HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-24, Page 4r/, if r PAGE FOUR I n i. t [4 I I’••C3O1 $ '■ WHWBBHW WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Mrs. Win. John*D, Anderson.QK3O SALEM Graham and’ little daughter, On f son Edwin ac- Lillie Car, Dea- United Churclr THESE WANT AD’S 1OE3O1 are visiting Mr, and ston, Mrs. Bender and companied by Miss coness at Bloor St, Toronto, spent Sunday with friends in town. The United Church Sunday School will hold their picnic at Harbour Park, Goderich, Wednesday, August <31st. W8ono Londesboro, Mrs, W, Kechnie of Blyth, visited with her sister, Mrs. Walter Cook, Miss Jean Kershaw of Goderich; was a guest last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. Marvin McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Good and dau. ghter of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good of Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ las Campbell. Mrs, spent a few days with friends in Strat­ ford. iMiss Hazel Gorrel who has been visiting friends, left on Sunday for her home in Manitoba. Nurse-in-Miss Lenore Higgins,4 SALEMBRING In RESULTS IH o Mr and Mrs. Gordon Snell and 1| cehts a word perl insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. [OE3O1 JOCTO OESO ioao? family visited at the home of Mrs, Snell’s brother, Mr. John Youngblut of Auburn, Owing to so much rain the stook Mr. John Thompson who has con­ ducted a shoe repair business here for some time, has purchased Mr. J. Barrys business, Seaofrth, and has Training, Victoria Hospital, visited her parents. Mr. Joe Higgins has returned home after attending University in London Thursday, August 24th, 1939 FOR SALE—China Cabinet, Chester­ field and new Rug. Priced reason­ able. Apply Advance-Times. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres,% mile from village and highway; brick house, large bank barn, straw shed, cement silo, drilled well, spring creek, good bush. Apply Ad­ vance-Times. FOR SALE — Two-storey fra'me House, corner of Edward and Vic­ toria Streets. Owned by the latePriscilla Gowdy. Apply j. H. Craw­ ford. » FOR SALE — 13 run fertilizer disc drill and tandem tractor disc har­ row, . excellent condition. Massey- Harris Shop, Wingham. FOR SALE Gasoline buzz saw engine on truck; two plate disc plow; matched team of Perchon geldings rising 5..years, guaranteed sound, quiet and true workers. Ap­ ply Norman Walker, R. R. No. 4, Wingham, FOR SALE — Three collie pups, Black and White. Apply Clarkson Martin, Wingham. FOR SALE Good house on one acre of land at Belgrave, hen house on property. Alex. Bruce, Phone 616r31. HOUSE TO RENT Brick house on Victoria Street. Apply J. H. Crawford. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS— Select used Pianos for sale. 30 years experience. Gibbs and Winter, Lon­ desboro, Phone Blyth 28-18. ROOMERS WANTED — Apply to Mrs. John McCool. ROOMERS WANTED — Centrally located home, all conveniences. Ap­ ply Mrs. M. J. Watters Centre and Patrick Sts, ' TO RENT — Two large rooms for light housekeeping. Apply Advance- Times. WE’VE GOT IT! Prosperous Mr. Asselstine has it! You can get it too! Cash in on the Biggest, Best line of Household Necessities to be sold direct from factory to consuna- ’ ers. $$UCCE$$ ASSURED. Write today for Free Particulars. FAM- : ILEX PRODUCTS COMPANY, 570 St. Clement St, Montreal, Que. WANTED — Second hand ladies Bicycle in good 'condition. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED — House to rent with modern conveniences’. Apply W. Wilson, C. N. R. Station, Phone 367. WANTED — A woman wants a warm comfortable room with con­ veniences centrally located in Wing­ ham. Apply P.O. Box 157 or Ad­ vance-Times. WANTED — A couple of girl room­ ers for company. Apply Miss R. Lewis, Edward St., Wingham. WANTED — SEALED TENDERS Will be received by undersigned up to 6 o’clock p.m., September 1st, for construction of concrete bridge | mile west of St. Helens in Town- ship of West Wawanosh, Huron County. A marked cheque for $50. must accompany each tender. Low­ est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen after August 27th, for particulars ap.ply to J. C. Purdon, Road Supt., R. R. No. 2 Lucknow. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of George Young Cruikshank, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Hruon, Farmer deceased, are here­ by notified to send their claims, duly verified by declaration, to the under­signed solicitor for the executrix, on or before the 2nd day of September, A,D. 1939. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. JtJATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day of August, A.D. 1939. R. S. HETHERINGTON, " Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ick in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the seventh day of July, A.D, 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the threshing is not progressing as fast as the farmers would like to see it, moved there this week. Mr. Norman Murch of Toronto will for the past 6 weeks, second day of September,. 1939, full The grain is a fine sample this year and a good yield. Mrs, Norman McDowell and Gerald sing at the United Church services on Sunday. 'Miss Hazel Petts of the London We are very glad to hear that Mr. W. A, Mines is improving from his recent serious illness. particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said second day of September, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re­ gard only to. claims of which the ex­ ecutor shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this tenth day of August, A.D. 1939,. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Miss Mil* dredThornton, visited with Mrs. Os- boldeston of Goderich. Mr. and "Mrs. J. E„ Ellis, Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Malcom, visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Elsley of Wroxeter. There was no church service at Life Ofifce, spent the holidays at her home, ST. HELENS Many friends here are glad to know Mr. Jas, Halliday, is improving. We wish him a speedy recovery. ST. HELENS Recent visitors in the community included, Mrs. Ewan McKenzie, Miss Muriel McKenzie, Mrs,. Walter Horne and Miss Mr. Graham Wray had the misfor­ tune to lose a horse during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Acheson and family, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Jacques of Lakelet,. S a Acheson and family, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Jacques of Lakelet,. BIG ARS & TRUCKStroops SPECIALS DEMONSTRATORS BLYTHre< * B. A. OIL and GAS. said the non-ag- ’34 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe A sporty mod'el offered at a bargain price. Completely overhauled. Complete with rumble seat. ’30 PONTIAC COACH Perfect condition throughout, owned by local farmer. Tires, upholstery, and en­ gine like new. ’39 FORD DELUXE SEDAN Used as demonstrator only — New car guarantee. Was $1040. Now $900. ’31 ESSEX COACH The value is up and the price is down ' on this car. In excellent shape—good tires—clean upholstery. ’29 PONTIAC SEDAN ' A real buy at the price. In first class running order, Good tires. ’29 WILLYS SEDAN Newly painted, good tires, completely overhauled. A real ibuy, FORDSON TRACTOR Used only 8 hours as demonstrator — New tractor guarantee. Was $1025, Now $875. ’37 FORD V-8 COACH From economical V-8 engine to gleam­ ing paint, this coach, is a bargain. R. G. guarantee. ’29 ESSEX SEDAN For cheap transportation, cannot be bea­ ten. Excellent tires. Good runhing shape. ’35 PONTIAC COACH A bargain at the price asked—perfect condition — completely overhauled —■ A snap. ’35 FORD v-8 2 TON TRUCK Completely overhauled and guaranteed — Good tires — Mechanically perfect in Al condition. ’37 FORD V-8 COACH A snap for a bargain (hunter! Bright paint, clean upholstery, good tires, com­ pletely overhauled. with Mr. Mr. and J. Laking Mrs. Me- Im­ of Lucknow, Mrs. White Mildr?l Horne of Detroit and Mrs. John Cameron; Mrs. Will Moore and Mrs. of Guelph with Mr. and Kenzie Webb; Miss Evelyn Webb of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice; Mr. and. Mrs. Irwin McCabe of Sandwich at Mr. John McQu'illin’s; Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford, Mr. D. J. McIntosh, Morley and son Colin of Vineland with Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, Mr. Mc­ Intosh returned home with them af­ ter a week’s visit here. Miss Irene Woods is spending holiday with friends in Evanston, Ill. Rev. G. A. Barnard occupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sun­ day. Mis Helen Blue has returned to her home in Detroit after holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Westfield on Sunday. It is expected the pastor, Rev. H. .C. Wilson will have returned from his holiday at Tobermory and resume his services next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Ken­ neth, Jean and Donald and Mr. W. H. Campbell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier of Crewe on Sunday. Master Donald remained for a few days holiday. Mrs. Hawath of Auburn visited on Monday with Miss Minnie Snell. Among those who were Goderich visitors on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsh; Mr. and .Mrs. Len­ ard Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden; Mr. and Mrs. Noramn Radford; Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell; Gerald, Mrs. Mil­ dred Thornton; Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and family; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Roy Gowdy . of the B line, Howick. • Mr. and Mrs. Earwaker of Van­ couver, Mrs. Wellings of Wingham, Mr. Currie . of Wingham and • Mrs. Haines of Dungannon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer last Sunday, Misses Gladys Weir, Evelyn and Jean Sharpin are recovering we are glad to say from a recent operation of tonsils and adenoids. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and family called of Toronto, called on the former’s parents, Mr. and (Mrs. {D. L. Weir last Sunday prior to a motor trip to New York. Mr: and Mrs. Maitland Porter and daughter Anna, from near Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Simmons. A large number from this locality attended the street dance in Wroxeter last Friday night and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Colin NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having. claims ’ against the estate of David William Rae late of the Tojvnship of Howick in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the eighth day of July, A.D. 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on nr before the second day of September, A.D. 1939, full partic­ ulars of their claims in writing. mediately after the said second day oi September, the assets of the said tes­ tator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereo, having regard only to claims of.which the executors shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham this fourteenth day of August, A.D. 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. WROXETER ________ is being redecorated this week. Made possible by the efforts of the Wom­ an’s Association under the leadership of Mrs. Wm. T. Maclean. White ceil­ ing, cream walls and biff wood work is the attractive combinations of colors being used. Miss Elsie Davidson, Newton, was in town on Friday renewing acquaint­ ances. Miss Davidson was formerly principal of the Continuation school here, and will teach at Huntsville the coming year. - Street Frolic Great Success Ideal weather and a large attend­ ance of young and old, helped to make Wroxeter’s first street carnival on Friday evening a great success, sponsored by the Board of the Public Library, who engaged Roy Robin­ son’s six-piece orchestra from Palm­ erston. Games and dancing was enjoy­ ed until 1.30 o’clock. A refreshment booth was well patronized. (After de­ ducting expenses, the library board have a splendid contribution on which to carry on one of the most worthy causes in our community, and are to be congratulated on their effort. Taylor and family; Messrs Ray Vin­ cent, Harvey McDowell, Norman Rod­ ger, Jack Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and family were guests at the home of Dr. Victor Johnston and Mrs.^John­ ston of Lucknow on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, iMiss Jean, Mr. Gordon McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Gordon, Miss­ es Minnie and Elsie Snell were Kin­ tail visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Miss Winnifred visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Elsley of Londes- boro. During the electrical storm on Sat-' urday evening, a large tree just east of Mr. James McGill’s was struck by lightning, causing part of it to fall across the road. FORD DEALERS' WEDDINGS Hayes - Waller Church on the Hill, Toronto, scene of a quiet, but pretty on Saturday, August 19th at Nazi - Russian Pact Germany upset structure of the ten­ se middle-European situation by an­ nouncing shortly she Will conclude a non-aggression pact1 with Russia . German soldiers were massing on the Polish frontier, and now it seemed that if they are called upon to march eastward into Poland they will not have to worry about the possibility of encountering Russian marching westward. Unofficial Soviet sources impending Russian-German gression pact would not exclude ne­ gotiation of a mutual assistance a- greement With Great Britain and France. British and French quarters, how­ ever were gloomy over the announce meat that Berlin and Moscow were coming to an understanding. PilUMI11 ■» This HARVEST CLEARANCE is a SALE OE SALES! It’s your big chance to save many dollars on a sleek- looking, modern, used car! Pick from the widest range of models and makes we’ve ever offered—at the lowest prices we’ve ever asked! Get the car your family Grace was the wedding 7.30 in the evening, when Kate Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Waller, Wroxeter was given in marriage to Mr. Leonard Richard Hayes, Toronto, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes, London. Rev. John Dixon officiating. The tall and graceful bride was lovely in a Jacquet dress of Navy and Nile Crepe, the Jacket in Fuschia shade, a crushed girdle carired out the same colors, and the accessories were Navy. Her corsage was Fuschia Gladoli. Miss Marjorie Waller was her sisters attendant and wore a crepe costume of Beige and Burgandy, with Burgandy accessories and the same color carried out in her corsage of flowers. 1 Mr. Merritt Flint, Toronto, brother- in-law of the groom, was his attend­ ant. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held at the home of Mrs. Leitch, 421 Russel Hill Road, Toron* , to, ■ where the brides,, mother and All persons having claims agamst Qroonlg motjier received the former, the estate of Clinstena Robertson late1 , _T Cl .. ,of the Town of Wingham, Spinster,; wearing Nay Sheer over figured crepe deceased, who died on or about the’ with corsage in matching shades and twenty-seventh day of June, A,D, the Grooms mother in a black and 1089, are to send to J< H. |ensemble and choosing'white Crawtord, Wingham, on.or before the’ , £ *Second day of September, A,D, 1930,1 Gladoli flowers. full particulars of their claims in writ- Following the reception and dinner, ing. Immediately after the said Sec*! the bride and.groom left by motor for ond day of September, the assets of ‘ the said testatrix, will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this tenth day of August, A.D, 1930. J, H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. Meanest of All Tricks Sneak theives are frowned upon who will deliberately pilfer within eye shot of the living, but where one walks into the hallowed precincts of the dead in the Walkerton Cemetery, and carries off an article for gain, theft1 the culprit has sacrificed the last .ves­ tige of the rags of decency. Some-*' time during last week-end a much; treasured vase Containing cut flower^' freshly installed on a well-kept plot in the forefront section, was removed on the Sabbath Day from where it mark­ ed the resting place of a pioneer mo­ ther. A person that would descend to pull such a despicable act is .assured of a real haunting here, and a contin­ uous torture in the hereafter.—Walk­ erton Herald-Times. wants or the truck your business needs. They’re fine cars and trucks, good for many thousands of economi­ cal miles. Comfortable, safe to run. Many cars are R & G — renewed and guaranteed, carry our 2-day, money-back guarantee and 50-50, 3O-day yvarranty against mechanical defects. That’s 100% satisfaction or your money back! Pick your bargain. We put the axe to every price, remember! We’ve done a square-deal job of reconditioning, too. Easy terms! NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of William Stewart Sand* crson late of the Township of How* Niagara Falls and Buffalo, The bride choosing a tailored suit of Fuschia Flannel for travelling. On "their turn. Lady: "Yes, I wodld like you to paint my portroit. But you must guar* antee that it will be lifelike?’ Artists "Oh, certainly; providing that if it is, you will guarantee to take it.” they will live in Toronto. WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Peters of Clio, Mich., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs, John Vincent visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. L, H. Mutton and Mr, Hutton of I Mr, Harold Wightman of Manitou- lin Island, spvit the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Wight­ man. , j Miss Afiftic Mains of the Social! Service Staff,Ottawa, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Mains, Mrs, James Fox and son of Ottawa ’35 FORD V-8 DeLuxe Sedan Just, as good as new —■ low mileage — owned in Wingham —* Complete with heater and defroster. HURON MOTORS FORD SALES AND SERVICE . WINGHAM — PHONE 99 FIRESTONE TIRES