HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-24, Page 7Thursday, August 24 th, 1939
News and Gorrie Vidette
Fordwich, August 16, 1939
the United
to adjourn-
all present,
The Council met in
•’Church Hall, according
inent, the members were
±he Reeve, J. W. Gamble,
The minutes of last regular meet
ing, also special meeting, ‘were read,
.and on motion of Strong and Weir
were adopted.
Moved by Baker and Strong that
By-Law No. 5 for the year 1939, au
thorizing the issuing of debentures for
.School Section No. 17, as read the
third time, be finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Weir and McCallum that
By-law No. 3 for the year 1897, be
.^amended to conform with the Prov
incial Statutes. Carried.
Moved by Weir and McCallum that
By-law No. 7 for the year 1939, as
read the third time, be finally passed.
Moved by Baker and Weir that leg
al action be taken against Conrad Re
ver to. recover the value of wood tak-
-en off the road allowance this present
year, without the consent of the Coun
cil. Carried.
Moved by Strong and McCallum
lhat the Clerk be hereby authorized
lo advertise for tenders for painting
the roof cf the Township Hall, Wrox-
«eter, tenders to be in the hands of the
Clerk not later than September 6th,
J.939. Carried.
Moved by Baker and Strong that
.by-law No. 7 for the year 1939, set
ting the rates for the present year, as
xcad the third time, be finally passed,
Moved by McCallum and Weir that
the following bills be paid. Carried.
Isaac-Gamble, part salary as Clerk,
$35.00; United Church, Fordwich, rent
of Room, $1.50; W. C. King, balance
salary, postage and mileage 1938 $65.-
4)0; Jas. L. Walklom, bal. salary and
^postage 1938 $45.00; Melvin Johnson,
milk for G. King family $2.40; County
Treas., hospital exp. for George Har
ris, $5.25; County Treas., hospital ex
penses for Mrs. W. Mann $6.10; Mil
ton Leonard, equalizing U.S.S. No. 1,
2, 13, 16, $16.00; J. H. Shannon, deed
o£ land and registration of same $5.82*
Municipal World, supplies 1.82; J. R.
Riddell, M.D., medical services for
<Gile family $13.25; Dr. I. P. Campbell,
on lighting rink, Wroxeter
William Stewart, cleaning
Shed, Fordwich, $3.50; Relief,
Road Expenditures
R. J. Hucston & Son, bridge plank
$29.40; Francis Coles, Cutting weeds,
$13.00; Allen Griffith, brushing, $14.-
40; Richard Griffith, brushing $11.80;
"Wm. McDonald, drawing gravel .80;
"Thomas Brown, gravel $2.23; Nelson
<Gowdy, operating Power Grader $25.-
®0; John Franklin, making fill $4.80;
Edgar Henry, drawing water $4.00;
Harold Foerter, making fill $17.50;
Carl Werner, snow roads $6.60; John
Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
Raisins (seedless) ....... He lb.
Salmon (fancy red) 24c lge tin
Cookies, Balmoral creams
............................ 14c lb.
Vinegar ...................... 38c gal.
Low Prices on Bread Fldur—
“ Robinhood" “Five Lillies”
Ottr 25 Point Scientific Examin
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118* Harriston
MONUMENTS at fir»t cost
Hiving our factory equipped with the
most modem machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask you
ftto see the largest display, of mono-
'tnents of any retail factory in Ontario,
nil finished by sand blast machines.
We import ill our granites from the
■Old Country quarries direct, Itt tht
You can save al! local deal*
<rs\ agents* and middleman profits by
I seeing ns.
E. 1 Skelton £ Son
M West End Bridge—WALKERTON
■ 1
>z Ibh
lie Dilwortle, Kelowna, B, C., Mrs.
H. H. Cluekinbroomer, Evanston, Ill.,
Mrs, Charles Veerchoor; Ann Arbor,,
Michigan,, Mrs. A. A, Thibadeau, of
Buffalo, N, Y., Mrs. W. R. Hughes,.
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stranacb
and son Jimmie, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. J, Hill and family,.
Clifford, also Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Chittick, Wingham were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morrison.
Mr. Harvey Bryans, Walton, was
a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs-,.
James Sangster,
Miss Isabel Fox, R. N. is again;
taking care of Mrs. Janet Munroe,
Mr. Jim Rae, Brantford is a visitor
at the home of his mother, Mrs, D.
W. Rae.
Mrs. Charles Nichol, Mlldmay and
Mrs. J. Hodgsaw, Guelph, were visit
ors last week with Mrs, Higgins in
Mr. and Mrs. Merriman, Chicago,
will arrive on Thursday of this week
to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann.
Misses Jean and Evelyn Sharpin
underwent operations for the removal
of tonsils last week. Dr. Williams of
London and Dr, Fraser, Fordwich,.
performed the operations.' Both pat
ients are doing well.
Fire Checked in Time
Mr. Andy Adams, 2nd line, Turn
berry was in danger of losing his
home by fire on Wednesday of last
week. Mr. Adams and his helper were
hauling grain about 60 rods away,
when they noticed smoke coming from
the side of the house. Rushing over
he gave the emergency call by tele
phone, and with the help of some of
his neighbors the fire which was burn
ing between the wainscotting and.
outside kitchen wall-was soon under
. op i lagara Falls seen from a man, President o fthe Association of of the New York Press Association,at thv NuitL Awiou Cyanami.
window of the General Brock Hotel. Canadian Advertisers, and Frank B. two of the guest speakers at the Con-Plant. 4. Frank J. Burns, Kemptville,
a a “ er nor- Hutchinson, Secretary and -Manager vention. 2 and 3. Groups of delegatesN/S’, retiring President, congratulatesCenrte— (left.to right) 1. Glen Banner-
Montgomery, Road Sppt. $46.20; R.
J. Hueston & Son, Fordwich Village,
cement and lumber $39.25; Bert Car
ter, cutting weeds $4.80; ,Wm. Stew
art, making fill $1,60; John Hannah,
making fill .80',* Garnard King, mak
ing fill and painting bridge $3.20; Wm.
Sothern, cement gravel $3.75; Bert
Mann, Weeds and brushing $7.00;
Glad Edgar, making fill, drawing cab
le $3.50; Mac. Stuernol, ditching $1.00;
G. S. Baker, repair for disk $1.00:
John Montgomery, freight on blades
.50; Sawyer-Massey, blades for grad
er, $8.96; Harvey Gibson, drawing
gravel $2.80.
Moved by Baker and McCallum
that this Council do now adjourn, co
meet in the Township Hall, Wroxeter,
on the third Wednesday in September,
or at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Isac Gamble, Clerk.
I Miss Mae Shera of Waterloo
the guest of her cosins, Mr. and Mrs.
V. Shera on Sunday.
j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacDonald and
’ daughter, Margaret of Molesworth,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Anson Galbraith.
Mr. William Marshall has been con
fined to bed for some little time and
is not improving as quickly as his
friends would wish.
i Mr. and Mrs, W. C. King were Sun
day visitors with the latter’s .sister,
Mrs. Thos. MacDonald and Mr. Mac
Donald of Molesworth.
| Mrs. B, Watson and daughter, Miss
i Wilma of Brussels, spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs.. Reg. Watson and
other relatives.
Mrs. Knowlson Hueston and son,
Donald are spending this week at
Amberley Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton were Sun
day visitors with friends near Tees-
Miss Eulalia Rever is visiting rel
atives here for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar of
Wingham, visited on Sunday with the
former’s brother, Mrs, Sandy Edgar
and Mrs. Edgar.
Mr. Norman Clegg and the mem
bers of his Sunday School Class had
their annual picnic at Port Elgin on
Monday. ’ \
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neill
on Thursday, August 17th, a son.
,Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Hastie and
daughter Arlene, also Mrs. Robert
Hastie .of Toronto, spent .the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. K, Hastie,
The latter is remaining for a time.
Ml Douglas MacDonald, sou of
Rev. C. *H. MacDonald of Lucknow,
conducted’ Sunday services Iff the
Presbyterian Church.
Ml and Mrs, A. Miles and children,
Miss Audrey and Master Donald, also
Mrs. Dr. Lane all of Toronto, spent
the week-end at the home of- the
ladies’ parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Wade. .
Mr. and Mrs6 Robert Harrison and
family, visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Harrison’s mother, Mrs. Douglas ■ of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spearin of
Ethel were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield last Wed
Mr, and Mrs. C. Cooke,Mr. and
.Mrs. M. Nay and families were Sun
day visitors with friends at Kitchener.
Mr. and . Mrs. John Elligsen of
Mitchell, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr.* and Mrs. Cleveland Stafford.
Mr. Wassnan, who had visited life
daughter for some time, returned with
Grace Harper, who had been a pat
ient in the War Memorial Children’s
Hospital for the past few weeks, re
turned home on Monday.
Mr. Cecil Day and daughter, Miss
Bernice, visited Harriston friends on
Miss McKee of Whitby, spent a
few days this week, at the home of
her sister\and brother, Mrs, J. Wylie
and Mr. George’McKee.
Fractured Hip
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
I Robert Earl is in Listowel Hospital
as the result of a broken hip bone
which she suffered when she fell at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stew
art Edgar last Saturday.
• -----— \
Little Fern Cooke is holidaying at
the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cooke at Clifford.
Holding Vacation School
"Rev. H. N. and Mrs. Watt .are con
ducting a ten day Church Vacation
School for children which commenc
ed on Monday, August 21st, the
theme being "Learning to Live Like
esits.” Mrs, Gordon Mundell and Miss
Eleanor Carson are assisting with the
teaching. The registration at present,
is 49.
Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman of Mil
verton and Mrs. Kenhy of Bellville,
visited on Wednesday of last week at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cloyne
Mrs. Hartwell Strong, Mrs. J. T.
Strong, Miss Kate Earngey accomp
anied by Mrs. Wm. Earngey of Brus
sels, spent Wednesday last at Brtfce
Beach, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. Holmes.
Recent visitors at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Day were, Mr. and Mrs, Adam
Roe, Mr, W. H. Roe of Pickford,
Mich., Misses Eve McCracken and
the North American Cyanamid
H. T. Halliwell on his election to the
Presidency. Lower Picture—Group of
delegates taken at the Falls.
Nellie Burhanan nad Mr. Richard Mc
Cracken of Brussels.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Arlene Galbraith, who was suc
cessful in passing the Normal School
Entrance examinations.
Mr. Francis Trench of Timmons,
also Mr. Oliver Stokes of Turnberry
called on Mr. Lovish on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller of De
troit are spending a couple of days
this wek with Mrs. A. Miller and Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Miller.
Maxine Bolton is visiting her friend
Lois lillesley, near Molesworth.
Mrs. Dance of London is spending
some time at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and dau
ghter, Shirley, visited on Sunday with
Save the coupons from
Lipton’s lib. and hi lb.
packages. They are ex
changeable for beautiful
Wm. Rogers & Son Silver-
plate, write fbrpremium
bookto Thos. J. Lipton
Limited. Lipton .
Low Rail Fares
Good going Aug* 24 to Sept. 9
Return Limit « * * * « * Sept. 13
Canadian Pacific
the ofrmer’s niece, Mrs. H. C. Ellis | were: Mrs. John Staples and Mrs. Les-
and Mr. Ellis at Drayton.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Tay
lor on Wednesday last were: Mr. and
Mrs. James Jackson, Clinton; Dr.
Wesley and Mrs. Jackson, Philadel
phia and Miss Zetta ajekson of Pitts-
Mr. Pearson and Mr. Woodruff of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Warrell.
Mrs. MacLean of Welland and Mrs.
Burwick Sheriff of London, were re
cent visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Bradnock.
——— *•
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Maclean and
Mr. Jack Maclean were Toronto vis
itors on Sunday.
The School-room of United Church'
Service in the United Church on
Sunday morning next will be taken
by Mr. Robert Stocks.
Additional Wroxeter on page four
and Mrs. Cecil Grainger ofMr.
Fordwich, called on friends in town
Sunday afternoon.
• Mrs. Bricker and Mr. McPherson
of Michigan were guests of their sis
ter, Mrs. Sandy McDougal last week.
iMr. Rutledge and son Weldon of
Bramption spent Tuesday of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie .Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson also
Mr. Ed. Gibson of Hamilton spent
Sunday with their sister in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning and
family of Turnberry were guests of
Mr, and Mrs. West Palmer on Sun
‘Mr. Abe. Sanderson’s many; friends
arc pleased to hear he is improving
after his serious illness.
Mrs. Robt. Breen of Wingham,
spent last week with her sister-in-law,
Mrs. John Wray.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen and child
ren, also their guest, iMiss Marjorie
Ross, Toronto, are spending this
week at Dyers Bay,
Miss K. Goodfellow will go to
Brampton on Thursday of this week,
where she will be a*judge at the Fall
Mrs. Davidson of Saskatchewan is
a guest at the home of her cousin,
Miss Mae Davidson.
Miss Elma Metcalf, Brooklyn, N. Y,
is a guest at the home of her sister,
Mrs. J. H. Wylie and Mr. J. H. Wylie.
Mr. Jack Rann, London was a guest
last week of his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Rann.
Miss Gladys Weir of the telephone
office staff, had an operation oh
Monday of last week for the removal
of tonsils, and has enjoyed a week’s
rest at her home.
Mfs. Percy Rogers, Detroit, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Geo. Paulin.
Mrs. T G. Hemphill had the mis
fortune to fall spraining her ankle
one day last week, and has suffered
a great deal from the injury. We trust
she will soon be her Usual again.
Week-end guests at the home of
Ml and Mrs. D, S, MatMaughton
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