HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-31, Page 2PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 31st, 1939 **rT Next week the school bell will sum* ^rnon the children of the province ba<Jk to work. The kids will not think much of that, but in the future they will say ‘‘Those were the days.” •wr Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U. S. A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. WHERE DO WE STAND? Australia and New Zealand have spoken. In no uncertain terms, they have said “we are backing the Em­ pire.” Canada, as we write, has not given such an assurance. The powers that be at Ottawa, apparently are of the opinion that the time for such a statement is not yet. Parliament will will: be called, they will make the de­ cision, is Canada’s stand so far as Ot­ tawa is concerned. But not so, the people. We believe that the people of Canada are now ready, have been ready, to support the empire in the event of another war. The scars of' the Great War are not yet healed but the circumstances are such that the people of Canada are ready to sup­ port, no strings attached, the Empire. We believe this to be the view at Ot­ tawa, the members of Parliament and our people. We should strengthen the hand of Mr. Chamberlain by saying so without delay. * * * * HEADS SALVATION ARMY The election of Commissioner Geo. -L. Carpenter, who Has been in charge of the Canadian territory of the Sal­ vation Army, as Leader, to succeed the retiring veteran General Evange­ line Booth, will give this very fine in­ stitution a very capable new General whose experience and capabilities will serve the organization well. Mr. Car­ penter is an Australian but he has served in many parts of the world, Australia, South Africa, Canada, the United Kingdom and others. The ex­ perience that he gained thus serving as well as a secretary to General Branwell Booth, will be very valuable to the Salvation Army throughout the world. I This world at present is very jitt­ ery. It appears that nations may war again. There never was a time when the opportunity for doing good in the ( world was greater. The Salvation Ar­ my and General-elect Carpenter will have many problems, be it peace or war, that will tax their courage, but under his able leadership this institu­ tion will go ahead, no matter the con­ ditions, doing good, performing acts of kindness. > * * # ANOTHER RACKET The Goderich SJgnal-Star reports a new racket.- A man is alleged to have represented himself at three Goderich tourist homes as Government in­ spector. He is supposed to have used a driver’s permit as ceredentjals, It seems that, about every week some new gyp idea is used to swindle the public, The rd is only one way to stop it, and that is for the people to absolute­ ly 'refuse to have anything to do with ' those they do not know or those who have not- proper credentials. It does not pay to deal with fly-by-night salesmen. Many in this district have been stung because they did this. * - Stocks tumble — over eleven mil­ lion under arms in Europe.— shades of 1914. * . * * The Fall Fairs and Exhibitions are already under way. The summer is going swiftly. Just as a- reminder — Wingham Fair is Sept.. 27-28. * * * It is a strange world *— the Russian Bear and the German Eagle are on friendly terms. ❖ * # The Japanese are noted as jugglers. They had better be when they try. to link up with Germany as it is at pres­ ent. * * * * Anton. Schavo, 17-year-old London* youth, obtained 16 first-class honours in the 16 papers he wrote in the upper school departmental examinations in June. This standing is believed to be ! a record in the province. Listowel Given Hospital Building Thanks to the great generosity and commendable public spirit of Miss M. C, Scott and her brothers, Listowel will now have one of the finest of the smaller hospitals in the province, This week Miss Scott and, her broth­ ers presented to the citizens of' List­ owel and vicinity, through the List­ owel Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees;, the beautiful residence and spacious grounds surrounding the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott. Miss Scott and brothers made this generous gift as a memorial to their parents.—Listowel Standard. New Telephone Exchange For Seaforth Work is progressing rapidly in pre­ paration for. changing Seaforth’s tele­ phone system from the magneto to the common battery method of oper­ ation, and is now in the final stage, according to J. M. McIntosh, manager in this vicinity for the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. It is expected that the cutover, which will eliminate the necessity of using the crank at­ tachment to signal the operator, will take place in about a month, probably on September 20th, ■— Seaforth Hur­ on Expositor, Liquor Raids Staged ’ ‘ Liquor raids at Grand Bend and Crediton were revealed by reason of the laying charges under the L;C.A. •against Kenneth Kuhn, of Crediton, and Ralph Eagleso'n, of Grand Bend, whose premises were raided by Coun­ ty Constables Ferguson and Gardner. The summonses are returnable at Ex­ eter on September 1st. Jardine Committed For Trial After a „short preliminary hearing, John Jardine, aged 66, was commit­ ted for tria at a higher court on a charge of riminally assaulting a young Stephen Township bride of less than a year. The offence was alleg­ edly committed on August 6 at the farm house of the husband of the woman for whom he worked. WITH Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions From All Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY - SEPT. 15 - 29, 1939 INCLUSIVE Return Limit - 45 Days TICKETS GOOD IN COACHRS at fares approximately 1J4ic per mile. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately l%c per mile. Cost of Accommodation In Sleeping Cars Additional Baggage checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and 0 4 West SIMILAR EXCURSIONS FROM WESTERN TO EASTERN CANADA DURING SAME PERIOD. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any ag­ ent. ASK FOR HANDBILL. T267 CANADIAN NATIONAL Found Money Lost Last November Last November, when he was liv­ ing on the old Wright farm, Wm. Ringel was unfortunate .enough to lose a leather wallet containing $34 in bills. Although he searched everywhere for the wallet it could not be located and so William wrote the amount off as a total loss. Imagine, therefore’, his surprise last week when Jack Schild- roth walked in and handed over the wallet with the $34 inside it. Jack found the money while walking through a field on the farm, and hav­ ing heard of its loss he promptly turned thd money over to its rightful owner.—Chesley Enterprise, M $fi / RUSS CREIGHTON Internationally known Radio Artist arid his CANADIAN MOUNTAINEERS Popular Variety Entertainers and Dance Band from CFRB, Toronto. TWO BIG DANCES Sept. 3rd Midnight 12.05 to 4 a.m. ! % 7 TWO FLOOR SHOWS Monday, Sept. 4th 8.45 p.m. to 2 a.m. , WEE CLARA PELLY, Sensational Girl Singer, Dancer and Acrobatic Star. t DONALD SPENCE, Cariada’s Bobby Breen, in Comic arid Scotch Siriging. THE GARNER TWINS, Toronto’s Celebrated and Fastest Novelty and Tap Dance Team. BICYCLE RACE 1.30 P.M.BEAUTY CONTEST CONTESTS 8.30 P.M Beauty Contest (Evening Dress) Pie Eating Contest...................... Balloon Blowing, Ladies ........ Balloon Blowing, Children ...... Bicycle Race, Operi, 1.30 P.M. .. Contest Eritry Forms; are Obtainable at the Bell Telephone Office, Wing ham. i • $15.00 $5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 PARADE - Best Comic Vehicle .......... Best Decorated Car or Truck . Best Decorated Doll Carriage 2 P.M. ..$5.00 $2.50 $1.50 .. 8.00 _ ........ 3.00 Best Decorated Bicycle, Boy or Girl 3.00 Pet Parade ......................................... 3,00 Best Clown ............... .......... . .. ., 3.00 All parading in costume given free admission to Park. ♦ « 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2;00 HYDRO LAMPS . The Lon& Life Lamps A Horsehair Snake?----- Otto Schmidt left at The. Sun of­ fice a small, almost thread-like living snake or reptile which has as yet not been named but most of those who have seen it are of the opinion it is a baby water snake., It is six or seven Inches long with a small dark spot on one end (apparently the head) and goes through all man­ ner of contortions in the jar of water when the sun is shining on it. The boys who brought it in Were of the. opinion that it was a “horsehair snake” but there really is “no such living animal” as the following will explain: "When a horse hair is left in a pool of water it appears to come to life and is called by many a horse­ hair snake. This movement of the hair is due to the -congregating of small one-celled animals, found in all stagnant ponds, such as amoebae or paramecin. These microscopic animals are alive, and it is they which cause the hair to move,”—Milverton Slim Parade will form up at Scott and Josephine Streets at 1.30 Route to Park Josephine St. iLL 1 vRvli 1 U VS. W1 The Pears Team of Toronto are leading their Intermediate A Group. Afternoon Admission to Park 25c.Evening Admission to Arena 15c. ■ / .............., ,, ................................................ ............ . , ...... .. ( Cow and Calf, Bicycle and Radio Given Away to Lucky Ticket Holders. BAND CONCERT 11 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPT. 3rd MID-NIGHT, DANCE STARTING AT 12.15 IN WINGHAM ARENA ALL PROCEEDS IN AID OF THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN AND COMMUNITY WELFARE. - ««mI fruarantoed Wingham Utilities Commission WinghamPhone 156 Hitch-Hicking to World’s Fair Frank Eidt, Jr., accompanied by .Dick Todd, son of Major and Mrs, Allan Todd of London, formerly of Walkerton, left on Sunday on a hitch­ hiking jaunt to the New York World’s his effects here on Friday and will' occupy the residence vacated by the West family. Fair. Thu two boys purpose spending several days taking in the big exhibit­ ion atid sight-seeing In the Amcri- can' metropolis. —-Walkerton Her­ ald-Times. FordWich Teacher td Teeswater and Mrs, H, G. West lust week moved their effects tn ifeesWAtdr, where Mr. West has been engaged as btintcbal of the public School Mr. Stanley C, Neat, the new assistant in the local Cotithtuation School, moved Crowd Witness Water Baptismal A throng of spectators estimated at as high as a thousand people, gather­ ed to witness the baptismal service, by Immersion, conducted by E* L.' Ripley of the Lucknow and Kinlough Pentecostal Missions. The ceremony was performed at “The Old Swimming Hole/1' near the Railway bridge, north of,the village, Standing waist deep in the pool, Mr. Ripley received the Candidates indiv* idiially, whom he “immersed after the taking Of their VOWS, 'the candidates included eight from the Lucknow Mis­ sion and four from Kinlough,—Luck- now Sentinel. Killed in Cat Accident Returning alone from Harriston oft Tuesday morning where the county road meets the town line, of Arthur and Minto, Rdginaid Rooney failed to make the abrupt turn; his car was ditched, he was thrown out and the fcaster overturned on top of him, and a metal post of the Windshield pierced his body. He must have died almost instantly. It is said that he' almost made the turn and It did not seem that he was driving very fast. A part­ ly burned match and aft Uhlighted cig* atret in car may Indicate that his vision or attention was was interfered with by the blazing match ■when he was trying to light the cig* wcl and he did not notice in time the checkerboard warning located at this danger point. -j-S Mount Forest Confederate, Bruce Reach Cottages Want Road Summer residents at Bruce Beach, had for years a fine roadway on the sand in front of the cottages. Lately wind and waves bate wiped It out for the most part. As a result, they are asking Huron Township Council to have a roadway built at the rear of the cottages.