HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-10-17, Page 2r s t ' mopmo ..a'..Y- r - s ■r— aaae -- " f : r + We hate mach leasure stat. HL,IIVfION13 IN THD BTATHS-- -_ thema°Ivea brave! a general ' out into the .pan Gold, rad to be defeated it' oz r4" brides, taafs Iueluded. T►e lent« THD D.NADIAII APPLD TAADD i P POOR 8AMBO_ "DVDATIL Di K11R8I1ii1♦IIJr`do fWia$ T I YeadY and to be esus in rte ties cubo io el IhrcDfr Ceuey aro more costly Ihan all iD that Mr. Oliver VaoEvery had just etwiugbt took place. Chain, sticks, 7 tbf testees eo Fra/us ; (ter t►sre ace sraresl TM $in tun Naw r e.-o7'Le var' `• •••.•.,.•,,., ..,, r. pasted DT THfi roue rouse rut. ibis, riding. T P 1 wee -..-.........,. 1110 SuDlor Dlatrtoulauon E:am- The recent rloeliuw io the Slates prate &wbkre, do., were used freely, \Dd tIw HoPin that ILf care of tsslighNned pro• ' w"T larm•bocre there. I qualitir tet Ceullsm applca ►ave mew suss GODEROK, OCT, 17th, 186%, ination in Arts, in University College, ooaclusivtlt that the country u about ou6lber of broken heads, black ryes, sod ( row 11 of true retorts ro IIY:uo, will yet I Lr. U, hates a p stars. He hardly caw • abed such a degree of tanlieow that ebe7 1Perm I all fest high, end broad shoul- erewbed With mate mom lit, t►oa b DOW tare os, hIs ewe of -miles ride from Pough• are rest') caught after and eagerly boo ^- - ..... .. a- Toronto, taking hi;,h honors in Malleo- tired tel the rule of the Republican party. cut Low W L: won when ell rae over esu , V g ea, I dared, ddep•Chnteti,aged unsay limbal iu 1 ander • irwu,g clow!, nlrie W Ib• fair that wse mot Weed . up r IM Aamran merest• Lal year ID&nner to Meows. Oalnarun and malice. Ile ra feats gnat credit on his Pennsylvania has "loved the example I meat elekunta• ,71,1: 'ODD ftlHUw Ke If b1 fUYIA hate hM wa be woYld nut beN Awaricen dMions realties lar el in (!anode Oibbul;n, plolariion, I ahoutl certainly learn i""liia n' ) g I 1 hive the bolter t}•o be, ntleman, 7, P r y _ fYrmt'r IIIFtrucloto, Ila! b1Y Own etCtdy y. (, all fUrnla 111 l'InOting lilt DtmofnllC i art mud mystery or boxing',. la all Its ■r• k all aged .1nd lYUQnnalve QOrman YO\r VbeiLt0 MA8 (1113.1'():1. I -.old have cattle ke l llut °f edWra Win cam• they a tl, nlau Mil too IIhis fruit attar tha `car: The Reformers a( Fruth Huron have OPPliwlion is deserving of particular ticket, while the Republican m,jority in ' over the head • uh s char and nearly mer, mole sheds to which the could nVe•t I markru as their u.° row!° ted obtaiuiu tails, from the lint gentleman of the prise +..x- -;e 1 I R R. ) dettrwigeed to give Mesar.. ('amrroD aged , Fraise. Ilia wathematical carver while Ohio baa been brought down immensely, rilsg I pauW find. Havigeg barn*d to killed him. Th.l assailan4 in the div Beaforth Coerwepoaddenee. lru u ouu and betm. iuuthnlent yeargethe uiur fru t esu iwe for itlrOA the Cu,ted S ate at the Loudon Collegiate Institute was the eonetitutional amendment fur the aceful affair were terribly punished. I _ s Glibboges a } ublio lltgener, to take gleed an rxocedingly honorable one, he having enfranchisement of the nagroea being strike Prow the sLuulJer with the tures of a -0litif s were st i sun bottom of the fight. r Saltrsso more irg, lite fine new tavern fa 6,sushi h should be shady and supplied Canada ws then oo rall a o modest o t medium battering raw, I ►bould cousidor w of to Mr. Richard+, at the starter, iD Catmichael's [f seal, Sem:airth, on stood at the head of the lits in 1"rr rt ,•clad L a ewer .in • m:'urit iu Doth' ' Thu lolbwin i+ the riau lint :- g g I We poison our laud by renews. They •re a lar man] lease to come at Waft. A J Y 1 ti 1 ) 1 miw•If qualified lu enter nia,u asy pro&s-I g, P wit barned to the ground. 'rhe furniture shelter fur weeds, besides a vast and ual"a juke is told of a genllemses li•irg is Monit N edneaday, the 23rd inse. A strong \onsceulive cxawinarione, ter two of wltjch Stats. Them reruns arc wmew s t re- I t 1)est brood mar! Robert F ., u"on ; 2nd i ? siuu ter Iwn of btsiuew lLat might suit wy I Ala McAlledter. try fed, Wt ftam Kldnr ;' cif" asst] ill uwd,-tor • umf tt sur c:pansy Wn mike auuthfr arrious wipnke' who Ise year procured a espy y u! applse committee has been G ru•e', at, every I he Lad to contend against great oddf. markable, eonrideriog the elL°n;; 110 ileo ;ideas I avruld thea barwwo a ¢r refs or thou Ll that Meltridds tavern and M1, 11um in test lauing out own head. Mr. O dors (rum cake other akin' uuJnr the impresefon )Lt he Ion} met capon the mUto of Li. KepuLlicxun had up io the coautry, sad I Yod du Ales, Mc.ilister. .lint two yea{ u1J d not like to see a farmer going trots Puugh- that our own fruit w&$ out worth bo 1 exertion w ill be used to. rend, r the affair+ general dealer with a ;wad prosplvt of Filly. Ueorge P.fly ; 2ud do George I'lstty. I r)'s Inmbnr yanl roulJ Da ignilyd, bat b] ker fain with a barrel tel tlour in hie wargua. Tho American apples arrived in des j me, \ lendid ruocesp. seaforth lief been dlwui twutrr. "'Nude rirlrtc pet► it is out to be wouJtnd ri that the 1 sueeer, for ver few arm would sere W !lest yearling filly, James y,illo ; EnJ a t►d activity of the'.neiehboun and the rind Itis be poor policy. Thai is bad frr°uaq 1 sad ren found to be ofa sit rior quallt ; Adam Harry. flr+l cne yaw ^Id Boll. Davkd vein favourable t - -- Icaden of the party aro growelg nueu.y. 1 u&r der atory remarks tonstrui m g e fire rte kept from which will set ria to own broad. ItcYidea, Gut a couple of Jay+ rcver!rJ the bet tat ecleetcd u the beat locality for the dam- I`IA%oe -(Ilse of Foie celebrated OI Y Dg y I Ifiek, was Ynd Adam Berry. Bin two yf\r a roadie It u cwt known &$ et bow the I ion ,,issue, Ret iu a barrel r pure, aged sweet, ,My had been nixed yr l'Itnied, a mil, sold T s Intact ground hu to slip from under m nods or rises. I could edit a Dow• old colt,,W'illi:am Chapman. hest two-year P x' I cud ever way as nod breed as ou can to &A American wholesale dealer, and resold ogeslntioD, on uaroamt of itr realer rnn-' IroOrlad I i+rats is now on ezLibitioD at Y R P ire ori inated- 'lite Loose Wed irksome. T R T 6 the II uiur kl"tcl. It is a beautiful in- their feet in this fs&hiwi, hew are they to I paper and write muscularly abuslve arti•' Int °;ir Win Elder; " d D iP IliaaaBl ter . Fsysr. Al r fnrrt.-Un FnJa • resp make from Tour owes careful raising. Ha bly him aY the denuine L'ncle "Jam production. velsinuee to the majority cf the munici- humble fhn rafractur) Yr rident or carry I p" E; I 7 Pf I know all the uhJ«Client. The inwcu eat up Iofinnately fur our own growers the des strument acrd is no doubt well deserving Ides niterly rr ardL-as of ilia lacerated EoJ Wm Karr. lire, pair carriage ho by tLe uetss of Mellenr, who wse acting the crop, etc., but he would nut give uiuc that apples %o be of prime quality must be of politics. l a (rope to ere a great turn- of the hiP,h raise bestowed n o it b out in its w ltirilt the policy of t1n Weed-, feclinys of my oppogecgetp. I could, in Wm Elder ; 2ud William Hollingshoad, I a+ hostlelr at Mollndu's tavern, while &$deal I far •farmer who will be Ilrmrn*uUy ou4 American frowlh is fist dying cwt. The R i'" Y CI ,ley echotl of politicians 1 liset wilch cow, Itubert Carlisle ; 2nd }tobert I differ the adder to the stable Ions misowd tyle ! witted ar a roam. A little alt mixed with Americans rowtsel is wore the tint to h. out of liberals on the oecati,,n. the musioal world. DIr. McMillian ,he I ,here, inspire respect in aay of,the various 1 Carlisle. Post two Tear old heifer, Jam" fen mud Intl to the tlour lightiuS un his heEd I manure s wortctite it iss"I t life. Our corer ilea lace i Thea wereahe ri that not Italian AfSniral ply 'I ll* most striking feature of the Fitua tyalks of life, and Frau len or somebod Swiuertoo ; tad Janes Srinnrwp. lies, and receiviu such ii, osis &$ tauacd hu a ant will be ba to rvcriro a call Prow lion is the fact that in Northern States else Its a : " Ilespeel is the handmaiden of one Year old heifer, Jett SWiwrtou ; 2ud death, He died on Saturday night. Ijarwjenised wheat on land,bat tiro! aided ae Dlied by our oro erowen enol our Amcrkan — the public. -See Advertisement, Y Abreu Deariu !teat two ear old steers, - ----- __ I P R The Iulian gncalion L Lrcowing daily _ -even where Republican 04 didatle art g ADnm IMaing lies, sue y car oW Ween, Mirrors aro lased int fhn nitduws, of °Id, abandoned hiJhwq. On both aides -or cousins are taking away all they even punhsee t succors." It is true that I mi ht nut bs • g, I pp the road the crop a guar ; but on the road and a good thing they make of it. Then more eerione. The peooe of the King• I Those desirous of attending the everi„g steeled -!Leis is • systematic rrluaal on able to throw more than the average I Abram Dearing. lies, buil cal ; James hous,as iu Bruweli wt &n dogls which given it w&$ Co1ad Mr lis killed the win -corm can lls no doubt that tbs cum editor of a r dem aro in each dtwnright marries' that( Claims” of the Ccosi dercfal Acrd. ml fur the the psi t of the people to extend ilio right I Swiutrtoo. Best better calf, James Swifter ties lady of tht hour•• a glimpse of her caller. Uu core b a moderate • lication of call. amsaall ta the holdin of tMdtttlu L?oyiu• quantum of Drains into any given pnnuit, I lou 2nA Jaeub Karcher. !trot k° oxen, `!ls rrnmu[ till whetter %len ,s a hums or 7 PP 7 l g winter, ern do sit f.om this dale b March ..f suffn^c to tLe oche rae •re, Fur' yea A few b&$hrl" of calt per acre is death to Use eta! Exhibition low had a good deal to do it i ow the general belief that l'irtop'' n pPY F I but I w til Icave it W the reader to aay it `John 0:11 ; ' ted William lIuliing*hes 1. prat ; cut until "be h&$ looked there ". a idler vermin. - with this improved stale of things, Prince 131st 1RGS for a tuition fee of 56.00. Neter four lira durin the war, the blask was bull : can u:d, W m Chs corn 2nd U.uiel It u •ori uiur Ire, that tsetse rho know Em °earl will soon paw lhr 1(omaa T . o mtixnlar iedividualily would Dot go far ' T' f i I J 'Thorough farming is cheap farming. AI- i idward cocuty u mow &$ famous fur the 'vary books -will M wpplied at from E"- 00 to Hawubee. first bull one rear old, James hear as reserve an thio civ, cant preserve frontier and reclaim Itome rF ort of glori®,-d as a man and a brother. He I P I R daemon Mesabi, of Kra land, carried hs loan- uwDeny acrd quality of Its fruit w is the r f Sl•00, aecordln to studi.s ursued. !look- to atoce -fr}!j any defi iancics tet ,Lis re- • gw;uen.w ; sod Uanrel 7wllrr. liw[ n , rthYsr tnuna•rs. 1'rt it war eesJ. he dune g qq g P had n •lite a hamar and 'ea inalienable I 2c I ere m liquid turn all over hie firm ie'ptpse ; I ?Ii■gua dia,ict. Amongst ,hs pItnci 1 tbd Kingdom. Of aoarw any such oris I keeping (theor ) Arithmetic, W ritin At. b spot, Julio frill; ad John Ibur. Ileal rrarhng un the erlf sealing PPnnciple. It ed only to and it cost bots onl at the rate of ■ rl • fruit growers i° tbs event m ht los man- y" g' ' u the Celt, the Teuton or the native, live ram, Johu Pratt YuJ W'iiham lifath. treat keep the mouth of Ilse ressel tight! closed, y r pet / y ig mrnt o° ilei part of the Bing would ns •c., will M aught. I "Hot," says the grotto reader of the 1 y lo,id. [Ie wa\ err] to see w man] boyo I tiowd the names of Mr. W, ,,'alum, of ram Iamb• I)uucau McEwen; 2ud William 1,etters from Parte state that Maratal Heil run oR to the Cities from the farm ; the I Wa tsf island, 111• be h Andrew Min- s"Llits the liberation of Garibaldi, For further information apply at the YADkte. IIe Lad a perfoct right to mis- i Siyard, " this u a doctrine worthy of A I Itralh. !deet pair ewes, Jol,n Ynity i 2nd bas, been entrusted with the conduct of the I shoetj be made to understand that thorea E I acre o! Milford, South Ba $. F.. Worsen who would at once resume Lis cation a! 1 Ae%d.mv rooms. Eutnnce to sadi Geed- sebi tele with LLo white sao4, and Lr !domese ateEran. Bete si. earlin ewe", f ( la i's, savage alsd not fit W be uttered in ,Lie i I S g rarhgkr rrnngeinen4 rbiek an o,.Juubttnliy I farming dpnvenJa ss much "kdl and thimkiug sad Mr. tianoon of Pictun •air. J, Yealaon the active leader of the grand movtmept u,g'a I a. t llfiee- 3,dtli.or. warm blood was W rrjuvivate the nation. , age of civilisation." }Yell, after all, I Duncan MCKW". 21 rd e, ,YAm It0.0 Is•,mjr I miyan rd age Focused. -otwi ihs an l o e of as uteber Cuunlother eurriu. an old Kindstuuian, by the bye, now of m pmgrew. __ I Bnu'h:a ICAsixn.—It is t fact that But Dow, the (nae hoe tiered. The' eavaces have some pretty gtw,l ideas of Best pair fat Ybeep, Duncan LeEwan. ]kat i,hn west .°tire generola iu the I••rench arm]. 11ie0 to $I50 per aycre. He dirt sot ca the• eooWn who w wtn eJ for 6sssnreeninaad ei r slinks in the nostrils of,hodd (roar, Ifobert Browa. Brsl so■, Itubert 1 y 1, g ge; THE P'ENIANS AGAIN. "O bricks hese been manufactured a! ° S their oma at times, and I n•taliate by I Broderick. Beta bnar, littered in'67, !/Alltel ; Ile caw proiellf Iv the rank tel Mr for un were "rat north rhos ; Dut be d d u7 that, er and many other whom it it act possible W _ i Y clow as of yore, end it is right, propzr, asserting that those ideas aro only lust i /,eller ; _d Ushers Bredrrick. Iles, .ow, wh h bit field of Sulterino, • r tiara tui !bey d now tit to o they l act. Watsr oall to mind jun rows Thera men leve e of the ar this car• and fhn cutin &hearse powh bis JecanaoD and ane: of char&$ten ehoald M used to overflow Iwd. Almost oar ver doom, and are only • few of the Tits Ottawa Correspondent cf tLe of fhn article b Hoch felt by bailJcrs and and thea bounden duty of cosy nod slice tLa untaught child of Nature mud- littered is 'bis Msehrwl hells ; 2ud Kalph I ppererfully codtriFmted. gy every farm has a brook near, that can be many su cessful fruit rowers in Ontario. Globe Pays :-" There is a report that' othett. An there will likely be a good citizen to see to it that he does not have it dies his brain with the incongrnitil Brews• Best Ploufh, William yimlaon. - - - directed to irrigaiug epoaee. Uoderdrain- Annthrr targe producergis Mr. William% of r Beat wagon, George Greewladem. brat 2 : HURON TDAOHERB ASSOpIA- pa sevenl car -loads of arma have been dis- I deal of building done next year, same per- the ri ht to vote. Oh consmunty The I of civilization. When the poor fel- brlwl Tall rhrrt W'aliiam tell ; 2nd du j TLON t°g was meomme°•le,1. the Blrwm6eld nurseries. Hs took no ler charged at Potsdam or lel alone fur the so•, should pr1 pare to go into the buai- Freedman's Bureau, &ad military rule; low advances far trough W appre-I Daniel Beac. lest 2 bushel nm -beat,, A find ohIg nom I Mr. Grade] trots than nine prible a the resent less+ for gs William Turnbull ; :.td do AA,Ipb Mntice. 1 alar &$ ,ilsoot atter in the Central. School, lit lbs (arming pow in vogw w&$ ,b&t it don his writer table ap eating apples. Amon he sae of the Feaianr, and that they baPe' a.0 protcote the d"cake] down Suulh, for I ciate the Cleaning of peq•tops, phis I Best two busllsle hrr!ay. Danlsl Cellar ; 2nd I lil,dfric6, os, Sntunviay, the :.tit duct. The 'tui employ. eouugh tbiukiltg. Uur Lrmars kit veities w&$ • particoler slrplc named subs been conveyed into the country Irorder- -- --- political purposre, but ha is given t° nobgical !scissure and bad whiskey, oC. do W iL'itim Eider. L'rrt two bushNa potrlos Pst'n'dtat in the chair. All the other officers am not so intellectual u they should ba. 'peach apple,' Prcxryld specimens nl wMrh ing on the St. Lawrence, and mecret.•d ! »- Our theuka ■re due to )fr. F.. tndeF.taml up North tont the Ballot moral essays and whalePale swindling, I oats' dhatm I'e11 ; Y dtdo Ju!iu MaAILor,.' prevent. ri b onou ,h book antihamtselvea &$ • mar, los rahibited and which ware &$ near the fliI ham, fruit dealer, next door to the i s Beet t o as tee c oo need, Miehari K ,mritadwah, 1f farm- davo and jily, be se of the Peach as an oto a to bo read when aired, h the Bro- R box is to him a sealed inatilutlon. The Tho rolimiaay bwiaew of tLe mentieg en would make theirfiresldes more iniellseta• oeuld Passih}y be supposed to be. It ls a S. ctrl Y the c.nncCf are tLat he discover that i°:7wllu; 2"d do ltobt Frrg,idori. Hcat two P therhood. The report seams h•irlly 'signal office, for a nice present of fresh anomaly involved in Such a state of atfsira civiliaCd as well as nl primttivc life, tt ice Dwhrl large whits yeses \!shot 3herq. T,we be1p= over, Mr, ll. U. Cameron read the n1, sad discuu practical matters of brming- plemare to be able to note thea gcow,oq worth of credence, considerin fie bank- maekrrel, lobster, tee. £Picures and I mast strike ever intelligent wind. rete much ever man for himself, with i bwhel tams -1 du, Wel Wilson. Beat half report of the Committee ou'loachen' aside the various weceawn and failures in the Improvement in the maarng of this gnat T F Y e f' Y I meightHn Lual-and do all they can othrrwise domestic staple article of food in this election t lovers of nod Thing* neral! pan Alws s i bushel Timothy Beed, Alex McAllister.- liese ire, and commcted therewith, a copy of a caapi stets of the Order ; bat it is ba,icved g fop y' Y I Ihie differeuce, that civilizatIOD, in return ,eau bushel tlu sends Iranlel Lrilar. 1LeN c;rcalnr to be xnt W each of lbs 'Tr&$tn home trbe Iwrarwoald no uloftan bum law&a wi11'apo fon iuere ;ps °fir dgwbt!' °t o he is Lo sure of etting any luxur of the see THE COMINO DINNER - by respteubl: people at Prescott and it Y __ fortheeacntionoftheafuresaidLleesiRgA, peCk wba7e brass. Michael %altar; 2nd cur,erationsintheCuuut y 7 g C 7 t year wD ■C Bin •ham's eLCa os, ilea slice et. pecbol Sherr . Brei IZ erre !ilia° cu rid ! f• to the towns. They should rememh•r that actA Unarits shall become famous r the other points down tree river." 1 _ P fb The dinner is Scafurth prom.." to be I has robbed him of the lands which he and I The teport w&$ si lupted,snd it may be acid we lire it, a more stirring age than our an fin: hue roducin roving in the Dom- [aame Bret; 2nd WilliamTmobull. Boat P g p l ed, [hat f corm argument is, that the pto the teators. Bn s re not Inve ec mie h mare stow." rhe Same welter nays :-" Tlro mem- TII L 11'xATuxa daring the part few a grand affair, and we lin"t as many ss l his fun f:,.11t•n were testicle enough to by I ++ao posters Isgae' Jeun ; 2nd do` Adolph I Ylem tel )edit! paYleenta u unlusa iu the I because !Fpr •re I&$r we beca,uegthe tee - .. ben of the Local Government of - ova days has been del ;htful - just warn possible of the liberals oC the various claim lo. How far tLe principal oC "every , Mastics. Wit I d. zen ouiono, John Gill , ,'rather, rae be to comPrlled to buy upon the quick -Witted, and want something to think A Fancy STOkv.-A writer in Scotia have tendered their reaignatiene ( ! munici ■lilies will turn opt en the Deem-' mac for himself" is carried, can onl be' 'd Woliam TuniL d. Haat i. dozen earrota ;crab ava:em; and rrCORraeud+ Wf payment of +butt.-W'e on ht iu rvlorm ell thea. ti seve :-" A near ui hbur, Mcwhose enough to be pleasant, and yet quite I P T , James Smillie ; nd George Broderick. I cash sv quartrrl) g P g P W Sir F. Williams ; but he drelinrs to! bracin . The banks of the Maitland. I soils to do honor to oar r• pre.+cntatives, undersuxad by observers like mys,if, why.' Best I d"aen Sweden- Tor&ipa, W in Turn I Mr. Y. Macdonald tarn addreai eke--- -• + otos y i em redo, recent r opened • drain receive them, Pa he controde that his f g There will Les ood attendance, we' being de rived oC the monc makin bull ; ^nJ do, Juba Gill.. Iteat I dozen meesive u D the uuuty tel torsew (Deaf &$--,••+r„ru,,,•,r. edW, ted:, m hfut %tarn be made We fu:L,%issg iia p ointmegeI, was only provieinnaL lip under x geui d tunehine, P a+ant a gore I g F T g Melee! Wurtsel, Itubt Broder.ek ; 2:,d I suetatiums to coo cote %ah thea central one; Tot . vtiuW oto. uu"m shl..i r"•ary- At the mouth of the dnrn wen Icavw ler Fri land on the 24th Inst., and geow picture of nutuninal tint-., such tS MlictyI from 1Lis town. fuoulty, can aRord to gash quietly at tit° Geor a tfroderick. R"t wmpkin, Johu I els,. wtu.,,u i•I,wl utu,.,4 u,,. r.i:..w,,,u.-.pieced 'w” o b'ge. stones, to meraremfnt R B ( - sun w h u r rurs.Jasd ° t cal a 1' I . it 11 ter t. f. I'll" rn, tl,.,;,d,-r a sm,-a W.'4 Wes ' of■r Gels. w La will ,ben be sl be r when I can be tonged in Canada aha e. --- I +treats of s xirly ns it snrgts past, alsd by 17immfr ; 'ltd [tubnrt Iiro ierickt Lieut col- mppuhlteJ, eonsutinag of Messrs. tl 11 !icor• (.arIt k wa. err,«t a .a m(tirasu". err . Mr o the rae rt theta * sestvdde6wel "pa" thwk ; lion' The Timis device tLe truth of lection of apto!en,Jobn 11. Geiger; 2nd do real. A Dtwar, J Scott, 1' afacdona;d, C 't^xr «cwt "r .a w,„L„tLhorli, 13 the ops the Dew hoes! Cabinet will be organized - - the re t that $ail Derb intends to I the exercise of a little phiiwophical I We Turnbul ; 3rd do lkichael %oiler• Il"t a. m.0 . r.uAunK, .4 s ,i.(., 1. u qw w .n, a P Y t !rem (hf Inwer from the victorious art SW' W e ublish. e6ewhere a letter I P°t Y I Men"'o , R F'er u+wn and Ju Far eaten te bePestIl L' nn "left In i l 1" F g P I c• 'f ^ .•m, .ns, I ,r r asOnl o educe a a. wl .a „sura , m +s of observations' a LI ,u a, Leo au ns r ( rine sore! t ekeleou 1 duaen Cbrisnaa ' a d« 'Lod J. •at a t sof Eve _ o L ft a r e s fro s h4 were d - 'ea f r u P ` nature a ache e ' R -. _ m for tet e,izin. _--_ _ from )I r. Gibroo, whish is written iD the rerign ia a such .,aroua aura : '• e: ha'ra-1. o . atr+trer■ err a -,; covered if the were in a circle In the centre W bald and anluvely pnrticulan. For $arc be r. Hit 1 de;eo pac6es, 1P,IIism tion”, conA re orLnt ntkt martin d •a *t► rosy! e.,. ■s xa„ p ," ural y THE SILVER QUESTION. honest, manly tune peculiar W that gen- file' The Fenian alarm still continues Ts,frnh11 1 • 2ud d0 Isaac Bean. B -et d g' .p.ruvs, I. l w ,ftIr htiurat- Ac i oak .hat of the noon quite fiat. Fpo" taking one of ryer iedividual who qcu throw h [ha mor• Moved by Ir. Dewar, seconded be air. .iter 1. tkv. as u..a I them uo and hoH.nq It to ths:ight then esu &Iowan. It will be reau with interest. in Britain. Six rsoce were arrested ) g ,bunches grapeYs Jubn "dimmer : 2nd W i ham P. alrcdonald, that a committee consroi:r of _ On this question a eorreppondaall on the 1?1h, la by the strenp,th of his elbows Low many : ^:IJer. IkSt collectiu" p!aWis, John Zimmer; l \lessee. Uwsar, I er,prun uiA *haw, be rap. - ', alkc i tm; °0IT a tlsread' k° aftPrsnnrs of boo" be - 1 rid Jamb Kerchrr. Brat air Woolen s ck %.eco t . dry, tla,a•ard end fleahlrw skin" ; writer :-" Asa busilsdse man in thea Tsi Pazcu or (IutA.-Contrary to ,are there who, heir;; weka and pulepg' Davie )lac! : 2,td !1Khaa1 7.ollar, 1:"t pointed lit bong the motor ter •Ceuay SaP. 1 Tu w. ra!iterd ike ad.vsi ter the„, aki:o were clear e,d baautifull marked. fi&- The recei is of the Great West-' ermtendent before the County Cuuuai,, at ,U atm, I ase u yeti, Wt pal.r s raC rt d tea a- In itis ,:,s ileo mer! seen h y town, I heartily agree with you that bgis the prrdlotions ol'Fpweu6ton during the P merally and playeically, have to sueak a.ong Ivor Woolen most, Dahl Mack ; End do I first aewion in Idl :.- (•Amt -d• el.fmf fur n.plva.l s. a. ,a ap(..n as •salves-- 7 1 several per lative actino is necessary, but I think I summer, grain has reathed a ver hI h ern Railway, for Septembor were f33I,'towards sucaaes in ills perpetration oC un- Michael Z I:+r, Brat pas ked quilts Daiid i '1 he deie •ant p, the 1'rosmcaat .lurtia- 61 st.w' ii.n..:. %a 'ce, lo,00 wss0. sc000. wPa, acd by each of th,•m the frogs -er. Y R I Uack• 2nJJum s SWinenon. Beat hem.• b n ►.m,y,n.r.a,-sun Ir..rp cum.lorJpa be dead; but ■baa the rater something might b•. done in the mean• prior in our local markets, and the ten- 9?9 agamei 0267,31 l some muoih la+t uttcraLle meannesses? The chss we know tion• Air. C. Met,elirn, then r, rJ hi+ r.•;y rt (4e'r• r . ms,rn ln.. t „P ,..1 .sur„ u.ly t tee d a, mrJecoveilit R'rliiumhrbman; %rad Julio of their- rourdw r torwktchthetbrnkso! Y.i.+,u..rd,.}naw..r.ur..ol«t,.nw•1rY► exe,.. commnncedtuE .w nrrr them there esu a far. P r , ahea • Ir•a.u• M ll. r Leas time. As a large peruse of the money degecy is still ppwards. Immense guar- y I i* a trip, very large one, Dut fur ell lLa ma yeq l:nr W yard+ foiled ; In JJohn rhe sir pro were returr.el. (.,.,- sues. • y'.,t.u.4hw dight R"ping pereeired in aha a roan of dont!" ; 2nd David Mack. Beit 10 ars Ion y IW,,-al.tre'l-I a•.r a stir . .a;,iro.1 ea. b ; by degrees the bodies "■.Tido and that comes into nor towns and viilagox u !tints of wheat, peas, ogle Ac., are being lel latest adrieea wo icarn that l it ie composed of men who grow rich and T MuveJ by Yr. J. F'wI_uen, we. D] iii J u r card f. say tw ter •enrr A. L.- lead life and motion returned. Tb«n, to the brsadctuffs are firm in liter pool. caunetle aunt; 2nd,nolte- Iks,t 10 yards white IAwremee, that, air. Shaw curet ss p,iid for prolate, why should not tLe I brought into fowls da;ly, ani tl,r, Some i become the pets of fobirly. These arc the fia"nes• al wool,•Dayid )trek. Beat !0 yards the 'Toronto Ass ,ciatiun in regard to their r " sear mdwLt U, tvWy • wM 4.,. r+Y- surprie! o! the beholders, the Irog# %gong farmers refuse to tate silver in art a - realized by farmers ,must be very hand• AW )Inch dissatisfaction is exL,resged men who shut themadves up avail -like in colored do, Flugh I,uve, Fest 10 vada I ypw'•on.•.,w.o1k+.■n..t,t•■yofr.yt ur.ra,a. °p •rld ran a.•y int° one draig. flu- did P P Y mtruJed actino spun secnnng four Warki I p4 a.aq ,r .'of .. ,nu.„r.a .. sur m flannel, n action and wool, James ffmillru • +r•r • n tit«set Irogr gel beneuh (1 a e%una that eogr. meet for their wheat Ae., as I ■ m• creme. It ie •bet, Lowcrer, for n hloh we at the consent absence of M mlelfrs from a thick shell of xl6,hncw. 1'heae aro a hpliJays io the real sec:wn#, iu plan of (•P-+aL{r.arpr,n,r.” tete, i...rya,wy Yk, -/raw sur■ I ed the lower one to close) ? Thrn wed rim +fA Jr c ti , m " tale n 1' I m Ik t J M r.te , r • sur+ ..w .,.wan / formed is the present practice. American ' eannot account, that busioeps in Goderich Ottawa, the DoLle f 'lows %ho, in business, take butter, James >1■inerton. hest s lbs fresh t ° I fl .n • , .s, • it venal p,.. ra. I the ■ aka'. "Pat ur f t e t eo corns or 6 a. .rad epee 1'be d' u +s ,sc a un oe ' u Com uSri }:Js, a- r P w i. ant, -s t .. P 7 x ,rot , Warr a,r ailvf s 1 tees u fit Pu butler, M,ch&$1 Lrhae. Ile", IS lbs elierse, - I ' sten a *mbar there esu nal [ke m:I Meet m - r 1 worth ,it Inst ♦ per Dent kP* i discs not correspond witL the pro(fperous gyr 'fhc London Dist. Ri6e )Isleh all they uD gni, and return as IKtle as tion .&$ u«e pratrrdnd ■Ion• .rad ■hit uxh ",a rae r,,.y u"r."vua.n,tr roes,,, n, au r,la•ut I denunon male b the fro s WtiLam Elder. It«n piece Ducey in comb, ,ono to the Identps of Ike Lwr.it w neitb w'"d„r uwr ase Cigha ••r .,n te. 7 t•• It esu sup - than bills, and iCa Carmer u obliged to (times enjoyed by farmers. 13winem men Leu Lero t need until TDesda tLe loth able. The world to them is a heap g tees.,. o, tr „yr irr•t,.md s.0 a t.n •• lye pose! tt M thirty yawn stns cabal thea nope, Pas P Y + Paved Mck, jr. that tlaz yea, ChnsfiAn , a r sustained so long, Cor ,.articipat in by I n,e.aar wit' has raises site a k,ae .d iwt•k, wv w,•usr were placed hoer tee drain,” take g 10.00 in halves and quarterr oD the' in Clinton, Qeafrarth, kc., enter the roe Sov , when it is expected the now arms of dust and ashes through which they Bueechlea. One case hall work from Uaas I sit many se would oth.r.iry Ares aeon, Bull "'^' •'"i' ° ta,^'...f n.' n.'.ar.. •• r..t. too. Wildon ; Child'" Drew, te., from Alto Mark ; I I;%vY",sun. .,(..f.nr "•.rr'i".1 .d u. 14.1 __ prise of hu load he virtually laiaee iOcu eomplriget. Ilow is it ? 'poke picking oat here and then a Speck tee almost ossammuw of^,"nn lard to be, n s.r -- -- --- - __ _ will be dutriblsteJ to the varioaS bat•' itlankets from airs Smulie, and horse shoes I that n law should rae enacted, skin attend by the tnsssactioD. Not a bad thing for Tho Hamilton . lwrfater argorR (ma a taGun*. of gold. And the wont of it ip, there is' from Mr iimp"o°, %'area, ww hiJ4iy recuts-', epee lura tram rime Terrey for tten d alvftT rm,oees i, TEM'PAT 39". buyers who take in perhaps 20 or 3U ; so much of thin wit of thing abroad in ' mem•led by the jud,rn. number of e.rs sots u s suis u %he nn! of bade allay. Strike ■1 the root, fxmen, reams why Prince Edward should enter iOT' It ie proper slier the post office I tLe wrirlJ that ume dose not know where' , 5) ecirl prior by >I C Cameron. }:•q . I betu.l naoedy ,i ah,er that filrl of er :m In MaMO=e and Housekeeping. ,Brijd at, said a Nadia in the city of Gotham (.odericb, fur the best five bushels ta.1 wheat _- one morning, Pa she W&$ reconnoitering in if Too wish to ebelisb the evil." the Confederation) that Dlapanehuxtts adsreis• on your 1^tters to abbreviate to find thv exceptions which prove the esu taken D Droiel Iran. oar nehn ee ing tld r enendtirrcn,' There aro a at man fte kitrhsn, 'abet a qquantity of sosP grew and South Carolina have geld leading Ontario and Quebec thus : Ont. Queb. I y The meeting thou aljuu,md, to meet Rat y PrareDS who' o have there. 11'c can II role. A Girnd attacLea Lim.clC to yap- I RUBEIt; BitOWN, next in Bruce-fieid on the 2nd Saturda lit err jupt LcginlsinR life, that are newt I Y a x; get 1'lao'y o! itions in lbs American Union, small Suc.et+r a 7 T deep far et, and wo mntt pxebsnge it for Fenian in Britain. P^" IiDT Tbcy are introducing harps, I his do01 evcrfiuws with kilglncse, Le ciiDe _ 3 IJanuay I u , at LO a, m. 1 married, and that are just turning, i I dome, Watch fur for tat ma, sn.+ ibis ht Pa elect ares, compared with 1'cnnsyl►an,a trumpets and drums in the ohurohes of -- J F'E11GC UN, Vhc'y. ! trust, awe from the hotel and the board. comes along, tell him I want to speak to Ito you, praises your abilities, (mod who is 1 By late telegrams we loaf D that a fresh i sad Georgi&, rrFpoetively. On the Pame header, Euylnad, To the Reform Elector of the H. I'. A. in; house to kap house, -fur I think him.' 1 not open to tlrttery) yiveayou advice, etc , North Ridi o p g I", mem,'rald BriA rising of Femians is apprehended in the principle our contemporary might hold nQ f Huron that, nest to virtue, hoose Lee in ive the en e lisT• A cross cid dairyman near F.din-' but there are eight eharca out of ten (writ-srA.v,-A tier • long Wricse, it ,ice Horace Greaa;cy onFannln. Arsirable thin for newt married A'I,bet evaroin f,Gt■een rah wLisk of hfw North of England. To checkmate ilea that \ova Scotian statesmen aro just cep burgh recently shot two T•oun s rks I that he wantsyoa to enjonc Lis notes, onl now that 1 feel able to return R T perenD" diAlic ufh she kept a bright louknut front movement supposed to be going on secretly likely to take the lead in oar Dom:nional 1" I 1 )aiu my' At • New Y rk Calmly Shn r held in i 1 °u will p chap& wonder whet I have I the khcbra este Jo., al d n.o moving erceore who had visited hi% premises ro see tLciy Itnd him money, or behind your back sincere thanks, for the generous support ac- Se tember, an able and charar•tenstit seddrha+ I t, say my y this. I hate thin tt say, 1 escaped Irnm bar watchful gsse. At Inst her troops have hlCD harried t0 the ens ted prnmrd a reprceentntivrR from Ontnrio, P sweet heart+ ODo rif them was ktibd, salla yon a fest.' I corded me Dy you in the Isle electior, este delivered b iiuran Grcele t st t a env yo w" Penopo " life tbi" i+■ Change I u•dustry seemed about to be rewarded, ter quarter and tLe police force strengthened whrsL is cep much larger in DropairtinD. ] y, of which I de rmn,kvJ, ,t u a eta so different Io any; down tit+ cirret came a large portlyJ genii the other disabkld. Tho old brlsto. 1'ce, "every men for Li:nulL" II vcp I Though unmuccewful, we Lave ao res",n to i We give a condensed +emmn'T : other, that if lots knoe how, with this I man, p, urishin! % cone, end lookiss the and armed. These deluded Itople will be &$homed of the Position we no'v occupy ; I peestiar and e, meal raejv of our life, to Lekd ! R FaulT.-)lore mainly will be brought The rntt went of supec•Rm in bu,melw is court a pretty girl. some great loot, %home I }Inst A mnnhen+, ,%.d Mr. firne py, whn ro ) very picture of go ld humor. trifle with the ovonmemt once t'o ellen , defeat wherein riuci le has not been eaera• ala• :use another, it Will n"t Mr aloe! ,Parr . I , g into Hurtn Ibis year fur fruit than ever w Ret'•the rind n( the tree metal-grinter s Jou chanahly consider one of the P;restttat P P I tQ Eurole return a d:Europ , !liar lcuumn•, I ,r•, there'+ the bl't°■n n".•' thought Or It is evidently the dcterminatinn of zw -. ' scnandrlls urhun str s in and lucks the cad, u not neceaserily duLunor, we most f e had been Iwiee to F.uroVe, and found thxi "'^ Gar Dme--it wi'I be tole for etrrnily. " Bridget, and .hen he war in front of the balers, and tLt quality is really ppkndid. Th. ry'nnp.r *rCamrra of Iles Abyssinian I ri w, lucious chert use &$ ourrli .R t"uah i kccrpl the position. Undue elatiom over i,: one noted ptirticalRr .e nmpa&$ the mart e°t a`lothin= conn brawiful M,ip trot I hin" out she flaw and informed bin thaw the British Government to put Juan I It one hnrticulturiat+ progrrye cep rapidly extadiUcn have railed from Aden for thti, ( 1 y J 7 J weer;" or ditto! wl,u,in rarer defeat, tea tt culture of all nations -and that u the styli I flu ere show such colors or tx- her, miorou w,shrd at afeakhn him, Fenianism with a strong hand and oar f.r the next five years a. IL•y have ilii-- destination. It. -If you So into es-nes+ some one ; i. I' C ar,d nristy of our africultunl impleuo•r,us. , hate Iragrance r A -ear tra+ love, that make" 'Speak to me• my good girl 1" re lied the for all, It is hi h time to re-, R p ; lie" away your cwetgmrre nnl lies &ntake at both • ike to be avoided, It would be need• der al the Paris p x ,"aitiap °nes life a sactilice for sad a s•rvfn of old gentleman. P Ha met d loved n g at to b the act, Ihie branch of indust: y mitt One edrtnr iu Georgia asks anrather "whet I I a0',eher. fa there anythin more Immutifal ni ht devisin wavy ar:A matin% In reccurs our ! that tt mdui,r.• i-_ r«enmtn e d naw, Raring who eahlDited •scythe three felt Ione ; alsl ' this side of God's the one zthan two ti lot- l sus' N ' mistrals wants ,n ough to elf, measures more effective than the Daavet• he of great importance, her h! "n Fite the Fo tnm of s fryin;i P°O g g y ;loaf tF.nm,;il tit- tnntest vac diaclnimed per- he Raked hies why be did not make it ton esu, 8 and ss, " wtu:d os, by kind encu h tv walk r,R without smutnn„ his nose." 6nancir rain -if u run fur C I minded and purely loving deals, b.ginning tea in. sir 1' I g ling milk d water of moral raasion. _« Tn pstriiamenl.,i nona'iti-s, but It iq easy to prrceiue the the Po r to accom Wish more .oak. f too man I fire together sash one ecrrant in lova lit tM Thi" raw po dime' w }° __ I O1T If you want a grand, cheap clock Never send a ruanaseript to a printer poles" i some ignorant mo'e of a fellow duev his heat' earls pArt:y turned spot, msttere foreign to replied that la ma acre many and work 1 + req 4 se riot to be Or C. J. B d Es ATanp in or watch, call on )(r. Frederick, if be you can read n voorselC to shove a to the wall, while the Ir" and I rn'iIIC,. 'l Le njot"'LAIrks.., of Count scarce, • K hero al r. (i, rerommenAed him I other . So. juvl begtnning a v,rluosa wed refused, do in a state o! wonrirrment ri the 7 ands un R g! I T Comic it affairs was so y dad lila en nal re'i inn ; twt if ou make this cote Pu P pass❑ article ie nod os, ma re I u t The people of ?tomb R elfin ton, Grp preaimted to lM ublic to cut his. blade down to two feet, deal make R T { west the sotleman, and ■paten .rot Director of the Gnged Trank Railway I . T g 7 7 Y POi g y isstelugent voters take the utmost •fink to P (•fist rae 8 and Bruce are still agitating the subjert of D 1p I whn ore generally a&$ilr pre)uliceA on web fi nteeaep'y for inure work still. ile doubted• I P'" the series, at will do more to Bridget, and knockiog at the mi"strrr floor Leiat. Col. Ebordl, Ca t. T Ira, it. E., I tt, J 1 rove thsti st/ Aneaa is the` AI ihst dnd IvaA • Christian t.ene of life than ba rit P T _—__ a milwey from Guelph to Iwke flurou. 1 meters, as if they were mismanaged by howater, that %bare was a scarcity of work. Pp' Ps P her head in and excl,omed: Os e a of lAtt► Leedom and iulelli •encs. I LG fnrrners !ileo hap:cn to De in tit+ majority W'hr•n 'the se.ing-mactine was invr"trrl any other thing pnrably could.-NtreArr. 'F'at gentleman in the parlor, mu'm: and several other gentlemen, i0eluding I 16T' )liPa McCnnncll'r Blillinery F},np TLartern more Orangemen have is xnt I F'aos ! Sthei f" a rand failure, ami of at t Il that en ( domd of the English eharehoWrn, arnvcd will Lc found or. Fast Street, ci ite for trial from Ike Petty s«stinns of Newtown I 1 R I )r sod I' ens made to app+nr p ogle pn.p,csttd rum bo Iahol ; but [he - - ___-- flo Paying, she instantly withdrew to the PP"y aril., for a party procession [herr, on the 12tb were not that soon, grnera!ly, oro consuming- %hat ie that reppact 1' este rhe i era if cation result was elsie ly Ihn rppoute. Tho Leet trid i'le. lowly regignd. at the Huron Hotel on Tuesda laaC Knnx 1'hureh, wLrre (at the shop, w' nIJul fa+L of all that was evil, %hunghthe,wtionssou,l t More product frgm tie Same labor is Jct tM parlor P thnegkt the lad .-'WDss T mean) rhe will be glad to a e olA ealom y Ir jealomanA mtrtallr nf:aiJ "f each other to be condemned were the rnaainfous deed achieved on our Western praises then ar,y• a TAPtaa "OHAxrw. can it mean 1 Bridget moat hats iIwndermd, Capt. Tiler hu been appuinteJ by the I era• A little Lrq ;esu :ng a man ,rontrytte be{ore fhn whole fahric would exp;nde, tenviug the I of the Couceil &$ a whole, irres Iective Of I where else r, rhe.woril. I Le mea nth" •sire Bet down to the iter aha went, and u, English Board of Lireolon to proceed fri I __ tLe door ie a gro fetor, *w,e h the door ►cod North American Indhn and nwivs New I pan]. The hackae ,sd ar temenb In favor on his mo;Ll CHAPTER f. rose her lot friend, with his bl■odes! smile ` calx ro she prtpneter, 'we berm, air, your 7 g g mschian is Dever catiAfped Canada and looped the whole of the I 20' . ir. A. Smith hag opened out his sign taw 4i!w down." Zealander t" strut forth in n'I the glorl of of coslilivnn• fearer fAir•play, a chines, to with onerp in prngrew, but will go.orther, Shd throw Lerae!fo on hu brevet &rad ws t anA most grateful bow. Grand Trunk Railway, and report , ere• I lar a and excellent Flock, for the time ,n hag fii rely to the cit misslnnfir who ahew what was going to los done, Ac., are A plow by storm, going two feet down, i" P P • I 'Your Fervent infortred me, madam, lbmt .lit R nc paint sod rites r the Imde of ereatitD. I I I very plwnble and sl eaiou", and doubtless yet to be made ; and the plow will do it all yea° would take to speak to me. At our OD. being, in Detior's old sand, Ilamillon asked him if he wanted to gra s. Hraven- I Thank goodness, i not not care foe lbs imposed open • certain prolortion whose zet,carrying the shed vend }allowing it an: CHAPTER Ir. service, madam. ] - •-- — _ street. Give him a call. Nnl cool"# thly advertise m the New York !fro -0s of society: i! baa ere: ted me btdlys sympatbits vs, with W.fn-mere. wilnother Ino set improved hay-torkn to -day pitch oR As s,hr Ceaard weeping, he gronnrd end- I The mnrafird miftieaa,iw the state or that W. W. Connor, to Wit - - _ — - /Itrald." I and 1 am poor enough to be perfectly Inde- I cry, more apr:eiom, plausible #tell hollow hay• They will soon pitch it on. 'they illy. There they Pat ent-ined in esch "they ,, can* Immediately and R anvils wreehed REFORM MEETING. A telegraph from reublin starm that a than these, militated against us, and that wa• plea bi machine►] now ir. England, and we mere, for about two liners, and nary ogee on Itself ahoat her hie m .pits of herself, and Mr. N. W. Connor, who holds sense -• - admit t of il• s, hem fr•raa+lentf. y oar to no,eA Feriae, named O'Bnm. olds# Capsid sdsed my ,alentr, l0 ■p,retiatt m veipA i the Cnion esu], r if Iteformen wen not ee shall www do it hen ! 'frs spoke. ah• R1lerwardr Rard prominent position among t the Urtrled- A mating of the reformers of Godo- Osborne escaped from Clonmel jail, os, 7 loyal to the eon sp ,heir „pponents ; the cry Solon Robmwn told the speaker that mow -- Will you Pardon Ile¢ ttrnhle blonder of rich T'p, will be hold at )ir. Jas Tornox i ss, dnealiay rilxhl by catling ells primo ban adva or to nwdrA my unwearied e I st td I is all powerful amongnt thowe who do not mg-rnachioes would yet be Fn adjuaabla as CHAPTER Ili. iba raw Irish girl, ley dear Par t I told Mr men of thea County, took raccaalOge at t aged sealing the walla by means of a rope. tilvanee the general weal ; tbercforo 1 owed understand the nrPortsent place a loyal op• to Pap freely over stomps and rocks ; be W call in the le man to eke a.ay the deep soiree given under the as Ian of that o° Thursday evening the 1 i lh inst., at ,isDle and allow it to Pas off. I A voice fraetereA the so Rp:. Rin ruppnm.d that he -&$ aided from the prsition oeenpise m the proper development he did caret want such an improvement ad this, limn stillnem of ire*#n when she naw tam, and she h&$ made 6 o'clock, W appoint delCgatcP In al- aiuedide. ?De prisoner had M e° committed But, after all, perhaps i am ,i little astray, II of constitutional government. Who in fhc The formula wo°'d then Ret lazy, aid lot the div. 'TWAA E°gers, m "Apes sweFt, m] • s•'+tnk• yno x!.' body at Seaforth Sumo days ego, bad- tend a meeting to be held at Braaefield for trial. My poor head &Clio* terribly.as i contains man whn meati doer to ry that F'ox w&$ their slump. rad rnckR niont. fie Prised awn loo•, Ilarri.4 it i had bat • mina pit to The jolly fat fpntlrmfin ladn.d hack in vise bid hearer, (nintfren men asd Goy#) an Wednesday 23rd, for the purpose of 7 here lives at fwi'g, Sentlend, & thoe. i the midnight oil ; can that disiort m] vision, I not &$ loyal to the Briet&h Crown me has great rhe mowing macho,! chiefly because i, cobs sat" 7 hen Rhe lifted her teas_dimmed "7 , Du chair and gees Poch R heart hP h to thenverr 1 , ++ ha [ tot to take the Sigenl, bricaudo that nn forming a Cenrr.J 1(rf"sum Aa•toCiatioo maker, who msrned vm the caea,i dry Wnh I "r Pm !, in the mn n, ri,;ht t Rigtt cr wrong rival Tilt t A g•nerow n■tion, with fru! doth m to on better farmeri. y heRvpnP, riadpfd hfrhanda wide •s never enmesGnm cony of yohr ban !rat ho-erer, Flumen Nfitnn is a yrry °car instiltc Darted them dole b side in t'ae We da not In. dee enoq h. We should 11y and f:claimpd, '•Come with me tri the No, w In sea needed, madam,' "i,i he. ri* for the South Riding of Huron. the Queen and Prince Albert. ] he shoo- q i, ] P P d I pv+ g' the 12th of Jaly last. it had mitrrproxnb ___ _- - maker's un w&$ born co the same day with I institution, and one would be,tid;{uRte4wilh ire I m&uenleam of E"gland's hero*%, h not suit -aril, He ussd•rsto•al why w. baA get I kitchen, love, and (hue sA*!t eat thy fill, for is d.enl.h %M Fant joke nl the ,r&$nn. Ha, es the extraotdintry aletemeetA he made I The U. 8 Bonds. the illina'e of Walse. and he (the shoemaker) I worst ,Apra, were it not for the ludicrous Earl Russell ad true a patriot r Derby t into the habit ofahallow pluwiny. We ae then were 11 of th.m lett at dinner. I ha, lit ! Re *its took mo for the soap grass* in the course of his ' oration.' Now, I hu bad a son for each son tbe Queen had, I scenes it is fare, -r turning up I" the great I Oladetone u Reveal; t. it is owing to this the deverndsned or the English, and Dutch, Ther el%sysd mach other's hand" and rush min, did *h.? it will k.. roe Int bin for and aARrigbter fur e►ch dau,nLttr, and all' k•lerdescope of Life. I elasticity, this fre;;Iem of action in the and various other pen les in Eurt e, who ("d ,o Ile. pantry. moothP, ti R P P p h e tm !)rko! R while we can afford to smile at lhp mimic fn a resent as+o! we spoke of tit! plan fur horn it tit¢ ume morin of the ye,ir. Thr I _- ^ , .__ Itritieh con%fitutinn, that Rnawi hag Men %o have a moasr ro°ntp, Wh«m D&d Plowialg can And PII op the Ptnit and round the enm*r tbunder pumped by this exalted gentle-'cer.verting Ile« ".0'" i no orsen%aekR and Coral Jhe sol pill# thea "the ear. with free from the re•ofauiona that hove shatuu rae better t,frry . Such plo.ing esus■.ver (11.4PTF:I1 1V, ! vPa rano lit! merry h■,. ha, ha I Of the old ro al THPL ZURIUH BROW. I era many 01 flee Ewrnpean gorernseenu to meant !or r dry climep. Hf believed the Two mane• -Pile had dinalpp►drtd• and the I genet«man, &$ M brought dews his rano, man, we are Positive that he did state I Ihr petting rad of the large annual pa)rnenl 7 v qqpp their centre. Sinn 17-43 France hr hal its aro of Dwieher Count wnald be increase- every now and then a reclaimin '9rt► e distinctly what we took down from itis' of mterest in specie. The N. Y. i)erald # The independent exhibition of the I various forms of repr.seg,at,ve government, ed cr p -third by sendioq the plow down deep. I third W s resp t in.h,,, the ume feu, when juke I g' lips In sLo►t hemi, naw sly : lie wishes eOmmercial srtiele 0f Friday besn sal the FLOIIGHING MATCA... hurich Ag►itDltnrol society end held •hiCh M•e ►Iwayd ended m the bverricades, ea and doing the work mnrp thorowghly, I "FIs. m wn pl- paitioss. iLeterring to tM rise in old, i I X my he%u 1 'Tis the old IKr. Olrtdetone B to tell them that & Protestant who wPa C t Tl• Anneal Flawing Math of the Taiwn- l sun that village to Friday the 4th tool, I Or d«aporia.,, heanq enrhle to eDtain ,he it should he done intellecwally, inn. woman, 1 know," And she loll down Lint- posses. r7a golden mean. Tne to Ireland, what do we Prof. M41)"'a fernier, Pat Q^tnn, is the best irg at hid fret aOf aD Urongeman esu o0 Protestant al ship,of Colborne, will take place on Wedn,•.. The attendance wait gonad, althnugh not find ? That since tM ddr Henry it landed Leaner Mr. G. is aegnainted with. Ile mixA Mr, Muchatnne meal. a ppetch at a banquet ' :Severn carom•% operated to prolure this day, 30th inat Un the Imran of air. James i quite so large as formerly. Cn the ground on it* shone n. tt tM prtwfn,, its resume large ,refs of tnrfaa ett nn the Jen+.ry aril. all l" Mr. Connor Pa. he can bring sadden tipsterd movement, 1M const i-ptr- fHAPTEIt . SallowA, 1,01 7, Coocevion 0. i'lowin step (d.p1eC•Dle ,n cat) lids Men reballion ; 11 r. (i. went over to hie farm sal on¢ morn wh,ch f"Ilewrd rhe n,ening til fhn draokn al Meq mea to prove that he did not u tent of whloh aA the pro' ct for m 0R g to we noticed Prime rand, serviceable atU 1 I Y Ae funded debt in fearer eudu ssMes,gdnd eomm.nn precisely e 7 o'clock, dssd to be g di the diseaaa has hseeme chmnir. ll;otory in in fie hoping to aitch him a+lects ; bat dila t I , Th# old woman st ,04 fare to ft.. %till narrow, England, Ile did not •trade to re fig Perhaps he can ; but we can brio I splendid hearers, and fine ahnp mod piste, ever repvodwcinr inlelf. II one-half of On. do it. Pat made a large profit from bi. F,"Krell. And she ank.d hi n .hot be had l term, ! 1""ing Of the rnmmrrri.d and R tM f.esh Ai%cu,*inn b -leech it is nn■ giv opeA to alt competitor$ from Wistancsh and I the breed of the IR(ter having been intro• urio is to be breading flip, other half on n crops ; hat complained one year of loosing I been dr,an' with 1M gall, and h. paiA he hadn't mssdrei al n surra n( ORI who con ready to prove that he did i'iR rima. mad which gees to show that then! ' Ashfi.Id, by the payment of f1, exec t re- f M fi W Mvvw of liurew,Ls I is a mein A•gtimenl m favor of thea meth P P I dntwrl, we wen told, b R. Iitriwn, E faille, it require+ no prophet en predict that 01,!40 for the want of brain*. fie rmplr.y, dare noihin' with her. Vita "iced tit• re- saiA ter the language wt reported. 1►lr. R R tioaaly abAcsbed. IMyd to ba oaJlr 2] Y sq•+ deooarr os c-rargnsne" will ultimately ester, ed two teams l" Lelia, the crop l0 Itrvok:yg, maining i m,Pnd role tM rarely of a tigrne I t th of dimtnis arin udei0n, to converting . Rein of iiay. The inside mhow w%s A healthy oppreitinn ten only he ohtainpd %rid the wets not ..affiewnt. iI h! DaA erns I she chocked k at Aim. * t " We R%ve AdA M glFtr ytertiens nl Ihn Connex s at libery to nil tt the Sigagf the interest hearing A+Dt into nnnlnter"t 1sa'► o! age. J) Y much aR M ease" bozo in e°rrenry. The imfn&eon ver P. ROBERTSON 5¢,•' very good indeed. The wheat end other at tM Polls that will he able 1n conserve the one to Newerk Irnm tils farm, and another to f°ealry, sepeefally within one e•n genm- PI , bat se far from R 7 -f • 1 rigbu areal pri•il.g" 0f tM people. if ea ire rhe Jerwy City,forry-fare to the connninR Ci1A 1'F,Tit VI, tion,inaun"p of proanr so otinnrdinskry u e`y1Dg big eT1rn jrflittinl ordrn in !lets gerierally,retels tbtit Congrlr wi I tek. grain ese the beat we have am at any I not ,n be allowed our right at the pollit,with• esablishafenl, the whole s,0,, a largf Pert 10 orderipp all European precedent and ell. action on the nshj.N daring tb* nest ae**ion, Raraoor ►ensu tug Trt rat erThe Rev. Of the total Czhihil{wut, end the frnit R 1 IP"r' 'dept of whisk rotted might have Men xarged. iT•r cam haA Alpo trove tills, Abe hat kiwi I const t" A.fj tM futon. Mu,r of yea ma faltpct, we think tba Orange fnternily, \ld there ,s no dtobt that the great m* oraty "I..lhtrm, Kirkcaldy, could n•+esu .gAnre l0 osl Dein met A orale mibir, h sun in tM pia of ,IN stomuh, anA he fell at icer moe. da I hdvp, roe .d f he bseure %rad of thePr n Ice will favor the (erl.n, w. had Mtier alin. o*raelv.s to he Mct*t, swampy lane$ sutler mon from in*t a cur P vM" the proper time oaf fec, will iso k D Plan of r•Cul%r ere •ray n! lite flock ■tical riblie -0reh, m decidedly auptrior. It would be difliCelt fiovs rneA by •a oligRrcby of five : the moat droath than o l ands. Onod plowing would • They belied those bath in prffil0f swifter a:iddlrhorough, on the a&$t- hr.n m qal under Rotes, rhe mon fanatoly- elmhea %oe fine for ,Mir otn%iain in Lf.. Orae . to find better apples, pe,it.hem and p tee dnseru °lou,, A",otic and rrotl overn• MI their. oide hill will be ..Add *nae o°a gravy ; find soar] spraair lha •ally a ma ten Cones. i do "of o R4 tsawu straeRly dinpftoad te select for their Iva .ath the tar.ption of Ort. sags the y pp y R P g W& ft d what happens, under, •young IPM whn numd.d him meet- meet thnt hu hp.n dfvlsed. Whether the h hes• danwers wlsen plowed shallow then `°e P'*"t ""~'"" Over ti'e split .here lie %be he1""'f the Atlantae, whore the movemeews r+pt►mewla4ve a roan who e%n pies •rat Renrnmn•nt hu not rOmissA than three which graced IIIc lnLle. 1l d T 7 lovers s, I&$t nnrteA. nl s*e sty Rre Yfnn • aale,.nA nrd oOndwN.d pp MTmtal of ing hoose regalely, and wit pemona'ly MmboutIon taw vHalily enough in ive east• whso plowed deep In Belgium be found tloj/ vletve In aRaavdanee with the ,M prnripat is coin, tiltbaiwgb 11 .&$origina6 k■own to him, came in with a new honest of have to thank ilia gentlemonly officers for position to survive rigid the "it election %M cultivation of fM soil boner than im my --___--_- with R raradiy that rntirrly tranm¢*nds Rtl dop6. 1] °nderstmA the payment was to be mads I greater magoila a end mo" Mthly decorated ; ,heir kind attention to as on ih* ricetmioa. ekes Pratt, -R Cannot I'll. We however country of the, world. Tb►re they plow three R J,dgo Connolly, whit* remRrting al F:araMdn prer.dent and almrst ICaroP.aR ti, P• Rkea of gnmmrmaprtap, 1Ve is field. The foreign bondhokbrs will nn ,ban be tbonghf be"pRtt«d tM-ea,er. H• • t' ' eonrd lino ; he t+rred ■nail rare I i ref• Sir. O. uodrntends what r't masts• doubt he frostily dfrpPninted by the elating, Main observed it, ant. ,Win to tF. middle At night there wit a dance, sP adsal, harAly tMnk n , $bi@ m ilia present ahRpe. felt deep. fall. O is willin` to begin with ea ant I m.•tmf in Yew Ytrk fhstt it esu ' / 1 M R if it w fmmd n•r•Rnar] to recowslrwel if, the ten Ret Dot thinks .e ilei! pot merry with ~'"'" e "sO mmn) fimitlar fcls, wase hgsl bmv. gantrA rD. igen of Middhttnr- __ .. __ i• pnheie Opinion nn rae gripxtinn, aaA bend% of his eideouru aid, "Leak, Day n'yp which wnR initnnp4d by rine ail the IRnterinl will M uk.n from rM Lft yidp f ,tin. FPrm.n oetbt tt r«II oR hilt Iheir P 7 ort of tM &nitroso r rad- "Rt' r by ;1 11 rur,m *sMnmdinw roan ewa , fi&r A mill stare Mvet a 8t. Calk. maj be 10 19-d m Ctnmrqu¢nr! ; bur it is thalaTestr hassd there %h.tber m] wife e! mavngPat fghtP wt tvpr wilDtaurd, Berne tM hoer, r then an .nnwgh Of lbinrm land, and tall IM rlmminder ,aiH sum weP. t"r• " t k )rae OoM blatkgeprd, eh IRs P'e of raid watpriRl %nA CPmmrrrial pr0grew t dri••R •dal ox two egos segtseia;; g "h-th tl ry ba the McARwtfta Of IDp rime, atefrin/ or no, me i ean"a got d rlipl u' he en (R eMnA M %hat. iLgwePer, tMl mdy M 7 hay akw11 aaerepr fhlir alrngt elewn.,irA lams y°R ww me you fig sus m¢ tin delhrs-" 'the iM whole Mggfh RnA hnnelA of !lite F. t thins :Ito ilei) bap a » ba right a o1Mr• for i Its fmldvlAll about Jun !:eau's brfir of the (lerroslss wen art. as" by a ptrty I Grwrfyalsm willwnt kava Ibd tisnnugs of tR111er,Mn 1tMegtp. F'verm.n mere In I land a"old •PMbil ; bei even gs « allies! violeuty ted injariag 0n« a.wt. n"," play Mrldleborcogh . w rae- bonnet.' ] of )'nuns friplini and the fertact de- I fighting behind a mak, it west hays to come hose their Cro than the QT it i, *aiA ilex! d targe►aw"jaw" of a M, iurlf hos h•*au Plow in its advance compared a: -p kk s M ) Bel fur all utMr fi 1 with i!Ruew, ,.' r, i ., rNm are os, their wry nest to Cdooea. r ;, a .,„ I't _ „ .. , .;. 3;.• s r . .sem t s . .J;i