HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 17th, 1939
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and SMS p.m.
Matinee Saturday Afterpoop at 2,30 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 17, 18, 19
Eyesight Specialist
This is the second picture in the Dr. Kildare series
and is full of human interest, romance, comedy,
mystery and surprise.
Also “Musical Comedy” and “News”
Mpnday? Tuesday, Wednesday, August 21, 22, 23
MICKEY'S again !
“Andy Clyde Comedy” and “Mechanics Illustrated
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Adams and dau
ghters, Barbara and Martha Lou, who
have been holidaying at Bruce Beach,
visited there.
tiMr, Archie Taylor who Jias been
,visiting with his daughter, Mrs, Bu
chanan, of St. Helens, left on Sunday
for his home at North Bay, His niece
Mrs. Archie Patterson, and daughter,
Helen, of Lucknow, accompanied him
and will join her husband, who has
spent the past few months at Kapus-
Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Green, who
have been visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Frank Henry, left on Sunday for
their home at Kitchener.
Mrs. Cahill, of Paris, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Ernest, vis
ited on Sunday with Dr, and Mrs.
Harold Robinson-and family at their
cottage at Bruce Beach, and Mrs.
Robinson and Mrs. Cahill spent a few
days this week at the home of the
latter’s daughter, Mrs. John Kilpat
rick, of Lucknow-
Mrs. Wm. Humphrey of St. Helens
visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
A. Fox, and Mrs, Ramage visited at
the hqme of Mr. Wm. Barbour and
with other old acquaintances here.
Visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert McClenaghan: Mrs.
Liskey and her son Wm. Liskey, of
! Moose Jaw, also Mrs. Fyfe. Mrs. De
mans and her daughter, Miss Maude
of Elora also Mrs. James Gammie of
Miss Ariel Johnston spent the week
end at her home.
Mr. and Mrs.. Gershom Johnston
and children James, Alice and Jackie,
spent Sunday with Clifford friends.
I: ’ • To
In effect from many points in Ontario
For the Round Trip
Good Going Aug. 24th to Sept. 9th
Return Limit Sept, 13th
Canadian National
class, sang a solo. There will be no
service in these churches next Sun
day. Qn Sunday, Aug. 27, the service
will be ’in charge of the Excelsior
Girls’ Class.
Matinee Saturday Afterinloon at 2.30 p.m.
Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c.
Miss Mary Kennedy, of Toronto,
and Miss Eileen Burchill, of Trun-
berry, spent the week-end at the home
of their, aunt, Mrs. Lance Grain.
Rev. W. J. Watt, of Toronto, had
charge of the service in the United
Church here on Sunday. Next Sunday
the Y.P.U. will have charge.
Miss Marjorie Falconer, of Wing
ham, is visiting with her cousin, Miss
Jean Welwood.
Mr. and .Mrs. Broomer, of Toronto,
. -spent last week? with Mr. and Mrs.
John McGee.
Mr. Herbert Johnston and daugh
ters, Helen and .Clara, of Inwood, and
Mr. Ross Douglas, of Petrolia, spent
the week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leask McGee.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan
and family visited on Sunday with
,Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour, For
Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook, God
erich, and her mother, Mrs. Thurlow,
of Brantford, visited on Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paterson and
Miss Patricia left for their home in
Detroit on Satcrday after spending
the past few weeks with his father,
Mr. K. Paterson. I
Misses Muriel and Eileen Moore,
of Rockwood, who have been visiting
with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathaniel Bolt, of (Marnoch, are visit
ing this week with their aunt, Mrs.
John Purdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent and
daughter, Eva of Westfield, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Laidlaw and Mrs, David Farrier and
daughter, Mrs. John D. Ross and fam
ily, of Lucknow, also spent a few days
last week there.
Miss Dorothy King, R.N., returned
to her position in Cobourg last Mon
day after holidaying with her mother,
Mrs. George King, of Culross. Miss
K. Sheckey, R,N.f of Cobourg, and
Mr. Harry Powter, of Belleville, visit
ed there on Monday last also.
Miss Betty Cross of Walkerton is
visiting with her grandparents, Mr.
Tottenham Minister Preached
The service- in Knox Presbpterian
Church -on Sunday morning was con
ducted by Rev. W. T. Cranston; of
Tottenham, using the text Hosea 7: 9
“Strangers have devoured his strength
and he knoweth it not.” Mrs." C. R.
Messer, Toronto, contributed a solo
, Woman’s Group Met
The members of the Belgrave Unit
ed Church Woman’s Association met
at the home of Mrs. Cyrus W. Scott
on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J, M.
Coultes, the president, was in charge
of the meeting. Mrs. A. Vincent read
the Scripture lesson and Mrs. A.
Proctor led. in prayer. Mrs. Walter
Scott gave a very interesting reading
“Wolverine” by Pauline Johnston
which was very much appreciated.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and treasurer’s report re
ceived. Correspondence was also read.
Mrs. W, C. Scott gave a reading en
titled “The Thing That Couldn’t Be
Done,” Several items of business were
then discussed. A solo by
Manning was much enjoyed,
sociation was'invited to the
Mrs. Harold Procter for the
ber meeting. A vote of thanks was
tendered Mrs. Scott for her hospital
ity. At the close of the meeting lunch
was served by a group of the ladies.
Mrs. A.
The As-
home of
their home in Buff
Albert Coultes and
on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. McLean.
Mrs. Brayford, of Toronto, visited
for a few days last week with her mo
ther, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor and Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Henderson and child
ren who had been visiting there, left
on Saturday for
Mr, and Mrs.
Marjorie visited
and Mrs. Robert Coultes of E. Wawa-
nosh. &
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, of
Goderich, visited on Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. David Kennedy.
Mr. Geo. Garton Sr. and Mr. and
Mrs. George Garton and children
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Holland, of Kitchener, and
Reta and Dorothy Holland, who have
been visiting here for the past two
weeks, returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Cox, of Goderich,
have been visiting at the home of their
son. Mr. Clarence Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and El
roy, spent a day last week with her
mother, Mrs. Straughan, Goderich.
Misses Olive Farrier and Flora
Coulter, who were taking the short
course in English at Western Uni
versity, returned to their homes on
Mr. Albert McQuoid, Guelph, spent
last week with her sister, Mrs. James
Forester, and Mr. Morton and daugh
ter, Laura, and Mr. and Mrs. David
Callendar, who had been holidaying at
Wasaga Beach, spent the week-end
here and Mrs. Morton returned home
with them, and Mrs. Forester also left
with them to visit there for a week.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Pollock and iMr.
and Mrs. Harry Cooper, of Brantford,
are holidaying at their cottage at Kin
cardine and the young people of the
church had charge of the service on
Sunday, with Mr. Alec Robertson
leading. Mrs. Mowbray led in prayer,
and Mrs. Johnston Conn had charge
of the meditation service, and Mr. Jas.
Wilson gave an interesting talk' on
missions! y work.
Mr. Alec Adams, of Toronto, visit
ed on Thursday last with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Elliott and on Sunday
New Man Subject of Sermon
Mr. George Taylor, of Wingham,
gave a thoughtful address at the morn
ing service in the United Church on
Sunday, taking as his subject the
“New Man” in Christ, showing how
he must be renewed physically, men
tally and spiritually. There will be no
service or Sunday School in the Unit
ed Church next Sunday. The follow
ing Sunday, Rev. C. Tavener will re
sume his work after vacation.
ly operated by Homuth & Bennett, has been purch
ased by
QourteoiIS, Quick Service Is Our Motto.
B. A« Gas Goodyear Tires Batteries
A complete stocks of parts for plow repairing, pldw
shares, soles, etc,, always on hand.
Miss Olive Thompson, of Teeswat-
er, is visiting her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Hetherington.
Mr. Oswald Bowell, of Mitrhell, vis
ited on Sunday with his friend, Mr.
William Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss accom
panied by Miss Lillian Garniss and
Mrs. Earnest Groshover, of Detroit,
spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil
B. McEachern at Mount Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Thorn
ton. Their son, Ross, returned home
with them after spending his vacation
Miss Katherine Sanderson, London,
is holidaying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Messer and
Miss Lindsay, Toronto, are guests, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Elliott and Miss Lois.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathers and dau
ghter, Miss Elizabeth, Embro, spent
Sunday with Mr. George Mathers and
other friends. *
Miss Florence Fowler, Elmer and
Frank and Harold Elliott spent Sun
day at Beach O’ Pines, guests of Mr.
and Mrs. McGuire,
Miss Lillian Garniss, Detroit, is en
joying a holiday with her sister, Mrs..
J, J. Sellars and other relatives.
Mrs. Grace Snell has returned home
after a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
C. H. Coultes at Listoweh
Mrs. John Pugh, Mitchell, is spend
ing a few days with her brother, AL
lan and Mrs. Ramsay.
Hugh McGowan, Detroit, was a re
cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Mildred McQuillan and Mr,
[ Will Pardon, of Lucknow, and Mr.
| Donald Street, of Moorefield, spent
Sunday at the home of Miss Duff.
Mr. and Mts. J. W. Masters and
Miss Evelyn Masters were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs,. John Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Marshall, of
towel, spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. A. D. Smith.
Class Conducted Services
The membets of the Triple V Bible
Class conducted the services at Brick
United Church and Knox United
Church on Sunday morning. The class
formed the choir for the service and
sang an anthem. Several members
took part in the service and the adress
was given by Kit. Earle Moore, Brus
sels, Clifton Walsh,‘a member of the
Mrs. C. H. Wade spent a few days
with her sister, Miss Stella Nethery
at Kingston, where she has been tak
ing a course during the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong,
Misses Martha and Gertie Armstrong,
of Windsor, spent the week-end with
their brother, Mr. Willard Armstrong
and Mrs, Armstrong.
iMiss Mary Corley, R.N., of Toron
to, is spending a holiday with rela
tives and friends hpre.
Miss Minnie Anderson, of Weston,
is visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mitchell and
family, of Rothsay, spent the week
end with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Young and
daughter, Audrey of Neepewa, Man.,
also Mr. Bill Parsons of Marwain,
Sask., were visitors last week with the
former’s brother, James F. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Armitage of
Arva, spent the wek-end with Mr.
and Mrs. James F. Young.
Mr. Fred J. Cook.
Messrs. Gordon Snell and Earnest'
Snell were Goderich visitors on Sat
,Mrs. John Cook is slowly recover
ing from burns which she received
about three weeks ago when she acci
dentally spilled hot water on her ank
les, and which have been very painful
RA • 1 Complete. A. Reid
Wingham Office: Williams’
Jewelry Store, Every Wednes-
- day Morning 9.00 till Noon.
' Phone 5W or 5J.
All Accounts
Owing Me Must Be Paid
SEPT. 1st
John Homuth
Miss Margaret Dale,, of Seaforth,
is visiting her grandfather, Mr. W. J.
Rev. Walker and Mrs. Malcom of
Brooklyn are visiting the later’s sis
ter, (Mrs. John Ellis and other friends
in this vicinity.
Mrs, McCormick of Toronto is vis
iting Mrs, Amanda Bainton.
The Women's Association of the
United Church are holding a tea on
the Church lawn Thursday afternoon.
Blyth Fall Fair is being held Sept.
15th and 16th.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murch of
Toronto, visited Rev. A. and Mrs.
Sinclair during the week also
Russel Jermyn of Wingham.
A keenly contest ball game
held Monday evening between
single and married men, the former
winning by a close margin.
Blyth citizens Band on Sunday
evening entertained this community to
another of their musical programs.
Needless to say our Citizens are very
proud of our band.
Rev. Sanderson took the service in
the United Church Sunday,
Mrs. Raynor came home from Guel
ph Hospital on Friday much improv
ed, but very weak.
Those who left for the West Sat
urday were, John Stokes, Jack Reid,
Ted Moran, Boyd Marchall, Stewart
Jeff ray. They motored,
Mrs, John Mulvey visited her sis
ter at Lucan on Wednesday,
Mrs. Harry Merkley and children
of Wingham are visiting at the
Mr. and Mrs, R. J, Douglas,
and Minnie Jeffray, visited at
Douglas on Friday evening.
A four day course in sewing is
sponsored in the Community Hall by
the Women’s Institute to begin Mon
Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Rutherford and
children, spent Sunday with the Ruth
erford family.
Minnie Jeffray visited at Robts at
the Brickyard,
Miss Ella Jeffray
After a lingering illness of some
years, borne with great patience, Ella
Jeffray fourth daughter of Wm. B.
and Ellen Jeffray, passed to her re
ward on August 2nd, in her 62 year.
Although handicapped with blindness
for 25 years, she was always bright
and cheerful, with the aid of many
loving friends, who took her to their
homes and did what they could to
make the path seem brighter and
Deceased was a great lover of the
church, Sect’y-treas. of the Women’s
Missionary Society for 30 years. A
member of the United Church while
health permitted was always present.
The funeral Friday afternoon was
conducted by her Pastor, Rev. Ray
nor, Pallbearers were: John Harris,
Roland Ballagh, Arthur Fitch, Tom
Abraham, Norman Baiers, Roy Ruth
erford. Remains were laid to rest
McIntosh Cemetery.
; Rev,..and Mrs. T. W. Malcolm, of
Brpoklyp, New York, are visiting lat
the home of the latter's sister, Mrs,
J, E. Ellis and Mr. Ellis, .
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McLennon, of
Chicago, were guests last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Mc
Mrs. A, Barr, of Blyth, was a West
field. visitor on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Scott were
Kitchener visitors a couple of days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lab-ur and
son, of Toronto, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Telford Cook,
Mrs. Reg. Jenning returned to her
home at Windsor last week after
spending several weeks with her par
ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden.
Masters Ronald and Bobbie remained
for a longer visit.-
. Mrs. Murray McDearmid, of Ham
ilton, was a guest last week at the
home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
John Vincnet. Miss Lorraine, who has
een visiting her grandparents, return
ed home with her mother.
Misses Doreen Vincent and Dorothy
Govier spent last week with the lat
ter’s sisters, Mrs. C. Annstay and Mrs.
Mqll Good, of Good. Miss Yvonne
Annstay returned home with them.-for
a visit.
Mrs. W. A. Campbell visited Tues
day with her friend, Mrs. Gallaher of
Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLennon spent
a couple of days with Rev. and Mrs.
McIntosh, of Dundalk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Miss Mary
Ellis, Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Malcolm,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jason Ellis, of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger
and children, Mr. John Rodger and
Mrs. Mansel Cook were London vis
itors on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, Mur
ray, Billie and Keith, of Ottawa, are
visiting the former’s father, Mr.
H. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Vincent, Mr.
Mrs. Percy Vincent; Miss Eva
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook' were
Goderich visitors on Saturday.
Miss Lois Elsley, of Wroxeter, has
returned home after spending several
weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Ellis.
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Ainslee, Mon
roe, Mich., John Austin, Eugene
Sapps, D. J. Melville, of.Florida, vis
ited with Mrs. Ainslee’s brother, Mr.
W. F. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell
and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark, Ottawa,
were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell.
The Y.P'.U. met on Wednesday ev
ening with twenty present. The meet
ing was Ted1 by Alvin Snell. Hilda
Black presided at the piano. Mildred
Thornton led' in prayer, Anna Mc
Dowell gave a reading. The meeting
closed with the Mizpah benediction,
after which a social time was spent in
playing games under the leadership
of Harvey McDowell. ,
The W.M.S’. meeting was held on
Wednesday afternoon with twenty-
three present.. The devotion program
was in charge of the group leader,
Mrs. W. F. Campbell. The meeting
opened with singing “ ’Tis the blessed
hour of prayer.”' Psalm 19 was read
[ responsively with Mrs. Jack Buchanan
as leader, after which the Lord’s Pray-
‘ er was repeated in unison. Readings
! were given by Mrs. W. F. Campbell,
I “A Believer’s Privilege”; Mrs. Doug
las Campbell’, “Don’t Quit”; Miss June
Buchanani “The Kind of Failure That’s
a Success.” The study book was tak
en by Many Ellis. Piano solo, Winni-
fred Campbell;. Prayer was offered by
Mrs. McVittie who took the chair for
the business part of, the meeting. The
minutes were read and approved. Roll
was called! each one present respond
ing with; verse of Scripture. Mrs. J.
L. McDowell gave a paper on Tem
perance.. The meeting closed with
prayer by the president.
The church service on Sunday was
under the direction of the Women’s
Missionary. Society, with the president,
Mrs. Wm, McVittie leading. Special
music wag given by the ladies* choir,
and a duet by Mrs. Wm. McDowell
and Mrs. Emmerson Ro.dger. The
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
(Rev.) Weeks, of Blyth. The service
was closed with prayer by Rev. T, W.
Visitors at the home of Mr. aud
Mrs. Earl Wightman on Sunday were
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Mathers, Mr, and
Mrs. Pharis Mathers, of Lucknow,
Mr. and- Mrs. Elmer Farrish, Mildred
and Johnston Earrish, of Ashfield,
During the electrical storm about J
6,30 a.m. Sunday the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Bamford was struck,
The chimney was knocked off and the
phone put out of commission,
Misses Helen Marsh, of Auburn,
and Margaret Wightman of this dis-
trict^ate attending the C.Cr.LT, group
meeting at the Summer School
grounds near Dunlop,
Mt, Owen Moore is engaged to re
paint the wall of the stone house of
Any watch, no matter what it
costs, works twice as well and
lasts twice as long with a clean
ing and overhauling periodical
ly. Stop in today for a free ex
amination and adjustment.
Geo. Williams
OFFICAL C. fl. &
ft ft N’T LET RHEUMATISM vuii 1 cripple you
Thomas* Rheumatism Remedy
removes the cause. This Remedy
does bring results; a long con
valescence unnecessary, A 2-
week's treatment, only $2.06. See
your druggist or write
21 Yale St, London, Ontario
. 48-4
Assessors Engaged
The council of the Corporation
Blyth have employed Messrs Mogg
and Quillian to value properties in
Blyth for assessment purposes. It is
many years since there has been a
complete valuation of properties here
and in consequence there is consider
able diversity in assesment.
The new values will be a point
from which the assessor each year
can, with more equity, form his roll.
In the game of Softball between the
husbands and bachelors on Monday
evening, the latter won by a score of
with.4 Vital Shaving Improvements
Solid Bar Guard
for added (amfod
I RiqtcHp 1
Blue 'Gillette Blades
All for only 49 i
Omar Haselgrove’s
Phone 161.Prompt Delivery
CORN FLAKES .... 3 Pkgs. 25c
PEANUTS...............2 Lbs. 25c
RUBBER RINGS ... 3 Pkgs. 15c ZINC RINGS.......................25c
FOUR O’CLOCK |Blended or Spirit
. 39c Gal.BLACK TEA.......... 59c Lb. 1I VINEGAR..................
NEWPORT FLUFFS ....................16 Oz. Bag 25c
FLAKES 10c Pkg.
POWDER.......- 35c 32-oa:. Jar
RAISINS------ --— 2 Lbs. 25c...39c. Lb.
Two Pkgs. SUPERSUDS for..........38c
TOILET SOAP ...... 4 Cakes 23c
TOILET SOAP ... 2 Cakes 11c
. SEEDLESS w23c Dox. I GRAPEFRUIT 6 tor 25c
Maple Leaf Luncheon FORK LOAF ». a»« 39c. lb.
Out Stock of Preserving and Pickling Requirements is complete,
Glass Jars, Zinc Rings, Rubber Rings, Parowax, Memba Seal,
Spices, Certo, alt at prices that are right