HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-31, Page 4* 4*. • PACE FOUR WE3OS ,i iHi|iiiii|,ninww 501301 IOE3GE :oeio If cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. OCTOt 7 THESE WANT A©« tycaoi AGENTS WANTED! FAMILEX Will Start You in a profitable busi­ ness like hundreds of others throughout Canada. No experience required. We train you. Liberal commission for selling 200 guaran­ teed necessities. Meet all competi­ tion successfully. Ambitious sales­ men, write for FREE catalogue and plan without obligation, FAMILEX Co., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. BOARDER WANTED — Bright room, good meals; laundry; all con­ veniences, home privileges; central­ ly located. Mrs. Ewing, 75 Centre St. FOR SALE—Laiest Model Dowswell Hand Power Washing Machine with power attachment, new, at a \ bargain,, to clear; also Electric* Washer and second-hand Cook Stove, cheap. H. Buchanan Hdwe. FOR SALE—-The following article: brown mohair couch and chair, steel crib, Windsor high chair, mohair , rug. All are in splendid condition . and are very reasonably priced. Phone 366J. FOR RENT—Three cheerful rooms for light housekeeping. Apply Ad­ vance-Times. orcad?iOE3OKr==ss of August, A.D. 1939. J. H, CRAWFORD, , Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate pf David William Rae late of the Township of- Howick in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the eighth day of July, A.D, 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on nr before the second day of September, A.D. 1939, full partic­ ulars of their claims in writing. Im­ mediately after the said second day ol September, the assets of the said tes­ tator will be- distributed amongst the parties entitled thereo, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham this fourteenth day of August, A.D, 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. J. E. Fells, Elliot and Fairy, also Mr. D. '-S*. Scott, of Belgrave, spent the week-end at Niagaar Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie, Bolt, Pontiac, Mich., were visitors- witn Mr, and Mrs. E. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hendejson. Mrs. Fred L. Darling, of Detroit, with Donald and ’Nancy, were week­ end visitors at the home of H. E. Is- ard, John St. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr, of ''Detroit, and Mrs. W. Connor, of Windsor, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Camp­ bell on Tuesday. Scott Reid is spending a week’s holidays with his sisters; Mrs. Mor­ ley Kirkland, Fort Erie, and Mrs. J. A. Hillman, Toronto. Marjorie Wheeler is returning to her position in Montreal' this week, after visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Wheeler, Brussels, for the past three weks. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scott and son, Gordon, of Winnipeg, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roberts, Patrick St. Mrs. Scott is Mrs. Roberts’ sister. Mrs. Fred Fuller lias returned home j-wm,, jlcw./, 1U1 mu ouypiy after a most enjoyable motor trip and installation of a deep well pump J through the Southern States. She was . of 396 Imperial gallons capacity per, accomponied by her sister, Mrs. Leon minute with a dual drive of electric w t>-ij cmotor and gasoline engine. Plains Richardson and Mr. Richardson, of . and specifications may be seen at Detroit. the Hydro Office, Wingham, On­ tario. -The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wingham Utilities Commission. FOR SALE—15 head of 2-year steers and 14 young pigs. Apply John Pot­ ter, Lower Wingham. FARM^FOR SALE—100 acres, con­ sisting of clay loam, tile drained, abundance of water, 20 acres plow­ ed, no waste land, small bush lot, good buildings, spruce and pine wind breaks; inspection invited. Ap­ ply to W. S. Forrest, R. R. 2, Blue­ vale. GERMAN PRUNE PLUMS For Sale -—Leave your order at North End Store, Frank Watson, Phone 193. HIGH SCHOOL GlRL^ants light housework and go to school part time. Call Advance-Times or phone Lucknow 43rl2. NEW GUN LICENSES For Sale It the Town Clerk’s Office, Wingham, also Fishing Licenses are available for United States citizens. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS- Select used Pianos for sale. 30 years experience. Gibbs and Winter, Lon- desboro, Phone Blyth 28-18. SEALED TENDERS Marked “Ten- ders for Pumping Equipment” will be received by H. Campbell, Wat­ erworks Superintendent, Wingham, Ontario, until 7 p.m. E.S.T., Sep­ tember 10th, 1939, for the supply WANTED—A couple of girl roomers. Apply Advance-Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of George Young Cruikshank, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Hruon, Farmer deceased, are here­ by notified to send their claims, duly Verified by declaration, to the under­ signed solicitor for the executrix, on or before the 2nd day of September, A.D. 1939. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day of August, A.D. 1939, R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. Miss Sadie McCormick, ,Mr. and Mrs. Otto Posorek and son, Ray­ mond, Mr, and Mrs. Kemp, all of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Victoria St., and the Mc­ Cormick families. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Claflin, of Cleve­ land, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jeffrey, Toronto, also Dr. E. Taube, of Western University, were the guests of Mrs. Tipling and Miss June Buchanan last‘week, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and family, of Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wightman and son, of Listowel, also Mr. and Mrs. K. Ament, of Waterloo and Miss K. G. Straiten and Mr. Steele, of Rochester, N.Y., visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Campbell last Sunday. Guests on Sunday with Mrs. George Taylor, East Wawanosh, were her mother, sister and brother,<Mrs. H. T. Game, Mrs. Bruce Martin, Mr. Ern­ est Carne, also Miss Dorothy Kratz | and Mr. James Needham, of Hamil­ ton. Jimmie Needham returned home with them after spending the summer with Mrs. Taylor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Christena Robertson late d£ the Town of Wingham, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-seventh . day of June, A.D. 1939, are notified to send to J. H> Crawford, Wiugham, on or before the Second day of September, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims m writ­ ing. Immediately after the Said sec­ ond day of September, the assets of i T 6t} z .the said testatrix will be distributed Bot 38, Concession 4, E. Wawanosh, amongst the parties entitled thereto, to pay their last respects. The funeral having regard only to claims of which’ service Was conducted by Rev. H, C. the Auburn-Westfield charge, assisted by Rev. T, W. Mal­ com, of Brooklyn, N.Y. “The Beauti­ ful Garden of Prayer” was sung by Miss Winnifred Campbell, accompan­ ied by Miss W. McDowell. Burial took place in UniouJCemetery, Blyth. The flower-bearers for the many floral 'tributes were: Ellis erson late of the Township of How-;Elsley, a grandson? Simon Hailahan, ick in the County of Huron, Farmer,'jtoy Noble, Chris. Nethery, Leonard DATED at Wingham, this tenth day of August, A.D. 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. • OBITUARY John E. Ellis From all parts of the county friends of the late John E. Ellis gathered on Friday afternoon at his late residence, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against erson"late of the Township o£ How- aS. msf bn; Co<*. Mf-_ Mri11'!Vil'«,)“’ notified to send to J, H. Crawford,' at,(I « cousin, Mr, Thomas Ellis. The Wingham, Ontario, on^or before thej palLbcatefs Dr. John Ross, W. i ■ Mr. Elite suddenly away car- morning, August 23rd, heart attack He had. not en- second day of September, .1939, full 1?ea jftm6S McGill, Ross MbNee, particulars of then* claims in writing.' HImmediately after the said second day. R™crkVm utf^mr’wilT’bt dtetributed amongst ly,W< good kealtii throughout last wft.fc Whw but during the paatlew months -of September,. the ^ssets of the said fe’Wties’e AWdwtollavftig J«rthe R] WINGHAM ADVANCM-TIMES BONDIS’ Ire- the and five appeared to have made a splendid re­ covery. On Tuesday evening he retir­ ed in his usual health. About 2 a.m. he was stricken and passed suddenly away. I Mr. Ellis, who was in his 77th year, was born on the farm on which he died, a son of the late Jason Ellis and Ann McGrath, who came from land and settled on this farm. A keen student of public affairs, late Mr, Ellis gave of his time talent to the community. For years he served as Councillor and for two years as Reeve. He was also tax collector for a considerable period. His service to his community, did not stop there, however, as he had been a director of the Blyth Agricultural Society and at the time of his demise was a director of the Blyth Municipal Telephone system which position he had held for some time. He was a great horseman and in his earlier years was in demand as a judge at Fall Fairs. Forty-nine years ago last ApriWie was married in Westfield United Church to Elizabeth Coventry, of Hul- lett. Friends of this highly respected couple were looking forward to con­ gratulating them on their 50th wed­ ding anniversary April next. I-n re­ ligion he was identified'with the West­ field United Church and in politics he was an ardent Conservative. Besides his wife, he leaves to mourn his sudden passing, three daughters and one son: (Annie) Mrs, J. D. Els- ley, Molesworth; (Bertha) Mrs. R. A. Brown, Seattle, Wash,; Rosemary, at home, and Jason, of Seaforth. Mr, El­ lis was the last of a family of six, three brothers and three sisters hav­ ing predeceased him. John, Gray One of Wingham’s oldest and most highly respected citizens, John Gray, was laid to his eternal rest in Wing­ ham Cemetery on Friday afternoon, August 25th. The funeral service was •conducted by Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister qf St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Mr. Gray had been a member of the Session of this Church for over 60 years. Members of the Session of the Church were pallbearers, H. F. Mc­ Gee, Wm. E. Hammond, James Nich­ olson, John Raby, W. A. Miller, N. L. Fry. The flower-bearers were: R. H. Lloyd and W. J. Clark, also mem­ bers of the Session and his nephews, Edward Jenkins, Wm. Joseph Hender­ son, Thomas Graham and James. Gra­ ham. Mr. Gray was in his 93rd year and he was a pioneer of this district. Born at Crosshill, Ont., he came with* his parents as a boy of eight in February, 1855 and settled on the 9th Conces­ sion of Turnberry. His parents were the late George Gray and Lydia ■ Brighton, who emigrated from Nor-1 folk County, England. Mr. Gray con­ tinued to live on the ninth until he was married to Euhpemia Cooper at Bluevale on October 27, 1869 by the Rev. James Hastie. They lived for a number of years on the Bluevale‘Rd., then at Zetland. For a number of years they resided in Wingham, Mr. Gray conducting an ice business. He then went to Toronto and for 15 years was engaged in cement contracting. They returned to Wingham in 1919, Mrs. Gray passing on five years ago, February 19, 1934. ’Mr. Gray was a deeply religious man and he had a truly remarkable knowledge of the/Bible. Until he took ill three years ago he rarely missed a Sunday service. He leaves to mourn his passing two sons and four daughters, William G., of Wingham; Joseph, Cockrane, Alta., Mrs. Louis Loose, Toronto; Mrs. W. H. Waram, Wingham; Mrs. Harry Deans, Rothbury, Mich.; Mrs. Evans Smith, Saskatoon. SALEM Ed. Errington spent SundayMr. evening with Mr. ahd Mrs. Edwin Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Copeland and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Wrox- eter. Mr. and Ms. W. H. Dane, Miss Mildred and Edgar Dane and Mr, and Mrs, W. E. Weir spent Sunday even* ing with Mrs, John Bush and Miss Gertie Bush, Wroxeter. ROUND TRIP Bargain Fares SEPT. 8 - 9 WINGHAM — To—- OWEN SOUND $2.50 Return Limit - Up to Sept, II Consult Agetits • Procure Handbill 'Canadian . Pacific Thursday, August 31st, 193$ Headquarters for **■£ PEACHES We have contracted for the pick Of the Niagara Crop of Peaches We can sell you a carload op by the basket. PRICES ARE LOW DAILY SHIPMENTS TOMATOES 6 Qt. Baskets 2 for 25c 11 Qt. Baskets 20c each BONDIS* Mr. and Mrs. John McTavish and son, Mrs. Boyle, of Goderich, also Mrs. Hugh McTavish, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Cathers called on the latter’s mother In Listowel Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher ac­ companied by Mrs. Acteson and two sons, drove to Formosa on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gowdy called on Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane one day re­ cently. Robt. Bennett, of Kirkland Lake, is 0 s spending some time with his mother, Mrs. Edwin Bennett, also Jack Weir of th^ same place with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. D, L, Weir, Mr, Robt. Stocks, -of WrOxeter, took charge of the service at Salem on Sunday afternoon. DIED HICKS—Thomas Hicks Sr. died Aug­ ust 15th, at his home,x in Vanscoy, Sask., following a short illness, in his 92nd year, He was formerly of Wingham, having left here in June, 1911, for Vanscoy, Sask., where he had since resided. H’e leaves a wid­ ow, one daughter, Ethel, and four sons, Efoward, William, Leanion and Thomas, all pf the Vanscoy dis­ trict. ST. HELENS Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Pratt and Tom­ my, Mr.. Ronald Rothwell and Miss Helen Thom, R.Nj of Peterboro, were week-end. guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Thom. Mrs. Malcolm Weatherhead and daughters Marion and Antoinette of Port Hope, Mich., were«recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead. Mr. Dick Weatherhead returned with them for the. week-end. Mrs? Jas. Gaunt, Mrs. E. J. Thom, Mrs. Ewart McPherson, Mrs. McKen­ zie Webb, Mrs. Allan Durnin and Mrs. W. A. Miller attended the Rally of Officers of the Women’s Institute at Auburn oh Thursday. The September meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held in the Community Hall Thursday, Septem­ ber 7th at 2.30 p.m. Roll Call "How would you like to be remembered if you were a shut-in?” Subject “Flealth and Child Welfare” in charge of Mrs. George Stuart, Program, Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs. Cranston;. Hostesses, Mrs. A. Aitcheson, Mrs. A. Gaunt, Mrs. Rintoul. I ■1 Of a « to buy cattle for winter feeding Are you considering buying Western cattle for winter feeding, as encouraged by the Department of Agriculture? This Bank gladly co-operates with farmers in arrang­ ing for the purchase and winter feeding of cattle, and extends loans at moderate rates. Whatever your plans, have a talk with our ■ Branch Manager who you will find interest­ ed and pleased to discuss them with you. TIJF! DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Wingham Branch J. R. M. Spittai, Manager -3 Wednesday, Sept. 13th is the date’ of the St. tielens School Fair. . Miss Ethel Washington, of Auburn, is the guest of-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd. # Mrs. Duncan McDonald and Miss Mae McDonald have returned from a visit with relatives at Leamington. * Mr. and Mrs. Wi)l Campbell and HARVE^oS£AiTaOed we oficred a T slashing , before bav sUch Vear-“a£1<i Models like eveot of the Qut ptice! It s a . money if mechani- you’ll save rea’ looking and, g.°£e... Capable A’?.:rc** "" --TH I family, of Armow, were recent guests-’' of Mr.and Mrs. McKenzie Webb. "Across Canada from Sea to Sea”' was the subject of an interesting lan­ tern lecture at the meeting of the Y_ P. U. on'Sunday evening. Rev. H. |M. and Mrs. Wright and family, of Dover Centre, were callers- in the village recently. z* *♦* ( ble, safe and trucks. comfolt j guaranteed guarantee - teneWerrv our 2-day, ®oney'^st mechanical These ca' y,,, day warranty again rejund and 50-5 > satisfaction or whatever defec«- WO/ w a used Yo„.U iS vkMon can count on ^b ;y0U. X get generous trade-ins, .1 Whatever Syr ’29 ESSEX SEDAN For cheap transportation, cannot be bea­ ten. Excellent tires. Good running shape. ?34 FORD V-8 COUPE Black, good tires, Al mechanical -shape. A real bargain. ’35 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK Completely overhauled and guaranteed — Good tires — Mechanically perfect in Al condition. * , »31 ESSEX COACH The value is up and the price is down On this Car. In excellent shape—gobd tires—cledn upholstery.SPECIALS ’29 WILLYS SEDAN Newly painted, good tites, completely overhauled. A real buy. ’29 fONTIAC SEDAN A real buy at the price, ’In first class • running order. Good tires, ’35 PONTIAC COACH A bargain at the price asked—perfect condition •+* completely overhauled A ' ■ ■ 1 a DEMONSTRATORS ’39 FORD DELUXE SEDAN Used as demonstrator only —New cat guarantee. Was $1040. Now $900, FORDSON TRACTOR Used only 8 hours as demonstrator «*- New*tractor guarantee. Was $1025, Now $875. !30 PONTIAC COACH Perfect condition throughout, owned by local farmer. Tires, upholstery, and en­ gine like new. ’34 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe A, sporty model offered at a bargain price, Completely overhauled. Complete With rumble seat. ’37 FORD V-8 COACH A snap for a bargain jhunter! Bright pamt, Olean upholstery, good tires, com­ pletely overhauled. *35 FORD V-8 DeLtiXe Sedan Just as good as new *>*• low mileage — owned in Wingllam — Complete with heater and defroster, B. A. OIL and GAS. HURON MOTORS - - FORD SALES AND SERVICE > J: WINGHAM — PHONE 99 FIRESTONE’ I