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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-08-10, Page 8
'PAGB EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 10th, 1939 .( Show Starts at 8.00 pjn. Except Saturday Saturday Night* Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m, | Ct, a former resident of Bluevale, call* j ;cd on old friends. It is nearly forty years since Mr. West attended public school here. Mrs. T. McCarron and Mi§s .Mftry Orr have returned, to..Toronto.aft.er visiting for a week at the Sanderson summer Jiome^- Visitors at present at this home are Mr. j, H, Fulton Tim mins, of Toronto, Mrs. A. Ashton of Boston and Mrs. Frank Procter of Toronto, brothers, Richard cm the tenth, Rob ert on the1 boundary and Albert, of California. The funeral waS held on Friday, Interment took place in Mc- Iftfo^h Cemetery. ■, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 10, 11th, 12th SALEM Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs- John Gowdy included Mr, Grenville Vogan, of St, Thomas, Mr. Ross Vogan of Franz, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs, Morley Sine, of Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy accom panied Mr. and Mrs, J, Vogan, Car rick, and Mrs. Brooks of Culross, and spent Wednesday with friends at Cross Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir and Mr, Walter Bush spent last Friday at Goderich. Mr. Lloyd Weir, of Toronto, and Miss Gladys Weir, of Wroxeter, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir. A number from this locality attend ed the decoration service in last Sunday afternoon. Gorrie Also “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c MORRIS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 14, 15, 16 CLAUDETTE COLBERT DON AMECHE 66 99 There’s never a dull moment in Paris at midnight, Also “Coloured Cartoon” and “Sport Subject” Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c. BLUEVALE Institute to Meet Aug. 15 The regular meeting of the men’s Institute will be held on Tues day afternoon, Aug. 15 (note change of date) at the home of Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge. Roll Call—My impressions of the Royal Visit. Paper on the Life of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, by Miss Lois Elliott. Talk and Dis cussion on Table Etiquette, led by Miss Dorothy Aitken. Picnic lunch, served bp the members. Wo- 4 Golden Jubilee year of the Home Helpers Dept, and pointing out how girls and women can give assistance. Mrs. Ewart McKercher gave a talk, introducing the new study book “Moving Millions” which deals with India. Following the meeting, the president of the Ladies’ Aid conducted .a short business session, when final plans were made for the contest “The most useful articles made from two flour or sugar sacks.” The articles will be sold along with aprons and home made baking on August 30th. At the close of the meetin, lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. ’ Home Helpers Held Annual Meeting The Annual Home Helpers’ meet ing of the W.M.S. of Knox Presby terian Church was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen with a good attendance of members and home helpers. 1st vice pres., Mrs. J. J. Elliott, sided. The opening devotions were ducted by Mrs. R. F. Garniss reading the 72nd Psalm with explanation and Mrs. Walter Smillie leading in pray er. Miss M. Olive Scott read a lj,elp- ful message from Mrs. A. A. J. Simp son, .Kintail, Presbyterial Home Help ers’ secretary, stating that this is the The pre con- flGuest, of Ripley, Misses Muriel and Genevieve Watt spent a few days last week with Miss May Wightman, of Westfield, and ?Miss Genevieve assisted with the Sun- ■ilajl. service there, giving the address tor the :ybUiig people ‘Sunday evening. . Mfr. ahef Mrs. Jack Gart'on, Mr. &nd‘ Mrs. Churchill, Leamington, spe'nt the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. George Garton. Little Reta Holland, Kitch ener, is also spending holidays with her grandfather, Mr. Geo, Garton Sr. Miss Isabel Fox returned from Sry- acuse on Monday evening, Mr, Clarence McClenaghan had charge of the service in the United Church, Auburn, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. David Chamney and Vernon and Miss Viola Thompson visited, last Sunday with Thompson and , Chamney families at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKenzie,. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred (McKenzie and dau ghter, Edna, of Guelph, also Mr, and Mrs. Walter McKenzie and son, of Ingersal, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKenzie, of Culross. Mr. J, B; Morrison spent last week in Toronto with his daughter, Mrs. Edna Forsyther and they and Mr. Jno. Dawson returned home on Saturdap. Mrs. Sliearn and family, New York, visited last week with |Mr. - and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mrs. Archie Patterson and Helen, Lucknow, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. Nelson Kerry,, of Walkerton, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Albert Coutles. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and baby Robert, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr,, and Mrs. Will Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston, and their grandsons, Johnston and Jimmie Moore, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ce cil Chamney. Jimmie is visiting here for two’ weeks, but Johnston has re turned home. , Miss Kate Earngey, Gorrie, was a guest recently with Mrs. D. Chamney. Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence and Mrs. B. Hall and daughter, Blyth, visited Friday with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green, Kit chener, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Frank Henry. Mr. George Haigh, Stratford, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. R. J. Ross. Mrs. Lawson and (Mrs. Robb and three children, Stratford, spent Sat urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Whitfield and family, of Hibbing, Minn.., called on Sunday at the Home of Mrs. A. Fox. They were on their way to visit with his sister in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Reid McBurney and daughters, Jean and Margaret and Mr. Jack Buckley, all of whom motored from Kennedy, .Man., visited with Mr. and Mrs.. R, J. Ross one day last week. All are attending the re-union at Teeswater and visiting relatives there-,. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson and children,. Buffalo, are spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Mac Gregor and other relatives, in this, community.. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt and. Boh returned to Toronto for the week-end and Miss. Muriel Watt is> spending a few days this week with her uncle, Mr. Harry McClenaghan, Belgrave. Rev, W\. J, Watt will have charge of the service in the United Church here next Sunday.. ,Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, of Paris, spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Alec Reid and on. Thursday all visit ed with the latter’s niece, Mrs. Rob ert J. Ross. Wedding bells, are ringing. Midsummer Specials No service in either church Sunday made a very quiet town, Service was held at McIntosh, Mrs. (Rev.) Raynor is taking treat ment ip. Gue|ph Hospital. ■ Mr, and Mrs? Norman Baiers and children and Velina;* spgnt Sun day in Hamilton. Minnie Jeffray visited on Saturday with Mrs. John Harris, Marie and Susan Johnson at McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. (McNeil motored to Goderich and Clinton recently and vis ited his sisters, Mr, Arnold’ Shaw having secured work in Walkerton, moved Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Oglesby and daught ers, Frances and-Betty and son, Bob by, Hamilton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman fiaiers the past returning home on Sunday. Reggie Reid while running the lawn Sunday fell, cutting.a gash in his forehead, Mr, and Mrs. James McNeil and babe were in Teeswater Sunday even ing for the re-union. Mr. Fred Edgar, of Orangehill, land sruveyor, was in the village Saturday on business. Mr. and iMrs. Elmer Purdon and daughter, of Windsor, visited Sunday at R. J. Douglas’. Yvonne returned with them Monday. Miss Doris Raynor, R.N., London, is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. H. Casemore is nursing a lady at'Teeswater this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mole, Seaforth, and daughters, visited Monday with their niece, Mrs. George Mundell. week, about nasty Pyjamas, Nightgowns -— attractive styles in dainty batiste or crepe dirndls ,, Special 1.00 Resistav — crease resisting dress materials in a large assortment of plain colours and printed patterns. Reg. 89c ., clearing at 59c Dottecl Swisses, Figured Voiles, Batiste.........29c Bathing Suits—•_ all wool, 34 to 42 ...... 149, 2.49 •J Mr. George Ross, Wi’ngham, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon and Marjorie and A-rchie, spent ■ Sunday with Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Humphrey, of St. Helens. Miss Margaret and Mr. Mason Rob inson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Tjlsonburg, and with relatives at Port Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee, Wing ham, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (McGee. Rev. Mr. Mackay of Toronto, had charge of the service in the Presby terian Church here on Sunday and he preached a very interesting sermon in the interest of the Bible Society, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Tomkins and Mr. and Mrs. David McCarthy and Mr. Frank Paterson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s family here at the home of his father, Mr. F. McK. Paterson. iMr. Lance Grain is driving a new Chevrolet sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert,Laidlaw and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart, Langside. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute has been post poned until next Tuesday when it will be held at the home of the president, Miss Grace Richardson. The roll call will be answered by preventions of epidemics in schools. Miss Olive Ter riff will demonstrate the uses of news papers in the sick room. Miss Merle Wilson will give a talk on the motto —Health should be prized above ev erything else, because it’s the essence of happiness. A prize has been offer ed for the best tea biscuits in a bak ing contest. All the ladies of the com munity are cordially invited. ■ Miss Ruth Markle, nurse-in-trainlng at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton, and her brother, iMr. Chas. Markle, of New Sarum, visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hec tor Mackay, and on Saturday, Mr. Markle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac kay and children, of Wingham, mot- ored to Duiinville, where they visited with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Diette. Mr. Robert Mowbray, from Mexico, has been visiting during the past week with his brother, Mr. John Mowbray. Mr. John Mowbray, and his sister, Mrs. Bannerman, and My. and Mrs.- Robt. Mowbray, motored to Sarnia on July 29 where a family picnic was held with another sister, Mrs. Montgomery of Rose City, Mich., also in attend ance. Miss Bertha Mackay, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents,- Mr. and iMrs. Mackay and Donald and Ronald Mackay, Dunnville, are also visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Tor onto, have been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin and other Kinloss relatives over the week end. Mrs. Kenneth Weaver visited last week at the home of her son, Mr. Kenneth Weaver in Sudbury. Miss (Mildred Mason, of Westfield, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Archie Clow. •> Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Cooper, Brant ford, are- holidaying at the manse with her parents,. Rev. and Mrs. J. Pollock and all will- spend- some time at their cottage at Kincardine. Mr; and Mrs.. S, H. Cross and fam ily, of Walkerton, Mr. Earle McLean and Miss Marion Kesso, Listowel, and Mr. and. Mrs. W. Gibson and family, of Niagara Falls, spent the week-end with their parents,. Mr., and Mrs. J. F. McLean. Mr. and Mrs, Gibson left on Tuesday for their home, visiting with friends at Belgrave and Brussels on their way. Mr. and Mrs, Ira McLean and children, of. Brussels, also visited with their parents- on Sunday. Misses- Isabel and May Sandburn, Turnberny, are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and iMrs. Chas. Sandburn,. Mr. James Weir, London, spent the week-end’ at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred David’s© m Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell and son, Billie, spent Sunday at Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Milo Casemore and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ingles of At wood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and baby spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. Will Casemore, of Wroxeter, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Abraham. Master Jackie Orr, of Atwood, is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Case more. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Brooks and daughter, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClennan and family and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson and sons spent Sunday afternoon with her mother at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman and son of Dutton, are spending part of their holidays with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs.Harry Bosman and other relativ- ‘ es. j Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson, of Ripley, j visited on Saturday with iMr. and Mrs. Robt. McClennan and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and sons, visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield, of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and baby, visited on Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dobie, at Au burn. We were sorry to hear iMrs. James Peacock has been sick and under the doctor’s care. We hope she will soon better again. t Woman’s Assoc. Held Picnic Mrs. Edward Jonston opened home on Thursday afternoon for regular meeting of the Woman’s As sociation of the United Church. The president, Mrs. S. N. .Gallaher, presid ed and conducted a short devotional and business session, followed by a picnic. Games and contests for young and old, and foot races for the child ren, were enjoyed and prizes award ed. A picnic lunch was served. li er the BLYTH WHITECHURCH Four young men, Melvin McClen aghan, Fred Lott, Kenneth Laidlaw and Pat Coulter, left last Thursday ev ening along with the group going with Mr. Alec. Mowbray, of Lucknow, for the harvest fields, in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Irwin, Lucknow. • Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Shook, London, spent last week with Mrs. A. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and family, of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Robt. Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and little Marjorie^ visited one day last week with Mt. and (Mrs. Torrance Mrs. M. L. Adames, 20 Colville Square, Kensington, London, Eng., : visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes, also with ■ friends and relatives in Grey Town- 1 ship (where she was born) and at : Brussels. Mrs. Adames is a sister of J. J. Denman, a former resident of this village. She sails for her home : on August 9th from New York on board the Queen Mary. Mrs. Robert Aitcheson, Ripley, was a week-end visitor with her friend, Mrs. R. J. McLeunon. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ramsay included Mrs. J. C. Cottrell and two children, Mary Elizabeth and Watson, of Richmond Hill, Mrs. John Watson, Miss Faye Watson and Miss Tena MacDonald of Tara. Mr. and Mrs. George Ruttan and son, Hamiota, (Man., are visiting Mr. Ruttan’s sister, Mrs, Milton Smith and other relatives. It is 22 years since Mr. Ruttan has been here. Mrs. Eliza Bravner, Toronto, is a visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph King and children, Toronto, with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Mathers and two daughters, Dublin, with Mr, Geo. Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery and daughter, Belgrave, were Sunday vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard John ston. Mfr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston and son, Carl, spent Sunday with relativ es at Gorrie. Mr, and Mrs. Milliard Jefferson, a daughter, Louise, Donnybrook1, visit ed with Mr. and Mfrs. George Thorn ton,'. Mfr. Albfcrt & West, Vancouver, B. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, of Florence, are visiting the latter’s sisters, Mrs. S. Laidlaw and Mrs. Alex. Porterfield of Marnoch. Misses Ollie Magill and Alice Rog erson spent some holidays in Mus- k'oka. Rev. A. and Mrs. Sinclair spent a few days in Toronto last week. Miss. Marion Ridout, of Toronto, has been chosen as continuation as sistant at a salary of $1000. Mr. Nor man Garrett is principal. iMrs C.lara Brown,- Mrs. James Lo gan are spending a few days at Bog ie’s Beach, near Goderich. Monday was observed as Civic Hol iday inour village. A large number of our citizens went to Goderich’ and other points. ' Mr. Wellington Powell, Stratford, called on friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hilborn have returned from their holiday at Port Elgin. The Misses McClelland were calling on Belgrave friends recently. Rev. A. M. Boyle and family are spending their vacation at Sauble Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Collinson, Lon don, were guests of the former’s sis ter, Miss Mary Collinson, over the week-end. .Mr. Garfield Dobbyn, of London, is spending a couple of weeks holidaps at his home here. Mr. Wm. Sloradh, who has been re siding on the boundary since last fall, has leased the T. A. Saunders prop erty, Queen St., and will take pos- , session about the 15th of the month. what it LOOK, AT YOUR Any watch, no matter costs, works twice* as well and lasts twice as long with a clean ing and overhauling periodical ly. Stop in today for a free ex amination and adjustment. Geo. Williams OFFICAL C. N. R. WATCH INSPECTOR - Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 BELMORE Miss Ellenore Jeffray The death of Miss Ellenore Jeffray took place at the home of Mrs. Ft. Casemore' where she has resided since September last Miss Jeffrey had not enjoyed good health for about three pears. She leaves to mourn their loss, one sister, (Minnie* at home, and three HASELGROVE’S NEW LONDON STYLE SPECIAL PIPE See Them — 50c At Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe * Miss Anna Chamney, of E. Wawa- nosh, is- visiting for a few days this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston. Mr. Carman Farrier finished the short course in music at London Uni versity and returned home Saturday. ■ Rev. and Mrs. Barnard of the Unit ed Church are in Goderich where their daughter Underwent on appendix op eration last Wednesday. Quite a number motored to Goder ich on Sunday to attend the air meet. Mrs. Caliill, Paris, Land Mrs. Know les, Hamilton, are visiting at the home of theirsistefr, MrS. Wm. Robinson. Mrs. Hinde spent last week friends in Toi'onto. Mr. and (Mrs. A. E. Buckton, onto, spent the week-end with daughter, Mrs, Thos. Morrison. Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, spent Sunday with Mr. Frank Kelly, St. Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casemore, Chat* ham, spent Surnlay with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Casemore. Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cameron, of Ashfield. The !at* ter is very ill at present. Rev. and Mrs. E, M. Carter, Dry* den, and a former resident of Uow-' icld, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Robinson. with Tor their s SHOP AT I HEAVY ZINC RINGS...... 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS ... 3, Pkgs. 15c FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA . 59c Lb. , Blended or Spirit I VINEGAR........ 25c 39c Gal. * ■ POPPED WHEAT NE WPORT FLUFFS 16 Oz. Bag 25c KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES.... FRESH SALTED PEANUTS FRENCH DRIP COFFEE.......-...... 3 Pkgs. 25c 39c. Lte GRAPE-NUT FLAKES.........-.....-...10c Pkg. FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER........ 35c 32-oz. Jar SEEDLESS RAISINS... FREE DESSERT DISH AND PLATE WITH Two Pkgs. SUPERSUDS for.......... PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP...4 Cakes 23c JUICY SWEET ORANGES...23c Doz. 2 Lbs. 25c 38c CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP ... 2 Cakes lie SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c YORK GOOD QUALITY BOLOGNA .... 18c lb. Maple Leaf Luncheon PORK LOAF ..... 39c. lb. DAVIES EASY SPREAD CHEESE 15c ‘/2*lb. pkg Out Stock of Preserving and Pickling Requirements is complete. Glass Jars, Zinc Rings, Rubber Kings, Parowax, Memba Seal, Spices, Certo, all at prices that are right.