we have hoard of as serious rd lM hap, or was aha r-mis IPmdiag tMreto,
manlr cnuntrnanae.
rather that of )our t,mi y- Gar a, iud'fnite riskier, as oll grundiesill s ,emhek,-e hour carper, though," g hints that we changed tLr 6gare, he clot, I three clear d rya Lc'furo the French troops disasters. ■ith tbe e:ceplion of tl a waved of tM fences.
period. I am afraid " j ern Iia w andas my Laser was, and u I M••arn,me, Percy C:owninshie:d. otriking `I feel better now," eatA-aLr, risco and and hence lbs stoppage of our reports, I are thrown into Anne, the robabilit is _ _-.- - -- They hebade, Indeed, well. FA,rht men of
••Let an,. hot* that the (ear n to:.5ned u•' am. thespon iuru Fis hxrs franks, had urged will try to gn hoese. 1 am glad that horrid That is uro buncombe. We chall,rilte` P 7
hs eudl Pin and ineon•run nee to rA4b •'Aad as [sit! be," crF•d PPrev, with sud- that unfortunate animal int(, such a tr t as creature is killed. A nd as ah. glanced sbull P y 1 that he will Gull the city, apd once )n his B(lortx CoRw.-The Motors. Dobson, ,be Oaribaidim .rmy am to be ecce
t g drnngly rt the desai Bernd, tM lacca rotor { the tele raph c erator. or an other man, to -morrow by woufiee of a court martial-
' your z"they roar be auKeetrJ dmigt that den drt►rn inti"n. ••F:Apacially ff you will, he bad net toed for many a day ; and, ask- I I 1 they bare been tenneud tit lhiarang •t
e,i,d N•as Me�riI "!uid Pe
rc ear,estl _m I re •& •e its iransnil tht warm heart, the up! ing the road Leading belt from the over, to- fled leading her cheek ohne as the brow shows }- pAq that a single 6aare of the roar- po,selwion, he will lou xurrobnstr. b. mol- proved ut�factorilB hat broom ec,rm cam
7 J R � p • � titudn resdy`and willing to uplte m Oro- P J Mumte Itatondo. The mea of tbe force •re
Ian dors, the seru.fi Land further wit',i his:, 10 t richt miad, sod Rener-ri "vlf lorgetfuloe•a' yard a rat,ge of-Ll;h bi:''e called its tk- ,t. kit re ort was ever chanweJ in this n roe I be ¢row- tm perfection m this loealpl•- `eery eoththwuc ui rhtir hu.e@ as to taw
tUf be curld not but rcrtwo that fatigue or el lea.t else til 114 A.,hrciles, along with I ae:gbboahaul the Mountsius, promwd him "O, how cam,, ha b attack you ".' asked I The Ntafnrth-peratur d,Yd DnI ftYl'1{ 0 atml-r, the lily An integral portion of;
M I ^ y. b y• P 6 T any trouble L, semi us his market re I Darin the sat wummer the cultivated cath of the ry cold d is home ; bol aha
slid s,,,rui•.n bad hrrdt la•ft Ins eoW ,au ,,,l hhs Wo -A." Belt a lung day of Pxhdaratine eaerc,r, end Pert ea •eel Ytn ,hon •h before oat l R P Y
y ,I ". h,d I '-t' ; .r air time cf ll•t " n Wined the o Ivan rn)oyment. IPII mr, nod tut me Dul you un my Lorre. I port, and we have to think him in the I the lines tom. ; ln. iLe contrary, wweabut shoo dPtJ avAl w+Lac returns nF GILha L 5t •athr•r is .ery� IJ dunr:g aha turron, and
•trekig•h outh'teut to support he•rw .l, a 1 t rc l filen, -s i wa,k bednle ou, 1 will hear the t this encu their triutism seed endumnee not
,l nut he a I or his rid, silo would ba,J'y I d„elor, toughing. while he wm ,g tk•:.hasd • ” I l,rlirde i bade paned Gv t ie free cone whole eturr, •aJ also where you lire, find I name of aur farming fricpds for lits atL'n- I It cxtrriaely un.Ikcly that lits br 1 a ry u a little. Recruits come tit at the average of
here been able uo proceed. •cep. , �4 hu psung frie red. 'i wt,gt Lave aur pupil among all %hast orog■," thought the :sin 'tion. if yla Dwi_ht would hook 'trio hastily mastered, enJ probably ill-pmrid- I for manufnrh•rng purptovm. if the Rot GOO daily. Arms said piovisiom aro had In
" 11 e a etcher eked a en.rlrr e/ tar•-! makes; Gtm rl' me.' man, r* ne haled Li! tun-@ rta.n o what •eat are erllcd." sped ,own had been gond, there ie nn
'.act t. dei t ndl m•a. dela! mak the l urs lied bi of the Ualn ar sir, end •''Sty name ie Graaam. tfary Graham," I little matterA of this kind it would not'. rd soldiers can cope with any a moidera' I doubt the crap would have b -en much 1 in anli1YNtio,. of a t lightrowitbrthe f spat
burr," cuuaiuuPd.:e young man, milk a .a ,f i. I 17 v a �u'I the id, blushi- Ca htlr, as .healvan•
tittle n-tn oPannu•u,cr, •t ha•in, b) slvw 1'••o ai I sena n -illy Itayr F'alcon's F:yai •.avJ Init ILe Mood tintle SI) lits linger ells with a C g Guit the iphirste of lila enmpan➢' �I ble G,rce of Frerch. he motnmrul Gu Fxtl�`r. Snmr n(�ur farmers should. turn
Y a to ttawanl'a aide, and slwaed lbs r ung f:uvrrnm•nt. 'l'Lere ►as Leen uo eetaal
ter fact. ••.and m• Lia none, I toll you• mel torr you•sel(ie t!w O1Fce of • rilisge doe du new lite, ^Tills wtudc"t I�fe rou'J have I d T' ------ - ---- tewhed Its climax, au.r we cunfi,10015 tb,irattention to the production of this enga¢rmenl since the fights at Viterbo sed'
tome tar Falcon a Eyrie, end beZ ts•ai yr ■ sod' tar, 6r•u if it is our goo4 IkrAhhorpP, will I suited Roland bar better 1`.an me. Luck] man a hghtly (dace lire m wJd1e. •'And ( -« j .
um ata i at 1 n. ihrtrl! s, orar iL,emde,'• lion. n. JltDannlJ; hon. j. H. Cam• I Monte nt•,toud t The ,eels fou lot bevel
Mn. Menit in wdi co„didpr n stair slow I ao hither aimahen to Iwrnms• tissuuwaeor 1 ` fTllow, he cosy ride or read , S bee eit0"sn- ••)fn. Martell &-a;.at.the Widow Bartell T iron, a..d Messrs, rtrcet antlGibt" arc at expcctthe result will be known In a very artielc. _ _ -_ ` 1" g y
I � ( g u.J when I rode, I I at Monte Rotondo. Afvr thr fight at
hn,:ae as long as you may bas wi:lin„ to Joan Tried H"land, coming forward. ap'I In..:ng hu, soeouI4 I s month a o -ay' a b ibere twice ever da exclaimed (l)Itaws as' a lr aitkiuon from IVp*tern few days. -Yea,-The steam mill ail the Yile tillaat N?nte Rotondo, Gasibalch a ofcers begged
our n with your preset,ce. 1 hand upon hit Lrutl -'s aDou!der, wish a 1 could turn my hone in at the gatrt til (g- 7 7 7• I ' I -_._-- .� - - _— t of him to shoot at once a❑ the prisoners
•'You ere very kind, air," a.I M a Nor ,¢rslura half earrn"mg, ha f impatient, whits, Vivian 1,-djr, a often " I rhooee. Itut Perrv. Baukt to rrprewith to G-t•crnment itx was A•stmvn-] Lv fire an Tubed ai h1,
u ,. weari' &rd after a mom••„,, u, eirtJ I he cost a scornful glaro•e tt t e old phyaieiani come• this wont Jo-ne repining, my friend '•1'es, 1 ,now it,"�..mturned lke girl, "1 fLulty position'with roft•rencc to lin Bsnk G RF7 AT F'1NF�1\ L1'CK VO\A' The hi¢h wind of I•m oitin (Oar. 31b (•ring' undo m the retina, but h• le Fr ch list*
r u y, y I hid•• nut- ern on. ' and nth deterM,nrunn. "i he F'ronek hrwe
m w Le+it:.ung ruice : ' Is your DuihIr aur I who, old-Jrsg ms rh'aa}} h• -glib, hu back fn Ib •- -no envy ! Wo- rr" I ell ,x that•" T, of Montreal. -- tee stor rs ai4fisi resulting in aloe brante .
ri d, sir T" ,.flf• his hto,dm lA•hinl Llni, bs!nnml Limrell•) '1 hr warming came in good tiara, hr at "W -hyo that u d at were ha'f acgaa,nlcd __ I 13 BIIILDINOB CONSUMED. I out arrirpd .a Ko me yet, S,gnor Aecerbi was
street' said the Duna m•:n, gayly. of a wtnre hackling. •e. As to in@orsnp,
••\ret yet," returned Perera ILnrM1y ole a.i atternate r o)yrn Lis pwsv,d brads, rhi'p' LLd dray moment the clatter of hor;ea' feet J T etc., we bare nn Cif rmation.— not 4JIed at 11u•rbi u wt fiat reported.
•'1 d.,n't know til.. t." re lied hu new i, ienA PAll TAVERN.—In a1101hrr plsee I G.Wwd, s sons M,nctu and Ibcrotn ars
thought u( Rose Vivian flauheJ err^as hM1 I Tr1nle ri,n, ,he iti-men, through shrewd, Imin -;-d a nh the .-ur,d of merry l.,u;hta` P will be seen the ev.l of Jlrs. Da a, The vorthr of r3vd nw, , the head .�. -
ind rid then, unlenlaudin. what hie u st I half-clusrdPi, a. came drawn the wind, and in ►outlier mumu, with a miI of pride find and ccl to her I ,f the Northern Gravel H -ad, seas vsilai I hwa in camp web their fisher. nal sell
m h g I Travellers who r t i:S' Som. rel tl r. Ynn•:int's rh..Y, just I Heap an the floor of .n o'd mnnastsry-
wAa drsiveas of in uinn: hdu�A ictl : I ••It As sns* :n ,not, Mra ler Ralat-1" remark' • gentleman slot liady, pursuinz uu I,imLack tone. ••There cannot be much ucruwn (or l :: oast • her Lo uA will I'
g an a= odaounce betwpon Yr. Pere Crownin lied it nor of the lx Int rnunt4 h(,uAta i i I i)y a terriGlc calamity nn SaturJ ly morn I sac g-,,1 u to English article .t 40 cants' Garibaldi will oat advance Bearer t.. IWlee
,% to is no M,a. Cro•ic noie'd N I w1 he, as Itoo I.i:er ceiroI speak ng, ••yod • road iutrnecpOg at rghrAngleAAII4%wlac6) T 1 ing last, by whirh the bast rtion ref!
shield, u( Falcon's F: iP, a,.J .Cert O:rham, iLe count N'c Cao CnD6 lend rKom- I 1'r' ppeer Ili Ten low bought .t Sh•ph•rd ! anGl be has • Inger Porro under has eom-
prcaent to o, you welcam#, but I have mo' are wn,ething L.a then pulite, b"th to y,•ur 'erey sod travPlhn j, swept nrress hoe li• I I 7' jI 7 9 ;the viilago sea+ swept •way. The fire Str•chsn'a for lei cents par ili. Try Ir. mode Ile is Wdy engaged m making M
doubt th:p Net. 8towrll, nut buaeekesiwr, I brother s;J m.•. t\bleb da you tLink after , allies end wan gone. \scalier a4 them the tillage Berms rase" I mend it.
r,(( j "Tbe villa ,e wemstress !" cried tLe young I originated in the stable attached tis Tamp- , ,�.-__._ edam n•tinn of le roans of the Endres
nil be &hle to mase you as cnmfurtal,lr as 1 ■,1 wodJ be mast de•grrdint t- him, to bre bred aeon or turned low.rd hien, Lut with on- I 6 - , v ^ i drs mypd by fire by the Pepsi trtusl4. In
tour m other'@ cops. ion .Ili allnx. Of her comp • ,vliape d n•tnt, "aid earn los own rltnar he hod res t•g,sized his brothel's dark , man, rmanriitg w Aso-:Phmpul til the little �. R,\N Aw.\y -A Mr. Tr, ble, n [+^Il s l.ntvl, where 1: broke out about
't what- hanJd fuWrd co Thr s,uid'.r .Mir laser f Cei• • cm reties Gttanu Rln(a else -Tho St. cam the (i• nerel rourrs at Pi ht o'etax:k i.
rind f -cling. slid r,a•rhet propritty of mw heead (,y, and p's•nty Af butter to i,, ,,-I), orI free, ilium noted to drnkmj beauty -a •,, I beside h:m, and thence to the proud and bntne, drete rep to the MorL.-t yesterday, I nature' f ■ r rrroun l nho 0Th ba table a cAnainte ner h ulinnel ace, awn Ip"ro t r- i p' gM
err, you awy era matured." I u ale] Lrre, ■std be our jack &t.A•pinch, I best and hnppuvt exprcanon. AnJ us tar nature of the u R'. I a ennatitu•nTy hu hero ren ed fo }( the rr."mz, ani nr& from hu Ilea nn tat
h p e titu o Pur -fepinch, bas e, anion T Ah, did sollb•yours{ corn I i•rter!ul b_,:.i se:i�t,ay bent coward him. u its i(Monday) and while he was attendin' Aa )r rt live in Tha mormnt. It ld as•d that
was in a Llax • im a very G w mnmenb. �tpph.n IGchvrdi where his return by ole -
Nass Mer-iton made no reply to this re• I and very hi•m I sr e t iPr own- react ■ith lo anile of men m:sli.a the I to serve htwiness The Gnrsai tool' (tight, be mVnd■ t0 nceapy Mnntr Mann ommPdute•
mark, and in a taw iuunutes, the In•Ir pro for your w Ge when the rrvsati were not.t kmew awl y thread til Ibote flossy g"Wen y t Thence the fire t reed in the hotel. elsinahun is •'moat certain, We shell nM wt
e i . -son I hand and ca•r file caildtea %leen their or• our b, drifnig taut upon the m.,nir,g air -dal tua:u of the you", mra's thouj4ta, ran aroyod the Pyaare at n furious rat., The hicn wind, eh ch shifted durinz he I re"e"t nam^ n, hot ad it i" oat mart than I lye !, ('+i0 Papal tronas• west ufli acrid end
c ass on reg, lied alis dour oC Ibe Int } jI _ force din tae fno he re Heat s p-0ior.
whero aha ruung mater of the h -Pie, ape Aered Firer-' i not the s, afkie tit tuose blue .•Per dim the 7b be e.,nrrnrred. +mashed the bug.y t,� !mithpr.rn A, and r I,QOn mile frar0 1,i n, dna our ern kn will bP ! rq
p here th Y sexes rel the appn.ach, enJ `ol •'Slap !" cried Percy, alRrtir2 Y if Lw liar , glo•io; autumn sky -bud La vol ■cud -ed That started for home, os if w+actecd, I emeries ,. the cnnflagntion fmm Seth' fusee a beru!t f t ILS rear of Thi@ p -lone.
I Fndth-seat, fanurd alis Rimed and'•his to exercise their inzenfiity io geese sg j yhe membra of aha nwrreelwnan anmm.t
. the co"Jrtion of his juste, stood leadp t,- LPen @Wn.-. "1 unol rataud yr, u. til l f,iP,nJ. 1 sttdi rade %'trio$ profile as carer e,If itur - .-�•.r. _ the lotatioe.
receive them. Ian re I cuts nu loo,; -r ■sty: Fafrorps Eeyle a studied the l'enw-,. �1 not even tone al ih+t a ' +r enrriTJ the fire to Ad ,inu,g Lua _ _ _-M' I I". a hale old retard mo s i:■s ihma,,
turn tgn�iC. S HAND903iE MEDAL J' a ings
ma+e ecaPt to be u:y Leese !'sill' ^o wild (,girlish rmee reho thrangh Lis tee -rt, till a ( I Phe next place• la take fire was rhe store 17 he to at ac with the fo d u a.&ct of mad -
CH APTEB 11. t throb gel wit tolersh!*i anjuiob T" 1 Cul. R.•en I ad subtn't it for nor Im etion I of fir. M foam bell, which t ether with I nese r attack with the re l jut, now Dude(
]nu." r ,,, ,`.-.•... .- p'• P g !i 1'A IYrI; r, 4TOIIT,-Inst Ftidsy even- his rnmmand. There are Iar1s up{i ifs of
' "llec. I -,y on -end 1 Lnve a right to br I " U Rose, Ose 1'irtan gnuarxd t4• the very handsome Pilwer atwlot wan by the storchninw. and stable was deatroyrd. iti- a car containig IS be" of rattle dust i foci anJ ammu,uion at Monte It,toads
A rxw words of introduction were quietly Mord ata this matter, Percy. Is not yeur,y'Uringman, airil:iair his firobead wi,h bid GODEEICH1 NOVt %Ibe `I�7•'1'ntata 1'aemore retlha rrrrul l{i^e Nutch,IJiartof Jlr.Campiaell'aGwrInweresa'ved. Cares. I'hs Ii.han trr,p@ pro" om sb,
gpok-u by f'e,cr, a he led lots fair cuargv rain brother more &cen,:pt io your eyes c!enchPd haud. '�1nd tarn tlruejb Fu clorcA f - •.-_ • "' I Th' dal. it 10 ;n, and the medal a olden F' F- r nine train ,,-min • t _,
n f'w i •t, an the eve
into the ball, and nothing could Clerked 1')r then • ,trenzer •. ' drmnccteJ Itolar:J, rehem- i teeth ole a.uttered, Litterly : Biegbam a Little w etorr Phared lh. ramp ra.1 from C,wlrrich oatght firs, it is am f, 4wiurr ere in Cue eoodiuon, end ad.&eem
enrd,al hn&pi•Ality and court y grecs with AN ATTEMPTED MONEY MON hoe s wcimeu of the en_avPr's art. it hisnn I P- —
petlr, xs tightening, his grasp u; an ai. broth. � ^ If til i Leen taw heir, and he the outcalit. OPOLY I j (ole, m -et ret' the ; un,iA bring gat not in a M,J linen S w ark from to rn;;inP, SnJ I ___
the G•Ccring ia.cription : " Prrmenre•y ht P" P
which ID,Isnd Cronuashield bid is e waarr I would dots not bare smiidd as .,elf! u n, S. Porter, Eenforth, damaged condition. Then came in eao- I)rforr it was disanrreJ it had made each
«r'a arm, he a fed the dtc:or nth iucreased 7 W t(• to SLP beet sent m
trarelle t .eleoma to 'Fr!euu's E ,ie. ll ,. ,ne T 1'aae brother- fick:e soman -what It is the general Opi:uon, an,l a well• I the pridste's match, won by private Jnhn f ma'ion, under th; i.flu� Dee of til le re- Prem Y prerlu,L•J tha prewibiliy of tg• I THF: 3LlRR1•:iS.
dad rent, hoanwtr, este lila nwwe either +•' —
r'" '•No Itobrd:' niAied Percy, mi'ctly. 'rNn care, I !ur tither . grounded oac tun, wt belied^, tGat Jar. I Pasm,re, Nn. t Co." Om the re•erse, are I rounng element. . Ir . Ilaff.'s h i i J } Nnguidling clic flsm.•m ar remnring lbs
of hie bees Lxr nr los fuePt, aline ell bis re• Ituf t , show Lia iAdiffr ren ', ngoln did the word,, '• Huron Rauali�,n Annu d flifle' .Fo , Al x. JI,K,nnnna faaior she 11 r. I I (ion►s1, n, No•. 5tk tori'.
marks and in•itatons were CAreluli)' acutin• human IN int tan ole Inn erre a) as in blood ��ar P P poor animate mit of teeir fiery quartrr0,
-hone nearer las me in of ceder, when you I Pe,cJ Cruwuinehi:IJ strike aloe a: ur& colo (hits the head ma ager Plf alio Bank of Match," surrounding . eve.th of ma -Ir 10arnash', dwelling house ■nd shop, Dr. -
ed to Ilia.own person, and that ueith,r b! the Bmks of hia spirited horse, until floe i ( L I The plsaid t moans el the poor dumb ipnng srbeat........ -.. I:aO ((ii 1.31
wont. look, nor rsturc.diJ he ackm,rLJ • are ]our letter tell, and cont nds•d by thee i Jlontrcal coolly auJ ddilteratcly aline i I Tierce. Mr. 1'oaer w,a -n w•-11 peered wnA Garnrr's ctwdling holo, Qr., thntPPn . I FPmt du 1:50 (d 1:53
R .l fit, of jealous •soiger ILIA ufTertmu, that of trei.ture reared &rid plunged in a f«•bice that - th• match th,t he has n,rensl r m'aed - l beaAld anA the PpretArle which their char-' flat%.........
O::SO (a( 0 35
the Commercial Bank to ;ro by the Laird a' 1 P o buildings in all twin: conou reed. Tit' red remain, presented was vinful is thea Flour .. 6:00 (i0 100
the by all e n ace oto hes an herr before, t I would have soon laid a legal skillful .,der u, ...
had h• all been •arouucted aloe future ,mnsl.r leer, have an its urea J sou. w'bat it it you I . g ""
. to side • old media fur the comp match next • •
now dement of my alferGon ?'' the dust beneath kat feel, and 1h«n at t ofl n ordcl that hu mstituUon Int ht take arriLlo loss was infli tell, nPltnth+ung- I
of F+Iron, hype. .deur II the enccerPfal com pP L•Mr u . .eagle - ! citrealr. Thr4 were .hipped, we ander•' Harltry .-.Y ... .....::.. O:SS (beg 0 GO
TLn, you will stay with me. Could i sn I aeon • m:rd gal:op, up hell sled dawn dki e, one step further towards monpp411:ing the min, or $2-0 00 to hie wife. ff he is monied ,ing tM almost rxnlionm til the villa en I -tend by Mr. Fowl r, Ilarpurylsey.- ;Pus .............. . . 0.6P !r0 0 G'.
Percy fall t►e slight• felt, too, tLe glance I jun rnnk, er wealth, or. honor with yno al. till ale cas,ag crow; eeassd thea hes•] Aiaat, � Suet. a s irit of -rorneiiy a ver creditsh!t ! to their efforts to stay the progress of the I Rrflc„n I Sherr,
mons Lf Canada. When it became'' P g 7 ..4:00 (iq O: Mr
of wander shot in hid direction, b• the dark +and rched o m the ine to ..tJ .zr after ➢ to Nr, Porter, end will Tae dub w .eonflacntion. •TLo total I.,As, which i It"f, 'Fe cwt ...... 6:00 (ia 6 Fu
wan bindle • to doer tail M•fon m� eves, I'e P' P f>r. tf - -
ere@ of Mwd Merriton ; ►tit he only unCeoJ •nh 0 men puiatingas me a■ +A,ilfidh uaar•! bum -WI the rabble. apam.df om beuautL loosen that the Commrrciul was m such y P ........
the one saki Morris r Dy • he o tit gold, y !prec irted. moat De very heavy, sell lits amount I) i H+lie"(RraPn) 5:.'.O (n U:uO
the on a oontem t, u he bid ile *a a nm ter, ant yon "m rn une>,mpt.ining martyr . thou iron feel, sparkled with is.ffectual fire a ,sitfon that it could not get on with- _ _ _- _- levered L insurance, we have not learned, I COLBORNE. ! hrt al r..... _ .... • •: i 1 (iq 0 -or
P 1 etre"U!d hardly leave iercutt•d a plan to I rill tbe wood chasing him with its muckingg p' f J' - �'- j
ur,o Toles. Stowell to receive the injured lardy• Tru b, ttnld of the mreuit.wd lagged trbIOd out aamiatanee, the managers r. the other I p'DITORIavL SUMIIfl*RY. thing, icing m a more or I •xt confue •d Pr.ni'nRrN,; NarnL-The mnfial pbnn2h ' Pruner,...... • .. 0:2{ L� 0..10
why la now u n her allet its a @tat• b.,r. sunny mr mnro " R _- -_.-___ -____ state. Much P m stn i” frit f r those I inz match of the C„'hnrne Plun(hm Match ! �'rOd” ""' -""' • • 2:00 (d 0 00
1 P" P •'Itu% you wont mind an"c rite[ h:m by I till the gaud horn bathed its twcal, and treat (total io b„asks erre quite willin, la come - T {' 7 Awieiauon, w:u hr:J nn 1rminrdgi.y, the 1 Nay, New t( too .... 9:00 (A, 10:00
deriu¢ apo” inru11bdity, rithuut ygruiut I marring th•+ woman he lours ander hit •er ' b in, to every little, .birsawd rmp!oringly. us t )�` Th. den°table BiAhnp StrarhdPl I who are Ihuo turned out of I,nar and RtR* • •....... . .:.. . . O:nS (rel !1 A
to nitice the camases and tender inq„ti,s of! J I lie bustd al the for.tot a 1„og 6ill-till the (o iLe rescue, Lacaose they anew fol. Jird in fnrnnta on Frida last, in the I borne at the anmmeur•mcnt of the most 3U,h Urt) rt the farm of 51 r. James S+I I rhirkents .............. 0:20 id 0:25
y g gir and Ornirex!mv love makes 'n lmnkedrsthe I tempest of pa"i"n raging a, the ylung man's well that its downfall wnuld. be prrjut7i. ,,0th ,r ref' Lis ne. ➢ inclement season of Canada. ""'• Snd ole far as n went was qunT • dila T'rrkeyv .......
the ours I, who, attar the Ent moms .l, r , , , ,
hold evident) for oaten the existence -f botl, T R ' t Ye' ^ -_ _-_ sew. The d -y wet Ane •„d the field sell. .., , .. • 0:::0 Id. (:/0
] t doclot, bendy, fixing bismari, pyesuron 1,01 I heart had vxhausled itself, enJ yielded Its tial to their intcrnats enJ thtNuo of lice - -- g Wool wphed .. ., U:20 fry 0.25
crena riA 1
gob- The �n^e of wheat is x411 ri>in^ � ale g t to dtyna+ et die uw,n, and 1'
' , a n ” r I g om tis l ^ ►rr NICAL.- The Lemler treats Mr. iLe !tiughi„t is. unreal was gond ; the i Apples . 0.45 (o, 0 55
brothrn. li jnxirty aoJ rympalheuc ea -e remorse. I
and,wua■.kaUni&Amite. r muutr rncrolly. 1'he bank of tion•"
for her mnUPr, m Feancs•. P a
1 "u s .1. deed, it w -ret d e, i 11' re], , I hen 1'erer, lLroain L,msulf ➢ g 11'ooJ to a loci of A the fol- aOly dnwhnck sets the wool Of com utinn I Pon.. ' ” "• ' • - • - ..1.50 isc I. i5
The ¢nod hnuukat srmoval appeared,, ,writlinj u if tiie doctor's probe had boon of horse began to pat and smooth the weary treat was opkrd to lake ils a! arc of the I Vol A farmer living In Downie wont ^ f, _ -r�, 't >'w (i-drrirh `cele, who'e"ale• f.u.b. Prr, bible
and ander her dtrrctiun, tbe .a&ttress eau 1.m.imal, w roil Lim with Laud+lug "f dried ¢ I Ina in- n: lion. V linutitt zBoth i0 the mens class, There were 10 ploagW
creel ioatead of sire '•1 ca- t ■lay hire-orrH rc, nsit,ilit mroltcd in tiling over alio to, tratG'rd during till ¢on,'y ponce, aaJ - � epteraJ ; G M,y* anti 4 men, TM 6nr per: t 1!i� ; at to worn■, I.GO.
stain c•a,wlully rat -Pd, and carried to gn airy ! , leaves end Pus• sad to soothe ham a )I Lr ➢ Wood, TreAkur,r of tl,ia Province, -61i-
friend is A little I R 1 I Co.nmercial, but M r. Ding, its Icprteen. I Jrrw x3.00 cup .ref aloe ban, its silver. nt was taken by i homes 5nllnas, second prize Seaforth Nmr'ket s.
ledro,m upon the ISiier A sera ah•%re s- .Well, f„r w little wLi'e ,,hen, f:r w 1Pnr, t -d Le,- n clic d. Rhes a n-tiRrnthm alive "all ayments to
blazing fire had been kinkLod, and every UfcouroP, i o`tati't marry tall my t+the. F.ia'' 1 oar Volyrrd, poor felluw ! %%'hy sh„u:d Islivr, utltrl refused to do more than I iiP diad a !was Luehrl Gad full• P ny IfuLprt IOuc6anan, 3•+1 by [iu�h f:arwia.
”' y I brrtiade. on ac•„unt of the l intarto Gov- w•f the 4th by Alex, Hehrrtann. )toys- s
lhuag neees,ar) for the comGat of mother I.oa have las mu0'cr Iwriad'.c, our mallet ld Y AvT Ono or the claim" ogamst Sir I ore-; T,:•, • I narne A'n-.i.
and 'drn¢b!er roridrd h iLe thou hllul Men dead a fr&,. Rod it is w lonely leve. . ) t I C,ed the other banks the funds, taking , ernmcnt may be mala to the Itoyal Can• ler pox••, .deli. cu!liks;i r, valued 6,.00,w Seaforth, Now. 5, IN67, adeno.
P T A 1 rant- I ams stay here .lace," asoeverat i madman a std a tool T Afier a!1, mat ung 1iord>n I r to anrt,unta to the nice Lille'
care ret )1 n. Sb,.ell, .base cheerful and t"old be b.•uer Gar me ti..w the d,ud{dry tit them of c surae, as rets: sty. In other ?u,n of 1t80,000,(V) ! action Bank and it, agencies." .fats( n( donation from IL,htrt huneimnn, Fisq. ; 2nd F.11 w brat .. •....... ,. 1:45 (m 1:5.i
beetlin air seemed to sty, that thuucb 0 srr ('d Itnlrtd. rxssina&Nr!y' alba doctor's ulli.•r, 1 II warrent, 1 neer, t Thr rMm,.ul fAe -rasa raw (/sic hank lies P'ts•. Thom,* Jeh.:11nn ; 3rA ('Larges O.ir Spring It heat, ........ 1:35 ('6 1:311
R 7 ••Well, I'll @-AT a little while, Ainew you words, well knowing that tic bank of The `6 bin or Parliament at I ran ; 4th, dsmps (sen : 5th Jame@ Me. Bayle
fur the m,tLctune of a«r muter'e zur•ot. she G I -basad here vin rr las o:d Ad,,m there I Se I g eCno.d, Yhr 1*rnrrnruff' /ie,renrn)crrr romps 1 • • • - • • • • ......... 0:60 (a{ Oa3
wie!a it ao much, said Li%brother, reluctant g' y L)ntrral had nuthtn' it) fear from a itonozh, jr.: 6,h James Younz. The firs, 'else,....... ...... ......... 0:1O 0:42
rat well de■se with so good an-ppnuun , ., ('ilia hrah wit and buw,Jln motion ld u", J � Ottawa ts tI Cted_to Ilia reat affair.�f 1 f
]. Bu' 1 assure y -u, ¢y dear Gdlow, it 4 1�.. R nrrnrvl rnrh,,hia nn ,boric murk c ih � (
icy for varying the mouotony or her .Ids,.a'y won'd be fv b,•tter fur both. ,lou i should go I mush s,:mn!w fur my but LIouJ-il inWsi monetary criai+, but earlier ever thing M ( rnn�iilrnra,,, podia of both the man and bre ,sen taken 1'e•■ .... • .. • • , • • • • ,.., ,
J Swallow-taift aFe lobe the rule. 7 I 0:65 (04 0:66
_- _ wnh the came p�un¢b, that b.uk the firma RauPr „ 0:14 het 0:15
quiet life, at once. 1 shell, heareter, local. my ■'uAies c.a't or"•' gRin, lie d, tided that the C,mmeretal i suir- Mr. Rrsawn'a,}bsohce, the C1ohe No doabt the Rn rel n 1 will feel I Prises at (he (.,.I,,ieh Exhibitors, this ear, I Ero ........
A few conments titer >ln. Nor itna Lad I al root, dart are ifay i Item. tomorrow 7" AI Inset re mounting• and turning Bayard s ➢' P" P ^ T • • •........ 0:00 - 0:12
ba n +ettled in Ler cheerful arartn" ret, Ur. .•Yrs, s -to you had htrtt r bring ]our tit I bend tuwanl home, ,he pace fellow r"maa.n should go down. That detisitm scaled says, will Lae short. ' deeply grateful to the films. Rdmund G,e :"'A mann(+caved Ly il. Itunmm�n, The Flry (4
11.Sb 0 00
Allhrn was announced, and roceeded •I Z ted hit return, thou h at a ver doi o rent ace f te, undoubted, and entailed a D'ar A fall lea 0th ortrait of hen. J. ! I Jnd;Ts nn the Orcu,on wero M.ssn. Mnn I -A
is P tants wits rnu, and make Lut due job u(' R 7 {' its a j, F P tills "mark of his Cnrtfidaner," but if it teitb n(Ilnllr+r A. Sands of ('ulbnrnr, and' -- -- --- —
once to visit hit new atent. A I n kind I from that at whit h Ile laud come, 'I'herr 1, McDoml•I i, f- be lace+ n the Court'
P " x or You awn ai'J etiot art nli nIl t-zelh PW s' I' y had come a little snen,r ties marks of sin- Ino. Ralkrld, jr , of (ioarrieh. Our lands �� �1jg�(sgppgnls,
direct lar,ortthe far,rtero or h r Cart
rare(ul n, reteatinn th cued, and thea the wen roast milia to L•• raveled, a"d n was Iluusai of Cornwell. were •-, b, !hank, In th• fibrrsln, of the .-.
-r mgam, 1i I tour a br-F ruled in the .ur18. � '
phcaieiwn, rpNring with Nn. SWwefl .n he, Y•b you ern comedo morrow, at ten o'clock, long peat noon, wLan I',rey entorrd da which w half ant-nl,h them if the I oerit on its lace would have b:en much I P __.RS"i..-...-__ . _.______-..._..._. ...
g+or• Lower Canada is nip a to erect a Y lullowin, public-apviret entleman, rho,
witt:n; ronm,informed her that he had discus I rhe iece of w"Oda .hr,e he neA ilia: m rt ate 'could be Out down in round g h R s man Kwarned rel dmger doe. sol ked,
rnn•,t NIR-, and ill put ]oat to work. Good. P R4 R boll of %ousvra to the assistance of, the none pglpaFle, maa,ked, fur the yurptaw Of anrnv&0wg I l
ered not on l] a comprand fracture of die I,i .lot " I marmng entuuut-rill his Lrott„ r enJ N.a, \i y I ani oRPn, rrer instance, a broken aim'•,
ri ht le .red wrertl Revere Detailed Arms^s• Varian. - figure',. r. Kin, sees not erti•fi,•d with I Pope. _ -� __ .;neulture, nuMc,ihed the follewinR .ams : ,Gat is no r•Rsnn why hs should be he■d,•wa
but thatghe feared internal injuria of a me - Lis ca a of ;,.tramtcor !J w: k J thri kt R a,' As he. .: , s n Led the erose road deal. hat. fi'e direct, we h ve reason to be. I sellae of TRa FAIIAaa a-xe.-On WednPs,lay lost I Our W"r y,lre-e,%Vmm .,ing, Esq., °111.00,
1 1 r u l 1. l .will and net favor the heals race&@. Nur
ilio@ nAtum, such a would probeyly eonliae see d"nr, Lt Lun"elt out, .rA m w low mom I wLirh, aI rho t ane distance of half a mor. liars, art • tr.in in mo,ion which waul,l I - 1f jest went s ap nodi, R P
' h ,Aware at the lowest price, hri sure and the nRcen end anal -n ma,ninz the cunlana, ! {500; and Ili. 1'. A. McDcaij I 8:i.06 b.Tanr a roan is heedless, and from exp■ean
Lis patient to her bed for many .eek0, it sots the s "i,k Stroke hf bone's fast u n tea *wool the houa ret air. Vivian, t -e young I - Pnnre Allred during Ills Pummer d•nnrrrd F'ur which we Ice thorn w •cot t O■r hest nsil�rs dirxx- of rhe Throat, Lungs, Liver,
I P" I have aft *ern ed the Royal Canadian, on• _ive friend Gardiner s call. Iljs stock i- r loin the,, ".ir• the P Kidneys, or Digntive Orgions Air•., is ,hot •
InAeed, she wrwld ever reenedr• gravel of the avenue announced %hat he was men quickened hos horse a foot le .'a. wish I I euro lee, b Ili• 1 AO from to thanks. A std batt, thongIs not lent, our
Whole talking, the good doctor hod leen ane to (Pave bebmd a wren as roa,iLle, n questionably, i1' it had not Fecn too nems, p Aurnr•r at Qnelu•e. The party were ehe-red ,e wo ■hy he shr.uld ant seek ("r help. -
ton••. frs. ri Mr. Yalows, for the h.ndsom. manner
besi y prenariaq eplinu, bandages, boom-, •rate heather" listened till the Period died lucw'itp •outs ewueieteJ nth such pais, rut .V stl., tet he aero ieJ nut nnl the .lou limen, but
e,e., and before Mn. SM.elf Lad hrlfex-I rmitut•n-; but the next .,Ili a th- ode, lr gi-undcJ in lhcetlimsb oof ILe buai- gaadr' L. 1V. eisAtA-n F: h"A-�rneti an their drnarture ly a lar_,, number rel our, j And for the real can of any oC thou Ji+-
,,learn* aceto•^n I!:em rad Ili• rn iliane 7 ( g esaetI wen ole R e&.; for an n , ton, sea
awed, AnA Ihrn Mddinz PaeA et6rr gn„d nese crmmunit Ile rnf•ssi•d friend- out a splendid stark of bankrup'f am new the enmmiitra enJ directors, tor{„they .iib • P n
h"umed her vocAbrlary of cennder, •pity and ni_f” wit • more curdial prr"rure „f the reamed up has steed w o halt, aid Itst-ed ➢ P lr'�ds al lf--th's old stood, which he is tart elm,11 stood helm;! had eximtpA. Rn'i i member t,f friend.) if. a Rel"ndid su r con, homlf say by all Insures oat aloe areal 1ha-
d„my, had arranged bis impleme"t. upnn a I hand'hat hmI Leen exekam rel Mtwe,, them 1 attentively, dor elrange ant alarming wun ds, whip, it is true, and sail to its Tread malty of the hRrdv tan ar.m.0 to ip.l a, l PPe boaeeS It&mefly. will lm , ,-.•.- - _
t determined to ae11 cff at fabulous) low I sehr.g -(a 1 the uabatauuuls, and man of
lit!le any, ant bidding the honwheega.r ("'- ter muht}.&, cilli retired to hi, own ehanit,er. I �re"dmg ra+her Gem tLat erose rand, w rffterts that hewato read and a illi- tado had at vat.Z as ihnuth Thy were lsn•in,T 1 -_ - _ --
Iqw and &secs him, led alae sea • • , t t%a from th• w rods hord••rin n, euddenl emote 7 K priezo. Sen what he says about it in his ,the drlic%viojd .r 160ze.aon, to abteb ample —L ��' �—" - - -_ r
sick chamber. T 7 sell SAP great 1luuw wu7euu bwied m pro 'upon Lis hoar, stud • , sreutly Pit mended bi) iLe clean tLing,but when til icpnri spreaad advertisement. a r - -._�-g - . i lost'ca was ddorsi^ ''•`--- -�• -- * Qle=i 11r 0ntta(�•
R 7 home, Instead lif returnin to it. 4
,,'Nom, sun L1 ,^ Yid Dr. Ahhm found rrpor. IP P. ROBERTSON,
y q y r•,mo inaerfrrenr that something was wrong i h the l(➢ 1, smv- Tie adverrtso clitcwhere sem thin} 1aR A 1,:1 w i F,It 8 ORFiCR wkero he
be approached the bed when Nnud leaned Hre.thleP•, horned ,c•rams, in a wemnn'a and timid o lr brgm to withdraw their naw in the mho of n font -wormer. Ir idALIAW r.'Rr wag drily celebmt-d by J- Steren,ry ! �j
over hermother, wl iD the told moisture vncr, int nupted L• Ilia df•p mnwhpJ hay Pe P - I foe urchin, of the town, who destroyed Colborne, , nv. 2. 1Rr,7, will receive a salary. Apply at this
from her brow, and murmerinZ words of CiIAPT ER 111. of . h•.and, who wee hi, prey .n vie., at Inst deposits from it, we find that, by • I will be invaluable floor oleighing, Ac. One all the rabbagesi hey could Ivy Tundra on, I „flcr, r
move and` it in her ear. "Naw,rnnn lady. AvrITnxa wrrk els "est, and affairs at "IhP . became di„i"etly .is Iii p, a„d Percy, threw- I can tie seen at this Office. - I Latest European N , I _Oodariah, Now_,, 1067_ sw10
7 g 1 p strnrge coinci ence, agents of the Man- I and yelled stmut aha ratretlA until the CW8 _
u.: ___. ole t:. s„ �_..1,, r„ t... rr.., nnawe..a;nn .n . ➢1 --
dues year moth.? to the, goat wo,ann 0, I'1. " we, named by ,h- village++, had cern- prrnPtriste the fnnat from whence they naw
'to me. i promise oo. w■ will We far Fer i mend flawing in their new e-rrent, sith . e„drn,,r proceeded, when a litht fn: to rash
a, ton,Ierly as oar �uty will allow. and there uorrahle qni^t and rrgulnrity. cd through the trete beside him, slid banal
is no need of your staying to look at toyer- Tokyo, Nerriton was still very tl i, and itr Jf red b] terror, was dastnng atrose Thr
ings yes eadt alleviate.” Al.har t, often oliook hos head in retponsr mooed wnhoat pricei•ing him, ween her foot
• rli
t • Jr bran h the Ir ,U ?
• cillo in c
'4 ink oat air fm r n s, t
th r nn c " tienlio r R
n 1
to hr oes lana <f 1 n. ell or lbP
T .
J t 1 glow
bpi 1 prefer to arty;' aid To1.u4, kir G'ce I hent+�en, then R••e env fnorahle e�inion, wi,a • Je.pwin.g ny, a Ibe fret of eke
larnmg very while, sod by eJ.e brimming I Nand runfined benelfalmMt wholly to her Tnung man. At alae rme instant, tM hu&rise
with tear■ sol ,be east a look of to-nfie,l .I mother'• apartment, except tt Wool time•, sy I't the dog sAunded ,lose at band, and a
feetinn upon her mother. I told when p.ervall y •tent to the golden by gaunt and fu iou@ Vowill d om,.reed from
'•'Well but i prefer you shoul,f .n," return I rho old physician, to seek a little fresh air and 1 the wand, and with a fierce )ell •prang •prem
►d ,he bikini old doctor, isr i ,,, ly. '•Yue I alrrfiae, Lis pr, strata doe I,m.
will cry and scream, and pr•rhap, bins unity i '• Why d ,n't yGe trek• that pate airl nal N f ,,, hawevre, ii@ gluming hake enu14
here, and that will make ut d„uble trouble. aiding morn, of th•-t. Ane roo-mg, T' r eked ¢rear the "h•e th,Mt at which they nerd du
Mrs. Stowell, show thio young lady to the the doct„r til Peter. a the hittpi d ■meunted Petted, the startled spectator had recoyercd
drawin -roam and tome back • ut ! hue presence of mind and whirli,t iia
g , • y ck Y, t1 the d�wr of the •u• -;Pry, ■red ge yr h�, horse � I R
T.o eon." to Fre x. th- Auatu�'s mats, las be led awav I heavily loaded riding whip -bare his b.pd,
••Sm" maid Vies Merrit-n• rislnr, and •p to Ihemi.m., brought the lenders bell at ns h alhis down
Proarhlrsg the h sician, '•1 ehn,lda to wa " I resume \I:as 1•i, ia, wruld r fir rid- I apnn the Irtai of the brute . th Bich fuel.,
P7 J P pe L
bweiAe my mother done¢ thio ePwro,iom, Ing with my h-otL«r-" begot Perry, nillly. � that it mind ,ualf in the h1�in. end teP
and i @Il do no. You need not le afraid I but sea- int.rr.l ted oath R• imrsiwat- ' hnuni with a howl of linguist, fell back, roll
of my crying or oereaming, and if i idiot " FidJie dad", fur Miss 1'ivian. Win l ed over, and with a last conimisiwr sp•.,m was
w T I w deaA
• • am Moet Iain oat lin
i ■ old terve
cam where Ahe r!drm ox w w .i
1 W R e he ride th T
me carnes the floor ti 11 recover my conscious I'm talking about that bra,* }rand Merriton Perry watched him an instant, In he sure
n.an " who is killing be,rlf unripe your ,,err eyes, that be was icesomble of further misrhai
• Ynn may ole San T'11 do that," Rrow'ed for want of & little ali.ntion, while roe ��o and r.erognitrd him as a Spanish bl,.dhno nd
the doter. "1 never uw a woman yet that mnpia rognA, nth ueedr w woad nr look (oa recently imporla-1 by Charles Vivian, tilt
' n lin br..t ire of .tor w r. 1 rx •ens • u
did- t l vol IMM 'r g t w t 1
an hod w Isrw iI h ,inn' x
n w t •t m xartes " f"
Nand Wade no reply, bu•. returned her I -Ili jos find me mettcntive w my studies, I the animal h -d proved an aarn;e sold r.
rat, at her mother's hood, and flip physician Dr. Althope T' inquired the young man, S fort-ry, tet he had been kept rhx,n•n .r e.
prnewded to bis operation. It wen a Inns . 1NIk amtghtily. since told arnv"I. In felt a hit of broken
enJ painful else, and often iassrrup,ed by •• Nor Sir, 1 don't, but I don't war t yea to I chain 11,11 hung ,n the coffer About Lo
me.omm aml "no from the oulfkrer, mod ,tidy all the along. •• All work and au place; i'^Y, &red mu.,grated the rea•an of hie being
■„he avid cries from the hard fe,oaret sodium- makes Jmit a doll bey.” ?tow I wouldn`t at bora.. •
keeper t bet through all, .either mosb nor or, advise yea to stoutest -villi Iran, n'd G iend* for Ther nbservarinnw wen til• result of n
..raped the rigid tape of the ♦.a.% g,rl, as, Irving to do coo good," edJel the old man, ming', elAnce,mnd then the young man mrnen
w'tit white e►..k and diluted ere Alae watch- _ litt4r hurt at tl.e othei s lone. h..0.4011" syn •pea she fmm at La bet
eA tb pmeream of clow phy*irian, •nA with '• Pardon ma, dotter, 1 I aq grotrw very I (t rat that n • ynang seaman, olio" ""
orwdy rand std gokk &fT,vbenst,m of his oneanorm&hle of late. Perhaps I do,a(ody I'wl smpl, dr. -a stressed a figure M oxg.,utt
irt"tk,ea reordered him "Weli,d &;d, when too metsb,v suit Ptre ,sada)). ranpnnismm, thosih eansMerahle ke Ino th
V re..Anwedl, feint send ►gitsted, was fro," '*.O( adermt, yrs. 3a. Ytwr ttsthe+, is hit meA am hrlike ler hair of bright brown,
to dehp Iw1n a met, and remigrr her alta'e, imor "in of otoeolient, m he palled il, I dP•ply their"d with red,hs'l became ■n(•Alen-
All was ore. at last, and the ppatient ear}h nr•ree Rept yen ■ora 11hwn a half hnw at a d its her oi'4 flight. and elgna ■Trout her
-4 Try ar isn"Alf"m, a mmed libels le drip time at mylkin((�� &tad hen yw raacd ms11v of,"Iders wad ewlfrd then", toil it minvled
asfeq. tar. Alfltry�rr+,p�[a,beatly peeked ■p his old d-ba,n beoto With a.►, four And eve with Ili. deal in may •rippling monP. Ts.
iastnma■m, amd 7ww oa tiptnc toward the hon nt atleateb Now, air, just step round to nniaht brown and awMping Inches w of a
dem, fmlewed IM ab ►cess pier l bat so aha samNe-Frons in hes silo* way hasn't gen dark brown, the --most% u sol florae t in sat
IM V(�n14 b ltwaed -4 beskorcd M&W f$OQMW o*yet, i 11 be hound If he I.. lips bnamty, amt ch..7A, shiTh ns r ynurh
• ap.�n1�k. M I pmt it on ig"M, end yno jot meant' still Rtmirmgl gmtwl M tbrstii}f wo mg,-bw
teed �J• wbiSpavd ►w, gritping kat &sed la ,4 to the kill&. iMott gn home, and ly ('1"nd &,,A Real th rvaliltts on hit, worm
.�..It��aa --- 1% "pmol non dam'( on ahywhnty bR Iegp moving from of a fish hazel.
_�,.--�a` w?w"R' its MttR M b naw rRl dMmmr latad? send sSn (( ynm don't Altag.thor, the ofranpr .a, nn. of th:•I
A�u uliu'o lobes • � wane bell a mombexr awY tuamn•eww J Atne OM botalilel *Owen wbno Perry Crnwnm-
{real Hank at various points ro loses to I ference to Mesmrs. Acheson A Smith's
take its bills except on roll"C"on. ab,re is rrinted elsewhere.
I courts
ire Kin k
now nothin of all
s: rn skin. ata h t
. pies f m tee t • • oat
tJ' t
he d -stied that e
,Gla, asd of COtree h batt,, hM1 been foo{ht h,tw.nn Ili. in• -ding
had anything to do with sueh a scandal. a -M the Imperial armies within al)ut thirty
nus lranowetino. And pet the ainnge miles rof Pookm. T he Tartar I ,nes of the
E,opmrnr were deb"t-d, the capital itself
coincidence is unexplained, and the uta having been in great danger.
charitable assert that no bank agent "�'-
would be fel ensu h to lake Auch a ate DrstricipTxo.-TM Clinton people think
R P they cony bid garret by to a IArRe p -,,tion ret
without inetructtano, broadly hinted, or their N',rtMrn trade in pprn,hee il' the To.
clearly conveyed, from headquarters. room, Greq and (truce Kai!wy is hgilt. It
IiaL ! Tho intenlinn seem to crush aha :m prorated that a lint he built het.een ('be -
tar, and Owen sound. 'that would hart
Rnyal Canadian Bank. T he hank of precisely the eReet of the line that it bared ;
I in I canna for ('lint -n
Jluptrral hu a direct interest in doing so, 'n Tut it w ,a d be 6n 1e y ,
oa its trade would be limited to • eery Small
aA it Mellen n profit on every Provincial are&. Beside*, the people of Homo have
it en h for their railway Pr eri
w 1 d(,mLle thane P
aiA dr sr Pro
\ate lasts
rd nod oR d
profits if the other banks wen out of the euee already.
way. Such a transse4on at this Season ORlecaar.-Thoma, `teller, Fy ,
of rho co n-
it orae TAP relmp u
ira ini o o � 'r
'Pre a afontresl 1, lin.
P ne n 1 r of lh
It m
trq was being bmnght to warkrt and and kx-President Plf the Prey AAvxia-
sold at fair prices, and grain dealers Y lion of Canada, died, of consumption, at
well as hominess men generally wenis" an n n 4 vide the 27th ult. at the
M"ntresl Pl a
amaant of ncrnmmadatian which wnnld early aRn of 3,) gearR, D.ctameal seem a
not he retinired at any other time. The I noble, high-mindod, aui wanes -hearted
eons alienate is Out heir supplies ate cat RPntle man, and him early Ions will be! Dart-
ly felt by thou m-mbeoro of the prnfessinn
ff for the lime bring, the prig of wheat
tumbled delays at once, and he ern le ore who havo i z an him acquaintance. Ilia
1 T cte.th, coming Inn s+wm after that of ebbe
mode to suffer directly because one mean gifted and lamented T))Ver, it calculated
wishes to a rate a money mfiartarr . to east a gloom Player th. hearts of the
The people of this country have been lnnig I fraternity Mr. Similar had only been
enough hampered and hedged in by mon. married nese eighteen m-ntho.
Iopnlies. Tho Ifodsmn's Bray is a gigan• Mr. Owit'e ReralRnation
nc Ibnnnply, which we all want to an —
done away with. The Cmnada Company I[nn. A. T. GAIL ban resigned hia posi-
mnVOpoly many of till feel to be a RallinR tion in the ministry, fn► *hal r'am) had
yoke, the r.silway monespnly is an wash "Of ygt been mad- public.
limbed fact, And now An Attempt is midi The Legislature of Ont Orin is t0 meet
to nnrorl'se he mnney of the eauntrq fox the deepatch of bVsine"a on the 13h
This in floe last feather whielt brPakr the Drecmher.
`k A•
odea „cCTooderfahTownnhlp."`V'
SC• PR1RR PARTY. -On Tnewleylkl
,s a n 0
in the 20th m t ail f / of the m�
R P 1
berRmf tLe N. C Methndimt Church he,
met in the hnum of Mr. Clark, 6th e
en I prspnred themselves with well 6
baskets dee. proceedM hi a body to
parsonage occupied by the pester, Rev
Show, and took pouem,inn at since. 7
bomkets were then opened and the affinity
Aispnrtd of Satim6ct0rily, after which i
Tbalyas Whitely rend a short bot c
plimen �ry oddrrtms and Miso, ElisnL
Touchborn prrmented a puree to Mr. RI
containing fl'300. The Rov.Kentien
ma, e ■ st itab a re t n
1 a I ply h eking the dor
far their kindnprs. The evening
"prnt very plrn,amlq with music awl
melodinn b M'vS..I. a
t Cmbcllaoi
1 e
P g
eke. _ _
-A aoOA slow, _
We commence today a capital at
which we feel cot!fld.nt will planes
interest a large number of our read
Read Thr opening chapter, and if you
not r sobteriber Rend in ynor name
money at anee. We *hall keep an er
number of papers so that new subaeril
can have the tale from The first.
P st R"n7Ab.- Our member for
Commons, Mr. C"mer", leaves on M
day next for Ottawa m Attend to his I
liatawntary duties. During hia ahme
him law And ohtr basirrem" will M mar
ed by his Irate partner, J. Y. Rimm it R
Barrister, aka.
or The run oa the Itinyod Consi
Bank bore is finite silver. Public er
do -nee im fully reat-red, and tht buti
of the Agtneq it gnmR an jowl a if nab
had been frightened.
5" MAxrneRTa., \or 1, ,-.ning.-The trial n 1t 1. VA A ,bT AMU EL,
of AI -e0 and four other prisoners was con' W g 0 2 B T E B.
eluded today bar.,* the Bpetlet Com•
eo- I rt,',-s•en. They wvr. ecnricMrl of murder .
v thR
'm rood Ir
om Seaf
crab t
s v e'. o
red ha a rer.i r A
d e s &yntsnee n r
f d ache
nR alis cmreof the n+t of Ibe xcru,ed will be F-Ik•rath Rroy ^acmnry ucom-
in . tried on Monday, to which dy the e,sri lou modatinn ter lM lrsglllnt pthhe.
Lf J p weed gacause ealrwr I Wroxetor, Noe. 6, 1907, w42
the' d• Pl i interest ora. -- - _ -
J, I Drrr.lx, Her(, I, evening.-Tha trial of I, -
Gre. Warren is now progressing before the I STRAYED.
Afm commtmioner. _._
Llxenv, No• 1. craning. -The holiday hat I INTO the prrmis,es O( rhe meMrrilli lot 2A,
i►• ,beep sanenlly oLecreed here anti m) the I bah eon., East W►wansuth, abaul ,e tut
m- tonuuent. Lntlo beainran ham been froom I of S.pt, I.,,, "urd ung whits semi •Anel t
alb astad kern ur in Livrrprnd RnA thm markets I year• old. T h• owner run hart the same by
,ase ell closed surly. The rnmmerri.l dem tchrs p;o•I,g pr--rfy sort paying Pxr•nra,
,era from Ln r
l -Ann And liar r -ol .I m.
7 .
an P 1. T. H.IRCOI; fife
rnntaim lbe I L
C wan uMs tons o(tM Aa ,
$ T J Nnv. 5 ' R -
rrs , , 6,. w40,1-
Fr,oarxr•K. Ort, 31.-A benatiun of I
was I Italian Ganholdisn rol.mPees Rom this city, , _—�-. _— -
tb which ha, jtnt mrrchedforthefrontier. ha,; IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE
been "to 1 ""
t d t I,,rni nn tM sea b Rolisn
ai 1
tmks,p+- beKing'" enrmrnmrnl has order•I or♦.1IANYt
ed the' btu revolutionary relief eommitlwu.
bol )
h h i amt in tA- rrodieeea Sbll be eln@ l i I (l i Ii p• L r () Iy a r t y
ed h i-
G. i`.■Idi's e n R ■ 'n con lone t be
InntrUnc t o
,de dail I h • 1
■ m • I , u ehkf to n. of Ica
T 7
I� A bulletin, i"reed by IM Italian IG•lief
!►a Committee, urs tet G-riholdi'@ airiest in Q. m. W. i-Li022MML21.
see Italy hat malifsod the plead of the insurgento
and of the revolotinn•rJ party. I i. w,trnrt-A by J T H:I FTF:It hill , tri
red The North German PiHimsenl hu passted : tell by Aaction of hi. S.Iw Beams, (loolerkb,
a "so!ntinn calling Spon the federal CAR -"I- nr
ere mor to introdueo at next mice " m.waare tl
relating to t note, hued upon free trade Penn TI1Ptljflf. TIM 1. Til 0� rel f('llljMf, i%
ciples, I at noon. that valoll'i Prop-r1y we which h
lArnnx, Nov. 2, nano. -•'hero a no law, -'I oftetM a maARtantitl al ick e"ttYge, locant
the •r •RydonM that the Fnneh tr,ropm have' town Int 201, nn W.11mtaon street, oyall-ile,
am. entered he Hely City. I the re" Orems of Mr. Elijah Moon,
'ee' The Italian removed hen he•o ealled net. A.Iew.
neo it M rr?ortrd on gond awrhnrity that that Town Ion 002.(ltys.wn"rho'1(ovse. lint•,)
aR- I ars .r.rneM of Prem.is has pledged her sap I ase North swwey, Mut the Wesbvmn rhunh,
q,, 1 port to Italy in the Ped.t of a rwpl.n of the I..,I ate" f. lb Mork.t Ari-*,e,l.,rh Pr.Twe-
friendly relumn helw."n that raoaary ■nd Ileo enatwinfmg j of lost ace, of land more tt
Frsnee. it it know" that throw in • rrIAA Is low.
that -]Sri." hot w, so Franr. mpd i'.asesn, sr101*t Qf3 _
iays •t.,rlr closure much nnout" and apprak•n•
.d- I cion in manessry circles. eeM,:., � "%n!;^n¢ Petit glace fix hlol-
tsa J rd f.
t NKR. \. IS. --Int n02 a • r. ry e!i ji!,It uM Ins
14y I i,nxnnv, ?let 2, 7 p. m.-Ooneml Nana R 411r Parpnr,.
bay&, the Priest Minister of Italy, in a Roto, (iylerNk, Oct. 2 ), 1947. w 101J