The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-07-26, Page 3bills. He said this move would enable municipalities to get money at 2%% interest rather than the present 4%% Thursday. July 26th. 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE Also Tom Taylor for his fine Durham bull, And wee Andrew Black came in for a share For a colt from Rob Roy out of Din­ ny’s old mare, When the judges got through they stepped up to the bar Where Pat had his whiskey corked up in a jar, They each took a swig and the sample was rare, So they gave it a prize at Donnybrook Fair. They liked it so well that they tried it again And when they got tight they stripped off to the skin, When they got in a passion how their eyes they did glare, Saying we’ll give them a thrashing at Donnybrook, Fair. Britain’s Strength Restoring Confidence Manchester, Eng. — Prime Minister Chamberlain said there was "every in­ dication” Great Britain’s newly re­ gained military strength “is restoring confidence to Europe.” ‘While we be­ lieve that there are no problems that could not be solved by peaceful means we shall not flinch from any steps which may be necessary to carry out our solemn pledges to resist aggres­ sion. f Deadly Cattle Disease Found at Belleville Belleville — A disease known as black leg or black quarter was report­ ed by dairymen to have broken out at two widely separated points in this district. A Rawdown Township farm­ er said some of his stock were infect­ ed but after inoculation of his 45 head satisfactory progress was noted. This week a heifer owned by George Mc­ Cullough of Foxboro died from the disease. The black leg germ lives in the soil and enters the blood stream of the animal through a wound or mu­ cous membrane, veterinaries report. Certain types of soil appear to suit the parasite and once the ground infected it remains so for years. City was increasing. Hepburn Not Taking Part In Campaign Toronto—Premier Hepburn of On­ tario will not take the platform “one way or the other” in the forthcoming Dominion election, he said. “Every­ one knows where I stand and what I think, but I am not going to make any election speeches at all,” he add­ ed. Mr. Hepburn reiterated his posi- , tion that Liberal Members of the On- i tario Legislature may support Federal I Liberal condidates if they choose, i ■ _____ Three Are Killed as Cars Crash Markham — Three persons were killed in an accident one ’mile west of this village, on No. 7 Highway, shortly before midnight Wednesday, The accident occurred between the village and Unionville. Four cars col­ lided, with considerable force on the highway, the machines being virtual­ ly demolished. Dr. McKay of Union­ ville, hastened to the-scene and gave first aid to several injured. The crash 'was heard for a 'quarter of a mile along the highway. Jap Settlers Deportation Urged by Drew Midland — Adoption of any clearly defined anti-British action by Japan should be followed by immediate de­ portation of all Japanese settlers in Canada, Colonel George A. Drew, Ontario Conservative . Leader, said here in a vigorous attack on Japanese militarism and its antagonism toward the British people. City Councils May Control School Costs Toronto —t Premier Mitchell Hep­ burn said that he has considered “for some time’ the matter of strengthen­ ing the control of city councils over expenditures of their municipal boards of education. “I have had this ques­ tion under consideration for some time,” the. premier told reporters. “I might as well tell you,” to declare she was “100 per cent, op­ timistic that there will be no war” ov­ er the Free City of Danzig. “On the contrary,” an official spokesman told the foreign press in one of the most unequivocal statements yet issued here on the Free City, “we believe in the common sense of mankind and feel sincerely convinced the Danzig question soon will be solved without compromise but also without blood­ shed.” It I ‘ , Say Five Powers in. Agreement Philadelphia —- The Inquirer in a copyright dispatch from its Washing­ ton bureau said it had learned a five- power agreement seeking to preserve peace in Europe for 25 years “has been tentatively reached by Great Bri­ tain, France, Germany, Italy and Po­ land.” The text, the newspaper said, had been received in Washington for the information of the United States Government. There’s a man they call Allen, we know him by sight, He drank half a gallon before he got tight And then he began to rip and to swear, He was the true champion of Donny- . brook Fair. When the big bully Carson gave out his alarm The whole of his party around him did storm, The sticks they did rattle, stones flew in the air, • For they fought a great battle at Don­ nybrook Fair. banners were flying, no beating of drums, They used their shillelays for arm­ strong guns. Poor Robin Buchanan -got a box on the ear Which made all his party to tremble with fear. No is To Ascertain His Price For World Peace Plan London — The Daily Mirror (In­ dependent;) reported there is talk am­ ong members of Parliament that Sir Nevile Henderson, British ambassador estab- Hitler terms Britain, France and Poland! In Agreement Complete agreement on all points of military co-ordination by Britain, France and Poland was announced at Warsaw, where General Sir Edmund Ironside has been conferring with Pol- ■ ish headers. Meanwhile it was learn­ ed that a drastic purge of non-Nazi elements in Danzig was under way. More than 200 Danzigers, it was said, | liad been arrested by the Gestapo J burn told executive members of the (German secret police), but in the Ontario Mayors’ Association the Gov- process of cleaning Up many of the ernment probably will sponsor legis- ’Gestapo agents had met mysterious lation soon to permit municipalities to death. Military activity in the Free borrow money on short-term treasury to Berlin, is “very shortly to lish contact, with Chancellor and to find out just what his are for world peace.” May Help Municipalities Borrow at Cheaper/ Rates Toronto — Premier Mitchell Hep- Municipalities Can Accept Ottawa’s Work Plan Funds In definite clarification of its atti­ tude toward Ottawa’s works project proposition to the municipalities, the Hepburn Government ruled for the first time that where such projects are necessary and “in the interests of the taxpayers” they may be submitted to the Federal Government for pay­ ment by way of direct grant of 50% of the labor costs. All such applica­ tions, however, must first be made to the Ontario Municipal Board, which was set up, Queen Park asserts, “for the purpose of controlling capital ex­ penditures,” and has no intention of releasing the Provincial brake on municipal debt. The municipalities will have to establish that the work contemplated is necessary and that in­ currence of further debt is in the tax­ payers’ welfare. Japan Assembled Warships Tokyo — Japan assembled warships in northern waters to back her stand against Soviet Russia in a dispute ov­ er vital coal and oil supply sources while land forces of the two powers remained in conflict along the Man- choukuo-Outer Mongolia frontier. Protest Entry of Czech Workmen Montreal — A resolution protesting “energetically” against the entry to Canada of 250 Czechoslovakia tech­ nicians for the Bata Shoe firm was adopted at a mass meeting of workers in the shoe-manufactruing industry here. DONNYBROOK FAIR Till wee Peter MacDonald, who never was slack, Says “Ho, My Dear Robin, I’m here' . at your back, That big bully Carson to pieces we’ll *■ tear, And we’ll have satisfaction at Donny­ brook Fair.” With the dead and the dying all laid in a pile, The road was blocked up for nearly a mile The wives of the warriors were all in despair For the loss of their soldiers at Don­ nybrook Fair. scls; John Speir, Brussels; Ken Me- ■ Donald, Brussels; Stewart McCall, Bly th; Robt. Kirkby, Walton; Jack W. Bryans, Blyth; Everett Robinson, Brussels; Gordon Stevenson, Brus- • seis; Clarke M. Cardiff, Brussels; Robt. Gordon, Brussels; Earl Courts, Walton; Harvey Bradshaw’, Bluevale. The Club is being sponsored by the Brussels Agricultural Society and an exhibit of two bushel lots of seed from each member will be displayed; at the Brussels Fall Fair, on Septem­ ber 30th. On the evening of July 18th a meet-' ing of the Barley Club members and their fathers was held on the farm of Wilbur Turnbull, of Grey Township, William Turnbull, president, acting as chairman. Brief addresses were made by D. M. McTavish, Secretary, Brus­ sels Agricultural Society; Mr. Ed. Bryans, Mr. L. E, Cardiff, Reeve of Morris. Mr. Jack Read, Clinton, gave a very instructive talk on “Soils and Fertilizers”, and Mr, Shearer spoke on “Weeds and Their Control.” It was decided to hold the next meeting in the Library basement, at Brussels, on August 2nd, to choose the team to represent the club at the competition being held at Guelph, in October, to select the Ontario Champ­ ion Grain Club Team, Sandwiches, ice cream and refresh- 1 ments family ing, TIRED ACHING BURNING FEET I Allays Pain and Soreness Banishes Offensive Odors In just 5 minutes after an appllcatkiw Of Emerald £)J| you'll get the surprise w your life. Your fired tender smarting wt will literally jump for joy. Nr fuss—no trouble—-you just apply • little of the oil oyer the surface or ■ttW feet night and morning or any time yw want comforting relief? Just a little an* rub it well in. It’s simply wonderful tto Way it acts: while for feet that sw*w and give off an offensive odor -thaws nothing better. It’s not cheap but It eunt 1$ good—and economical too, Every good druggist sells MooneT, Emerald Oil—satisfaction guaranteed ST money back. McKIBBON’S DRUG STORE has been for some time, Horse Shows report increased entries while Can* ada’s Premier Horse Show held in, the Coliseum Arena at the Canadian Na­ tional Exhibition is so flourishing that several classifications have been add­ ed this year. were served by the Turnbull at the conclusion of, the meet­ So Opportune! Mrs. Mulligan—My husband Is ever so lucky! Mrs. way? Mrs. out an a brick Callaher—Really! In what Mulligan—Yesterday he took accident insurance and today fell on his head. Show Larger at. ExHorse Despite the machine age Dobbin is holding his own in this province—in fact at present there is a better mar­ ket for good farm horses than there Narrow Escape Indian (after examining ham sand­ wich purchased at city lunch counter) —Ugh! Yon slice um ham? Counter Clerk—Yea, Chief, I slice ! um. 1 Indian—Ugh! Darn near miss unu TWIN TO PRINCESSES’ PETER PANDA Love for Democracy Binds Two Great Nations Pittsburg — A Canadian Industrial­ ist credited a common love of democ­ racy for the friendly relations between the Dominion and the United States and warned that both nations must resist temptation in “difficult” days to “turn to something new and revolut­ ionary.” “There is nothing that can be accomplished by any other form of government that a, democracy cannot more expediently accomplish,” said W. L. Houck of Niagara Falls, vice- chairman of Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, in an address prepared for delivery to the Lions Internation­ al Club convention. Come all young fellows and listen a while, I’ll sing a few verses will make you all smile. WitJh the greatest attention I pray lend an ear While I sing you the humors of Don­ nybrook Fair. And now I have come to the end of my song, I’ll be there next year if I delay not too long, If not my reporter is sure to be there To give all the news of Donnybrook Fair. (Sd.) Mat Harrison. October 23, 1866. That isn’t a teal panda, despite the charming Visitor to Banff Springs ho­ bright black eyes and the white, furry o^tiied it Petrushka because . «, it’s twin of one recently presented to face, Its an overnight bag m the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret shape of a baby panda, and this very Rose, which they natned Peter. it’s twin of one recently presented to Moscow and Berlin Negotiating Moscow — Trade negotiations under way between Germany Soviet Russia, the tion announced, delegate in Berlin negotiations with Nazi economics ministry. are and sta­Moscow radio The Soviet trade is carrying on an attache of the the Meteor Falls in British Columbia Williams Lak’e, B.C, — This Cent­ ral British Columbia cattle town was shaken by what residents believe was the explosion of a meteor. Preceded by a blinding flash of light which the townspeople first mistook for a burn­ ing airplane, the reverberation rumb­ led for a full minute, similar to ait earthquake, shaking houses and -ratt­ ling windows. After the explosion a huge ball of white smoke with a wis­ py, waving tail hung poised in the twi­ light sky for 15 minutes. in Canada’s are rapidly starting line from Prime 148 Already Nominated Ottawa Contestants great political marathon taking their places on 'this there to await a signal Minister Mackenzie King which’will formally open a race for seats in the House of Commons.. Up to tiow 148 candidates have been noihinated for the 2!4f» seats. Nazis Say No War Over* Danzig Berlin «-* Nazi Germany spoke out in an official government statement It was sweet ^sixty-six, in the fall of the year, When Fenians were fearful of ventur­ ing here, I girded my saddle-and mounted my mare off I did skedaddle brook Fair. NEW COURSE PER­ MITS SPECIALIZATION DIDN’T MIND THE TOW And to Donny- cattle andThere were horses and sheep by the score, Pumpkins and carrots, things more. There was Paddy and Mickey and everything rare, And Paddy had whiskey at Donny­ brook Fair. and many When the judges came round to ex­ amine the stock The Donnybrook fellows around them did flock. And now as I have a few moments to spare, I’ll sing you the prize list of Donny­ brook Fair. That famous stock breeder, the terror of dogs, Got a prize for a colt, Some cattle and hogs, Also for loaf sugar which he did pre­ pare, mixed it with butter for Donny­ brook Fair, And There’s a man they call Nicol lives over near Parrotts Who got the first prize for his corn and his carrots, Also for his pumpkins, no better were there, he got oh btitikin at Donnybrook Fair. With opening of the new school year in September, the third year of the new course of studies will be in­ troduced into the collegiate institutes, high, vocational and continuation schools of the province. The third year known as grade XI provides for specialization in any one of several fields including industrial shop work, agriculture, arts, and crafts, household arts or commercial sub­ jects, depending on the individual pupil. An academic course is given for those who seek matriculation into the university and a general course for those who prefer 'to spend less time on the study of languages and more on commercial work or shop work or economics. In the first year of the course in the secondary schools, pupils under the new curriculum obtain a taste of languages, business practice, shop work and home economics or music and art. The course in Grade IX, intended to be of a general character and which aims at helping the individual pupil to determine his natural inclinations and aptitudes, dovetails into the grade X course with its greater degree of specialization in the field which the pupil chooses. This specialization is carried to a much higher degree in grade XI.. JUDGED BRUSSELS BARLEY CLUB So man they called Potter got a prize for Cotswold, SWEET ' ■ faig |« vkl«1) I utat* «m to MMto J” J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Repre­ sentative, accompanied by Ed, Bry­ ans, Councillor of Morris Township, judged the standing crop of No-Barb Barley belonging to the members of the Brussels District Barley Club on July 18th. The eighteen members are farmer’s sons front Morris, Grey*and McKillop Townships and are as fol­ lows? Ronald Gordon, Brussels! Ross Bennett, Walton; Walter Bewley, Blyth; L. Lamont, Brussels; Jas. Ire­ land, Brussels; Stuart Stevenson, Brussels; William J. Turnbull, Brus- Fred DeJean of London, Ont., won­ dered “what all the shootin’ was for” when a Toronto lifeguard boat came racing across the lake to his rescue. He accepted a tow when they offered it because the wind might have delay­ ed him a little, he said. As far as he knew, however, he Was arriving prac- tically on time for his visit to a friend here, but the friend had got the im­ pression Fred was due a day earlier, got worried and called the life-savers. They set out and performed their rescue.” They’re seen as they arrived in Toronto, Fred still in his dinghy, Naughty Marietta. KOI HYDRO LAMPS The Lon^ JLifa Lampt •■>4 guaranteed AMm Cbrito tor Wingham Utilities Commission Phone 156 Wingham