HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-24, Page 3Thursday, August 24th, 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
to make
sure of
Growing Mash
A complete balanced growing
mash that will maintain even
steady growth. It keeps pullets
in active, growthy condition
with no excess fat. It builds
7 highway early Thursday.hers of the German minority.
bone, flesh, and feathers. We make and supply Shur-Gain
16% Growing Mash right here in Wingham. It is fresh
, when you get it—-in its most palatable form. *1 Q/X
Compare this price .............................................JLocjV
Developing Concentrate
Sabotage Feared When .Boat
Belfast —■ Amid the crashing
rending of huge timbers, the cries of
injured persons and blast from warn
ing sirens, Britain’s new £4,000,000
aircraft-carrier Formidable slipped
from its forward “poppet” or launch
ing cradle in.Harland & Wolfe’s Yard
here, and went staggering backward
into the. sea 25 minutes before she
was due to be launched. Police have
taken charge of the wreckage and are
investigating the possibility of sabot
Hitler Confers with Hungary
Berlin — Fuehrer Hitler received
Count Stefan Csaky, Hungarian for
eign minister, at his Obersalkberg
Mountain retreat and semi-official
sources hinted that an agreement was
being reached for Hungary's co-oper
ation in case of war.
rank of sergeant, will take charge of
each division. Huron County is in the
Western Zone.
Poland to Expropriate Estates
Warsaw — The Polish. Government
issued a decree authorizing breaking
up and eventual expropriation of es
tates on the Polish frontier — many
of them German-owned — for defence
purposes. In the Pomerania and Up
per Silesia border districts more than
80% of 'the land is owned by mem-
To Seek Approval of Palestine Plan
London — Colonial Secretary Mal
colm Macdonald disclosed he /would
go before the League of Nations coun
cil in Geneva next month to seek ap
proval for tlje British IJalestine plan
which the permanent mandates com
mission refused to approve.
New Highway Zone System
Toronto — Attorney-General Gor
don Conant announced the inaugura
tion of an experiment whereby South
ern Ontario will be divided into three
zones for highway policing, A spec
ially qualified patrol officer, with the
German Army on War Footing
Berlin — Germany has^put finish
ing touches to “preparedness” meas
ures which may go into history as the
most stupendous of their kind, From
the high Tatra-Mountains in Slovakia
to the Baltic, the German army has
been placed on a war footing, and can
be called upon event without the
formality of mobilization, army lead
ers say — to enter the field, should
theTr supreme commander, Fuehrer
Hitler, will it.
Baldwin Says Freedom Issue
In Next War ‘
New York —- The freedom of man
kind will be at issue in the next war,
former Prime Minister Stanley Bald
win of Great Britain asserted after the
group hoaddressed had been criticized
as “merely a propaganda agency to
help enlist America on the side of
Infuse 6 heaping teaspoons of Salada Black Tea In a pint of fresh/ boiling water*
After 6 minutes strain liquid into 2-quart container/ while hot, add 1 to f # cup>
of sugar and juice of 2 lemons, strained/ stir until syejar is dissolved; fill container
with cold water. Do not allow tea to cool before adding cold water or liquid
will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. The above makes 7 tali glasses,
w A
■Hi JEf JRAi
Great Britain and France” in the ev
ent of war.
Drew to Retain Ontario Leadership
Toronto — Col, George Drew “has
no intention whatever” of relinquish
ing his leadership of the Conservative
party in Ontario. Col, Drew made .
this statement in answer to rumors
that he might be asked to enter the
Dominion Cabinet as minister of na
tional defence in the event of a Con-
serative victory in the next general
WinghamPhone 142
“Shur Gain” Feed Service
Follow the leaders and get the best. Shur-Gain formulas and Shur-
Gain Quality are guaranteed. Pulletts grown on Shur-Gain 16%
Growing Mash or 34% Developing Concentrate become big-boned,
big- bodied layers which are capable of steady, high egg produc
tion. Make sure of better pullets at less cost the Shur-Gain Way,
If you have your own grains to feed-balance them with
Shur-Gain 34% Developing Concentrate. We are well
equipped to do your grinding and mixing here at the mill.
Our price, .per 100 lb. bag Developing Concen- Q 1 A o
trate....................................................... , J»lv 5
E. J. NASH, Diagonal Road Service Station, Wingham
the part of the axis would be “immor
al.” . s
Going Dates
, Return Limit: 45 days.
Tull particulars from any agent.
Canadian Pacific
mroiriril Turkey Grower
U A JlaJE/Rm Pig Starter ......
Pig Starter ......
Hog Grower...
Hog Fattener ....
Lay Mash-----
Japs Warn Britain
Tokyo — A semi-official source said
that Japan had given Great Britain a
“vigorous warning” of consequences
likely to arise from a breakdown of
the Tokyo talks to settle their Far
Eastern differences. The same source
said, however, that the Japanese Gov
ernment would give London “a few
.days” to.reconsider its refusal to in
clude economic questions in the dis
Russian Airmen Help China
Hong Kong, China — Soviet Rus
sian air resistance for China, which
for a time last year enabled the Chin
ese to contest Japanese air suprem
acy in vital sectors, was reported to
have been resumed. Informed sources
said 50 speedy Russian pursuit planes
already are on the line at bases near
Chungking, the present Chinese cap
Fascist Paper Says Peace or War
Bologna, Italy — A letter in the au
thoritative newspaper Restodel Car
lino signed by “Camicia Nera”
(Blackshirt),, offered, “their excellenc
ies” Prime1 Minister Chamberlain and
Premier Daladier of France the choice
of peace or war over Danzig. Direct
ly addressed to the two Government
leaders, the letter warned that, al
though the Danzig problem can be
settled peacefully, any compromise on
To All Stations In
Tickets Good to Travel in Coaches
Excursion tickets good in Tourist,
Parlor End Standard sleeping cars al*
so available on payment of Slightly
higher passage fares, plus price of par*
lor or sleeping car accommodation.
ROUTES—Tickets good going via
Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont.,
Chicago, HL, or Sault Ste. Marte,
- -returning via same route and hue
only. Generous optional routings.
STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket,
both going and returning —‘ at Port
Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont, and
west} also at Chicago, ill., Sault Ste,
Marie, Mich., and west, in accord
ance with tariffs of United States
20% ....... $2.25
21% ........$2.15
Attempted to Poison Daughter
Wallaceburg — An alleged attempt
ed poisoning of a four-day-old child,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Chris
tian, West Wallaceburg, a couple ’of
days ago, has come to light, with an
nouncement by local police that Upon
instructions of crown authorities, they
have arrested the 28-year-old mother,
on' a charge of inflicting bodily harm.
Slovakia Loses Independence
Bratislava, Slovakia — The Bratis
lava radio station announced that “ow
ing to the existing situation,” Germ
any has taken military possession of
Slovakia. The announcement, for rea
sons unexplained, was made in Eng
lish — a language which most of,Slo
vakia’s 2,600,000 inhabitants do not
understand. A german military gov
ernor' will assume control in Bratis
lava. •> " . '
Canada Airline Partner
Winnipeg — Canada will be a part
ner in the company which will oper
ate trans-Atlantic air services linking
Britain, Canada and Eire, Sir John
Reith, Chairman of Imperial Airways,
said in an interview. The British com
pany will hold ,51 per cent, of the new
company’s shares while Canada and
Eire each will have 24%%.
De Valera May Visit Canada
Montreal — John J. Hearne, a smil
ing Irish diplomat who is Eire’s first
high commissioner to Canada, landed
here eager to perpetuate the good re
lations between the two countries and
particularly to promote increased
trade. Mh Hearne told ship reporters
that Prime Minister Earnon de Valera
of Eire, possibly will visit Canada
this fall. . ,
Freak Cow Thriving
RtiSseldale, Ont. •— Nellie, the freak
cow born a year ago without front
legs, now is getting along fine. She is
about 500 pounds in weight. She
walks around on her hind legs and
looks like something out of an ani
mated cartoon.
Councilor Believed Hit-and-Run
William J, Goddafa, aged 50, pf
Dchlield, R.R. 4, prominent London
Township resident and member of the
Township Council, is being held with
out bail in the county jail, under a
week’s remand, after being accused by
police of being the hit-smd-tun driver
who it is claimed knocked dowh Ger
ald Jordan, 82, of Ailsa Craig, on bto,
• • . because most cars are built to run
smoothly on a good regular-priced gas!
, xAWa v;*5 — -
If your tsar did not knock when new, but knocks now—on the same grade
of gasoline—blame it on the motor oil. Many oils form hard carbon inside
the motor after only a few thousand miles. The result is knocking and lost
power. In the long run, the best and most economical cure for knocking
is to have the carbon removed, then use Sunoco, the Knock-proof Motor
Oil, exclusively. It’s your safest protection against knocks and lost power!
Sunoco Knock-proof Oil is one oil that you can depend upon to
keep your motor free of hard carbon, the cause of many knocks.
Therefore, if your motor knocks . . . look to the motor oil, first!
Modern high compression motor cylinder
showing piston at bottom of stroke. In this
position there is ample space for the gasoline
air mixture which was fed into the cylimjcr
after having been mixed in the proper propor
tions by the carburetor.
As the piston moves upward, the mixture is
compressed to one-sixth of its former volume.
In other words, the 6 units of mixture have
been reduced to one unit. (Compression ratio,
6 to 1.) While compression ratios vary, most
modern cars have high compression engines.
Wrong Oil forms hard carbon in’ the firing
chamber. By reducing this space, hard carbon
increases tlie coinpression and heat so that the
gas mixture cannot burn evenly, but instead,
causes a sudden sharp explosion* In other
words, the motor knocks, or pings.